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【目的】分析蜂王上颚腺信息素(Queen mandibular pheromone,QMP)对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana(简称中蜂)雄蜂与意大利蜜蜂Apismelliferaligustica(简称意蜂)雄蜂行为反应的变化,探索两蜂种雄蜂之间婚飞的干扰机理。【方法】本试验通过室内Y型嗅觉仪检测QMP及其主要成分反式-9-氧代-2-癸烯酸[(E)-9-oxodec-2-enoicacid,9-ODA]对飞行、爬行状态下中蜂雄蜂与意蜂雄蜂选择行为的差异进行研究。【结果】飞行或爬行状态下的中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂,均对3.5、7.0和14.0μg/μL的9-ODA没有显著趋向性反应(P 0.05);飞行中蜂雄蜂、飞行与爬行意蜂雄蜂均对0.04、0.2、1.0及7.0μg/μL的QMP具有显著趋避反应(P 0.05),而QMP对爬行中蜂雄蜂无显著影响(P 0.05);在中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂共存时的试验中发现:飞行、爬行意蜂雄蜂均对7.0μg/μL QMP存在显著趋避反应(P 0.05),而7.0μg/μL QMP对飞行或爬行中蜂雄蜂均无显著影响(P 0.05)。【结论】在室内环境下,QMP对中蜂、意蜂雄蜂有驱避作用。  相似文献   

意蜂(Apis mellifera)蜂王婚飞交尾机制的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过氯气球悬挂意蜂(Apis mellifera)雌蜂及提取物等方法模拟蜂王婚飞交尾试验,比较不同生理状态的雌蜂及其提取物对雄蜂的性引诱力,结果表明:1.在工峰、处女王与产卵王及其提取物中,以产卵王及其提取物对雄峰性诱最大.平均分别为16只和14.3只雄蜂;2.不同数量的处女王提取物对雄蜂引诱力存在差异.以3只处女王提取物对雄蜂引诱力最大,平均引诱31.3只雄蜂;3.1000烛光以上的光照比400烛光以下的光照更有利于雄蜂的水分,且雄蜂集聚的个性体敏越多,相互激活力越强。  相似文献   

【目的】性信息素受体(sex pheromone receptors, PRs)是雄蜂感受蜂王上颚腺信息素(queen mandibular pheromone, QMP)的重要受体。本研究分析中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana(简称"中蜂")和意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica(简称"意蜂")雄蜂触角和大脑中候选性信息素受体基因Prs受QMP刺激下的表达特征,为探索蜜蜂气味受体(OR)基因的功能研究提供理论依据。【方法】利用qRT-PCR技术检测分析分别用10μL QMP[7.04μg/μL反式-9-氧代-2-癸烯酸(9-ODA)+1.26μg/μL 9-羟基-2-癸烯酸(9-HDA)+0.03μg/μL对羟基苯甲酸甲酯(HOB)]和10μL 7.04μg/μL 9-ODA处理对飞行状态和爬行状态下的中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂触角和大脑中4个气味受体基因(Or10,Or11,Or18和Or170)的mRNA表达量的影响。【结果】与空白对照组相比,QMP及9-ODA均能显著下调中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂触角与大脑中Or11的mRNA表达量;中蜂雄蜂触角中AcOr18和AcOr170基因受QMP及9-ODA刺激后mRNA表达量显著下调;QMP与9-ODA均能显著降低中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂大脑中Or170的mRNA表达量。在QMP或9-ODA刺激下,飞行中蜂雄蜂大脑中AcOr11的mRNA表达量显著高于爬行中蜂雄蜂大脑中的,而飞行与爬行中蜂雄蜂触角中AcOr11的mRNA表达量没有显著差异。【结论】中蜂和意蜂雄蜂触角与大脑中气味受体基因Or11均能应答蜂王上颚腺信息素9-ODA,且受9-ODA刺激后Or11的mRNA表达下调。  相似文献   

