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球孢白僵菌分生孢子乳悬剂对甘蓝上桃蚜的田间控制效果   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
利用液-酵法生产球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)SG8702菌株的分生孢子粉,配制成含孢量为10^10个.ml^-1的孢子乳悬剂Ⅰ,在此基础上按1%(W/V)的比例舔加10%砒虫琳可湿性扮剂而得孢子乳悬剂Ⅱ.于2001年7月对两种孢子乳悬剂在云南昆明进行了自然条件下甘蓝上桃蚜(Myzus persicae)的田间小区(5.5m×4.8m)药效试验,各3个浓度(含孢量分别为10^7、10^6及10^5个·ml^-1常规喷雾处理,重复设清水喷雾对照,重复3次,随机区组排列.在喷菌后连续28d的田间蚜虫密度定期抽样调查中,乳悬剂Ⅱ的1000倍稀释液喷雾有效抑制了蚜虫数量增长,喷后策7—28天防效始终在90%以上.乳悬剂Ⅰ的相同稀释液喷雾对桃蚜的控制略逊于乳悬剂Ⅱ,但喷后第7天的相对防效也达到85%,此后维持防效70%以上达两周,策24天和28天才分别降至64.4%和52.6%.用含孢量10^6和10^5个·ml^-1的菌液喷雾,乳悬剂Ⅰ仍表现出明显的控蚜效果,而舔加微量砒虫琳的乳悬剂Ⅱ的控蚜效果总是优于同一浓度下的乳悬剂Ⅰ,昆明地区夏季温和而多小雨的气候有利于孢子乳悬剂发挥作用.  相似文献   

在(28±1)℃下,以斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura为靶标昆虫,测定亚致死剂量的乐斯本、除尽与斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(SlNPV)混用后对幼虫SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)、CAT(过氧化氢酶)和POD(过氧化物酶)活性的影响。结果表明,乐斯本和SlNPV混合悬液处理后斜纹夜蛾体内SOD活性显著高于清水、病毒和乐斯本单独处理组,12 h、24 h和36 h时分别为清水对照的1.18、1.35和1.25倍; 除尽和SlNPV混合悬液处理后12 h,其酶活性低于清水、SlNPV和除尽单独处理组。乐斯本和病毒混合悬液处理后,斜纹夜蛾体内CAT活性高于清水、病毒和乐斯本单独处理组,12 h、24 h和36 h时分别为清水对照组的2.79、1.09和1.53倍; 除尽和病毒的混合悬液处理后,其酶活性除12 h时明显高于清水对照外,其他时间均低于清水对照。在正常和中毒的斜纹夜蛾体内均未测出POD活性。可见,农药与病毒混合处理主要影响了CAT活性。  相似文献   

532 nm波段连续激光对视网膜和脉络膜生物学作用的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨532nm波段激光不同光剂量参数对眼底组织的损伤特点及损伤阈值。方法:以新西兰兔为实验对象,532nm连续激光照射眼底,眼底光斑直径1.5mm~2.5mm,功率密度从500mW/cm^2:~2400mW/cm^2,照射时间100s~300s,每组参数10个光斑。在照射后1h和24h进行眼底观察和荧光眼底造影,计算三种照射时间情况下视网膜的损伤阈值。结果:在照射后第1h,功率密度为902mW/crn2,照射时间300s开始出现视网膜灰色改变,病灶范围接近照光面积,在24h后颜色微加重。随着照光剂量的增加,在功率密度达1479mW/cm2,照射时间300s,照射后1h出现视网膜灰白色改变,在24h后出现脉络膜出血;而且随着照光剂量的增加,病灶范围扩大越明显。出血量越多。随着照光剂量的减少,当功率密度1003mW/cm^2,照射时间200s时,在照光后1h眼底没有改变,24h出现视网膜灰白色改变,面积接近照光面积;光剂量降低到1002mW/cm^2,照射时间100s时,在24h才出现视网膜灰白色改变,变化的视网膜范围小于照光面积。统计学计算在照射时间为300s、200s和100s,照光后1h视网膜损伤阈值分别为911.15628mW/cm^2,1167.64770mW/cm^2,1513.89832mW/cm^2,24h视网膜损伤阈值分别为827.09664mW/cm^2。1003.73143mW/cm^2,1154.17863mW/cm^2。结论:在光线照射后24h之内,视网膜损伤是一个逐渐增强的过程。从视网膜没有明显可见改变到视网膜出现灰白色可见损伤,变化范围从小于照光面积到接近照光面积,甚至超过照光面积,并出现脉络膜出血,出血面积随着照光剂量的增加而范围变大。相同能量密度的光剂量对视网膜损伤轻重取决于激光的功率密度。  相似文献   

