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贺兰山岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)集群特征的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2004年11月~2005年10月,在贺兰山对岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的集群行为进行了研究,将其集群类型划分为雌性群、雄性群、雌雄群、母仔群、混合群和独羊6种类型.共观察到岩羊1 023群次,计4 866只次,平均群大小为(4.86±2.54)只,最大的群为51只,最小的为独羊.其中,母仔群459群(44.87%)为最多的集群类型,其余为混合群(20.72%)、雄性群(14.86%)、独羊(9.09%)、雌雄群(5.57%)、雌性群(4.89%).母仔群出现的频次在4个季节均最高,除母仔群外,春季雄性群出现的频次最高,而夏、秋、冬季都是混合群出现的频次最高,不同类型集群出现频次的季节间差异极显著.在4个季节中都以2~5只的群居多,其出现的频次占各季节群数50%以上,不同季节群大小差异极显著,而不同集群类型群大小季节间不存在显著差异.除独羊外,不同季节混合群大小差异极显著,母仔群、雌性群大小差异显著,而雄性群、雌雄群大小无显著差异.研究结果显示,贺兰山岩羊集小群是其显著特点,随着季节的变化,其集群类型、集群大小均会发生一定的变化.  相似文献   

春冬两季贺兰山岩羊集群特征的比较   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
20 0 3年 1 1~ 1 2月和 2 0 0 4年 4~ 6月在贺兰山国家级自然保护区对岩羊 (Pseudoisnayaur)春冬两季集群行为进行了初步研究。春季观察到的 2 1 8群 1 3 70只岩羊样本和冬季观察到的 3 1 0群 1 3 3 6只岩羊样本进行了比较 ,发现春季平均岩羊群大小为 (5. 5 7± 5 .3 8)只 ,冬季平均岩羊群大小为 (4. 2 9± 5 . 48)只 ,春冬两季岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著 (P >0. 0 5 )。贺兰山岩羊在春冬两季 2~ 8只的群所占比例均居多 (春季 :85 . 3 % ;冬季 94 8% )。春季贺兰山岩羊群以雌性群 (4 0 . 3 % ,n =88)为主 ,冬季以混合群(4 9 7% ,n =1 5 4)和雌性群 (4 8 4% ,n=1 5 0 )为主。春冬两季雌性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 ) ,雄性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )和混合群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )均无显著性差异。将春季和冬季贺兰山岩羊的雌雄比与雌幼比相比 ,春季观察到的雄性个体偏多 ,冬季观察到的幼体较春季多。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊种群结构的季节性变化   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
2001年3月至2002年2月,每月定期在固定的样线上,采用样线法对贺兰山3929只岩羊种群结构进行调查。小群体是贺兰山岩羊种群的基本特征,全年群平均数为5.5只,独羊全年存在,以雄性成体为主,在雌性群中,母仔群全年稳定,占雌性群的44.0%。岩羊雌性群群体大小平均3.5只,雄性群群体平均4.5只,混合群群体平均8.0只;全年雌性多于雄性,雌性群小于雄性群。群体表现为雌性群群体小,群体数量多;混合群体大,群体数量少。混合群群体大小范围离散,雄性群次之,雌性群群体范围变化最小。全年雌幼比为100:48。雌雄性比全年100:71,其中,2~6月份,雌雄性比为100:130~155;7—12月份,雌雄性比为100:43.68。另外,中还指出3.5~8.5龄雄羊占63.9%,1.5~3.5龄和超过8.5龄老年雄性岩羊所占的百分率明显较少。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)是青藏高原常见的食草动物,但对边缘分布区的种群了解较少。2018年6月到2019年8月,我们利用红外相机在四川王朗国家级自然保护区对岩羊的集群结构、特征及其季节变化进行了描述与分析。结果显示:调查共记录到岩羊1 921群次,共计6 623只次。按照性别和年龄组,可将岩羊集群划分为混合群、母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌、雌性群。研究观察到的最大岩羊集群为23只,最小为独羊(独雄或独雌),集群的平均个体数量为(3.45 ± 2.16)只,以小群为主,种群大小的季节间差异不显著。岩羊集群结构和季节波动特征主要有:(1)混合群最常见,占45.3%,其次依次为母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌和雌性群;(2)岩羊集群结构季节波动显著,春季以雄性群(29.5%)和独雄(22.6%)为主,夏季、秋季和冬季主要为混合群(58.5%,41.8%,36.7%)和母仔群(21.4%,24.7%,18.6%);(3)各集群类型在季节间的相对优势存在差异,例如混合群在夏季的优势显著,但母仔群在各季节的优势则无显著差异。依据全年数据,我们认为王朗国家级自然保护区的栖息地特征以及岩羊自身生命周期可能是影响岩羊集群大小、集群类型季节波动的主要因素。  相似文献   

