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鲎具有极高的经济价值和科研意义。近年来由于过度捕捞和栖息地受损等原因,亚洲鲎种群数量正急剧下降。鲎漫长的生命周期使得鲎资源的保护和增殖迫在眉睫。生态位模型已经广泛应用于物种的潜在地理分布预测。基于实地调研数据和公开发表的北部湾中国海域中国鲎和圆尾鲎地理分布数据,运用MAXENT模型得到中国鲎和圆尾鲎在广西北部湾(中国部分)的栖息地适宜度指数(Habitat suitability index, HSI),确定了这两种稚鲎在北部湾中国海域潜在适生区。模型分析结果表明,潮间带坡度和地形指数是影响中国鲎分布的主要环境因子,而潮间带底质的有机物含量和植被指数是影响圆尾鲎分布的主要环境因子,根据研究结果建议在两种稚鲎适生区建立保护区,进行人工放流稚鲎,加强对海草和红树林的生态建设,进而促进鲎资源种群恢复和发展。  相似文献   

福建及中国其他沿岸海域中国鲎资源分布现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用调访渔民、浅海底拖网、野外观测潮间带亲鲎产卵和幼鲎孵育情况等调查方法,重点调查了福建沿岸海域中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)资源分布和数量,并走访调查了浙江省、广东省、海南省、广西壮族自治区和台湾地区金门岛等地代表性的中国鲎栖息地,对中国沿岸海域中国鲎资源现状作了较全面的调查。结果表明,大部分海滩已多年未见中国鲎上岸产卵,中国鲎在上岸之前已被渔民通过底拖网捕获,能见到幼鲎的海滩寥寥无几,中国鲎已经从大部分海域消失,中国鲎资源量濒临枯竭。目前尚存少量中国鲎的海域主要是东山湾和北部湾海域。金门岛海域则因为人工放流和设立了中国鲎保护区,中国鲎资源得到较好的恢复。中国鲎资源衰竭的主要原因是人类的过度捕捞、栖息地的破坏和海域环境污染等。中国鲎资源的保护迫在眉睫。建议将中国鲎列入国家级重点保护动物名录,增设中国鲎自然保护区,加强渔业管理以及人工增殖放流等措施。  相似文献   

管超毅  陈智  黄乘明  周岐海 《生态学报》2022,42(3):1203-1212
黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)是仅分布于喀斯特石山生境的珍稀濒危灵长类动物。由于非法捕杀和人类活动干扰,其种群数量正在急剧减少。同时,随着森林砍伐和土地开垦的加速,其栖息地严重破碎化。因此,了解栖息地破碎化对黑叶猴种群的影响对于保护这一珍稀濒危物种具有重要意义。基于遥感影像、土地利用数据以及黑叶猴种群调查数据,通过Fragstats软件开展广西黑叶猴栖息地景观破碎化分析,并通过相关性和多元逐步回归分析,探讨了景观格局对广西黑叶猴种群数量的影响。结果表明:(1)广西黑叶猴栖息地呈现破碎化严峻、斑块形状复杂化、斑块团聚程度较弱且分散化的现象;栖息地以林地景观占据重要优势,但人为景观的干扰十分强烈;在不同地区中,生境破碎化程度、人为干扰强度以及景观配置均呈现不同的特征,其中扶绥地区人为干扰最为强烈,德保地区的景观块数破碎化程度较为严重,而龙州地区的人为干扰程度最小,其森林景观最为聚集。(2)蔓延度指数、平均斑块分维指数、林地面积、林地斑块大小、裸岩面积和裸岩面积比重等景观指数与黑叶猴种群数量有显著正向关系,Shannon多样性指数则是显著负向关系;而耕地面积、耕地...  相似文献   

以大洋河河口湿地作为研究对象,利用1958年、1970年、1984年航摄影像(空间分辨率:2.0 m)和2008年SPOT5影像(空间分辨率:5.0 m)作为数据源,借助人为干扰度指数(HI)、景观格局分析、GIS空间分析方法,探讨大洋河河口湿地人为干扰度时空动态分异及景观格局指数的响应机制。结论:1)全干扰类型面积从1958年的4.16 km2上升至9.16 km2;半干扰类型从115.82 km2上升至180.57 km2;而无干扰类型面积从1958年的291.23 km2下降至221.13 km2,人为干扰度在不同历史时期呈非均质化变化,人类活动干扰中心逐渐由陆向海过度;围海养殖是人类干扰度变化的主控景观因子;2)在时间上,人类干扰过程(全干扰、半干扰)会导致斑块数量(NP)、边缘密度指数(ED)、平均形状指数(MSI)和面积加权的平均斑块分形指数(AWMPFD)总体在1958年—2008年间呈下降趋势;3)空间上,人为干扰度指数与景观格局指数空间分布相关性大小依次为:斑块数量(NP)边缘密度指数(ED)面积加权的平均斑块分形指数(AWMPFD),呈正相关,平均形状指数(MSI)与人为干扰度相关性不显著。  相似文献   

