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高等植物光合同化物的运输与分配   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
高等植物光合同化物的运输受维管束发育状况影响较大,有时会限制产量。而同化物在各库器官间的分配主要决定于库本身的特性,它常用库强度和优先权来描述。库强度是库容量和库活力的乘积,库容量用细胞数目来度量,而库活力常用相对生长速度来度量。近年来人们也用酶少戌一来度量库活力或库强度。而库的优先权描述的是各库器官需求同化物的优先次序,种子被认为是优等权最高的库。同化物的运输分配不仅决定于植物本身源、流、库的特  相似文献   

新疆超高产棉花冠层光分布特征及其与群体光合生产的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以新疆超高产棉田(皮棉产量在4000 kg·hm-2以上)为研究对象,分析不同生育时期棉花冠层光分布、群体光合速率和干物质积累量的变化,研究不同产量水平棉田冠层的光环境变化特征及其与群体光合生产的关系.结果表明: 超高产田盛花期到盛铃后期冠层上、中、下层光吸收率的比例为2∶2∶1,呈均匀分布,群体散射辐射和直射辐射透过系数分别为0.20~0.55和0.22~0.56,处于较适宜范围,中、下层叶片受光良好,冠层各层次叶片群体光合速率差异较小.与高产(3500 kg·hm-2)和一般高产(3000 kg·hm-2)棉田相比,超高产田在盛铃前期具有较高的叶面积指数和群体光合速率峰值,在初絮期和盛絮期的叶面积指数下降缓慢,群体光合速率峰值仍保持较高值,非叶绿色器官对产量形成的光合贡献增大,群体干物质积累量较高.在栽培过程中,调节冠层结构,使垂直方向上光辐射和群体光合能力分布均匀是确保棉花高效利用光能、实现超高产的重要途径.  相似文献   

玉米不同株型耐密性的群体生理指标研究   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:50  
以紧凑型和平展型玉米不同株型的玉米品种为主要研究对象,利用作物生长分析法,系统研究了不同株型玉米品种群体内光分布,物质生产诸因素(LAI、NAR和CGR)和群体库源特征等群体生理指标与品种耐密性的关系,结果表明,群体内光分布合理与否是衡量品种耐密性的重要指标,叶面积系数(LAI)、净同化率(NAR)和作物生长率(CGR)的动态发展规律是反映耐密性的重要指标,叶面积系数(LAI)、净同化率(NAR)和作物生长率(CGR)的动态发展规律是反映耐密性的本质特征,群体库源关系协调与否是鉴定品种耐密性的一个综合指标。  相似文献   

不同生态环境下水稻基因型产量形成与源库特性的比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以日本和IRRI的9个水稻品种为材料,分别以武香粳9号和两优培九为对照,在江苏南京和云南丽江研究了不同水稻基因型干物质积累与源库形成特征及其在不同生态环境下的差异.结果表明,生态环境对水稻产量和干物质积累量影响显著.高产水稻品种积累了高额干物质量,且干物质生产优势在中后期.高产品种的总颖花量、LAI及群体生长速率(CGR)都较高.稻谷产量随干物质积累总量的增加而提高,与齐穗后干物质积累量、总颖花量和LAI呈极显著正相关,与粒叶比呈显著正相关.与云南丽江点相比,群体LAI、单位面积颖花量和抽穗后干物质积累量少及生长速率(CGR)低是南京点稻谷产量低的关键因素.  相似文献   

不同株型玉米物质生产和群体库源特征的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
玉米产量与吐丝期至成热期干物质积累量和这一阶段群体库源特征密切相关。紧凑型玉米比平展型玉米,吐丝至成熟期的于物质积累量高3087.6-4525.5kg/hm ̄2,群体库容量大(1322.6-1516.8g/m ̄2),源供应能力强(1073.0-1168.8g/m ̄2),库源比值适宜(1.45左右),因而籽粒产量相戍提高了2214.0-2716.5kg/hm ̄2。玉米品种改良的关键是提高吐丝后群体物质生产效率和光合生产效率,同时使群体库源关系协调发展,相对平衡.  相似文献   

