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冬小麦叶片气孔导度模型水分响应函数的参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物气孔导度模型的水分响应函数用来模拟水分胁迫对气孔导度的影响过程, 是模拟缺水环境下植物与大气间水、碳交换过程的关键算法。水分响应函数包括空气湿度响应函数和土壤湿度(或植物水势)响应函数, 该研究基于田间实验观测, 分析了冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)叶片气孔导度对不同空气饱和差和不同土壤体积含水量或叶水势的响应规律。一个土壤水分梯度的田间处理在中国科学院禹城综合试验站实施, 不同水分胁迫下的冬小麦叶片气体交换过程和气孔导度以及其他的温湿度数据被观测, 同时观测了土壤含水量和叶水势。实验数据表明, 冬小麦叶片气孔导度对空气饱和差的响应呈现双曲线规律, 变化趋势显示大约1 kPa空气饱和差是一个有用的阈值, 在小于1 kPa时, 冬小麦气孔导度对空气饱和差变化反应敏感, 而大于1 kPa后则反应缓慢; 分析土壤体积含水量与中午叶片气孔导度的关系发现, 中午叶片气孔导度随土壤含水量增加大致呈现线性增加趋势, 但在平均土壤体积含水量大于大约25%以后, 气孔导度不再明显增加, 而是维持在较高导度值上下波动; 冬小麦中午叶片水势与相应的气孔导度之间, 随着叶水势的增加, 气孔导度呈现增加趋势。根据冬小麦气孔导度对空气湿度、土壤湿度和叶水势的响应规律, 研究分别采用双曲线和幂指数形式拟合了水汽响应函数, 用三段线性方程拟合了土壤湿度响应函数和植物水势响应函数, 得到的参数可以为模型模拟冬小麦的各类水、热、碳交换过程采用。  相似文献   

叶片水力性状表征了叶片为适应外在环境而形成的水分传输方面的生存策略。叶片水力性状会限制整个植株的水分传输,并影响植物的气体交换及其对干旱的响应,因此关于叶片水力性状的研究已成为植物水分关系领域的研究热点之一。本文概括了叶片水力性状的基本指标(包括叶片整体水力导度(Kleaf)、叶片木质部水力导度(Kxylem)、叶片木质部外水力导度(Kout-xylem)等)和叶片水力导度的5种主要测量方法;总结了叶脉网络结构和环境因素对叶片水力性状的影响、叶片水力性状与叶片功能指标(气孔导度、叶片水势、叶片最大光合速率)的匹配与权衡关系,以及叶片水力性状与植物抗旱性关系的最新研究进展;对今后叶片水力性状的研究提出了两点建议:1)将叶片水力性状与气体交换和叶解剖结构等相结合,构建叶片碳-水耦合模型,揭示叶片应对外界环境变化而采取的生态策略,以及植物的水-碳投资机理;2)开展植株各部分(根-茎-叶)间水分传输的交互作用研究,筛选出水力系统高效安全的物种。  相似文献   

王海锋  曾波  乔普  李娅  罗芳丽  叶小齐 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2571-2571~2580
人工构建三峡库区消落区植被是控制消落区水土流失、保护消落区生态环境的重要措施,选择能够耐受长时间完全水淹的植物物种是该措施实施的关键.为了验证香根草、菖蒲、空心莲子草能否用于消落区植被的构建,实验模拟消落区的长期完全水淹条件,设置30d、60d、90d、120d、150d和180d等6个完全水淹时间水平,研究了3种植物在完全水淹条件下生长、生物量积累及存活状况.结果发现:(1)3种植物在经受长时间的完全水淹后有较高的存活率,180d全淹处理后,香根草、菖蒲和空心莲子草的存活率分别为87.5%、100%和50%.(2)这3种植物有不同的水下生长能力.全淹条件下,香根草生长缓慢,几乎没有产生新的叶片,总叶长也没有显著变化;菖蒲能够持续产生较对照植株更为细长的叶片,空心莲子草只在水淹初期(30d内)能够快速伸长地上部分的枝条,并迅速产生新叶片,但随水淹时间的延长,总枝条长及总叶片数没有再显著增加.(3)与对照植株相比,全淹处理抑制了3种植物总生物量的增加,但对3种植物的地上、地下部分生物量抑制程度不同.全淹条件下,香根草的地上部分和地下部分生物量与水淹0d水平(水淹处理开始前一天,下同)相比无显著变化,根冠比高于对照植株;菖蒲的地上部分生物量随水淹时间延长而降低,但却高于对照植株,地下部分生物量始终低于水淹0d水平,根冠比低于对照植株;空心莲子草的地上部分生物量与水淹0d水平相比无显著差异,但地下部分生物量与水淹0d水平相比大幅降低,根冠比低于对照植株.结果表明,这3种植物都有很强的水淹耐受能力,可应用于三峡库区消落区植被的构建.同时,发现植物对长期完全水淹的耐受能力很大程度上与植株在水下的生长情况及植株的营养储备水平相关,剧烈的水下生长会消耗大量的营养储备,进而造成植株存活率降低.植株在全淹条件下有限的生长能力及丰富的营养储备可能是耐淹物种的重要特征.  相似文献   

