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上海市滩涂夏季底栖硅藻初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了上海市夏季滩涂底栖硅藻的种类组成和生态分布的情况。样品于2005年8月从7个站点中采集,经处理、镜检观察,从中鉴定出硅藻98个分类单位,包括种、变种和变型,分别隶属于2纲7目10科31属。舟形藻属(Navicula)最多,共发现15个分类单位;其次为菱形藻属(Nitzschia),有10个分类单位。其中Cyclotella meneghiniana,Gyrosigma spencerii,Surirella ovata为优势种,Fragilaria capucina,Gyrosigma attenuatum,Naicula acceptata等为常见种,Melosira italica,Coscinodiscus wittianus,Navicula pygmaea等只在个别站点采到。数量分析表明,硅藻总细胞丰度变化为7.0×106-28.5×106 cells m-2,平均为17.39×106cellsm-2,在径流入海口处硅藻数量相对较多,其中淡水种比海生种多,这主要是因为长江口近岸河口水域是多种水系相混合的水体,淡水入海带来较多的淡水种类。  相似文献   

汾河水库及河道中优势硅藻生态位的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
采用Levins生态位宽度公式和Petrailis生态位特定重叠指数测定了汾河水库和河道中 5 0个主要硅藻种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠 ,并对生态位宽度和生态位重叠的关系进行了初步探讨 ,结果表明 ,着生硅藻中的原子舟形藻、眼斑小环藻、平卧桥弯藻、尖菱形藻、短小舟形藻、线形曲壳藻、阿尔夫舟形藻等生态位最大 ,浮游硅藻中 ,以具星小环藻、团聚小环藻、眼斑小环藻生态位最宽 ;同时表明 ,生态位宽度大的种与其它种的生态位重叠也较大。生态位重叠表明 ,着生硅藻中 ,生态位重叠普遍偏高 ,河道中 ,清洁水体指示种普通等片藻进攻性最强 ,水库中以α -中污和 β-中污带生物比索曲壳藻进攻性最高。从生态位普遍重叠指数分析 ,浮游硅藻明显小于着生硅藻 ,表明浮游生境下 ,硅藻分化明显 ,着生环境中 ,硅藻对资源利用充分  相似文献   

为了解广东省鉴江水系底栖硅藻多样性和时空分布特征,对全流域进行了底栖硅藻采样调查。结果表明,从19个采样点4次采样中共检出底栖硅藻10科52属242种,其中舟形藻属(Navicula)、菱形藻属(Nitzschia)和异极藻属(Gomphonema)是优势类群,出现频次和相对丰度较高。硅藻多样性指数(丰富度、真香农多样性指数和真辛普森多样性指数)随河流等级呈现一定的空间分布特征,但它们季节变化不明显。底栖硅藻群落相异性在上游和下游河段较高,从一级到三级河流递减,四级河流又增加。底栖硅藻群落结构空间变化明显,季节变化显著。群落丰富度的稀疏曲线表明,热带河流底栖硅藻群落以400个体计数,不能完整反映底栖硅藻多样性。这些为鉴江水系河流健康监测和水生态保护奠定了基础。  相似文献   

崇明东滩硅藻植物初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2008年3月采自崇明东滩的硅藻植物共110个分类单位,包括105种5变种,隶属于2纲7目52属,其中7种1变种为中国新纪录:星形小环藻Cyclotella plitvicensis Hust.、较小侧链藻Pleurosira minor Metz.,L.-B.&Garc.-Rodr.、较小短缝藻Eunotia minor(Kütz.)Grun.、狭长曲壳藻Achnanthes elata(Leud.-Fortm.)Gandhi、弯曲羽纹藻Pinnularia flexuosa Kram.、近弯羽纹藻近线性变种Pinnularia subgibba var.sublinearisWalth.&Massach.、常态舟形藻Navicula normaloides Choln.和透明菱形藻Nitzschia pellucida Grun.。对崇明东滩硅藻的种类分布、生态特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

