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青菜-土壤生态系统中氚水的迁移与分布动态   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
史建君  陈晖 《生态学报》2002,22(8):1260-1265
采用模拟污染物的同位素示踪技术研究了两种引入方式(模拟灌溉和降雨)下氘水在青菜-土壤模拟生态系统中的迁移与分布动态,测定了植物和土壤样品中两种形态氚(自由水氚和结合态氚)的比活度,以探明氚水在青菜-土壤系统中的行为特性,不同引入方式对青菜吸收和积累氚水的影响,结果显示:引入土壤中的氚水,不仅在系统各分室间转移和分配,而且迅速向系统外散逸,以自由水氚和结合态氚形式存在于青菜组织中,以吸湿性水氚和结晶水氚存在于土壤,其中自由水氚(或吸湿性水氚)远大于结合态氚(或结晶水氚);青菜茎中的总氚比活度高于叶和根中的比活度,运用示踪动力学分室模型原理对实验数据进行拟合得;土壤中的比活度C5(模拟灌溉)=91.59e^-0.1002t 99.91e^-9.1105t和Cs(模拟降雨)=78.09e^-0.5115t 48.27e^-0.0475t;青菜植株中的比活度Cv(模拟灌溉)=543.52(e^-0.1002t-e^-9.1105t)和Cv(模拟降雨)=647.07e^-0.5115t 241.28e^-0.0475t;方差分析结果表明各回归方程较好地反应了氚水在青菜-土壤系统中的变化动态。  相似文献   

锶-89在模拟水稻田中的动力学行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用模拟污染物的同位素示踪技术探索了89Sr在水稻-田水-土壤系统中的消长与分配,并建立了其行为规律的数学模型,结果表明,田表水中89Sr-Sr含量迅速地降低,1d后由原始量的8.5ug/g降为4.0ug/g,以后逐渐降低,至试验结束(28d)时为0.7ug/g,表土中89Sr-Sr含量声速地增大,1d后即由0达12.4ug/g,试验结束时为20.9ug/g,水稻地上部,1d后由0[达8.8ug/g,以后也呈增加趋势,结束时达21.7ug/g,水稻根由1d的9.5ug/g达试试验结束时的39.6ug/g,田表水,表土及不稻植株中89Sr-Sr含量随时间变化的规律相应为:CW=0.965e^-0.028t 7.635e^-0.470t,C=35.142(e^-0.028t-e^-0.470t),Cz=35.182-23.481e^-0.028t-11.701e^-0.470t。其次,在收获期,糙米中89Sr-Sr含量为1.6ug/g,稻壳为9.4ug/g,稻草为39.7ug/g,稻根为41.8ug/g,还测定了89Sr-Sr在收获期土壤中的铅垂 分布,表明,58.2%的89Sr-Sr滞留于表层2cm,并且其滞留量随土壤深度按指数规律衰减:C=20.356e^-0.467x(r=-0.9433)。  相似文献   

95Zr在鱼-海水-底泥模拟生态系统中的迁移与分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
史建君  李明云 《生态学报》2003,23(2):330-335
采用同位素示踪技术研究了^95Zr在鱼-海水-底泥模拟系统中的迁移与分布。旨在探明海洋鱼类对^95Zr的吸收以及^95Zr在海水生态系统中的行为特性。结果显示:(1)海水中的^95Zr比活度随时间呈快速下降,降至一半所需的时间仅为0.2d;底泥吸附的^95Zr主要集中在表层(0-2.5cm),至试验后期(13-20d)其量占总量的99.5%以上,表明来自于海水中的^95Zr被表层底泥吸附,不易随渗流水向下迁移,海泥对^95Zr有强烈的吸附作用。(2)中华乌塘鳢从水体中摄入和吸收^95Zr的主要器官是肠胃道(内脏),与水体直接接触而吸附、吸收的^95Zr主要集中在鱼鳃和鱼鳍中。肉、骨、肝脏和鱼卵中的比活度均比较低(略高于本底水平),表明通过肠胃道吸收和鳃、鳍等组织吸附、吸收的^95Zr不易向肉、骨、肝脏和鱼卵等内部组织输运。(3)运用封闭3分室模型原理对实验数据进行拟合得:鱼体中的比活度Cf=0.05-6.36e^-3.4274t 6.61e^-0.2682t,海水中的比活度Cw=215.42e^-3.4274t 2.00e^-0.2682t,底泥中的比活度Cs=143.86 14.83e^-3.4274t-158.69e^-0.2682t;方差分析结果表明各回归方程较好地反应了^95Zr在鱼-海水-底泥生态系统中的消长动态。  相似文献   

