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目前尚未见中国各地汉族成人皮褶厚度的综合研究。于2009年至2013年在中国22个省测量了汉族成人26928例(男13221例,女13707例)的面颊皮褶、肱二头肌皮褶、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂嵴上皮褶、小腿内侧皮褶的厚度,计算体脂肪率。运用u检验对城乡间皮褶厚度值进行比较,对6项皮褶厚度与纬度、经度、年龄进行相关分析。研究发现,总的说来,随纬度的减少(从北向南)、经度的增加(从西向东)、年龄的增加,汉族男性皮褶厚度增大,皮下脂肪增厚。随纬度的增加(从南向北)、年龄的增长,汉族女性皮褶厚度增大,皮下脂肪增厚,体脂率(PBF)增大。城市汉族男性皮褶厚度值均大于乡村汉族男性,城市女性肩胛下皮褶、小腿内侧皮褶厚度值接近于乡村女性,其余4项皮褶厚度值大于乡村女性(P<0.01)。城市男性PBF值大于乡村男性,城市女性PBF值小于乡村女性。城市男性、女性与乡村男性、女性均为肩胛下皮褶最厚、髂嵴上皮褶次之,以肱二头肌皮褶最为菲薄。  相似文献   

本项目采用人体测量法,测量了976名(男性528人,女性448人)湖南土家族成人的身高、体质量以及肱三头肌、肩胛下、髂前上和小腿内侧皮褶的厚度,并根据公式计算体密度、体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数、瘦体质量和瘦体质量指数。结果显示随年龄增长,小腿内侧皮褶厚度值逐渐减小,肱三头肌、肩胛下和髂前上棘皮褶以及体脂率、脂肪质量、瘦体质量、体质量指数、脂肪质量指数和瘦体质量指数值先增大后减小,体密度值先减小后增大;各年龄组中体密度、瘦体质量及其指数值女性明显低于男性,4项皮褶厚度值以及体脂率、脂肪质量及其指数值女性高于男性;与布朗族等24个族群比较,湖南土家族成人皮褶厚度处于中等水平,与门巴族、珞巴族、僜人、彝族等族群的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

达斡尔族成人的皮褶厚度及其年龄变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
测量了456例(男216,女240例)达斡尔族成人的4项皮褶(三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶与腓肠肌皮褶)厚度值,分析了达斡尔族成人皮褶厚度随年龄变化的特征。研究表明:(1)男性躯干皮下脂肪厚于四肢。女性肩胛下皮褶最厚,三头肌皮褶次之。(2)女性4项皮褶厚度值高于男性。(3)男性30—44岁皮下脂肪较厚,45岁以后皮褶厚度下降。女性50岁以后肩胛下皮褶值明显下降,其余3项值在40岁以后下降。(4)男性全身皮褶厚度值多呈正相关。女性这种现象不明显。(5)达斡尔族成人皮下脂肪发育逊于北京、大连城市中的汉族,但优于宁夏农村的回族。  相似文献   

应用人体测量法对安徽滁州地区汉族694例(城市男性152例,城市女性158例,乡村男性201例,乡村女性183例)成年人进行6项皮褶(面颊、肱二头肌、肱三头肌、肩胛下、髂前上棘、小腿内侧)厚度的测量,分析了安徽汉族成人皮褶厚度值随年龄变化的特点,并与我国部分族群的皮褶厚度值进行比较。研究显示:1)安徽汉族成人皮褶发育躯干部优于四肢,背部优于腹部,面部居中,肱二头肌皮褶最薄。2)6项皮褶厚度值在性别间存在显著性差异。同年龄组比较,女性皮褶厚度值均高于男性。3)6项皮褶厚度多与年龄呈正相关。4)城乡比较,城市女性皮褶发育明显低于乡村女性,而城市男性皮褶发育多优于乡村男性。安徽汉族男、女性皮褶厚度具有蒙古人种北亚类型族群特点。  相似文献   

采用人体测量法,在海南琼海随机测量了643例(城男160例,城女150例;乡男174例,乡女159例)汉族成人的6项皮褶(面颊、肱二头肌、肱三头肌、肩胛下、髂前上棘、腓肠肌皮褶)厚度。结果显示:1)海南汉族成人皮下脂肪发育躯干优于四肢,并以背部最突出。2)城市男性皮褶厚度高于乡村男性,差异有统计学意义;乡村女性除面颊皮褶和肱二头肌皮褶厚度较城市女性低外,其他4项皮褶厚度均高于城市女性,差异有统计学意义。3)6项皮褶厚度女性均高于男性,差异有统计学意义。4)相关分析和方差分析显示:城乡男性面颊皮褶、肩胛下皮褶,乡村男性髂前上棘皮褶和腓肠肌皮褶厚度与年龄呈正相关;城乡女性面颊皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶厚度与年龄呈正相关。5)与其他9个国内族群比较,海南男性皮褶厚度与山西汉族、布里亚特蒙古族比较接近;海南女性与山东汉族、俄罗斯族、乌孜别克族、山西汉族、布里亚特蒙古族比较接近。海南汉族皮褶厚度具有北方族群的特征。  相似文献   

