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Abstract: We compared the time-of-detection and logistic regression methods of estimating probability of detection for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) coveys. Both methods are unusual in that they allow estimation of the total probability of detection (i.e., the product of the probability that a covey is available for detection [i.e., that a covey vocalizes] and detection given availability). The logistic regression method produced an average detection probability of 0.596 (SE = 0.020) and the time-of-detection method produced a detection probability estimate of 0.540 (SE = 0.086), and the 2 estimates were not significantly different. This is the first evaluation of the time-of-detection method with empirical field data. Although the time-of-detection and logistic regression method each have advantages, both can be used under appropriate conditions to improve estimates of bobwhite abundance by allowing for the estimation of detection probabilities. Improved estimates of bobwhite abundance will allow land managers to make more informed management decisions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Point counts are the most frequently used technique for sampling bird populations and communities, but have well‐known limitations such as inter‐ and intraobserver errors and limited availability of expert field observers. The use of acoustic recordings to survey birds offers solutions to these limitations. We designed a Soundscape Recording System (SRS) that combines a four‐channel, discrete microphone system with a quadraphonic playback system for surveying bird communities. We compared the effectiveness of SRS and point counts for estimating species abundance, richness, and composition of riparian breeding birds in California by comparing data collected simultaneously using both methods. We used the temporal‐removal method to estimate individual bird detection probabilities and species abundances using the program MARK. Akaike's Information Criterion provided strong evidence that detection probabilities differed between the two survey methods and among the 10 most common species. The probability of detecting birds was higher when listening to SRS recordings in the laboratory than during the field survey. Additionally, SRS data demonstrated a better fit to the temporal‐removal model assumptions and yielded more reliable estimates of detection probability and abundance than point‐count data. Our results demonstrate how the perceptual constraints of observers can affect temporal detection patterns during point counts and thus influence abundance estimates derived from time‐of‐detection approaches. We used a closed‐population capture–recapture approach to calculate jackknife estimates of species richness and average species detection probabilities for SRS and point counts using the program CAPTURE. SRS and point counts had similar species richness and detection probabilities. However, the methods differed in the composition of species detected based on Jaccard's similarity index. Most individuals (83%) detected during point counts vocalized at least once during the survey period and were available for detection using a purely acoustic technique, such as SRS. SRS provides an effective method for surveying bird communities, particularly when most species are detected by sound. SRS can eliminate or minimize observer biases, produce permanent records of surveys, and resolve problems associated with the limited availability of expert field observers.  相似文献   

Modification of the point count survey method to include playback of songbird mobbing calls in an attempt to increase detection probabilities has met with mixed success. We compared detection probabilities for boreal forest songbirds using traditional point count methods and counts using broadcasts of the mobbing calls of Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) in an attempt to increase detection probability. We conducted 594 point counts during the 2010 breeding season in Newfoundland, Canada. Each point count consisted of an 8‐min silent observation period followed by an 8‐min broadcast of Black‐capped Chickadee mobbing calls. Occupancy model results showed that response to playback broadcast varied across species, with detection probabilities higher for seven of 17 species during the silent portions of point counts and three species more likely to be detected during playback intervals. For all species, the number of visual detections increased during periods of playback and, averaged across species, individuals were >6 times more likely to be seen during the playback period than during the silent period. Differences in detection probability among observers were apparent during both silent and playback periods. We suggest that using playback of chickadee mobbing calls during point count surveys of common boreal forest songbird species may be most beneficial when visual detection is important. However, playback may also be useful for species‐specific surveys during periods when birds are less likely to be vocal or for studies of less common species with chronically low detection probabilities. A combined silent and playback approach could also be useful, although observer and species differences should be accounted for if comparing data across species or studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Recent advances in the methods used to estimate detection probability during point counts suggest that the detection process is shaped by the types of cues available to observers. For example, models of the detection process based on distance-sampling or time-of-detection methods may yield different results for auditory versus visual cues because of differences in the factors that affect the transmission of these cues from a bird to an observer or differences in an observer's ability to localize cues. Previous studies suggest that auditory detections predominate in forested habitats, but it is not clear how often observers hear birds prior to detecting them visually. We hypothesized that auditory cues might be even more important than previously reported, so we conducted an experiment in a forested habitat in North Carolina that allowed us to better separate auditory and visual detections. Three teams of three observers each performed simultaneous 3-min unlimited-radius point counts at 30 points in a mixed-hardwood forest. One team member could see, but not hear birds, one could hear, but not see, and the third was nonhandicapped. Of the total number of birds detected, 2.9% were detected by deafened observers, 75.1% by blinded observers, and 78.2% by nonhandicapped observers. Detections by blinded and nonhandicapped observers were the same only 54% of the time. Our results suggest that the detection of birds in forest habitats is almost entirely by auditory cues. Because many factors affect the probability that observers will detect auditory cues, the accuracy and precision of avian point count estimates are likely lower than assumed by most field ornithologists.  相似文献   

