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【目的】柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是传播黄龙病病菌唯一的自然媒介昆虫,本文研究了黄龙病病菌在柑橘木虱各个发育阶段体内的分布以及感染动态,为有效防控柑橘木虱提供科学数据。【方法】利用常规PCR检测柑橘木虱若虫体内的黄龙病病菌,利用q RT-PCR和荧光原位杂交技术分别检测黄龙病病菌在柑橘木虱不同发育虫态体内的含量与分布形式。【结果】常规PCR可以在3-5龄若虫以及成虫体内检测到黄龙病病菌,而q RT-PCR除了3-5龄若虫外,还可以在2龄若虫体内检测到黄龙病病菌。卵和各龄期若虫中黄龙病病菌的含量是随着龄期的变大而不断增多。产卵盛期的成虫木虱体内黄龙病病菌的含量最高,显著高于产卵前期以及产卵后期。荧光原位杂交技术可以检测到4龄、5龄若虫及成虫体内的黄龙病病菌分布形态,病菌在若虫主要分布在U型含菌体内,而在雌雄成虫体内均是散布型分布。【结论】柑橘黄龙病在柑橘木虱的2-5龄若虫及成虫中都有感染,但其含量与分布形式因发育阶段不同而有显著差异。  相似文献   

柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri是重要的柑橘害虫,其传播的黄龙病对华南地区柑橘产业造成严重危害。为了解华南地区柑橘木虱不同地理种群间的遗传多样性和进化关系,测定该地区5个地理种群线粒体COI基因900 bp序列,对不同地理种群柑橘木虱遗传距离和系统发育进行分析。结果表明,5个地理种群柑橘木虱间的遗传距离小(0.0%~0.2%)。其中,广州种群和湛江种群的柑橘木虱之间的遗传距离,以及南宁种群、桂林种群和厦门种群的柑橘木虱之间的遗传距离均为0,序列间的相似度极高。基于COI基因系统发育分析显示,位于中国的5个柑橘木虱地理种群之间分化程度较低,与国外其他地区21个种群相比,各种群间的同源性与地理距离无显著相关性。  相似文献   

在新种柑橘园中栽种柑橘无毒苗,定期监测和防治果园内柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama,防治时期为各新梢萌芽期,重点防治期为早夏梢期和早秋梢期;与此同时,调查柑橘园周围柑橘木虱寄主植物,每年2月下旬、5月上旬、8月下旬和11月下旬定期喷药,清除柑橘园周围寄主植物上的柑橘木虱。结果表明,果园内柑橘木虱和黄龙病均得到有效的控制,果园内柑橘木虱种群数量控制在很低的水平,最高为225头/公顷,最低为0;黄龙病发病率也很低,2008年为8‰,实施该技术后,发病率逐年下降,2012年降低到01‰。  相似文献   

柑橘木虱是柑橘黄龙病的重要传播虫媒。目前对柑橘黄龙病的防治尚缺有效的药剂和抗病品种,加强对柑橘木虱的防治,对控制柑橘黄龙病的蔓延具有重要意义。目前防治柑橘木虱多采用化学防治,杀虫剂的频繁使用造成了农药残留、环境污染、生物多样性被破坏和害虫产生抗药性等诸多问题,生物防治以其高效、低毒、低残留、不易产生抗药性等优点逐渐受到重视。昆虫病原真菌能侵入昆虫寄主体内,导致昆虫发病死亡,具有良好的病害流行潜力及生产应用便利性,利用昆虫病原真菌防治柑橘木虱具有广阔的发展空间。本文总结了用于柑橘木虱生物防治的虫生真菌种类,重点介绍了国内外利用球孢白僵菌、玫烟色棒束孢、淡紫紫孢菌、宛氏拟青霉、蜡蚧菌等虫生真菌在防治柑橘木虱中的应用,并对虫生真菌防治柑橘木虱的发展前景进行了展望,以期为柑橘黄龙病的防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