冬春季矮岩羊集群特征比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年10月至12月、2008年11月中旬至2009年1月中旬和2009年3月至5月,采用样线法对四川竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊冬春季的集群特征进行了研究,春季共观察到73群451只矮岩羊,冬季共观察到170群1036只矮岩羊。发现春季平均群大小为6.18±5.186,最大群34只;冬季平均集群大小为6.65±4.564,最大群24只;春冬两季矮岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著(P0.05)。在观察到的矮岩羊中,冬春两季矮岩羊集群都以混合群为主,分别占57.20%和45.20%;与春季相比,冬季混合群和独羊出现频率增高,而春季雌性群和母仔群增多;2-8只的集群冬季109群,春季56群,分别占总群数的64.12%和76.71%;9只以上的集群冬季46群,春季15群,分别占总群数的20.06%和20.55%。说明矮岩羊主要以2-8只的小群为主。冬季雌雄比为1∶0.64;雌幼比为1∶0.77;春季雌雄比为1∶0.72;雌幼比为1∶0.81。  相似文献   

天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对野外观察记录的76 群460 余只盘羊在9、10、11 月份的集群和日活动数据进行统计分析, 结果表明: 天山盘羊在发情前后从以独羊群、雄性群、雌性群和母子群为主的集群类型转变为以单一的混合群为主的集群类型。集群大小平均由发情前的8.3 ±4.6 只变为发情后的15.9 ±11.1 只, 差异极其显著( P = 0.003 < 0.01) 。结果还发现, 由于发情前后集群行为的变化, 盘羊的日活动节律也随之发生显著改变。  相似文献   

2013年10月至2014年9月,于天山中部天格尔山脉乌鲁木齐河源区研究了北山羊的社群结构。将其集群类型划分为雄性群、雌幼群、混合群和独羊4类。共统计北山羊497群,总计6 427只。北山羊最大集群为100只,最小群为1只,全年平均群大小为(12.93±0.65)只。其中春季(14.83±1.35)只,夏季(14.16±1.65)只,秋季(15.17±1.69)只,冬季(9.32±0.74)只。冬季北山羊平均集群大小显著低于其他三个季节。混合群的平均群大小最大,其余依次为雌幼群和雄性群。Kruskal-Wallis H检验结果表明各社群类型群大小差异极显著。北山羊多以2-7只的小群活动,占到总遇见频次比例的41.05%,8-20只群占32.80%,20只以上大群出现最少,占17.71%。在4种集群类型中,雌幼群出现频率最高,占51.91%,其次依次为混合群、雄性群和独羊。卡方检验结果表明4个季节间4种社群类型的出现频次差异显著。研究结果显示,北山羊在发情期混群,非繁殖期同性集群。受环境因素和自身生理周期的影响,其集群大小、集群类型均随季节变化而变化。  相似文献   

矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描取样法(每隔10 min进行一次扫描纪录,记录时间为5 min)对36只矮岩羊夏季昼间节律与时间分配进行了观察和研究,将矮岩羊行为划分为取食、移动、站立、卧息和其他行为等5类。结果表明,矮岩羊在夏季有3个取食高峰(6:00-9:00、10:00-11:00和16:00-20:00);1个卧息高峰(11:00-15:00)。在时间分配上,用于取食的时间最多(30.14±3.32)%,其次是卧息(26.44±3.59)%,站立(24.90±4.27)%,移动(15.73±1.26)%,而用于其他行为的时间,仅占(2.82±1.00)%。通过不同个体的比较,发现成年雄性用于取食和站立的时间最多,幼体用于移动和其他行为的时间最多,成年雌性用于卧息的时间最多。在矮岩羊集群方面,其集群类型有:混合群、母仔群、雄性群、雌性群和独羊,在夏季集群平均大小为(7.81±8.42)只,2~8只的羊群,占总群数的54.05%;不同集群类型的大小差异极显著(χ2=13.197,d&#402;=3,P=0.004),混合群群体最大,而雄性群最小;雌雄比为1∶0.54,雌幼比为1∶0.26,成幼比为1∶0.17。这些都说明矮岩羊这类独特的行为和种群特征是长期适应金沙江干热河谷的结果。  相似文献   

