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孙庄遗址位于河南省郑州市中原区孙庄村南,是分布在黄河中下游地区的一处仰韶文化晚期遗存。通过对遗址出土的10例保存基本完整的颅骨进行测量与观察后,得出以下结论:孙庄组的颅面部特征为高颅型与狭颅型相结合的颅型特点、中等偏大的面部扁平度、狭额型、中鼻型、低眶型、中面角属平颌型、犬齿窝和鼻根凹欠发达、颅顶缝简单等。孙庄组古代居民颅骨的形态特征归属于亚洲蒙古人种范围。颅骨形态学特征分析结果显示,孙庄组与亚洲蒙古人种近代华南组(R=1.26)关系最为密切,与近代蒙古组(R=1.80)和通古斯组(R=2.06)关系疏远;在与各新石器时代组的对比中,孙庄男性组与仰韶合并组(R=1.00)、庙子沟组(R=1.00)、西山组(R=1.07)、大汶口组(R=1.13)关系接近,孙庄女性组最接近于大汶口组(Dij=3.10)、徐堡组(Dij=4.58)和西山组(Dij=4.60)。综上,我们可知分布在黄河中下游地区的仰韶时代中晚期人群在颅面部特征上颇为一致,具有较高的同源性,应同属于“古中原类型”居民。  相似文献   

农业的起源和传播是人类历史上最重要的变革之一。本文通过对云南省文山州广南县大阴洞遗址出土的17例人骨标本的C、N稳定同位素分析,探索新石器时代晚期至青铜时代,滇东南地区先民的食物结构和生业经济。结果显示,大阴洞遗址居民的δ13C值范围为-20.2‰ ~ -17.5‰,主要以C3类食物为主;δ15N值范围为9.2‰ ~ 10.7‰,所处的营养级别较高;两性之间存在食谱差异,大部分男性比女性摄入更多的动物蛋白。结合相关考古发现,大阴洞遗址居民可能主要经营稻作农业,兼营狩猎;对动物资源的利用可能具有多样性,并通过采集、渔猎及家畜饲养补充食物来源。考虑到云南作为农业向中南半岛传播的重要通道,进一步对云南地区新石器-青铜时代先民的生业策略选择的梳理发现,云南地区新石器时代不同区域的人群有不同的农业经营策略。到青铜时代,随着小麦的传入,农业经济的选择更为多元化,动物资源的获取技术也更加成熟多样。不同的农业策略选择除了受到自然条件的影响,也是与相邻地区文化互动的结果。  相似文献   

农业的起源与发展,改变了人类食物资源的获取方式。作为史前文化发展的中心,关中地区史前人类生业模式演变规律与影响因素的探索,将为北方地区农业的起源、发展与传播,文化交流对农业发展的影响,人类对环境变迁的适应等热点问题研究提供重要依据。本文对关中地区史前不同文化、不同遗址人与动物骨骼的稳定同位素以及动植物遗存进行了综合分析。结果显示,受文化的发展与交流、区域地理环境的差异、气候的演变等因素影响,关中地区史前先民生业模式呈现时空差异。老官台文化先民的生业模式中旱作农业与狩猎采集并重。仰韶文化早期,旱作农业成为先民生业模式的主体,但不同区域发展水平不同;另外,家畜饲养的发展速度要滞后于农作物。仰韶文化中、晚期至龙山文化早期,水稻与小麦先后传入,形成以粟、黍旱作农业为主,兼营水稻、大豆等的多元化农业结构;水稻对仰韶文化中期先民的食谱产生影响,而同时期家畜饲养主要依赖于粟黍类农作物。龙山文化,黍、粟农业比重下降,水稻含量相对增加,并对先民与家畜的食谱产生影响;肉食获取方式以饲养活动为主,渔猎活动为辅。  相似文献   