福州地区桑白蚧发生动态和药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑白蚧在福州地区一年发生4代.以雌成虫在寄主枝干上越冬.越冬代(第4代)一雌虫产卵量多的达278粒.少的36粒,平均171粒,比第2代产卵量多2.6倍.比第3代多4.5倍.药剂防治试验结果,在2龄幼蚧高峰期,用25%扑虱灵可温性粉剂1500倍液,40%氧化乐果乳油800-1000倍液和95%机油乳剂50—100倍液喷雾.防治效果可达90%左右.用25%扑虱是可湿性粉剂1000-1500倍液.喷酒幼蚕触杀试验和喷洒桑叶喂蚕胃毒试验结果.对幼蚕安全.用扑虱灵防治桑树上的桑白蚧,对养蚕业无不良影响。  相似文献   

研究薇甘菊Mikania micrantha乙醇提取物对假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis自然种群的控制作用,并比较其与常用药剂0.3%印楝素EC1000倍液、10%吡·仲EC500倍液的控制效果,结果表明薇甘菊乙醇提取物4gDW/100mL、2gDW/100mL、1gDW/100mL和2个常用药剂的种群干扰作用控制指数均小于1,其中控制效果最佳的是薇甘菊4gDW/100mL,其干扰作用控制指数最低,仅为0.2392,其次为0.3%印楝素ECl000倍液,干扰作用控制指数为0.2787。田间调查结果表明,薇甘菊乙醇提取物3个不同浓度的处理以及0.3%印楝素EC1000倍液处理下的蜘蛛数量与对照相比显著不差异,而10%吡·仲EC500倍液处理下蜘蛛的数量明显少于其它处理。室内观察表明,薇甘菊4gDW/100mL处理后,田间优势天敌银斑蛛Argyrodessp.、旋转后丘蛛Dipoenura cyclosides的取食量与对照没有显著差异,说明薇甘菊乙醇提取物对假眼小绿叶蝉天敌较安全。  相似文献   

葡萄糖氧化酶解除黄曲霉毒素 B1应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄曲霉毒素是由真菌产生的一类剧毒物质,含黄曲霉毒素B1的饲料对小鸡的危害很大。研究中发现,用5%o25U/g(25U/mL)葡萄糖氧化酶完全可以解除饲料中500ppb浓度黄曲霉毒素B1的毒性。用含2000ppb浓度黄曲霉毒素B1和添加5‰ 25U/g葡萄糖氧化酶的饲料喂小鸡,相比对照组,实验组存活数量提高39.5%,在小鸡饮用水中加入5%e25U/mL葡萄糖氧化酶,存活数量可提高28.5%。  相似文献   

