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斜茎黄芪根瘤菌表型性状数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对95株斜茎黄芪根瘤菌与15株已知根瘤菌参比菌及5株来自其它寄本植物的根瘤菌一起进行了130项表型性状分析。结果表明:斜茎黄芪根瘤菌具有极大的表型性状多样性。全部供试菌株在83%相似性水平上分为19个表观群,大部分斜茎黄芪根瘤菌独立成群,与参比菌株的表到性状相似性较低;慢生型斜茎黄芪根瘤菌与快生型斜茎黄芪根瘤菌明显分开,分别构成独立的表现群;某些斜茎黄芪根瘤菌具有很强的抗逆性。  相似文献   

斜茎黄芪根瘤菌结瘤基因nodA PCR扩增及PCR-RFLP分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对采自我国北方地区的16株斜茎黄芪根瘤菌代表菌株的共同结瘤基因nodA进行了PCR扩增及PCR-RFLP分析研究。来自Mesorhizobium和Rhizobium系统发育分支的代表菌株都得到了nodA PCR扩增产物;而来自Agrobacterium系统发育分支的代表菌株都没有得到nodA PCR扩增产物。进一步的nodAPCR-RFLP分析结果表明斜茎黄芪根瘤菌具有很大的nodA基因遗传多样性,具有4种不同的16S rDNAPCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型的12株斜茎黄芪根瘤菌具有8种不同的nodA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型。但是斜茎黄芪根瘤菌nodA基因遗传多样性随种群而变化,来自M.septentrionale的具有相同的16S rDNA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型的4个代表菌株具有4种不同的nodA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型;而来自M.tempera-tum的具有相同的16S rDNA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型3个代表菌株则具有相同的nodA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型。此外,来自不同种的具有不同16S rDNA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型的菌株却具有相同的nodA PCR-RFLP遗传图谱类型,说明nodA基因可能在根瘤菌的不同种间发生了水平转移。  相似文献   

陕西太白尾矿区根瘤菌多样性及抗性菌株筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以研究陕西太白金矿尾矿区根瘤菌的资源多样性和重金属、苯酚抗逆性菌株的筛选为目的,选取分离自尾矿废弃地及太白河边的8种豆科植物的108株根瘤菌及42株参比菌株,进行了生长温度范围,唯一碳源、氮源利用,生长初始pH,耐盐性,重金属和苯酚的抗性等151项表型性状分析。结果表明,供试根瘤菌的表型特性存在明显差异,在85%的相似水平上供试菌株聚成5个类群,其中类群I有26株菌,主要分离自天蓝苜蓿(Medicago lu-pulina);类群Ⅱ有12株菌,其寄主各不同;类群Ⅲ有3株菌,寄主均为金翼黄芪(Astragalus chrysopterus);类群Ⅳ有40株菌,主要分离自金翼黄芪;类群Ⅴ有4株菌,寄主均为截叶铁扫帚(Lespedeza cuneata)。类群Ⅳ与已知种R.mongolense聚在一起,其这4个类群未与参比菌株聚在一起,可能是新的表观群,其分类地位需进一步确定。一些菌株表现了较强的抗重金属和苯酚毒性的能力,其中1株菌能耐受0.15 mmol/L的Hg2 ,4株菌能耐受0.4mmol/L的Cu2 ,3株菌能耐受1.6 mmol/L的Zn2 ,5株菌能耐受900 mg/L的苯酚。  相似文献   

云南省德宏州含羞草β-根瘤菌多样性及系统发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过对分离自云南德宏州的含羞草β-根瘤菌进行遗传与表型多样性研究,揭示我国含羞草β-根瘤菌的物种多样性。【方法】应用16S rDNA PCR-RFLP、全细胞蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳及16S rDNA全序列分析对分离得到的60株含羞草根瘤菌进行多样性研究。【结果】16S rDNA PCR-RFLP及全细胞蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱分析将供试菌株分为2个遗传型群和2个表型群,分别与贪铜菌属(Cupriavidus)和伯克霍尔德菌属(Burkholderia)参比菌株聚群。经16S rDNA全序列分析,供试菌株被归到台湾贪铜菌(Cupriavidus taiwanensis)、含羞草伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia mimosarum)及结瘤伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia phymatum)等3个种群。【结论】云南德宏州的含羞草β-根瘤菌主要为贪铜菌及伯克霍尔德菌类群,其中贪铜菌占绝对优势,且存在遗传和表型的丰富多样性,该研究揭示了含羞草β-根瘤菌的物种多样性并丰富了我国β-根瘤菌菌种资源。  相似文献   

