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凝胶干胶的实验台制作法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,制作聚丙烯酰胺凝胶干胶的方法很多,大多数都是将凝胶干燥在玻璃板或凝胶支持膜上制得.下面介绍一种不用玻璃板,只用一张玻璃纸的简单经济、效果也好的凝胶干燥方法.  1将脱色后背景清楚的凝胶浸泡在20%的甘油中,过夜.  2将一张长度约为凝胶长度25倍,宽度比凝胶?..  相似文献   

pH控制对热凝胶发酵的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
热凝胶 (Curdlan)是一种直链结构的 β 1,3 葡聚糖 ,由Alcaligenesfaecalisvar.myxogenes发酵生产而来 ,是一种新型的微生物胞外多糖[1 ] ,其分子量在 5 0万左右。热凝胶在中性条件下不溶于水 ,但能溶于碱溶液中。加热含有热凝胶的水浊液可形成两种类型的凝胶 ,一种是弹性较低的类似琼脂的可逆胶 ;另外一种是凝胶强度大、弹性好的热不可逆胶。由于热凝胶具有独特的热成胶性能 ,在食品工业 ,特别是高温制作的食品领域具有广阔的应用前景。热凝胶的胶体可以包容和控制药物的扩散 ,所以可以用来作为药物…  相似文献   

在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中经常遇到凝胶干胶制作不好的问题,即使在有干胶机的实验室也常发生凝胶裂开、皱缩、电泳条带扩散、干胶质量不理想的情况,一些文献介绍的方法也常发生类似问题。我们在干胶的方法上作了一些摸索和改进,总结出一种简易的、  相似文献   

本文介绍一种简易凝胶快速干燥法,无需抽真空、恒温水浴和电炉等装置。制成的干胶无气泡、无皱褶,图谱清晰,可永久保存。用这种方法制作干胶,成品率高。即使凝胶本已有少许破裂,但在干燥过程中裂缝不会继续加深。如果操作过程中不小心使凝胶和玻璃纸之  相似文献   

每日盐度波动对真盐生植物盐地碱蓬种内相互作用沿盐度梯度的影响 土壤盐度的异质性是河口潮间带的一个突出的环境特征,影响植物的生长和盐沼中生物相互作用的转变。本研究旨在探究盐度梯度和盐度波动对一种真盐生植物的种内相互作用的交互影响。  相似文献   

盐度对稀释平板法研究红树林区土壤微生物数量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张瑜斌  林鹏  魏小勇  庄铁诚 《生态学报》2008,28(3):1287-1295
在使用稀释平板法分离潮间带红树林及其对照光滩土壤微生物以及计数时,多数情况下使用陈海水制作培养基和稀释水,很少考虑培养基和稀释水的盐度对最终计数结果的影响.使用稀释平板法研究了盐度对福建九龙江口红树林区与深圳福田红树林保护区土壤微生物平板计数的影响,结果表明培养基与稀释水盐度对微生物数量有明显的影响.统计分析显示细菌的海水稀释效果优于淡水,而放线菌与真菌则刚好相反(P<0.05,一个例外).海水不适合配制红树林区土壤微生物平板计数的培养基,从0~35,高盐度的平板培养基会降低微生物的数量,尤其是放线菌的数量,尽管培养基的盐度对真菌影响无规律,但细菌数量在低盐度时比在高盐度和不加氯化钠时要多.根据盐度效应,提出了稀释平板技术应用于潮间带的红树林及其相应光滩时的优化方法,认为细菌应该用海水作无菌稀释水,而放线菌和真菌则应用淡水作稀释水;包括光滩在内的红树林区土壤微生物分离与计数的培养基宜控制较低盐度范围.  相似文献   