罗容  吴霞  李静宜  崔湖荣  张楠  张贵君 《生物磁学》2012,(32):6228-6233
目的:研究枳实提取物及其药效组分橙皮苷和新橙皮苷对氧化低密度脂蛋白(oxidized lowd ensity lipoprotein,Ox—LDL)损伤的人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein endothelial cells line,HUVEC)细胞间黏附分子-1(intercellular adhesion molecule-1,ICAM-1)表达和一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)释放的影响。方法:体外培养HUVEC,50μg/mLOX—LDL制造HUVEC损伤模型。以MTS染色法检测细胞毒性确定用药浓度。细胞ELISA法测定细胞表面ICAM-1的含量,试剂盒测定细胞培养上清液中NO含量。结果:①枳实提取物小于等于2mg/mL时,橙皮苷浓度小于等于0.03125mg/mL时,新橙皮苷浓度小于等于0.25mg/mL时,HUVEC存活率分别大于80%。②2.0mg/mL和1.0mg/mL两个浓度的枳实提取物、15.625μg/mL的橙皮苷和0.2500mg/mL新橙皮苷对OX—LDL诱导的HUVEC的ICAM-1表达有显著抑制作用。③2.0mg/mL枳实提取物显著提高OX—LDL诱导的HUVEC和正常HUVEC培养液中的NO含量;7.813ixg/mL、15.625μg/mL和31.250μg/mL 3个浓度的橙皮苷能显著提高OX—LDL诱导的HUVEC培养液中的NO含量,31.250μg/mL的橙皮苷能促进正常HUVEC的NO释放;0.2500mg/mL和0.1250mg/mL 2个浓度的新橙皮苷能显著提高OX—LDL诱导的HUVEC培养液中的NO含量。结论:枳实提取物及其药效组分橙皮苷、新橙皮苷能抑制Ox-LDL诱导的HUVEC的ICAM-1表达,促进Ox-LDL诱导的HUVEC的NO释放。  相似文献   

长枝木霉对禾谷胞囊线虫的寄生和致死作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】明确长枝木霉(Trichoderma longibrachiatum)孢子悬浮液对小麦禾谷胞囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)的防治潜力和可能的作用机理。【方法】通过室内显微观察和测定不同时期长枝木霉(T.longibrachiatum)孢子悬浮液对小麦禾谷胞囊线虫(H.avenae)胞囊的寄生和致死作用及其可能的机理。【结果】显微观察结果表明,侵染初期长枝木霉孢子寄生于胞囊的表面,并且萌发产生大量的菌丝,侵染后期整个胞囊被致密的菌丝包围,胞囊内卵的胚胎发育停止和内容物凝集,甚至有的胞囊表面突起形成深褐色的小液泡,或者胞囊破裂和溶解。室内测定结果表明,不同浓度长枝木霉孢子悬浮液对胞囊具有明显的寄生和致死作用,并且其可能的寄生和致死作用机理主要是通过胞囊诱导和提高长枝木霉菌几丁质酶、葡聚糖酶和酪蛋白酶的活性,进而使胞囊体壁溶解和内容物外渗。处理后第18天浓度为1.5×108CFU/mL的长枝木霉孢子悬浮液对胞囊的寄生率为93.3%,第10天对胞囊孵化的相对抑制率为93.6%;经胞囊诱导后第4天浓度为1.5×108CFU/mL的长枝木霉孢子悬浮液几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶活性最高为0.78和0.96 U/(min·mL),第6天浓度为1.5×108CFU/mL的长枝木霉孢子悬浮液酪蛋白酶活性最高为4.03 U/(min·mL),并且诱导后其几丁质酶、葡聚糖酶和酪蛋白酶活性随着长枝木霉孢子悬浮液浓度的增加而增加。【结论】长枝木霉对小麦禾谷胞囊线虫胞囊具有较强的寄生和致死作用,且可能的寄生和致死作用机理主要通过胞囊诱导和提高长枝木霉菌几丁质酶、葡聚糖酶和酪蛋白酶的活性。  相似文献   

本文研究了碳纸及碳纸基多壁碳纳米管上的血液蛋白质吸附性,并以多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)为支架,研究了成纤维细胞在该材料上的黏附和生长行为.结果表明,尽管两种材料表面吸附的白蛋白数量一样,但碳纸吸附的纤维蛋白原要明显少于多壁碳纳米管,提示血小板更容易在纳米管聚集.种植在多壁碳纳米管上的小鼠成纤维细胞生长明显比碳纸上的旺盛,细胞浓度从第1天的12×10^5个/mL明显增加到第7天的2×10^5个/mL,说明多壁碳纳米管对该细胞无毒性反应,具有良好的组织相容性.  相似文献   