黄龙病是全球广泛发生的毁灭性病害,柑橘木虱为其主要媒介昆虫。越南最早于上个世纪六十年代有相关报道。通过一些国际合作项目,越南对柑橘木虱和黄龙病进行了一系列研究并积极采取措施有效防控:包括消除病株、筛选抗病虫品种、改变种植密度和时间、化学防治与生物防治、作物间种、喷施矿物油乳剂、施用有机肥、使用无病苗和无病接穗并在运输过程中封闭保护等。其中控制黑臭蚁Dolichoderus thoracicus增殖黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina、交错式间种番石榴以控制柑橘木虱和黄龙病值得中国借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

[目的]柑橘木虱吸食柑橘和九里香等芸香科植物,更是柑橘黄龙病的主要传播媒介。了解柑橘木虱共生微生物对虫体产卵量的影响,可为该虫的生态调控提供理论依据。[材料]应用Illumina HiSeq技术对柑橘木虱进行转录组和小RNA (siRNA)高通量测序,对拼接的序列进行功能注释。通过单雌单苗的饲养方法,分析通过测序揭晓的7种内共生病毒对柑橘木虱的影响,包括单雌总产卵量、单雌日产卵量和单雌寿命的变化。[结果]通过高通量测序共获得unigenes序列22429条,共有17673条unigenes注释至NR、NT、Pfam等数据库。根据siRNA分析数据,获得了多条柑橘木虱内共生病毒的序列。生物学验证试验发现,柑橘木虱呼肠孤病毒、Hubei tick virus 2、褐飞虱呼肠孤病毒、Mal de Rio Cuarto virus、Synechococcus phage S-RSM4、Tokyovirus A1 DNA和Diaphorina citri picorna-like virus isolate BR1 7种内共生病毒显著降低了雌虫群体总产卵量,但是对单雌日产卵量和单雌寿命无显著影响。[结论]研究结果为柑橘木虱的共生微生物多样性提供证据,也为进一步探索内共生病毒对宿主昆虫的意义提供了思路和理论基础,为后续柑橘木虱-内共生微生物的互作研究提供数据支持。  相似文献   

马晓芳  张学潮  徐海君 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1149-1153
柑橘黄龙病(Huanglongbing, HLB)是经柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri传播的最主要柑橘病害之一, 危害严重时能对柑橘产业造成毁灭性的破坏。为了鉴定福建和海南2个地理种群柑橘木虱的内共生菌群落组成, 本研究对16S rRNA部分保守序列进行PCR扩增, 并利用特异性引物对不同内共生菌进行了感染率检测; 另外, 还通过人工接虫的方法, 探索柑橘木虱成虫在带黄龙病菌蕉柑Citrus reticulata cv. Tankan上的获菌能力, 以及带菌柑橘木虱成虫对黄岩蜜橘C. reticulata cv. Subcompressa的传菌能力。研究发现, 这2个地理种群的柑橘木虱含有相同的内共生菌组成, 包括α-Proteobacteria, Wolbachia spp., γ-Proteobacteria, mycetocyte symbionts, β-Proteobacteria, Oxalobacter和β-Proteobacteria, Herbaspirillum, 而且这2个地理种群柑橘木虱的4种内共生菌的携带率均在95%以上。柑橘木虱成虫在带菌蕉柑上饲菌28 d后, 带菌率可达到82%, 而带菌柑橘木虱成虫在黄岩蜜橘上传菌75 d后, 可导致橘树整体带菌。本研究为柑橘木虱的进一步研究和防虫治病途径提供了一些理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探究福建省烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)种群消长动态及其影响因素,提高监测与防控水平。【方法】选择代表福建南北两地的漳州和建瓯蔬菜生产地开展露地和温室大棚烟粉虱种群数量的系统调查,并在室内测定了不同温度对烟粉虱生长发育及繁殖的影响。【结果】漳州露地烟粉虱周年发生,种群季节性消长呈现两个高峰,即6月中下旬-7月上中旬的夏季高峰和11月上中旬的秋季高峰;建瓯大棚内烟粉虱亦周年发生,且与漳州露地种群消长动态基本同步;建瓯露地烟粉虱始见期为3月下旬,种群夏季高峰在7月中下旬,秋季高峰期在10月中下旬。烟粉虱卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、3龄若虫和4龄若虫+拟蛹的发育起点温度分别为13.77、14.98、9.60、7.97、12.56℃,有效积温分别为77.25、29.13、49.62、65.03和65.13日·度,结合2015-2017年气象资料,推算出烟粉虱在建瓯和漳州年发生代数分别为11-12代和13-14代。【结论】气温是影响烟粉虱种群消长的关键因子,21-27℃是B型烟粉虱发育的适宜温度,低于20℃和高于30℃均不利于烟粉的生长发育和繁殖。当旬平均气温稳定在20℃以上时种群数量快速上升,当旬平均气温持续保持在30℃以上时种群数量呈回落态势。  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama作为柑橘产业重要病害柑橘黄龙病的主要传播媒介,已经成为重点防治对象。该害虫与黄龙病之间的互作一直是相关研究的热点,本文就近年来该领域的研究进展做了一个总结,从亚洲柑橘木虱的获菌与传病机制、病原菌与柑橘木虱之间的互作以及病原菌感染寄主植物后对木虱的影响等方面进行了综述。期望为深入开展黄龙病相关研究、寻找防控新途径提供依据。  相似文献   

柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri是毁灭性病害黄龙病的媒介,其寄主范围比较严格,仅为芸香科内的一些植物。研究发现,在自然状态下,柑橘木虱成虫可在柑橘园中常见茄科Solanaceae杂草-龙葵Solanum nigrum上停留。对比试验显示,木虱成虫在龙葵上的存活期最长可达45 d,而在假臭草Eupatorium catarium、含水海绵和无水海绵上分别为24 d、9 d和2 d;通过实时荧光PCR检测发现部分龙葵叶片中含有黄龙病病原菌。这些非寄主植物可能有助于柑橘木虱躲避不良环境或长距离迁移扩散,成为柑橘木虱和黄龙病的潜在库源。  相似文献   

A fungal pathogen that killed adult Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Asian citrus psyllid) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Florida citrus groves during the fall of 2005 was identified and characterized. Investigation of this pathogen is important because D. citri vectors citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing), which was reported in Florida in 2005. The morphological and genetic data generated herein support identification of the fungus as Isaria fumosorosea Wize (Ifr) (=Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) from the Asian citrus psyllid (Ifr AsCP). Koch’s postulates were fulfilled after the fungus was isolated in vitro and transmitted to healthy psyllids, which then exhibited a diseased-phenotype similar to that observed in the field. Both in vitro growth characteristics and two Ifr AsCP-specific molecular markers discriminated the psyllid pathogen from another local Ifr isolate, Ifr 97 Apopka. These molecular markers will be useful to track the dynamics of this disease in D. citri populations. The potential for utilizing Ifr to complement existing psyllid pest management strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

Citrus greening (Huanglongbing, HLB) is a destructive disease associated with the uncultivable, phloem-limited, gram-negative bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter spp., which affects citrus crops and other Rutaceae species. HLB is rapidly transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). We developed an artificial medium on which D. citri eggs can hatch and first-instar nymphs can feed. The medium could be used to study insect physiology and screen molecules that may interfere with egg hatching and nymph development.  相似文献   