对广西田东中山遗址洞外岩厦出土动物骨骼遗存的研究表明,该批动物遗存至少代表39个属种。中山遗址原始居民以此地作为居住地,会到远处进行狩猎,其生业模式以狩猎为主;对骨骼的利用尚处在初级阶段,未发现精细的加工方式。动物骨骼遗存均来自野生动物,原始居民未开始饲养家畜。当时的中山遗址地处以林缘灌丛、低山森林景观为主的山间盆地中,不远处有成片的草地,并分布着一定面积的水域。这些信息对探讨中国华南地区旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期人类的生存行为、生境状况及演化特征等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

陈君  王頠  李大伟  廖卫 《人类学学报》2017,36(4):527-536
对广西田东中山遗址洞外岩厦出土动物骨骼遗存的研究表明,该批动物遗存至少代表39个属种。中山遗址原始居民以此地作为居住地,会到远处进行狩猎,其生业模式以狩猎为主;对骨骼的利用尚处在初级阶段,未发现精细的加工方式。动物骨骼遗存均来自野生动物,原始居民未开始饲养家畜。当时的中山遗址地处以林缘灌丛、低山森林景观为主的山间盆地中,不远处有成片的草地,并分布着一定面积的水域。这些信息对探讨中国华南地区旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期人类的生存行为、生境状况及演化特征等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

要推知古代的气候,可以从分析当时生存过的动物群着手,因为它们是地球历史的出色的见证。我国已故的著名学者竺可桢同志利用大量的古代物候、考古资料,对五千年来气候的变迁,作了深入研究(见《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》一文)。文中提及公元前3000-1100年左右考古时期,如属于仰韶文化的西安半坡遗址(约5600-6080年前)和河南安阳殷墟(约公元前1400-1100年),当时的气候是属热带和亚热带气候。现在让我们从这两处遗址出土的动物化石来分析论证当时的气候。陕西半坡出土的动物化石,经有关方面研究,可分三大类:(1)属半坡新石器时代人驯养及可能驯养的动物:有猪、狗、羊、牛科及马;(2)属狩猎来的动物:有斑鹿、獐、竹鼠、野兔及短尾兔;(3)属可能晚期侵入的动物:有獾、貉、田鼠及狐  相似文献   

张鹏 《植物学报》2015,50(3):279-280
薯类作物主要包括甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)、木薯(Manihot esculenta)和山药(Dioscorea ssp.)等, 归属不同的科属, 其收获的产品器官是地下储藏根(storage root)或块茎(tuber)。在英文中没有直接与“薯类”对应的词汇, 以“root and tuber crops”翻译最为合适, 因此用“根茎类作物”更为恰当。甘薯的拉丁学名中种加词“batatas”即为印度群岛阿拉瓦克人(Arawak)对甘薯的叫法; 而马铃薯学名中的“tuberosum”意为“膨大的”。这些薯块常常富含淀粉, 间或富集胡萝卜素和花青素等次生代谢营养物, 是植物最常见的变态器官。由于薯块都是在地下生长, 常常引起人们使用上的混淆。  相似文献   

哈民忙哈遗址是迄今为止内蒙古乃至东北地区发现面积最大的一处史前聚落遗址,为重建当时的生产和生活情况、文化习俗甚至思想观念等都提供了弥足珍贵的实物资料。其中,重建该遗址先民的食物结构和生业经济,有助于揭示哈民忙哈遗址产生和兴盛的动因及科尔沁沙地史前文化的变迁过程。目前,多学科的研究成果已经初步显示哈民忙哈遗址先民的生业经济具有多样性,但各种生业模式的比重以及是否存在家畜饲养等问题还缺乏相应的了解。本文对该遗址87例人骨与18例动物骨骼进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,还原了人和动物的食物结构及生业经济面貌。结果显示,陆生野生动物的食物结构主要基于C3植物类食物和少量的C4农作物,而犬科动物则体现出家养动物的食谱特性:食物主要依赖C4食物和人类食物残羹。C4类粟黍农作物和以此饲喂的动物是该遗址先民的主要食物来源,其中粟黍农作物在食物结构中的地位尤其重要。在该遗址中,女性摄入相对较多的粟黍和相对较少的肉类,与男性在食物结构上存在显著差异。农耕、家畜饲养是先民最重要的经济行为,狩猎、渔猎和采集是生业的重要补充。  相似文献   

