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近年来,微生物燃料电池已引起了广泛关注,它将低能量废水和木质纤维素生物质等有机废物转化为电能。在将来,微生物电能将成为一种重要的生物能源,因为微生物燃料电池提供了一种复合有机物和可再生生物能源中提取电能的可行性。人们研究了许多物质,以考察其是否能作为微生物电能转化的底物。这些物质包括人工的和天然废物,以及木质纤维素生物质。尽管现在微生物燃料电池提供的电流和功率较低,但是随着技术的发展和对微生物燃料电池系统的深入了解,微生物燃料电池转化的电流和电力将极大增加,从而向世人提供了一种可以将纤维素生物质和废水直接转化为有用能源的有效方法。本文介绍了迄今为止在微生物燃料电池中用到的各种反应底物,并对它们的应用效率和存在的不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池生物质能利用现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一种新概念的废物处理与能源化技术,微生物燃料电池研究在过去10年里取得了长足的进步和技术突破。本文在简要介绍微生物燃料电池研究现状基础上,系统综述了该技术及与其他技术耦合在生物质能利用方面的最新研究进展,重点分析了其中存在的问题,并展望了该技术在生物质能转化和利用方面的研究前景。  相似文献   

阳极作为微生物燃料电池中的重要组成部分,其性能的高低显著影响着微生物燃料电池的产电性能。纳米材料具有导电性好、表面积大等优良特性。因此,纳米材料修饰阳极能够有效减小电极内阻、增大微生物的粘附量,从而显著提高微生物燃料电池的产电性能。本文首先简要介绍了微生物燃料电池中阳极修饰纳米材料的种类,然后重点归纳了不同纳米材料修饰阳极对微生物燃料电池产电性能的影响及其原因。最后对微生物燃料电池阳极修饰纳米材料和技术进行展望。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池内阻及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
微生物燃料电池(MFC)是一种通过微生物的催化作用将有机物中的化学能直接转化为电能的生物反应装置,研究表明内阻是限制微生物燃料电池产能的重要因素。本文对目前国内外有关微生物燃料电池内阻的研究成果进行了总结,系统介绍了微生物燃料电池内阻定义、构成和常用的微生物燃料电池内阻测定方法,重点分析了反应器、产电底物、产电微生物和操作条件等对微生物燃料电池内阻的影响,并结合已有的研究结果提出了降低内阻、提高微生物燃料电池产电性能的可行性方法。  相似文献   

目前含硫废水污染很大,微生物燃料电池具有高效环境友好的特点成为研究热点。本文简要概述微生物燃料电池结构和发展历史,利用微生物燃料电池技术处理含硫废水的研究进展,最后分析了目前研究发展趋势和展望。  相似文献   

李锋  宋浩 《生物工程学报》2017,33(3):516-534
电活性微生物(产电微生物和亲电微生物)通过与外界环境进行双向电子和能量传递来实现多种微生物电催化过程(包括微生物燃料电池、微生物电解电池、微生物电催化等),从而实现在环境、能源领域的广泛应用,并为开发有效且可持续性生产新能源或大宗精细化学品的工艺提供了新机会。但是,电活性微生物的胞外电子传递效率比较低,这已经成为限制微生物电催化系统在工业应用中的主要瓶颈。以下综述了近年来利用合成生物学改造电活性微生物的相关研究成果,阐明了合成生物学如何用于打破电活性微生物胞外电子传递途径低效率的瓶颈,从而实现电活性微生物与环境的高效电子传递和能量交换,推动电活性微生物电催化系统的实用化进程。  相似文献   