李德鹏  王诗生 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1749-1755
利用江西鹰潭红壤生态实验站的长期施肥定位试验,采用田间微域研究了五氯酚(pentachlorophenol, PCP)在红壤性水稻田生态系统中的降解动态和稻谷的富集特征。四种长期施肥处理包括:未施肥(对照,CK)、施尿素(N)、施有机肥(OM)以及施有机肥+尿素(N+OM)。结果表明,长期施用OM或N+OM能显著增加土壤微生物活性。PCP在土壤-水稻生态系统中的降解遵循一级动力学方程,在CK、N、OM 和 N+OM 4 种处理土壤中降解半衰期分别为 27.7、35.2、24.8、22.4 d。表明长期施用OM或N+OM能加速PCP降解,而长期施用N抑制PCP降解。土壤中PCP(初始浓度85 mg/kg)显著减少水稻茎和稻谷生物量,但是对水稻根生物量并没有显著影响。在4种处理中水稻稻谷中PCP含量并没有显著差异,且稻谷的生物富集系数均小于0.01。PCP虽然在土壤-水稻生态系统中的降解半衰期较短,但是仍可以在水稻稻谷中有一定的生物富集,潜在的食品安全风险依然存在。  相似文献   

长期施用含氯化肥对稻田土壤氯积累及养分平衡的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
邹长明  高菊生 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2557-2563
随着含氯化肥 (氯化钾和氯化铵 )在中国的广泛施用 ,其对稻田生态系统的长期影响成为人们关心的问题。为此 ,1975年在湖南祁阳红壤站建立了含氯化肥长期定位试验 ,3个处理 (CK、低氯和高氯 )的施 Cl量分别为 0、35 2、10 32 kg/ (hm2· a) ,其历年土壤样品和 1997年水稻植株样品被用于研究长期连续施用氯化钾和氯化铵后 Cl-在土壤 -水稻系统中的累积及其对土壤养分平衡和水稻养分吸收的影响。结果表明 :Cl- 极易随水淋失 ,在土壤中的总残留率极低 (占总施氯量的 0 .16 %~ 0 .2 1% ) ,但长期的积累还是使施氯处理土壤 Cl- 含量显著增加 ,连续施用高氯化肥 2 4 a后 (1998) ,表土 (0~ 2 0 cm)中的 Cl- 含量比试验前(1975 )增长了 5 2 .2 % ,0~ 10 0 cm土壤剖面中和稻草中的 Cl-含量也显著增加 ;长期施用高氯化肥使表土中有效 K、Cu、B、Mn及全 Ca含量显著降低 ,而剖面 (6 0~ 80 cm)中的有效 B显著增加 ,对土壤有机质、全 N、全 P、有效 Mo、Zn及总 Mg没有明显影响 ;长期施用高氯化肥还显著抑制早稻对 P、Ca、Mn、Cu的吸收和晚稻对 Ca、Mn、Cu、Si的吸收 ,促进水稻对 Cl和 Zn的奢侈吸收 ,妨碍早稻植株中的 P、Cu和晚稻植株中的 Cu、Zn、Si向籽粒运输 ,使这些元素在稻谷中的分配率显著降低。长期施用低氯  相似文献   

