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家蚕细胞色素P450的基因组学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
细胞色素P450参与许多基础代谢过程, 确保有机体避免外源复合物对它们的伤害. 将预测的家蚕基因同已知的P450基因进行蛋白质序列比对, 在家蚕基因组中发现86个可能的细胞色素P450基因, 初步将它们归于32个P450亚家族. 通过比较基因组学分析, 发现细胞色素P450基因在果蝇与家蚕中的分布规律具有总体上的相似性, 但在某些P450基因家族中的分布也有差异. 特别是在CYP4A, CYP4C, CYP4D, CYP6A, CYP6AE, CYP6B和CYP9A等7个亚家族中P450s差异分布更明显. 进一步将这些P450基因的DNA序列与家蚕ESTs进行核酸序列比对, 其中49个可能P450基因发现有ESTs证据, 证明了这些基因在转录水平的真实性.  相似文献   

籼稻细胞色素P450超基因家族成员及其EST证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
钟兰  王凯  谭军  李蔚  李松岗 《中国科学C辑》2002,32(6):500-504
将预测的籼稻基因同289个已知的拟南芥细胞色素P450基因进行蛋白质序列比对, 在籼稻(Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica)工作框架草图中找到了528个可能的细胞色素P450基因, 初步认定上述籼稻P450基因来自于已在拟南芥中确定的40个P450基因家族. 比较拟南芥和籼稻的细胞色素P450s在基因家族中的分布, 发现这两种植物P450基因的家族分布规律总体相似, 但也有不同, 例如: CYP71, CYP72, CYP76, CYP89, CYP94, CYP709等家族的成员在籼稻中远远多于拟南芥的; CYP705家族的成员在籼稻中没有, 但在拟南芥中却多达33个. 另外, 发现籼稻CYP71和CYP81家族的成员在基因组中成串联重复排列, 它们可能是进化过程中基因复制的结果. 进一步将这些籼稻P450基因的DNA序列同籼稻表达序列标签(expression sequence tags, ESTs)进行核酸序列比对, 为263个可能的籼稻P450s找到了ESTs的证据, 说明这些基因在转录水平上确实有所表达.  相似文献   

Wang XL  Gao XW  Li G  Wang HL  Geng SD  Kang F  Nie XX 《遗传》2011,33(12):1398-1408
以遗传性状差异较大的甜瓜材料日本安农二号与新疆哈密瓜K413杂交产生的143个F2单株为作图群体,以AFLP与SSR分子标记为主构建了包含12个连锁群、142个遗传标记位点的甜瓜遗传图谱,其中包括121个AFLP标记、16个SSR标记、3个STS标记、2个性状标记,连锁群总长度为1 014.2 cM。应用复合区间作图法对甜瓜果实的大小、长宽比、糖度、硬度以及甜瓜种子的长、宽、形状、重量等性状进行遗传定位与分析。基因定位结果显示控制果肉颜色的基因位于C9连锁群AFLP分子标记NDAA与NCFA之间。其他性状表现为数量性状控制,共检测到25个数量性状基因座,不同性状基因座位有重叠分布的特点。其中C5连锁群标记NCA-N73C区间检测到QTLs Sl5.1、Sw5.1和Swt5.1分别控制种子长、宽和千粒重,分别可解释表型变异的17%、19%和23%。该区域包含的来自母本安农二号的基因位点对甜瓜种子的长、宽、千粒重均有明显的抑制作用;位于C8连锁群标记N73A与NFDA间的QTL通过影响种子的宽度从而影响种子的形状与重量;同样位于C8连锁群的果实长宽比QTL Fs8.1在F2和F3中均检测到,分别解释表型变异的25%和19%,表现为部分显性,来自安农二号的等位基因抑制甜瓜果实伸长,生成圆形甜瓜;还发现控制甜瓜果实心糖、边糖、果实硬度的QTL各一个。  相似文献   

淡色库蚊细胞色素P450基因研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用一对昆虫细胞色素P450简并引物,以反转录-聚合酶链反应从淡色库蚊对溴氰菊酯敏感品系和抗性品系成虫RNA扩增到约485 bp和510 bp两个片段,将这两个片段与PinPointTMXa-1 T质粒重组,然后克隆至大肠杆菌JM109菌株,筛选获得68个阳性克隆;其中24个阳性克隆测序后与GenBank资料对照,显示为细胞色素P450新序列;分子系统学研究显示,24个新基因(等位基因)分别属CYP4家族CYP4C、CYP4D、CYP4H和CYP4J等4个亚家族,其已由细胞色素P450命名委员会命名和GenBank登录上网;其中CYP4C23可能是一个假基因,CYP4H13具有一段58个碱基长度的内含子,CYP4J4V1在近3′端具有一个终止密码子TAG.  相似文献   

