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对结核分枝杆菌DNA四价疫苗(编码Ag85B,MPT64,MPT70和TB10.4抗原)初发免疫、卡介苗(BCG)加强免疫后小鼠产生免疫应答的能力和抗结核杆菌感染效率进行了分析.攻毒后细菌计数结果显示,DNA初免、BCG加强组肺脏和脾脏载菌数的对数值比阴性对照组下降1.0~1.3(P<0.01),且显著低于DNA四价苗和BCG组(P<0.05).3次免疫后,BCG加强组外周血中CD4 和CD8 T淋巴细胞显著增多(P<0.05);经4种抗原分别刺激,BCG加强组脾细胞产生的抗原特异性IFN-γ和IL-2水平显著高于其他免疫组,其中Ag85B抗原诱导产生的IFN-γ浓度为1250ng/L,IL-2浓度为230ng/L,分别是DNA四价苗组的1.6,1.7倍(P<0.05),是BCG组PPD诱导产生相应细胞因子浓度的2.6倍和2.2倍(P<0.05);此外,BCG加强组肺脏中分泌穿孔素的淋巴细胞数量也显著增加(P<0.05).结果表明,DNA初发免疫、BCG加强免疫法能显著提高小鼠CD4 ,CD8 T细胞介导的免疫应答,增强小鼠抗结核杆菌感染能力,是提高结核病疫苗免疫效果的新途径.  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌四联核酸疫苗免疫原性和保护效率   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对结核杆菌四联DNA疫苗的免疫应答和保护效果进行了评价. 用结核分枝杆菌Ag85B, MPT-64, MPT-63和ESAT-6等4个分泌蛋白基因的表达载体首次免疫小鼠21 d后, Ag85B抗体滴度达到1︰200, 二次免疫后为1︰102400, 三次免疫后为1︰12800. MPT-64和MPT-63的抗体滴度在首次免疫21 d后即高达1︰25600, 二、三次免疫后呈下降趋势. 三次免疫21 d后均未检测到ESAT-6的特异性抗体. 用该DNA四联苗免疫小鼠后, 4种蛋白都诱导脾脏细胞产生较高水平的细胞应答(产生了特异性g-干扰素). 三次免疫后经静脉强毒攻击, 四联苗免疫组小鼠肺脏的细菌数比对照空载体组减少了99.8%, 保护水平显著高于BCG疫苗组. 对肺组织的病理形态特征观察表明, 空载体pJW4303 的对照小鼠, 肺部严重损伤, 肺实质干酪样坏死, 坏死结节占肺实质的50%~70%, 而四联苗免疫的小鼠, 肺组织结构正常, 实质无肉芽肿, 肺泡轮廓清晰. 研究证实, Ag85B, MPT-64, MPT-63和ESAT-6四种分泌蛋白编码基因组成的四联DNA疫苗具有很高的免疫应答水平和保护效率.  相似文献   

编码结核杆菌 3 种抗原 Ag85B , MPT64 , MPT83 的基因片段插入真核表达载体作为组合疫苗免疫小鼠, DDA 和 MPL 作为佐剂分别提高了此三价苗的免疫原性和免疫保护效果,且相比之下 DDA 优于 MPL. 添加 DDA 后, Ag85B , MPT64 , MPT83 抗原特异的 IFN- γ含量分别为 (265.37±79.2) U/ml , (185.31 ±58.3) U/ml, (108.13±54.4) U/ml ,分别比非佐剂组的高 16 U/ml , 45 U/ml 和 2 U/ml ,与 MPL 组 3 种抗原特异性 IFN- γ的含量无显著差异 . IL-4 的含量在各组中无显著差异 . 攻毒后细菌计数结果显示,添加佐剂的三价苗组小鼠的肺脏和脾脏的载菌量分别比空载体组降低了 2~3 个数量级,且佐剂 DDA 组显著优于佐剂 MPL 组和未加佐剂组 . 病理切片结果与载菌量数据相一致,添加佐剂组,特别是 DDA 组小鼠肺部淋巴细胞相对减少,巨噬细胞增多 . 因此, DDA 作为佐剂能显著提高核酸疫苗的免疫效率,佐剂 MPL 不能提高结核杆菌多价核酸疫苗的免疫效率 .  相似文献   