植物叶性状与光合生理特性对淹水的响应分析,有助于理解水淹生境中沼泽湿地植物叶片构建模型及其光合作用机理。按照小苏干湖湖水泛滥区静水持留时间长短变化设置:I (轻度淹水区,静水持留60-90 d)、Ⅱ (中度淹水区,静水持留90-150 d)、Ⅲ (重度淹水区,静水持留150-210 d)3个梯度,研究了小苏干湖湿地典型泌盐植物海乳草叶性状与光合生理特性对不同淹水生境的响应变化。结果表明:随着静水持留时间变长,土壤含水量逐渐增大,含盐量和光合有效辐射逐渐减小,湿地群落的盖度、密度呈增加趋势,地上生物量呈先减小后增加趋势;海乳草叶片的叶面积呈增加趋势,叶厚度、净光合速率和气孔导度呈减小趋势,叶干重和蒸腾速率变化不明显;不同生境条件下的海乳草净光合速率、蒸腾速率与叶面积、叶厚度之间均存在着显著差异(P<0.05)。随着静水持留时间的延长,海乳草选择增大叶面积,减小叶厚度的生长策略,适时调整叶片的净光合速率,实现植物叶片对吸收光能的有效利用,体现了植物在异质性生境中叶性状间的资源分配策略和光合产物积累模式。  相似文献   

讨论了植物气孔气态失水与SPAC系统液态供水相互作用研究领域的一些重要现象和行为.当植物水力信号和化学信号共同作用促进气孔对叶水势的调节时,植物对叶水势的调节表现为等水行为.气孔对环境湿度变化响应的反馈机制可用来解释土壤干旱条件下气孔和光合的午休现象,以及气孔导度和水流导度之间的相关关系;而气孔对环境湿度变化响应的前馈机制,则可用来解释气孔导度对大气 叶片间水汽饱和差的滞后反应.植物最大限度地利用木质部传输水分的策略,要求气孔快速响应以避免木质部过度气穴化和短时间内将气穴逆转的相应机制.  相似文献   

以新疆艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区荒漠短命植物狭果鹤虱为研究对象,研究少凝结水、自然凝结水和倍增凝结水3个梯度下狭果鹤虱幼苗形态、生理响应对策及单株植物的干物质分配格局.结果表明: 随凝结水量增加,狭果鹤虱幼苗与叶片吸收水分有关的性状叶绿素相对含量、叶片水势、株高、冠幅、茎质量和叶质比均显著增高,而与根吸收和运输水分有关的性状主茎径、根长和根径无显著变化;株高和叶绿素相对含量对凝结水量的响应最迅速;不同凝结水梯度下,狭果鹤虱幼苗对茎的生物量投入比例无显著差异,但随幼苗生长,3个梯度植物的根质比均逐渐下降,少凝结水处理植株降幅相对较小.狭果鹤虱幼苗主要通过改变地上部分性状响应凝结水量的变化,叶片光合潜力和干物质比重随凝结水量增加而显著增加.  相似文献   