布依族成人皮褶厚度的年龄变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
测量了494例(男259例,女235例)布依族成人的6项皮褶(腓肠肌皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、三头肌皮褶、二头肌皮褶与面颊皮褶)厚度值,分析了布依族成人皮褶厚度值随年龄而变化的特征。研究表明:(1)男女同年龄组间对应比较皮褶厚度值,总体看来,女性高于男性;(2)男性躯干和面部的皮下脂肪厚于四肢,这一点女性与男性接近;(3)布依族人6项皮褶随年龄的增加,其厚度变化不大,其中男性表现尤为明显。  相似文献   

哈萨克族学生体质发育状况的10年比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道新疆阿勒泰地区1995年2589名城镇7—18岁哈萨克族(哈族)中小学生身高、体重、胸围、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽6项体质发育指标的调查结果。男女生体质发育指标随年龄增加而增长,各项指标的年均增长值皆为男生大于女生。与1985年比较,哈族学生的身高、体重、胸围皆有不同程度增长。哈族男女生的身高突增年龄仍分别为14岁和10岁,但是其身高增长却不伴有相应比例的坐高增长,女生部分年龄组的肩宽和男女生各年龄组的骨盆宽呈现负增长,提示哈族学生的体型与10年前相比已经开始有所改变。  相似文献   

达斡尔族学生皮下脂肪发育的研究   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
作者内蒙古莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗1759例中小学生项项皮褶厚度及体脂发育情况进行了调查研究。结果表明:(1)达斡尔族学生进入青春期后,随着年龄的增长,男性躯干部皮变厚,四肢部皮褶变薄,女性躯干、四肢部皮褶均增厚。(2)12岁后,女性皮褶厚度显著大于男性。(3)青春发育早期,男性体脂逐渐有下降,女性于12-14岁体脂迅速增加。(4)总体说来,达斡尔族学生并不偏于肥胖。  相似文献   

张迎修 《人类学学报》2008,27(2):167-173
利用山东省1995年和2005年学生体质调研资料,分析了7-12岁城乡儿童皮褶厚度和体成分的变化趋势.10年间,7-12岁城男、城女、乡男,乡女皮褶厚度分别平均增长7.97mm、4.54mm、11.42mm、9.48mm,体脂比平均增长3.42%、2.07%、4.92%、4.35%,体脂肪平均增长2.34kg、1.27kg、2.82kg、2.30kg,瘦体重平均增长1.96kg、1.42kg、1.78kg、0.96kg.体脂比和体脂肪的增长表现为乡村大于城市,男生大于女生.儿童超重和肥胖检出率也迅速增长,城男、城女、乡男、乡女超重检出率分别由1995年的11.78%、6.22%、2.78%和1.89%上升到2005年的17.86%、10.02%、12.03%和6.46%,肥胖检出率分别由5.00%、3.67%、0.56%和0.33%上升到16.57%、8.16%、9.62%和6.56%,控制儿童肥胖率的形势变得更加严峻.  相似文献   

达斡尔族学生体表面积研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
调查了1739例(男854例,女885例)达斡尔族学生的身高、体重值,采用Stevenson公式计算了每位学生的体表面积,并求得6—19岁14个年龄组男女学生的体表面积均数。研究表明:(1)达斡尔族学生体表面积随年龄增大而增加。(2)11岁女生体表面积均数超过男生,14岁男生体表面积均数又超过女生。(3)15岁以后,男女学生体表面积值之差加大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the fatness level of Budapest children and youth in different ways and to compare these estimations using a large representative sample. Eighteen body measurements were taken on 2606 healthy boys and 2471 healthy girls aged between 3 and 18 years. About 20% of this sample was measured by the Futrex 5000A near infrared (NIR) spectrophotometer to assess the body fat percent (data of 419 boys and 462 girls aged between 5 and 18 years were analysed). Triceps skinfold thickness (TSF), sum of triceps, medial calf, subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thicknesses (SFS), body fat percent estimated according to Slaughter et al. (%BF), BMI (calculated from height and weight) and body fat percent assessed by NIR-method (NIR%BF) were compared. chi 2 tests of independence show significant connections among the distributions ranged by the five fatness indicators. However, correlation coefficients and standard errors indicate that strong relationships are only among the assessments based on skinfold thicknesses (r = 0.92-0.97, SEE = 1.8-2.6%). BMI and NIR%BF assess body fatness differently compared to skinfold thicknesses: r-values are moderate and SEE-values are relatively large (r = 0.59-0.87, SEE = 1.9-4.7%). These findings can be seen in both the boys and the girls. NIR%BF comparing to %BF significantly overpredicts body fat percent in the boys and significantly underpredicts it in the girls. BMI, height and weight are not in significant correlation with NIR%BF in the boys but there are moderate correlations in the girls. Our suggestion is that more research is needed with the use of NIR-method in children and adolescents, and it is necessary to refine prediction equations taking into consideration very carefully sex sand age differences.  相似文献   