光质对温室甜椒干物质生产和分配指数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究不同光质对甜椒植株干物质生产与分配指数的影响,以甜椒茎有限生长品种"苏椒13号"为试验材料,于2010年计不同种彩色塑料薄膜(红、黄、蓝、绿、紫,白色为对照)试验。结果表明:不同光质处理的甜椒单位面积干物质生产量(Wt)与冠层截获的太阳光合有效辐射日积分(daily photosynthetic active radiation integral,PARi,MJ·m-2)之间的模型为Wt=22.07×e0.0054λPARi;单位面积植株总干重、果实的干物质分配指数、果实采收指数和单位面积果实产量均以红膜最高,紫膜最低;蓝膜的茎干物质分配指数最高,红膜最低;蓝膜、绿膜和紫膜的植株叶片干物质分配指数明显高于红膜和黄膜;不同光质处理对甜椒植株地上部分干物质分配指数的影响差异不显著;研究认为红膜和黄膜能够促进甜椒植株的干物质积累和果实发育,紫膜和蓝膜则有明显的抑制作用,该研究结果可为温室甜椒栽培的光质选择和环境调控提供决策依据。  相似文献   

胡旦旦  张吉旺  刘鹏  赵斌  董树亭 《生态学杂志》2018,29(10):3229-3236
为了探讨不同密度混播对玉米植株13C同化物分配和产量的影响,选用‘郑单958’(ZD)和‘登海605’(DH)为试验材料,在不同密度下(LD,67500株·hm-2;HD,97500株·hm-2)设置单播(SZD、SDH)与混播(M、1∶1、2∶2)处理,研究玉米品种不同密度混播对植株光合特性、13C同化物分配、干物质积累量和产量的影响.结果表明: 随密度增加,籽粒产量、13C同化物在籽粒中的分配、干物质积累量和叶面积指数均提高;而叶绿素含量和净光合速率则降低.在67500株·hm-2下,混播较单播处理无显著优势,但在97500株·hm-2下,两品种混播提高了叶面积指数、叶绿素含量和穂位叶净光合速率,干物质积累量增加.混播促进茎等营养器官的干物质向籽粒的转运,提高了13C同化物在籽粒中的分配比例.混播处理较单播产量增加,主要因为千粒重显著增加.在高密度种植条件下,混播有助于扩大光合面积,维持较高的净光合速率,提高群体干物质积累量,改善干物质的分配状况,增加同化物向籽粒的分配,最终提高夏玉米产量.可见,混播栽培可显著增加黄淮海区密植夏玉米产量.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同密度混播对玉米植株13C同化物分配和产量的影响,选用‘郑单958’(ZD)和‘登海605’(DH)为试验材料,在不同密度下(LD,67500株·hm-2;HD,97500株·hm-2)设置单播(SZD、SDH)与混播(M、1∶1、2∶2)处理,研究玉米品种不同密度混播对植株光合特性、13C同化物分配、干物质积累量和产量的影响.结果表明: 随密度增加,籽粒产量、13C同化物在籽粒中的分配、干物质积累量和叶面积指数均提高;而叶绿素含量和净光合速率则降低.在67500株·hm-2下,混播较单播处理无显著优势,但在97500株·hm-2下,两品种混播提高了叶面积指数、叶绿素含量和穂位叶净光合速率,干物质积累量增加.混播促进茎等营养器官的干物质向籽粒的转运,提高了13C同化物在籽粒中的分配比例.混播处理较单播产量增加,主要因为千粒重显著增加.在高密度种植条件下,混播有助于扩大光合面积,维持较高的净光合速率,提高群体干物质积累量,改善干物质的分配状况,增加同化物向籽粒的分配,最终提高夏玉米产量.可见,混播栽培可显著增加黄淮海区密植夏玉米产量.  相似文献   

