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桔园施用有机肥对主要害虫发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了通过合理施肥控制柑桔害虫的发生、从而减少喷施防虫农药的次数,本研究在桔园比较了单施有机肥、单施化肥的柑桔树上柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama、柑桔全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor、柑桔潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton等主要害虫的发生数量。结果表明,单施有机肥柑桔木虱、柑桔全爪螨发生数量显著低于常规施用化肥的施肥方法,柑桔潜叶蛾的为害没有显著变化,柑桔长势、果实可溶性固形物也没有显著改变。说明施用有机肥可以减少柑桔木虱和柑桔全爪螨的发生,而对柑桔树的长势、果品质量没有不利影响。  相似文献   

柑橘是我国重要的岭南特色水果,种植面积广,产量大。在生产过程中,柑橘容易受到各类病虫害的危害。因为害虫抗药性的产生以及化学农药使用带来的负面影响,害虫生物防治成为今后柑橘害虫可持续防控的重要策略。本文以桔小实蝇、柑橘木虱、介壳虫以及柑橘潜叶蛾、柑橘卷叶蛾、柑橘凤蝶等柑橘重要害虫及其寄生蜂为研究对象,对近年来国内外在柑橘害虫生物防治领域,尤其是寄生蜂的研究与利用等方面取得的最新进展进行了综述,以期不断推进我国柑橘害虫生物防治技术的研究与应用,保障我国柑橘产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

柑橘潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrlla Stainton在柑橘产区为害晚夏梢和秋梢普遍,对苗木和幼树的为害更为严重,影响生长和结果。受害叶片又常是柑橘红蜘蛛、卷叶蛾等害虫的重要越冬场所。由于潜叶蛾为害叶片和枝条造成的伤口,溃疡病容易侵染。 柑橘潜叶蛾除为害柑橘和枳壳外,还未发现为害其他寄主植物。它的发生与营养条件有密切关系,由于柑橘夏梢零星陆续抽发,潜叶蛾在不间断的营养条件下,每年秋季常猖獗成灾。秋梢是柑橘翌年结果可靠母枝,保护秋梢不受潜叶蛾为害,是夺取柑橘次年增  相似文献   

【目的】研究柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama在柚、酸橘、黄皮、九里香、砂糖橘5种代表性芸香科寄主植物上的发育、存活和繁殖情况,为柑橘木虱及黄龙病的可持续防控提供参考。【方法】利用种群生命表的方法,分析了柑橘木虱在5种不同寄主植物上的发育历期、存活率、成虫寿命、性比及产卵量等数据。【结果】柑橘木虱卵、1龄若虫以及整个若虫的发育历期受寄主植物的影响较为明显,在26℃条件下在柚子植物上柑橘木虱若虫的存活率最高(58.10%),在黄皮上最低(46.04%),两者差异显著。寄主植物影响柑橘木虱成虫寿命,在柚子上柑橘木虱成虫的寿命显著长于黄皮上的寿命。黄皮上的柑橘木虱的单雌产卵量(298粒/雌)显著低于其他4种寄主植物。柑橘木虱在九里香上的内禀增长率(rm)最高(0.133 7)、酸橘上最低(0.129 8);而净增值率(R0)在砂糖橘上最高(187.74)、黄皮上最低(145.27)。【结论】在5种寄主植物中,除黄龙病隐症寄主九里香之外,显症寄主中砂糖橘是柑橘木虱的最适寄主。  相似文献   

[目的] 明确佛冈县不同类型橘园柑橘木虱的种群动态,为当地柑橘木虱及柑橘黄龙病的防治工作提供科学依据。[方法] 通过2015-2016年的系统调查,对广东省佛冈县砂糖橘园的柑橘木虱种群消长动态进行研究,对比分析了不同处理措施对柑橘木虱种群数量的影响。[结果] 1-3月柑橘木虱发生危害较轻,随着嫩梢增多,其种群数量开始上升,6-9月为种群发生高峰期,期间出现多个发生高峰,10月之后种群数量逐渐进入消退期,种群数量维持在较低水平;2015、2016年佛冈县柑橘木虱的季节性消长动态基本一致,但种群发生量存在明显差别;3种不同类型橘园内柑橘木虱种群发生数量也存在显著差异,常年失管橘园柑橘木虱种群发生数量最高,常规水肥管理橘园次之,二者均显著高于常规水肥管理及化学防治橘园。[结论] 化学防治可在一定程度上控制柑橘木虱的种群数量,及时清理失管橘园对控制柑橘木虱和柑橘黄龙病传播至关重要。  相似文献   