结核杆菌Ag85B基因疫苗的免疫保护效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究结核杆菌Ag85B基因疫苗的免疫原性和免疫保护效果,将雌性C57BL/6N小鼠32只,随机分为4组,即结核杆菌Ag85B基因疫苗组、BCG组、pcDNA3.1( )组和PBS组.取各免疫组小鼠脾细胞培养上清检测细胞因子水平;同时进行CTL杀伤活性检测;进一步用结核杆菌H37Rv国际标准强毒株静脉注射攻击小鼠,计数肺和脾组织中的结核杆菌菌落数,对小鼠部分肺和脾组织作病理切片,HE染色观察组织病变程度,Z-N染色检查抗酸杆菌,观察该疫苗对小鼠结核杆菌感染的免疫保护效果.结果表明,结核杆菌Ag85B基因疫苗对小鼠结核杆菌感染有一定的免疫保护效果,能够诱导较强的抗原特异性Th1型细胞免疫应答,细胞因子IFN-γ和IL-1分泌增加,IL-4分泌减少,CTL特异性活性增加;使小鼠肺和脾组织中的结核杆菌菌落数较空载体组显著减少,组织病变明显减轻.  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌组合DNA疫苗的免疫效果   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
以编码结核分枝杆菌分泌蛋白Ag85B、ESAT 6和MPT6 3的基因为插入片段 ,构建核酸疫苗联合免疫小鼠。以原核表达纯化的抗原为检测物 ,检测了抗原特异性的抗体和γ 干扰素的形成。研究表明 ,组合核酸疫苗第 3次免疫后 2 1天 ,实验小鼠血清中Ag85B抗体滴度达到 10 5以上 ,Ag85B抗原刺激产生的特异性γ 干扰素达到 (17.0± 7.0 )u/ml。组合疫苗虽然没有提高小鼠血清中ESAT 6及MPT6 3蛋白的特异性抗体滴度 ,但仍显著刺激产生了两种特异性的 γ 干扰素。攻毒实验表明 ,经组合疫苗免疫后小鼠肺部结核杆菌数量显著下降。肺部切片显示 ,免疫小鼠病理状况较对照组有明显改善。因此 ,研究提示Ag85B等组合核酸疫苗具有较好的结核病预防效果。  相似文献   