植物蔗糖合成的分子机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等植物中,光合同化产物主要是以蔗糖的形式从源向库运输的。近十几年来,随着生物技术的发展,许多与碳水同化产物代谢有关的基因已经被分离,同时多种植物遗传转化体系的建立使在植物中改变基因活性成为现实,对转基因植株的生理生化分析进一步增加了植物中对碳水同化产物合成、分配、运输以及利用等方面的认识。本文就CO2固定,同化产物分配,蔗糖合成三个方面介绍近年来利用基因工程对植物源活性调控及改善的研究进展。  相似文献   

以3年生‘贝达’砧木设施栽培‘京蜜’葡萄为试材,研究直立、V形和水平3种叶幕形处理下葡萄叶幕微环境、叶片质量及果实品质的差异.结果表明: 直立叶幕的总孔隙度和开度显著高于V形叶幕和水平叶幕,叶面积指数、光能截获率和叶幕昼夜温差均显著低于V形叶幕和水平叶幕,后两者间无显著差异.V形叶幕葡萄叶片的栅栏组织厚度显著大于直立叶幕,水平叶幕居中,叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量显著高于直立叶幕和水平叶幕,后两者间无显著差异.果实品质以V形叶幕最佳,水平叶幕其次,直立叶幕最差.通过GC-MS分析发现,V形叶幕挥发性香气化合物种类最多,为29种,直立叶幕与水平形叶幕分别为17和16种.V形叶幕中‘京蜜’葡萄的特征香气组分除乙醇、反式-2-己烯-1-醇、仲辛酮和甲酸己酯含量较低外,其余含量均较高.芳樟醇(里那醇)含量在直立叶幕和V形叶幕中显著高于水平叶幕,橙花醇含量在V形叶幕中显著高于直立叶幕和水平叶幕,叶醇含量在V形叶幕和水平叶幕中显著高于直立叶幕,香茅醇仅在V形叶幕中检出.V形叶幕设施栽培葡萄的果实香气更浓,更能体现其品种特性.  相似文献   

The seasonal patterns of oviposition by the North American grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were monitored in juice grape (Vitis labrusca) vineyards in southwest Michigan. Egg deposition was recorded throughout the growing season at two vineyards in 2006, and at four vineyards from 2007 to 2009. In each vineyard, a random sample of 100 grape clusters was visually inspected twice‐weekly and the number of newly laid eggs was counted. We found that oviposition was continuous but variable throughout the season. Egg deposition started in early June coinciding with early grape bloom, continued at low level until mid‐ to late July, intensified in August close to veraison, and ended in September often before harvest. There were no consistent periods without oviposition that would indicate distinct generations. To determine the contribution of moth immigration into the vineyard to the pattern of oviposition, six grape plants located at the edge of a vineyard next to woods were covered with field cages and stocked with infested fruit. Oviposition and berry infestation were followed weekly on covered and exposed plants. Although higher numbers of eggs and infested berries were found on fruit of exposed vines than enclosed vines, egg deposition and berry infestation followed the same pattern in both treatments. This result indicates that the seasonal pattern of egg deposition is not dependent on immigration of grape berry moth of wild grape origin. The pattern of oviposition by grape berry moth described here contributes to the difficulty of controlling this pest using conventional insecticides with short residual activity.  相似文献   