Limited data have indicated that body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR) of athletes and young adults provide misleading results concerning body fat content. This study was aimed at the evaluation of the relationship between different surrogate indices of fatness (BMI, WC, WHR, WHtR and body adiposity index (BAI)) with the percentage of body fat in Polish students with respect to their sex and physical activity.


A total of 272 students volunteered to participate in the study. Of these students, 177 physical education students (90 males and 87 females) were accepted as active (physical activity of 7 to 9 hours/week); and 95 students of other specializations (49 males and 46 females) were accepted as sedentary (physical activity of 1.5 hours/week). Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured, and BMI, WHR, WHtR and BAI were calculated. Body fat percentage was assessed using four skinfold measurements.


Classification of fatness according to the BMI and the percentage of body fat have indicated that BMI overestimates fatness in lean subjects (active men and women, sedentary men), but underestimates body fat in obese subjects (sedentary women). In all groups, BMI, WHR, WHtR and BAI were significantly correlated with the percentage of body fat (with the exception of WHR and hip circumference in active and sedentary women, respectively). However, coefficients of determination not exceeding 50% and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficients lower than 0.9 indicated no relationship between measured and calculated body fat.


The findings in the present study support the concept that irrespective of physical activity and sex none of the calculated indices of fatness are useful in the determination of body fat in young adults. Thus, it seems that easily calculated indices may contribute to distorted body image and unhealthy dietary habits observed in many young adults in Western countries, but also in female athletes.  相似文献   