甜瓜果实糖含量相关性状QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高糖栽培亲本自交系‘0246’为母本,低糖野生亲本自交系‘Y101’为父本,通过杂交得到了含135个单株的甜瓜远缘F2群体,分别测定甜瓜果实果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量,将三者之和作为总糖含量,进行遗传连锁图谱构建及QTL分析。结果表明:(1)构建的甜瓜果实遗传图谱包含14个连锁群,覆盖基因组长度726.30cM,标记间平均距离为12.74cM。(2)检测到与总糖含量和果糖含量相关的QTL位点各1个,分别命名为Ts3.1和Fru4.1,贡献率分别为14.89%和13.02%,分布于第3、4连锁群,LOD值分别为3.60和3.10。2个QTL位点均为正向加性遗传,分别对增加总糖和果糖含量表现为增效累加效应。研究结果为开展甜瓜糖含量相关基因精细定位和克隆研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:加密油菜控制硫甙性状QTL区间,并进行QTL整合预测候选基因。方法:利用生物信息学方法根据已知测序的白菜BAC序列信息设计引物,在油菜TN DH群体中进行多态性扩增和定位,并根据加密后构建的遗传连锁图重新检测QTL,进行QTL整合。结果:将根据白菜BAC设计的3对多态性标记成功定位到油菜控制硫甙性状QTL区间,进行QTL整合后将QTL置信区间进一步缩小,并判定了初步的候选基因。结论:充分利用白菜已测序的BAC或者基因组信息,将能加快油菜基础研究的步伐。  相似文献   

目的:研究CYP4F3基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)在中国汉族人群中的分布,为进一步研究该基因群体遗传学特征及与疾病易感性的相关性提供更为详实的数据。方法:对CYP4F3基因进行重测序,构建连锁不平衡模式,选择标签SNP在192例北京和424例广州汉族个体中进行基因分型。结果:CYP4F3基因重测序共检出30个SNP,连锁不平衡分析显示广州和北京地区人群的连锁不平衡模式不同,但选择的8个标签SNP的等位基因和基因型频率分布在2个人群中的差异无统计学意义。结论:中国北京地区汉族与广州地区汉族人群CYP4F3基因多态性无显著差异,但不同种族间存在差异。  相似文献   

本研究以已经完成基因组测序的单核菌株“6-3”与“6-21”为出发菌株,配对后获得有锁状联合的异核菌株并进行出菇,收集担孢子,单孢分离获得90个菌株构成作图群体,对作图群体的每个菌株进行二代测序并测定菌丝在PDA培养基的生长速度。分析“6-3”与“6-21”两单核菌株的SNP,获得68 914个高质量SNP标记用于遗传连锁群分析,构建了14个遗传连锁群,总长度744.32cM,平均长度为53.17cM,标记间平均遗传距离为1.88cM。QTL分析获得一个控制菌丝生长速度的基因座qMGRP1-LG7,该基因座包含134个基因,富集了与物质代谢有关的通路和基因。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾解毒代谢相关基因家族的进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda在世界各地猖獗为害,其寄主范围广,且已对多种化学药剂和转Bt玉米产生抗性。本文对包括草地贪夜蛾在内的14种昆虫进行了解毒代谢相关基因家族的注释,在草地贪夜蛾中发现了152个细胞色素P450(cytochrome p450,P450)、92个ABC转运蛋白(ATP-binding cassette transporter,ABC transporter)、44个谷胱甘肽转移酶(glutathione s-transferase,GST)以及39个尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶(UDP-glucuronosyl-transferase,UGT)。与其他鳞翅目物种相比,草地贪夜蛾的P450和GST基因数量最多,其中152个P450基因可被归类至Mito、CYP2、CYP3和CYP4四个簇中;Mito和CYP2簇的P450基因总数与家蚕Bombyx mori相近,但CYP3和CYP4簇的P450基因明显多于家蚕,进化分析结果显示CYP3和CYP4簇的P450基因发生了明显的扩增;与家蚕P450基因的共线性分析发现草地贪夜蛾89个P450基因在其基因组上呈簇分布并发生了簇的扩增;与家蚕相比,GST和ABC转运蛋白家族基因的数量明显增多。UGT基因家族没有明显增加,但在基因进化分析中有成簇现象,表明可能存在近期的扩增事件。本研究首次从基因组水平鉴定了草地贪夜蛾解毒代谢相关基因家族,对理解草地贪夜蛾的生物学特性及抗性的形成具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