【背景】产电微生物的种类和电化学活性机制对微生物燃料电池的产电性能有着重要的影响。【目的】从海水中分离获得一株耐盐产电微生物,研究其产电特性并鉴定种属信息。【方法】以取自南海的海水为接种液启动并运行阳极液中含有不同盐浓度的微生物燃料电池,从富集的阳极生物膜上分离得到一株纯培养的微生物菌株,命名为E-1。通过接种于阳极液中添加不同盐浓度的微生物燃料电池中对其产电特性进行分析,并利用形态学观察、Biolog分析和16SrRNA基因序列比对相结合的方法进行种属鉴定。【结果】菌株E-1在无外源添加和外源添加6.6%NaCl条件下产生的功率密度分别为51.69 m W/m2和26.56 m W/m2,这与其良好的耐盐能力相关。菌株E-1被鉴定为海藻希瓦氏菌(Shewanella algae),表现出多样的底物利用能力,生长的温度范围为25-40°C,pH范围为5.0-10.0。【结论】这是首次对Shewanella algae种内微生物产电性能及其在微生物燃料电池中应用的报道,丰富了产电微生物的多样性,菌株E-1能够在较高盐浓度条件下表现出良好的产电性能,为微生物燃料电池在海水资源化处理方面的应用提供新的实验材料。  相似文献   

产电微生物及微生物燃料电池最新研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新型产电微生物(Electricigens)的发现,使得微生物燃料电池概念的内涵发生了根本性的变化,展现了广阔的应用前景。这种微生物能够以电极作为唯一电子受体,把氧化有机物获得的电子通过电子传递链传递到电极产生电流,同时微生物从中获得能量而生长。这种代谢被认为是一种新型微生物呼吸方式。以这种新型微生物呼吸方式为基础的微生物燃料电池可以同时进行废水处理和生物发电,有望可以把废水处理发展成一个有利可图的产业,是MFC最有发展前景的方向。  相似文献   

崔志成  付亮  赵琦  周丹丹 《微生物学报》2021,61(8):2219-2235
铁还原菌是一种典型的异化金属还原菌,广泛分布于海洋沉积物、陆地深地层等自然环境,该类细菌可以将铁氧化物中的Fe(Ⅲ)还原为Fe(Ⅱ),在铁、碳的生物地球化学铁循环中发挥重要作用。铁还原菌的末端电子不局限于Fe(Ⅲ),还可以是其他高价金属、有机污染物,可用于土壤、地下水的污染修复和毒性削减。在微生物电化学系统中,铁还原菌氧化有机物产生的电子直接传递给电极,可以产生电能。基于这种独特的胞外电子传递方式,衍生出了微生物燃料电池、微生物电解池、微生物脱盐电池、微生物燃料电池耦合芬顿反应以及光催化微生物燃料电池,常用于微生物发电、生物传感器、生物制氢、定向发酵、海水淡化、生物脱盐和污染物分解矿化。本文从异化铁还原菌的代谢机制、微生态作用、环境修复、水资源再生与能源转化四个方面,综述了铁还原菌的作用原理及国内外研究现状,分析论述了目前亟需解决的关键问题和未来的研究方向,以期为铁还原菌的基础理论研究和应用技术研发提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍微生物燃料电池的基本工作原理。根据电子传递方式阳极产电微生物分为无需中间体微生物和需中间体微生物。对阴极进行不同反应所涉及的最终电子受体进行了概述,并展望了微生物燃料电池的应用前景。  相似文献   

Electricity generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) has been a subject of significant research efforts. MFCs employ the ability of electricigenic bacteria to oxidize organic substrates using an electrode as an electron acceptor. While MFC application for electricity production from a variety of organic sources has been demonstrated, very little research on electricity production from carbon monoxide and synthesis gas (syngas) in an MFC has been reported. Although most of the syngas today is produced from non-renewable sources, syngas production from renewable biomass or poorly degradable organic matter makes energy generation from syngas a sustainable process, which combines energy production with the reprocessing of solid wastes. An MFC-based process of syngas conversion to electricity might offer a number of advantages such as high Coulombic efficiency and biocatalytic activity in the presence of carbon monoxide and sulfur components. This paper presents a discussion on microorganisms and reactor designs that can be used for operating an MFC on syngas.  相似文献   