目的:利用真核表达质粒pRSC,构建结核杆菌抗原85A(Ag85A)与小鼠白细胞介素21(mIL21)共表达重组体pRSC-mIL21-Ag85A,为研究新型结核杆菌DNA疫苗提供新的策略。方法:从质粒pcDNA3.1-mIL21中经PCR扩增出mIL21基因,并插入质粒pRSC中构成pRSC-mIL21;再从pIRES-Ag85A质粒中经PCR扩增出Ag85A基因,构建于pRSC-mIL21重组质粒上,成为共表达DNA疫苗pRSC-mIL21-Ag85A。结果:经酶切、基因测序证实,该疫苗构建正确并能成功表达目的基因。共表达DNA疫苗免疫小鼠后,CTL活性、特异性淋巴细胞增殖水平及小鼠血清特异性抗体均呈有意义的提高。结论:结核杆菌Ag85A与mIL21共表达DNA疫苗能诱导小鼠免疫反应,为进一步研究DNA疫苗抗结核杆菌攻击的免疫防护效应奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本课题旨在研究结核分枝杆菌Mtb8.4基因疫苗与人白细胞介素12(hIL-12)联合免疫小鼠所诱导的细胞免疫应答及对小鼠结核杆菌感染的免疫保护效果。40只C57BL/6N小鼠随机分为Mtb8.4基因疫苗+hIL-12质粒组(联合免疫组)、Mtb8.4基因疫苗组、卡介苗(BCG)组、空载体组和PBS组,基因疫苗、空载体和PBS,经肌内注射法免疫各组小鼠,每隔3周免疫1次,共免疫3次,BCG组经尾部皮下注射1×106 CFU BCG免疫1次。免疫4周后,每组处死3只小鼠,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测脾细胞培养上清中细胞因子水平;乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放法检测细胞毒性T细胞(CTL)杀伤活性。每组其余5只小鼠用结核杆菌H37Rv强毒株经尾静脉攻击,4周后,计数肺和脾组织中的结核杆菌菌落数,对小鼠部分肺和脾组织作病理切片,HE染色观察组织病变程度,Z-N染色查抗酸杆菌,观察该疫苗对小鼠结核杆菌感染的免疫保护效果。结果显示,联合免疫组能诱导较强的抗原特异性Th1型细胞免疫应答,免疫小鼠脾细胞培养上清液IFN-γ和IL-2水平(分别为1493.34±8.128pg/mL、747.489±48.676pg/mL),显著高于Mtb8.4基因疫苗组,与BCG组相当,IL-4分泌减少,特异性CTL杀伤活性增强,对小鼠结核杆菌感染有较好的免疫保护效果,使小鼠肺和脾组织中的结核杆菌菌落数显著减少,组织病变明显减轻,其效果与卡介苗(BCG)组相当,优于Mtb8.4基因疫苗组。表明hIL-12表达质粒与Mtb8.4基因疫苗联合免疫后,能够增强Mtb8.4基因疫苗所诱导的细胞免疫应答,使Mtb8.4基因疫苗的免疫效力得到很大提高。  相似文献   

制备轮状病毒四价灭活疫苗,观察其在小鼠体内的抗体应答情况。实验采用轮状病毒原液经凝胶过滤层析纯化,灭活后配制四价疫苗,肌肉注射免疫小鼠,ELISA法测定小鼠血清IgA、IgG。将单价G1、G2、G3、G4型灭活病毒原液及四价轮状病毒灭活疫苗免疫小鼠后,均可刺激产生针对RV的高水平的特异性IgG抗体,但IgA应答较弱。表明四价轮状病毒灭活疫苗在小鼠中具备很好的免疫原性。  相似文献   