【目的】柑橘潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton是柑橘重要害虫,本研究拟建立一种快速鉴别柑橘潜叶蛾蛹及成虫性别的简易方法。【方法】利用体视显微镜观察、拍照记录柑橘潜叶蛾蛹和成虫的腹部末端形态特征并进行比较分析,待蛹羽化后进行解剖验证结果。【结果】与柑橘潜叶蛾雄蛹相比,雌蛹的第7腹节下缘分界线不明显,生殖孔和肛门分别在第8腹节和第10腹节,而雄蛹的第7腹节下缘分界线明显,生殖孔在第9腹节,肛门在第10腹节。柑橘潜叶蛾雌成虫腹部末端呈圆筒形,而雄成虫腹部末端相对尖细;轻轻按压成虫腹部,雌蛾在末端伸出部分的两侧有黑斑,而雄蛾在末端伸出部分的两侧没有黑斑,但有一对长毛簇,在伸出的同时散开。该方法能快速鉴别柑橘潜叶蛾蛹及成虫的性别,其准确率为100%。【结论】通过比较柑橘潜叶蛾雌雄蛹生殖孔及肛门的位置,可以准确区分雌雄蛹;轻压并观察雌雄成虫腹部伸出末端黑斑或长毛簇的有无可有效区分成虫性别。  相似文献   

通过在赣州开展为期2年的系统调查,明确了为害赣南脐橙的粉虱种类和发生动态。经鉴定,为害赣南脐橙的粉虱为柑橘粉虱Dialeurodes citri Ashmead和黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance。2013年柑橘粉虱,黑刺粉虱卵、若虫、伪蛹、成虫数量平均密度分别为(7.61,6.67,5.45,47.43)头/叶(板),(3.84,2.84,1.82,31.80)头/叶(板);2014年柑橘粉虱,黑刺粉虱分别为(8.29,6.92,5.18,27.16)头/叶(板),(7.89,6.18,4.35,24.06)头/叶(板)。2013-2014年,两种粉虱发生数量较大,全年有多个发生高峰。柑橘粉虱和黑刺粉虱是赣南脐橙上的重要害虫,需加强防治工作,控制为害。  相似文献   

【目的】明确亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama雌成虫的产卵过程及其对柑橘嫩芽产卵的偏好性。【方法】利用手机和微距镜头观察记录柑橘木虱雌成虫的产卵过程,并结合田间调查与室内试验明确了亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫对砂糖橘嫩叶和不同发育状态嫩芽的偏好性。【结果】亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫产卵前,头部前倾,尾部上翘,触角不断抖动,一段时间后,雌成虫爬行到合适的位点开始产卵,或爬至其他部位,继续上述行为,直至找到合适的位置产卵。产卵时,触角静止不动,腹部收缩带动产卵器向腹部弯曲,肛上板与下生殖板张开,产卵器插入产卵位点产卵。产卵结束后,雌成虫迅速抽出产卵器,肛上板与下生殖板在抽离过程中缓慢闭合。田间调查发现,亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫偏向于未展开和半展开的柑橘嫩芽上产卵。室内试验发现,当同时供给新叶和多种发育状态的砂糖橘嫩芽时,亚洲柑橘木虱产卵偏好于未展开和半展开的砂糖橘嫩芽,且不会选择在砂糖橘新叶上产卵。当仅供给一种发育状态的砂糖橘嫩芽或新叶时,亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫在新叶和嫩芽上都能产卵,但在新叶上的产卵量明显比嫩芽上的产卵量小。【结论】明确了亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫的产卵过程。亚洲柑橘木虱雌成虫产卵具有明显趋嫩性,对于砂糖橘,雌成虫偏向于0-10 mm的嫩芽上产卵。  相似文献   