Abstract: Currently available methods of estimating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) abundance are often expensive and time-consuming; therefore, additional research is necessary to develop new tools. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System technologies and distance-sampling theory, we developed a method of estimating bobwhite density during hunts with pointing dogs. Data collection occurred during the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 hunting seasons in western Oklahoma and northern Texas, USA. We estimated effective strip width (ESW) of a bird dog's path using distance-sampling theory and point-to-flush distances. For coveys >7 birds (n = 58), estimated ESW was 13.2 m (95% CI = 11.1–15.6 m). Area searched by one dog was its GPS path buffered by ESW. For ≥2 dogs, area searched was the union of the areas of individual dogs; taking the union eliminated between- or among-dog redundancy in searched areas. A point estimate of density was number of birds flushed on a hunt divided by searched area. During the 2005–2006 hunting season, bobwhite density averaged 1.4 birds/ha (60.28 SE; n = 33). Average density declined to 0.2 birds/ha (60.07 SE) during 2006–2007 (n = 46). Estimating bobwhite density with pointing dogs needs further testing and development, but the technique may prove useful in research and management.  相似文献   

Point counts are the most commonly used technique for surveying passerines during the breeding season. Several methods for estimating probabilities of detection during point count surveys have been developed. These methods have focused primarily on accounting for the influence of environmental factors (e.g., weather and noise) on detectability, however, the probability that birds are available for detection (e.g., sings or moves) during point counts has received less attention. We used sequential point counts to determine the effect of playback of the mobbing calls of Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and the flight calls of Red‐tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) on availability for detection (e.g., singing or moving) during point‐count surveys. We conducted 180 point counts over a 2‐yr period in central – east central Minnesota to evaluate the possible effect of playbacks on observed density, overall species richness, minute of first detection, and distance of first detection. We also used removal models to quantify the magnitude of changes in detectability and direction of response to playbacks for 10 focal species. Playback of the mobbing calls of Black‐capped Chickadees increased observed density and decreased the average distance of detection and time of first detection, whereas playback of the flight calls of a Red‐tailed Hawk resulted in a decrease in observed density and species richness, and an increased time of first detection. Playback treatment was a covariate in all best performing models for the 10 species analyzed, but the magnitude and direction of response to playbacks were species specific. The importance of playback type in detectability models indicates that the calls of heterospecifics can influence species availability for detection. As such, researchers using playback methods should seek to quantify species‐specific responses in detection probability and consider how component detection probabilities could influence survey outcomes.  相似文献   

