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入侵植物在新生境中成功定殖后, 通过利用当地传粉昆虫促进繁殖可以更好地保证种群的扩张, 但是入侵植物在当地传粉网络中的角色和地位仍不是很清楚。本文利用西藏近年发现的入侵植物印加孔雀草(Tagetes minuta), 分析其访花昆虫所携带的植物花粉种类, 构建了植物花粉-传粉者网络, 探讨印加孔雀草快速入侵和扩张的可能机制。结果表明印加孔雀草为泛化传粉系统, 共有13种昆虫访花, 其中12种携带有印加孔雀草花粉, 所有花粉中印加孔雀草花粉数量占比为89.89%。12种印加孔雀草传粉昆虫中, 4种泛化传粉昆虫(1种蜂、2种食蚜蝇和1种蝇)是其主要传粉昆虫。本研究揭示印加孔雀草在较短时间内已经成功利用多种当地泛化传粉昆虫为其授粉, 已顺利融入当地的传粉网络, 今后需要更加重视对印加孔雀草的防控。  相似文献   

有花植物为繁殖成功,进化出各种各样的花部特征来吸引传粉者,如为传粉者提供花蜜、花粉、栖息地等,然而在33科146属的被子植物中也存在着不提供任何报酬而欺骗昆虫为其传粉的现象。这种欺骗性传粉模式主要出现在高度进化的具有多样化传粉模式的兰科植物中。报道了在姜科植物中首次发现的食源性欺骗传粉模式。对姜科山柰属海南三七进行连续2年的传粉生物学观察和研究发现,海南三七的花在早上5:30~6:00之间开放,下午17:00~18:00左右闭合萎蔫,持续大约11~12h。开花过程中花粉活性与柱头可受性均保持较高水平(>90%)。花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)为82.20±47.89(n=20)。木蜂是其主要的访花和传粉昆虫,访花目的是吸取花蜜。海南三七虽有细长线形的蜜腺,但并不分泌花蜜作为传粉昆虫访花的报酬,采用食源性欺骗的方式欺骗木蜂为其传粉。繁育系统的研究表明广西弄化的海南三七居群主要是通过根茎进行无性繁殖。  相似文献   

对迁地保护的珍稀濒危植物猬实的开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、访花昆虫种类、访花频率、花粉与胚珠比(P/O)、异交指数(OCI)进行观测.结果表明:猬实的单花期约为7 d,种群花期约为14 d,花冠展开后2~3 h,花粉活力达到最高,约为90%,3 d后花粉基本不具活力.在整个单花期,柱头一直具可授性,花冠展开后第2天可授性最强.花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为(398.1±63.7),异交指数(OCI)为3,表明猬实是以异交为主,自交亲和的繁育系统,有时需要传粉者完成传粉过程.猬实的访花昆虫有10余种,以膜翅目蜜蜂科和隧蜂科昆虫为主,另外还有少量双翅目食蚜蝇科昆虫,偶见鳞翅目的柑橘凤蝶和长喙天蛾,其中以蜜蜂科蜜蜂属昆虫传粉效率最高.迁地保护的猬实未见结籽,其原因还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

油茶是典型的异花授粉植物,其中虫媒是主要形式,所以利用野生传粉性昆虫来提高油茶授粉效率,解除花粉限制,是解决我国油茶产业"瓶颈"的有效方法之一。目前,关于油茶传粉昆虫的研究比较匮乏,仅限于传粉昆虫的种类调查和部分野生蜜蜂传粉生物学和营巢生物学特性研究,不能满足油茶产业发展的需要。在现有研究基础上,结合传粉昆虫研究发展趋势,本文将提出以下几个重要研究内容:油茶访花昆虫种类的调查和鉴定;主要传粉昆虫传粉生物学研究;优势传粉昆虫的筛选;野生传粉蜜蜂与油茶授粉间的关系;利用传粉昆虫与油茶的协同进化进行油茶品种选育。以期为油茶传粉昆虫的后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

八角金盘(Fatsia japonica(Thunb.)Dccne.et Planch.)为冬季开花植物,探讨其访花昆虫种类及访花行为对研究冬季开花植物的传粉生物学规律具有重要意义。对八角金盘访花昆虫种类、访花频率、访花时间、访花行为进行了初步研究。结果发现:八角金盘的传粉昆虫有2目、3科、3种,主要为膜翅目胡蜂科金环胡蜂Vespa mandarinia Smith、双翅目食蚜蝇科斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇Scaeva pyrastri(L.)及丽蝇科大头金蝇Chrysomya(Compsomyia)megacephala(Fabricius);八角金盘提供的酬物主要为花粉与花蜜,食蚜蝇舔食其花粉与花蜜,而金环胡蜂与大头金蝇主要吮吸花蜜;金环胡蜂、大头金蝇及斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇的访花高峰均在10:30—14:30;斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇访花时间较长,5~10min,金环胡蜂访花时间较短,8~30s,大头金蝇访花时间最短只有3~5s。八角金盘具有较低的自花授粉能力,但主要为异花授粉植物。  相似文献   

