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本期增刊发表的11篇论文,是广东省农业科学院水稻研究所的同志们于1998年早季在广州利用两系法杂交稻强优新组合培矮64s/E32、培矮64s/9311、粤杂122和常规品种粤香占、特三矮2号为供试材料,通过对比试验的方法,探索了在华南稻区生态条件下不同类型高产水稻秧苗生育特性、幼苗耐冷性的差异,以及移入大田栽培后的稻株群体动态结构、主茎叶片与叶鞘生长规律,同时还研究了高产水稻透光率及其光合速率变化.始穗期以后对低光强适应性的差异,根系活力和地上部分的关系,在此基础上更进一步对其产量因素作了初析,总结了培矮64s/E32等在广州早季种植的主要形态生理特性,从而为华南地区开展超高产水稻新株型模式的研究提供了不少很有参考价值的数据和思路.  相似文献   

1998年早季在广州地区生态条件下,用两系法杂交稻新组合培矮64s/E32、培矮 64s/9311、粤杂122以及常规籼稻品种粤香占、特三矮2号为供试材料,自播种至收割对其基本生物学特性观察研究后,认识到要把本稻作区的水稻产量更进一步提高的有效途径,乃是进行超高产或者超级稻株型育种、而其株型的动态模式可以设想为:1.熟期性中等.即从播种至始穗历期限或为86—100 d,如培矮64s/E32或特三矮2号;若像粤杂122或粤香占那样的早熟类型,从播种到始穗历期<85 d,由于生育期太短而难获高产;若像培矮64s/9311那样的迟熟类型,从播种至始穗历期>101 d,生育期过长的弊病除不利于后季稻茬口安排外,虫、鼠、雀的严重为害也对高产不利.  相似文献   

1998年早季于广州,用两系法水稻高产新组合培矮64s/E32、培矮64s/9311、粤杂 122和常规高产品种粤香占、特三矮2号,研究了它们移栽后叶、鞘生长动态的差异。结果见到:(1)主茎上的出叶速度与其生育期长短相对应;(2)鞘长/叶长比例小对孕育大穗、提高结实率有利,“叶长鞘短”应属水稻高产育种中所寻求的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

用两系法杂交稻组合培矮 64s/E32、培矮 64s/9311、粤杂122和常规水稻品种粤香占、特三矮 2号为材料,1998年早季在广州研究了它们的透光率和对低光强适应性的差异后认为:1.生育期不同其直射光透光率的变化是分蘖期>始穗期<收割期,即透光率由大→小→大变化,它与叶片开张角随生育期变化的情况相对应,但与叶面积指数由小→大→小的变化相反。2.不同类型早籼稻在始穗后遮光处理降低透光率,生育期短的粤杂122、粤香占对低光强的适应性比其余组合或品种好,其单穗重降幅小。  相似文献   

高产早籼稻群体动态结构的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1998年早季在广州研究了不同类型高产早籼稻群体动态结构差异,结果认为:两系法杂交稻高产新组合培矮64s/E32、培矮64s/9311、粤杂122,其幼穗第2次枝梗原基分化期以前的植株干物重、叶面积指数(LAI)比常规稻高产品种粤香占和特三矮2号表现出明显的生长优势。培矮64s/E32在5个供试材料中在始穗期的LAI最高,达7.81,干物重日增量最大,达8.76kg/亩·d;粤香占的每亩有效穗数最高,达23.3万穗/亩,收获指数是所有参试材料中唯一达到 0.6以上者。  相似文献   

1998年早季在广州研究了3个两系法杂交水稻组合和2个常规稻品种的产量构成因素,初步认为:两系法杂交稻新组合培矮64s/E32的产量最高,它单穗湿重和穗长亦最大,分别达5.42g和24.7cm;而常规稻品种粤香占亩有效穗数最高和谷/秆比值最大,分别达23.3万穗/亩和1.53。如果把这些性状有机地组合起来后再加上粤杂122的优质特性,这种结构模式将为华南地区水稻超高产或超级稻育种,展示了一种美好的前景。  相似文献   

