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马氏巴蜗牛消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
马氏巴蜗牛Bradybaena maacki (Gerstfldt)是吉林省较常见的蜗牛,故亦称吉林蜗牛。其外部形态特征已由陈德牛等作过描述,本文讨论了该动物消化系统的组织结构。  相似文献   

尹仁国 《四川动物》1992,11(1):28-29
灰巴蜗牛Bradybaena ravida ravida是湖南为害蔬菜的蜗牛优势种。作者(1989)曾发表其生物学特性研究结果及其发生与环境的关系。本文报道灰巴蜗牛生活习性及其防治试验。1 生活习性灰巴蜗牛卵产于疏松表土层内。它们畏光怕热,喜生活在阴暗潮湿、多腐殖质的环境。  相似文献   

吴岷 《动物学研究》2002,23(6):504-513
对川西北陆生贝类巴蜗牛科进行了系统整理,其中对假弯巴蜗牛[Bradybaena(Bradybaena)pseudo-campylaea(Moellendorff)],松山巴蜗牛[Bradybaena(Bradybaena)sueshanensis Pilsbry],单带反向巴蜗牛[Bradybaena(Bradybaena)controversa monotaeniata Pilsbry]进行了解剖,描述了新种茂县蛇蜗牛Pseudiberus(Pseudiberus)maoensis sp.nov,其模式标本及其他研究标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述采自西藏自治区察隅县吉公镇巴蜗牛属1新种,吉公巴蜗牛Bradybaena(Bradybaens)jigongensis sp.nov.新种壳相与Bradybaena(Bradybaena)similaris(Ferussac,1821)相近,但前者个体体型较小,恋矢短且较真,其近端部断面为对称的二刃形,可与后者明显区分。正模,成螺,西藏自治区察隅县吉公镇,1997-07-18 ̄19,吴岷采  相似文献   

以采自新疆大学校园巴蜗牛科Bradybaenidae的一种蜗牛为例,介绍了蜗牛的一般解剖方法,并对蜗牛的内部结构进行了标注和描述。  相似文献   

王洪建 《四川动物》2005,24(4):526-528
本文根据甘肃南部所辖地区采集的腹足目巴蜗牛科标本和国内外报道,对其进行系统整理研究,列出巴蜗牛科动物76种,分隶11属1科,其中30种为甘肃省新纪录.  相似文献   

本文对胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Oliver 4龄幼虫捕食灰巴蜗牛Bradybaena ravida Benson的机制进行了初步探索。通过解剖幼虫消化道进行观察,发现幼虫的食道在与上颚基部骨化结构相连处分为2支,呈Y型结构,分别与2个上颚的中空管道相通;无毒腺结构存在。将幼虫头部及消化道各部分提取液注射到灰巴蜗牛体内后发现中肠提取液对蜗牛的致死效果显著高于头部和消化道其它部分提取液对蜗牛的致死效果(df=68,P<0.05),比较不同浓度中肠提取液对蜗牛致死效果的差异后发现,浓度为5 mg/mL的中肠提取液对蜗牛的致死时间(15.96±4.48)min与幼虫正常捕食的时间(14.47±2.32)min最为相近。  相似文献   

作者对中国科学院动物研究所馆藏的巴蜗牛科标本进行了整理,并已知我国平瓣蜗牛属Platypetasus共计16种和亚种,其中现发1新种,即磁县平瓣蝇牛Platypetasus cixianensis Chen et Zhang,sp.nov.,对新种的形态特征作了详细描述,与其近假种进行了比较和讨论。  相似文献   

1986年2月19日在调查为害蔬菜的蜗牛种类时,于杂草丛采得一左后触角中部具瘤状突起的灰巴蜗牛Bradybaena ravida rauida (Benson)。该个体为成贝,壳高12.68毫米,壳宽13.94毫米,重1.72克,螺层数为6,体型较正常次巴蜗牛见休略大,除左后触角中部具瘤状突起外,其它形态、习性无异常。该贝体3月25  相似文献   