随着各种环境压力的日益增大,传粉昆虫多样性及其保护研究逐渐得到重视。为了调查三江源地区传粉昆虫的基本概况,于2021年7-9月通过随机样点法和定点观测法对14类(4目12科)传粉昆虫类群的传粉活动进行了观测。共得到传粉活动记录7 247条,观察到受访植物37种(13科31属)。分析结果表明,三江源地区传粉昆虫类群的传粉活力由高到低依次是熊蜂(访花频次占总频次的70.13%)、其他双翅目昆虫(11.19%)、灰蝶(10.49%)和蛱蝶(3.08%),而其他的传粉昆虫类群的访花频次占比不足1%,传粉作用较弱;其中,熊蜂在不同植物上的访花活动会呈现不同的高峰期:如在甘肃马先蒿Pedicularis kansuensis上呈现两个访花高峰期(11∶00-12∶00和18∶00-19∶00),而在假水生龙胆Gentiana pseudoaquatica上只有一个访花高峰期(11∶00-12∶00)等。研究显示,熊蜂是三江源地区传粉活力最高的传粉昆虫类群,且其访花的日活动规律因自身特性、受访植物种类和外界环境变化呈现不同的访花高峰期。三江源地区的生态平衡离不开传粉昆虫的作用,加强对传粉昆虫的保护有...  相似文献   

棉露尾甲——一种有利用前景的传粉昆虫   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗峰  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):305-306
传粉昆虫(pollinatiors)的种类很多,国内外研究较多的主要集中在膜翅目和双翅目,如传统的传粉昆虫蜜蜂、壁蜂、熊蜂、切叶蜂、大头金蝇和食蚜蝇等[1],而关于鞘翅目昆虫作为传粉昆虫的报道很少.棉露尾甲Haptoncus luteolus(Erichson)属鞘翅目露尾甲科,国内将其记载为仓储害虫[2]和棉花害虫[3],未见其作为传粉昆虫的报道.传粉昆虫来到花上是要获取食物,同时也起到了传授花粉的作用[4].作者还观察到棉露尾甲有较特殊的携带花粉的构造和携带花粉的能力(另文发表).本文通过对棉露尾甲在棉花不同类型花上的分布、扩散以及寄主范围等的调查以证明其传粉作用和利用前景.  相似文献   

王润  丁圣彦  卢训令  宋博 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2225-2236
在农业景观中,传粉昆虫的生存繁衍与半自然生境的面积大小有关。集约化生产方式使半自然生境比例逐渐减少,农田比例不断增加,随着景观简化梯度的变化(农田比例逐渐增大),传粉昆虫群落多样性将会发生怎样的变化?选择黄河中下游典型农区巩义市为研究区域,采用诱捕盘法(Pan traps)进行农田、林地的传粉昆虫取样,以21个样点作为景观简化梯度(农田比例范围5%—86%)的呈现,基于每个样点的传粉昆虫多度和丰富度变化来探究景观简化对传粉昆虫多样性的影响。结果显示:区内累计捕获传粉昆虫39660头,优势类群包括双翅目(Diptera)、膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、鞘翅目(Coleoptera)等。采用逐步回归分析及线性拟合后发现景观简化程度与传粉昆虫多度和丰富度呈显著负相关(P0.05);景观简化对传粉昆虫类群间的影响也是有差异的,其中对鞘翅目多度的影响最为密切(R~2=0.27),同时对膜翅目和双翅目也有较大影响(R~2=0.14、R~2=0.11),景观简化与鳞翅目多度呈正相关;随景观简化的程度加深,农田生境中膜翅目多度呈显著下降趋势(P0.05),而林地中膜翅目多度变化不明显。在未来的景观规划中,应着重考虑传粉昆虫中鞘翅目类群的栖息地变化及食物资源状况。依据研究结果建议林地生境中应注重保护现有的自然植被群落,在人工林中可以种植一定面积的蜜粉源植物;农田生境内对杂草群落、半自然生境斑块进行合理规划的基础上,还可以种植线性景观植物作为传粉昆虫的食物源。  相似文献   