微生物接种技术应用于堆肥化中的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
简述了自然发酵在堆肥化处理中的作用,综合介绍了接种有机物腐熟剂的研究情况及添加特定微生物菌剂在堆肥处理固体废物方面的应用现状;并结合微生物接种动力学的理论分析,对其应用于堆肥处理方面的广阔前景作出了展望。  相似文献   

New exoelectrogen Citrobacter sp. SX-1 isolated from a microbial fuel cell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aims: Isolation, identification and characterization of a new exoelectrogenic bacterium from a microbial fuel cell (MFC). Methods and Results: Exoelectrogenic bacterial strain SX‐1 was isolated from a mediator‐less MFC by conventional plating techniques with ferric citrate as electron acceptor under anaerobic condition. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence revealed that it was related to the members of Citrobacter genus with Citrobacter sp. sdy‐48 being the most closely related species. The bacterial strain SX‐1 produced electricity from citrate, acetate, glucose, sucrose, glycerol and lactose in MFCs with the highest current density of 205 mA m?2 generated from citrate. Cyclic voltammetry analysis indicated that membrane‐associated proteins may play an important role in facilitating the electrons transferring from bacteria to electrode. Conclusions: This is the first study that demonstrates that Citrobacter species can transfer electrons to extracellular electron acceptors. Citrobacter strain SX‐1 is capable of generating electricity from a wide range of substrates in MFCs. Significance and Impact of the Study: This finding increases the known diversity of power generating exoelectrogens and provided a new strain to explore the mechanisms of extracellular electron transfer from bacteria to electrode. The wide range of substrate utilization by SX‐1 increases the application potential of MFCs in renewable energy generation and waste treatment.  相似文献   

Du Z  Li H  Gu T 《Biotechnology advances》2007,25(5):464-482
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioreactor that converts chemical energy in the chemical bonds in organic compounds to electrical energy through catalytic reactions of microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. It has been known for many years that it is possible to generate electricity directly by using bacteria to break down organic substrates. The recent energy crisis has reinvigorated interests in MFCs among academic researchers as a way to generate electric power or hydrogen from biomass without a net carbon emission into the ecosystem. MFCs can also be used in wastewater treatment facilities to break down organic matters. They have also been studied for applications as biosensors such as sensors for biological oxygen demand monitoring. Power output and Coulombic efficiency are significantly affected by the types of microbe in the anodic chamber of an MFC, configuration of the MFC and operating conditions. Currently, real-world applications of MFCs are limited because of their low power density level of several thousand mW/m2. Efforts are being made to improve the performance and reduce the construction and operating costs of MFCs. This article presents a critical review on the recent advances in MFC research with emphases on MFC configurations and performances.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of enrichment procedure on the performance and microbial diversity of an air-cathode microbial fuel cell (MFC) which was explored for simultaneous azo dye decolorization and electricity generation. Two different enrichment procedures in which glucose and Congo red were added into the MFCs sequentially (EP1) or simultaneously (EP2) were tested by operating parallel MFCs independently for more than 6 months. The power density, electrode potential, Congo red decolorization, biofilm morphology, and bacterial diversity of the MFCs under the two enrichment procedures were compared and investigated. The results showed that the enrichment procedures have a negligible effect on the dye decolorization, but significantly affected the electricity generation. More than 90% decolorization at dye concentration of 300 mg/L was achieved within 170 h for the two tested enrichment procedures. However, the MFC with EP2 achieved a maximum power density of 192 mW/m2, which was 75% higher than that of the MFC with EP1 (110 mW/m2). The depressed surfaces of the bacteria in the MFC with EP1 indicated the allergic response caused by the subsequent addition of Congo red. 16S rRNA sequencing analysis demonstrated a phylogenetic diversity in the communities of the anode biofilm and showed clear differences between the anode-attached populations in the MFCs with a different enrichment procedure. This study suggests that the enrichment procedure is important for the MFC explored for simultaneous dye decolorization and electricity generation.  相似文献   