西双版纳地区稻田CO2排放通量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
武文明  杨光明  沙丽清 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4983-4992
采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对云南西双版纳地区单季稻田CO2排放及氮肥、水热因子对CO2排放的影响进行田间原位观测研究.试验设3个氮肥水平处理:N0(0 kg N hm-2)、N150(150 kg N hm-2)和N300(300 kg N hm-2).结果表明,受一天温度变化的影响,西双版纳地区稻田生态系统呼吸日变化为单峰型,其最大值出现在11:00~13:00之间,最小值出现在凌晨.稻田土壤呼吸呈明显的季节变化趋势,土壤呼吸平均速率为水稻收获后休闲季节>种植前休闲季节>水稻生长季节,差异达到1%显著水平.不同季节影响土壤呼吸的环境因子不同.土壤水分含量低于34%时,土壤呼吸速率与土壤含水量呈正相关,达5%显著水平;地面淹水时,土壤呼吸速率与淹水深度呈1%极显著负相关;水分含量高于38%时,土壤呼吸速率与温度呈极显著指数相关.长期考虑(整个生长季节),氮肥的施用对稻田土壤呼吸和生态系统呼吸无影响;N300处理抑制植株呼吸作用,单位生物量呼吸速率下降.氮肥的施用对土壤呼吸有短期影响,氮肥用量增加,土壤呼吸速率增加.计算得出N0、N150和N300处理年土壤呼吸量分别为6.27、6.31 t C hm-2 a-1和5.89 t C hm-2 a-1;年净固定大气中CO2-C分别为1.41、2.22 t C hm-2 a-1和1 11 t C hm-2 a-1,表明西双版纳稻田生态系统是碳汇.  相似文献   

植物导水系统对土壤质地与辐射强度的形态性适应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以棉花(Gossyp ium herbaceum L.)为实验材料,在全生长期为盆栽植株设置3个土壤质地梯度、3个蒸发力梯度.在播种后50 d和90 d,测定总根长与总叶面积;同时,在90 d时,使用热脉冲探头和HR-33T露点微伏计测定植株茎流和叶水势,并由此确定导水度,以期了解植物导水系统对土壤质地与大气蒸发力的长期适应.结果表明:在蒸发需求相同的条件下,生长在沙土中、单位根导水度低的植株,形成的吸收根要多于生长在粘土中、单位根导水度高的植株;单位叶片导水度在3种不同的土壤中没有显著差别.在土壤质地相同条件下,高蒸发力下生长的植株比低蒸发力下生长的植株产生更多的吸收根、形成更高的单位叶片导水度.最终证实:当土壤质地或大气蒸发力发生变化时,植物个体可以通过导水系统的形态性适应来调节根-叶比例,以达到协调其自身水分供需平衡.  相似文献   

水稻-白背飞虱-拟水狼蛛食物链中生物量流动的定量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用荧光物质示踪技术对早稻稻田生态系统中的水稻-白背飞虱拟水狼蛛食物链在抽穗期与乳熟期中营养物质流动进行了定量测定。结果表明: 在所施荧光示踪物质3种质量浓度20、50、100 mg/L中,水稻、白背飞虱、拟水狼蛛的荧光物含量[μg/鲜重(g)]随所施荧光物浓度的增加而增加,浓度组间差异达到显著水平,呈现出较为稳定的规律性。早稻抽穗期每头白背飞虱每24 h取食水稻0.0636 g,平均每头拟水狼蛛每24 h捕食白背飞虱0.0336 g,约6~7头;在早稻乳熟期每头白背飞虱每24 h取食水稻0.0155 g,平均每头拟水狼蛛每24 h捕食白背飞虱0.0416 g,约16头。结合田间调查数据分析,抽穗期白背飞虱危害低于乳熟期,差异显著;两个水稻生育期3~4龄拟水狼蛛的控虫力差异显著,乳熟期高于抽穗期。  相似文献   