一、巧施花铃肥,及时防治虫害,同时搞好综合栽培措施,则是增加蕾铃的基础。二、在棉花重施花铃肥后,及时喷施适量的缩节胺或矮壮素,可加快单株成铃速度,使早期蕾铃脱落减少10—20%。三、叶面喷磷、硼、“802”加尿素。盛花期后用2%的尿素和2%的磷酸二氢钾。每隔10天左右喷一次,连喷2—3次,叶面喷磷可采用过磷酸钙10倍水浸泡,充分搅拌,放置一夜,过滤后加水稀释0.5%的浓度叶面喷雾。喷硼用0.2%的硼肥液花铃期每亩75公斤,也可用“802”加尿素液喷雾叶面,可提高单位时间光合作用的效率,增加有机碳…  相似文献   

Abstract  Effects of the critical parameters (spray pressure, the distance between a sprayer and the sprayed plant, the concentration of infective juveniles (Us), volumes of the sprayed suspension of IJs, the temperature and humidity combinations) and the addition of various adjuvants on the survival and persistence of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae All strain on leaf surfaces of the Chinese cabbage Brassica pekingensis were determined. The results showed that (1) The pressure of a sprayer had negative influence on the persistence of IJs on the leaf. (2) The numbers of the living IJs collected on the leaf significantly increased with the IJ dosages applied on the leaf when the dosage was over 2 000 IJs per mL. (3) More IJs (from 10.1 IJs/cm2 to 45.5 IJs/cm2) were collected on the leaf when more volumes of IJ suspension (from 3.3 mL to 19.8 mL) were sprayed. However, when the highest volume of IJ suspension was used, the IJ numbers collected did not increase. (4) In general, the survival of the IJs on the leaf decreased with the exposure time. (5) The formulation of IJs by adding xanthan gum, a sticker and detergent surfactant enhanced the survival and persistence of IJs. The number of living IJs on the leaf with 0.3 % of xanthan gum was 150 times higher than that of the IJs with water alone. IJ suspensions with different concentrations of glycerin and with 0.5 % molasses and 0.01 % detergent surfactant showed similar effects.  相似文献   