为调查内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内岩羊(Pseudois nayaur alashanicus)的种群现状,通过样线法在2017、2018年冬季,2018、2019年春季进行了调查,利用R 4.0.3中的Distance 1.0.2对样线观测数据进行分析,估测保护区内岩羊的种群数量及密度,分析其种群结构。结果显示,调查共观测到岩羊6299只,其中,2018年冬季种群数量最高,约为2654(2230-3161)只(括号内为95%数量置信区间),种群密度为3.921(3.293-4.668)只/km2。与2003年同季节的调查数据对比发现,保护区内岩羊的种群数量在15年间增长迅速,岩羊的种群密度累计增长了约53.17%,年平均增长3.54%。岩羊集群形式:混合群(88.03%,80.95%)为岩羊冬、春最主要的集群形式,且混合群的数量冬季多于春季,独羊出现的次数最低(1.99%,2.86%),不同的集群类型在不同的季节的差异极显著(P<0.001);岩羊平均群大小:春季为(13.439±12.085)只,冬季为(9.011±8.610)只,调查季节中集群大小多为1-10只,岩羊的不同季节的群大小差异极显著(P<0.001)。种群成体与幼体比在不同季节的变化范围为1.411-2.673,雌雄比在不同季节的变化范围为0.934-1.469,种群结构的季节性差异极显著(P<0.001)。集群类型、群大小及群组成的调查表明,不同季节间岩羊种群结构差异明显。  相似文献   

藏原羚集群行为的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2002年10月至2003年12月,在可可西里对藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)的集群行为进行了初步研究.将其集群划分为雌性群、雄性群、母仔群、雌雄混群和独羚5种类型.共统计藏原羚924群次,计3643只次.其中,雌性群525群次,占56.8%,为最多的集群类型;其余为独羚(26.1%)、雄性群(11.0%)、母仔群(3.0%)和雌雄混群(3.0%).不同大小集群的比例亦有极显著差异,其中2-10只的集群占70.0%,独羚占26.1%,其余为3.9%;最大集群为17只.另外,选择2-8只的集群的个体数占72.9%,选择8只以上集群的个体数为20.5%,独羚仅占6.6%,选择不同大小集群的个体数的差异也极为显著(P<0.001).除独羚外,其余4种集群类型的集群大小存在极显著差异.独羚作为一种特殊的集群类型,其雄性个体的比例占到68.1%,这说明雄性个体比雌性更容易形成独羚.总体而言,藏原羚的集群以雌性群为主,最适集群大小为2-8只.  相似文献   

Competition between male fallow deer (Dama dama), during the breeding season was studied to determine if conflict strategies were consistent with the reduction of risk. Agonistic interactions between males were analysed in relation to age, dominance rank and availability of mating opportunities. The breeding season was divided into two main periods: the pre-rut began when all males had cleaned the velvet from their antlers and ended on the last day before matings were first observed, while the rut refers to the period between the first and last matings. Overall, socially mature males (≥4yr old) were involved in more interactions than immature (≤3yr old) males. Males established dominance rank largely by non-contact agonistic interactions during the pre-rut and there was substantial carry-over of rank to the rut, when it was correlated with mating success. The mating success of males was skewed; mature males achieved 99.4% of the matings and immature males accounted for 0.6%. A mature male was 13 times more likely to fight than an immature male; the mature males that fought most often did so between 0.4 and 0.5 times per hour. During the rut, the number of fights was positively correlated across days with the number of matings. The majority of agonistic interactions (79%) comprising dyads of immature males, involved antler contact. In contrast, mature males engaged antlers in only 42% of their interactions. Fights between mature males lasted more than twice as long as those between immature males and were more likely to occur between opponents with similar dominance ranks. However, towards the end of the rut formerly mismatched opponents were more likely to fight. Thus males operated conditional competitive strategies to decide when to interact and fight. The persistence of rank order from the pre-rut period to the rut and the tendency for mature males to resolve disputes without antler contact, served to reduce the frequency of fights and therefore the risk of serious injury.  相似文献   