针对HBV感染的治疗性DNA疫苗虽然具有很好的应用前景,但目前抗病毒效果并不高,表明在病毒长期感染过程中存在免疫抑制机制。以HBV的表面蛋白(HBsAg)和核心蛋白(HBcAg)为DNA疫苗抗原,采用gp96和HSP70作为佐剂联合电转以提高疫苗的活性。将gp96为佐剂的HBsAg/HBcAg DNA疫苗免疫HBV转基因鼠后引发抗原特异性的细胞免疫和体液免疫应答。使用gp96和HSP70佐剂引起Treg下调20%。与没有免疫的小鼠相比,以gp96和HSP70为佐剂的DNA疫苗显著降低血清中病毒S抗原水平和DNA拷贝数,大幅降低小鼠肝脏中HBc的表达。该研究为设计以gp96为佐剂的乙肝治疗性DNA疫苗提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了探讨肌肉注射Ag85A DNA疫苗能否在肿瘤宿主,一个低细胞免疫应答的机体内激发Th1型细胞免疫应答,将6~8周龄BALB/c雌性小鼠随机分成实验组(Ag85A-V1Jns.tPA组),空质粒组(V1Jns.tPA组)和生理盐水组3组,将生长旺盛的Meth-A细胞接种于各组小鼠右侧背部皮下,每只小鼠2×105个细胞,1d后于小鼠大腿肌肉内分别注射100μL Ag85A-V1Jns.tPA(1 g/L),V1Jns.tPA(1 g/L)或生理盐水。每10 d 1次,共3次,于末次注射后第8 d,无菌取脾,分离细胞进行培养。检测NK细胞活性以及脾细胞培养上清中IFN-γ含量。结果显示:实验组平均NK细胞杀伤率以及脾细胞培养上清中IFN-γ含量较空质粒组和生理盐水组均显著增高,而空质粒组和生理盐水组之间未见有意义的变化。提示肌肉注射Ag85A DNA疫苗可以提高Meth-A纤维肉瘤荷瘤小鼠Th1细胞免疫功能。  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element in mammals and is thought to play a chemopreventive role in human cancer, possibly by inducing tumor cell apoptosis. Mitochondria play a pivotal role in the induction of apoptosis in many cell types. The effects of selenite on mitochondrial function were therefore investigated. Selenite induced the oxidation and cross-linking of protein thiol groups, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, and the release of cytochrome c in mitochondria isolated from rat liver. Induction of the MPT by selenite was prevented by cyclosporin A, EGTA, or N-ethylmaleimide. These results thus indicate that selenite induces the MPT as a result of direct modification of protein thiol groups, resulting in the release of cytochrome c and a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is known to secrete a number of highly immunogenic proteins that are thought to confer pathogenicity, in part, by mediating binding to host tissues. Among these secreted proteins are the trimeric antigen 85 (Ag85) complex and the related MPT51 protein, also known as FbpC1. While the physiological function of Ag85, a mycolyltransferase required for the biosynthesis of the cell wall component alpha,alpha'-trehalose dimycolate (or cord factor), has been identified recently, the function of the closely related MPT51 (approximately 40% identity with the Ag85 components) remains to be established. The crystal structure of M.tuberculosis MPT51, determined to 1.7 A resolution, shows that MPT51, like the Ag85 components Ag85B and Ag85C2, folds as an alpha/beta hydrolase, but it does not contain any of the catalytic elements required for mycolyltransferase activity. Moreover, the absence of a recognizable alpha,alpha'-trehalose monomycolate-binding site and the failure to detect an active site suggest that the function of MPT51 is of a non-enzymatic nature and that MPT51 may in fact represent a new family of non-catalytic alpha/beta hydrolases. Previous experimental evidence and the structural similarity to some integrins and carbohydrate-binding proteins led to the hypothesis that MPT51 might have a role in host tissue attachment, whereby ligands may include the serum protein fibronectin and small sugars.  相似文献   

A biological assay system for studying the nematicidal activity of chemicals has been devised using a model consisting of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Long Marketer) seedlings growing in the diSPo® growth-pouch apparatus. Meloidogyne incognita was used as the test organism. The response was quantified in terms of the numbers of galls produced. Statistical procedures were applied to estimate the ED50 values of currently available nematicides. This system permits accurate quantification of galling and requires much less space and effort than the currently used methods.  相似文献   

Using isolated liver mitochondria we show that low concentrations of TBT (0.5 microM) cause the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c, in the presence of Ca(2+). This is reflected in a rapid loss of membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)), and a large-amplitude swelling characteristic of mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). Despite this, the inclusion of cyclosporin A could not prevent the release of cytochrome c. Further, in the absence of Ca(2+), low concentrations of TBT (0.5 microM) resulted in a slow sub-maximal shift of DeltaPsi(m), not characteristic of MPT, which was still paralleled by a release of cytochrome c. Further experiments showed that the loss of DeltaPsi(m) in the absence of Ca(2+) was due to a combination of inhibition of respiration and a direct uncoupling effect on the respiratory chain. Under these conditions, rapid swelling of mitochondria could be demonstrated, due to chloride exchange over the inner mitochondrial membrane. Taken together these data suggest that TBT can induce the release of cytochrome c in intact cells by at least two mechanisms. The first and critical mechanism is initiated immediately the mitochondria sense the presence of TBT and involves a slow loss of DeltaPsi(m) and induction of swelling, which allows release of cytochrome c in a relatively non-specific manner and independently from a rise in [Ca(2+)](i). The second mechanism involves the induction of formal MPT as intracellular [Ca(2+)](i) increases. These data help to explain previous observations in intact lymphocytes demonstrating TBT-induced release of mitochondrial cytochrome c in the absence of a rise in [Ca(2+)](i) (Stridh, H., Gigliotti, D., Orrenius, S., and Cotgreave, I. A. (1999) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 266, 460-465).  相似文献   

