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桡足类滞育规律研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
首次提出用滞育指数对桡足类滞育能力进行相对量化处理 ,并对 10 2种桡足类的滞育能力同迁移能力、体长、栖息地之间的关系进行了数学分析 ,初步得出了滞育在桡足类中的分布规律 :在桡足类中滞育与迁移呈负相关 ,两者之间存在一定程度的置换 ;个体较小的桡足类一般具有较强的滞育能力和较弱的迁移能力 ,个体较大的桡足类一般具有较弱的滞育能力和较强的迁移能力 ;淡水桡足类一般比海洋桡足类具有较强的滞育能力。最后探讨了这种分布模式的成因  相似文献   

重金属对海洋桡足类的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾艳艺  黄小平 《生态学报》2010,30(4):1042-1049
桡足类是海洋浮游动物种群的主要组成部分和重要的初级消费者,重金属污染对其影响可通过食物链传递到其他海洋生物甚至人类。综述了近20 a来重金属对桡足类影响的研究进展,包括重金属对桡足类的毒性和生理效应,重金属在桡足类体内蓄积及桡足类体内重金属的食物链(网)传递。并指出今后的研究重点:桡足类体内致毒重金属的存在形式,重金属食物暴露对桡足类生理生化影响机理,以及重金属对桡足类生活史的影响。  相似文献   

罗洪添  王庆  田恬  杨宇峰 《生态学杂志》2016,35(4):1026-1030
休眠卵是桡足类渡过不良环境的重要生存策略,是水体桡足类种群的重要潜在补充来源。通过采集珠江口南沙海域表层沉积物,研究了不同盐度和低温冷藏对桡足类休眠卵萌发的影响。结果表明:南沙沉积物中休眠卵萌发量和萌发率在盐度为20和盐度为5的实验组中最高;用50μm孔径筛绢过滤后,50μm粒径沉积物中休眠卵萌发量显著高于50μm粒径的休眠卵(P0.05);冷藏30 d后休眠卵萌发量显著高于冷藏前休眠卵萌发量(P0.05);冷藏前的休眠卵主要是静止卵和已渡过不应期的滞育卵,而冷藏后的休眠卵主要是未渡过不应期的滞育卵,表明50μm粒径沉积物中休眠卵主要以滞育卵为主。研究结果为进一步了解河口桡足类受到盐度干扰后的潜在补充机制提供了基础数据,对揭示河口桡足类种类演替规律具有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

植食性浮游桡足类摄食生态学研究进展   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
李超伦  王克 《生态学报》2002,22(4):593-596
由于浮游动物在调节海洋生物生产中的关键作用,对其摄食生态学的研究一直是海洋生态学研究的重点。总结了近年关于浮游动物主要类群-桡足类对浮游植物摄食的研究进展及其在海洋生态系统动力学研究中的重要意义。主要包括:影响植食怀桡足类摄食强度的主要因素,饵料对于桡足类种群变动的影响;现场测定桡足类摄食率的方法以及海洋生态系统动力学研究中需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

桡足类与硅藻相互作用的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李捷  李超伦  张展  陶振铖 《生态学杂志》2005,24(9):1085-1089
硅藻对桡足类繁殖的影响是近年来海洋生态学的热点问题,主要体现在降低了桡足类的产卵和孵化成功率。其可能原因在于硅藻大量繁殖后由于缺乏某种关键营养物质或自身产生某种抑制物阻碍了桡足类繁殖过程。但目前现场、室内实验结果不一:室内实验结果显示硅藻对桡足类繁殖的抑制作用主要是因为缺乏必要的多不饱和酸(PUFAs)。而现场实验结果则表明硅藻可产生次级代谢产物(小分子量的醛类)阻碍桡足类卵的孵化。由于目前对这种硅藻.桡足类相互作用机制和影响程度尚不清楚,如果这一现象在自然海区中普遍存在,传统上关于“硅藻-桡足类-鱼类”的海洋经典食物链观点势必存在极大的缺陷。文章介绍了这一问题的目前研究进展和将来的研究前景。  相似文献   

本文选取海洋桡足类日本虎斑猛水蚤(Tigriopus japonicus)为模式生物,采用生化测定和实验生态学方法,研究不同酸化胁迫对桡足类体内抗氧化性指标[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)和脂质过氧化(LPO)]、幼体发育时间、世代发育时间和产后代数的影响。结果表明:海水酸化可显著诱导桡足类的抗氧化性酶(SOD和CAT)的活性,而GST活性不受酸化影响,同时酸化可显著提高桡足类的LPO水平,可见该桡足类可通过SOD和CAT活性的提高来抵抗酸化胁迫引起的氧化胁迫;另外,酸化显著缩短桡足类的幼体发育时间和世代发育时间,并显著抑制其产后代数,提示酸化可以影响海洋桡足类的种群补充和动态;酸化引起该桡足类氧化胁迫的出现,继而对细胞生物大分子(如蛋白质、核酸等)造成氧化损伤,最终影响到该动物的个体水平和种群动态(如缩短发育时间和抑制繁殖力)。  相似文献   

