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鳙团移核鱼LDH,MDH同工酶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对二龄鳙鱼细胞核和团头鲂细胞质配合的核质杂种鱼--鳙团移核鱼及其亲本,供核体鳙鱼和受核体团头鲂肌组织LDH、MDH同工酶进行了研究试验。鳙团移核鱼和供核体鳙鱼肌组织LDH同工酶均具有LdhA2B2一条谱带;受核体团头鲂的则具有LdhA2、LdhA2B1、LdhA2B2、LdhA1B3、LdhB4等五条谱带。移核鱼和供核体鳙鱼肌组织的MDH同工酶都各具有二条谱带:S-mdhA2、S-mdhAB;受核  相似文献   

我们自工,68-1974年对嵘宁x(鲡罕x赃少)少回交鱼进行受精过程、胚胎、形态、食性和生长等一系列生物学特性的研究,阅明了下列两个问题:1鳙. 杂交后代与亲本鳙鱼回交,所得到的回交鱼出现杂交优势— 回交鱼的(鳃耙排列整齐者)生长速度,无论在鱼种阶段或成鱼阶段都比祖传的良种‘鱼较快;有常规的受精细学程序,受精卵在水温22-24C'的条件下,经26.5小时左右胚胎以头部破膜孵出,畸形率低,从卵球受精开始到成色各发育阶段发育良好;形态结构为鳙、鲢的中间型,更似鳙鱼,但头比鳙鱼小些,且鳃耙有排列整齐和不整齐两种个体类型;食性与鳙鱼相近,但比鳙、鲢都广,食浮游动物及较大型的浮游植物,偏重食浮游动物,摄食强度也较鳙鱼强。2 试验证明,鳙,鲢不但可以相互杂交,而民子代具有能育性;与缩亲本回交,也能成功地得到回交鱼。从细胞学和胚胎学的研究来看,回交鱼与亲本间亦有很多相似之处。因此认为鳙、鲢鱼间的亲缘关系,是否达到属间差异的地步,似乎还有考虑的余地。回交鱼所表现的性状,既充分反映了结构与机能的统一,也反映出与遗传性的关系。  相似文献   

鳙团移核鱼的遗传性状与个体生长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
齐福印  许桂珍 《动物学报》1997,43(2):211-213

我们自1968—1974年对鳙♀×x(鳙♀×鲢),回交鱼进行受精过程、胚胎、形态、食性和生长等一系列生物学特性的研究,阐明了下列两个问题: 1.鳙、鲢杂交后代与亲本鳙鱼回交,所得到的回交鱼出现杂交优势——回交鱼的(鳃耙排列整齐者)生长速度,无论在鱼种阶段或成鱼阶段都比祖传的良种鳙鱼较快;有常规的受精细胞学程序,受精卵在水温22—24℃的条件下,经26.5小时左右胚胎以头部破膜孵出,畸形率  相似文献   

潘光碧 《遗传》1990,12(5):10-14
本研究将鲤鲫移核鱼进行有性杂交,使其遗传性状得到改良,效果显著。实验材料为鲤鲫移核鱼F2 ♂(简称移核鱼)和散鳞镜鲤♀,经杂交获F1(简称颖力)无论当年或二冬龄颖鲤均具有明显生长优势,尤其优于移核鱼。当年颍鲤个体增重平均比双亲快47%,比移核鱼快67%;群体增重平均比双勤快109%,比移核鱼快140%。模糊数学聚类分析表明,颖鲤及其反交在体高、体厚、头长等性状均偏向移核鱼,尤其偏向其雌性个体。  相似文献   

潘光碧 《遗传》1990,12(1):0
本研究将鲤鲫移核鱼进行有性杂交,使其遗传性状得到改良,效果显著。实验材料为鲤鲫移核鱼F2 ♂(简称移核鱼)和散鳞镜鲤♀,经杂交获F1(简称颖力)无论当年或二冬龄颖鲤均具有明显生长优势,尤其优于移核鱼。当年颍鲤个体增重平均比双亲快47%,比移核鱼快67%;群体增重平均比双勤快109%,比移核鱼快140%。模糊数学聚类分析表明,颖鲤及其反交在体高、体厚、头长等性状均偏向移核鱼,尤其偏向其雌性个体。  相似文献   