解析植物木质部导水率对逆境的响应和适应对促进植物抗逆性机理研究和受损植被恢复具有重要意义。该文以荒漠河岸林建群种胡杨(Populus euphratica)为研究对象,系统分析了胡杨幼株根、茎、叶水分传输通道对不同浓度盐胁迫的响应和适应。结果表明:(1)胡杨幼株根系对盐胁迫的敏感性高于茎和叶,盐胁迫下根系生长和根尖数显著受到抑制,根木质部易于发生栓塞,导水率明显降低。(2)胡杨幼株茎木质部导水率对盐胁迫的响应依盐浓度而定,轻度(0.05 mol·L–1 Na Cl)和中度(0.15 mol·L–1 Na Cl)盐胁迫下,胡杨可以通过协调导管输水的有效性和安全性来调节木质部的导水率,维持植物正常生长;重度(0.30 mol·L–1 Na Cl)盐胁迫下,胡杨茎木质部导管输水有效性和安全性均明显降低,木质部导水率显著下降,并伴随叶片气孔导度的显著降低,从而严重抑制了胡杨的光合和生长。  相似文献   

胡杨木质部水分传导对盐胁迫的响应与适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
解析植物木质部导水率对逆境的响应和适应对促进植物抗逆性机理研究和受损植被恢复具有重要意义。该文以荒漠河岸林建群种胡杨(Populus euphratica)为研究对象, 系统分析了胡杨幼株根、茎、叶水分传输通道对不同浓度盐胁迫的响应和适应。结果表明: (1)胡杨幼株根系对盐胁迫的敏感性高于茎和叶, 盐胁迫下根系生长和根尖数显著受到抑制, 根木质部易于发生栓塞, 导水率明显降低。(2)胡杨幼株茎木质部导水率对盐胁迫的响应依盐浓度而定, 轻度(0.05 mol·L-1 NaCl)和中度(0.15 mol·L-1 NaCl)盐胁迫下, 胡杨可以通过协调导管输水的有效性和安全性来调节木质部的导水率, 维持植物正常生长; 重度(0.30 mol·L-1 NaCl)盐胁迫下, 胡杨茎木质部导管输水有效性和安全性均明显降低, 木质部导水率显著下降, 并伴随叶片气孔导度的显著降低, 从而严重抑制了胡杨的光合和生长。  相似文献   

以屋顶生长的佛甲草为材料,通过光照培养箱进行不同温度条件处理,分别测量了叶片的CO2交换、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数以及植株不同部位的碳同位素比率变化(δ13 C).结果表明:持续高温/低温、较大的昼夜温差和叶表面风力的条件下,佛甲草为适应环境变化,光合会由C3代谢途径转变成景天酸代谢途径(CAM),是兼性CAM植物.短期降温会使叶片光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)发生不可逆失活,光合能力下降;复水后有助于PSⅡ的恢复和重建,而干旱天气会减缓恢复过程;在不利温度环境中生长的佛甲草老叶掉落较多,剩余叶片的叶绿素含量和Fv/Fm值增高,光合能力提高.δ13C测定结果显示,高温使嫩叶气孔导度降低,对成熟叶片气孔导度影响小,佛甲草茎杆虽然含有叶绿素,但没有明显的光合作用.  相似文献   

使用石蜡切片法,对不同生境下的17种藓类植物的叶片进行了解剖观察和比较分析,结果表明不同种类的藓类植物在中肋导水主细胞的有无、厚壁细胞是否分化、中肋细胞层数及细胞密度、叶片细胞层数、叶表附属物、叶片细胞密度等方面存在显著差异。藓类植物叶的解剖结构具有生态适应意义,旱生环境下的藓类植物,叶片细胞胞壁具不同程度的增厚,有些藓类植物叶片具附属结构,藓类植物中肋的有无,反映了对水分吸收和运输方式的不同。例如,荫湿生环境下的羽枝青藓Brachythecium plumosum,其中肋细胞胞壁较薄,无导水主细胞和副细胞的分化,也没有厚壁细胞分化,能够在阴湿环境下吸收水分和养分;钝叶匍灯藓Plagiom niumrostratum具有与旱生藓类植物相似的中肋结构,叶片较厚,中肋具导水主细胞,中肋背面具厚壁细胞,这些特点使该种藓类植物能够分布于间隙性干旱胁迫的环境中;水灰藓Hygro-hypnum luridum叶片纤细柔弱,仅1层细胞,细胞胞壁薄,叶表无附属结构,中肋细胞层数少,无导水主细胞分化,也没有厚壁细胞,这些特点使得水灰藓能够生长在水生环境中;东亚小金发藓Pogonatum inflexum和波叶仙鹤藓Atrich umundulatum的叶腹面覆盖着栉片,东亚砂藓Racomitrium japonicum、大羽藓Thuidium cym-bifolium、福氏蓑藓Macromitrium ferriei、东亚短颈藓Diphyscium fulvifolium、扭口藓Barbula unguiculata和角齿藓Ceratodon purpureus的叶片表面有乳头状突起或疣状物,这些附属结构使它们能够适应于旱生的环境中。  相似文献   