The human body composition is assessed to determine percent body fat (PBF), fat mass (FM), and lean body mass or fat free mass (FFM). The topological distribution of body fat has been the subject of many studies in the world and India. To the best of our knowledge the present paper is the first report on the body composition in terms of PBF and FM, and their relationship with anthropometric measures in Muslim females in India. The present study examines anthropometric measurements and their relationship with the body composition among Muslim females of West Bengal, India. A cross-sectional study of 100 female, Muslim students of Howrah and Kolkata was undertaken to compare the relationships of biceps and triceps skinfold, waist, hip and upper arm circumference, waist hip ratio and conicity index with their body composition variables (PBF and FM). All anthropometric measures displayed significant (p < 0.05) correlation with body composition measures. The triceps skinfold, however, demonstrated a significant correlation with PBF (r = 0.90) and FM (r = 0.93). The greatest amount of variation of PBF (81.3 %) and FM (89.2 %) was explained by the triceps skinfold. In addition, a considerable amount of variation of PBF (72.8 %) and FM (86.0 %) was explained by the mid upper arm circumference. In conclusion, the present study displays a tendency of regional adiposity in the upper arm, triceps skinfold and mid upper arm circumference are much more strongly associated with body fat.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine which of five measures of adiposity maintains the strongest association with cardiovascular disease risk factors. Research Methods and Procedures: A nationally representative sample of 12,608 adult participants of the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were examined. Waist circumference, total body fat, percent body fat, BMI, and skinfold thickness were measured following a standardized protocol. Results: In multivariable adjusted models including waist circumference and BMI as independent variables, waist circumference was a significantly better predictor. The odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for each standard deviation higher waist circumference and BMI for men were as follows: 1.88 (1.43, 2.48) and 0.99 (0.76, 1.29), respectively, for hypertension; 1.51 (0.87, 2.59) and 1.23 (0.76, 1.99), respectively, for diabetes; and 1.85 (1.48, 2.32) and 1.00 (0.80, 1.24), respectively, for low high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol. The analogous odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for women were as follows: 2.28 (1.74, 3.00) and 0.91 (0.69, 1.19), respectively, for hypertension; 2.72 (1.85, 4.00) and 0.82 (0.55, 1.23), respectively, for diabetes; and 1.90 (1.47, 2.47) and 1.07 (0.83, 1.38), respectively, for low high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol. Results were markedly similar for waist circumference in models adjusting for total body fat, percent body fat, and skinfold thickness separately. In contrast, waist circumference was not a significantly better predictor of elevated C‐reactive protein than the other measures of adiposity. Discussion: Waist circumference maintains a stronger association with cardiovascular disease risk factors than other measures of adiposity.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing prevalence of obesity among children and of obesity related disorders in the pediatric population, the reliable evaluation of body fat content in children is of critical importance in research and clinical medicine. In this study, we assessed the congruency of different estimates for body fat content in prepubertal children. We determined anthropometric parameters, such as BMI and skinfold thickness, and bioelectrical impedance in 676 prepubertal Caucasian children. We calculated body fat percentage (BF%) from these parameters applying 5 distinct algorithms and established raw centiles for these models. Expectedly, girls had significantly higher BF% regardless of the method applied. There were, however, significant variances in the calculated amount of BF% between the algorithms, with BIA based equations giving highest BF%, while skinfold based equations tended to provide lower BF% values. Direct comparison of the algorithms revealed a high degree of inconsistency and poor agreement in the assessment of body fat with variations of >10% BF%. Great differences in basic parameters, such as DeltaBMI (3.2 kg/m (2)) or Deltaskinfolds (1.75-fold), would be needed to reliably predict correct ranking of 10% difference in body fat with 95% probability. In summary, BF% strongly varies depending on both the method as well as the algorithm used. This questions the applicability of such field methods for the assessment of BF% for comparative analyses and the superiority of information over basic parameters such as BMI.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the reliability and validity of the bioelectrical impedance method (BIA) of measuring body composition and compare its accuracy with the results obtained by standard anthropometric methods BIA, skinfold fat, and hydrostatically measured percent fat (% fat) were obtained on 44 women and 24 men. Each subject was tested four times by two testers on two different days. Generalizability theory was used to estimate reliability and measurement error that considered both day-to-day and intertester error. The BIA, skinfold fat, and hydrostatic methods were all found to be reliable (Rxx = 0.957-0.987) with standard errors ranging from 0.9 to 1.5% fat. An additional 26 men (n = 50) and 38 women (n = 82) were tested once and combined with the data used for the reliability analysis to cross-validate BIA estimates of % fat with hydrostatically determined % fat. The cross-validation correlations for the BIA determinations of % fat ranged from 0.71 to 0.76, which were significantly lower than that obtained with the sum of seven (sigma 7) skinfolds equations (rxy = 0.92 for men and 0.88 for women). The correlations between the weight-to-height ratio body mass index (BMI) and hydrostatically determined % fat were 0.75 and 0.74 for men and women, respectively. The standard errors of estimate for the two BIA models ranged from 4.6 to 6.4% fat compared with 2.6 and 3.6% fat for the sigma 7 equations. The BIA method for measuring body composition was comparable to the BMI method, with height and weight accounting for most of the variance in the BIA equation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate body fat patterning and phenotype including hepatic fat and pancreatic volume of non-obese (BMI: < 25 kg/m2) Asian Indians with type 2 diabetes residing in North India.MethodsNon-obese patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 93) and non-obese, normo-glycemic subjects (n = 40) were recruited. BMI, waist & hip circumferences, skinfold thickness at 8 sites, body fat, lean mass and detailed abdominal fat evaluation [total abdominal fat, total subcutaneous fat (superficial, deep, anterior, and posterior), total intra-abdominal fat (intra-peritoneal, retroperitoneal)], liver span, grades of fatty liver and pancreatic volume were compared.ResultsWaist circumference, subscapular skinfolds and total truncal fat (on DEXA) were higher whereas calf, total peripheral skinfolds and total leg fat (on DEXA) lower in patients. Specifically, the following volumes were higher in cases as compared to controls; total abdominal fat (19.4%), total intra-abdominal fat (49.7%), intra-peritoneal fat (47.7%), retroperitoneal fat (70.7%), pancreatic volume (26.6%), pancreatic volume index (21.3%) and liver span (10.8%). In cases, significant positive correlations were observed for pancreatic volume with BMI, waist and hip circumferences, W-HR, subscapular, abdominal and total truncal skinfolds, truncal, total subcutaneous, total intra-abdominal, intra-peritoneal, retroperitoneal fat depots, liver span and fatty liver.ConclusionsIn non-obese Asian Indians with type 2 diabetes, subcutaneous and intra-abdominal obesity, including fatty liver, and pancreatic volume were higher and peripheral subcutaneous adiposity was lower than BMI matched non-diabetic subjects. Importantly, increased pancreatic volume in patients was highly correlated with multiple measures of abdominal obesity and liver fat.  相似文献   