【目的】外来物种与本土亲缘关系较近的物种可能会发生交尾竞争,干扰本土物种的正常繁衍。欧洲地熊蜂Bombus terrestris是全球范围内商业化应用最广的传粉蜂种,但在许多国家造成了生物入侵。本研究旨在明确欧洲地熊蜂对我国本土熊蜂产生生殖干扰的可能性。【方法】采用四级杆飞行时间-气质联用系统(gas chromatography-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry,GC-QTOF/MS)测定了欧洲地熊蜂和我国本土9种熊蜂的雄蜂头部分泌物的成分,并进行聚类分析;在人工控制环境下比较了欧洲地熊蜂对我国重要熊蜂种类的交尾影响。【结果】雄蜂头部分泌物气质色谱图在同一熊蜂种内基本一致,而在不同熊蜂种之间差异明显;我国红光熊蜂B.ignitus、兰州熊蜂B.lantschouensis与欧洲地熊蜂的雄蜂头部分泌物成分相似性分别为58.49%与49.23%;在人工控制环境下欧洲地熊蜂雄蜂可以与兰州熊蜂蜂王杂交,并能够显著降低兰州熊蜂的交尾成功率(P0.01)。【结论】欧洲地熊蜂与我国一些熊蜂种的雄蜂头部分泌物成分相似性较高,能够干扰其正常交尾,具有较高的生殖干扰风险。为了保护我国本土熊蜂资源与生态系统平衡避免造成生物入侵,我们应该谨慎使用外来熊蜂物种。  相似文献   

【目的】明确一种斑翅果蝇寄生蜂Trichopria drosophilae的交配行为以及雌雄蜂的交配次数对后代的影响。【方法】在室内对斑翅果蝇寄生蜂的交配行为进行观察,记录该蜂在交配行为中所出现的求偶行为、交尾前期行为、交尾行为和交尾完毕的动作及持续时间。测定寄生蜂各交配次数下的雌蜂寿命、后代出蜂总量和后代性比。【结果】寄生蜂的交配过程包括以下几个阶段:求偶,雄蜂逐渐靠近雌虫、追逐雌蜂并震动翅膀,直至爬上雌虫背部整个过程持续(50.47±85.01)s。交尾前期,雄虫头部从雌蜂的两触角中间伸出,并将触角从雌虫触角两侧向中间有规律的触碰雌虫触角,直至雌蜂打开生殖孔,整个过程持续(43.73±13.97)s。交尾,雄蜂将雄性交配器插入雌性生殖孔整个过程持续(36.28±11.03)s。交尾后期,雌虫左右甩动腹部2~3次,主动与雄虫分离整个过程持续(8.95±3.40)s。观察结果显示,雌虫一生只能交配一次,雄蜂一生交配次数在(16.54±1.37)次,最多达到19次(N=10),雄虫的交配次数对与之交配的雌蜂的寿命和后代总量无显著影响。雄蜂的交配次数对雌性后代的性比有显著影响。【结论】该寄生蜂的交配过程主要分为雄虫求偶、交尾前期、交尾、交尾后期等阶段。求偶和交尾前期阶段主要行为是雄虫追逐雌蜂、爬上雌虫背部并用触角摩擦雌虫触角。交尾阶段主要行为是雄蜂交配器插入雌性生殖孔。交尾后期主要行为是雌蜂将雄蜂甩开,是雌虫唯一主动发起的行为。随着雄蜂交配次数增加,雌蜂后代雌/雄性比降低。  相似文献   

游兰韶  陈绍鹄 《昆虫知识》1993,30(2):107-111
中蜂扁腹茧蜂隶茧蜂科。本文报道其危害、形态、生活史;成虫羽化、性比、交尾产卵、寿命,寄生率;幼虫和蛹的特性;并提出防治意见。  相似文献   

栖息环境和种间竞争对中华蜜蜂群体分布的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
在植被结构和生态条件不同的皖南山区和皖西大别山区、江淮地区及淮北平原,栖息环境的改变和种间竞争的生存竞争等因素是影响中蜂群体分布的主要因素.皖南山区和皖西大别山区自然植被完整,生态条件好,蜜粉源植物丰富,中蜂群体数量多,分布区域广,分布密度高,中蜂蜂王自然交配极少受到干扰,种间竞争处于优势,是中蜂栖息与繁衍的理想场所.江淮地区和淮北平原自然植被少,生态平历受到不同程度破坏,蟹粉源植物种类少,花期短而集中,中蜂蜂王自然交配受到意蜂雄蜂干扰,种间竞争处于劣势,中蜂群体数量锐减,分布区域缩小,群体分布密度大幅度下降,淮北平原比江淮地区更显著.  相似文献   