The concept of root contact hypothesizes that the absorbing roots grown in sandy soil are only partially effective in water uptake. Co-ordination of water supply and demand in the plant requires that the capacity for water uptake from the soil should correspond to an operational rate of water loss from the leaves. To examine how the plant hydraulic system responds to variations in soil texture or evaporative demand through long-term acclimation, an experiment was carried on cotton plants (Gossypium herbaceum L.), where three grades of soil texture and three grades of evaporative demand were applied for the whole life cycle of the plants. Plants were harvested 50 and 90 d (fully grown) after sowing and root length and leaf area measured. At 90 d hydraulic conductance was measured as the ratio of sap flow (measured with sap flow sensors or gravimetrically) and water potential. Results showed that for plants grown at the same evaporative demand, those in sandy soil, where root-specific hydraulic conductance was low, developed more absorbing roots than those grown in heavy-textured soil, where root specific conductance was high. This resulted in the same leaf specific hydraulic conductance (1.8 × 10−4 kg s−1 Mpa−1 m−2) for all three soils. For plants grown in the same sandy soil, those subjected to strong evaporative demand developed more absorbing roots and higher leaf-specific hydraulic conductance than those grown under mild evaporative demand. It is concluded that when soil texture or atmospheric evaporative demand varies, plants co-ordinate their capacities for liquid phase and vapour phase water transport through long-term acclimation of the hydraulic system, or plastic morphological adaptation of the root/leaf ratio.  相似文献   

Stomatal behavior and water relations of waterlogged tomato plants   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of waterlogging the soil on leaf water potential, leaf epidermal conductance, transpiration, root conductance to water flow, and petiole epinasty have been examined in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Stomatal conductance and transpiration are reduced by 30% to 40% after approximately 24 hours of soil flooding. This is not due to a transient water deficit, as leaf water potential is unchanged, even though root conductance is decreased by the stress. The stomatal response apparently prevents any reduction in leaf water potential. Experiments with varied time of flooding, root excision, and stem girdling provide indirect evidence for an influence of roots in maintaining stomatal opening potential. This root-effect cannot be entirely accounted for by alterations in source-sink relationships. Although 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, the immediate precursor of ethylene, is transported from the roots to the shoots of waterlogged tomato plants, it has no direct effect on stomatal conductance. Ethylene-induced petiole epinasty develops coincident with partial stomatal closure in waterlogged plants. Leaf epinasty may have beneficial effects on plant water balance by reducing light interception.  相似文献   

Turner NC 《Plant physiology》1975,55(5):932-936
Concurrent measurements of evaporation, leaf conductance, irradiance, leaf water potential, and osmotic potential of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pa602A) in soil at either high or low soil water potential were compared at several hours on two consecutive days in July. Hourly evaporation, measured on two weighing lysimeters, was similar until 1000 hours Eastern Standard Time, but thereafter evaporation from the maize in the dry soil was always less than that in the wet soil; before noon it was 62% and by midafternoon, only 35% of that in the wet soil. The leaf water potential, measured with a pressure chamber, was between −1.2 and −2.5 bars and between −6.8 and −8 bars at sunrise (about 0530 hours Eastern Standard Time) in the plants in the wet and dry soil, respectively, but decreased quickly to between −8 and −13 bars in the plants in the wet soil and to less than −15 bars in the plants in the dry soil by 1100 to 1230 hours Eastern Standard Time. At this time, the leaf conductance of all leaves was less than 0.1 cm sec−1 in the maize in the dry soil, whereas the conductance was 0.3 to 0.4 cm sec−1 in the leaves near the top of the canopy in the wet soil. The osmotic potential, measured with a vapor pressure osmometer, also decreased during the morning but to a smaller degree than leaf water potential, so that by 1100 to 1230 hours Eastern Standard Time the leaf turgor potential was 1 to 2 bars in all plants. Thereafter, leaf turgor potential increased, particularly in the plants in soil at a high water potential, whereas leaf water potential continued to decrease even in the maize leaves with partly closed stomata. Evidently maize can have values of leaf conductance differing 3- to 4- fold at the same leaf turgor potential, which suggests that stomata do not respond primarily to bulk leaf turgor potential. Evidence for some osmotic adjustment in the plants at low soil water potential is presented. Although the degree of stomatal closure in the maize in dry soil did not prevent further development of stress, it did decrease evaporation in proportion to the decrease in canopy conductance.  相似文献   