四川省竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊的集群特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007 年7 ~12 月和2008 年4 ~6 月,采用样线法和定点观察法,在四川省竹巴笼自然保护区对矮岩羊集群行为进行了观察。2007 年观察到34 群共217 只矮岩羊,集群平均为6. 4 ± 4.9 只;2008 年观察到16 群共135只,集群平均为8.4 ± 7.7 只。集群分为雄性群(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:6.3% )、雌性群(2007 年:2. 9% ;2008 年:0)、混合群(2007 年:70.6% ;2008 年:81.2% )、母仔群(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:12. 5% )和孤羊(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:0)5 种类型。在不同季节,5 种集群类型比例都有所变化,差异显著(P <0.01)。集群大小间和集群类型间也有显著或极显著差异,其中2 ~ 10 只的集群在2007 年占73.5%,在2008 年占75.0% ,呈集小群特征。年龄组结构中,成体、亚成体和幼体个体数比为100∶ 26.4∶ 28. 6 (2007 年)和100∶24.7∶ 20. 4 (2008 年)。雌雄性比2007 年为100∶ 55.7,2008 年为100∶ 56.6,年间差异不显著(P > .05)。受集群收益、生物学特征、繁殖周期、资源竞争、生境地形地貌、捕食风险和人类活动等主要因素的影响,矮岩羊在集群类型、集群大小、年龄结构和性比上显示了其生存策略。  相似文献   

Mate guarding is the primary mating tactic used by dominantmales of many species of ungulates. Guarding males are thoughtto forage less during the rut than do nonguarding males, possiblyleading to greater fitness costs. I observed bighorn rams foragingduring the pre-rut and the rut. I compared how coursing (analternative mating tactic) and tending (a form of mate guarding)affected the foraging behavior of bighorn rams over the rut,to test whether foraging was more constrained by mate guardingthan by coursing. All adult males spent less time feeding duringthe rut compared with the pre-rut. The decrease in time spentfeeding, however, was independent of mating tactic. Contraryto expectation, individual rams observed both coursing and tendingspent less time foraging when coursing than when tending. Foryoung rams, the time spent in rutting activities was correlatedwith individual pre-rut mass, indicating that males either modifytheir behavior according to available metabolic reserves oradjust the energy devoted to rutting activities to the levelof expected benefits. Mate guarding does not appear to constrainforaging more than coursing. The costs of male reproductivebehavior may depend more upon individual effort than on theparticular tactic adopted.  相似文献   

The influence of sex hormones is a key proximate factor underlying male reproductive behavior in mammals. Effective conservation policies for the remaining purebred plains bison (Bison bison bison) herds require knowledge of the physiology underlying bison reproductive biology. We used fecal steroid analysis to characterize androgen levels in adult bison bulls before, during, and after the rut, and to examine androgen levels of bulls differing in reproductive status, age, and mating success. Fieldwork was carried out at the Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge in north-central Nebraska. All adult bison in the herd were individually known by unique brands. Fecal samples were collected during 2003 from bulls during pre-rut (June), rut (July-August), and post-rut (September), and behavioral observations focused on reproductive status and mating success during the rut. Matched sample data indicated that androgen levels (ng/g feces) of bulls peaked during the rut, doubling from pre-rut to rut and then declining by 75% during post-rut. Dominant bulls that tended (guarded) cows maintained higher androgen levels than bulls that were not tending. There was a positive correlation between bull age (associated with mating success) and androgens, with higher androgen levels in prime-aged bulls compared with younger bulls. Nonetheless, there was no correlation between mating success (measured by number of copulations observed) and androgen level. This suggests that while androgens may provide the proximate motivation to compete for matings, other factors determine the mating success of bison bulls.  相似文献   

贺兰山保护区冬季岩羊集群特征的初步分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Group size and composition of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) were studied in the Helan Mountains, Ningxia Autonomous Region from November to December 2003. We scanned mountain slopes with binoculars and observed with 20 - 60 x spotting-scope. A total of 310 herds of blue sheep and 1 336 individuals were observed during the study period. Blue sheep were frequently seen in small herds of 2 to 8 individuals, which represent 94.8% of total herds observed. Herds consisting of 9 individuals or more represented 5.2%. The largest herd we observed numbered 51 individuals. Mean group size was 4.2 individuals. Blue sheep herds can be divided into three types: male herds (composed solely of males), female herds (consisting of females with or without juveniles of both sexes), and mixed herds (including adult males, females, and subadults). Among the 310 herds, female herds were counted 150 times (48.4%}, mixed herds 154 times (49.7%), and male berds 6 times (1.9%) . Of 1 336 blue sheep classified by sex and age, adults, subadults and juveniles composed 64.1%, 20.8%, and 15.1% respectively. The female: male ratio of adults was 1:0.73. The ratio of adult females to juveniles was 1:0.56, which is higher than the ratio recorded in spring ( 1:0.43) or summer ( 1:0.44). The results showed that the Helan Mountains State Nature Reserve has succeed in protecting blue sheep.  相似文献   

