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本文研究了绵羊对不同品种公母羊的尿液、母羊粪便、阴道分泌物、身体的气味等刺激物诱导卷唇行为的发生,持续约60-120秒。实验得出:母羊尿液是诱导公羊释放卷唇行为最强的刺激物,尤以发情母羊尿液更甚,公羊、幼羊以及其它的尿液诱导卷唇行为发生的频次低。卷唇行为发生的频次有季节变化,10月最高。卷唇行为与犁鼻器的功能紧密联系,是绵羊繁殖行为的一个构成部分,通常只有公羊发生卷唇行为,但个别母羊亦有表现。  相似文献   

绵羊对化学信息的识别及其在繁殖行为中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在动物生殖的各个阶段,都包含有嗅觉的作用。家畜经历了长期驯养过程之后,某些化学通讯行为有时会逐渐消失,但是它们仍然保持着野生祖先释放和感知气味的能力。 本项实验的目的在于测定绵羊产生和感知气味的能力及其在生殖中的作用。 取新疆细毛羊和哈萨克羊尿液和阴道分泌物作为外激素源,实验测定公、母羊对异性外激索的反应,记录嗅闻时间和行为表现。 结果表明,细毛公羊仅仅通过嗅觉,就有选择发情母畜的能力。它们对发情母羊化学倩息的趋近频次和嗅闻时间均高于对未发情者的频次和时间。 未曾交配过的一龄畜也能区分发情和未发情母畜的气味,但识别能力不如成畜。一定的性经验及随后的学习过程影响这种能力的发展。 实验表明,公羊在发情母畜阴遭分泌物处停留时间较长,嗅闻频次却并不高于对未发情畜阴道分泌物的次数。试畜对尿液的反应较阴道分泌物强。可见两处都含有表明性及性状况的化学信息存在。公畜对母畜化学信息表现蜷唇、舐、嗅、拱刺激源等行为。阴道分泌物所引起的行为类型则较尿液贫乏。 母羊亦表现出选择公畜化学信息的特性,它们在公羊气味处舐、排尿等。一龄畜反应亦弱于成畜。 新疆细毛羊和哈萨克公羊两个品种都表现了选择异品种信息的倾向。 绵羊是在近距离感受化学信息的,这就在一定程  相似文献   

正尿液是动物新陈代谢的产物,在动物的化学通讯中发挥着重要作用,动物依靠它识别个体,选择高质量的配偶,判断亲缘关系,吸引异性等,以增加个体的适合度(Macdonald and Brown,1985)。各种动物尿液的化学成分复杂,含有挥发性和非挥发性两类化学信号物质。尿液的化学组成和其功能在许多动物中已进行报道,如大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)(刘玉良等,2012)、水獭(Arvicola  相似文献   

动物通讯是动物个体通过不同的信息交流方式实现信息传递及共享的过程。尿液是动物化学通讯中传递和分享信息的重要信号来源,尿液化学通讯是动物种内乃至种间信息交流的重要途径之一。本文阐述了不同物种之间信息交流和相同物种不同个体之间的尿液化学通讯,对于了解动物个体尿液化学成分组成、繁殖、行为以及社会识别等具有重要的生物学意义。  相似文献   

为研究红脂大小蠹Dendroctonus valens雄性在配偶选择时是否存在近交避免行为,以及这种选择行为是否是基于化学信息,设计了3个实验,分别验证雄性对近缘和远缘雌性基于化学信息的配偶选择,近缘或远缘雌性存在下雄性的交配动机,以及基于化学信息的亲属识别机制及对雄性交配的影响。结果显示,在亲缘关系不同的2雌性选择实验中,雄性更愿意与远缘雌性交配;雄性在近缘雌性粪屑存在下,交配成功率显著降低。研究表明雄性红脂大小蠹对不同亲缘关系的雌性有显著不同的交配期望。雄性对亲缘关系近的同家庭雌性有明显的近交避免行为,由此避免近交衰退。本研究同时显示雄性红脂大小蠹亲属识别的机制是基于雌性个体的化学信息。  相似文献   

