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丛枝菌根利用氮素研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓胤  申鸿  郭涛 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5627-5635
氮素是植物需求量最大的元素,丛枝菌根真菌与植物形成共生体后能从土壤中获取无机氮、简单的氨基酸,还能利用一些复杂的有机态氮.考虑到NH+4在土壤中的移动性低及丛枝菌根真菌的专性共生菌的特点,丛枝菌根真菌吸收NH+4对植物的贡献较大.近年来的研究发现丛枝菌根真菌内存在与氮素代谢有关的鸟氨酸循环,而精氨酸则是菌丝内氮素转移的主要形式.综述最近的AMF对氮素的吸收、转运、同化、交换等方面的文献,旨在揭示丛枝菌根真菌氮素利用特点,阐明丛枝菌根真菌在氮循环系统中的重要作用.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根共生体的氮代谢运输及其生态作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

菌根真菌促进植物吸收利用氮素机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为自然界最为普遍的一种植物共生体,菌根能够极大地促进植物对氮素的吸收和利用,其中菌根真菌在共生结构功能中发挥了重要作用。本文分别从菌根解剖构造、生理生化和分子生物学方面系统总结了菌根真菌促进植物吸收和利用氮素的研究现状。重点介绍了菌根真菌可利用的氮素形态及影响其利用的主要因素、菌根真菌的氮代谢途径GS-GOGAT以及菌根真菌中存在的鸟氨酸循环途径,指出精氨酸是菌丝内氮转运的主要形式,NH3可能为菌根真菌和植物界面质外体的主要转运形式。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根共生体中碳、氮代谢及其相互关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丛枝菌根共生体(arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)是丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)与宿主植物之间形成的互惠共生形式.共生体中的碳、氮交换和代谢影响着宿主植物和共生真菌之间的营养平衡和资源重新分配,在物质和能量循环中发挥着重要作用.宿主植物光合固定的碳输送到真菌内,并且分解和释放真菌所需的生命物质和能量,包括促进孢子萌发、菌丝生长和提高氮等营养元素的吸收;而菌根真菌利用宿主植物提供的碳骨架和能量,发生氮的转化和运输,最终传递给宿主植物供其利用.本文综述了丛枝菌根共生体中碳、氮传输和代谢的主要模式,碳、氮的交互影响和调控机制,以促进丛枝菌根在可持续农业和生态系统中的应用.  相似文献   

菌根真菌的碳氮循环功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菌根(Mycorrhiza)是土壤真菌与植物根系形成的共生体(Symbiont),真菌一方面从植物获取碳水化合物,同时帮助植物吸收氮等矿质养分,因此,菌根真菌在生态系统的碳氮循环过程中发挥重要的作用.研究结果表明,菌根真菌可利用约4%-26%的植物净光合固定的碳水化合物,而其生物量和分泌物(如球囊霉素)具有重要的土壤碳汇功能;同时菌根真菌可参与土壤复杂有机质的降解过程.在菌根共生体系中,氮从根外菌丝到根内菌丝的传输经历了一个“无机-有机-无机”的转变过程.本文重点总结分析了菌根真菌在碳氮代谢功能与机理等方面的国内外最新研究进展,以及目前存在的主要问题与未来的研究重点.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(AM)生物技术在现代农业体系中的生态意义   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
菌根是植物根系与特定的土壤真菌形成的共生体,有利于生态系统中养分循环,协助植物抵御不良环境胁迫.自然条件下,大多数植物表现一定的菌根依赖性,在植株根系发育过程中如能与适宜的菌根真菌形成良好的菌根结构,可提高产量,改善品质,其中丛枝菌根是最普遍的类型.丛枝菌根帮助植物抵御不良环境胁迫及病虫害,促进植物健康生长,可减少化学肥料、杀虫剂施用量,以减少对环境、生态不利的化学物质施用量.丛枝菌根共生体可加速根系生长,提高对移动性低的无机离子吸收,加速养分循环利用,增强植物对不良胁迫(生物与非生物)因素的耐受力,形成良好的土壤结构,提高植物群体的多样性.文章综述了丛枝菌根真菌生态特征,丛枝菌根对寄主植物的影响,丛枝菌根生物技术应用于农业体系的生态意义及其应用潜力.  相似文献   