【背景】对根瘤菌多样性的研究有助于推进根瘤菌种质资源的利用。【目的】研究紫花苜蓿内生和非内生根瘤菌的表型和遗传多样性,比较菌株在5个苜蓿品种上的共生效应,验证根瘤菌群体共生效应由苜蓿品种决定的假设。【方法】从甘肃省白银会宁旱作区、兰州安宁灌区、武威凉州灌区3个栽培区域的陇中、清水、WL168HQ、甘农3号、甘农9号等紫花苜蓿品种中分离内生(植株种子、花、叶、茎、根表皮、根中柱和根瘤)和非内生(根际土壤和田间土壤)根瘤菌菌株,通过表型数值分类、 16SrRNA基因限制性片段长度多态性(Restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphism,RFLP)、16S rRNA基因测序、持家基因多位点序列分型(Multilocus sequence typing,MLST),以及结瘤基因nodC和固氮基因nifH片段序列测定,研究紫花苜蓿根瘤菌的表型和遗传多样性,并采用主成分分析研究根瘤菌菌株在5个紫花苜蓿品种上的共生效应差异。【结果】共分离得到43株内生根瘤菌和10株非内生根瘤菌,叶片和花中没有分离到根瘤菌菌株。53株根瘤菌以及对照菌株R.GN5和S.12531表型特征数值分类聚为8个群,菌株表型多样性丰富。经16SrRNA-RFLP分析共形成22种RFLP分型组合,基因型Ⅰ分布最广泛(24),其次为基因型Ⅻ(5)、ⅩⅤ(5)和ⅩⅨ(3),其余16株菌各代表1种基因型,菌株遗传多样性丰富。16S rRNA基因测序和MLST分析将所有菌株划分为Rhizobiumradiobacter、R.rosettiformans和Ensifermeliloti。仅从7株E.meliloti代表菌株和对照菌株S.12531中扩增到nodC和nifH基因,说明E.meliloti菌株均能结瘤固氮。E.meliloti菌株G3L3接种甘农3号,LP3、LL1和LL2接种陇中,QL2接种清水,LL1、LL2和WLP2接种WL169HQ苜蓿均能显著促进植株的单株结瘤数、地上干重和粗蛋白含量。E.meliloti菌株接种甘农3号、甘农9号和清水苜蓿品种后所有参数值在PC1轴上分别聚在-1-1之间,在PC3轴上聚在-1.5-1.5之间;接种陇中和WL168HQ苜蓿的参数值较分散,PC1轴上分散在-1.5-4之间,PC3轴上分散在-3-4之间。【结论】紫花苜蓿内生和非内生根瘤菌菌株多样性丰富,表型和遗传多样性与其来源没有直接关系。菌株G3L3与甘农3号,LP3、LL1、LL2与陇中,QL2与清水、LL1、LL2、WLP2与WL169HQ苜蓿品种共生匹配和适应能力强。在甘农3号、甘农9号和清水紫花苜蓿品种上群体共生效应相似,在陇中和WL168HQ紫花苜蓿上共生效应差异明显。本研究内生和非内生根瘤菌菌株的群体共生效应根据苜蓿品种而定,根瘤菌菌株与苜蓿品种间的信号识别程度存在差异。  相似文献   