The grape cane gallmaker, Ampeloglypter sesostris (Leconte), is a native weevil that infests new shoots of wild and cultivated grapes (Vitis spp.). Females oviposit on the tender portions of new shoots, producing a reddish gall that can expand the shoot to twice its normal diameter. These galls can be quite numerous in eastern vineyards, and their effects are unknown. We studied the spatial distribution of grape cane gallmaker and its impact on berry size, sugar content, and nutrient and mineral uptake. We observed spatial trends in grape cane gallmaker distribution in vineyards adjacent to woodland margins, with the trend emanating from the woodline. In vineyards without woodland margins, there was little spatial dependency in grape cane gallmaker distribution in individual years. However, grape cane gallmaker density on a single vine was spatially cross-correlated between 2 yr. The presence of galls did not significantly affect berry quality, or the uptake of nutrients and minerals, and we conclude that grape cane gallmaker does not negatively impact berry quality or mature vine vigor.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to analyse the growth oflettuce, onion and red beet in terms of: (a) canopy architecture,radiation interception and absorption; (b) efficiency of conversionof absorbed radiation into biomass; and (c) dry matter partitioning.Growth analysis, total solar radiation interception, PAR interceptionand absorption by the crop canopy, ground cover, maintenancerespiration of onion bulbs and red beet storage roots were measured.Models for different leaf angle distribution and ground coverwere used to simulate light transmission by the crop canopy. The three crops are shown to have contrasting growth patternsfrom both a morphological and a physiological point of view.Lettuce showed very high light interception and growth afterthe early growth stages but, throughout the growth cycle, thisleafy crop showed the lowest radiation use efficiency due tothe respirational cost of the high leaf area. Onion showed alower early relative growth rate than lettuce and red beet.This was due partly to the low light interception per unit leafarea in the later stages of growth and partly to the low initialradiation use efficiency compared with the other two crops.On the other hand, thanks to more uniform distribution of theradiation inside the canopy, to the earlier termination of leafdevelopment and to the very low level of bulb respiration, onionshowed high radiation use efficiency and was able to producea large amount of dry matter. Red beet leaf posture and canopystructure resulted in high light interception and absorption.Its radiation use efficiency was lower than that of onion, partlyperhaps because of the more adverse distribution of the interceptedradiation fluxes within the canopy and partly because of thehigh respiration cost of a continuous dry-matter allocationto the leaves. However, this crop can accumulate a very largeamount of dry matter as leaf blade development and storage rootgrowth can both continue almost indefinitely, providing continuouslyavailable sinks. Ground cover gave a good estimate of the PAR interception onlyat low values of light interception but, in general, it underestimatedPAR interception in all three crops. Ratios between attenuationcoefficients established by considering PAR or total solar radiationand LAI or ground cover were calculated. Lettuce,Lactuca sativa L. var.crispa ; onion,Allium cepa L.; red beet; Beta vulgaris L. var.conditiva ; growth analysis; light interception and absorption; canopy architecture; ground cover; radiation use efficiency; maintenance respiration rate; dry matter distribution  相似文献   

The uhrastructure and intercellular connection of the sugar unloading zone (i. e. the phloem in the dorsal vascular bundle and the phloem-surrounding the assimilate sink-cells) of grape ( Vitis vinifera x V. labrusca cv. Jingchao) berry was observed via transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that during the early developmental stages of grape berry, numerous plasmodesmata were found in the phloem between sieve element (SE) and companion cell (CC), between SE/CC complexes, between SE/CC complex and phloem parenchyma cell and in between phloem parenchyma cells, which made the phloem a symplastic integration, facilitating sugar unloading from sieve elements into both companion cells and phloem parenchyma cells via a symplastic pathway. On the contrary, there was almost no plasmodesma between phloem and its surrounding flesh photoassimilate sink-cells, neither in between the flesh photoassimilate sink-cells giving rise to a symplastic isolation both between phloem and its surrounding flesh photoassimilate sink-cells, as well as among the flesh photoassimilate sink-cells. This indicated that both the sugar unloading from phloem and pestphloem transport of sugars should be mainly via an apoplastic pathway. Dining the ripening stage, most of the plasmodesmata between SE/CC complex and the surrounding phloem parenchyma cells were shown to be blocked by the electron-opaque globules, and a phenomenon of plasmolysis was found in a number of companion cells, indicating a symplastic isolation between SE/CC complex and its surrounding parenchynm cells during this phase. The symplastic isolation between the whole phloem and its surrounding photoassimilate sink-cells during the early developmental stages shifted to a symplastic isolation within the phloem during the ripening phase, and thus the symplastic pathway of sugar unloading from SE/CC complex during the early development stages should be replaced by a dominant apoplastic unloading pathway from SE/CC complex in concordance.  相似文献   