菌根真菌与植物共生营养交换机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菌根是陆地生态系统普遍存在的、由土壤中的菌根真菌侵染宿主植物根系形成的联合共生体.菌根的建立是以共生体双方的营养交换为基础的:菌根真菌从土壤中吸收氮、磷等营养物质并转运给宿主植物,供其生长;作为交换,植物则以脂质或糖的形式向菌根真菌提供其生长所必需的碳水化合物.近年来,菌根真菌与宿主植物间的营养交换机制一直是研究的热点,国内外对菌根真菌介导的植物营养物质吸收和转运机制的研究也取得了巨大进展.本文综述了丛枝和外生两种菌根真菌与宿主植物间营养交换的最新研究进展,尤其是碳、氮、磷等几种重要营养物质的吸收与双向转运机制,以及营养交换在菌根形成中的潜在调控作用,并对目前存在的关键问题和未来研究方向进行了分析和展望,这对菌根模型的建立及菌根效益的优化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

设施连作土壤普遍存在由于氮素过量积累导致的土壤障碍问题。本研究以不添加生物炭作为对照,以添加5%的生物炭(质量比)为处理,采用盆栽方式分析了生物炭对土壤微生物群落结构、氮循环功能基因丰度以及黄瓜幼苗根系生长和氮素代谢相关基因表达的影响,以期探明外源添加生物炭对设施连作土壤氮素转化的调控作用。结果表明:与对照相比,设施连作土壤添加生物炭处理后显著提高了黄瓜幼苗的株高、根系干重、总根长、根表面积和根体积;改善了根区环境,诱导黄瓜通过上调植物氮代谢相关基因的表达促进了黄瓜根系对氮素的吸收。施入生物炭显著提高了土壤微生物生物量氮、硝态氮和亚硝态氮含量,显著提高了土壤中变形菌门和蓝细菌门以及鞘脂单胞菌(土壤固氮菌)等氮代谢相关菌群丰度;增加了土壤硝化、氮同化还原功能基因丰度;增强了参与氮代谢的羟胺脱氢酶、硝基单加氧酶和碳酸酐酶活性。综上,根施生物炭改善了设施连作土壤理化性质和微生物生态系统,通过促进硝化作用和氮同化作用来调节土壤的氮循环过程,提高了植株对土壤氮素的吸收能力,最终促进了黄瓜植株生长。  相似文献   

亚热带丛枝菌根与外生菌根森林对土壤氮循环的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菌根真菌能促进植物获取氮素从而调节土壤氮循环过程,但不同类型菌根影响土壤氮循环的特征尚待更多研究.本试验选择中国亚热带典型次生林植被,设置丛枝菌根(AM)和外生菌根(ECM)树种优势样地,对比分析两种菌根类型森林土壤氮状态的差异,以探究菌根类型影响土壤氮循环的可能作用机制.结果 表明,AM与ECM森林的土壤总氮和铵态氮...  相似文献   