The infective juveniles (IJs) of Steinernema carpocapsae‘All’ were osmotically stressed by a mixture of ionic (fortified artificial seawater) and non‐ionic (3.2 mol/L glycerol) solutions to establish a method for osmotic storage of entomopathogenic nematodes. Seven combinations (termed solution A to G) with different proportions of these two solutions were tested, with sterile extra pure water (sepH2O, termed solution H) as a control. The mortality of the IJs at a concentration of 5 × 105 IJ/mL in the solutions A to G, and H were 13.2%, 16.2%, 16.7%, 13.5%, 25.2%, 31.6%, 44.6%, and 1.0%, respectively, after 21 days storage at 25°C. Most of the IJs shrunk and stopped motility after 6–9 hours incubation at 25°C in solutions A to D. Based on the results, solutions A to D and H were chosen to further test the osmotic survival of the IJs at different IJ concentrations (5 × 105, 2.5 × 105, 2 000 IJ/mL) and incubation temperature (30°C, 25°C, 10°C). The resulting IJs were exposed to a high temperature assay (45°C for 4 h, HTA). Osmotically stressed IJs showed improved heat tolerance. The mortality of the IJs increased with the increasing concentrations of the test IJs and the storage temperatures after exposing to the HTA. More than 88.4%, 62.3% or 2.4% of the treated IJs died at the above three IJ concentrations, respectively. At the three IJ concentrations (2 000 IJs/mL, 2.5 × 105 IJs/mL or 5 × 105 IJs/mL), the highest mortality was recorded in solution D (11.6%, 85.9% or 98.0%, respectively), and the lowest mortality in solution B (2. 4%, 62.3% or 86.6%, respectively). No untreated IJs survived after the heat treatment. During 42 days storage at 10°C, the IJs mortality in the solutions A to D and H were 7.19%, 5.97%, 4.41%, 4.34%, and 4.34% respectively, and showed no significant differences. In conclusion, osmotic treatment of the IJs of S. carpocapsae‘All’ in a mixture of ionic and non‐ionic solutions enhances the heat tolerance. The mortality of the IJs after HTA increased with the increasing concentrations of the test IJs and the storage temperatures after exposure to the HTA. The result is promising for the osmotic storage of the entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the persistence and activity of the infective juveniles (IJs) of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae ’Mexican’ strain on the foliage of bean plants were determined at 45, 60 and 80% relative humidity (RH). The rate of nematode mortality was related to the RH. A gradual reduction in nematode survival was recorded during a 6 h exposure period at 80% and 60% RH, whereas at 45% RH high mortality was observed within 2 h. Addition of the antidesiccant ‘Folicote’ (6% w/w) to the nematode suspension was most effective in ensuring IJ survival at 60% RH, resulting in 38–60% increase in viability during 6 h of exposure. At 80% RH ‘Folicote’ treatment resulted in only 10–20% increase in IJs viability, as compared with non‐treated IJs. At 45% RH, ‘Folicote’ treatment did not significantly increase IJ survival (P>0.05). Survival of the IJs on tomato and soybean leaves was 30–35% higher than of those recovered from leaves of cotton, pepper and bean as well as from filter paper. At 60% RH, IJ movement ceased within 45–60 min of exposure and the nematode body shrank. However, nematode pathogenicity remained almost unaltered up to 4 h of exposure, resulting in 75% mortality of larvae of the Egyptian cotton worm Spodoptera littoralis. A drastic reduction in the nematodes’ efficacy was recorded when the insects were introduced 6 and 8 h after nematode application.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema glaseri, and Steinernema feltiae were exposed to freezing while inside their hosts. Survival was assessed by observing live and dead nematodes inside cadavers and by counting the infective juveniles (IJs) that emerged after freezing. We (1) measured the effects of 24h of freezing at different times throughout the course of an infection, (2) determined the duration of freezing entomopathogenic nematodes could survive, (3) determined species differences in freezing survival. Highest stage-specific survival was IJs for S. carpocapsae, and adults for H. bacteriophora. When cadavers were frozen two or three days after infection, few IJs emerged from them. Freezing between five and seven days after infection had no negative effect on IJ production. No decrease in IJ production was measured for H. bacteriophora after freezing. H. bacteriophora also showed improved survival inside versus outside their host when exposed to freezing.  相似文献   

Anhydrobiosis is considered to be an important means of achieving storage stability of entomopathogenic nematodes that are used in biological control. This study explored the effects of anhydrobiosis on longevity and infectivity of infective juveniles (IJs) of three species of entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae, and Steinernema riobrave at 5 and 25 degrees C. Anhydrobiosis was induced in water-dispersible granules (WG) at 0.966-0.971 water activity and 25 degrees C following a 7-day preconditioning of IJs at 5 degrees C in tap water. Survival and infectivity of the desiccated (anhydrobiotic) IJs was compared with non-desiccated IJs stored in water for different periods. Anhydrobiosis increased longevity of S. carpocapsae IJs by 3 months and of S. riobrave by 1 month in WG at 25 degrees C as compared with IJs stored in water. However, desiccation decreased S. feltiae longevity at 25 degrees C and of all three species at 5 degrees C. These results demonstrate a shelf-life of 5 months for S. carpocapsae at 25 degrees C and 9 months at 5 degrees C in WG with over 90% IJ survival. For S. feltiae, over 90% survival occurred only for 2 months at 25 degrees C and 5 months at 5 degrees C in WG. Steinernema riobrave had over 90% survival only for 1 month at 25 degrees C and the survival dropped below 85% within 1 month at 5 degrees C. Induction of anhydrobiosis in WG resulted in 85, 79 and 76% reduction in oxygen consumption by S. carpocapsae, S. feltiae, and S. riobrave IJs, respectively. Differences in IJ longevity among three species in water at 25 degrees C were related both to the initial lipid content and the rate of lipid utilisation, but not at 5 degrees C. The one-on-one infection bioassays indicated that desiccation had no negative effect on the infectivity of any of the nematode species suggesting no harmful effect on the IJs and/or their symbiotic bacteria. The species differences in IJ longevity and desiccation survival at different temperatures are discussed in relation to their foraging strategy and temperature adaptation.  相似文献   