江苏沿海地区农田蜗牛的发生特点与防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本地区为害农作物蜗牛主要有同型巴蜗牛和灰巴蜗牛,通过田间系统调查和室内外饲养观察,基本模清了江苏沿海地区,农田蜗牛的卵期和幼贝期,是其生命活动中的薄弱环节和开展防治的有利时期,农作物的苗期和花荚期(花铃期)是对农田蜗牛最敏感的生育期,亦即需要重点保护的关键时段;秋熟作物受蜗牛危害重于夏熟作物,根据当地的气候特点,每年春夏之交4-6月和秋季8-10月的温湿度条件,最适宜于两种蜗牛的生存,活动和取食,调查结果表明,该时期亦正是本地区蜗牛发生为害的两个峰期,经过试验示范,总结出一整套农田蜗牛的综合治理措施,筛选出一批除蜗保叶效果达80%左右,捅分别用作为作物前期毒饵诱杀的颗粒剂和后期喷雾除蜗的可湿性粉剂,并且针对江苏沿海地区,农田蜗牛的发生特点和灾变规律,提出了对农作物采用“播前耕翻(爆卵)压基数,综合措施保全苗(壮苗),中后期化防夺丰收”。的总体防治策略。  相似文献   

This study reports the anatomy, histology, and ultrastructure of the male Mullerian gland of the caecilian Uraeotyphlus narayani, based on dissections, light microscopic histological and histochemical preparations, and transmission electron microscopic observations. The posterior end of the Mullerian duct and the urinogenital duct of this caecilian join to form a common duct before opening into the cloaca. The boundary of the entire gland has a pleuroperitoneum, followed by smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue. The Mullerian gland is composed of numerous individual tubular glands separated from each other by connective tissue. Each gland has a duct, which joins the central Mullerian duct. The ducts of the tubular glands are also surrounded by abundant connective tissue. The tubular glands differ between the column and the base in regard to the outer boundary and the epithelial organization. The basement membrane of the column is so thick that amoeboid cells may not penetrate it, whereas that around the base of the gland is thin and appears to allow migration of amoeboid cells into and out of the basal aspect of the gland. The epithelium of the column has nonciliated secretory cells with basal nuclei and ciliated nonsecretory cells with apical nuclei. In the epithelium of the base there are secretory cells, ciliated cells, and amoeboid cells. The epithelium of ducts of the tubular glands is formed of ciliated dark cells and microvillated light cells. The epithelium of the central duct is formed of ciliated dark cells also possessing microvilli, ciliated light cells also possessing microvilli, and microvillated light cells that lack cilia. It is regressed during March to June when the testis lobes are in a state of quiescence. The Mullerian gland is active in secretion during July to February when the testis is active in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The hamster nasal cavity consists of vestibular, non-olfactory and olfactory portions. Much of the non-olfactory nasal cavity surface is lined by cuboidal, stratified cuboidal, and low columnar epithelia, devoid of cilia. Goblet cells and ciliated respiratory epithelium are present over only a small portion of the nasal cavity surface. The largest glandular masses in the hamster nose are the maxillary recess glands, the vomeronasal glands and the lateral nasal gland 1; these three glands contain neutral mucopolysaccharides (PAS-positive). Other nasal glands contain both acidic and neutral mucopolysaccharides; the staining reaction for acidic mucopolysaccharide is stronger in goblet cells and olfactory glands than in the other nasal glands. The ducts which open into the nasal vestibule are the excretory ducts of compound tubuloacinar serous glands. The one major PAS-positive gland whose duct opens into the nasal vestibule is the lateral nasal gland 1. The ducts of the compound tubuloacinar vomeronasal glands open into the lumen of the vomeronasal organ, which is connected to the ventral nasal meatus by means of the vomeronasal duct. The ducts of the branched tubuloacinar maxillary recess glands open into the maxillary recess. Few ducts open into the caudal half of the nasal cavity.  相似文献   


The albumen gland duct passes through the base of the albumen gland. It consists of a single layer of cells composed of ciliated and secretory cells. Sulfated and non-sulfated acid mucopolysaccharides are secreted by the cells of the albumen gland duct. Cell resembling neurosecretory cells are also found between the ciliated and secretory cells. The secretion products probably contribute to the formation of the albumen layer which surrounds the fertilized egg.  相似文献   

在光镜结构研究的基础上,用电子显微镜观察了白蜡虫Ericerus pela Chavannes二龄雄幼虫蜡腺的超微结构和虫体表面的蜡孔及蜡丝形态。重点研究了蜡腺各组成部分的形态特点。  相似文献   

扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)的舌腺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
扬子鳄舌粘膜固有层内,除舌尖外可见到许多舌腺,特别是沿舌背中线两侧数量尤多,其形状和大小不一,有简单的单管腺,也有复杂的复管泡状腺,全舌约有舌腺100个。舌腺于胚鳄将破壳时发生。最早出现在距舌尖约三分之一处,随后,舌后和舌尖的稍后方相继出现舌腺,约一个月龄,幼鳄的舌腺仍在发育中。舌腺的发生由粘膜上皮内折、特化成腺泡和导管。扬子鳄舌腺除滑润食物外,还具排泄氯化钠的功能。  相似文献   

Abstract The neural gland complex of Ascidia interrupta consists of three parts: dorsal tubercle, ciliated duct, and neural gland. The dorsal tubercle protrudes above the pharyngeal lining and bears a ciliated funnel. The funnel opens into a ciliated duct which opens into the neural gland, a blind sac in a blood sinus below the brain. Funnel and duct cells are joined by adhaerens junctions and, apically, by putative tight junctions. The neural gland wall is a loose, irregular, non-ciliated epithelium of phagocytes. Adhaerens, but not tight, junctions join the cells. Secretory cells were not observed. Tracers delivered onto the dorsal tubercle and dissolved in seawater around undissected animals are transported unidirectionally inward into the neural gland. The continuous ciliary incurrent moves the tracers across the wall of the neural gland and into the pharyngeal blood vessels. Small particulates and large macromolecules, however, are removed from the water stream by endocytosis on neural gland cells. Large particulates delivered onto the dorsal tubercle do not enter the system but rather are rejected by cilia on the surface of the tubercle. The neural gland complex is interpreted as an organ of blood volume regulation that consists of a pump (cilia) and coarse (tubercle) and fine (gland) filters. Analogous and homologous systems are discussed.  相似文献   

北京鸭产卵期输卵管管状腺细胞超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电子显徽镜对北京鸭输卵管管状腺细胞进行观察。鸭输卵管由五部分组成:漏斗、蛋白分泌部、峡部、壳腺和阴道。蛋白分泌部的管状腺细胞有四种类型。A型细胞有电子密度深色颗粒;B型细胞充满了无定型低电子密度物质;C型细胞具有非常明显的粗面内质网和高尔基复合体;D型细胞是由致密的颗粒和低电子密度的颗粒所组成,腔内充满分泌颗粒。我们在这篇文章中分析了蛋白分泌周期的四个不同阶段。  相似文献   

The albumen gland of Pomacea paludosa, a prosobranch gastropod, contains two main ducts. The albumen gland duct consists of a single layer of secretory and non-secretory cells. The surface of the non-secretory cells is covered with cilia. Microvilli are associated with the luminal edges of the secretory cells. Globules of secretory products appear at the cell surfaces. The capsule gland duct coils through the albumen gland and is composed of two opposing faces each of two layers of cells. The upper layer consists of ciliated non-secretory cells and the microvilli covered necks of the goblet-shaped secretory cells. The bases of the secretory cells comprises the lower layer of cells. Differences in the arrangement of cellular processes and number exists between the duct epithelia.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the tubular and acinous salivary glandsof Nucella lapillus (L.) has been studied and some histochemicaland enzyme tests have been carried out. The clusters of subepithelialcells of the tubular glands secrete a glycoprotein composedof chains of tubular macromolecules resembling secretions knownto have adhesive properties which may assist in boring. Thesecretion is rich in disulphide groups, as are many toxins,and is believed to be responsible for the recently demonstratedpharmacological activity of the glands. It is proposed thatflaccid paralysis is induced in prey by envenomation with thissecretion during rasping, after soft parts have been exposedby an ‘anti-predator’ reaction to secretion fromthe hypobranchial gland of Nucella. The secretory vesicles ofboth types of gland cells in the acinous glands have heterogeneouscontents indicating that their secretions are complex. The majorcomponent in those of the mucous cells is an acid mucopolysaccharidetypical of a lubricant or releasing agent. The ciliated basalcells resemble typical enzyme-secreting cells and the majorconstituent of their secretion is a finely granular glycoprotein. (Received 8 January 1990; accepted 5 June 1990)  相似文献   

脉红螺消化系统的形态学研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
侯林  程济民 《动物学报》1991,37(1):7-15
脉红螺消化系统由十二个器官组成。其消化管壁都由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜四层结构构成。作者对消化腺的细胞进行了较详细的描述,并利用组化方法测定消化腺细胞中含有的酶类。作者还对部分器官的超微结构进行了观察。  相似文献   

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