对四川西部亚高山地区连香树、糙皮桦、云南松和云杉4种主要人工林生态系统的生物量、土壤及林木器官C、N含量进行了测定.结果表明:林木体内C的分布与器官年龄的关系不明显,而N和C/N的分布与年龄的关系较为密切.幼嫩器官中的N含量大于老化器官,老化器官中的C/N比值大于幼嫩器官,且针叶林地枯落叶中的C/N比值大于阔叶林地.C、N在土壤表层具有明显的富集作用,在整个人工林生态系统(包括林木、枯落物和土壤0~40 cm)中的积累量分别达 176.75~228.05 t·hm-2和 11.06~16.54 t·hm-2,在土壤-枯落物分室和林木分室中的分配比例为C (1.9~3.3)∶1,N (15.6~41.5)∶1,且针叶林的“C汇”功能大于阔叶林.阔叶林地的凋落叶分解速率一般大于针叶林地,周转期分别为2.2~3.7 a和3.9~4.2a;在凋落叶分解过程中,C在所有林地均呈超速释出态势,周转期为1.9~3.4 a;N在连香树和糙皮桦林地呈超速释出态势,周转期为1.9~3.2 a,在云南松和云杉林地呈慢速释出态势,周转期为6.7~8.5 a.  相似文献   

对四川西部亚高山地区连香树、糙皮桦、云南松和云杉4种主要人工林生态系统的生物量、土壤及林木器官C、N含量进行了测定.结果表明:林木体内C的分布与器官年龄的关系不明显,而N和C/N的分布与年龄的关系较为密切.幼嫩器官中的N含量大于老化器官,老化器官中的C/N比值大于幼嫩器官,且针叶林地枯落叶中的C/N比值大于阔叶林地.C、N在土壤表层具有明显的富集作用,在整个人工林生态系统(包括林木、枯落物和土壤0~40 cm)中的积累量分别达 176.75~228.05 t·hm-2和 11.06~16.54 t·hm-2,在土壤-枯落物分室和林木分室中的分配比例为C (1.9~3.3)∶1,N (15.6~41.5)∶1,且针叶林的“C汇”功能大于阔叶林.阔叶林地的凋落叶分解速率一般大于针叶林地,周转期分别为2.2~3.7 a和3.9~4.2a;在凋落叶分解过程中,C在所有林地均呈超速释出态势,周转期为1.9~3.4 a;N在连香树和糙皮桦林地呈超速释出态势,周转期为1.9~3.2 a,在云南松和云杉林地呈慢速释出态势,周转期为6.7~8.5 a.  相似文献   

Summary Rats were continuously exposed to constant activity of tritium in drinking water (HTO group) or to tritium organically bound in food (T-food group) in the period from conception ofF 1 generation through maturity. Female offspring were killed at the age of 21 and 71 days and the oocytes in their ovaries were counted. Mean dose rates absorbed in the ovaries were for the HTO groups 7.25 ± 0.37 and 14.73 ± 0.79 mGy/day and for the T-food group 4.84 ± 0.25 mGy/day.Reduction in the oocyte number in the ovaries of females exposed to tritiated food was bigger than in the ovaries of females exposed to tritiated water. The dependence of the survival of small oocytes on the dose rate and the corresponding total accumulated dose had an exponential character. The damaging effect of tritium was for the period from conception to 21 days of age bigger than from 21 to 71 days of age. Of all stages of oocyte development, the highest sensitivity to tritium irradiation was observed in small oocytes and oocytes with one complete layer of follicle cells. As a result, relative number of the growing and large oocytes increased.  相似文献   

稻鸭共作对稻田氮素变化及土壤微生物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李成芳  曹凑贵  展茗  汪金平 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2115-2115~2122
通过田间试验研究稻鸭共作生态系统中土壤与田面水全N、无机N的动态变化及水稻吸N的规律和土壤微生物数量的变化规律.结果表明,(1)与常规稻作相比,稻鸭共作稻田土壤、田面水全N含量略有提高,土壤、田面水NH 4含量和水稻含N量显著提高,而土壤、田面水NO-3含量无明显变化;(2)稻鸭共作极显著提高了水稻总吸N量,高于常规稻作17.8%;相关分析显示,水稻吸N量与NH 4含量呈一元二次方程式关系,达到显著或极显著相关.(3)与常规稻作相比,稻鸭共作能显著提高土壤微生物数量,其中细菌数最多,放线菌次之,真菌最少.  相似文献   