对2011年陕北神木木柱柱梁龙山晚期遗址出土的大量动物遗存,按照出土单位对所有的动物骨骼进行了分类、测量和鉴定。总共鉴定出脊椎动物27个种属,包括鳖、鸟类、褐家鼠、中华鼢鼠、蒙古兔、狐、貉、狼、狗、虎、黄鼬、狗獾、野猪和家猪、奥氏马、野驴、骆驼、鹿类、黄牛、山羊、绵羊、鹅喉羚。特别是发现了目前时代偏晚偏南的马科动物绝灭种Equus(Sussemionus) ovodovi, 根据对出土动物骨骼的分析结果表明:遗址周围的自然景观以草原为主,不远处有一定面积的森林、疏林、灌丛及沙漠的自然景观。从先民对动物资源的利用以羊为主情况可见他们以畜牧业经济为主,同时从事农业和狩猎采集。  相似文献   

孙庄遗址位于河南省郑州市中原区孙庄村,是分布在黄河中游的一处仰韶文化晚期遗址,该遗址出土的54例仰韶时期的人骨保存状况良好,为我们了解仰韶文化人群的龋患情况提供了珍贵的资料。本文以肉眼观察为主并结合超景深显微镜对遗址出土的846枚牙齿进行鉴定、统计与分析,得出以下结论:孙庄遗址古代人群的龋病患病率70.37%,龋齿率22.93%,龋均3.59;壮年组患龋率最高,为88.89%,不同年龄组之间的龋齿率差异性显著;龋齿率女性为30.55%,男性为16.16%,女性龋齿率显著高于男性,P(0.000)<0.05,两性之间的龋齿率有显著差异;浅龋率为6.70%,中龋率为21.65%,深龋率为27.32%,深龋已穿髓率为19.07%,残冠残根率为25.26%,随着年龄的增长,龋病的病变程度呈加重趋势;龋损范围小于1/2牙冠累龋最常见,占总患龋齿数的42.27%;上颌龋齿率为26.91%,下颌龋齿率为19.70%,上下颌龋齿率差异显著(P<0.05)。龋病在不同牙位上的发生率依次为M3>M2>P2>M1>P1>C>I1>I2;邻面和 面是主要的龋患分布处,分别占患龋牙齿数的46.40%和39.18%。孙庄人群门齿较高的患龋率表明该遗址人群患龋情况已经非常严重,患龋率与龋齿率明显高于其他古代组,较高的龋病罹患率可能与孙庄人群复杂的农业经济模式有关。  相似文献   

杨界沙遗址位于陕西榆林市横山县雷龙湾乡沙峁村张油坊组, 2010年发掘时出土了大量的动物遗存, 时代为仰韶晚期。按照出土单位对所有的动物骨骼进行了科学的收集以及分类、测量和鉴定。通过系统的分类和研究表明至少代表3纲7目10科11个属种, 包括蚌类、鸟类、环颈雉、刺猬、褐家鼠、中华鼢鼠、甘肃鼢鼠、草兔、黄鼬、狗、猪、鹅喉羚、绵羊。根据对出土动物骨骼的分析结果表明: 遗址周围的自然景观以草原为主, 草原上有草兔、绵羊等食草动物, 不远处有一定面积沙漠, 其间有鹅喉羚出没。草原和沙漠间分布着一定面积的水域, 其间有蚌类出现。家养动物猪的肉量比例占到了整个食用动物群的87.9%, 除了饲养家畜, 捕猎野生动物也是当时人们的肉食来源之一。  相似文献   