Imprecise or biased density estimates can lead to inadequate conservation action, overexploitation of game species, or lost recreational opportunities. Common approaches to estimating density of avian populations often either ignore the probability that an individual is present within the sampling area but is not available to be sampled (e.g., not vocalizing), or do not consider covariates that could influence availability. Additionally, management decisions made at the management unit scale are often informed by inadequate monitoring practices, such as limited sampling intensity. In such cases, management agencies calculate density by applying correction factors (e.g., detection probabilities estimated using empirical data from a different study system) to count data, rather than estimating a detection function directly using statistical models. We conducted a simulation study using northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; bobwhite) as a model species to quantify the consequences of mis-specifying avian point count models on bias and precision of density estimates. We compared bias and precision of estimates from a fully specified distance-sampling model that estimates availability and detection to 4 different mis-specified approaches, including 2 approaches to calculating density using correction factors. Using correction factors to calculate density produced estimates with low bias but relatively lower precision compared to the fully specified model (CV of density estimates at 35 sites over 5 years: fully specified = 10%, correction factors = 25% and 30%). Although the mean precision and bias of the fully specified model improved with more data (70 sites over 5 years, CV = 9%; 35 sites over 10 years, CV = 9%), precision of correction factors did not (70 sites over 5 years, CV = 22% and 27%; 35 sites over 10 years, CV = 24% and 29%). The fully specified model captured the underlying temporal variation in detection and availability. Increasing sampling duration from 5 to 10 years improved modeled estimates of growth rate, even for mis-specified models, but not derived growth rates using pre-determined detection functions. We demonstrated that conducting point counts 3 times/year at a feasible number of sites can produce relatively unbiased estimates of bobwhite density. Pre-determined detection functions can be fortuitously unbiased for certain years, but they are not a reliable method for determining density or identifying trends in density over time. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Investigators rely on brood surveys to estimate annual fecundity of game birds. However, investigators often do not account for factors that influence brood detection probability nor rarely document how much females and their broods are disturbed (flush rates) during surveys, which could lead to biased survival estimates. We used 45 radio‐tagged female Greater Sage‐Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) with broods to compare detection probabilities and document disturbance among four survey methods to allow future investigators to select the method that best meets their objectives. These methods included daytime flush, daytime visual, nocturnal spotlight, and fecal surveys at nocturnal roost sites, with the latter being a novel method. We used Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) models to compare detection probability and daily survival estimates for visual and fecal surveys of broods 0–47 d post‐hatch and a double‐survey approach to compare detection probabilities among flush, fecal, and spotlight surveys ~42 d post‐hatch when investigators often determine brood fate. From CJS models, detection probability for visual surveys increased with brood age (0.618–0.881), whereas detection probability for fecal surveys did not (0.748). Daily survival probability estimates increased with brood age and differed annually based on fecal surveys (2016: 0.978–1.000 and 2017: 0.839–0.998). We detected age‐specific daily survival probability with visual surveys (0.956–0.997), but not annual differences. Based on the double‐survey approach, detection probability was high (0.857–1.000) for all methods. We flushed ~310–750% fewer females and broods during fecal and spotlight surveys than during both types of daytime surveys. Our results highlight the need to account for detection probabilities among methods and document disturbance to hens and broods that can help investigators design surveys to minimize impacts to birds. Furthermore, our result suggest that actions to improve brood survival during the first week post‐hatch may improve local recruitment.  相似文献   

Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations have declined across much of their range. In response to these declines, wildlife biologists and managers have increased survey efforts and tried to optimize detection and capitalize on technological advances to improve population estimates and cost-effectiveness. Our objective was to determine how environmental conditions influence detection of the reproduction call, or whistle, of masked bobwhite (C. v. ridgwayi), an endangered subspecies of northern bobwhite, using autonomous recording units (ARUs). We estimated the call intensity of the masked bobwhite reproduction call as 112 ± 0.5 decibels (mean ± SE) at 10 cm. We then broadcasted 16,284 calls during 17 trials to compare manual and automated call detection in recordings collected with ARUs. We used these data to model detectability of a bobwhite reproduction call, for when the bird is present and available, as a function of distance and weather conditions using generalized linear mixed models with trial as a random effect. Regardless of detection type, one model structure was competitive and suggested detection probability was a function of distance, wind speed, and wind direction. Detectability decreased with increased distance and wind speed and was influenced by wind direction. We demonstrate the use of our results to predict the probability of detecting a reproduction call during ARU-based monitoring efforts. By understanding the effects of environmental factors on the detection of a bobwhite reproductive call, bobwhite surveys can be improved.  相似文献   

Although point transect distance sampling methods have become widely used in surveys of forest birds, there has been no attempt to tailor field methods to maximize the accuracy of abundance estimates by minimizing the effects of violations of the method's critical assumptions, which are: (1) birds at distance 0 m are detected with certainty, (2) birds are detected at their initial location and (3) distances to objects are measured accurately. We investigate the effects on abundance estimates for Philippine forest birds of varying the count period from 2 to 10 min, and of including and excluding a pre‐count settling down period. Encounter rates were highly sensitive to count period length but density estimates from 10‐min count periods were, on average, only 13% higher than those from 2‐min periods, and in several cases were actually lower than those from periods of 6–8 min. This was because birds tended to be recorded at greater distances from the recorder as the count period went on, thus ‘stretching out’ detection functions while having little effect on detection rates close to the recorder. For some bird groups, including canopy frugivores and upperstorey gleaning insectivores, density estimates were more than twice as high without than with a settling down period. We suggest that movement away from the recorder is more common than attraction to the recorder, and that unless pilot studies show otherwise, similar studies should not use a settling down period for surveying many species. Count periods that maximized probability of bird detection close to the central point while minimizing the unwanted effects of bird movement during the count period were: 4 min for omnivores, 6 min for nectarivores and upperstorey gleaning insectivores, 8 min for understorey insectivores and canopy frugivores, and a full 10 min for sallying insectivores, ground‐dwellers, carnivores and coucals/koels. We use the results to suggest ‘group‐specific’ count period regimes that could help maximize the accuracy of density estimates from similar studies of tropical forest birds.  相似文献   