水稻F2不育和抽穗期QTL分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对台中65(粳稻)/Bhadua(籼稻)杂交F2代群体构建了RFLP连锁图谱,含94个分布较为均匀的标记。对F2小穗不育性状进行单点分析和区间分析的结果基本一致:有两个F2小穗不育QTL座位分别位于染色体1的XNpb113~XNpb346之间和染色体8的G187~XNpb397之间,而且该两个QTL均为新检测出的座位;检测出5个抽穗期TQL,其中3个座位在单点分析和区间分析中的结果一致,分别位于染色体1的XNpb113~XNpb346,染色体4的C891~C335,染色体的8的C166~C1121,另外,染色体6的XNpb27为单点分析结果,染色体10的R716~C405为区间分析结果。由于染色体1上的F2不育QTL和抽穗期QTL重叠,该QTL座位是由于遗传效应所至还是由于环境因素(迟抽穗)所至有待构建近等基因系进一步研究。;位于染色体1和10上的抽穗期QTL座位为新检测的座位。对新检测的F2不育和抽穗期QTL座位正在建立相应的近等基因系以精确定位和克隆上述基因。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii has become a major problem in melon since it occurs all year round irrespective of the growing system. The TGR-1551 melon genotype was found to be resistant to several melon diseases, among them powdery mildew. However, the corresponding resistance genes have been never mapped. We constructed an integrated genetic linkage map using an F2 population derived from a cross between the multi-resistant genotype TGR-1551 and the susceptible Spanish cultivar ‘Bola de Oro’. The map spans 1,284.9 cM, with an average distance of 3.6 cM among markers, and consists of 354 loci (188 AFLP, 39 RAPD, 111 SSR, 14 SCAR/CAPS/dCAPS, and two phenotypic traits) distributed in 14 linkage groups. QTL analysis identified one major QTL (Pm-R) on LG V for resistance to races 1, 2, and 5 of powdery mildew. The PM4-CAPS marker is closely linked to the Pm-R QTL at a genetic distance of 1.9 cM, and the PM3-CAPS marker is located within the support interval of this QTL. These codominant markers, together with the map information reported here, could be used for melon breeding, and particularly for genotyping selection of resistance to powdery mildew in this vegetable crop species.  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici Leonian, an oomycete pathogen, is a serious problem in pepper worldwide. Its resistance in pepper is controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL). To detect QTL associated with P. capsici resistance, a molecular linkage map was constructed using 100 F(2) individuals from a cross between Capsicum annuum 'CM334' and C. annuum 'Chilsungcho'. This linkage map consisted of 202 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), 6 WRKYs and 1 simple sequence repeat (SSR) covering 1482.3 cM, with an average interval marker distance of 7.09 cM. QTL mapping of Phytophthora root rot and damping-off resistance was performed in F(2:3) originated from a cross between resistant Mexican landrace C. annuum 'CM334' and susceptible Korean landrace C. annuum 'Chilsungcho' using composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis. Four QTL explained 66.3% of the total phenotypic variations for root rot resistance and three 44.9% for damping-off resistance. Of these QTL loci, two were located close to RFLP markers CDI25 on chromosome 5 (P5) and CT211A on P9. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from C. annuum 'CM334' was screened with these two RFLP probes to obtain sequence information around the RFLP marker loci for development of PCR-based markers. CDI25 and CT211 probes identified seven and eight BAC clones, respectively. Nine positive BAC clones containing probe regions were sequenced and used for cytogenetic analysis. One single-nucleotide amplified polymorphism (SNAP) for the CDI25 locus, and two SSRs and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) for CT211 were developed using sequences of the positive BAC clones. These markers will be valuable for rapid selection of genotypes and map-based cloning for resistance genes against P. capsici.  相似文献   

The rice cultivar Chubu 32 possesses a high level of partial resistance to leaf blast. The number and chromosomal location of genes conferring this resistance were detected by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage mapping and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. For the mapping, 149 F3 lines derived from the cross between rice cultivar Norin 29, with a low level of partial resistance, and Chubu 32 were used, and their partial resistance to leaf blast was assessed in upland nurseries. A linkage map covering six chromosomes and consisting of 36 RFLP markers was constructed. In the map, only one significant QTL (LOD>2.0) for partial resistance was detected on chromosome 11. This QTL explained 45.6% of the phenotypic variation. The segregation ratio of the F3 lines was 3:1 for partial resistance to susceptibility. These results suggest that the partial resistance in Chubu 32 is controlled by a major gene. Received: 15 March 2001 / Accepted: 13 August 2001  相似文献   