宋海天  李保平  孟玲 《昆虫学报》2013,56(3):293-298
为揭示外来植物一年蓬Erigeron annuus上的本土访花昆虫多样性和影响访花行为的因素, 本研究在南京郊区进行了连续2年的野外调查, 采用跨栏模型分析了环境因素如何影响昆虫的访花选择性, 即接受概率(测度是否接受一年蓬花)和访问频数(测度接受一年蓬花的程度)。调查发现, 访问一年蓬花的昆虫共计9目54科145种, 其中, 科丰富度占优势的是膜翅目、 鳞翅目和鞘翅目(均占总科数的20.75%), 其次是双翅目(18.87%)和半翅目(13.21%); 物种丰富度占优势的是双翅目(26.39%), 其次是膜翅目(18.75%)、 半翅目(18.75%)、 鞘翅目(17.36%)和鳞翅目(15.38%)。多数目的物种丰富度在6-7月最高, 9月最低, 仅双翅目(食蚜蝇为主)在5月最高。运用跨栏模型对物种优势度最大的半翅目、 膜翅目和双翅目等的访花个体数量及其影响因素的分析结果表明: 影响半翅目和膜翅目对一年蓬花访问倾向(接受概率)的因素多于影响其访问频数的因素, 由此预测这些访花昆虫可能参考较多因素做出是否接受一年蓬花, 而依据较少线索做出访问程度的访花行为决策; 一年蓬植株密度影响半翅目和膜翅目昆虫的接受概率, 而花密度影响半翅目和双翅目昆虫的接受概率和访问频数, 说明靶标植物花的特性可能对访花昆虫的访花行为决策起主要作用。  相似文献   

论昆虫与植物的相互作用和进化的关系   总被引:81,自引:4,他引:77  
钦俊德  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):360-365
昆虫与植物是陆地生物群落中最为重要的组成部分,二者间的相互作用是多方面的,其中最为重要的是昆虫选择植物作为食物和生长场所、昆虫为植物传授花粉两方面。该文集中讨论这两方面的相互作用有哪些因素与进化有密切的关系。植食性昆虫根据其寄主植物范围,通常分为专食性(寄主范围窄)和广食性(寄主范围广)。从生态关系来看,广食性的取食行为比专食性的更为有利,但实际情况却与此相反,统观植食性昆虫的取食行为,有向专食性演化更为普遍的倾向。专食性发展有利于提高昆虫对寄主植物的选择效率,还可缓和天敌作用所造成的压力。根据昆虫与植物相互作用的特点,目前已提出很多昆虫与植物的进化理论,包括成对的协同进化、弥散的协同进化、群落的协同进化以及顺序进化。在昆虫对寄主植物的选择中,以植物对昆虫的影响较昆虫对植物的影响更为重要,称为顺序进化是适宜的;昆虫为被子植物传授花粉造成互惠共生,其中的进化关系应称为协同进化。  相似文献   

史宗冈  张维婷  高太平  任东 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1043-1054
昆虫与植物的相互作用在昆虫与植物协同进化和发展中起着至关重要的作用。化石记录中发现了昆虫取食花粉、授粉滴、访问中生代裸子植物具胚珠的繁殖器官等多方面的昆虫化石证据。20世纪90年代以来,研究和报道了大量采自中国东北地区保存良好的昆虫与植物化石。例如发表于Science上的2篇具有长喙的双翅目和长翅目昆虫化石文章,暗示着它们很可能参与各种裸子植物的授粉。在本篇文章中,作者回顾了已报道的中国东北晚中生代时期的昆虫化石,并把它们与授粉或访"花"相联系。另外,作者对采自同一层位的同时代的植物化石进行了初步研究并介绍了可能涉及到与昆虫相互作用的代表性植物。今后将进一步深入研究,以期在化石中找到昆虫授粉和访花的直接证据。  相似文献   