The evidence for amphibian population declines is based on count data that were not adjusted for detection probabilities. Such data are not reliable even when collected using standard methods. The formula C = Np (where C is a count, N the true parameter value, and p is a detection probability) relates count data to demography, population size, or distributions. With unadjusted count data, one assumes a linear relationship between C and N and that p is constant. These assumptions are unlikely to be met in studies of amphibian populations. Amphibian population data should be based on methods that account for detection probabilities.  相似文献   

Analysis of data from point counts, a common method for monitoring bird population trends, has evolved to produce estimates of various population parameters (e.g., density, abundance, and occupancy) while simultaneously estimating detection probability. An important consideration when designing studies using point counts is to maximize detection probability while minimizing variation in detection probability both within and between counts. Our objectives were to estimate detection probabilities for three marsh songbirds, including Marsh Wrens (Cistothorus palustris), Swamp Sparrows (Melospiza georgiana), and Yellow‐headed Blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus), as a function of weather covariates and to evaluate temporal variability in detection probability of these three species. We conducted paired, unlimited radius, 10‐min point counts during consecutive morning and evening survey periods for our three focal species at 56 wetlands in Iowa from 20 April to 10 July 2010. Mean detection probabilities ranged from 0.272 (SE = 0.042) for Marsh Wrens to 0.365 (SE = 0.052) for Swamp Sparrows. Time of season was positively correlated with detection probability for Swamp Sparrows, but was negatively correlated with detection probability for Yellow‐headed Blackbirds, suggesting that detection probability increased during the breeding season for Swamp Sparrows and was highest early in the breeding season for Yellow‐headed Blackbirds. Understanding how detection probabilities of marsh songbirds vary throughout the breeding season allows targeted survey efforts that maximize detection probabilities for these species. Furthermore, consistent detection probabilities of marsh songbirds during morning and evening survey periods mean that investigators have more time to conduct surveys for these birds, allowing greater flexibility to increase spatial and temporal replication of surveys that could provide more precise estimates of desired population parameters.  相似文献   

New analytical methods have been promoted for estimating the probability of detection and density of birds from count data but few studies have compared these methods using real data. We compared estimates of detection probability and density from distance and time-removal models and survey protocols based on 5- or 10-min counts and outer radii of 50 or 100 m. We surveyed singing male Acadian flycatchers (Empidonax virescens), cerulean warblers (Dendroica cerulea), Kentucky warblers (Oporornis formosus), Louisiana waterthrushes (Parkesia motacilla), wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), and worm-eating warblers (Helmitheros vermivorum) in bottomland and upland forest across 5 states in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region during the breeding season in 2007 and 2008. Detection probabilities differed between distance and time-removal models and species detectabilities were affected differently by year, forest type, and state. Density estimates from distance models were generally higher than from time-removal models, resulting from lower detection probabilities estimated by distance models. We found support for individual heterogeneity (modeled as a finite mixture model) in the time-removal models and that 50-m radius counts generated density estimates approximately twice as high as 100-m radius counts. Users should be aware that in addition to estimating different components of detectability, density estimates derived from distance and time-removal models can be affected by survey protocol because some count durations and plot radii may better meet model assumptions than others. The choice of a method may not affect the use of estimates for relative comparisons (e.g., when comparing habitats) but could affect conclusions when used to estimate population size. We recommend careful consideration of assumptions when deciding on point-count protocol and selection of analysis methods. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

An alteration to Woodward's methods is recommended for deriving a 1 — α confidence interval for microbial density using serial dilutions with most-probable-number (MPN) estimates. Outcomes of the serial dilution test are ordered by their MPNs. A lower limit for the confidence interval corresponding to an outcome y is the density for which y and all higher ordered outcomes have total probability α/2. An upper limit is derived in the analogous way. An alteration increases the lowest lower limits and decreases the highest upper limits. For comparison, a method that is optimal in the sense of null hypothesis rejection is described. This method ranks outcomes dependent upon the microbial density in question, using proportional first derivatives of the probabilities. These and currently used methods are compared. The recommended method is shown to be more desirable in certain respects, although resulting in slightly wider confidence intervals than De Man's (1983) method.  相似文献   