高产水稻秧苗生长特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1998年早季在广州研究了不同类型高产水稻秧苗生长特性,调查了株高、叶片数、叶片长宽度、叶绿素含量和干物重等项指标,以及地下部分的发根力和根系活力情况。结果显示:在华南地区冷害发生较轻、秧苗生长基本正常的生态条件下,两系法杂交水稻新组合中粤杂122和培矮64s/E32、常规水稻品种特三矮2号表现出强和较强的生长发育优势。此外,两系法杂交水稻的发根数量和最长根长度比常规稻品种要多要长,但根系活力则较低。  相似文献   

水稻剑叶气孔性状与孕穗期耐冷性的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人工气候室鉴定的孕穗期耐冷性不同的10个水稻品种为材料,采用扫描电子显微镜观测其剑叶的气孔密度、气孔大小和单位面积气孔周长等性状特点,以探讨水稻剑叶气孔性状与孕穗期耐冷性的关系.结果表明:耐冷性强品种'培杂软香'、'天优688'、'冈优825' 的气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长较小,分别为380~410个/mm2和29.8~32.6 cm;耐冷性弱的品种'粤杂763'气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长较大,分别为618个/mm~2和46.9 cm; 耐冷性中等的品种'培杂泰丰'等介于二者之间,分别为460~510个/mm~2和35.1~39.3 cm.气孔密度相近时,气孔较大的品种耐冷性较弱;单位叶面积气孔总周长相近时,气孔密度大的品种耐冷性较弱.研究发现,水稻品种剑叶的气孔密度和单位叶面积气孔总周长与其孕穗期耐冷性均呈极显著正相关,可以作为水稻孕穗期耐冷性的鉴定指标.  相似文献   

用不同类型高产稻(Oryza sativa L.)粳稻9516、具有粳型成分的两系法亚种间杂交稻培矮64/E32、两优培九(培矮64/9311)和籼型杂交稻X07S/紫恢100、冈优881、汕优63为材料,研究了孕穗期叶片在光氧化条件下的叶绿素荧光特性和膜脂过氧化表现.光氧化处理后,与籼型杂交稻比较,粳稻和具有粳型组分的亚种间杂交稻的PSⅡ原初光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ的线性电子传递的量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)下降的较少;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)诱导的活性较高,活性氧 (O(-)/()2、H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)的产生积累较少,叶绿素和蛋白质含量下降较少,表现出耐光氧化特性,这与在自然条件下生育后期叶绿素含量变化相一致.相关分析表明它们的耐光氧化特性与结实率密切相关,说明耐光氧化品种抗早衰,有利籽粒充实.这些结果启示我们:从超高产育种出发,兼顾杂种优势利用和抗早衰两方面考虑,在母本不育系中引入粳型成分是一个值得重视的育种策略.  相似文献   

甲基紫精(MV)介导的光氧化导致两个水稻品种‘汕优63’(目前我国大面积推广的杂交水稻)和‘培矮64S/E32’(新培育的超高产杂交水稻)细胞电解质渗漏率都增加,前者增加的量大于后者,显示‘培矮64S/E32’的细胞膜系统受光氧化的伤害小。光氧化条件下,‘培矮64S/E32’仍能维持较高的光合放氧能力(Amax、Φi)、PSⅡ活性(Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ)和叶绿素荧光猝灭系数(qP、NPQ),而且光氧化引起‘培矮64S/E32’这些参数的下降幅度也小。另外,光氧化导致了两个水稻品种抗氧化酶SOD和APX活性增加,‘培矮64S/E32’增加的幅度约为‘汕优63’的3倍。结果表明超高产水稻具有更强的耐光氧化能力。  相似文献   

With the purpose of selecting and breeding cold stress tolerance of hybrid rice cultivars, the effect of chilling on five hybrid rice combinations was investigated. The results indicated that the cold tolerance of different hybrid rice varieties were different. The order of the cold tolerance as the degrees of inhibition of maximum photosynthetic rate and of apparent quantum yield of flag leaves at primary heading stage by chilling was as follows: The cold tolerance of Japanica type Xiuyou-57 was the highest then lndica type Qing-Youzao followed by Shangyou-63, Shangyou-64 and Weiyou-64. The cold tolerance of Fx hybrid rice was similar to that of the maternal lines and not similar to the paternal lines. The cold tolerance of maintainer lines was similar to that of the male sterile lines. The tests on the survival rate of hybrid rice seedlings after chilling treatment also showed a similar re gular patterns. These indicated that the responses by the chilling temperature in these five hybrid combinations were exactly the same in the Seedling stage as well as in the late growing stage. The results of these experiments on the impact of selecting and breeding cold tolerance in hybrid rice were discussed.  相似文献   