在山东省根瘤菌资源调查的基础上,选取31株快生根瘤菌和34株参比菌株,进行了102项表型性状测定和聚类分析。结果表明:不同地理来源、甚至同一地区来源或同种寄主的不同菌株在碳氮源利用、抗生素抗性、耐逆性等方面存在着较高的多样性。32% 的菌株可耐受300 μg/mL的新霉素,39%的菌株可耐受300 μg/mL的青霉素和洁霉素。2株菌能耐受4.0% 的NaCl。13株菌可以在pH11的条件下生长。在87%的相似水平上,未知菌株形成2个独立的亚群,第1亚群有3株菌,中心菌株为SD109;第2亚群有4株菌,中心菌株为SD083。  相似文献   

斜茎黄芪根瘤菌的16S rDNA和23S rDNA PCR-RFLP比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在表型性状数值分析和AFLP指纹图谱分析的基础上,选取54株斜茎黄芪根瘤菌的代表菌株及已知根瘤菌参比菌株,进行16SrDNA和23SrDNA的PCR-RFLP比较分析。结果表明斜茎黄芪根瘤菌具有极大的系统发育多样性,分别具有24个16SrDNA遗传图谱类型和22个23SrDNA遗传图谱类型,16SrDNA与23SrDNAPCR-RFLP聚类分析树状图谱有较好的一致性,但也存在一些差异。在对较大类群的划分上,它们的结果与表型性状数值分析结果有较好的一致性。将16SrDNA和23SrDNAPCR-RFLP分析  相似文献   

甘草根瘤菌的16S rDNA全序列测定及系统进化分析   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
通过对西北干旱半干旱地区68株甘草根瘤菌的表型多样性和抗逆性分离研究,发现1个新类群和1个具有较高抗逆性的菌株。对其中心菌株CCNWGX022和高抗性菌株CCNWGX035进行16S rDNA全序列测定及系统进化研究。结果表明,CCNWGX022和CCNWGX035与中慢生根瘤菌属内参比菌株的16S rDNA相似性分别大于96.8%和98.3%,因此它们均属于中慢生根瘤菌属。  相似文献   

对分离自我国11个省24个地区49株蚕豆根瘤菌及11株参比菌株进行了唯一碳源、氮源、抗生素、耐逆性和酶活性等138个表型性状测定,并用M INTS软件进行聚类分析。结果表明,全部供试菌株在59%的相似水平上聚在一起,在80%的相似水平上可分为6个群。其中群4与参比菌株聚在一起,而其他5个群均由未知菌组成。进一步对36株菌进行了16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析,在85%相似水平上供试菌可分为4个群和1个独立的分支,其聚群结果与数值分类结果有较好的一致性。表型及遗传型分析结果表明,我国蚕豆根瘤菌具有极大的多样性。  相似文献   

商洛多花胡枝子根瘤菌16S rDNA-RFLP分析及系统发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用16S rDNA-RFLP和全序列测定方法,对分离自商洛地区5个分布点的59株多花胡枝子根瘤菌进行了RFLP分析和系统发育研究.结果表明:(1)42株供试菌株归属根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)、11株归属中华根瘤菌属(Sinorhizobium).其余6株非根瘤菌中3株是嗜麦芽黄单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)、3株是解淀粉类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus amylolyticus),说明胡枝子根瘤内生菌较为丰富且类型多样.(2)结合供试菌株的地理生境分析,发现来自不同采集点的菌株有些具有同样的遗传类型,而来自同一采集点的菌株遗传类型却有差异,证明胡枝子根瘤菌在分群类别上与地理环境之间没有明确的对应关系,地理环境并非根瘤菌多样性形成的主要因素.建议今后对根瘤菌多样性研究应从根瘤菌与寄主植物物之间的共生选择进化,特别是对共生体系中基因的横向转移方面进行深入探讨.  相似文献   