杂交粳稻超高产群体的冠层结构特点研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了杂交粳稻超高产群体的苗穗粒结构及干物重在冠层不同层次、不同器官的分布,叶面积配置及光强分布等冠层结构特点.结果表明,杂交粳稻超高产群体冠层总干物重及40cm以下、40~60cm、60~80cm和80cm以上4个层次的干物重分别比常规粳稻高32.29%及29.12%、13.95%、16.45%和100.17%.杂交粳稻叶片(同化器官)与穗(库器官)干重分别占总干物重的248%与12.8%.高于常规稻;而叶鞘与茎(贮藏器官)的干重分别占总干物重的33.6%和28.9%,低于常规粳稻.杂交粳稻超高产群体冠层叶面积配置比较合理,齐穗期40cm以上冠层LAI达5.44.冠层光强上下分布比较均匀,60cm以下冠层光强比常规稻高13.1%~37.0%,而60cm以上冠层光强比常规稻低5.9%~12.2%;20cm、20~40cm、40~60cm和60~80cm各层消光系数分别比常规粳稻低35.1%、13.5%、29.1%和17.2%.  相似文献   

以‘红地球’葡萄和‘克瑞森无核’葡萄为试材,研究了采前6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)处理对果实采收时的品质及采后贮藏特性的影响。结果表明,采前20mg·L-1 6-BA处理可以显著提高两种葡萄果实单粒重和单穗重,有效控制贮藏过程中果实腐烂与落粒,显著抑制葡萄的呼吸速率,维持果实硬度,延缓可滴定酸的下降,提高贮藏期间可溶性固形物的含量,抑制果实细胞膜透性的增加,保持细胞膜的完整性,提高葡萄的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate how nitrogen allocation patterns in plants are affected by their vertical position in the vegetation (i.e. being either dominant or subordinate). A garden experiment was carried out with Amaranthus dubius L., grown from seed, in dense stands in which a size hierarchy of nearly equally aged individuals had developed. A small number of dominant plants had most of their leaf area in the highest layers of the canopy while a larger number of subordinate plants grew in the shade of their dominant neighbours. Canopy structure, vertical patterns of leaf nitrogen distribution and leaf photosynthetic characteristics were determined in both dominant and subordinate plants. The light distribution in the stands was also measured. Average N contents per unit leaf area (total canopy nitrogen divided by the total leaf area) were higher in the dominant than in the subordinate plants and this was explained by the higher average MPA (leaf dry mass per unit area) of the dominant plants. However, when expressed on a weight basis, average N contents (LNCav; total canopy N divided by the total dry weight of leaves) were higher in the subordinate plants. It is possible that these higher LNCav values reflect an imbalance between carbon and nitrogen assimilation with N uptake exceeding its metabolic requirement. Leaf N content per unit area decreased more strongly with decreasing relative photon flux density in the dominant than in the subordinate plants showing that this distribution pattern can be different for plants which occupy different positions in the light gradient in the canopy. The amount of N which is reallocated from the oldest to the younger, more illuminated leaves higher up in the vegetation may depend on the sink strength of the younger leaves for nitrogen. In the subordinate plants, constrained photosynthetic activity caused by shading might have reduced the sink intensity of these leaves.  相似文献   

This study looked at regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on leafhoppers in the genus Erythroneura (Erythroneura elegantula Osborn, or western grape leafhopper, and Erythroneura variabilis Beamer) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), which are serious pests of cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera L.) in California. RDI is an irrigation strategy that reduces irrigation during a critical point in the phenology of a cultivated perennial crop, to improve vegetative balance and crop quality. Erythroneura spp. are known to respond negatively to vine water stress, and the second generation ofleafhoppers begins during a potential RDI initiation period, between berry set and veraison (beginning of fruit maturation). In experiments at commercial wine grape vineyards, I imposed deficits of between 25 and 50% of crop full evapotranspiration (ET(c)) between berry set and veraison, with control treatments based on the growers' standard irrigations (typically between 0.8 and 1.0 ET(c)), and then we counted leafhopper nymphs weekly, and leafhopper eggs after the second generation. Results show a consistent reduction of second generation nymphal density with this type of RDI, with average density approximately 50% lower under deficit treatments in all three studies. Deficit irrigation reduced second generation egg density by 54% at one site and by 29.9% at another. These results confirm previous studies regarding the sensitivity of Erythroneura spp. to grapevine water stress, and, in addition, they show that a season-wide irrigation deficit is not necessary for reduction in leafhopper density. Results suggest that lower oviposition at least partly explains the lower nymphal density in the deficit treatments.  相似文献   