【目的】探明不同地理种群的柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama和柑橘粉虱Dialeurodes citri Ashmead体内昆虫内共生菌的种类及其感染率,并以Wolbachia共生菌为代表,对其系统发育关系进行分析,为今后自共生菌角度研发柑橘木虱和柑橘粉虱的新型防控技术奠定基础。【方法】以16S r DNA、23S r DNA以及wsp为目标基因,利用PCR技术检测采自于广州、湛江、南宁、桂林、厦门的柑橘木虱以及采自广州的柑橘粉虱体内共生菌的种类及其感染率;利用多位点序列分型(MLST)技术和MEGA 5.0软件对不同昆虫样本中的Wolbachia进行系统发育关系分析。【结果】本研究采集的柑橘木虱和柑橘粉虱均含有原生共生菌Portiera和次生共生菌Wolbachia、Cardinium、Rickettsia,但该3种次生共生菌在不同木虱与粉虱种群的感染率有所不同;Arsenophonus只在广州和湛江种群的柑橘木虱中检出。基于wsp基因及MLST基因序列的Wolbachia系统发育分析表明,华南地区柑橘木虱和柑橘粉虱体内的Wolbachia均属于Wolbachia的B大组Con亚组。【结论】不同地理种群的柑橘木虱与柑橘粉虱体内感染的共生菌种类及其感染率不同;Wolabchia共生菌与柑橘木虱寄主不存在协同进化关系,在同一采集点存在Wolbachia通过柑橘寄主在柑橘木虱之间、柑橘木虱与柑橘粉虱之间水平传播的可能性。  相似文献   

【目的】柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri在中国是一种重要的柑橘害虫,叶面肥在橘园的应用很普遍。本研究是为了明确柑橘施用尿素和复合氨基酸2种叶面肥对这种害螨生长发育和繁殖及柑橘苗生长的影响。【方法】在室内分别用尿素(0.50%)和复合氨基酸(0.17%)2种叶面肥喷施盆栽沙糖橘Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Shatangju苗,以喷施清水为对照,探究叶面施肥对柑橘全爪螨生命表参数[净 增殖率(R0)、平均代时(T)、内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和种群趋势指数(I)]及柑橘苗生长参数(叶长、宽和面积, 茎长, 株高, 新梢的长度和数量)和叶片养分(N, P和K)含量的影响。【结果】柑橘全爪螨未成熟螨态的发育历期没有受到叶面肥的影响,但施用0.50%尿素的柑橘苗上第2若螨的存活率(95.40%)显著高于施用清水的对照(78.26%)和喷施0.17%复合氨基酸的处理(75.61%),其雌螨的繁殖力(42.1/♀)也显著高于对照(33.1/♀)。复合氨基酸处理柑橘苗上的雌螨寿命(19.5 d)显著长于尿素处柑橘苗上的雌螨寿命(14.8 d)和对照(14.5 d),复合氨基酸处理柑橘苗上的雄螨寿命(17.6 d)也显著长于对照(13.1 d)。总体上,在尿素处理的柑橘苗上柑橘全爪螨的净增殖率(R0)(17.88)和种群趋势指数(I)(18.08)值最高,2个参数都显著高于对照(分别为10.08和11.17)。施用2种叶面肥显著促进了柑橘苗叶片生长(叶长、叶宽、叶面积),其N, P和K含量以及氮钾比(N/K)也显著增加。【结论】柑橘苗叶面喷施尿素和复合氨基酸都可促进柑橘苗生长,喷施尿素会导致柑橘全爪螨种群的显著增长,而喷施复合氨基酸没有导致柑橘全爪螨种群显著增长。因此,推荐使用复合氨基酸代替尿素作为柑橘的叶面肥施用。但是,喷施复合氨基酸可显著延长柑橘全爪螨成螨的寿命,所以在使用时还应该加强对其种群的监测。  相似文献   

中国亚热带地区柑桔的气候适宜性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Duan HL  Qian HS  Li MX  Du YD 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):1915-1925
应用生态适宜度理论和模糊数学方法,建立柑桔气候适宜度模型,对中国亚热带地区柑桔生产的气候适宜性及其时空差异进行了计算、评价,并分析了中国亚热带地区柑桔各生育期气候适宜性以及中国亚热带地区各县区的平均气候适宜度.结果表明:柑桔花芽分化期、发芽期、果实成熟期的适宜性较低、风险较高,其他各生育期的适宜性较高、风险较低,影响中国亚热带地区柑桔生产的关键问题是冷害和伏旱.柑桔温度适宜性的地域分异呈纬度地带性规律;降水适宜度最适宜型分布在亚热带中部"射阳-那坡"一线区域,其东南为适宜型区,西北为次适宜型区,高山区为不适宜型区;日照适宜度与实际日照时数的区域变化规律基本一致,大致呈高纬度区高于低纬度区、高海拔区高于低海拔区;受温度因子的限制,气候适宜度与温度适宜度的分布情况大体一致,南部大于北部,基本也呈纬度地带性规律.从中国亚热带地区柑桔气候适宜度的年际变化分析可知,整个亚热带地区柑桔气候适宜度呈下降趋势,且存在区域差异,说明气候变化引起了中国亚热带柑桔适宜区和关键生育期的变动.  相似文献   

Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV) was firstly reported of in California. After that, it reported in Australia, Korea, Nigeria, Japan, South Africa, and China. The transmission of this virus from plant to plant is very easy with mechanically. Citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV) was reported on lemon trees in India, Pakistan, Turkey and China. Foliar distortion, necrotic spots, chlorosis and wrinkling symptoms were observed in young lemon orchards in newly established orchards with trees imported from abroad. Therefore, surveys of citrus trees in Cyprus were performed for CTLV and CYVCV from 2013 to 2016. A total of 64 leaf samples from symptomatic citrus trees (41 lemon, 10 orange, 10 mandarin and three grapefruit samples) were collected for total nucleic acid extraction and RT-PCR with CTLV primers to amplify a 309 bp and a 614 bp fragment, respectively, of the 5′ end (100%) and high nucleotide sequence identity (99%) with isolates BJNM-2 and QC4 from China and isolate BDZ-1 from Australia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CTLV from Europe.  相似文献   

China has a very long history of biological control in citrus. Hundreds years ago, predatory ants (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius) were used to manage pests by Chinese citrus growers. Considerable effort has been placed on the use of biological control in citrus plant landscapes during last three decades. Many scientific studies have now been published, and some additional implementations have already working. In this paper, we review the research, development and application of biological control of citrus insect pests in China. In addition, the importance of biological control for the future control of citrus insect pests is also discussed.  相似文献   

Aleurocanthus woglumi (Ashby, 1915) is an important agricultural pest that causes yield losses of 20–80% in citrus plants by removing plant nutrients while feeding and allowing the formation of sooty mold. The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological changes in citrus plants in response to A. woglumi infestation under field conditions. The experiment was conducted in a citrus orchard in Paço do Lumiar, Maranhão, Brazil. Thirty-two citrus plants were used, including eight of each of the following varieties: Tahiti lime, Tanjaroa tangerine, Nissey tangerine, and Ponkan tangerine. Four random plants with A. woglumi infestation and four plants free from this pest were selected from each variety. The physiological parameters evaluated were photochemical efficiency and gas exchange. Regarding photochemical efficiency, infested plants presented photoinhibition damage, with a performance index of 4.22. The gas exchange parameters of infested plants changed, with reductions in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation of 69.7% (Tahiti), 64% (Tanjaroa), 68.8% (Nissey) and 63.3% (Ponkan). Plants infested with A. woglumi also presented physiological changes; their photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, instantaneous transpiration, and performance indexes were affected. The infested citrus plants showed photoinhibition of photosystem II. The photosynthetic CO2 assimilation decreased approximately 70% in Tahiti lime, Tanjaroa tangerine, Nissey tangerine, and Ponkan tangerine plants infested with A. woglumi.  相似文献   

生态因子对柑桔果实品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
综述了柑桔果实主要品质因素(色泽、有机酸和糖)的生理基础,以及温度、光照、水分、土壤和地形地貌等主要生态因子对柑桔果实品质影响的研究概况,阐述了柑桔生态学研究存在的问题和今后的研究方向,并对我国柑桔品质区划方法提出了建议.  相似文献   