蝇蛹金小蜂的交配行为及雄蜂交配次数对雌蜂繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙芳  陈中正  段毕升  贺张  谢磊  胡好远 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4354-4360
多数昆虫能够进行多次交配,随寄生蜂雄蜂交配次数的增加,雄蜂体内精子减少,雌蜂获得的精子数量减少,产下更多的单倍体卵,发育为雄性后代;一些单寄生性的寄生蜂雌蜂一生仅能够交配1次。描述了蝇蛹金小蜂雌雄蜂的交配行为,探讨了雄蜂交配次数对雌蜂后代产量等的影响以及雌蜂的可交配次数。结果表明,交配过程包括求偶、交尾前期、交尾和交尾后期;雄蜂已交配的次数并不能够显著影响其配偶的寿命、产卵期和后代总数量,但显著影响到其配偶的雌、雄后代数量和性比。随雄蜂交配次数的增加,与之交配的雌蜂的后代雄性百分比显著增大,雌蜂在产卵期内更早地出现较多雄性后代,体内精子不足的现象更加明显。无论已交配的蝇蛹金小蜂雌蜂在产卵期中是否出现精子不足,均不能再次完成交配。  相似文献   

Apidermin (APD)蛋白家族是一个新的昆虫结构性表皮蛋白家族。本研究结合生物信息学和RT-PCR扩增, 对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica(简称“意蜂”)的apd-1-like, apd-3-like和中华蜜蜂Apis cerena cerena(简称“中蜂”)的apd-2 等3个新的apd基因的结构特征和表达进行了分析, 并分析了昆虫APD蛋白家族的序列特征。结果显示, 在西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera(简称“西蜂”)中, apd基因家族的6个成员串联排列在基因组序列第4号连锁群上, 它们在A. m. ligustica雄蜂头部中的转录水平差异明显, 且其启动子序列所含顺式元件也不同。中蜂apd-2和意蜂apd-1-like都含有3个外显子和2个内含子, 而意蜂apd-3-like则由4个外显子和3个内含子组成。蛋白序列分析结果显示, 目前已知的10条APD蛋白序列N末端均具有相似的信号肽序列, 其成熟蛋白分子量为6.0~37.0 kD, pI为6.2~10.8。其中西蜂的APD1-3、APD-like和东方蜜蜂Apis cerena的APD-2等5条较短的多肽中疏水氨基酸残基达52%~67%, 且Ala含量最为丰富(占25%~34%); 而丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis的APD 1-3和西蜂APD-1-like, APD-3-like等另外5条APD多肽富含Gly(21%~30%), 其序列中疏水氨基酸残基含量为35%~41%。多肽序列多重比对和系统进化分析结果显示, APD家族可划分为2个亚家族。亚家族Ⅰ含有西蜂APD 1-3和东方蜜蜂APD-2等4条较短的多肽序列, 其N末端为一个长33 aa的保守基序; 亚家族Ⅱ由另外6条相对较长的多肽序列组成, 其N末端保守基序长50 aa, C末端保守基序长16 aa。本文所描述的APD蛋白家族序列特征有助于以后从其他昆虫中鉴定新的apd基因。  相似文献   

意蜂与中蜂血淋巴蛋白质成份的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了两个蜂种的血淋巴蛋白质成分。意蜂和中蜂都是Apis属,血淋巴蛋白质电泳谱相似。但是,两蜂种以及同一蜂种不同级别、不同发育阶段的电泳谱又各有特点。根据实验,我们把成年蜂血淋巴电泳谱分为11条带,雌蜂电泳谱上的带5是卵黄原蛋白;雄蜂卵黄原蛋白含量很少或测不出。 用Thorun方法,在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶平板电泳上测得意蜂卵黄原蛋白的分子量为185,000。  相似文献   