范志勤  桑福  李国梁 《生态学报》1984,4(4):378-384
本文研究了外激素对新疆细毛羊性周期的影响,探讨应用外激素促进绵羊同期发情的可能性。 将391头母羊分为两群放牧,一群定期给以外激素喷雾,为试验组,另一群作为对照,定期喷以清水。结果两群羊的性周期显现不同的变化。试验组母羊平均发情7.0±0.85次;对照组为4.3±0.63次,p<0.05,相差显著。其中成畜对外激素的刺激作用反应较强,未成年羊的感受能力较弱)。 在外激素的作用下,发情羊显然增多,于7—10天内,大部分母畜发情。而对照组中发情羊数明显低予试验组,而且其发情母畜高峰期的出现,亦迟于试验组。 配种结果得出,经外激素处理组,羊配种时间较为集中,在配种开始的一周内,多数母畜发情并施行人工授精。而对照组的母羊,则表现陆续发情、没有集中的趋势。根据配种开始14日内的资料统计,试验组有87.9%的母羊发情、配种,对照组则只有37.5%母羊发情、输精。在其它未给外激素刺激的羊群中,要达到与试验组相似的配种百分数,配种时间平均需要35.8日,较给予外激素刺激的试验组延长了21.8日之多。说明外激素能产生促进绵羊同期发情、缩短配种时间的效应。 统计试验群与对照群40头母羊的产羔情况,试验组计有80%母羊怀孕并产羔,对照组母羊则只有30%母畜妊娠并产仔。 据试验羊的性周期、配种、产羔的结果,都说明  相似文献   

熟悉性对棕色田鼠和根田鼠择偶行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以两性配对共居至交配或生仔作不同熟悉处理,在Y字型选择箱中分别观察棕色田鼠,根田鼠的择偶行为和配偶识别。结果如下:(1)棕色田鼠雌雄两性均表现出对熟悉异性或配偶的喜好倾向;(2)在根 中,只有雌性表现出对熟悉雄鼠或配偶的选择倾向,雄鼠无明显的选择取向;(3)每种雌性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雄性的嗅舔时间均有显著差异性,而每种雄性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雌性的嗅舔时间均无显著差异性。这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差别可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受酱或分娩刺激的生理状态;(4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关。  相似文献   

以两性配对共居至交配或生仔作不同熟悉处理,在Y字型选择箱中分别观察棕色田鼠、根田鼠的择偶行为和配偶识别.结果如下:(1)棕色田鼠雌雄两性均表现出对熟悉异性或配偶的喜好倾向;(2)在根田鼠中,只有雌性表现出对熟悉雄鼠或配偶的选择倾向,雄鼠无明确的选择取向;(3)每种雌性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雄性的嗅舔时间均有显著差异性,而每种雄性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雌性的嗅舔时间均无显著差异性.这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差异可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受交配或分娩刺激的生理状态; (4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关.  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉县祁明区撒里维吾尔族牧民安里泰进行延迟羊只产羔季节,改冬羔为春羔的试验已获成功,大大提高了羊只的繁殖率。安里泰改变羊只冬季产羔为春季产羔的辨法是:在头一年农历五月母羊开始发情时,把公羊和母羊分群圈养、分群放牧,避免交配。九、十月间再合群交配。这样,就把母羊的产羔期由农历的正月前后推迟到三月间。这样改变的好处是:(1)春天天气暖和,不会冻死母羊和羊羔;(2)母羊有青草吃、营养好、奶多,羊羔能吃到充足的奶和青草,使母羊和羊羔体肥健壮;(3)控制公羊、母羊的交配季节,可以使母羊能同时受孕,同时产羔,牧羊人因而就能集中精力做好接羔工作,并能改善母羊和羊羔的饲养管理。安里泰是一个养羊老手,他有丰富的养羊经验。当他改变了羊只的产羔季节后,去年他的羊羔的成活率就达95%。他的羊群发展极快,去年绵羊繁殖率达48%,山羊繁殖率达42%。  相似文献   

哺乳动物主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统信息识别的编码模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
哺乳动物具有两套嗅觉系统, 即主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统。前者对环境中的大多数挥发性化学物质进行识别, 后者对同种个体释放的信息素进行识别。本文从嗅觉感受器、嗅球、嗅球以上脑区三个水平综述了这两种嗅觉系统对化学信息识别的编码模式。犁鼻器用较窄的调谐识别信息素成分, 不同于嗅上皮用分类性合并受体的方式识别气味; 副嗅球以接受相同受体输入的肾丝球所在区域为单位整合信息, 而主嗅球通过对肾丝球模块的特异性合并编码信息; 在犁鼻系统, 信息素的信号更多地作用于下丘脑区域, 引起特定的行为和神经内分泌反应。而在主要嗅觉系统, 嗅皮层可能采用时间模式编码神经元群, 对气味的最终感受与脑的不同区域有关。犁鼻系统较主要嗅觉系统的编码简单, 可能与其执行的功能较少有关。  相似文献   

Young female mice were grouped on Day 21 after birth and subjected to removal of the vomeronasal organ. Soiled bedding from intact adult males failed to advance the onset of first oestrus in these lesioned mice compared to the various control groups. Vomeronasal organ lesions of prepubertal females also prevented increases in uterine weight following exposure to soiled bedding for 48 h on Day 23 when compared to controls. Lowering prolactin by injections of bromocriptine for 48 h on Day 26, but not Day 23, advanced the onset of puberty in intact and vomeronasal organ-lesioned females. Elevating prolactin by injections of domperidone were without effect on the early onset of oestrus when compared to sham-injected controls. It is concluded that marked similarities exist in both the receptor system and neuroendocrine mechanism of male pheromone action observed in prepubertal females and that seen in the adult.  相似文献   