草地生态系统中土壤氮素矿化影响因素的研究进展   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:36  
氮素是各种植物生长和发育所需的大量营养元素之一,也是牧草从土壤吸收最多的矿质元素.土壤中的氮大部分以有机态形式存在,而植物可以直接吸收利用的是无机态氮.这些有机态氮在土壤动物和微生物的作用下。由难以被植物直接吸收利用的有机态转化为可被植物直接吸收利用的无机态的过程就是土壤氮的矿化.氮素矿化受多种因子的影响,这些因子可以归结为生物因子和非生物因子.生物因子包括:土壤动物、土壤微生物和植物种类.土壤动物可以促进土壤有机质的矿化;土壤微生物种类、结构及功能与氮的分解、矿化有密切的关系;不同的植物种类对土壤氮素的矿化作用是不相同的,一般来说。有豆科植物生长的土壤比其它种类土氮素矿化的作用大.非生物因素一般可以分为环境因子和人类活动干扰.环境因子中土壤温度和含水量对土壤氮素矿化的影响是国内外众多科学家研究的方向.尽管如此,在此方面的研究还没有取得一致意见,仍然需要进行这方面的研究,而在其他诸如:不同的土壤质地与土壤类型方面,研究报道的结论也很不一致,草地生态系统中人类活动对土壤氮素矿化的影响主要包括,不同强度的放牧,割草以及施肥、火烧强度等.非生物因子对氮素矿化的影响非常直接和明显,尤其是人类活动.本文综述了近年来影响草地生态系统土壤氮素矿化有关因素的一些进展.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizas are ubiquitous plant–fungus mutualists in terrestrial ecosystems and play important roles in plant resource capture and nutrient cycling. Sporadic evidence suggests that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) input may impact the development and the functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, potentially altering host plant growth and soil carbon (C) dynamics. In this study, we examined how mineral N inputs affected mycorrhizal mediation of plant N acquisition and residue decomposition in a microcosm system. Each microcosm unit was separated into HOST and TEST compartments by a replaceable mesh screen that either prevented or allowed AM fungal hyphae but not plant roots to grow into the TEST compartments. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was planted in the HOST compartments that had been inoculated with either a single species of AM fungus, Glomus etunicatum, or a mixture of AM fungi including G. etunicatum. Mycorrhizal contributions to plant N acquisition and residue decomposition were directly assessed by introducing a mineral 15N tracer and 13C‐rich residues of a C4 plant to the TEST compartments. Results from 15N tracer measurements showed that AM fungal hyphae directly transported N from the TEST soil to the host plant. Compared with the control with no penetration of AM fungal hyphae, AM hyphal penetration led to a 125% increase in biomass 15N of host plants and a 20% reduction in extractable inorganic N in the TEST soil. Mineral N inputs to the HOST compartments (equivalent to 5.0 g N m?2 yr?1) increased oat biomass and total root length colonized by mycorrhizal fungi by 189% and 285%, respectively, as compared with the no‐N control. Mineral N inputs to the HOST plants also reduced extractable inorganic N and particulate residue C proportion by 58% and 12%, respectively, in the corresponding TEST soils as compared to the no‐N control, by stimulating AM fungal growth and activities. The species mixture of mycorrhizal fungi was more effective in facilitating N transport and residue decomposition than the single AM species. These findings indicate that low‐level mineral N inputs may significantly enhance nutrient cycling and plant resource capture in terrestrial ecosystems via stimulation of root growth, mycorrhizal functioning, and residue decomposition. The long‐term effects of these observed alterations on soil C dynamics remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌参与下植物-土壤系统的养分交流及调控   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韦莉莉  卢昌熠  丁晶  俞慎 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4233-4243
近几年随着有机农业的发展,丛枝菌根的作用受到特别关注。丛枝菌根是由植物根系与丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)形成的一种共生体。在植物-AMF-土壤系统中,AMF为植物提供N、P等营养的同时从根系得到所需的C。概述了植物-AMF-土壤系统中C、N、P等营养物质的交流以及AMF与土壤微生物的互作关系。丛枝菌根的形成可显著提高植物对P的吸收,且在高P条件下多余的P可储存于AMF中。AMF对土壤N循环的影响相当复杂,可能参与调控N循环的多个过程,如硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨氧化作用等。在有机质丰富的土壤中AMF菌丝可快速扩增并吸收其中的N,主要供菌丝自身所需,只有一小部分传递给植物。AMF对土壤C库的影响尚存争议,可能存在时间尺度的差异。短期内可活化土壤C,而在长期尺度上可能有利于土壤C的储存。AMF能够通过改变土壤微生物群落结构而影响植物-土壤体系的物质交流。AMF与解磷菌、根瘤菌和放线菌的协同增效作用可促进土壤有机质的降解或增强其固氮能力;AMF对氨氧化菌的抑制作用可降低氨的氧化减少N2O的释放。AMF与外生共生真菌EMF共存时,表现出协同增效作用,但EMF的优先定殖会限制AMF的侵染。AMF不同类群之间则主要表现为竞争和拮抗关系。AMF与土壤微生物之间的互作关系受土壤无机环境的影响,在养分亏缺条件下微生物之间往往表现为竞争关系。因植物、AMF与土壤微生物之间存在复杂的互作关系,为此AMF并不总是表现出其对植物营养的促进作用。目前关于AMF的作用机理仍以假说为主,需要进一步的实验验证。在植物-AMF-土壤系统中N与C的交流和P与C的交流并未表现出一致性,对N、P循环相互关系的进一步探讨有助于深入理解植物-土壤体系中的养分循环。植物、AMF和土壤微生物的养分来源及其对养分的相对需求强度和吸收效率尚未可知,因此无法深入理解AMF在植物-土壤体系中养分交流和转化的作用。在方法上,传统的土壤学方法在养分动态研究中存在局限性,现代分子生物学手段和化学计量学的结合值得尝试。  相似文献   