2010年11月—2011年3月,采用样线法对江西鄱阳湖流域8个河段的中华秋沙鸭Mergus squamatus的集群特征进行了研究。中华秋沙鸭的集群类型包括雄性群、雌性群、混合群、雌性孤鸭和雄性孤鸭5种类型。越冬期间共记录到89群次,432只次中华秋沙鸭。其中,混合群是最多的一种集群方式,孤鸭也是越冬期间出现频次较高的一种特殊的集群方式。集群类型存在时间变化(P<0.01)。混合群中,大多数群体中雌性个体数多于雄性个体或者是一雌一雄。89群次中,孤鸭和2—8只群占总群数的87.64%,提示中华秋沙鸭主要以集小群分散活动。中华秋沙鸭越冬期间的群体大小是(4.85±4.97)只/群。不同集群类型的群体大小差异较大。集群大小可能与采砂、捕鱼、食物的丰富度等环境因子有关。调查结果显示,中华秋沙鸭越冬期间的性比是1∶0.74(n=432)。中华秋沙鸭群体大小与性比有一定的关系。  相似文献   

前人研究表明,可多次繁殖的反刍物种其雄性个体在发情期采食时间显著减少。目前有两个假说解释这一现象,即能量摄入最大化假说和能量保存假说。为验证雄性北山羊在不同发情阶段所采取的能量保存策略,作者于2014年10-12月在新疆天山中部采用焦点动物取样法采集数据,采用Kruskal-Wallis检验和Spearman秩相关性检验分析数据。研究发现雄性北山羊成体和亚成体发情期采食时间均显著低于发情前期和发情后期,但二者在不同发情阶段卧息时间无显著变化,发情期采食和卧息时间比亦显著降低。发情期发情行为时间显著高于发情前期和发情后期,非发情时间主要用于采食。发情期采食时间和卧息时间都与发情行为时间呈显著的负相关关系。雌性北山羊发情期采食时间亦显著低于发情前期和发情后期,发情期和发情后期卧息时间显著高于发情前期。本研究结果表明,发情期不同年龄阶段雄羊都主要采取能量摄入最大化策略,但同时也具有部分能量保存策略的特征。  相似文献   

Movement s an d habitat use of 7 male and 7 female roe deerCapreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied by radioteleme try from March 1999 to February 2001. Annual and bimonthly home ranges of males were small (ca 10 ha, 95% kernel), with large overlap among individuals throughout the year. Exclusive core areas (ca 0.4 ha, 25% kernel) were concentrated in the forest, a limited and sought-after resource in the study area. The difference in overlap between male exclusive core areas and female home ranges in the pre-rut and rut periods suggested that females made excursions to search for territorial males during the rut Our results support the mating strategy hypothesis of territorial behaviour Different space use patterns occurred between the sexes, with females apparently playing an active role in mate choice by visiting males at clumps of core areas in the forest.  相似文献   

以往研究表明受发情交配行为制约,一些雄性反刍动物在发情期食物摄入量明显降低。已有两个相关假说解释该现象:能量摄入最大化假说和能量保存假说。作者于2009 ~ 2010 年在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区研究了雄性鹅喉羚不同发情阶段的时间分配。结果表明雄羚发情期采食时间比例明显下降(37. 9% ),低于发情前期(63. 6% )和发情后期(65. 8% );发情期卧息时间比例(6. 0% )与发情后期相近(5. 4% ),明显低于发情前期(23.2% );发情前期至发情后期采食卧息时间比(分别为2. 7、6. 3、12. 1)显著增加;发情期雄羚站立和移动时间比例明显升高,采食行为时间占非发情行为时间主要部分(86. 4% ),且采食行为与发情行为显著相关。相比之下,雌羚不同发情阶段采食行为时间分配比例相似。总之,除必需投入的发情行为外,发情期雄羚最大化其能量摄入;发情行为的投入是导致发情期雄羚食物摄入量下降的主导因子,雄性能量摄入最大化假说更好地解释了发情期鹅喉羚所采取的能量策略。  相似文献   

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