研究大熊猫种群空间利用的消长动态及其干扰因素对识别大熊猫潜在生境、保护大熊猫种群可持续增长具有重要的现实意义。本文收集了第三次和第四次秦岭大熊猫种群及栖息地调查数据,借助地理信息系统空间分析工具,对比分析了大熊猫种群的空间利用变化格局,并探究了道路干扰对大熊猫种群空间利用格局的影响。结果显示:(1)2000-2012年间,佛坪、长青核心密集区大熊猫种群空间利用密度西北方向增加,东南方向减少,即黄柏塬保护区呈增加趋势,而佛坪、观音山和周至保护区交界处呈减少趋势。其中,局部高密度区面积减少,但整体空间利用面积增大,并呈向外围扩散趋势。种群空间利用密度最大增长达3.05痕迹点/ km2,最大减小密度达2.71痕迹点/km2。(2)距国道、省道和县道2000 m以内种群空间利用密度增幅上升,距乡村道路2000 m外种群空间利用密度变化减小,且距高速公路3500 m大熊猫种群空间利用密度由减转增。深入探讨大熊猫种群空间利用格局可为建设优良栖息地和潜在栖息地提供参考,其结论将有助于优化道路选址和保护区规划,缓解人为活动和野生动物之间的冲突。  相似文献   

人类活动会改变地区原始的生态环境,对当地动物种群的空间利用产生影响。因此,了解人为干扰条件下濒危物种对空间的利用情况有助于更好地进行保护。活动区和栖息地利用是对动物空间需求最好的度量,掌握这些信息对有效保护鸟类具有重要意义。本研究于2020和2021年对湖北省广水市平靖关村周边的白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)进行追踪,获得了47组白冠长尾雉的活动区面积和栖息地利用信息。将实际栖息地利用率的置信区间与理论利用率相比得到白冠长尾雉对栖息地的偏好,并采用广义线性混合模型对栖息地利用率和活动区面积的影响因素进行逐步剔除分析。结果发现,该地区白冠长尾雉主要利用针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和灌木林,但按照干扰强度划分后,低干扰区的白冠长尾雉只倾向于利用针阔混交林。雄性个体对落叶阔叶林的利用率与居民点的距离呈负相关关系,低干扰区雌性个体对落叶阔叶林的利用率与居民点距离呈反比,而对针阔混交林利用率与居民点距离呈正相关,雌性个体在高干扰区对针阔混交林的利用率随居民点和农田距离的增大而增大;活动区面积方面,雌性的面积显著大于雄性,并且在高干扰区活动区面积与居民点距离呈负相关。以上研究结果提供了有关地栖性森林鸟类在人类主导的环境中的活动区及栖息地利用的响应,为地栖性森林鸟类的保护工作提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

杨楠  马东源  钟雪  杨孔  周志强  周华龙  周材权  王彬 《生态学报》2020,40(19):7064-7072
明确野生动物栖息地的空间分布格局和影响因子,是有效的栖息地管理和物种保护的基础。基于王朗国家级自然保护区自2001至2018年间的野外调查记录,首次使用MaxEnt模型对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)栖息地适宜性进行了分析和评价。结果显示:(1)地形特征和极端时期的气候是影响蓝马鸡栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子,年最低温高于-14.4℃、海拔约2430-3100 m、坡度小于40°、靠近河流且最干月降水低于4.4 mm的区域属于蓝马鸡的适宜栖息地;(2)保护区内共有蓝马鸡栖息地102.28 km2,约占保护区总面积的三分之一,其中适宜栖息地面积59.41 km2,次适宜栖息地面积42.87 km2,为该物种提供了面积巨大且连通性极好的栖息地;(3)在不适宜蓝马鸡分布的区域,海拔过高和最干月降水量较大是限制其栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子。目前保护区内主要的人为干扰类型是牦牛和马匹的放牧活动,并且放牧强度和区域有扩大趋势,潜在威胁着蓝马鸡种群及其栖息地。因此,基于模型结果和野外调查,为避免保护区内蓝马鸡栖息地的退化和破碎化,提出了控制放牧数量和面积、增强对放牧人员的宣传教育以及定期监测河流水质的保护建议,以期促进蓝马鸡的种群和栖息地保护。  相似文献   