Limited shelf life of entomopathogenic nematodes severely restricts their use in biological control programs. In a series of experiments, the dehydration and rehydration response of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora infective juveniles (IJs) was investigated under a range of glycerol concentrations, temperatures and incubation periods. Based on the outcome of these initial studies, nematodes dehydrated using the optimal process were formulated in alginate granules to understand how these nematodes would undergo survival formulation in a model carrier. The highest rate of osmotically arrested IJs occurred in the 22% glycerol solution (98.06%). IJ recovery was considerably improved when dehydration was processed at 10% glycerol solution and 15°C. By trapping IJs in calcium alginate, depending on the adjuvants, the survival rate of IJs differed significantly. IJ state (dehydrated or non-dehydrated) and the addition of formaldehyde had a profound effect on IJ viability, though the severity of the effect varied was dependent on whether the IJs were alginate formulated. Among different formulations, the highest viability (84.18%) was observed where dehydrated IJs were formulated in alginate granules containing formaldehyde. The results showed that the concentration of osmotic solution not only determines the percentage of dehydrated IJs but also affect their subsequent recovery in an aqueous environment. Overall, the results indicate that the shelf life of formulated IJs is significantly affected by combination effects of a broad range of factors. Then understanding the interactive mode of actions of involved factors in formulation play a critical role in developing and introducing more efficient formulations.  相似文献   

The symbiotic interaction between Steinernema carpocapsae and Xenorhabdus nematophila was investigated by comparing the reproduction, morphology, longevity, behavior, and efficacy of the infective juvenile (IJ) from nematodes reared on mutant or wild-type bacterium. Nematodes reared on the mutant X. nematophila HGB151, in which an insertion of the bacterial gene, rpoS, eliminates the retention of the bacterium in the intestinal vesicle of the nematode, produced IJs without their symbiotic bacterium. Nematodes reared on the wild-type bacterium (HGB007) produced IJs with their symbiotic bacterium. One or the other bacterial strain injected into Galleria mellonella larvae followed by exposing the larvae to IJs that were initially symbiotic bacterium free produced progeny IJs with or without their Xenorhabdus-symbiotic bacterium. The two bacterial strains were not significantly different in their effect on IJ production, sex ratio, or IJ morphology. IJ longevity in storage was not influenced by the presence or absence of the bacterial symbiont at 5 and 15 °C, but IJs without their bacterium had greater longevity than IJs with their bacterium at 25 and 30 °C, suggesting that there was a negative cost to the nematode for maintaining the bacterial symbiont at these temperatures. IJs with or without their symbiotic bacterium were equally infectious to Spodoptera exigua larvae in laboratory and greenhouse and across a range of soil moistures, but the absence of the bacterial symbiont inhibited nematodes from producing IJ progeny within the host cadavers. In some situations, such as where no establishment of an alien entomopathogenic nematode is desired in the environment, the use of S. carpocapsae IJs without their symbiotic bacterium may be used to control some soil insect pests.  相似文献   