This work is the fourth related to species recently described from Madagascar. The authors describe Sergentomyia goodmani on females and males. The female has tubular spermathecae with internal spines. It has an aspect, in Canada balsam, of transversally striped spermatheca, without being completely segmented. The spermathecal ducts share a proximal common part. The pharynx is narrow. The cibarial armature is comb-like. Based on these characters, the authors consider that S. goodmani belongs to the subgenus Rondanomyia. They reinstate this subgenus and consider Neophlebotomus sensu Lewis, 1977 as invalid. Considering Grassomyia as a genus, this is the first record of Sergentomyia in Madagascar.  相似文献   

The female genital organs of the tetrablemmid Indicoblemma lannaianum are astonishingly complex. The copulatory orifice lies anterior to the opening of the uterus externus and leads into a narrow insertion duct that ends in a genital cavity. The genital cavity continues laterally in paired tube-like copulatory ducts, which lead into paired, large, sac-like receptacula. Each receptaculum has a sclerotized pore plate with associated gland cells. Paired small fertilization ducts originate in the receptacula and take their curved course inside the copulatory ducts. The fertilization ducts end in slit-like openings in the sclerotized posterior walls of the copulatory ducts. Huge masses of secretions forming large balls are detectable in the female receptacula. An important function of these secretory balls seems to be the encapsulation of spermatozoa in discrete packages in order to avoid the mixing of sperm from different males. In this way, sperm competition may be completely prevented or at least severely limited. Females seem to have full control over transferred sperm and be able to express preference for spermatozoa of certain males. The lumen of the sperm containing secretory balls is connected with the fertilization duct. Activated spermatozoa are only found in the uterus internus of females, which is an indication of internal fertilization. The sperm cells in the uterus internus are characterized by an extensive cytoplasm and an elongated, cone-shaped nucleus. The male genital system of I. lannaianum consists of thick testes and thin convoluted vasa deferentia that open into the wide ductus ejaculatorius. The voluminous globular palpal bulb is filled with seminal fluid consisting of a globular secretion in which only a few spermatozoa are embedded. The spermatozoa are encapsulated by a sheath produced in the genital system. The secretions in females may at least partly consist of male secretions that could be involved in the building of the secretory balls or play a role in sperm activation. The male secretions could also afford nutriments to the spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In the adult male Saguinus fuscicollis , the scrotal skin and the area above the root of the penis are raised in a sharply defined cushion, which extends cranially into a rectangular suprapubic pad. The circumgenital area of the adult female resembles that of the male, except that the suprapubic pad is relatively and absolutely larger. A complex glandular organ, composed of holocrine and apocrine glands, is located beneath the epidermis of the circumgenital skin. In males, specialized holocrine glands associated with hair follicles predominate. They form a layer, 2-3 mm deep beneath the epidermis. These holocrine glands have a complex alveolar structure and possess numerously branched excretory ducts. Each group of glands empties into a common duct which enters the hair follicle. In males, the apocrine glands are located predominantly at the periphery of the glandular pad and between the scrotal and perineal areas. The excretory ducts of most apocrine glands empty on to the skin surface in close spatial association with hair follicles. However, independent openings were also observed. In females, the specialized holocrine glands resemble those of males but are more frequently interspersed with apocrine glands. The apocrine glands are larger and much more numerous than in males, especially in the region of the labia majora. Gonadectomy of an adult male and female resulted in a reduction in the size of the holocrine glands but had much less effect on the apocrine glands of the scent organ. In addition, the sexual dimorphism in gland histology was retained years after castration.  相似文献   

赫哲族体质特征   总被引:42,自引:16,他引:26  
本文调查的对象是黑龙江省赫哲族,共110人(男52人,女58人),年龄20至60岁。调查结果表明赫哲族在体质特征上具有明显的黄种人特征。  相似文献   

Long dendritic processes from neurones of the sense organ ganglionpenetrate the epithelial lining of the narrow and short ductsituated between the intramuscular slit and a large posteriorcavity which opens to the siphonal space through a narrow canalin the sense organ papilla. Motor nerve fibres innervate theanterior ends of the cruciform muscle strands. The latter becomesstretched during opening of animal and contracted during closure.The slit is widened during opening and narrowed during closure.The sense organ responds to foul water suggesting that it isa chemoreceptor for this stimulus. (Received 10 July 1977;  相似文献   