苏南丘陵区毛竹林冠截留降雨分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾永正  胡海波  张家洋 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3537-3542
降雨穿过林冠层时,由于林冠的拦截作用,改变了降雨分布格局。林冠截留是一个复杂的水文过程,受降水特征及林分特性的影响较大。本文以北亚热带苏南丘陵地区人工毛竹林(Phyllostachys edulis)为研究对象,利用2007年度各场次降雨观测数据,分析了降雨量和降雨强度与林冠截留降雨的关系,研究了林冠截留过程的特点。结果表明:(1) 研究期间共观测到102次降水事件,降水总量为1110.8mm,单次最大降雨量为110.0㎜,最小为0.55㎜,事件平均降水量为10.89mm,且绝大部分降雨为低雨强、中雨量级的降雨事件。(2) 研究期间林冠截留总量为171.72mm,占同期降雨总量的15.46%。单次林冠截留量变幅为0.21—4.55mm,截留率变幅为1.3%—100%,且随林外降雨量的递增,林冠截留率呈现递减的变化趋势,二者的关系用幂函数(I0=117.34P-0.9106)拟合效果较好。(3)在林外次降雨量小于5㎜的条件下,事件降雨量占年降雨总量的5.0%,相应的降雨事件频率为9.8%,此时林冠截留量随降雨量的增大而增加,其变幅为0.55—1.9㎜,截留量与降雨量的关系用对数函数(I=0.4931Ln(P) 0.9493)进行拟合效果较好;在单场降雨量大于5㎜时,林冠截留量随各场次降雨量的增加,其变动幅度和频率均大大增强,变化范围在0.21—4.55㎜之间,二者相关性较差。(4)降雨在7—10mm雨量级范围内时,林外降雨量和林冠截留量分别为245.14mm和47.9㎜,占其全年总量的比例均为最大,分别为22.07%和27.9%;各雨量级林冠平均截留量与平均降雨量的关系表现为对数函数关系(R2=0.7287),而截留率与平均降雨量的关系表现为极显著的幂函数关系(R2=0.9817),且林冠对降雨的截留作用在雨量级较小时,表现十分显著。(5)全年单场降雨强度小于0.06mm/min时,降雨事件频数为73.53%,降雨量占其总量的57.93%,林冠截留量占其总量的89.34%,降雨事件平均截留率(23.84%)远高于雨强大于0.06mm/min时的降雨事件平均截留率(3.92%)。本研究结果为长江中下游丘陵山区水土保持林和水源涵养林体系建设提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators (PGRs), especially gibberellic acid (GA), are often used in table grape (Vitis vinifera) production to increase berry size. However, overuse of this PGR (for example, more than 200 g·ha?1·season?1 of GA) may result in problems with berry condition at the post-harvest stage. A synthetic cytokinin, florchlorfenuron (CPPU), could be considered an alternative to GA. Thus, our objective was to study the effects of pre-anthesis CPPU treatment on berry quality and susceptibility to post-harvest cracking of table grapes. CPPU applied to ‘Thompson Seedless’ inflorescences 48 or 36 days prior to anthesis increased ovary size, number of cells in the ovary pericarp at bloom and berry size at harvest. It also increased the amount of soluble solids and decreased titratable acidity of the fruit, thus allowing an earlier harvest. Finally, if GA was applied during berry growth, CPPU at pre-anthesis improved berry potential tolerance to post-harvest cracking and spoilage. This work demonstrates that application of CPPU at the pre-anthesis stage modifies grape development, improving berry size and potential post-harvest fruit performance facilitating also an early harvest.  相似文献   

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