选择生长良好的川蔓藻群落,计算其表面附生硅藻的特定污染敏感指数(IPS)和硅藻生物指数(IBD)及其生态类群,以期阐明川蔓藻对水环境的综合需求,为川蔓藻的恢复和保护提供有价值的参考.结果显示,川蔓藻上附生硅藻共36种,分属9科13属,以异极藻属(Gomphonema)、舟形藻属(Navicula)和菱形藻属(Nitzschia)为主,优势种有Cocconeisplacentula var.euglypta,Cymbella tropica,Achnanthidium minutissimum,Nitzschia amphibiaGomphonema minutum.硅藻指数IPS和IBD显示水体质量为"好".耐N-自养型和兼性N-异养型生态类群、需氧较高和中等需氧、喜中性类群至喜碱性、微咸水、β-中污和α-中污染性以及富营养性硅藻类群分别大于总数的70%、60%、80%、70%、70%和80%以上.以上结果表明,川蔓藻水体环境pH值7.0~8.0之间,Cl含量大致介于0.1~0.5 g·L-1之间,水体N浓度较低,有机污染程度较轻,氧气较为充足,适度的营养物质促进川蔓藻的生长,IPS和IBD可以综合显示川蔓藻对水环境的需求.  相似文献   

甘肃省苏干湖浮游植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2006年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)和秋季(10月)对大、小苏干湖水体进行采样分析,以研究特殊地理位置和气候条件下苏干湖中浮游植物的物种组成和季节变化特征.结果表明,(1)大苏干湖中共有浮游藻类61种(含变种),其中:硅藻18属,37种;蓝藻11属,15种;绿藻7属,8种;而甲藻仅1属,1种.(2)小苏干湖水体中共发现浮游藻类68种(含变种),其中:硅藻16属,42种;蓝藻9属,13种;绿藻6属,11种;裸藻及甲藻仅各1属,1种.(3)硅藻在苏干湖水体中始终占据着绝对优势;夏季小苏干湖中蓝、绿藻开始复苏并大量繁殖.各季节两湖中都存在特定的优势属,在春、夏、秋三季,大苏干湖中优势属分别为桥穹藻属、小环藻属、粘杆藻属;而小苏干湖中分别为针杆藻属、菱形藻属、脆杆藻属.纤细舟形藻,长圆舟形藻,湖沼色球藻等为常年优势种,且这种优势物种和季节变化主要是由湖泊中盐度和气温等因素决定的.  相似文献   

报道了采自新疆的舟形藻属(硅藻门)中国新记录7个分类单位,如下所示:辐头舟形藻(Navicula capitatoradiata Germain)、辐指舟形藻(N. digitoradiata(Gregory) Ralfs)、瑞卡德提舟形藻(N. reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot)、针状舟形藻(N. spicula (Hickie) Cleve)、近小胎座舟形藻(N. subplacentula Hustedt)、琐细舟形藻(N. trivialis Lange Bertalot)和上凸舟形藻(N. upsaliensis(Grunow) Peragallo)。并对其分类学特征以及采集地生境进行了详细地描述。  相似文献   

为研究盐度和pH对淡水硅藻生长和油脂含量的影响,对一株分离自野外采集水样中的平凡舟形藻(Navicula trivialis)进行研究,通过设置不同盐度0、0.03、0.06、0.12、0.18和0.24 mol/L和不同pH 4.5、6.0、7.5、8.5、9.5和10.5进行胁迫,测定各处理对平凡舟形藻的生长、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素荧光参数和油脂含量的影响。结果表明:盐浓度为0.12 mol/L、pH 7.5时,平凡舟形藻细胞密度和叶绿素a含量最高;盐浓度为0.24 mol/L、pH 7.5时,总脂含量最高,分别为34.93%和33.5%。结果表明,平凡舟形藻对不同盐度和pH的适应性不同,这在一定程度上影响其生长和油脂含量。  相似文献   