张宇亭  朱敏  线岩相洼  申鸿  赵建  郭涛 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7091-7101
在温室盆栽条件下,分别模拟单作、间作和尼龙网分隔种植,比较接种丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal, AM)真菌Glomus intraradicesGlomus mosseae对菌根植物玉米和非菌根植物油菜生长和磷吸收状况的影响,并分析土壤中各无机磷组分的变化。结果发现,接种AM真菌可以促进土壤中难溶性磷(Ca10-P和O-P)向有效态磷转化,并显著降低总无机磷含量 (P<0.05),显著提高菌根植物玉米的生物量和磷吸收量(P<0.05),特别是在间作体系中使玉米的磷营养竞争比率显著提高了45.0%-104.1% (P<0.05),显著降低了油菜的生物量和磷吸收量(P<0.05),从而增强了了菌根植物的竞争优势,降低了非菌根植物与菌根植物的共存能力。揭示了石灰性土壤中AM真菌对植物物种多样性的影响,有助于更加全面地理解AM真菌在农业生态系统中的作用。  相似文献   

We examined the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in ecosystems using soil aggregate stability and C and N storage as representative ecosystem processes. We utilized a wide gradient in AMF abundance, obtained through long-term (17 and 6 years) large-scale field manipulations. Burning and N-fertilization increased soil AMF hyphae, glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) pools and water-stable macroaggregates while fungicide applications reduced AMF hyphae, GRSP and water-stable macroaggregates. We found that AMF abundance was a surprisingly dominant factor explaining the vast majority of variability in soil aggregation. This experimental field study, involving long-term diverse management practices of native multispecies prairie communities, invariably showed a close positive correlation between AMF hyphal abundance and soil aggregation, and C and N sequestration. This highly significant linear correlation suggests there are serious consequences to the loss of AMF from ecosystems.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根网络的生态学功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王茜  王强  王晓娟  张亮  金樑 《生态学杂志》2015,26(7):2192-2202
丛枝菌根(AM)真菌是陆地生态系统中重要的土壤微生物之一.其在土壤生态系统中延伸出的根外菌丝,可以通过菌丝融合的方式形成丛枝菌根网络(AMN).AMN在土壤生态系统中发挥着重要功能:一方面,AMN可以改变土壤的理化性质,其根外菌丝分泌物可以影响土壤微生物生存的微环境,进而改变土壤微生物的群落组成;另一方面,AM真菌的根外菌丝可以吸收土壤养分,并通过AMN将吸收的营养物质在宿主植物间进行分配,调节植物物种之间的竞争关系.为了全面阐述AMN在生态系统中的功能,本文围绕最新的AMN研究成果,探究AM真菌根外菌丝在土壤中相互融合的机制、AMN影响土壤微生物的数量和组成、调节植物群落的生态学机理,以及AMN调节地下资源、植物种内和种间竞争、影响植物群落的多样性和丰富度等生态系统功能.阐述在全球变化过程中AMN与大气氮沉降、CO2浓度升高以及温度升高的相关性,探究其在维持生态系统稳定性中的作用,并对本领域未来的发展方向和应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae and terrestrial ecosystem processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; phylum Glomeromycota) are ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems. Despite their acknowledged importance in ecology, most research on AMF has focused on effects on individual plant hosts, with more recent efforts aimed at the level of the plant community. Research at the ecosystem level is less prominent, but potentially very promising. Numerous human‐induced disturbances (including global change and agro‐ecosystem management) impinge on AMF functioning; hence study of this symbiosis from the ecosystem perspective seems timely and crucial. In this paper, I discuss four (interacting) routes via which AMF can influence ecosystem processes. These include indirect pathways (through changes in plant and soil microbial community composition), and direct pathways (effects on host physiology and resource capture, and direct mycelium effects). I use the case study of carbon cycling to illustrate the potentially pervasive influence of AMF on ecosystem processes. A limited amount of published research on AMF ecology is suited for direct integration into ecosystem studies (because of scale mismatch or ill‐adaptation to the ‘pools and flux’ paradigm of ecosystem ecology); I finish with an assessment of the tools (experimental designs, response variables) available for studying mycorrhizae at the ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can perform key roles in ecosystem functioning through improving host nutrient acquisition. Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, however, anthropogenic N loading (e.g. crop fertilization and deposition from combustion sources) is increasing so that N now threatens ecosystem sustainability around the world by causing terrestrial and aquatic eutrophication and acidification. It is important to better understand the capacity of AMF to directly uptake N from soils and transfer it to host plants because this process may increase N recycling and retention within ecosystems. In addition to understanding the role of AMF in the N cycle in the present day it is important to understand how AMF function may change as global change proceeds. Currently the net effects of N enrichment and elevated temperature predicted with global change on AMF are unknown. In this study, we examined the effects of N enrichment by simulated N‐deposition loading, elevated temperatures expected by future global changes and their interactions on growth and AMF‐mediated N acquisition of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum var. Alamo), an important species for biofuel production. Switchgrass plants were grown in microcosm units that divided mycorrhizal roots from AMF hyphae and organic residues enriched with 15N by compartments separated by an air gap to reduce N diffusion. While AMF did not enhance switchgrass biomass, mycorrhizas significantly increased 15N in shoots and total shoot N. Neither N enrichment nor elevated temperatures influenced this mycorrhizal‐mediated N uptake and transfer. Results from this study can aid in developing sustainable bioethanol and switchgrass production practices that are less reliant on synthetic fertilizers and more dependent on internal N recycling from AMF.  相似文献   