榆林火石梁遗址动物遗存研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对榆林新机场火石梁遗址出土的动物骨骼进行了系统的分类和研究。动物骨骼属哺乳动物18种,鸟类1种;其中以羊骨数量最多,约占总数的60%,不同于任何一个关中新石器遗址。根据对出土的动物骨骼和文化层堆积分析结果表明:遗址周围的自然景观以草原为主,草原上有各种羊、牛、马、兔等食草动物,不远处有一定面积的森林、疏林、灌丛及沙漠,其间有虎、猫等食肉动物和各种鹿类动物及羚羊的出没。动物中虎、梅花鹿、马鹿、狍、羚羊、岩羊现已在此绝迹,其余为现仍生活在该地区的种类。  相似文献   

A detailed taphonomic analysis is reported for a sample of the larger mammalian faunal assemblage (>4.5 kg live body weight) from Blombos Cave. The analysis provides an assessment of human involvement in the accumulation and modification of the faunal assemblage, and precedes equally detailed analyses and separate reports of Middle Stone Age (MSA) butchery, transport, and hunting behaviour. At Blombos, there are clear differences in the relative abundances of ungulate body size classes, with the lower MSA phases (upper/lower M2 and M3) showing a high representation of size 1 ungulates relative to the most recent MSA phase (M1). The bones from the earliest MSA phase (M3) have not undergone much post-depositional fragmentation, in contrast to fragments from more recent phases (M1 and upper M2). Much of this variability can be attributed to more burning activity and trampling during M1 and upper M2, which could indicate more intensive occupation. Bone surfaces are variably preserved, with high levels of exfoliation in the most recent two phases. Surface modification analyses revealed high proportions of human modification throughout the sequence, indicating that MSA humans were responsible for accumulating most of the larger mammals. After discard, the bones were modified by scavenging carnivores, leading to a moderate amount of density-mediated destruction and tooth-marking. Carnivores independently accumulated some of the smaller ungulates, mainly in the form of partially-digested remains. Raptorial birds are not implicated as major faunal accumulators. The results from Blombos are directly comparable with analogous datasets from two other sites in the Western Cape (Pinnacle Point Cave 13B and Die Kelders Cave 1). Such comparisons demonstrate that MSA faunal assemblages from nearby coastal sites have complex and different taphonomic histories both within and between sites. Because the human occupants were a major part of these processes, MSA subsistence behaviour and site use was also quite variable over time and space.  相似文献   

The Middle Palaeolithic site Salzgitter Lebenstedt (northern Germany), excavated in 1952, is well known because of its well-preserved faunal remains, dominated by adult reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). The archaeological assemblage accumulated in an arctic setting in an earlier part of the last (Weichsel) glacial (OIS5-3). The site is remarkable because of the presence of unique Middle Palaeolithic bone tools and the occurrence of the northernmost Neanderthal remains, but this paper focuses on an analysis of its reindeer assemblage. The results indicate autumn hunting of reindeer by Middle Palaeolithic hominids. After the hunt, carcasses were butchered and in subsequent marrow processing of the bones a selection against young and sub-adult animals occurred. Adults were clearly preferred, and from their bones, again, poorer marrow bones were neglected. This focus on primeness of resources has been documented in other domains of Neanderthal behaviour, but Salzgitter Lebenstedt is the best example yet known in terms of systematic and routinized processing of game. The Salzgitter Lebenstedt assemblage displays some remarkable similarities to the Late Glacial reindeer assemblages from the Ahrensburg tunnel valley sites. The subsequent review of the evidence on subsistence strategies from earlier periods of the European Palaeolithic shows that hunting of large mammals may have been a part of the behavioural repertoire of the Middle Pleistocene occupants of Europe from the earliest occupation onwards. At the same time, it is suggested that these early hunting strategies were incorporated in ways of moving through landscapes ("settlement systems") which were different from what we know from the middle parts of the Upper Palaeolithic onwards.  相似文献   