Lee JM  Kim YJ  Ra H  Kang SJ  Han S  Koh JY  Kim YH 《FEBS letters》2008,582(13):1871-1876
The depletion of intracellular zinc with N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) induces protein synthesis-dependent apoptosis. Here we examined the involvement of caspase induction in apoptosis. Among the examined caspases, only caspase-11 was increased by TPEN. Caspase-11 activity also increased, which resulted in caspase-3 activation. Cycloheximide or actinomycin D blocked caspase-11 induction, reduced caspase-11 and -3 activation, and attenuated TPEN-induced neuronal apoptosis. Blockade of caspase-11 by a chemical inhibitor or genetic deletion attenuated TPEN-induced apoptosis, indicating a critical role of caspase-11 in TPEN-induced apoptosis. Although mitochondria-mediated caspase-9/-3 activation also contributed to TPEN-induced apoptosis, caspase-11 is likely a key inducible apoptosis-inducing protein.  相似文献   

Geodermatophilus obscurus Luedemann 1968 is the type species of the genus, which is the type genus of the family Geodermatophilaceae. G. obscurus is of interest as it has frequently been isolated from stressful environments such as rock varnish in deserts, and as it exhibits interesting phenotypes such as lytic capability of yeast cell walls, UV-C resistance, strong production of extracellular functional amyloid (FuBA) and manganese oxidation. This is the first completed genome sequence of the family Geodermatophilaceae. The 5,322,497 bp long genome with its 5,161 protein-coding and 58 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   

Kangiella koreensis (Yoon et al. 2004) is the type species of the genus and is of phylogenetic interest because of the very isolated location of the genus Kangiella in the gammaproteobacterial order Oceanospirillales. K. koreensis SW-125(T) is a Gram-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming bacterium isolated from tidal flat sediments at Daepo Beach, Yellow Sea, Korea. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. This is the first completed genome sequence from the genus Kangiella and only the fourth genome from the order Oceanospirillales. This 2,852,073 bp long single replicon genome with its 2647 protein-coding and 48 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction avoids the costs associated with sex, predicting that invading asexual clones can quickly replace sexual populations. Daphnia pulex populations in the Great Lakes area are predominately asexual, but the elimination of sexual populations by invading clones is poorly understood. Asexual clones were detected at low frequency in one rare sexual population in 1995, with some increase in frequency during 2003 and 2004. However, these clones remained at low frequency during further yearly sampling (2005–2013) with no evidence that the resident sexual population was in danger of elimination. There was evidence for hybridization between rare males produced by asexual clones and sexual females with the potential to produce new asexual genotypes and spread the genetic factors for asexuality. In a short-term laboratory competition experiment, the two most common asexual clones did not increase in frequency relative to a genetically diverse sexual population due in part to a greater investment in diapausing eggs that trades-off current population growth for increased contribution to the egg bank. Our results suggest that a successful invasion can be prolonged, requiring a combination of clonal genotypes with high fitness, persistence of clones in the egg bank and negative factors affecting the sexual population such as inbreeding depression resulting from population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

The rate of DNA mutation and divergence is highly variable across the tree of life. However, the reasons underlying this variation are not well understood. Comparing the rates of genetic changes between hosts and parasite lineages that diverged at the same time is one way to begin to understand differences in genetic mutation and substitution rates. Such studies have indicated that the rate of genetic divergence in parasites is often faster than that of their hosts when comparing single genes. However, the variation in this relative rate of molecular evolution across different genes in the genome is unknown. We compared the rate of DNA sequence divergence between humans, chimpanzees and their ectoparasitic lice for 1534 protein-coding genes across their genomes. The rate of DNA substitution in these orthologous genes was on average 14 times faster for lice than for humans and chimpanzees. In addition, these rates were positively correlated across genes. Because this correlation only occurred for substitutions that changed the amino acid, this pattern is probably produced by similar functional constraints across the same genes in humans, chimpanzees and their ectoparasites.  相似文献   

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