稻鸭与稻鱼生态系统土壤微生物量N和土壤酶活性动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在一个水稻生长季节,采用田间采样与室内分析的方法,利用氯仿熏蒸培养法、苯酚钠比色法、TTC比色法、高锰酸钾滴定法和茚三酮比色法测定和研究了稻鸭与稻鱼生态系统稻田土壤微生物量N(MBN)和土壤脲酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶和蛋白酶活性的动态变化,及其与土壤养分和水稻吸N量的相关性.结果表明,(1)随着水稻的生长,土壤微生物量N表现为先上升随后下降,于成熟期有所回升趋势;土壤微生物量N与土壤速效N、全N和全P不相关;由于水稻与微生物对养分的竞争,土壤微生物量N与水稻吸N量不相关;稻田养鸭,养鱼显著地提高了土壤微生物量N.(2)土壤脲酶、脱氢酶和蛋白酶活性都表现出先上升后下降趋势,而过氧化氢酶活性变化不大;稻鸭与稻鱼共作显著地提高了土壤脲酶、脱氢酶和蛋白酶活性,而对过氧化氢酶活性影响不大;线性相关分析表明,在一个稻季内,土壤脲酶和脱氢酶活性与土壤速效N负相关,土壤脲酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶和蛋白酶活性与土壤全N和全P不相关;土壤脲酶、脱氢酶和蛋白酶活性与水稻吸N量呈显著相关.(3)稻田土壤微生物量N与土壤酶不相关.  相似文献   

张作合  张忠学 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4586-4595
为揭示不同灌溉模式下水稻植株生长与水分消耗利用,通过蒸渗仪与田间小区结合的方法,以常规淹灌模式作为对比,研究了三种灌溉模式的水稻植株生长与水分消耗利用。试验结果表明:水稻植株体通过水分的自我调解来适应稻田生态系统变化,灌溉模式对水稻植株各器官的湿基含水率产生显著影响(P<0.05),控制灌溉模式能够有效地延缓水稻生育后期的根系衰老;作为水分的载体,水稻植株干物质积累量直接影响水稻的耗水量,控制灌溉模式下稻田生态系统的水稻耗水量较间歇灌溉和常规淹灌都有大幅度的降低,而水分利用效率大幅度提高;控制灌溉模式可以通过生长补偿效应来增加后期干物质的积累,从而提高籽粒产量。根据各灌溉模式水稻的腾发量结合实际降雨量,来调控稻田灌溉水量,能够有效地维持SPAC稻田生态系统平衡,保证农业和生态系统的可持续发展。研究结果可为寒地黑土区稻田生态系统水分消耗利用研究提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

We have studied in the laboratory the effect of different levels of P application on the transformation on native as well as of applied zinc in a rice-growing soil under two moisture regimes viz., flooded and nonflooded. Application of P caused a decrease in the water soluble plus exchangeable and organic complexed with a concomitant increase in the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxide bound forms of native soil zinc. Application of P also caused a decrease in the transformation of applied Zn into the water soluble plus exchangeable and organically complexed and an increase in the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxide bound forms of zinc. The above effects of P were more pronounced in soil under flooded than under nonflooded moisture regimes. The water soluble plus exchangeable and the organically complexed forms of Zn are considered to play an important role in Zn nutrition of lowland rice, while the role of the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxide bound forms are less important in this regard.The results of greenhouse experiments showed that P application caused a progressive decrease in the Zn concentration in shoot and root. This was attributed at least partly to the decrease in the water soluble plus exchangeable and organically complexed forms of Zn and an increase in the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxide bound forms in soil due to P application.  相似文献   