为了明确中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂在皖南山区生态适应性,研究两种蜜蜂的食物生态位、时间生态位和空间生态位及其差异,结果是中蜂与意蜂食物(蜜源植物)资源生态位宽度分别是 0.923、0.765,中蜂对蜜源植物采集喜好性差异小,而意蜂差异大,中蜂对意蜂生态位重迭为0.160,中蜂对意蜂生态位相似性为0.755;油菜花期,中蜂与意蜂时间资源生态位宽度分别是0.879、0.801,枇杷花期,分别是0.760、0.677,中蜂与意蜂的空间资源生态位宽度分别是0.797、0.670.中蜂3种生态位宽度均大于意蜂,中蜂三维生态位值是意蜂的1.61倍和1.57倍.表明中蜂在皖南山区生态适应性比意蜂强.  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂mrjp1 cDNA的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)8日龄工蜂头部cDNA文库,利用中蜂基因组的mrjp3部分基因片段作为杂交探针,采用DIG标记筛选cDNA文库,获得mrjps阳性克隆120个;对阳性克隆进行PCR扩增和测序,通过NCBI的BLAST序列比对,获得12个与印度蜂(Apis cerana india)、西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)mrjp1基因同源的中蜂mtjp1 cDNA片段,并进一步对中华蜜蜂mrjp1的cDNA全序列进行测定和分析。序列比对分析表明,东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)与西方蜜蜂mrjp1的cDNA序列相似性为93.78%,中华蜜蜂与印度蜂的相似性高达99.36%,这一结果从分子水平证实中华蜜蜂与印度蜂有较近的共同祖先,而东方蜜蜂与西方蜜蜂的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Populations of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana in China were surveyed for seven bee viruses: acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), sacbrood virus (SBV), and Isreal acute paralysis virus (IAPV). No KBV was detected from any samples of the two species. In A. mellifera, DWV was the most prevalent virus, but in A. cerana, SBV was the dominant. Simultaneous multiple infections of viruses were common in both species. This is the first report of detection of IAPV and CBPV in A. cerana.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is a common microsporidian pathogen, one of two Nosema species that cause "nosema disease" in honeybees, Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. Samples of N. ceranae rDNA from isolates collected in different locations were sequenced and one 5S rRNA was found to be upstream of SSUrRNA. The rDNA arrangement, 5'-5S rRNA-IGS-SSUrRNA-ITS-LSUrRNA-3', was found in all isolates. In order to better understand the distribution relationship between N. ceranae isolates from A. cerana and A. mellifera, their rRNA spacer regions were also sequenced for analysis. Results showed that there are no significant differences between the IGS sequences of the isolates and no difference in the ITS sequence with the exception of one transition found in an isolate from Martinique. These isolates showed consistency in the IGS phylogenic analysis suggesting that no transmission barrier exists between A. mellifera and A. cerana and there is no difference between isolates from geography separated areas.  相似文献   

从中华蜜蜂、意大利蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂5种雌成蜂毒腺中快速抽提总RNA,用RT-PCR方法分别扩增各得到大小约为350bp的cDNA片段,进一步将这5个片段克隆入pGEMT-easy载体,进行测序和序列分析。结果表明:所扩增得到的5个片段长度均为341bp,均包含一个完整的开放阅读框和3′端未编码区的188bp核苷酸序列,证实为5种蜂的蜂毒前肥大细胞脱粒肽原的cDNA。经序列比较,意大利蜜蜂、中华蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂前肥大细胞脱粒肽原核苷酸序列彼此间的同源性都为90%以上。中华蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂与意大利蜜蜂的前肥大细胞脱粒肽原氨基酸序列的同源性分别为96%、100%、94%和98%。尽管大胡蜂和墨胸胡蜂与意大利蜜蜂属于不同的科,但它们的肥大细胞脱粒肽却完全相同,而中华蜜蜂与意大利蜜蜂属于同一个属,它们的肥大细胞脱粒肽却不相同。中华蜜蜂和亚非马蜂肥大细胞脱粒肽第5号位的氨基酸为精氨酸,替代了意大利蜜蜂5号位的半胱氨酸,该位置的半胱氨酸与19号位的半胱氨酸组成意大利蜜蜂肥大细胞脱粒肽分子的一个对蛋白活性起重要作用的二硫键。  相似文献   

This study investigated bacterial community structures in the midguts of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana in Thailand to understand how bacterial communities develop in Apis species. The bacterial species present in replicate colonies from different locations and life stages were analysed. PCR amplification of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses revealed a total of 16 distinct terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), 12 of which were shared between A. mellifera and A. cerana populations. The T-RFs were affiliated to Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinomycetes. The Gammaproteobacteria were found to be common in all stages of honey bee, but in addition, the Firmicutes group was found to be present in the worker bees. Bacterial community structure showed no difference amongst the replicate colonies, but was affected to some degree by geographical location, life stage and species of honey bees.  相似文献   