Flavonoids are important components that confer upon tea plants a unique flavour and health functions. However, the traditional breeding method for selecting a cultivar with a high or unique flavonoid content is time consuming and labour intensive. High-density genetic map construction associated with quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping provides an effective way to facilitate trait improvement in plant breeding. In this study, an F1 population (LJ43×BHZ) was genotyped using 2b-restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD) sequencing to obtain massive single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to construct a high-density genetic map for a tea plant. Furthermore, QTLs related to flavonoids were identified using our new genetic map.


A total of 13,446 polymorphic SNP markers were developed using 2b-RAD sequencing, and 4,463 of these markers were available for constructing the genetic linkage map. A 1,678.52-cM high-density map at an average interval of 0.40 cM with 4,217 markers, including 427 frameset simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 3,800 novel SNPs, mapped into 15 linkage groups was successfully constructed. After QTL analysis, a total of 27 QTLs related to flavonoids or caffeine content (CAF) were mapped to 8 different linkage groups, LG01, LG03, LG06, LG08, LG10, LG11, LG12, and LG13, with an LOD from 3.14 to 39.54, constituting 7.5% to 42.8% of the phenotypic variation.


To our knowledge, the highest density genetic map ever reported was constructed since the largest mapping population of tea plants was adopted in present study. Moreover, novel QTLs related to flavonoids and CAF were identified based on the new high-density genetic map. In addition, two markers were located in candidate genes that may be involved in flavonoid metabolism. The present study provides valuable information for gene discovery, marker-assisted selection breeding and map-based cloning for functional genes that are related to flavonoid content in tea plants.



2b-RAD (type IIB endonucleases restriction-site associated DNA) approach was invented by Wang in 2012 and proven as a simple and flexible method for genome-wide genotyping. However, there is still plenty of room for improvement for the existent 2b-RAD approach. Firstly, it doesn’t include the samples pooling in library preparation as other reduced representation libraries. Secondly, the information of 2b-RAD tags, such as tags numbers and distributions, in most of species are unknown. The purposes of the research are to improve a new 2b-RAD approach which possesses samples pooling, moreover to figure out the characteristic and application potentiality of 2b-RAD tags by bioinformatics analysis.


Twelve adapter1 and an adapter2 were designed. A library approach comprising digestion, ligation, pooling, PCR and size selection were established. For saving costs, we used non-phosphorylated adapters and indexed PCR primers. A F2 population of rice (Oryza sativa .L) was genotyped to validate the new approach. On average, 2000332 high quality reads of each sample were obtained with high evenness. Totally 3598 markers containing 3804 SNPs were discovered and the missing rate was 18.9%. A genetic linkage map of 1385 markers was constructed and 92% of the markers’ orders in the genetic map were in accordance with the orders in chromosomes. Meanwhile, the bioinformatics simulation in 20 species showed that the BsaXI had the most widespread recognition sites, indicating that 2b-RAD tags had a powerful application potentiality for high density genetic map. Using modified adapters with a fix base in 3′end, 2b-RAD was also fit for QTL studies with low costs.


An improved 2b-RAD genotyping approach was established in this research and named as I2b-RAD. The method was a simple, fast, cost-effective and multiplex sequencing library approach. It could be adjusted by selecting different enzymes and adapters to fit for alternative uses including chromosomes assembly, QTL fine mapping and even natural population analysis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-956) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

水稻耐亚铁毒QTLs的定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万建林  翟虎渠  万建民 《遗传学报》2005,32(11):1156-1166
亚铁毒是潜育性水稻土中限制水稻产量的主要因子。利用龙杂8503/IR64的F2和等价的F3群体,在营养液中培养来定位耐亚铁毒的QTLs。通过构建101SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱来确定耐亚铁毒QTLs的位置和特性。借助叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长3个性状,利用营养液在水稻苗期来评价F2单株、F3群体和亲本龙杂8503、IR64,共检测到叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长的QTLs20个,分布在水稻的10条染色体上,表明这些性状受多基因控制。控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTLs分别定位在第1染色体的RM315-RM212、第2染色体的RM6-RM240和第4染色体的RM252-RM451之间。与前人的研究结果比较发现:1)位于第4染色体RM252-RM451之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上控制叶绿素含量减少的QTL的位置一致。另一个位于第1染色体的RM315-RM212之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上位于C178-R2635之间控制叶绿素含量的QTL连锁。2)位于第2染色体RM6-RM240之间的第3个控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与位于RZ58-CD0686的控制钾吸收的QTL连锁。  相似文献   