为了量化人类活动对盐城滨海湿地景观格局的影响,论文以盐城滨海湿地黄沙港东北侧至四卯酉河口岸段向南延伸4 km的区域为研究对象,基于景观格局指数、人为干扰指数和GIS等方法,利用1984—2020年的6期遥感影像数据,探讨了湿地景观格局和人为干扰度的动态变化及响应。结果表明:研究期间,研究区的自然景观面积总体上呈减少趋势,人工景观持续增长,不断向海推进,并逐渐取代自然景观成为研究区的主导景观;景观破碎化程度加剧,景观形状趋于规则,各斑块连接性减弱,景观多样性降低,但2013年后破碎化程度有减轻趋势;研究区人为干扰度在1984—2006年呈上升趋势,2006—2013年变化趋于平稳,2013年后干扰程度有所减轻;干扰重心由陆向海逐渐迁移,干扰贡献景观类型从耕地转为水产养殖塘。相对于研究区北部,南部区域的人为干扰度变化跳跃性大,中部核心区人为干扰则较为平稳;人类活动的干扰对研究区景观格局影响剧烈,不同程度的人类干扰对景观格局的影响程度也不同,且人为干扰过程与自然演替之间存在一定的对立性。研究表明,将研究区多年景观动态变化与人为干扰度相结合,可以很好地把握景观变化与人类干扰之间的关系,为盐城滨海湿地的管理、保护及海岸带生态环境可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为了量化人类活动对盐城滨海湿地景观格局的影响,论文以盐城滨海湿地黄沙港东北侧至四卯酉河口岸段向南延伸4 km的区域为研究对象,基于景观格局指数、人为干扰指数和GIS等方法,利用1984—2020年的6期遥感影像数据,探讨了湿地景观格局和人为干扰度的动态变化及响应。结果表明:研究期间,研究区的自然景观面积总体上呈减少趋势,人工景观持续增长,不断向海推进,并逐渐取代自然景观成为研究区的主导景观;景观破碎化程度加剧,景观形状趋于规则,各斑块连接性减弱,景观多样性降低,但2013年后破碎化程度有减轻趋势;研究区人为干扰度在1984—2006年呈上升趋势,2006—2013年变化趋于平稳,2013年后干扰程度有所减轻;干扰重心由陆向海逐渐迁移,干扰贡献景观类型从耕地转为水产养殖塘。相对于研究区北部,南部区域的人为干扰度变化跳跃性大,中部核心区人为干扰则较为平稳;人类活动的干扰对研究区景观格局影响剧烈,不同程度的人类干扰对景观格局的影响程度也不同,且人为干扰过程与自然演替之间存在一定的对立性。研究表明,将研究区多年景观动态变化与人为干扰度相结合,可以很好地把握景观变化与人类干扰之间的关系,为盐城滨海湿地的管理、保护及海岸带生态环境可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

李欣蕊  赵序茅  李明 《兽类学报》2021,41(3):310-320
气候变化和人为干扰正成为物种多样性丧失的重要驱动力。本文基于MaxEnt模型,探讨气候变化和人为干扰对中国3种金丝猴(川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana、滇金丝猴R.bieti和黔金丝猴R.brelichi)地理分布变迁的影响:(1)气候变化和人为干扰导致3种金丝猴在2000年和未来(2050年)的适宜栖息地面积减少,分布海拔升高,其中黔金丝猴适宜栖息地面积减少最大,川金丝猴在四川东北部、陕西西南部和湖北西北部的适宜栖息地,滇金丝猴在云南西部的适宜栖息地面积收缩;(2)人为干扰指数是导致金丝猴适宜栖息地面积减少的重要因素,最暖季度平均温度、降水量变异系数、最冷季度平均温度是分别影响川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴适宜栖息地的最重要气候因子;(3)川金丝猴栖息地的西南部,滇金丝猴栖息地的中部具备高连通性,适合亚群之间的交流。基于上述结果,我们建议减少低海拔地区的人类活动,并加强在受气候变化和人类干扰影响严重的栖息地进行预见性保护,比如提前规划、扩大保护地范围,在栖息地连通性低的地区修建生态廊道。我们的结果为濒危动物的保护和生态廊道的修建提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