Two lactating cows were given tritiated hay containing organically bound tritium (OBT) only for about 4 weeks. Tritium activity was determined in milk fat, casein, lactose, milk water, and whole milk. In one cow, milk was sampled for approximately 450 days, covering two lactation periods. At steady state, specific tritium activities in casein, lactose, and milk water were 58, 10, and 11%, respectively, of those in milk fat. Some OBT was converted into THO during catabolism and entered the body water pool. This 3H source accounted for nearly 40% of tritium in lactose, but in casein and milk fat about 97% of tritium was derived from ingested OBT. Comparison of the specific activity of milk constituents with the specific activity of ingested hay showed the following values: 0.84 for milk fat, 0.49 for casein, 0.05 for lactose, 0.10 for milk water. About one-half of the tritium transferred to milk was found in organic milk constituents and the other half in milk water. Decrease of tritium activity with time could be represented by three components with different half-lives for the organic milk constituents. Those for milk fat and casein were quite similar, with a slow component of nearly 3 months.  相似文献   

The ability of tritium to induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) has been investigated in male mice of the Hale-Stoner-Brookhaven strain maintained on drinking water containing 3.0 microCi/ml tritiated water (HTO). At selected intervals after 28-261 days of consuming HTO, the frequency of SCEs and the kinetics of cellular proliferation were measured in bone marrow cells of animals maintained on HTO, and in age-matched control groups, by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labelling methods. A statistically significant (1 percent level) elevation of SCEs was observed after 81, 163, 192, 247 and 261 days of HTO ingestion. The frequency of induced SCEs increased linearly with the ingestion time. These results are of particular interest since ionizing radiation is generally not considered to be an efficient inducer of SCEs.  相似文献   

The classic methodology for estimating dose to man from environmental tritium assumes that all tritium, whether organically bound or free, enters directly into man's free body water compartment and is uniformly distributed as tritiated water. This methodology ignores the fact that organically bound tritium in foodstuffs may be directly assimilated in the bound compartment of tissues without previous oxidation. A four-compartment model consisting of a free body water compartment, two organic compartments, and a small, rapidly metabolizing compartment is proposed. The utility of this model lies in the ability to input organically bound tritium directly into organic compartments representing tissue solids. The model will be used to illustrate the potential importance of organically bound tritium to cumulative dose estimates. It is found that organically bound tritium in foodstuffs can increase cumulative total body dose by a factor of 1.7-4.5 times the free body water dose alone, depending on the bound-to-loose ratio of tritium in the diet.  相似文献   

Throughout gestation pregnant mice received drinking water which contained [methyl-3H]thymidine (18.5 kBq/ml). The newborn mice were divided into two groups. One group was nursed by their own mothers, which were further supplied with tritiated thymidine until 4 weeks after delivery (Experiment I). The other group was nursed by "nonradioactive mothers" which were given no tritiated thymidine (Experiment II). Tritium incorporation into the small molecular components of the acid-soluble fraction, lipid, RNA, DNA, and protein was analyzed for the newborn mice at various ages. In Experiment II, total radioactivity per gram tissue decreased initially after birth with a half life of 2.5-2.9 days in spleen, liver, intestine, stomach, thymus, lung, kidney, heart, and brain. At about 2 weeks after birth, a slower component of tritium elimination due mainly to the DNA-bound tritium appeared. Specific activity of DNA at birth was organ specific, highest in heart and lowest in thymus. Cumulative absorbed dose in various organs was estimated for the first 4 weeks after birth based upon an assumption that total and DNA-bound tritium are uniformly distributed. The result showed that organ specificity of dose accumulation is obvious for DNA-bound tritium, highest in spleen (1.15 mGy) and lowest in brain (0.13 mGy). It was also shown that the tritium supply from mother's milk is of minor importance for dose accumulation of DNA-bound tritium in the cell nuclei of organs of suckling mice.  相似文献   

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