距今约6000年以前, 华南先民以渔猎采集经济为主, 并辅之以块茎植物种植的观点已为学界所共识。这种类型的生业方式与长江中下游、华北及其以北地区有着较大的区别。这不仅反映在遗址出土的动植物遗存和生产工具的不同, 也体现在出土人骨体质特征的差异上。后者已初步为C、N稳定同位素的比较研究所证实。本文则利用鲤鱼墩遗址出土的人牙,从牙齿磨耗和龋齿两方面考察上述差异。  相似文献   

Ethnozoological research was conducted to gather information on the hunting activities and their relevance for the subsistence of local people in 8 villages around the game reserve of Gile, Mozambique. Two series of data were gathered by questionnaires to: (a) 510 householders from eight villages located in the outskirts of the Reserve; (b) 10 hunters from the village of Gile, the main centre of the study area. Several hunting techniques were recorded: spears, nets, traps (including gin-traps) and wildfires, while the use of guns did not appear relevant. The importance of subsistence hunting for local people was underlined by the high percentage of respondents who declared that they usually conduct this activity and sell bushmeat. The proportion of hunters per village was related to the village size but not to its geographical location of villages and the household composition. A positive relationship existed between the proportion of hunters, crop production and fishing activities, indicating that hunting is part of an integrated system of subsistence activities. Most animals harvested were mammals (89.5%, of which 46.7% were ungulates) and most were captured within the Reserve (96%). A higher percentage of animals was sold (56%), representing a relevant income source for the villagers. Small animals were mainly captured by traps during solitary hunting, medium-sized animals in collective net hunting; larger prey were captured by gin-traps adopted by both solitary and collective hunting. In the diet of the local people wild animals represented a higher protein source than domestic animals.  相似文献   

高瑶  王华  郎剑锋 《人类学学报》2023,42(2):238-247
小高遗址是山东地区近年来发现的一处全新世早期遗址,出土有大量的獐骨骼。本文主要从年龄结构、季节性特征及骨骼单元分布频率等角度对獐的骨骼进行研究。年龄结构的研究结果显示,人类的狩猎对象以7-24个月的青年和中年的个体为主;且越到晚期,未成年个体所占比例越高,这表明大多数獐是在接近或达到最大体重后成为人类的狩猎对象,且人类狩猎活动对獐的种群结构造成了一定影响。季节性研究结果显示,人类对獐的狩猎活动多发生在食物资源比较短缺的冬季及春季。骨骼单元分布频率和骨骼破裂程度研究表明,小高遗址可能还存在对骨髓的充分开发与利用。结合獐的生物学特征,我们认为,小高先民对獐的利用模式符合全新世早期动物资源广谱性和强化利用的特征,也表明人与动物之间存在着密切的互动关系。  相似文献   

Understanding the behavioral adaptations and subsistence strategies of Middle Paleolithic humans is critical in the debate over the evolution and manifestations of modern human behavior. The study of faunal remains plays a central role in this context. Until now, the majority of Levantine archaeofaunal evidence was derived from late Middle Paleolithic sites. The discovery of faunal remains from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel (>200 ka), allowed for detailed taphonomic and zooarchaeological analyses of these early Middle Paleolithic remains. The Misliya Cave faunal assemblage is overwhelmingly dominated by ungulate taxa. The most common prey species is the Mesopotamian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica), followed closely by the mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella). Some aurochs (Bos primigenius) remains are also present. Small-game species are rare. The fallow deer mortality pattern is dominated by prime-aged individuals. A multivariate taphonomic analysis demonstrates (1) that the assemblage was created solely by humans occupying the cave and was primarily modified by their food-processing activities; and (2) that gazelle carcasses were transported complete to the site, while fallow deer carcasses underwent some field butchery. The new zooarchaeological data from Misliya Cave, particularly the abundance of meat-bearing limb bones displaying filleting cut marks and the acquisition of prime-age prey, demonstrate that early Middle Paleolithic people possessed developed hunting capabilities. Thus, modern large-game hunting, carcass transport, and meat-processing behaviors were already established in the Levant in the early Middle Paleolithic, more than 200 ka ago.  相似文献   

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