高浓度硅藻对桡足类繁殖的抑制作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李捷  李超伦 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2664-2670
硅藻作为海洋浮游植物重要的组分 ,一直被看作是桡足类主要的食物来源。但近 10年来许多现场和实验室研究表明 :硅藻 ,特别是高浓度硅藻对桡足类的繁殖具有抑制作用。目前 ,对于抑制作用的机制存在着两种假设 :硅藻细胞缺乏某种关键营养物质或自身产生某种有毒物质阻碍了桡足类繁殖过程。大量的室内实验发现 :关键营养物缺乏使桡足类产卵率降低 ,对于硅藻细胞化学组成的分析表明这种物质可能是某些不饱和脂肪酸。而高浓度硅藻是否会产生毒性物质影响桡足类孵化率则存在很大的分歧。许多室内和野外实验证据显示当硅藻浓度很高时 ,桡足类孵化率显著降低 ,表现为大量未孵化的卵和畸形无节幼体。对硅藻溶出液的分析发现其中含有的不饱和醛类可能正是阻碍胚胎发育的物质。但也有一些室内和现场实验的结果表明并非所有的硅藻和桡足类之间都存在这种抑制作用。目前研究结果大多来自于室内实验 ,在自然海区中的作用机制和影响程度尚不清楚 ,但是如果这一现象在自然海区中普遍存在 ,传统上关于“硅藻——桡足类——鱼类”的海洋经典食物链观点势必存在极大的缺陷。文章针对这一问题分析了目前研究进展和将来工作前景  相似文献   

三峡水库坝前段蓄水前后桡足类种类组成的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三峡水库蓄水后库区水环境发生了巨大变化,坝前茅坪至归州的西陵峡段由激流型河流生态系统演变为相对静水的水库型生态系统。桡足类是河流、湖泊、水库中重要的浮游动物类群,在水生态系统中占有重要地位,在浮游动物的研究中备受重视[1—7]。20世纪50年代三峡水库论证时也曾对其淹没区小水体的桡足类进行过调查,并对建库后的桡足类的种类组成进行了预测,但当时在未成库区干流中没有采集到桡足类[8]。作者对三峡水库蓄水前后坝前段(茅坪至归州)的桡足类进行研究,以期为三峡水库水生态系统中桡足类的演替、水环境管理、第二和第三阶段蓄水后桡…  相似文献   

桡足类是水域生态系统的关键类群,在物质循环、能量流动和信息传递中起着重要作用.休眠卵是桡足类的重要生存策略,在抵抗不利环境、维持种群延续等方面起着重要作用.本文综述了河口近海桡足类休眠卵种类组成及其分布、休眠卵存活时间、休眠卵萌发率和沉积物中休眠卵丰度以及对水体的潜在补充量及其影响因素等.对河口近海桡足类休眠卵生态学研究提出了展望,以期为相关研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

甲壳动物中的桡足类,是淡水浮游生物的主要组成部分,在湖泊、水库、池塘和稻田中,可常年形成优势种群,生物量也相当大,所以它是淡水养殖鱼类的重要饵料。中剑水蚤和温剑水蚤属中的一些肉食性种类,是人体、家畜、家禽和某些寄生虫的中间宿主,又可噬食鱼卵和侵害鱼苗,所以,桡足类与鱼类养殖和畜牧业都有密切关系。四川桡足类的研究,解放前仅由布雷姆(Brehm1923)报道了广东和四川的桡足类10种。1943年胡荣祖在重庆北碚及其附近水域采集了一些桡足类标木,经鉴定有8种。解放后,由于种种原因,对四川省桡足类的研究仍然不多。1975年宋大祥等报道了…  相似文献   