The effective management and conservation of animal populations relies on statistically-sound and replicable surveys to obtain estimates of abundance and assess trends. Surveys of cetaceans, such as humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae, are difficult to conduct and are particularly affected by bias in detection probability. For example, the probability of detection of whales from land decreases substantially with increased distance from the platform. This distance effect is also true for aerial surveys, combined with the problem that animals are unavailable for detection (underwater) whilst in the field of view. We present a novel approach that combines corrected double-platform land surveys with corrected aerial surveys to obtain a robust estimate of g(0), the probability of detection on the survey line, for aerial surveys of migrating humpback whales. Several sources of heterogeneity in detection probabilities were identified within the land and aerial surveys (including group composition, bearing of first sighting, number of groups being tracked simultaneously and cloud cover). After including these into our estimate of ĝ(0), we found that only 29% of available whales are being detected on the survey line (ĝ(0) = 0.288), which is a considerably smaller estimate than many available for humpback whales using other methods. Incorporating heterogeneity into the population surveys shows that we are likely to be underestimating the population size of whales on the east coast of Australia. The implications of this result for their conservation and management in light of increased whale-human conflict is discussed.  相似文献   

In community-level ecological studies, generally not all species present in sampled areas are detected. Many authors have proposed the use of estimation methods that allow detection probabilities that are <1 and that are heterogeneous among species. These methods can also be used to estimate community-dynamic parameters such as species local extinction probability and turnover rates (Nichols et al. Ecol Appl 8:1213–1225; Conserv Biol 12:1390–1398). Here, we present an ad hoc approach to estimating community-level vital rates in the presence of joint heterogeneity of detection probabilities and vital rates. The method consists of partitioning the number of species into two groups using the detection frequencies and then estimating vital rates (e.g., local extinction probabilities) for each group. Estimators from each group are combined in a weighted estimator of vital rates that accounts for the effect of heterogeneity. Using data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, we computed such estimates and tested the hypothesis that detection probabilities and local extinction probabilities were negatively related. Our analyses support the hypothesis that species detection probability covaries negatively with local probability of extinction and turnover rates. A simulation study was conducted to assess the performance of vital parameter estimators as well as other estimators relevant to questions about heterogeneity, such as coefficient of variation of detection probabilities and proportion of species in each group. Both the weighted estimator suggested in this paper and the original unweighted estimator for local extinction probability performed fairly well and provided no basis for preferring one to the other.  相似文献   

Increasingly, point‐count data are used to estimate occupancy, the probability that a species is present at a given location; occupancy accounts for imperfect detection, the probability that a species is detected given that it is present. To our knowledge, effects of sampling duration on inferences from models of bird occupancy have not been evaluated. Our objective was to determine whether changing count duration from 5 to 8 min affected inferences about the occupancy of birds sampled in the Chesapeake Bay Lowlands (eastern United States) and the central and western Great Basin (western United States) in 2012 and 2013. We examined the proportion of species (two doves, one cuckoo, two swifts, five hummingbirds, 11 woodpeckers, and 122 passerines) for which estimates of detection probability were ≥ 0.3. For species with single‐season detection probabilities ≥ 0.3, we compared occupancy estimates derived from 5‐ and 8‐min counts. We also compared estimates for three species sampled annually for 5 yr in the central Great Basin. Detection probabilities based on both the 5‐ and 8‐min counts were ≥ 0.3 for 40% ± 3% of the species in an ecosystem. Extending the count duration from 5 to 8 min increased the detection probability to ≥ 0.3 for 5% ± 0.5% of the species. We found no difference in occupancy estimates that were based on 5‐ versus 8‐min counts for species sampled over two or five consecutive years. However, for 97% of species sampled over 2 yr, precision of occupancy estimates that were based on 8‐min counts averaged 12% ± 2% higher than those based on 5‐min counts. We suggest that it may be worthwhile to conduct a pilot season to determine the number of locations and surveys needed to achieve detection probabilities that are sufficiently high to estimate occupancy for species of interest.  相似文献   

Capsule Repeated counts of fledged broods can provide a useful estimate of breeding success for most common woodland birds.

Aims To assess the efficacy of comparing fledged-brood survey data with territory mapping using simple mark–recapture analysis techniques to provide an estimate of breeding success for common woodland birds that does not involve finding nests.