Insect pollination improves the yield and quality of many crops, yet there is increasing evidence of insufficient insect pollinators limiting crop production. Effective Integrated Crop Pollination (ICP) involves adaptable, targeted and cost-effective management of crop pollination and encourages the use of both wild and managed pollinators where appropriate. In this study we investigate how the addition of honeybee hives affects the community of insects visiting oilseed rape, and if hive number and location affect pollinator foraging and oilseed rape pollination in order to provide evidence for effective ICP. We found that introducing hives increased overall flower visitor numbers and altered the pollinator community, which became dominated by honeybees. Furthermore a greater number of hives did not increase bee numbers significantly but did result in honeybees foraging further into fields. The timing of surveys and proximity to the field edge influenced different pollinators in different ways and represents an example of spatial and temporal complementarity. For example dipteran flower visitor numbers declined away from the field edge whereas honeybees peaked at intermediate distances into the field. Furthermore, no significant effects of survey round on wild bees overall was observed but honeybee numbers were relatively lower during peak flowering and dipteran abundance was greater in later survey rounds. Thus combining diverse wild pollinators and managed species for crop pollination buffers spatial and temporal variation in flower visitation. However we found no effect of insect pollination on seed set or yield of oilseed rape in our trial, highlighting the critical need to understand crop demand for insect pollination before investments are made in managing pollination services.  相似文献   

Intensification of agriculture in recent decades has impoverished farmland for insect pollinators by removing their food plants. Arable farmland can be enhanced as a habitat for these insects by growing annual nectar- and pollen-producing herbaceous plants for them in non-cropped areas such as set-aside and field margins. In 1996 and 1997, observations were made in Hertfordshire, UK, on the flowering phenology and flower-attractiveness to visiting Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera of plots sown to mixtures of six annual flowering plant species: borage (Borago officinalis), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), mallow (Malva sylvestris), marigold (Calendula officinalis) and phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia) in different proportions. The mixtures had good agronomic and biological properties. They established and flowered well from a range of seed rates and sowing-dates. They attracted a diversity of flower-visiting insects, including the honey bee and eightspecies of bumble bee amongst 16 species of aculeate Hymenoptera, 17 species of Diptera, mostly syrphids, and six species of Lepidoptera. Sequential sowings provided nectar and pollen from early summer to late autumn during the period after arable crops had finished flowering and food for pollinators was scarce. Different insect species were favoured by different sowing-dates and plant species  相似文献   

枣树访花昆虫多样性及药剂的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解枣树花期的访花昆虫,更好地利用昆虫为其授粉,本文对山西运城市临猗县、晋中市太谷县和吕梁市临县3地枣树的访花昆虫进行了调查,结果表明:枣树访花昆虫共计23种,隶属4目12科。运城临猗与晋中太谷间群落相似性最高,相似性系数为0.27,属于中等不相似,其它为极不相似。日活动规律观察表明,膜翅目与双翅目都属于单峰型,活动高峰为9∶30-10∶00、7∶30-8∶00。同一生境下,喷施药剂会影响访花昆虫的数量,一天中喷施清水的枣树访花昆虫244头,喷施药剂的枣树访花昆虫仅61头。  相似文献   

Pollination ecology of many crops is not fully known, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Non-bee pollinators may contribute substantially to crop yield, even if they do not receive much attention. Although moth pollination has fascinated ecologists and evolutionary biologists since Darwin, crop pollination by moths has not been well investigated and experimentally examined. Hence, we explored the pollination ecology of four cucurbit crops with crepuscular or nocturnal flowers. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., Trichosanthes anguina L., and Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. all display floral traits suggestive of moth pollination, such as opening around dusk or in evenings and secreting ample dilute nectar. We demonstrated that these crops’ flowers attracted a wide range of moth species, especially hawkmoths. The assemblage of flower-visiting moths varied according to location and season. Pollination treatments and pollen load analysis confirmed the pollination of the four crops by moths, especially hawkmoths. Our results provide evidence for the value as wild pollinators for the four crops, for which domesticated bees cannot provide reliable pollination services in practice. This study lends support to the proposal to pay more attention to the value of non-bee pollinators and to leave some areas unexploited in rural landscapes for the conservation of wild pollinators, including moths.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of insect pollinators are declining. This decline reduces the potential ecosystem services of pollination for wild and cultivated plants. Specific agri-environment schemes (AES) are subsidised to support and conserve biodiversity in farmlands. In Belgium, the pollinator flower-strips AES, strips of flower-rich hay meadows, has been promoted as a potential scheme to increase pollinator abundance and diversity, even if their effectiveness has not been locally evaluated. The main objective of this research is to assess the capacity of pollinator-strip AES to provide flower-resources to diverse pollinators. During 2 years, we monthly measured the availability of flower resources (pollen and nectar) produced on four flower-strips surrounded by intensive farming in Belgium. We counted and identified insects that visited these flowers, and we constructed the plant–insect interactions networks. The pollinator-strip AES presented a mix of both sown and spontaneous plant species. The ten sown plant species were all present, even after 8 years of strip settings. Three of them, Centaurea jacea, Lotus corniculatus, and Daucus carota were mainly visited for nectar collection, and a spontaneous non-sown species, Trifolium repens, had a key role in providing high-quality pollen to insects. Most of the observed flower-visiting insects belonged to common species of Hymenoptera and Diptera. All are considered highly efficient pollinators. The Belgian pollinator flower-strips are effective AES that provide flower resources to pollinators, mainly during summer and support pollination services. Nevertheless, spring and autumn flower resources remain poor and could reduce the strips’ effectiveness for supporting long-term insect diversity.  相似文献   