Abstract Symbiotic experiments in the glasshouse demonstrated that two species of sulla, Hedysarum coronarium and Hedysarum flexuosum , grown in Morocco were mutually incompatible in their requirements for effectively nitrogen-fixing strains of rhizobia: nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium strains isolated from H. coronarium nodulated H. flexuosum but did not fix nitrogen, conversely strains from H. flexuosum were ineffective for H. coronarium . The agronic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A previous analysis showed that Gammaproteobacteria could be the sole recoverable bacteria from surface-sterilized nodules of three wild species of Hedysarum. In this study we extended the analysis to eight Mediterranean native, uninoculated legumes never previously investigated regarding their root-nodule microsymbionts. The structural organization of the nodules was studied by light and electron microscopy, and their bacterial occupants were assessed by combined cultural and molecular approaches. On examination of 100 field-collected nodules, culturable isolates of rhizobia were hardly ever found, whereas over 24 other bacterial taxa were isolated from nodules. None of these nonrhizobial isolates could nodulate the original host when reinoculated in gnotobiotic culture. Despite the inability to culture rhizobial endosymbionts from within the nodules using standard culture media, a direct 16S rRNA gene PCR analysis revealed that most of these nodules contained rhizobia as the predominant population. The presence of nodular endophytes colocalized with rhizobia was verified by immunofluorescence microscopy of nodule sections using an Enterobacter-specific antibody. Hypotheses to explain the nonculturability of rhizobia are presented, and pertinent literature on legume endophytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Nodulation studies on legumes exotic to Australia: Hedysarum coronarium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Symbiotic experiments in glasshouse, controlled environment cabinet, and field were conducted with four lines of sulla ( Hedysarum coronarium ) and 15 strains of Rhizobium spp. This plant is highly Rhizobium -specific and appropriate strains are most unlikely to occur naturally in Australia. Under several sets of experimental conditions, H. coronarium nodulated abundantly and effectively with homologous rhizobia introduced from Spain and Italy. The optimum temperature for nitrogen fixation was relatively low (approx. 21°C) but significant interactions between line of host, strain of rhizobia, and growth temperature were frequent. The rhizobia were persistent in soil.  相似文献   

Thirty-five rhizobial strains were isolated from nodules of Lotus edulis, L. ornithopodioides, L. cytisoides, Hedysarum coronarium, Ornithopus compressus and Scorpiurus muricatus growing in Sardinia and Asinara Island. Basic characteristics applied to identification of rhizobia such as symbiotic properties, antibiotic- and salt-resistance, temperate-sensitivities, utilization of different sources of carbon and nitrogen were studied. The results from the 74 metabolic tests were used for cluster analysis of the new rhizobial isolates and 28 reference strains, belonging to previously classified and unclassified fast-, intermediate- and slow-growing rhizobia. All strains examined were divided into two large groups at a linkage distance of 0.58. None of the reference strains clustered with the new rhizobial isolates, which formed five subgroups almost respective of their plant origin. RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 16S-23S rDNA IGS showed that the levels of similarity between rhizobial isolates from Ornithopus, Hedysarum and Scorpiurus, and the type strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum, Mesorhizobium loti, M. ciceri, M. mediterraneum, Sinorhizobium meliloti and Bradyrhizobium japonicum were not more than 30%. Thus, it can be assumed that these groups of new rhizobial isolates are not closely related to the validly described rhizobial species.  相似文献   

Hedysarum al-shehbazii , a new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. This species belongs to Hedysarum section Multicaulia . It is confined to the western part of Iran (Kermanshah Province), and is known from a single population close to the Iraq frontier, although possibly also growing in the adjoining eastern part of Iraq. The conservation status of this species is 'vulnerable' according to World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria. In addition, H. varium and H. syricum are reported as new records from a single gathering close to the Turkish frontier. Moreover, H. kotschyi and H. pogonocarpum are transferred from Hedysarum section Crinifera to Hedysarum section Multicaulia .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 505–512.  相似文献   

The effect of a variety factors on the survival of several rhizobia strains on inoculants and inoculated seeds has been evaluated. Since the rhizobia strains showed different cell-density-evolution patterns on peat-based inoculants and on inoculated seeds, several inoculant formulations with highly effective Rhizobium/Bradyrhizobium strains (for Lupinus, Hedysarum, Phaseolus and Glycine max.) were monitored under the following storage conditions: (a) the inoculants were kept refrigerated (at 4 °C), or (b) at room temperature (25 °C). The effect of water content (30–50%, w/w) in the inoculants as well as that of several seed-coating adhesives were also investigated. Alternative carriers including perlite and vermiculite were tested. For all of the strains, survival on sterile peat-based inoculants was higher than on the corresponding unsterile peat formulation; for the latter, refrigerated storage conditions are recommended to ensure high bacterial densities. The water content of the inoculants had a differential effect on strain survival depending on the sterility of the peat, such that a high water content was more detrimental when unsterilized peat was employed. The best adherent for rhizobia survival was a gum arabic/water solution. Perlite was as effective as peat in maintaining a high population of rhizobia, at least for 6 months of storage. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