低温对杂交水稻及其亲本三系始穗期旗叶光合作用的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了低温对5套杂交水稻组合的影响。始穗期旗叶光合作用的最大速率和表观量子效率受低温抑制的程度表明:其耐冷顺序为粳稻型的“秀优57”>“釉稻型的青优早”>“汕优63”、“汕优64”与“威优64”。杂交水稻 F_1的耐冷水平与母本近似,与父本关系不大,保持系的耐冷性相似于不育系。杂交水稻幼苗经低温处理后的存活率亦表现出同样的规律。证明所试5套杂交水稻的生育后期与苗期对低温的反应是一致的。本文对该结果在杂交水稻抗冷性选育种中的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Cold tolerance in plants is an ecologically important trait that has been under intensive study for basic and applied reasons. Determining the fitness benefits and costs of cold tolerance has previously been difficult because cold tolerance is normally an induced trait that is not expressed in warm environments. The recent creation of transgenic plants constitutively expressing cold tolerance genes enables the investigation of the fitness consequences of cold tolerance in multiple temperature environments. We studied three genes from the CBF (C-repeat/dehydration responsive element binding factor) cold tolerance pathway, CBF1, 2 and 3, in Arabidopsis thaliana to test for benefits and costs of constitutive cold tolerance. We used multiple insertion lines for each transgene and grew the lines in cold and control conditions. Costs of cold tolerance, as determined by fruit number, varied by individual transgene. CBF2 and 3 overexpressers showed costs of cold tolerance, and no fitness benefits, in both environments. CBF1 overexpressing plants showed no fitness cost of cold tolerance in the control environment and showed a marginal fitness benefit in the cold environment. These results suggest that constitutive expression of traits that are normally induced in response to environmental stress will not always lead to costs in the absence of that stress, and that the ecological risks of CBF transgene escape should be assessed prior to their use in commercial agriculture.  相似文献   

耐寒性的高低极大程度上影响螨类的越冬存活以及分布扩散情况。螨类耐寒性评估的主要指标是过冷却点以及低温胁迫下的致死温度和致死时间。螨类耐寒性通常具有可塑性,不同发育时期、滞育、季节变化以及冷驯化均会影响耐寒性,而耐寒性的变化涉及复杂的分子水平以及生理生化物质的变化。本文简要介绍了目前评估螨类耐寒性的生物学指标以及影响螨类的耐寒性的因素,总结了螨类耐寒性变化所涉及的生理生化和分子机制,探讨了目前螨类耐寒性需要进一步研究的科学问题,并对螨类耐寒性研究的生态学意义进行了展望。以期对螨类耐寒性的深入研究提供参考,促进害螨的综合防治和天敌捕食螨的开发利用。  相似文献   

Temperature is a primary determinant of insect and other ectotherm distribution and activity. Physiological and behavioral adaptations allow many insects to survive at subzero temperatures, yet the evolutionary influences on insect cold tolerance are unclear. Supercooling points, basal cold tolerance, cold-tolerance strategy, and inducible cold tolerance from rapid cold-hardening or acclimation were measured in a phylogenetically independent context in larvae of 27 phylogenetically diverse Drosophila species acquired from stock collections. Supercooling capacity is attributed primarily to physical factors, such as dry mass and water mass. Species of the obscura group were more resistant to acute cold tolerance than species of other groups within the genus, and plasticity in cold tolerance is constrained by phylogeny rather than by basal cold tolerance. The more cold-tolerant freeze-avoiding species appear to have arisen multiple times in Drosophila and are distinct from chill-susceptible species, which likely indicate the ancestral state. A phylogenetic influence is apparent on several measures of cold tolerance, which show considerable interspecific variation and indicate varying physiological mechanisms among Drosophila species when temperature limits are met.  相似文献   