Pollination in the genus Pedilanthus is commonly effected by hummingbirds. Pollination by vespid wasps in Pedilanthus is documented for the first time based on observations of Pachodynerus nasidens and Eumenes americanus pollinating Pedilanthus diazlunanus. An hypothesis concerning the mechanism by which hummingbird pollination was replaced by insect pollination in Pedilanthus is advanced based on observations of insects on P. bracteatus.  相似文献   

The species richness of insect flower visitors to all angiosperms at a subarctic-alpine site in northern Sweden was described and the plant-flower visitor matrix was analysed and compared to other high latitude systems and with systems from lower latitudes. In the habitat, 23 plant species had a total of 242 interactions with 388 flower-visiting insects, belonging to 118 taxa. Connectance of the plant-flower visitor matrix was 8.9. Comparing our findings with other studies, we get that the proportion of dipteran species of the total pollinator fauna increases with latitude but that the proportions of species of Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera do not vary significantly among high latitude systems. Muscidae and Empididae were more abundant and generalised than other dipteran families visiting flowers in the arctic, their proportions of the total Diptera fauna increase with latitude and they are the most widespread families of flower-visiting insects in the arctic. Several Muscidae species are typical to alpine habitats in the arctic-subarctic zone. These species have special pollen feeding behaviour and an elongated proboscis, which improves access to closed flowers.
Compared to other published pollination system studies, the connectance of low latitude systems ranges between 3.4 and 28.1, whereas high latitude and high altitude systems vary between 8.6 and 19 (-60).  相似文献   

Generalized pollination systems may be favored in early spring flowering plants, as during this period pollinator activity is unpredictable. Many previous studies have concentrated on the importance of diurnal visitors in pollination, and consequently, information on the contribution of nocturnal visitors to pollination in early spring is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the relative importance of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in the early spring flowering dioecious shrub Stachyurus praecox (Stachyuraceae), in two temperate forests in central Japan. Visitors to the female and male flowers were observed during day and night, and their relative contributions to seed set were compared. The pollinator observations revealed that the diurnal and nocturnal insects visited both male and female flowers, and that the main flower visitors were diurnal small bees and flies as well as nocturnal settling moths. The diurnal and nocturnal flower visitors also acted as pollinators, as the pollen grains of S. praecox were attached to the insects collected from the female flowers. Pollination experiments demonstrated that the contributions of diurnal pollinators to the seed set were higher than those of the nocturnal pollinators. The results of this study indicate that S. praecox has a generalized pollination system, comprising both diurnal insects and nocturnal settling moths. Although the roles of diurnal insects are more important in the pollination of S. praecox, nocturnal settling moths may have a complementary role in early spring.  相似文献   



Most tropical and subtropical plants are biotically pollinated, and insects are the major pollinators. A small but ecologically and economically important group of plants classified in 28 orders, 67 families and about 528 species of angiosperms are pollinated by nectar-feeding bats. From a phylogenetic perspective this is a derived pollination mode involving a relatively large and energetically expensive pollinator. Here its ecological and evolutionary consequences are explored.

Scope and Conclusions

This review summarizes adaptations in bats and plants that facilitate this interaction and discusses the evolution of bat pollination from a plant phylogenetic perspective. Two families of bats contain specialized flower visitors, one in the Old World and one in the New World. Adaptation to pollination by bats has evolved independently many times from a variety of ancestral conditions, including insect-, bird- and non-volant mammal-pollination. Bat pollination predominates in very few families but is relatively common in certain angiosperm subfamilies and tribes. We propose that flower-visiting bats provide two important benefits to plants: they deposit large amounts of pollen and a variety of pollen genotypes on plant stigmas and, compared with many other pollinators, they are long-distance pollen dispersers. Bat pollination tends to occur in plants that occur in low densities and in lineages producing large flowers. In highly fragmented tropical habitats, nectar bats play an important role in maintaining the genetic continuity of plant populations and thus have considerable conservation value.  相似文献   

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