Two spinning disc spray application systems, the Micron Herbaflex and Micron Ulva+, were assessed for their potential for the application of infective juveniles (IJs) of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) against larvae of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella. The effect of initial concentration of IJs on subsequent infection was examined for three species of EPNs: Steinernema sp. (M87), Steinernema sp. (SSL85), and Heterorhabditis sp. Increasing the concentration of IJs generally resulted in a significant increase in both DBM mortality and the mean number of nematodes per larva following spray application with the Micron Herbaflex sprayer. Application with the Micron Ulva+ was examined using two different initial concentration of IJs, which generally resulted in an increase in DBM mortality and intensity of infection. The effect of changing the flow rate to the Ulva+ was also examined. This generally resulted in increased DBM mortality as flow rate was increased but there was little change in the mean number of nematodes per host larva. The effect of addition of a number of adjuvants to the spray solution on subsequent infection showed that DBM mortality by the IJs was not significantly affected but that the mean number of nematodes infecting was significantly enhanced by some of the adjuvants. Desiccation survival studies with IJs of Heterorhabditis sp. following application with both sprayers onto Chinese cabbage leaf discs, with or without the addition of an adjuvant, showed that the survival time of 50% of IJs was over 3 h. Infection of DBM larvae was also assessed following desiccation on Chinese cabbage leaf discs. High levels of infection were attainable, in terms of resultant DBM mortality, for at least 150 min following spray application.  相似文献   

The infectivity, time to first emergence of infective juveniles (IJs), total number of IJs per insect and IJs body length of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis megidis (strain NLH-E87.3) after development in larvae of two insect hosts, Galleria mellonella (greater wax moth) and Otiorhynchus sulcatus (vine weevil) was studied. At a dose of 30 IJs, larvae of G. mellonella show to be significantly more susceptible than O. sulcatus larvae. At a dose of one IJ, vine weevil larvae were more susceptible. The number of invading infective juveniles (IJs) increased with host size while the host mortality at a dose of one IJ decreased with the increase of host size. Time to first emergence was longer at a dose of one IJ per larva and increased with the increase of host size in both insect species. Reproduction of IJs differed between host species, host sizes and doses of nematodes. Generally, the IJs body size increased with an increasing host size. The longest infective juveniles were produced at the lowest IJ doses. Results are discussed in relation to the influence of different host species and their different sizes on the performance of H. megidis (strain NLH-E87.3) as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

Nonfeeding infective juvenile (IJ) entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are used as biological agents to control soil-dwelling insects, but poor storage stability remains an obstacle to their widespread acceptance by distributors and growers as well as a frustration to researchers. Age is one factor contributing to variability in EPN efficacy. We hypothesized that age effects on the infectiousness of IJs would be evident within the length of time necessary for IJs to infect a host. The penetration behavior of "young" (<1-wk-old) and "old" (2- to 4-wk-old) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (GPS 11 strain), Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain), and Steinernema feltiae (UK strain) IJs was evaluated during 5 "exposure periods" to the larvae of the wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Individual larvae were exposed to nematode-infested soil for exposure periods of 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 hr. Cadavers were dissected after 72 hr, and the IJs that penetrated the larvae were counted. Larval mortality did not differ significantly between 72- and 144-hr "observation periods," or points at which larval mortality was noted, for any age class or species. However, age and species effects were noted in G. mellonella mortality and nematode penetration during shorter time periods. Initial mortality caused by S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora IJs declined with nematode age but increased with S. feltiae IJ age. Young S. carpocapsae IJs penetrated G. mellonella larvae at higher rates than old members of the species (27-45% vs. 1-4%). Conversely, old S. feltiae IJs had higher penetration rates than young IJs (approximately 8 to 57% vs. 4 to approximately 31%), whereas H. bacteriophora IJs had very low penetration rates regardless of age (3-5.6%). Our results show that the effect of age on IJ infectiousness can be detected in IJs aged only 2 wk by a 4-hr exposure period to G. mellonella. These results have important implications for storage and application of EPNs and suggest the possibility of shortening the time required to detect nematodes in the soil.  相似文献   

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