Seasonality often influences multiple aspects of vector-borne plant diseases. With respect to the management of plant disease vectors, an understanding of the factors driving seasonal changes in vector flight activity may improve management outcomes by facilitating more proactive application of control measures. One of the most challenging issues for citrus Huanglongbing management is to forecast when disease primary spread by bacteriliferous Diaphorina citri will occur. We monitored the temporal patterns of immigrating psyllids, using upwards of 1,200 traps spread among 9 citrus farms and checked on a weekly basis over 4 years. This dataset was analysed with a set of hierarchical models to estimate the effect of climatic variables on citrus foliage production (i.e. flush), and effects of climatic variables and citrus foliage dynamics on D. citri catches over the season. The results showed substantial seasonal variability in immigrating D. citri abundance, with the critical dispersal/migration period occurring between end of winter and spring. During this period, 65% of the total psyllids were collected on sticky traps. Seasonality of immigrating D. citri coincided with changes in certain climate variables, with negative effects of humidity and daily maximum temperatures, and a positive effect of rainfall amount in prior weeks. Maximum temperature and both daily minimum temperature and rainfall during prior weeks were also associated with new citrus flush production, which itself was positively related to immigrating D. citri abundance. Based on these results, citrus growers should be aware and intensify the frequency of psyllid control tactics (i.e. insecticide and/or kaolin sprays) during this period in order to prevent Ca. L. asiaticus transmission. These results are an important step towards developing the predictive framework needed to refine D. citri and huanglongbing management.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most destructive disease of citrus worldwide. The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is the vector of the phloem‐inhabiting bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, which is presumed to cause HLB in Florida citrus. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to examine the behavioral responses of male and female D. citri to their cuticular extracts. In olfactometer assays, more male D. citri were attracted to one, five, or 10 female cuticular extract equivalent units than blank controls. The results were confirmed in field studies in which clear or yellow traps baited with 10 female cuticular extract equivalent units attracted proportionately more males than clear traps baited with male cuticular extract or unbaited traps. Analyses of cuticular constituents of male and female D. citri revealed differences between the sexes in chemical composition of their cuticular extracts. Laboratory bioassays with synthetic chemicals identified from cuticular extracts indicated that dodecanoic acid attracted more males than clean air. Traps baited with dodecanoic acid did not increase total catch of D. citri as compared with blank traps at the dosages tested; however, the sex ratio of psyllid catch was male biased on traps baited with the highest lure loading dosage tested (10.0 mg).  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of citrus huanglongbing, is now present in all citrus‐producing states in the USA and Mexico. In addition to citrus, the insect can reproduce on several other plant species in the Rutaceae family; orange jasmine (Murraya spp.) and curry leaf (Bergera koenigii) are among its preferred hosts. There are several indigenous Rutaceae species in North America, and some are popular ornamentals. A study was therefore initiated to determine the suitability of some of these plants for feeding and development of the psyllid in choice and no‐choice experiments. D. citri was found to reproduce successfully on Choisya ternata, C. arizonica and Helietta parvifolia in no‐choice tests, but preferentially selected orange jasmine and curry leaf for feeding and reproduction, in choice tests. On Amyris madrensis, A. texana and Zanthoxylum fagara, adult psyllids laid eggs which hatched, but no successful nymphal development was recorded beyond the first instars. No oviposition was recorded on Esenbeckia berlandieri, Ptelea trifoliata and Casimiroa tetrameria, although adult psyllids were able to survive on these species for several days. Results showed that C. ternata, C. arizonica and H. parvifolia can serve host plants of D. citri and this constitutes the first report of these plants serving as host for D. citri. The findings of the present study suggest that native rutaceous host plants can serve as host plants and thus affect D. citri population dynamics and the epidemiology of Huanglongbing, the deadly citrus greening disease whose pathogen is vectored by D. citri. Thus, area‐wide management of this pest also should target these riparian habitats where these host plants are present with D. citri biological control agents for sustainable management of this pest.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is an important invasive citrus pest in the USA because it vectors a bacterium responsible for huanglongbing, a devastating disease of citrus. Information was lacking on seasonal aspects of flight activity by D. citri, which could have ramifications on psyllid management as well as our understanding of epidemiology of the disease. Of interest from a pest management standpoint would be whether D. citri regularly disperses to or away from citrus on a predictable schedule. In research presented here, seasonal flight activity by D. citri was investigated using yellow sticky traps deployed in citrus trees and in fallow areas adjacent to citrus. Results indicated that flight activity by both male and female D. citri away from citrus can occur at any time of the year with consistent dispersal activity during the spring. The research further indicated citrus is continually subject to infestation by immigrating adults and that there is no time during the year that a citrus grower could be assured immigration would not occur. Growers should be aware that adult dispersal occurs regularly during spring and they should time management tactics accordingly. Adult flight activity 2 m from a citrus tree was more pronounced at 1 m above ground than at 2 or 3 m high. At distances of 8–60 m from trees, numbers of adults on traps were similar among the three heights. Males and females were similar with respect to seasonal flight activity. Numbers of adults captured on traps distant from citrus were not correlated with wind speed, sunlight, or air temperature, but there was some evidence that relative humidity influenced flight activity. Although the D. citri life cycle is dependent on flush, data from these studies did not confirm that psyllid dispersal from citrus consistently increases as citrus flush abundance decreases.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), is an important insect pest of citrus. It is the vector of ‘Candidatus’ Liberibacter asiaticus, a phloem‐limited bacterium that infects citrus, resulting in the disease Huanglongbing (HLB). Disease management relies heavily on suppression of D. citri populations with insecticides, including pyrethroids. In recent annual surveys to monitor insecticide resistance, reduced susceptibility to fenpropathrin was identified in several field populations of D. citri. The primary target of pyrethroids is the voltage‐gated sodium channel (VGSC). The VGSC is prone to target‐site insensitivity because of mutations that either reduce pyrethroid binding and/or alter gating kinetics. These mutations, known as knockdown resistance or kdr, have been reported in a wide diversity of arthropod species. Alternative splicing, in combination with kdr mutations, has been also associated with reduced pyrethroid efficacy. Here we report the molecular characterization of the VGSC in D. citri along with a survey of alternative splicing across developmental stages of this species. Previous studies demonstrated that D. citri has an exquisite enzymatic arsenal to detoxify insecticides resulting in reduced efficacy. The results from the current investigation demonstrate that target‐site insensitivity is also a potential basis for insecticide resistance to pyrethroids in D. citri. The VGSC sequence and its molecular characterization should facilitate early elucidation of the underlying cause of an established case of resistance to pyrethroids. This is the first characterization of a VGSC from a hemipteran to this level of detail, with the majority of the previous studies on dipterans and lepidopterans.  相似文献   

Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), is an important pest of citrus. In addition, D. citri is the vector of Huanglongbing, a destructive disease in citrus, also known as citrus greening disease caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Huanglongbing causes huge losses for citrus industries. Insecticide application for D. citri is the major strategy to prevent disease spread. The heavy use of insecticides causes development of insecticide resistance. We used RNA interference (RNAi) to silence genes implicated in pesticide resistance in order to increase the susceptibility. The activity of dsRNA to reduce the expression of carboxyesterases including esterases FE4 (EstFE4) and acetylcholinesterases (AChe) in D. citri was investigated. The dsRNA was applied topically to the fourth and fifth instars of nymphs. We targeted several EstFE4 and AChe genes using dsRNA against a consensus sequence for each of them. Five concentrations (25, 50, 75, 100, 125 ng/μl) from both dsRNAs were used. The treatments with the dsRNA caused concentration dependent nymph mortality. The highest gene expression levels of both AChe and EstFE4 were found in the fourth and fifth nymphal instars. Gene expression analysis showed that AChe genes were downregulated in emerged adults from dsRNA‐AChe‐treated nymphs compared to controls. However, EstFE4 genes were not affected. In the same manner, treatment with dsRNA‐EstFE4 reduced expression level of EstFE4 genes in emerged adults from treated nymphs, but did not affect the expression of AChe genes. In the era of environmentally friendly control strategies, RNAi is a new promising venue to reduce pesticide applications.  相似文献   

Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri is the vector of the citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) associated bacterial agent ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas). The molecular interactions between CLas and D. citri remain unclear. In the present study, protein profiles of mitochondrial, microsomal and cytosolic fractions from uninfected and CLas‐infected adult D. citri are investigated using two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis. The comparative analysis reveals a total of 18, 24 and 20 protein spots that are unique or differentially expressed in mitochondrial, microsomal and cytosolic proteins fractions respectively. These proteins are successfully identified by mass spectrometry. Among the 62 identified proteins, 30 are up‐regulated, whereas 32 are down‐regulated. These proteins include important components in energy metabolism such as ATP synthase, ATPase, ATP/ADP carrier protein, etc.; host stress responses such as heat shock proteins; host detoxification processes (i.e., cytochrome P450 and glutathione S‐transferase); and the cytoskeleton (such as actin, tubulin, myosin and tropomyosin). These data suggest that, after CLas infection, several proteins of D. citri, especially energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis, are altered, and extensive host defence responses are induced. In conclusion, the present study reports proteomic information that is helpful in understanding the vector–pathogen relationship between CLas and D. citri, and could be used to identify potential targets for limiting the spread of CLas, as well as to provide new insights into HLB management.  相似文献   

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