Genetic linkage maps are indispensable tools in genetic and genomic studies. Recent development of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) methods holds great promise for constructing high-resolution linkage maps in organisms lacking extensive genomic resources. In the present study, linkage mapping was conducted for a bivalve mollusc (Chlamys farreri) using a newly developed GBS method—2b-restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD). Genome survey sequencing was performed to generate a preliminary reference genome that was utilized to facilitate linkage and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in C. farreri. A high-resolution linkage map was constructed with a marker density (3806) that has, to our knowledge, never been achieved in any other molluscs. The linkage map covered nearly the whole genome (99.5%) with a resolution of 0.41 cM. QTL mapping and association analysis congruously revealed two growth-related QTLs and one potential sex-determination region. An important candidate QTL gene named PROP1, which functions in the regulation of growth hormone production in vertebrates, was identified from the growth-related QTL region detected on the linkage group LG3. We demonstrate that this linkage map can serve as an important platform for improving genome assembly and unifying multiple genomic resources. Our study, therefore, exemplifies how to build up an integrative genomic framework in a non-model organism.  相似文献   

We have been constructing linkage maps for watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus) on the basis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) and isozymes using an F(2) population derived from a crossing between a cultivated inbred line (H-7; C. lanatus) and an African wild form (SA-1; C. lanatus). A total of 120 F(2) plants was used for construction of a linkage map using 477 RAPDs, 53 RFLPs, 23 ISSRs and one isozyme markers. Linkage analysis revealed that 554 loci could be mapped to 11 linkage groups that extended for 2,384 centimorgans (cM). While a BC(1) population [(H-7 x SA-1) x H-7] consisting of 60 individuals was grown and scored for quantitative traits. Another linkage map with a total length of 1,729 cM was constructed in the BC(1) using genetic markers found to segregate in the F(2) population. A QTL analysis was applied by means of interval mapping for locating such agronomic traits as hardness of rind, Brix of flesh juice, flesh color (red and yellow) and rind color. The relative order of markers in the BC(1) map was essentially the same as that on the linkage map in the F(2). A total of five QTLs for four agronomic traits was detected. The QTL for hardness of rind was mapped on group 4. The linkage group 8 contained the QTL for sugar content of the flesh as expressed in Brix of the juice. The QTL for red flesh color was detected on groups 2 and 8. The QTL for rind color mapped on the group 3. The present map and QTL analysis may provide a useful tool for breeders by introducing valuable wild watermelon genes to cultivars.  相似文献   

水稻分蘖角度的QTLs分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
分蘖角是水稻株型构成的重要性状之一,在育种上人有极其重要的意义,利用分蘖角度差异显著的1对籼粳亲本,将其杂交F1代花培加倍,构建了1个DH群体,考察了115个DH株系的分蘖角度,并使用该群体构建的分子图谱进行数量性状座痊(QTLs)分析。分别在第9和12个染色体上检测3个QTLs(qTA-9a、qTA-9b和qTA-12),贡献率分别为22.7%、11.9%和20.9%,其加性效应均为负,表明由分蘖角度较大的窄占青8号的基因控制,并讨论了这种由主产和微效基因控制的分蘖性状在育种学上的应用。  相似文献   

A large F2 cross with 920 Japanese quail was used to map QTL for phosphorus utilization, calcium utilization, feed per gain and body weight gain. In addition, four bone ash traits were included, because it is known that they are genetically correlated with the focal trait of phosphorus utilization. Trait recording was done at the juvenile stage of the birds. The individuals were genotyped genome‐wide for about 4k SNPs and a linkage map constructed, which agreed well with the reference genome. QTL linkage mapping was performed using multimarker regression analysis in a line cross model. Single marker association mapping was done within the mapped QTL regions. The results revealed several genome‐wide significant QTL. For the focal trait phosphorus utilization, a QTL on chromosome CJA3 could be detected by linkage mapping, which was substantiated by the results of the SNP association mapping. Four candidate genes were identified for this QTL, which should be investigated in future functional studies. Some overlap of QTL regions for different traits was detected, which is in agreement with the corresponding genetic correlations. It seems that all traits investigated are polygenic in nature with some significant QTL and probably many other small‐effect QTL that were not detectable in this study.  相似文献   

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