While there are persistent calls for developing more marine protected areas (MPAs) for Asian horseshoe crab conservation in response to population declines in Asia–Pacific region, most existing horseshoe crab MPAs were designated without prior comprehensive population assessment and habitat characterization. This study collected biological and habitat information in Hong Kong, in order to identify priority sites for conservation and management of Asian horseshoe crab populations. The territory-wide surveys at 18 spawning/nursery beaches displayed a persistently low mean juvenile density from 0.16 to 2.19 ind/100 m2 in 2012 and 0.08 to 1.41 ind/100 m2 in 2014. These density data were within the same range of that in 2002 and 2007 (0.10–1.97 ind/100 m2), apart from a low survey return of 0.08–0.31 ind/100 m2 in 2004. The current population of juvenile T. tridentatus and C. rotundicauda in Hong Kong is estimated about 2100–4300 and 2400–3000 individuals, respectively. From the 2012–2014 data, no new recruitments of 1st–3rd instar juveniles were found, as the shores were occupied mostly by 6th–9th instar juveniles of prosomal width between 23 and 45 mm, in which considerably high mortality rates were noted. The present findings of existing small and discrete juvenile populations, coupled with relatively few recruits, suggest that the status of juvenile horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong is fragile and vulnerable to local extirpation, especially if no urgent protection measures are implemented. Based on available population data and habitat characteristics, three MPAs, ranging from 5 to 7 km2, are proposed, so as to conserve over 60 and 70 % of the existing juvenile populations of T. tridentatus and C. rotundicauda, respectively. The approach adopted in this study may serve as a case study for proposing other horseshoe crab MPAs in Asia, where increasing human disturbances and over-harvest are imminent.  相似文献   

During the late summer and early fall, juvenile shore crabs (Carcinus maenas L.) occurred in high abundances in mussel clumps scattered on tidal flats of the Wadden Sea. Abundances were much lower on bare tidal flats without mussel clumps and decreased substantially from July to November, whereas numbers in mussel clumps remained high. Large crabs left the tidal flats in early fall, whereas juveniles undertook tidal migrations only in the late fall. In March very few shore crabs were found in the intertidal area. The size of juvenile shore crabs living between mussels did not increase significantly during fall. On the bare tidal flats surrounding the mussels, a size increase was observed. Mussel beds and mussel clumps serve as a spatial refuge for the early benthic phases of juvenile shore crabs. Between mussels they can hide effectively from their epibenthic predators. Juvenile shore crabs do not leave the intertidal area and the mussel habitats before their major predators have left the area. Mussel clumps scattered over the tidal flats may be a critical refuge for juvenile shore crabs settling on tidal flats. Intensified efforts in mussel culturing in the European Wadden Sea during recent decades may have caused an increased abundance of mussel clumps on tidal flats, thus enhancing habitat availability for some mussel-clump inhabitants.  相似文献   

Horseshoe crabs (order Xiphosura) are often referred to as an ancient order of marine chelicerates and have been considered as keystone taxa for the understanding of chelicerate evolution. However, the mitochondrial genome of this order is only available from a single species, Limulus polyphemus. In the present study, we analyzed the complete mitochondrial genomes from two Asian horseshoe crabs, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus tridentatus to offer novel data for the evolutionary relationship within Xiphosura and their position in the chelicerate phylogeny. The mitochondrial genomes of C. rotundicauda (15,033 bp) and T. tridentatus (15,006 bp) encode 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. Overall sequences and genome structure of two Asian species were highly similar to that of Limulus polyphemus, though clear differences among three were found in the stem-loop structure of the putative control region. In the phylogenetic analysis with complete mitochondrial genomes of 43 chelicerate species, C. rotundicauda and T. tridentatus were recovered as a monophyly, while L. polyphemus solely formed an independent clade. Xiphosuran species were placed at the basal root of the tree, and major other chelicerate taxa were clustered in a single monophyly, clearly confirming that horseshoe crabs composed an ancestral taxon among chelicerates. By contrast, the phylogenetic tree without the information of Asian horseshoe crabs did not support monophyletic clustering of other chelicerates. In conclusion, our analyses may provide more robust and reliable perspective on the study of evolutionary history for chelicerates than earlier analyses with a single Atlantic species.  相似文献   