苏州河沉积物中硅藻的垂直分布与水质变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾詠洁  吕亚红 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3617-3623
分析了苏州河2个柱状沉积物样品中硅藻种类和丰度的垂直变化,同时采用210Pb测年法推测沉积物的沉积速率,并进行了有机质含量分析,以了解苏州河在不同年代的水质变化。结果表明,2个柱状沉积物中硅藻的优势属为小环藻属、直链藻属、舟形藻属、圆筛藻属和针杆藻属。优势种为梅尼小环藻、瞳孔舟形藻和变异直链藻。就硅藻丰度而言,总趋势是上层最多,平均4.04~25.18×104ind/g;下层其次,平均1.41~4.43×104ind/g;中层最少,平均0.91~2.30×104ind/g。硅藻种类数变化虽无明显规律,但种类最少的样品仍出现在中层,210Pb测年数据表明中层为20世纪60~80年代。相关分析表明硅藻丰度与有机质含量呈显著正相关(p<0.01))。本文结果表明,沉积物中硅藻可以反映苏州河的污染历程:20世纪40~50年代初,水质尚可,但已有富营养化现象,表现在硅藻数量和丰度均较高;50年代中后期开始出现较严重的工业污染,到20世纪70~80年代污染加重,表现在中层沉积物中硅藻种类和数量均减少;进入20世纪90年代,水质有所改善,上层沉积物中硅藻种类和数量又逐渐增多,这与90年代以后加大对苏州河治理力度有关。  相似文献   

林彰文  林生  顾继光  胡超 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1186-1194
为探讨浮游植物群落对海南省小水电建设的响应,分别在海南省主要河流的上游支流已建小水电的蓄水水域与河道、规划(未建)小水电河段采集浮游植物样品进行比较分析.共鉴定出浮游植物种类62个属178种,曲壳藻(Achnanthaceae)、异极藻(Gomphonema)、菱形藻(Nitzschia)、颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulat)、席藻(Phormidium)、颤藻(Oscillatoria)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、平裂藻(Merismopedia)、舟形藻(Navicula)为主要的优势藻类,浮游植物丰度在5.1-163.6×104个/L之间,浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在2.73-4.53之间.研究结果表明,小水电建设对浮游植物的种类组成、优势种、丰度及多样性均有较大的影响.就浮游植物优势种而言,规划小水电河道以蓝藻及部分硅藻为主要优势种,已建小水电河道曲壳藻、异极藻、菱形藻等大型硅藻为主要优势种.在浮游植物组成及生物多样性上,未建小水电河道浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数略高,且种属分布更加均衡,而已建设水电站均趋向某一类藻占主导优势种.就浮游植物丰度而言,规划小水电河道浮游植物丰度均保持在20-30×104个/L内,已建小水电河段浮游植物保持在5-160×104个/L内且浮游植物丰度差异性较规划小水电大,小水电建设促进了浮游植物丰度的提升,但降低了浮游植物群落结构的稳定性、均衡性.虽然存在水电站阻隔,同一河流水系浮游植物种属来源仍可表现一定的趋同性,梯级水电特别是相邻水电间浮游植物群落组成存在较大的相似性.  相似文献   

The Cuyahoga River is a heavily polluted tributary of Lake Erie located in N. E. Ohio (USA).One hundred seventy taxa of diatoms were identified from seven locations along the Cuyahoga River. The most frequently collected diatoms from each station were Cyclotella meneghiniana, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula cryptocephala, N. cryptocephala var. veneta, N. lanceolata, N. menisculus, N. minima, N. minuscula, N. pelliculosa, Nitzschia amphibia, N. ovalis, N. palea, and Rhoicosphenia curvata.In the most heavily damaged region of the river these widely-distributed taxa were the only frequently collected diatoms.The relatively undamaged section of the river contained 94% more taxa than the most heavily damaged section. Chief among these additional taxa were Achnanthes lanceolata, A. lanceolata var. dubia, Cocconeisplacentula, Fragilaria vaucheriae, Melosira varians, Meridion circulare, Navicula mutica var. tropica, N. symetrica, Nitzschia dissipata, Stephanodiscus astraea, and Synedra rumpens.The degree of similarity between diatom assemblages along the Cuyahoga River as measured by a modification of Sørensen's index of similarity in species-frequency of occurrence composition was related to the degree of chemical-physical water quality similarities and to the extent of similarity between areas of geologic and biologic substrates. The most dissimilar diatom assemblages usually occurred between locations that were the most dissimilar with respect to chemical-physical water quality conditions rather than to dissimilarities with respect to sediment-substrate composition.  相似文献   