New methods using different physical principles have been successfully applied in studies of root systems of large trees. The ground-penetrating radar technique provides 3D images of coarse roots (starting with a diameter of about 20 mm) from the soil surface down to a depth of several metres. This can even be done under layers of undisturbed materials such as concrete, asphalt and water. Fine roots cannot be visualized by this method, but the total rooted volume of soil can be determined. The differential electric conductance method has been used for fast measurement of conducting (absorbing) root surfaces. However, more testing is needed. Both these methods are non-invasive. The results can be verified by an almost harmless excavation of whole root systems, including fine roots, using the ultrasonic air-stream (air-spade) method. This method is suitable for all studies, as well as practical operations on roots or objects in their vicinity, where a gentle approach is required. Sap flow measurements on their own or in tandem with soil moisture monitoring play a leading role in studying root function and hydraulic redistribution of flow in the soil. The water absorption function of roots can be studied by measuring sap flow on individual root branches directly (as on crown branches) and also indirectly, by measuring the radial pattern of sap flow in different sapwood depths at the base of a stem. Root zone architecture can also be estimated indirectly by studying its functionality. The heat field deformation method with multi-point sensors has been found to be very convenient for this purpose. A combination of several such methods is recommended whenever possible, in order to obtain detailed information about the root systems of trees.  相似文献   

The relationships of guard cell ABA content to eight stress-related physiological parameters were determined on intact Vicia faba L. plants that were grown hydroponically with split-root systems. Continuous stress was imposed by the addition of PEG to part of the root system. The water potentials of roots sampled after the addition of PEG were 0.25 MPa lower than the water potentials of other roots of the same plant, which were similar to the roots of untreated plants. The leaflet water potentials of plants sampled within 2 h of stress imposition were similar to those of control plants. However, leaf conductance was lower in plants sampled after only 20 min of stress imposition, and the root- and leaflet apoplastic ABA concentrations of these plants were higher than those of untreated plants. As the essence of this report, there was a linear relationship between guard cell ABA content and leaf conductance. Leaflet apoplastic ABA concentrations <150 nM were also linearly related to leaf conductance, but higher leaflet apoplastic ABA concentration did not cause equally large further declines in leaf conductance. It is suggested that evaporation from guard cell walls caused ABA to accumulate in the guard cell apoplast and this pool was saturated at high leaflet apoplastic ABA concentrations.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductances of alfalfa and soybean plants grown in controlled environment chambers at the current ambient carbon dioxide concentration and at twice the current ambient concentration were determined from measurements of transpiration rate and leaf and stem water potentials in the growth conditions. Growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration reduced both transpiration rate and hydraulic conductance from the soil to the leaf in both species. Hydraulic conductance from the soil to the base of the stem was also lower at elevated carbon dioxide in soybean, but not alfalfa. These measurements identified the stem to leaf hydraulic pathway as a major target of the carbon dioxide effect in both species. The conductance of excised stem segments was much less in plants grown at elevated carbon dioxide in soybeans.  相似文献   

This investigation was performed to study the effect on plant water relations and growth when some of roots grow into dry soil. Common spring water (Triticum aestivum) plants were grown from seed in soil in 1.2 m long PVC (polyvinyl chloride) tubes. Some of the tubes had a PVC partition along their center so that plants developed a split root system (SPR). Part of the roots grew in fully irrigated soil on one side of the partition while the rest of the roots grew into a very dry (-4.1 MPa) soil on the other side of the partition. Split root plants were compared with plants grown from emergence on stored soil moisture (STOR) and with plants that were fully irrigated as needed (IRR). The experiment was duplicated over two temperature regimes (10°/20°C and 15°/25°C, night/day temperatures) in growth chambers. Data were collected on root dry matter distribution, soil moisture status, midday leaf water potential (LWP), leaf relative water content (RWC) and parameters of plant growth and yield.Some roots were found in the dry side of SPR already at 21 DAE (days after emergence) at a soil depth of 15 to 25 cm. Soil water potential around these roots was -0.7 to -1.0 MPa at midday, as compared with the initial value of -4.1 MPa. Therefore, water apparently flowed from the plant into the dry soil, probably during the night. Despite having most of their roots (around 2/3 of the total) in wet soil, SPR plants developed severe plant water stress, even in comparison with STOR plants. Already at 21 DAE, SPR plants had a LWP of -1.5 to -2.0 MPa, while IRR and STOR had a LWP of -0.5 MPa or higher. As a consequence of their greater plant water stress, SPR as compared with IRR plants were lower in tiller number, ear number, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total biomass, plant height and grain yield and had more epicuticular wax on their leaves.It was concluded that the exposure of a relatively small part of a plant root system to a dry soil may result in a plant-to-soil water potential gradient which may cause severe plant water stress, leading to reduced plant growth and yield.  相似文献   