鲢鳙对鱼粪消化利用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鱼粪代表天然水体中有机碎屑,研究鲢、鳙对鱼粪的消化利用,并评价有机碎屑在鲢、鳙营养中的作用。在实验室条件下(水温30℃,溶氧6毫克/升以上,pH7—8,光照度2800lx),收集鲢、鳙摄食微囊藻后排出的粪作为试验用饲料。在限制摄食量的条件下,测定鱼对鱼粪的消化率及研究鱼粪对鲢、鳙生长的影响。研究结果是:(1)鲢、鳙对鱼粪中干物质消化率分别为58.54±9.53%及68.57±8.98%。其中蛋白质消化率分别为74.49±7.96%及80.41±9.02%,脂肪消化率分别为90.23±15.33%及84.24±6.96%,碳水化合物分别为49.14±20.67%及60.36±11.29%;(2)经10天饲养,鲢、鳙体重增重率分别为6.25±3.46%及7.80±3.18%。根据鱼粪的营养价值及鲢、鳙对鱼粪的能量转化率,表明鲢、鳙鱼粪在鲢、鳙营养中起着一定作用。  相似文献   

观察和测定了核盘菌(Sclerotiniasclerotiorum(Lib.)deBary)弱毒株Ep-1PN单孢分离物的生长、菌落扩展和菌落形态等培养性状。结果发现:来自7个子囊盘的1574个单孢分离物中有1560个分离物的培养性状与正常菌株的没有显著差异,与亲本相似的分离物只有6个,其它8个分离物介于弱毒株Ep-1PN与正常菌株之间。弱毒株Ep-1PN培养性状的有性遗传不遵循孟德尔核遗传规律。  相似文献   

用细胞松弛素与秋水仙素联合处理IBRS-2细胞,并配合以冲刷法可以制备保存不同胞质量的核体。核体因有质膜与薄层胞质包被,其核内结构保存完好、核仁与染色质结构与正常细胞相似,而裸核因无质膜包被,其核内发生明显的退行性变化。核体在静止培养时,仍具有贴壁铺张能力。核体表面能形成特化结构,如丝足、片层足与微绒毛等,说明在核体所保留的胞质内,细胞骨架仍能发挥功能。  相似文献   

本文通过细胞核染色和遗传分析的方法证明了粉拟青霉的异核性。在遗传分析中采用酶解菌丝细胞壁及原生质体再生的方法,得到了组分同核体;同核体又配接重新形成了与原菌株性状相似的异核体。细胞核染色显示粉拟青霉分生孢子为单细胞多核,结合其它现象,证明了在其生活史中异核性是稳定的。表明该菌田间分离株是永久性异核体。这一现象与已报道的分生孢子为单核的虫生真菌异核现象不同,了解这一现象及其实质对认识该菌生理、菌种改良以及提高野外防治害虫的效果有重要意义。  相似文献   

In previous studies of nuclear transplantation, most cloned animals were obtained by intraspecies nuclear transfer and are phenotypically identical to their nuclear donors; furthermore, there was no further report on successful fish cloning since the report of cloned zebrafish. Here we report the production of seven cross-genus cloned fish by transferring nuclei from transgenic common carp into enucleated eggs of goldfish. Nuclear genomes of the cloned fish were exclusively derived from the nuclear donor species, common carp, whereas the mitochondrial DNA from the donor carp gradually disappeared during the development of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. The somite development process and somite number of nuclear transplants were consistent with the recipient species, goldfish, rather than the nuclear donor species, common carp. This resulted in a long-lasting effect on the vertebral numbers of the cloned fish, which belonged to the range of goldfish. These demonstrate that fish egg cytoplasm not only can support the development driven by transplanted nuclei from a distantly related species at the genus scale but also can modulate development of the nuclear transplants.  相似文献   