Recent shifts in water quality and food web characteristics driven by anthropogenic impacts on the Laurentian Great Lakes warranted an examination of pelagic primary producers as tracers of environmental change. The distributions of the 263 common phytoplankton taxa were related to water quality variables to determine taxon-specific responses that may be useful in indicator models. A detailed checklist of taxa and their environmental optima are provided. Multivariate analyses indicated a strong relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and patterns in the diatom assemblages across the Great Lakes. Of the 118 common diatom taxa, 90 (76%) had a directional response along the TP gradient. We further evaluated a diatom-based transfer function for TP based on the weighted-average abundance of taxa, assuming unimodal distributions along the TP gradient. The r2 between observed and inferred TP in the training dataset was 0.79. Substantial spatial and environmental autocorrelation within the training set of samples justified the need for further model validation. A randomization procedure indicated that the actual transfer function consistently performed better than functions based on reshuffled environmental data. Further, TP was minimally confounded by other environmental variables, as indicated by the relatively large amount of unique variance in the diatoms explained by TP. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the transfer function by hindcasting TP concentrations using fossil diatom assemblages in a Lake Superior sediment core. Passive, multivariate analysis of the fossil samples against the training set indicated that phosphorus was a strong determinant of historical diatom assemblages, verifying that the transfer function was suited to reconstruct past TP in Lake Superior. Collectively, these results showed that phytoplankton coefficients for water quality can be robust indicators of Great Lakes pelagic condition. The diatom-based transfer function can be used in lake management when retrospective data are needed for tracking long-term degradation, remediation and trajectories.  相似文献   

Wang P  Shen H  Xie P 《Microbial ecology》2012,63(2):369-382
Diatom blooms occur in many water bodies worldwide, causing significant ecological and social concerns. In order to understand the mechanisms of diatom blooms formation, the effects of varying phosphorus (P) concentration and hydrodynamics on the growth of diatoms were studied by combining results from field observations and laboratory experiments. The field investigation showed that spring diatom blooms (Cyclotella meneghiniana and Stephanodiscus hantzschii) occurred in Lake Taihu and Hanjiang River with similar environmental factors such as water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen in 2008. Concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen, and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) in Lake Taihu were significantly higher than the concentrations in the Hanjiang River. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate growth and physiological responses of four lotic diatoms (Cyclotella atomus, Fragilaria crotonensis, Nitzschia palea, and S. hantzschii, isolated from the Hanjiang River) and three lentic diatoms (C. meneghiniana, Melosira varians, and Stephanodiscus minutulus, isolated from Lake Taihu, Lake Donghu, and Guanqiao Pond, respectively) to various P concentrations under small-scale turbulent and standing conditions. Our results showed that, with turbulence, lotic diatoms C. atomus, F. crotonensis, N. palea, and S. hantzschii demonstrated a significant increase in affinity for P compared with lentic diatoms C. meneghiniana, M. varians, and S. minutulus. Moreover, lotic diatoms C. atomus, F. crotonensis, and N. palea had higher growth rates and photosynthetic efficiencies with small-scale turbulence than with standing conditions both in P-limited and P-replete conditions. Lotic species S. hantzschii and three lentic diatoms (C. meneghiniana, M. varians, and S. minutulus) grew well under standing conditions. Our results may explain our field observation that the occurrence of diatom blooms in lakes is often associated with higher TP concentrations whereas in rivers, diatom blooms occur at a wide range of TP concentrations under flows. Therefore, different hydrodynamics and nutrient concentrations determined the dominant diatom species, according to their habitat-dependent physiological characteristics.  相似文献   