唐宏亮  贺学礼 《植物学报》2007,24(5):614-619
利用扫描电镜观察了国产岩黄耆属(Hedysarum L.)18个种(含3个居群)的种皮纹饰。结果表明: 岩黄耆属种皮纹饰性状在种的划分上具有重要的分类学意义。依据种皮纹饰特性, 大致分为光滑型和粗糙型2大类型以及断棱状、嚼烂状、龟纹状、网纹状与细网状5个亚型。依据其划分的类型及亚型, 种皮纹饰呈现出从断棱状、细网状到光滑状的演化趋势, 从而阐明了种皮纹饰在岩黄耆属系统演化上的重要意义。  相似文献   

Strains of rhizobia within a single species can have three different genetically determined strategies. Mutualistic rhizobia provide their legume hosts with nitrogen. Parasitic rhizobia infect legumes, but fix little or no nitrogen. Nonsymbiotic strains are unable to infect legumes at all. Why have rhizobium strains with one of these three strategies not displaced the others? A symbiotic (mutualistic or parasitic) rhizobium that succeeds in founding a nodule may produce many millions of descendants. The chances of success can be so low, however, that nonsymbiotic rhizobia can have greater reproductive success. Legume sanctions against nodules that fix little or no nitrogen favor more mutualistic strains, but parasitic strains that use plant resources only for their own reproduction may do well when they share nodules with mutualistic strains.  相似文献   

Diverse rhizobia that nodulate two species of Kummerowia in China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A total of 63 bacterial strains were isolated from root nodules of Kummerowia striata and K. stipulacea grown in different geographic regions of China. These bacteria could be divided into fast-growing (FG) rhizobia and slow-growing (SG) rhizobia according to their growth rate. Genetic diversity and taxonomic relationships among these rhizobia were revealed by PCR-based 16 S rDNA RFLP and sequencing, 16 S-IGS RFLP, SDS-PAGE of whole cell soluble proteins, BOX-PCR and symbiotic gene (nifH/nodC) analyses. The symbiotic FG strains were mainly isolated from temperate regions and they were identified as four genomic species in Rhizobium and Sinorhizobium meliloti based on the consensus of grouping results. The SG strains were classified as five genomic species within Bradyrhizobium and they were mainly isolated fron the subtropic and tropical regions. The phylogenetic analyses of nifH and nodC genes showed relationships similar to that of 16 S rDNA but the symbiotic genes of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from Kummerowia were distinct from those isolated from Arachis and soybean. These results offered evidence for rhizobial biogeography and demonstrated that the Kummerowia-nodulating ability might have evolved independently in different regions in association with distinctive genomic species of rhizobia.  相似文献   

Abstract Rhizobium strains nodulating Galega species were characterized by metabolic tests, maximum growth temperature determinations in a temperature gradient incubator and phage typing, and compared with other fast-growing rhizobia. By numerical taxonomy it was shown that the Galega Rhizobium strains are closely related to each other and unrelated to the recognized species of Rhizobium . The maximum growth temperature of rhizobia nodulating G. orientalis was 33.0–34.0°C and of rhizobia nodulating G. officinalis 35.0–37.0°C. The Galega rhizobia were only lysed by their own phages, and not by typing phages for other Rhizobium species. The G + C% of Rhizobium sp. ( Galega ) strainswas 63%.44 previously unclassified fast-growing rhizobia from tropical plants, which were included in the experiments, were shown to form a heterogenous group with diverse properties. The results confirm and extend previous findings, and suggest that Rhizobum sp. ( Galega ) should be considered a new species of Rhizobium .  相似文献   

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