By means of the serial nuclear transplantation technique, the authors obtained a nuclear transplant fish from subcultured cell originated from the blastula cells of the crucian carp (Carassius auratus Linnaeus). This nuclear transplant fish survived for three years, but its sexual glands were undifferentiated. The authors have also obtained a sexually mature adult fish from short-term cultured kidney cell nucleus of an adult crucian carp.Results of the experiment implied that the subcultured cell nuclei of fish blastula cells and the specialized somatic cell nuclei of adult fish still retained their developmental totipotency, and thus, it indicated that there is a possibility of fish somatic cell breeding through the use of nuclear transplantation.  相似文献   

The activities of some glycolytic and associated enzymes have been determined in the muscles of trout and carp to investigate the possibility that the discrepancies previously reported between lactate accumulation and anoxic tolerance in these two fish result from underlying differences in glycolytic potential. Steady state concentrations of certain glycolytic intermediates were also determined in freeze-clamped muscles from tankrested fish. The activities of hexokinase, phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase were approximately 2–3 times lower in carp than trout white muscles. Pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were 5 times lower in carp white muscle. The lower, broader pH optima of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase from carp compared to trout muscles is thought to be correlated with the greater anoxic tolerance of the carp. Glycolytic enzyme profiles were markedly different between the red and white muscles of the rainbow trout but broadly similar, with the exception of hexokinase activity, for the corresponding muscles of the carp. The results are discussed in relation to what is known about anaerobiosis in these two species and the comparative physiology of red and white muscles in fish.  相似文献   

鱼类培养细胞核发育潜能的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文用细胞核连续移植方法,从鲫鱼囊胚细胞的继代培养细胞,获得一尾存活达三年之久的移核鱼,但性腺未分化,不育。并从性成熟的鲫鱼短期培养肾细胞,获得一尾完成发育的性成熟的成鱼。实验结果提示鱼类囊胚细胞的继代培养细胞核和已分化的成鱼体细胞核仍具发育的全能性,为用细胞核移植方法进行鱼类体细胞育种的可能性提供了依据。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that mitochondria and its DNA (mtDNA) exhibit strict maternal inheritance, with sperm contributing no or non-detectable mitochondria to the next generation. In fish, nuclear transfer (NT) through the combination of a donor nucleus and an enucleated oocyte can produce fertile nucleocytoplasmic hybrids (NCHs) even between different genera and subfamilies. One of the best studied fish NCHs is CyCa produced by transplanting the nuclei plus cytoplasm from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis) into the oocytes of the wild goldfish (Carassius auratus), which has been propagated by self-mating for three generations. These NCH fish thus provide a unique model to study the origin of mitochondria. Here we report the complete mtDNA sequence of the CyCa hybrid and its parental species carp and goldfish as nuclear donor and cytoplasm host, respectively. Interestingly, the mtDNA of NCH fish CyCa is 99.69% identical to the nuclear donor species carp, and 89.25% identical to the oocyte host species goldfish. Furthermore, an amino acid sequence comparison of 13 mitochondrial proteins reveals that CyCa is 99.68% identical to the carp and 87.68% identical to the goldfish. On an mtDNA-based phylogenetic tree, CyCa is clustered with the carp but separated from the goldfish. A real-time PCR analysis revealed the presence of carp mtDNA but the absence of goldfish mtDNA. These results demonstrate – for the first time to our knowledge – that the mtDNA of a NCH such as CyCa fish may originate from its nuclear donor rather than its oocyte host.  相似文献   

The histochemical profile of calcium activated acid stable myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase) activity in developing larval and juvenile carp was investigated. In the larval fish, differentiation of pink muscle fibres occurred after metamorphosis which was delayed by a week at 17° C compared to larvae grown at 27° C. After metamorphosis the 27° C group exhibited some small myofibres with acid stable mATPase activity in the deep white muscle. This was similar for the juvenile carp which were acclimated for more than a month at 25° C. In contrast, the cold (12° C) acclimated juvenile fish, contained very few small white muscle fibres with acid stable mATPase activity. It was also noted that the cold acclimated fish had lower background acid stable mATPase activity than the warm acclimated fish. Results indicate that after metamorphosis and more evidently in juveniles, temperature can influence the rate of myofibre hyperplasia.  相似文献   

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