不同盐度条件下中华绒螯蟹亲蟹行为及血淋巴生理变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
设定淡水对照组、盐度18适应组、盐度30骤变组(18→30)和盐度0骤变组(18→0),采用视频记录分析法研究了不同盐度条件下中华绒螯蟹雌性亲蟹的8项行为学指标变化,并测定了血淋巴渗透压及离子、血蓝蛋白含量。结果表明:中华绒螯蟹亲蟹封闭反应行为仅发生于盐度组(盐度18组和盐度30骤变组),且盐度30骤变组封闭反应时间显著高于盐度18组(P<0.05);腹部开合行为仅见于盐度0骤变组;盐度组第一触角回缩时间显著高于对照组(P<0.05);其他5项行为学指标活动频率均于盐度0骤变组最高。各实验组亲蟹血淋巴渗透压及离子浓度均高于外界实验水体,且均随盐度升高而增大。血蓝蛋白含量随盐度的降低而升高,盐度0骤变组血蓝蛋白含量显著高于盐度30骤变组(P<0.05)。分析认为,中华绒螯蟹亲蟹在0~30盐度范围内进行高渗透压调节,腹部开合行为是其在低盐度环境下暴露尾肠吸收水中离子的一种行为策略,封闭反应有助于机体减少高盐度坏境下水的吸收及扩散失盐。  相似文献   

本文探讨了系列海水盐度砂培的红树植物秋茄和海莲幼苗叶片、根尖的过氧化物酶活性及其同工酶对不同盐度条件的反应。结果表明:(1)秋茄苗:在低盐度0‰至10‰范围,叶过氧化物酶活性随盐度提高而略有增强,15‰以上则降低;根尖过氧化物酶活性则不同,随盐度(0—35‰)提高而降低。(2)海莲苗:随其生长基盐度(5—25‰)提高,叶过氧化物酶活性迅速降低,而根尖过氧化物酶活性在5‰至10‰盐度时略有提高,15‰以上迅速降低;而后高盐度(25一35‰)活性降低不明显。这表明,在盐度的影响下,秋茄苗过氧化物酶活性变化程度小而海莲大。(3)在同工酶谱表现上,两种植物幼苗(叶,根)均为主级酶带受盐度影响不明显,但次级酶带对盐度敏感。  相似文献   

凝胶干板的制作保存与拍摄聚丙烯酰胺凝胶干板的制作是电泳中常遇到的一个难题,许多学者曾对此进行过研究,其方法各具特色,但效果不甚理想.通常使用GB21°全色胶卷直接拍摄凝胶板,其区带与背景之间反差小.笔者在实验中将聚丙烯酰胺凝胶板微缩后制成干板,方法较...  相似文献   

山东省黄河三角洲分布4种不同生态型芦苇——淡水沼泽芦苇、咸水沼泽芦苇、低盐草甸芦苇和高盐草甸芦苇。1994年与1995年的8~9月份对不同生境生态型芦苇的生长情况、群落组成及优势度进行观测,并测定4种不同生态型芦苇的有机和无机渗透剂以及渗透势和渗透调节能力。结果表明:不同生态型芦苇的多度、盖度、植株高度、叶片含水量和渗透势均随生境盐度的增大而降低;低盐度下的芦苇其渗透剂以K+和可溶性糖为主,高盐度下以Na+、Cl-为主;芦苇根部Na+含量大于叶片,其渗透调节能力也高于叶片;植物体的Na/K比值随生境盐度而变化,而高盐度下Na/K比为1左右;在渗透调节中有机和无机渗透剂的贡献随生境盐度而变化,有机渗透剂贡献随生境盐度增大而减少,无机渗透剂贡献则随盐度增加而增大。上述结果证明芦苇是一种应性较强的植物,从抗盐机理考虑可以认为它是一种假盐生植物。  相似文献   

陈一  严杰  杨蕾  张佳谊  战欣 《动物学杂志》2022,57(3):422-428
企鹅珍珠贝(Pteria penguin)是生产附壳珍珠的大型海水经济贝类,其依靠强壮的足丝将自身固定在硬质基底上,抵抗水流的冲击和抵御被捕食等。足丝分泌和足丝的形状很容易受到环境的影响,本实验采用盐度30为低盐度组、盐度35为中盐度组和盐度40为高盐度组,研究这3种盐度对企鹅珍珠贝足丝分泌、足丝直径和足丝拉力的影响,通过单因素方差分析法(LSD法)分析这三个足丝相关指标在3种盐度组间是否存在显著性差异。结果显示,3种盐度下企鹅珍珠贝足丝附着率无显著差异,但在整个实验周期72 h内,中盐度组的足丝分泌总数为(48.7 ± 15.1)根,显著高于低盐度组的(24.7 ± 5.0)根和高盐度组的(13.3 ± 1.5)根。在实验的前6 h内,中盐度组的足丝首次附着率显著高于低盐度组和高盐度组(P < 0.05),但在后续的12 h、18 h、30 h、42 h、54 h和66 h这6个时间点,3个盐度组的足丝首次附着率均无显著性差异。足丝直径未受盐度变化的影响,但盐度对足丝拉力具有显著影响,中盐度组的足丝拉力显著高于低盐度组和高盐度组(P < 0.05)。上述结果表明,企鹅珍珠贝为适应一定范围内盐度的改变,会在短时间内通过抑制足丝分泌来减少能量消耗,随着对环境的适应足丝分泌会恢复。盐度影响足丝分泌且对足丝拉力影响显著,但对足丝直径无明显影响。本研究可以为企鹅珍珠贝养殖及珍珠插核培育提供理论基础。  相似文献   