The mycorrhizal status of epiphytic, rupicolous, and terrestrial bromeliad species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest has been examined. Roots of 13 species of bromeliads were analyzed for the presence of mycorrhizal structures such as arbuscules, hyphae, and vesicles as well as other fungal structures. Rhizosphere soil was sampled to identify arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species associated only with terrestrial bromeliad species. Most specimens collected were epiphytic bromeliads in the genera Aechmea, Bilbergia, Nidularium, Tillandsia, and Vriesea. Differentiating structures of AMF were found in only three species of bromeliads. The pattern of mycorrhizal colonization was mainly internal, and external mycelium and arbuscules were observed only in the terrestrial Nidularium procerum. Root endophytes with dark brown septate mycelium, thin external hyphae, and Rhizoctonia-like sclerotia were also detected in some root segments. A total of ten spore morphotypes were recovered from the rhizosphere of N. procerum, with Acaulospora mellea, A. foveata, and Glomus sp. being the most common species recovered. Our study demonstrated that most of the epiphytic species are not associated with AMF. We attribute this mainly to the exposed bare root conditions found in epiphytic bromeliads.  相似文献   

Johansen  Anders 《Plant and Soil》1999,209(1):119-127
Two experiments were conducted where Cucumis sativus were grown in uncompartmented pots either alone or in symbiosis with Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith (Experiment 1) or Glomus sp. (Experiment 2) in order to investigate if root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has an effect on depletion of the soil mineral N pool. All pots were gradually supplied with 31 mg NH4NO3-N kg-1 dry soil from 12–19 days after planting and an additional 50 mg (NH4)2SO4-N kg-1 dry soil (15N-labelled in Experiment 1) was supplied at 21 or 22 days after planting in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Dry weight of plant parts, total root length, mycorrhizal colonization rate and soil concentration of NH 4 + and NO 3 - were recorded at five sequential harvest events: 21, 24, 30, 35 and 42 days (Experiment 1) and 22, 25, 28, 31 and 35 days (Experiment 2) after planting. In Experiment 1, plants were also analysed for total content of N and 15N. The mycorrhizal colonization rate increased during time: from 25 to 40% in Experiment 1 and from 50 to 60% in Experiment 2. Plant dry matter accumulation was unaffected by mycorrhizal colonization, except in Experiment 1 where shoot dry weights were slightly increased and in Experiment 2 where root dry weights were slightly decreased compared to non-mycorrhizal control plants. The total root length was similar in the control and mycorrhizal treatments in Experiment 1, while it was decreased (20–30%) by mycorrhizal colonization in the last two harvest in Experiment 2. Mycorrhizal colonization affected the rate of depletion of soil mineral N in Experiment 1, where both NH 4 + and NO 3 - concentrations were markedly lower in the first two harvests, when plants were mycorrhizal. As the root length was similar in mycorrhizal and control treatments, this may indicate that the external AM hyphae contributed to the depletion of the soil mineral N pool. A similar pattern was observed in Experiment 2, although the effect was less pronounced. The 15N enrichment in mycorrhizal plants (Experiment 1) also indicated a faster NH 4 + uptake than in the non-mycorrhizal controls in the first two harvests after application of the 15N-labelled N source. However, the external hyphae and roots seemed to have access to the same N sources as the 15N enrichment and total N content were similar in mycorrhizal and control plants at the end of the experiment. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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