Male college students (N = 381) residing in several districts of Eastern India, classified into two groups, urban (N = 193) and rural (N = 188), were studied by anthropometric measurements of skinfold thicknesses in several sites of the body to determine their body fat content. The mean value of percentage of body fat was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the urban group of students (12.07 ± 3.04) than in the rurals (11.04 ± 2.63). The mean values of skinfold thicknesses of the biceps, triceps, and subscapular regions were also found to be higher in urbans (P < 0.01), but no such significant differences in mean values of supra-iliac and abdominal skinfolds were found between the two groups of students. Most of the subjects of both the groups had a greater thickness of the abdominal skinfold compared to thickness of the biceps, triceps, and suprailiac skinfolds. It was found that the college students of Eastern India were leaner than the youths of North America, Europe, Japan, and Northern India.  相似文献   

Maninder Kaur  Indu Talwar 《HOMO》2011,62(5):374-385
The aim of the present cross-sectional study is to describe and compare age related changes in body composition and fat patterning among rural and urban Jat females of Haryana State, India. A total of 600 females (rural = 300, urban = 300), ranging in age from 40 to 70 years were selected by the purposive sampling method. Body weight, height, two circumferences (waist and hip) and skinfold thickness at five different sites (biceps, triceps, calf, subscapular, and supra-iliac) were taken on each participant. To study total adiposity, indices such as body mass index (BMI), grand mean thickness (GMT), total body fat and percentage fat were analyzed statistically. The fat distribution pattern was studied using waist/hip ratio, subscapular/triceps ratio and responsiveness of five skinfold sites towards accumulation of fat at different sites with advancing age. Results indicate a decline in almost every dimension including level of fatness between the mid-fourth and mid-fifth decades of life in both rural and urban females. Urban Jat females were heavier (57.36 kg vs. 56.07 kg, p > 0.05) and significantly taller (1553.3 mm vs. 1534.5 mm, p < 0.001) than their rural counterparts. Urban females also exhibited higher mean values for both the circumferences, five skinfold thicknesses as well as for lean body mass, total fat and percentage fat than the rural females. This is also evident from their higher mean values for body mass index and grand mean thickness. Waist/hip ratio values in rural and urban females showed upper body fat predominance, with urban females having relatively more abdominal fat. Results of subscapular/triceps ratio showed that rural and urban females gained proportionally similar amounts of subcutaneous fat at trunk and extremity sites until 45 years of age. Subsequently trunk skinfolds increased relatively more in thickness. The magnitude of this increase was comparatively greater in rural females up to 55 years and among urban females from 55 to 70 years. The profiles of subcutaneous fat accumulation and sensitivity of each skinfold site also revealed more fat deposition in the trunk region compared to extremities in both rural and urban females. The present study demonstrated differential rates of fat redistribution among rural and urban females.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop and validate sex‐specific equations for predicting percentage body fat (%BF) in rural Thai population, based on BMI and anthropometric measurements. Research Methods and Procedures: %BF (DXA; GE Lunar Corp., Madison, WI) was measured in 181 men and 255 women who were healthy and between 20 and 84 years old. Anthropometric measures such as weight (kilograms), height (centimeters), BMI (kilograms per meter squared), waist circumference (centimeters), hip circumference (centimeters), thickness at triceps skinfold (millimeters), biceps skinfold (millimeters), subscapular skinfold (millimeters), and suprailiac skinfold (millimeters) were also measured. The sample was randomly divided into a development group (98 men and 125 women) and a validation group (83 men and 130 women). Regression equations of %BF derived from the development group were then evaluated for accuracy in the validation group. Results: The equation for estimating %BF in men was: %BF(men) = 0.42 × subscapular skinfold + 0.62 × BMI ? 0.28 × biceps skinfold + 0.17 × waist circumference ? 18.47, and in women: %BF(women) = 0.42 × hip circumference + 0.17 × suprailiac skinfold + 0.46 × BMI ? 23.75. The coefficient of determination (R2) for both equations was 0.68. Without anthropometric variables, the predictive equation using BMI, age, and sex was: %BF = 1.65 × BMI + 0.06 × age ? 15.3 × sex ? 10.67 (where sex = 1 for men and sex = 0 for women), with R2 = 0.83. When these equations were applied to the validation sample, the difference between measured and predicted %BF ranged between ±9%, and the positive predictive values were above 0.9. Discussion: These results suggest that simple, noninvasive, and inexpensive anthropometric variables may provide an accurate estimate of %BF and could potentially aid the diagnosis of obesity in rural Thais.  相似文献   

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