段娇  刘阳  冯广达  杨恩  朱红惠 《微生物学报》2023,63(5):1944-1958
柑橘是我国第一大水果,柑橘溃疡病是导致柑橘产量和品质下降的最具破坏性细菌性病害之一,给柑橘产业造成了巨大的经济损失,严重阻碍了柑橘产业的可持续发展。微生物防治柑橘溃疡病具有安全、环保、高效等优点,是当前研究的热点。本文主要概述了柑橘溃疡病特征及其病原菌分类、分布,全面分析了柑橘溃疡病病原菌主要致病机理和协助致病机理;系统梳理了柑橘溃疡病生防微生物的多样性;重点总结了微生物通过产生活性物质、诱导激活植物免疫防御系统等防治柑橘溃疡病的作用机制;最后,我们提出了柑橘溃疡病微生物防治面临的挑战以及未来可能的解决途径,以期为柑橘产业的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Citrus canker epidemics were generated with 108?cfu/ml of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (ex Hasse) on Citrus limonia cv. China lemon, Citrus reticulate cv. kinnow, Citrus jambhiri, Citrus reticulate cv. Feutral’s early and Citrus limettioides using four inoculation techniques. Natural inoculum was also relied upon for infection. Overall, the injection infiltration method led to maximum disease generation followed by spray, pinprick and smear inoculation methods. Citrus canker incidence along with environmental data were recorded and subjected to stepwise regression analysis. Except relative humidity, the relationship of weekly air temperature (maximum and minimum), rainfall and wind speed with citrus canker disease development in all citrus cultivars was positively correlated and best explained by linear regression. Overall, two environmental variable model containing maximum and minimum air temperature fit the data well explaining 93% variability in disease development. The observed citrus canker incidence values and those predicted by the model were close in most of citrus cultivars. This two environmental variable model can be used to issue advance warning forecasts for the timely management of the citrus canker in Pakistan.  相似文献   

The systemic movement of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in sour orange (Citrus aurantium) seedlings and of citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) in Etrog citron (C. medica) seedlings was studied. The movement of the two pathogens was analysed by detection in sections of roots and stems at different time intervals. Both pathogens were detected initially in the basal parts and the roots and subsequently spread to the shoot. CTV and CEVd moved in young citrus seedlings at similar rates. The findings are consistent with long distance phloem transport of the virus and the viroid. The practical implications of the pattern of systemic movement for diagnosis of infected trees are discussed.  相似文献   

The citrus fruit proteome: insights into citrus fruit metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Katz E  Fon M  Lee YJ  Phinney BS  Sadka A  Blumwald E 《Planta》2007,226(4):989-1005
Fruit development and ripening are key processes in the production of the phytonutrients that are essential for a balanced diet and for disease prevention. The pathways involved in these processes are unique to plants and vary between species. Climacteric fruit ripening, especially in tomato, has been extensively studied; yet, ripening of non-climacteric fruit is poorly understood. Although the different species share common pathways; developmental programs, physiological, anatomical, biochemical composition and structural differences must contribute to the operation of unique pathways, genes and proteins. Citrus has a non-climacteric fruit ripening behavior and has a unique anatomical fruit structure. For the last few years a citrus genome-wide ESTs project has been initiated and consists of 222,911 clones corresponding to 19,854 contigs and 37,138 singletons. Taking advantage of the citrus database we analyzed the citrus proteome. Using LC-MS/MS we analyzed soluble and enriched membrane fractions of mature citrus fruit to identify the proteome of fruit juice cells. We have identified ca. 1,400 proteins from these fractions by searching NCBI-nr (green plants) and citrus ESTs databases, classified these proteins according to their putative function and assigned function according to known biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):879-882
Certain tephritid fruit flies, such as the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, the Chinese citrus fly, B. minax and the Japanese orange fly, B. tsuneonis (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae), are destructive citrus pests in China. A two-year trapping study was conducted in pomelo, Citrus maxima, groves in Fujian Province of China. The objectives of this study were to investigate the species, the abundance of tephritid fruit flies in the orchards, as well as the efficacy of the selected lure traps to these flies. Four lure traps or devices, i.e. methyl eugenol + Steiner trap (ST), cuelure + ST, ammonium acetate + putrescine + ST, and sticky spheres, were deployed from June to November 2017 and April to October 2018. Six economically significant Dacini pests were trapped during the period. These flies are B. dorsalis, the melon fruit fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae, the pumpkin fruit fly, Z. tau, the Malaysian fruit fly, B. latifrons, and other two species - B. rubigina and Z. scutellatus. B. dorsalis was the most abundant, accounting for more than 50% of the capture, followed by Z. cucurbitae. The remaining four species accounted for less than 2% of the total capture. B. minax and B. tsuneonis, two destructive citrus-damaging tephritid fruit flies in China, were not found during the trapping period. Methyl eugenol trapped the highest number of fruit flies, followed by cuelure.  相似文献   

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