The paper reviews the data on diapause and related phenomena in stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Using stink bugs as examples, the consecutive stages of the complex dynamic process of diapause (such as diapause preparation, induction, initiation, maintenance, termination, post-diapause quiescence, and resumption of direct development) are described and discussed. Out of 43 pentatomid species studied in relation to diapause in the Temperate Zone up to date, the majority (38 species) overwinter as adults, two species—as eggs, and another two species—as nymphs. Pentatoma rufipes is believed to be able to overwinter at different stages of its life cycle. Less than 5 % of pentatomid species are probably able to overwinter twice. Only five species have obligate diapause, others have the facultative one. Day-length and temperature are the main diapause inducing factors in the majority of species. The role of food in the control of seasonal development is essential in the pentatomid species feeding on plant seeds. In different species, different stages are sensitive to day-length. Some pentatomids retain sensitivity to photoperiod even after diapause, others lose it and become photo-refractory (temporarily or permanently). In Pentatomidae, such seasonal adaptations as photoperiodic control of nymphal growth rates, seasonal body colour change, migrations, and summer diapause (aestivation) are widely represented, whereas wing and/or wing muscle polymorphism has not been reported yet. In the subfamily Podopinae, induction of facultative reproductive winter diapause is under the control of photoperiod and temperature. All species feed on seeds and their seasonal development to a great extent reflects availability of food. However, the same food preferences and pattern of seasonal development are also characteristic to many species from the subfamily Pentatominae. All species of the subfamily Asopinae are predators. Among them, Picromerus bidens and Apateticus cynicus have obligate embryonic winter diapause, which is rear among true bugs. At the same time, A. cynicus and Podisus maculiventris belong to the same tribe but have different types of diapause: obligate embryonic diapause in A. cynicus and facultative adult diapause in P. maculiventris. Other Asopinae species studied up to date have facultative adult diapause controlled by photoperiod and temperature with probably only one exception: in Andrallus spinidens, adult diapause is controlled by temperature, and photoperiod plays only a secondary role. Thus, in spite of the similar habits and feeding types among Asopinae, the species of this subfamily have different types of diapause and the latter is controlled by different factors. In the subfamily Pentatominae, most species overwinter as adults and induction of their diapause is controlled by the long-day type photoperiodic response, in spite of the differences in their feeding preferences (within phytophagy). However, there are some exceptions in this subfamily, too: Palomena prasina, P. angulosa and Menida scotti have obligate diapause, which conditions univoltinism in these pentatomids. In M. scotti, only females have obligate adult diapause, whereas males remain physiologically active through the whole winter, this pattern being unusual for Heteroptera. The univoltine seasonal cycle of this species with summer diapause (aestivation) and apparent migrations is similar to that of shield bugs (Scutelleridae). According to the analysis of seasonal development, the evolution of seasonal adaptations in Pentatomidae does not directly reflect their phylogeny. However, individual genera, small tribes or even subfamilies have similar complexes of seasonal adaptations. At the same time, Pentatominae is a large and apparently collected taxon, but most of species in this subfamily have the same facultative adult diapause.  相似文献   

The effect of anoxia on diapause development in the leaf beetle Atrachya menetriesi was investigated to elucidate the role of oxygen in regulation of egg diapause. While anoxia alone had no effect on diapause termination, it decreased diapause intensity before chilling. Such an effect reached a maximum level when anoxia lasted for about 10 days. Anoxia applied during the pre-diapause stage also reduced diapause intensity. On the other hand, anoxia terminated diapause when the diapause intensity had been lowered by sufficient duration of chilling (50 days at 7.5 degrees C). The effect of anoxia was temperature dependent; the larger effect was elicited when anoxia was combined with a higher temperature. A 50-day chilling caused more than 20% of eggs to terminate diapause upon transfer to warm conditions. However, when this chilling period was interrupted on the 20th day by a 5-day exposure to a high temperature of 20, 25 or 30 degrees C, the effect of the former chilling was cancelled partially or completely, suggesting that warming reversed diapause development. This reversing effect of a high temperature, however, was not manifested when the warming was combined with anoxia. The results suggest that anoxia inhibits diapause reversal and facilitates a certain process of diapause development. The sequence of exposure to anoxia and chilling is not important.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The interaction of photoperiod and temperature in the regulation of the induction and termination of the larval diapause of the Southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera), was examined. A population originating from south-eastern Missouri had critical daylengths for diapause induction of about 15h 5min (ecological threshold) and llh (physiological threshold). The ecological threshold was more stable than was the physiological threshold at temperatures lower than 25°C. Above 25°C the diapause response was suppressed. The insect appears to measure photoperiods in a stationary manner since a stepwise increase or decrease in photoperiod did not affect the incidence of diapause. In the critical region of the photoperiodic response curve, a higher incidence of diapause was found among females than among males. Females entered diapause later than did males, but resumed active development earlier than males. The rate of diapause development was more temperature dependent than was the rate of diapause induction, yet it was also clearly under photoperiodic control. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for this process was about 4. Several other factors including sex-linkage, age, and geographic adaptations are involved in controlling the rate of diapause development, even more so than they are in controlling diapause induction. In the laboratory, the intensity of diapause declined gradually without larvae being exposed to non-diapause inducing conditions. Incubation of field-collected larvae revealed that their sensitivity to diapause maintaining photoperiods had ended by January. Three generations of selection of a Mississippi population of D. grandiosella at 30°C and LD 12:12 led to the production of an essentially diapause-free strain and a diapause strain.  相似文献   