为评价湖库生态环境对极端气候的响应特征, 以经历水位明显降低的云南浴仙湖为研究对象, 通过沉积物多指标分析并结合多变量统计方法, 识别了2009—2013年极端干旱事件驱动湖泊生态环境变化的模式。其中沉积物粒度显示近百年来湖泊水文条件总体稳定, 但在2011年左右粗颗粒物质和中值粒径增大, 同期沉积物元素、同位素记录表明水体营养水平没有明显变化。硅藻群落近百年来以湖泊底栖物种占绝对优势, 约2011年开始优势种属Fragilaria被Nitzschia、Navicula等河流水体中常见的物种所替代, 且硅藻多样性指标总体增加, 而指示水位变化的PCA主轴一解释了硅藻群落结构的主要变化(约55.8%)。总之, 极端干旱事件的发生与持续明显改变了湖泊生物群落结构与多样性特征, 已成为影响该气候敏感区水资源安全与生态环境功能的重要挑战之一。  相似文献   

Owen  R.B.  Renaut  R.W.  Hover  V.C.  Ashley  G.M.  Muasya  A.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,518(1-3):59-78
Lakes Bogoria and Baringo lie in a semi-arid part of the Kenya Rift Valley between 0° 15′–0° 30'N and 36° 02′–36° 05′E. Nevertheless, the area around these lakes contains numerous wetland systems that have been formed: along lake shorelines; along faults where hot, warm and cold springs have developed; and along river systems that cross the rift floor. Six major types of wetland are recognized: Proximal Hot Springs; Hot Spring Marshes; Blister Wetlands; Typha and Cyperus papyrus Swamps; Floodplain Marshes; Hypersaline Lake Littoral Wetlands; and Freshwater Lake Littoral Wetlands. These show significant variability in terms of geomorphic setting, water chemistry, temperature, plant communities and diatom floras. They are variously dominated by macrophytes, such as Cyperus laevigatus, Typha domingensis and Cyperus papyrus. In some cases macrophytes are absent. In hot spring settings and in hypersaline lake littoral zones bacterial mats are common. Although absent in some samples, diatoms occur in at least parts of all of the wetlands, varying in diversity, abundance and species composition. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that diatom floras show a close relationship with pH, temperature, and specific conductivity, with other environmental variables such as Si and nitrate being of secondary importance. Common diatoms include: Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. guntheri, Navicula tenella, N. cuspidata, and Nitzschia invisitata in hot springs, where diversity is generally low and abundance is variable. Other wetland types contain distinctive diatom floras that variously include: Fragilaria brevistriata, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula tenelloides, Nitzschia communis, N. latens, N. sigma, Rhopalodia gibberula, and Stauroneis anceps.  相似文献   



华山是我国名山之一。这里的植物以前很少有人研究,藻类方面,至今未见有人报道。1976年至1982年作者对该地区进行了多次调查采集,现将研究结果报道如下。  相似文献   