Thermal tolerance has a major effect on individual fitness and species distributions and can be determined by genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity. We investigate the effects of developmental and adult thermal conditions on cold tolerance, measured as chill coma recovery (CCR) time, during the early and late adult stage in the Glanville fritillary butterfly. We also investigate the genetic basis of cold tolerance by associating CCR variation with polymorphisms in candidate genes that have a known role in insect physiology. Our results demonstrate that a cooler developmental temperature leads to reduced cold tolerance in the early adult stage, whereas cooler conditions during the adult stage lead to increased cold tolerance. This suggests that adult acclimation, but not developmental plasticity, of adult cold tolerance is adaptive. This could be explained by the ecological conditions the Glanville fritillary experiences in the field, where temperature during early summer, but not spring, is predictive of thermal conditions during the butterfly's flight season. In addition, an amino acid polymorphism (Ala‐Glu) in the gene flightin, which has a known function in insect flight and locomotion, was associated with CCR. These amino acids have distinct biochemical properties and may thus affect protein function and/or structure. To our knowledge, our study is the first to link genetic variation in flightin to cold tolerance, or thermal adaptation in general.  相似文献   

戴素明  成新跃  肖启明  谢丙炎 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3885-3890
对于分布在温带和寒带的线虫,它们只有战胜冬季寒冷的挑战,才能有利于种群的存在与发展。因此,耐寒性是线虫生物学研究中不可忽视的内容。综述了关于线虫在低温胁迫下的耐寒性测定方法、耐寒对策及耐寒机制等方面的研究进展。线虫的耐寒性和昆虫一样,可通过过冷却点和低温存活率两种指标进行评价,但在具体的实验方法上,线虫耐寒性研究有其不同之处。线虫的耐寒对策和耐寒机制具有多样化。耐寒对策主要有耐冻和避冻,二者能共同渗透于线虫的耐寒过程中。耐寒机制包括特殊发育阶段的形成、低温驯化作用、低分子量抗冻物质的聚集、以及高分子量抗冻蛋白和热休克蛋白的产生,等等。此外,还强调应从多个角度研究线虫的耐寒性,如寒冷敏感型线虫的研究、寄生线虫的耐寒对策研究以及交叉胁迫的研究。  相似文献   

& 转录因子CBF在植物抗寒中的重要作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钟克亚  叶妙水  胡新文  郭建春 《遗传》2006,28(2):249-254
低温能够诱导植物许多基因的表达,从而使植物具有抗寒性,这种现象称为冷驯化。对于植物冷驯化的分子机理,目前研究的最多的是CBF转录因子调控的信号转导途径,其作用途径可归纳为:CBF(C-repeat Binding Factor)转录因子→CRT/DRE(C-repeat /Dehydration Responsive Element)基序→COR基因表达→植物抗寒性增加。研究CBF转录因子在抗寒中的作用机制,能为提高植物的抗寒性,培育抗寒作物品种提供新方向。   相似文献   

Coping with seasonal and daily variation in environmental conditions requires that organisms are able to adjust their reproduction and stress tolerance according to environmental conditions. Females of Drosophila montana populations have adapted to survive over the dark and cold winters at high latitudes and altitudes by spending this season in photoperiodically controlled reproductive diapause and reproducing only in spring/summer. The present study showed that flies of a northern population of this species are quite tolerant of low temperatures and show high seasonal and short-term plasticity in this trait. Culturing the flies in short day length (nearly all females in reproductive diapause), as well as allowing the flies to get cold hardened before the cold treatment, increased the cold tolerance of both sexes both in chill coma recovery time test and in mortality assay. Chill coma recovery time test performed for the females of two additional D. montana populations cultured in a day length where about half of the females enter diapause, also showed that diapause can increase female cold tolerance even without a change in day length. Direct linkage between diapause and cold tolerance was found in only two strains representing a high-altitude population of the species, but the phenomenon will certainly be worth of studying in northern and southern populations of the species with larger data sets.  相似文献   

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