A method of estimating above-ground productivity in situ of the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonder & Aschers. has been devised, using tags to determine rates of leaf turnover. This has proved an effective tool in establishing the behavior of the species in relation to the gradient of increasing salinity which is present in Shark Bay. No seagrass was found beyond 64%o, but measurement of production and biomass within dense patches of seagrass at different salinities revealed that these were at a maximum at a salinity of 42%o, decreasing as the salinity increased and also at lower oceanic concentrations. Production rates ranged from 2 to 17 g dry weight m?2 day?1 with biomass from 600 to 2000 g m?2, thus Amphibolis antarctica is one of the more productive Australian seagrass species, even in the hypersaline conditions of the Bay. Despite the obvious correlation between above-ground production and salinity, it is pointed out that the results are not taken to imply causality.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into the lower Forth estuary where a combination of hydrody namic, dye and salinity measurement techniques have been employed to quantify the effects of temporally varying vertical and transverse density gradients on the diffusion and dispersion processes. It is concluded that the interaction of velocity shear and weak longitudinal salinity induced density gradient produces a complex and profound effect on estuarine solute mixing processes.  相似文献   

Quantifying the three main components of salinity tolerance in cereals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Salinity stress is a major factor inhibiting cereal yield throughout the world. Tolerance to salinity stress can be considered to contain three main components: Na+ exclusion, tolerance to Na+ in the tissues and osmotic tolerance. To date, most experimental work on salinity tolerance in cereals has focused on Na+ exclusion due in part to its ease of measurement. It has become apparent, however, that Na+ exclusion is not the sole mechanism for salinity tolerance in cereals, and research needs to expand to study osmotic tolerance and tissue tolerance. Here, we develop assays for high throughput quantification of Na+ exclusion, Na+ tissue tolerance and osmotic tolerance in 12 Triticum monococcum accessions, mainly using commercially available image capture and analysis equipment. We show that different lines use different combinations of the three tolerance mechanisms to increase their total salinity tolerance, with a positive correlation observed between a plant's total salinity tolerance and the sum of its proficiency in Na+ exclusion, osmotic tolerance and tissue tolerance. The assays developed in this study can be easily adapted for other cereals and used in high throughput, forward genetic experiments to elucidate the molecular basis of these components of salinity tolerance.  相似文献   

Salt tolerance in Aster tripolium L. I. The effect of salinity on growth   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract A study of the growth of the maritime halophyte Aster tripolium L. has been carried out over a range of salinity treatments. The regression approach to growth analysis using frequent small harvests has been used to allow ‘continuous’ measurement of growth over a period of 36 d. Salinity was applied with the major ions present in ratios typical of those found in seawater. Growth was inhibited in terms of both dry weight production and leaf expansion at salinity levels equivalent to 0.625 strength sea water (full culture solution 300) and above, with the greatest effect being seen in terms of leaf area. Aster tripolium did not show increased succulence at high salinity, leaf fresh weight to dry weight ratio in fact declined, whilst leaf fresh weight per unit area remained constant. It should be noted that the plants exhibit low growth rates due to the low light intensity used.  相似文献   