Population density and size distribution, salinity tolerance, and feeding activity were examined in a western Pacific grapsid crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, that was recently introduced to the mid-Atlantic coast of North America. Seasonal abundance on a boulder/cobble shore (Crane Neck Pt.) in central Long Island Sound, New York, USA, during 1997–1998, ranged from 7 to 10 crabs m−2 averaged over the entire intertidal zone. Crabs occurred throughout the intertidal during summer and fall, but appeared to move from high to low elevations during winter. In laboratory experiments, H. sanguineus tolerated salinity down to 10 ppt for 7 d, but showed significant preference for 20 or 27 ppt over 10 ppt. The crabs readily consumed juvenile snails (Littorina littorea) and mussels (Mytilus edulis), as well as other common species of macroalgae and invertebrates occurring at Crane Neck Pt. High feeding rates and the ability to consume littorine snails up to 13 mm in height and mussels up to 20 mm in length suggest that this nonindigenous species has the potential to significantly affect the structure of rocky intertidal communities in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean; however, rigorous field studies are needed to accurately determine the impact of this recent introduction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Approximately 1,000 volunteers assessed the presence of invasive (Carcinus maenas and Hemigrapsus sanguineus) and native crabs within the intertidal zone of seven coastal states of the US, from New Jersey to Maine. Identification of crab species and determination of the gender of the observed crabs was documented at all 52 sites across a 725-km coastal transect. Using quantitative measures of accuracy of data collected by citizen scientists, a significant predictor of a volunteer’s ability was determined and eligibility criteria were set. Students in grade three and seven had the ability to differentiate between species of crabs with over 80% and 95% accuracy, respectively. Determination of gender of the crabs was more challenging and accuracy exceeded 80% for seventh grade students, while 95% accuracy was found for students with at least 2 years of university education. We used the data collected by citizen scientists to create a large-scale standardized database of the distribution and abundance of the native and invasive crabs. Hemigrapsus sanguineus dominated the rocky intertidal zone from Sandy Hook, New Jersey to Boston Harbor, Massachusetts while C. maenas dominated the northern extent of the sampled coastline. A citizen scientist of this monitoring network detected a range expansion of H. sanguineus. We identified obstacles to creating a national monitoring network and proposed recommendations that addressed these issues.  相似文献   

Horseshoe crabs are the only extant xiphosurans and are believed to be morphologically unchanged for more than 200 million years. Of the four extant species namely, Limulus polyphemus, Tachypleus tridentatus, Tapinauchenius gigas and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, the latter three are found in Asian waters. Recent evidences showed that Asian horseshoe crabs are facing serious threats such as degradation of their spawning grounds and habitat, environmental pollution, overexploitation as a culinary delicacy and biomedical bleeding practices. Baseline data on the distribution and existing population of the wild horseshoe crabs remain poorly known in several Asian regions. Several studies have clearly revealed that pressure due to over-fishing of wild stock has increased tremendously in the last decade. Due to an increase in demand for Tachypleus Amebocyte Lysate (TAL) analogous to Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) in the United States, there is an urgent need to comprehensively address their fishing and conservation measures in the Asian region. This review addresses the overall studies on three species of Asian horseshoe crabs in relation to their fishing practices, local exploitation of their wild stock either for human consumption (or) by biomedical industries. The authors have structured the discussion on an international scale to address the existing problems in fishing and conservation of horseshoe crabs. Since no specific regulatory force or legislative protection act or a policy to preserve their natural stock are available to this date, this paper strongly recommends representative countries to include horseshoe crabs under their wildlife protection act to avoid further unsustainable exploitation of their wild populations.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and the introduction of exotic species are the primary causes of biodiversity loss in tropical island ecosystems. Conservation efforts on oceanic islands are often biased towards charismatic vertebrate faunas, neglecting invertebrate assemblages. We sampled the land crab community on five islands in the central Seychelles; in the intertidal zone, in the supralittoral zone and in nine different inland habitat types to explore the impacts of exotic vegetation and environmental variables on land crab abundance and community composition, and investigate whether land crabs can be used as a tool for the rapid assessment of habitat quality on tropical oceanic islands. We found that species richness and the abundance of the dominant ghost crab Ocypode cordimana was higher in native habitat types than habitats dominated by exotic vegetation. Available ground substrate suitable for burrowing may be a limiting factor for O. cordimana in exotic habitat types. Coenobita rugosus, the dominant crab in the supralittoral zone is largely absent where there is no supralittoral vegetation. These results suggest that land crabs could be reliable indicators of habitat quality on oceanic islands. The abundance of land crabs could be used in the rapid assessment of ecosystem perturbation and identification of sites requiring restoration or management.  相似文献   

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