Globally, sustainable provision of high‐quality safe water is a major challenge of the 21st century. Various chemical and biological monitoring analytics are presently utilized to guarantee the availability of high‐quality water. However, these techniques still face some challenges including high costs, complex design and onsite and online limitations. The recent technology of using microbial fuel cell (MFC)‐based biosensors holds outstanding potential for the rapid and real‐time monitoring of water source quality. MFCs have the advantages of simplicity in design and efficiency for onsite sensing. Even though some sensing applications of MFCs were previously studied, e.g. biochemical oxygen demand sensor, recently numerous research groups around the world have presented new practical applications of this technique, which combine multidisciplinary scientific knowledge in materials science, microbiology and electrochemistry fields. This review presents the most updated research on the utilization of MFCs as potential biosensors for monitoring water quality and considers the range of potentially toxic analytes that have so far been detected using this methodology. The advantages of MFCs over established technology are also considered as well as future work required to establish their routine use.  相似文献   

【背景】甲烷厌氧氧化(anaerobic oxidation of methane, AOM)包含反硝化型甲烷厌氧氧化和硫酸盐还原型甲烷厌氧氧化。目前,人们向水体中排放过量的含氮及含硫污染物,引起了严重的环境污染和生态破坏。【目的】利用甲烷厌氧氧化微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell, MFC)研究同步脱氮除硫耦合反应机理及反应过程中微生物的多样性信息。【方法】构建了3个微生物燃料电池(N-S-MFC、N-MFC、S-MFC),以甲烷作为唯一碳源,探究其同步脱氮除硫性能,并采用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术对微生物群落结构进行分析。【结果】N-S-MFC中硝酸盐和硫酸盐的去除率分别为90.91%和18.46%。阳极室中微生物的相对丰度提高,与反硝化及硫酸盐还原菌相关的微生物大量富集,如门水平上拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和脱硫杆菌门(Desulfobacterota),同时属水平上Methylobacterium_Methylorubrum、Methylocaldum、Methylomonas等常见的甲烷氧化菌增多。【结论...  相似文献   

A fuel cell-type electrochemical device has been used to enrich microbes oxidizing acetate with concomitant electricity generation without using an electron mediator from activated sludge. The device generated a stable current of around 5 mA with complete oxidation of 5 mM acetate at the hydraulic retention time of 2.5 h after 4 weeks of enrichment. Over 70% of electrons available from acetate oxidation was recovered as current. Carbon monoxide or hydrogen did not influence acetate oxidation or current generation from the microbial fuel cell (MFC). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that DNA extracted from the acetate-enriched MFC had different 16S rDNA patterns from those of sludge or glucose+glutamate-enriched MFCs. Nearly complete 16S rDNA sequence analyses showed that diverse bacteria were enriched in the MFC fed with acetate. Electron microscopic observations showed biofilm developed on the electrode, but not microbial clumps observed in MFCs fed with complex fuel such as glucose and wastewater from a corn-processing factory.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a promising technology for electricity production from a variety of materials, such as natural organic matter, complex organic waste or renewable biomass, and can be advantageously combined with applications in wastewater treatment. The problem with MFCs is that they are technically still very far from attaining acceptable levels of power output, since the performance of this type of fuel cells is affected by limitations based on irreversible reactions and processes occurring both on the anode and cathode side. However, in the last years, there has been a growing amount of work on MFCs which managed to increase power outputs by an order of magnitude.The present review article discusses a number of biological and engineering aspects related to improvement of MFC performance including the effect of important parameters, such as pH, temperature, feed rate, shear stress and organic load. The recent progresses on scale-up MFC are summarized and the different modelling approaches to describe the different biological and transport phenomena in MFCs are also provided.  相似文献   

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