The majority of research into the timing of gonad differentiation (and sex determination) in reptiles has focused on oviparous species. This is largely because: (1) most reptiles are oviparous; (2) it is easier to manipulate embryonic developmental conditions (e.g., temperature) of eggs than oviductal embryos and (3) modes of sex determination in oviparous taxa were thought to be more diverse since viviparity and environmental sex determination (ESD)/temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) were considered incompatible. However, recent evidence suggests the two may well be compatible biological attributes, opening potential new lines of enquiry into the evolution and maintenance of sex determination. Unfortunately, the baseline information on embryonic development in viviparous species is lacking and information on gonad differentiation and sexual organ development is almost non-existent. Here we present an embryonic morphological development table (10 stages), the sequence of gonad differentiation and sexual organ development for the viviparous spotted snow skink (Niveoscincus ocellatus). Gonad differentiation in this species is similar to other reptilian species. Initially, the gonads are indifferent and both male and female accessory ducts are present. During stage 2, in the middle third of development, differentiation begins as the inner medulla regresses and the cortex thickens signaling ovary development, while the opposite occurs in testis formation. At this point, the Müllerian (female reproductive) duct regresses in males until it is lost (stage 6), while females retain both ducts until after birth. In the later stages of testis development, interstitial tissue forms in the medulla corresponding to maximum development of the hemipenes in males and the corresponding regression in the females.  相似文献   

A male accessory sex organ, termed the juxtatesticular body (JTB), is located in the posterior part of the trunk, outside the coelomic cavity, lying ventral to the urinary ducts and dorsal to the urinary bladder and testes in jawfishes. Its microscopic structure is unusual for an accessory sex organ because it is highly vascularized, organized in small follicles, and ductless. The embryological origin of the JTB and the development of the urogenital apparatus was studied in juveniles of Opistognathus whitehurstii and O. maxillosus . Both sexes possess a structure located outside the coelomic cavity in the posterior part of the trunk. In females this structure showed the same histological organization as the kidney, however in males it was different and recognized as the JTB. The degree of development of the JTB followed that of the testes, being represented in youngest recognizable males only by a small mass of mesenchymal cells while it was fully developed in males with spermatogenic testes. In most immature males renal structures, such as tubules and glomeruli, were found in the dorsal part of this structure. On the basis of anatomical and cytological features a nephrogenic origin for the JTB is proposed.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic populations of the gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris are widespread throughout Polynesia. They often occur parapatrically, and occasionally syntopically, with the increasingly rare bisexual populations. In these instances, a small number of hybrid individuals occur and include both "female" and "male" external phenotypes, both with greatly reduced gonads. Histological examination demonstrates that these hybrids possess small ovotestes. The differentiation of the cortical tissue is identical in both "male" and "female" hybrids, but the medullary tissue is more developed in "males." The remainder of the genital tract in "females" resembles that of fertile females in the parthenogenetic and bisexual populations. By contrast, the "male" hybrids are markedly intersexual. In one of the two specimens autopsied, the hemipenes are more or less the same size as those of bisexual males, and the sexual segment of the kidney is hypertrophied and serous. In the other hybrid "male," the hemipenes have a structure similar to that seen in females, and the sexual segment of the kidney is poorly differentiated. In both hybrid "males," the ductus deferens is extremely narrow and further reduced in its middle portion; oviducts are present and resemble those of normal or hybrid females. Thus, embryonic-like gonads are associated with complete and normal female reproductive ducts in hybrid "females." Hybrid "males" also have embryonic-like gonads and feminized genital ducts but associated with secondary sexual characters that match those of sexually active or quiescent normal males.  相似文献   

The tamarisk leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongata Brullé deserticola Chen, was collected in northwestern China and has been released in the western United States to control tamarisk (Tamarix spp.). Characteristics of diapause and reproductive development in D. elongata were examined to improve management as a biocontrol agent. Under long days, 16:8 (L:D) h, males began to emit aggregation pheromone within 2-3 d of adult emergence, mating occurred, and females oviposited within 7 d of adult emergence. Under short days, 12:12 (L:D) h, males did not emit pheromone, mating did not occur, and both males and females entered reproductive diapause marked by inconspicuous gonads and hypertrophied fat body. Ovaries of diapausing females lacked vitellogenic oocytes, and the ovarioles were clear and narrow, whereas reproductive females had enlarged ovaries with two to three yellow oocytes per ovariole. Diapausing males had thin, transparent accessory glands and ejaculatory ducts, whereas reproductive males had thick white accessory glands and white opaque ejaculatory ducts. Sensitivity to diapause-inducing photoperiods extended into the adult stage. Reproductive females ceased oviposition, resorbed oocytes, and entered diapause when switched from long to short days. Diapause-destined insects ceased feeding and entered the leaf litter 10-20 d after adult emergence, whereas reproductive insects remained on the plants and fed for at least 30 d. Reproductive insects exhibited dispersal behaviors, such as attempted flights, whereas diapause-destined insects did not show dispersal behaviors. Information gained from these studies will be used to better manage populations in the field and to improve rearing and storage in the laboratory.  相似文献   

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