J Xie  L Tang  Z Wang  G Xu  Y Li 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41502
In resource-poor environments, adjustment in plant biomass allocation implies a complex interplay between environmental signals and plant development rather than a delay in plant development alone. To understand how environmental factors influence biomass allocation or the developing phenotype, it is necessary to distinguish the biomass allocations resulting from environmental gradients or ontogenetic drift. Here, we compared the development trajectories of cotton plants (Gossypium herbaceum L.), which were grown in two contrasting soil textures during a 60-d period. Those results distinguished the biomass allocation pattern resulting from ontogenetic drift and the response to soil texture. The soil texture significantly changed the biomass allocation to leaves and roots, but not to stems. Soil texture also significantly changed the development trajectories of leaf and root traits, but did not change the scaling relationship between basal stem diameter and plant height. Results of nested ANOVAs of consecutive plant-size categories in both soil textures showed that soil gradients explained an average of 63.64-70.49% of the variation of biomass allocation to leaves and roots. Ontogenetic drift explained 77.47% of the variation in biomass allocation to stems. The results suggested that the environmental factors governed the biomass allocation to roots and leaves, and ontogenetic drift governed the biomass allocation to stems. The results demonstrated that biomass allocation to metabolically active organs (e.g., roots and leaves) was mainly governed by environmental factors, and that biomass allocation to metabolically non-active organs (e.g., stems) was mainly governed by ontogenetic drift. We concluded that differentiating the causes of development trajectories of plant traits was important to the understanding of plant response to environmental gradients.  相似文献   

D. A. Grantz  S. Yang 《Plant physiology》1996,112(4):1649-1657
Pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense L. cv S-6) exhibits foliar injury and yield reduction at ambient concentrations of O3. We tested the hypotheses that O3 reduces the allocation of biomass to the root system, and that this disrupted carbohydrate allocation impairs root hydraulic capacity relative to transpiring leaf area. Both hypotheses are supported, even though leaf area development is itself reduced by O3. Seedlings were grown in pots in greenhouse fumigation chambers and exposed from planting to sinusoidal O3 profiles with peak concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 [mu]L-1 (12-h averages of 0, 0.037, 0.074, and 0.111 [mu]L L-1). At 8 weeks after planting, stem basal diameter, leaf area, and total plant dry weight decreased by 61, 83, and 88%, whereas root/shoot dry weight ratio declined from 0.16 to 0.09 g/g. Hydraulic conductance decreased per plant by 85%, and per unit leaf area by 35%. Conductance of all organs declined per plant, but only root conductance declined per leaf area by 41%. Root resistance increased from 69 to 82% of whole plant resistance, a functional consequence of reduced carbon allocation to roots. Stomatal conductance declined with root hydraulic conductance, protecting short-term leaf water status. Reduced root hydraulic efficiency may mediate O3 injury to whole plants by reducing shoot gas exchange and biomass productivity through the inhibition of water and nutrient acquisition.  相似文献   

Summary Rough lemon citrus seedlings were inoculated withFusarium solani and evaluated for changes in water relations of leaves, stems, and roots. Inoculated seedlings had decreased leaf stomatal conductance, lower leaf water potential, lower water content, and higher leaf osmotic values compared to healthy plants. Visible wilt symptoms occurred as early as 24 h after inoculation. Transpiration and root conductivity were lower in diseased plants but stem conductivity in diseased plants did not differ from the control. Thus, wilting appears to be due to the inability of roots to supply water to the leaves.  相似文献   

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