Highly soluble salts are undesirable in agriculture because they reduce yields or the quality of most cash crops and can leak to surface or sub-surface waters. In some cases salinity can be associated with unique history, rarity, or special habitats protected by environmental laws. Yet in considering the measurement of soil salinity for long-term monitoring purposes, adequate methods are required. Both saturated paste extracts, intended for agriculture, and direct surface and/or porewater salinity measurement, used in inundated wetlands, are unsuited for hypersaline wetlands that often are only occasionally inundated. For these cases, we propose the use of 1:5 soil/water (weight/weight) extracts as the standard for expressing the electrical conductivity (EC) of such soils and for further salt determinations. We also propose checking for ion-pairing with a 1:10 or more diluted extract in hypersaline soils. As an illustration, we apply the two-dilutions approach to a set of 359 soil samples from saline wetlands ranging in ECe from 2.3 dS m-1 to 183.0 dS m-1. This easy procedure will be useful in survey campaigns and in the monitoring of soil salt content.  相似文献   

The measurement of Photosynthetic rates of algae growing on the undersurface of 1. 7 m thick ice in the Canadian Arctic (Resolute Passage. N.W.T.) presents several problems. During the preparation of samples for physiological measurements, the ice algae may he exposed to salinity and temperature shocks. Fluorescence induction (the rise in in vivo Chl a fluorescence intensity during a period of millineconds) and photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) experiments examined the potential effects of salinity and temperature on the physiology of ice algae. Experimental suspensions were routinely prepared by scraping one part ire crystals (11–14%0 salinity) and attached algae from the bottom ice into four parts filtered seawater (32%0 salinity). giving a final salinity of 28–31%0. Post-dilution of melted ice scrapings with seawater suppressed photosynthetic 14C-fixation and decreased ADCMU (the area above the fluorescence induction curve measured in the presence of the inhibitor DCMC: an estimate of photosynthetic capacity) by a factor of 3–16. due to the low salinity of the melted ice scrapings. Fluorescence induction and PI experiments showed that the ice algae had a salinity optimum near 30%0, close to the ambient seawater salinity, Experiments in which the Chl a concentration was manipulated showed that ADCMU, Pam (Chl a-normalized rate of photosynthesis at light saturation), and a (photosynthetic efficiency) declined with increasing Chl a concentration. Ice algae tolerated heating (l.5°C-min-1) up to 17° C, above which ADCMU’decreased with sample temperature.  相似文献   


The mechanism of salinity perception was measured in Stage I zoeae of the estuarine crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii. The behavioral assay for perception of a salinity decrease was the loss of positive phototaxis while the reversal in geotactic sign from positive to negative was used for studying a salinity increase. A change in sodium chloride concentration is the primary environmental cue signalling a salinity change. However, neither sodium nor chloride per se is required for detection, since other salts such as lithium nitrate, can substitute for sodium chloride. The minor ions of seawater (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulfate) have a modulating effect upon larval behavior, but play no role in salinity perception. The exact mechanism for perception of an increase and a decrease in salinity is different. Substitution experiments indicate that in the perception of a salinity decrease, only salts having a cation similar in size to sodium can mimic salinity changes whereas in the detection of a salinity increase, cation size is not an important parameter. The stimulation effectiveness of anions is correlated with neither size nor valence. Though osmolality is probably not involved in perceiving a decreased salinity, it may serve a role in the detection of a salinity increase. A charge in pH has no effect upon perception of a salinity decrease, but does affect perception of a salinity increase. A classical salt receptor appears to be involved in sensing a salinity decrease, while a different type of receptor is used for detecting an increase in salinity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Continuous high resolution measurement of sugar beet leaf extension over 5 d in growth chambers showed average leaf extension rates (LER) in darkness to be from three to six times those in light for plants growing in non-salinized media. The changes in LER in light-dark transitions occurred within seconds, a response which was more rapid than stomatal opening or closing. When the growth medium was salinized to 100 mol m−3 NaCl, LER's were reduced by about 50% in darkness and 90% in light, markedly increasing the ratio of dark to light LER.
A 2-d episode of root-zone salinity imposed midway through a 5-d period of measurement decreased LER and produced higher leaf temperatures. LER and diurnal leaf temperature patterns reverted to their pre-salinized levels when root-zone salinity was removed. Thus, the effects of short episodes of high sodium chloride in the growth medium appear to be reversible, suggesting a water stress mechanism of growth reduction rather than toxicity effects of salt.  相似文献   

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