刘俊  张培君  李松海 《兽类学报》2022,42(1):95-107
胚胎滞育(Embryonic diapause)是存在于部分哺乳动物中的一种生存策略和繁殖状态.其具体过程为:胚胎在着床前停止或减缓发育形成胚胎滞育期,滞育期结束后胚胎再次活化,且滞育过程不会对随后的胚胎发育产生任何不良影响.胚胎滞育主要分为两种类型:兼性滞育(Facultative diapause)和专性滞育(Ob...  相似文献   

Effects of putrescine on diapause induction and intensity, and post‐diapause development in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Wuhan, Hubei, China were studied in the laboratory at different temperatures and photoperiod conditions. The results showed a generally higher incidence of diapause in putrescine‐feeding groups. Putrescine feeding distinctly restricted the development of non‐diapause‐destined and diapause‐destined larvae, except at 0.01% putrescine concentration, which accelerated the development of larvae at 21 °C. Putrescine had no significant effect on the duration of diapause, although it inhibited the post‐diapause development of pupae. Photoperiod played a different role in diapause induction and post‐diapause development between 21 and 23 °C. Putrescine played a definite role in diapause induction and intensity, and post‐diapause development in H. armigera, and a significant interaction between putrescine, photophase, and temperature is to be expected.  相似文献   

Abstract. Face flies overwinter as adults in reproductive diapause. Administration of 20-hyroxyecdysone and/or methoprene induced reproductive development in diapausing flies which were maintained in a diapause-inducing environment. Hormone effects were additive and female flies were more sensitive than males. Release of vitellogenin from cultured fat body was stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone or methoprene. Transfer of flies from diapause to diapause-breaking environments induced some to break diapause, but this decreased with the time flies had been in a diapause-inducing environment. In contrast, topical application of methoprene to diapausing flies induced reproductive development irrespective of their ages even when they were kept in the diapause-inducing environment for 80 day degrees above a 12°C base temperature (14.5 days). Therefore diapause induction must depend on hormone levels less than some threshold level. The putative threshold varied according to diapause propensities of different genetic lines. Lines showing high frequencies of diapause required greater amounts of methoprene for reproductive development in diapause conditions than did lines showing low frequencies of diapause.  相似文献   

Characteristics of summer diapause in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, were clarified by laboratory experiments. Temperature was the primary factor for the induction of summer diapause in this species. The critical temperature for diapause induction was approximately 24 degrees C, regardless of the photoperiod. At 23 degrees C, the development of the diapausing pupae was arrested the day after pupariation, when about 7% of the total pupal development had occurred in terms of total effective temperature (degree-days). The most sensitive period for temperature with regard to diapause induction was estimated to be between pupariation and "pupation" (i.e., evagination of the head in cyclorrhaphous flies). Completion of diapause occurred at a wide range of temperatures (4-25 degrees C): The optimal temperature was approximately 16 degrees C, at which temperature only five days were required for diapause completion. The characteristics of summer diapause in D. antiqua are discussed in comparison with those of summer dormancy in a congener D. radicum and those of winter diapause in D. antiqua.  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and temperature on diapause induction and termination were investigated in both aestival and hibernal pupae of Pegomyia bicolor Wiedemann under field and laboratory conditions. In the field, summer diapause had occurred already in part of the first pupal population; the proportion of diapause gradually rose as the day length and temperature increased. This fly is a short-day species with a pupal summer and winter diapause. Summer diapause was induced by both long day-lengths and mild temperatures. The whole larval life is sensitive to photoperiod. Winter diapause was induced mainly by low temperatures, especially in the first 10 days after pupation. High temperatures strongly enhanced summer diapause induction regardless of photoperiod. The diapause-averting influence of short photoperiods was fully expressed only at moderately low temperatures. High temperatures delayed diapause development, resulting in a rather long summer diapause; whereas low temperatures hastened it, leading to a short winter diapause and showing a low thermal threshold for diapause development. In the field, the post-diapause development started in January, the coldest month, suggesting that the thermal requirements for post-diapause development is also low.  相似文献   

Abstract .The pine sawfly, Diprion pini L, like almost all Diprionidae, has complex diapause phenomena which affect the prepupal stages (eonymph and pronymph) in the cocoon. Experiments using 20-hydroxyecdysone to break diapause of different populations of D. pini , were conducted. Doses of 2 and 10 μg/g of the hormone were injected into the insects in diapause, previously removed from their cocoons and placed in transparent capsules to observe their development. The experiments showed that 20-hydroxyecdysone may cause D. pini to resume development and may even totally break the diapause. However, this reactivation seemed to require large doses of 20-hydroxyecdysone. Moreover, the effects of applying this hormone varied according to the insect's origin, duration of the diapause maintenance and conditions of photoperiod and temperature present before and after the treatment. According to the cases, this resumption of development can affect a variable fraction of individuals and be more or less complete. It is suggested that the reaction to 20-hydroxyecdysone in standard conditions could be used to measure the intensity of the diapause of natural D. pini populations.  相似文献   

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