This study provides insights into the morphological and genetic diversity in diatoms occurring in core sediments from tropical lakes in Kenya. We developed a genetic survey technique specific for diatoms utilizing a short region (76-67 bp) of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene as genetic barcode. Our analyses (i) validated the use of rbcL as a barcoding marker for diatoms, applied to sediment samples, (ii) showed a significant correlation between the results obtained by morphological and molecular data and (iii) indicated temporal variation in diatom assemblages on the inter- and intra-specific level. Diatom assemblages from a short core from Lake Naivasha show a drastic shift over the last 200 years, as littoral species (e.g. Navicula) are replaced by more planktonic ones (e.g. Aulacoseira). Within that same period, we detected periodic changes in the respective frequencies of distinct haplotype groups of Navicula, which coincide with wet and dry periods of Lake Naivasha between 1820 and 1938 AD. Our genetic analyses on historical lake sediments revealed inter- and intra-specific variation in diatoms, which is partially hidden behind single morphotypes. The occurrence of particular genetic lineages is probably correlated with environmental factors.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatoms and summer water quality was investigated at 49 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Lakes ranging from oligomesotrophic to hypereutrophic were examined, providing an obvious nutrient gradient. With the shift from mesotrophic to eutrophic levels, diatom multi-ecotypes dominated by epiphytic and facultative planktonic taxa were replaced by nutrient-tolerant planktonic taxa, such as Cyclotella meneghiniana Skvortzow, C. atomus Hustedt,Cyclostephanos Round, and Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg etc., reflecting the nutrient changes in the lake.The relationship between diatoms and summer water quality indices was explored further using numeric analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and a Monte Carlo permutation test revealed that of all 25 summer water environmental variables, total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (Chzl a), Secchi depth (SD), dissolved inorganic phosphorus, C1-, SO42-, Mg2 , CO32-, and water depth were significant variables (P<0.05) in explaining diatom distributions. Of these, TP, Chl a, SD, and C1-, were the most important variables. The result of the correlation analysis also showed that a significant correlation exists among these variables, implying that these indices are either interconnected or independent in explaining the diatom data. For phosphorus-limited sites, TP was the most significant variable affecting the diatoms, also affecting changes in Chl a, SD, and iron concentrations. The independence of Chl a may be related to algal competition induced by lake eutrophication, resulting in the feedback to diatom community.In addition to TP, SD can be related to sediment disturbance by wave action and the growth of macrophytes in large shallow lakes. These relationships between diatom ecotypes and water quality provide the basis for a future quantitative reconstruction of historic lake nutrient evolution in the study area and will also provide a wealth of modern ecological knowledge that can be used to interpret fossil diatom records.  相似文献   

A survey of seven species of diatoms, one Euglena sp. and one dinoflagellate sp. for the presence of phosphatidylsulfocholine (PSC), the sulfonium analog of phosphatidylcholine (PC), was carried out using 1H-NMR spectroscopy and ammonia desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry. PSC alone was found only in a non-photosynthetic diatom, Nitzschia alba. PSC, together with PC, was found in four of the diatoms (Nitzschia angularis, Cylindrotheca fusiformis, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Navicula pelliculosa) in proportions of 6-24% of the total PC + PSC fraction, but little or no PSC (less than 2%) was detected in the remaining two (Cyclotella nana and Navicula incerta). Little or no PSC (less than 2%) was detected in a Euglena sp. by 1H-NMR but its presence was confirmed by 35S-labeling. The amount of PSC, if any, in the dinoflagellate (Amphidinium carterae) was below the level of detection by 1H-NMR.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatoms and summer water quality was investigated at 49 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Lakes ranging from oligomesotrophic to hypereutrophic were examined, providing an obvious nutrient gradient. With the shift from mesotrophic to eutrophic levels, diatom multi-ecotypes dominated by epiphytic and facultative planktonic taxa were replaced by nutrient-tolerant planktonic taxa, such as Cyclotella meneghiniana Skvortzow, C. atomus Hustedt, Cyclostephanos Round, and Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg etc., reflecting the nutrient changes in the lake. The relationship between diatoms and summer water quality indices was explored further using numeric analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and a Monte Carlo permutation test revealed that of all 25 summer water environmental variables, total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (Chl a), Secchi depth (SD), dissolved inorganic phosphorus, Cl–, SO42–, Mg2+, CO32–, and water depth were significant variables (P<0.05) in explaining diatom distributions. Of these, TP, Chl a, SD, and Cl–, were the most important variables. The result of the correlation analysis also showed that a significant correlation exists among these variables, implying that these indices are either interconnected or independent in explaining the diatom data. For phosphorus-limited sites, TP was the most significant variable affecting the diatoms, also affecting changes in Chl a, SD, and iron concentrations. The independence of Chl a may be related to algal competition induced by lake eutrophication, resulting in the feedback to diatom community. In addition to TP, SD can be related to sediment disturbance by wave action and the growth of macrophytes in large shallow lakes. These relationships between diatom ecotypes and water quality provide the basis for a future quantitative reconstruction of historic lake nutrient evolution in the study area and will also provide a wealth of modern ecological knowledge that can be used to interpret fossil diatom records.  相似文献   

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