Methods Three observers undertook territory mapping surveys of adults, followed by counts of fledged broods four times a week during May–July 2007 in two 15 ha woods each, both in southern England. Using known fledging to maturity periods, these counts were used to calculate daily detection probabilities for broods of ubiquitous species. These enabled fledged brood territory occupancy probabilities (i.e. brood to territory ratios) to be estimated that take account of the possibility that broods were present but missed by surveys.

Results Of the 19 species found in all six woods, mean daily detection probability estimates for fledged broods of 17 species ranged from 0.17 to 0.50 with significant variation between woods for 12 species, but within region/observer for four species. The mean probability of detecting a brood at least once was over 75% using four visits per week and over 50% using two visits. Only for Great Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major and Garden Warblers Sylvia borin was the fledging period too short and the daily detection probability too low to provide a reasonable estimate of the territory occupancy probability.

Conclusion Daily detection probabilities for fledged broods of most common woodland birds were sufficiently high to enable useable estimates of fledged-brood territory occupancy probabilities to be made based on a survey programme involving two or three visits per week between late May and the end June. The method used may have application as a means of providing a relatively easily derived productivity index for woodland bird monitoring programmes or for research studies.  相似文献   

The habitat selection choices that individuals make in response to thermal environments influence both survival and reproduction. Importantly, the way that organisms behaviorally respond to thermal environments depends on the availability and juxtaposition of sites affording tolerable or preferred microclimates. Although, ground nesting birds are especially susceptible to heat extremes across many reproductive stages (i.e., breeding, nesting, brood rearing), the mechanistic drivers of nest site selection for these species are not well established from a thermal perspective. Our goal was to assess nest site selection relative to the configuration of the thermal landscape by quantifying thermal environments available to a ground-nesting bird species inhabiting a climatically stressful environment. Using northern bobwhite (Colinus virginanus) as a model species, we measured black bulb temperature (Tbb) and vegetation parameters at 87 nests, 87 paired sites and 205 random landscape sites in Western Oklahoma during spring and summer 2013 and 2014. We found that thermal space within the study area exhibited differences in Tbb of up to 40°C during peak diurnal heating, resulting in a diverse thermal landscape available to ground-nesting birds. Within this thermally heterogeneous landscape, nest sites moderated Tbb by more than 12°C compared to random landscape sites. Furthermore, successful nests remained on average 6°C cooler than unsuccessful nests on days experiencing ambient temperatures ≥ 39°C. Models of future Tbb associated with 2080 climate change projections indicate that nesting bobwhites will face substantially greater Tbb throughout the landscape for longer durations, placing an even greater importance on thermal choices for nest sites in the future. These results highlight the capacity of landscape features to act as moderators of thermal extremes and demonstrate how thermal complexity at organism-specific scales can dictate habitat selection.  相似文献   

Assessing population trends is a basic prerequisite to carrying out adequate conservation strategies. Selecting an appropriate method to monitor animal populations can be challenging, particularly for low-detection species such as reptiles. This study compares 3 detection-corrected abundance methods (capture–recapture, distance sampling, and N-mixture) used to assess population size of the threatened Hermann's tortoise. We used a single dataset of 432 adult tortoise observations collected at 118 sampling sites in the Plaine des Maures, southeastern France. We also used a dataset of 520 tortoise observations based on radiotelemetry data collected from 10 adult females to estimate and model the availability (g0) needed for distance sampling. We evaluated bias for N-mixture and capture–recapture, by using simulations based on different values of detection probabilities. Finally, we conducted a power analysis to estimate the ability of the 3 methods to detect changes in Hermann's tortoise abundances. The abundance estimations we obtained using distance sampling and N-mixture models were respectively 1.75 and 2.19 times less than those obtained using the capture–recapture method. Our results indicated that g0 was influenced by temperature variations and can differ for the same temperature on different days. Simulations showed that the N-mixture models provide unstable estimations for species with detection probabilities <0.5, whereas capture–recapture estimations were unbiased. Power analysis showed that none of the 3 methods were precise enough to detect slow population changes. We recommend that great care should be taken when implementing monitoring designs for species with large variation in activity rates and low detection probabilities. Although N-mixture models are easy to implement, we would not recommend using them in situations where the detection probability is very low at the risk of providing biased estimates. Among the 3 methods allowing estimation of tortoise abundances, capture–recapture should be preferred to assess population trends. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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