本研究采用自行设计的引物对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana雄蜂触角中气味受体基因(Odorant receptors 170)Ac Or170的c DNA序列进行了克隆和序列分析,以探寻中华蜜蜂雄蜂气味受体Ac Or170基因在近缘种昆虫间的进化差异。结果表明:中华蜜蜂雄蜂气味受体基因Ac Or170的c DNA序列总长度为1356 bp,编码区序列长度为1188 bp,共编码396个氨基酸,其分子量为46.272 k Da,等电点8.96,Genbank登录号:KX264359。结构域的分析结果显示,该蛋白具有7tm-6一个保守结构域。经序列比对后发现,Or170的序列在中华蜜蜂、西方蜜蜂和大蜜蜂间的亲缘性很近。  相似文献   

Tan HW  Liu GH  Dong X  Lin RQ  Song HQ  Huang SY  Yuan ZG  Zhao GH  Zhu XQ 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23008
In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of Apis cerana, the Asiatic cavity-nesting honeybee. We present here an analysis of features of its gene content and genome organization in comparison with Apis mellifera to assess the variation within the genus Apis and among main groups of Hymenoptera. The size of the entire mt genome of A. cerana is 15,895 bp, containing 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and one control region. These genes are transcribed from both strands and have a nucleotide composition high in A and T. The contents of A+T of the complete genomes are 83.96% for A. cerana. The AT bias had a significant effect on both the codon usage pattern and amino acid composition of proteins. There are a total of 3672 codons in all 13 protein-coding genes, excluding termination codons. The most frequently used amino acid is Leu (15.52%), followed by Ile (12.85%), Phe (10.10%), Ser (9.15%) and Met (8.96%). Intergenic regions in the mt genome of A. cerana are 705 bp in total. The order and orientation of the gene arrangement pattern is identical to that of A. mellifera, except for the position of the tRNA-Ser(AGN) gene. Phylogenetic analyses using concatenated amino acid sequences of 13 protein-coding genes, with three different computational algorithms (NJ, MP and ML), all revealed two distinct groups with high statistical support, indicating that A. cerana and A. mellifera are two separate species, consistent with results of previous morphological and molecular studies. The complete mtDNA sequence of A. cerana provides additional genetic markers for studying population genetics, systematics and phylogeographics of honeybees.  相似文献   

In colonies of European Apis mellifera, Varroa jacobsoni reproduces both in drone and in worker cells. In colonies of its original Asian host, Apis cerana, the mites invade both drone and worker brood cells, but reproduce only in drone cells. Absence of reproduction in worker cells is probably crucial for the tolerance of A. cerana towards V. jacobsoni because it implies that the mite population can only grow during periods in which drones are reared. To test if non-reproduction of V. jacobsoni in worker brood cells of A. cerana is due to a trait of the mites or of the honey-bee species, mites from bees in A. mellifera colonies were artificially introduced into A. cerana worker brood cells and vice versa. Approximately 80% of the mites from A. mellifera colonies reproduced in naturally infested worker cells as well as when introduced into worker cells of A. mellifera and A. cerana. Conversely, only 10% of the mites from A. cerana colonies reproduced, both in naturally infested worker cells of A. cerana and when introduced into worker cells of A. mellifera. Hence, absence of reproduction in worker cells is due to a trait of the mites. Additional experiments showed that A. cerana bees removed 84% of the worker brood that was artificially infested with mites from A. mellifera colonies. Brood removal started 2 days after artificial infestation, which suggests that the bees responded to behaviour of the mites. Since removal behaviour of the bees will have a large impact on fitness of the mites, it probably plays an important role in selection for differential reproductive strategies. Our findings have large implications for selection programmes to breed less-susceptible bee strains. If differences in non-reproduction are mite specific, we should not only look for non-reproduction as such, but for colonies in which non-reproduction in worker cells is selected. Hence, in selection programmes fitness of mites that reproduce in both drone and worker cells should be compared to fitness of mites that reproduce only in drone cells. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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