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2014年11月在海南省临高县测量了415例(男性为211例,女性为204例)临高人的体重、身高及体成分指标值。临高人男性体重、身高、总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、水分率、内脏脂肪等级都大于女性,但总体脂率、躯干及四肢脂肪率则小于女性。随年龄增长,临高男性总体脂率、内脏脂肪等级、躯干脂肪率呈线性上升,而身高、总肌肉量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、躯干肌肉量呈线性下降。男性躯干部位的脂肪逐渐堆积,这导致临高男性总脂肪率、内脏脂肪等级、躯干脂肪率与年龄呈显著线性正相关。随年龄增长,临高女性总体脂率、总肌肉量、BMI、内脏脂肪等级、身体大部分部位的脂肪率、四肢肌肉量都呈线性增长(P<0.05或P<0.01)。女性的躯干和四肢脂肪率共同增加导致总脂肪率的增大,四肢肌肉量的增加导致总肌肉量的增大。临高男性体脂不发达,体脂率小于邻近汉族。临高人体脂发育情况与黎族较为接近。临高人肌肉较为发达。  相似文献   

本文采用生物阻抗分析法,研究了布朗族成人的体成分特点。我们在云南省测量了604例(男性248例,女性356例)布朗族成人19项身体成分指标,运用Excel 2003、Spss 19.0对其各项指标进行统计分析。结果显示,男性全身脂肪分布特征为躯干和下肢的脂肪率都大于上肢脂肪率,女性脂肪率从大到小依次为下肢、躯干、上肢;男、女性双侧下肢脂肪率和肌肉量接近,左上肢肌肉量低、脂肪率高;布朗族男性的身高、体质量、肌肉量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、水分率、内脏脂肪等级均大于女性,而体脂率、BMI小于女性。随着年龄的增长,布朗族成人身体肌肉量、骨量、下肢脂肪率、能量代谢等呈明显下降,而内脏脂肪等级明显增加。与云南汉族比较,布朗族成人的体脂率较低、肌肉较发达。  相似文献   

本文对中国少数民族23352例(男10070例,女13282例)的体成分进行了分析,以了解中国少数民族脂肪率、肌肉量的现状,探讨体成分随年龄增长的变化规律。研究发现,男性和女性总体上属于超重水平,还没有达到肥胖水平。与南方族群男性相比,北方阿尔泰语系族群的男性四肢脂肪率高、内脏脂肪等级高、水分率低。南方族群中,藏缅语族群、苗瑶语族群、壮侗语族群的四肢脂肪率、内脏脂肪等级、水分率相对接近;南亚语系族群与这3个南方族群差距较大。与南方族群女性相比,北方阿尔泰语系族群的女性躯干、四肢肌肉量大,骨骼重;南方4个族群女性躯干、四肢肌肉量较小,骨骼较轻,骨量、肌肉量彼此接近。随年龄增长,男性骨量下降,水分率增大;上肢脂肪率减小,躯干脂肪率增大,内脏脂肪等级增大,即脂肪向躯干集中,全身总体脂率增大;下肢肌肉量减少,躯干肌肉量下降,最终导致全身总肌肉量下降。随年龄增长,女性上肢的脂肪率和肌肉量没有明显变化,下肢的脂肪率下降,躯干脂肪率和内脏脂肪等级增大,总体脂率增大;躯干肌肉量下降,总肌肉量下降。男性推定骨量下降的节点是50岁,女性是60岁。男性总肌肉量下降的节点是40岁,女性是50岁。男性、女性身体水分率增加的节点都是60岁,内脏脂肪等级增加的节点都是30岁,总脂肪率下降的节点都是60岁,躯干脂肪率增加的节点都是30岁,躯干肌肉量下降的节点都是40岁。研究还发现,体脂率、内脏脂肪等级与血糖呈显著正相关。研究结果反映了中国少数民族从青年到老年的体成分变化的基本规律。  相似文献   

1982年和1988年已经有学者报道了黎族体质人类学研究资料,近年来又报道了黎族的分子人类学研究成果。目前未见关于黎族身体组成成分的研究,也没有当前黎族的体质人类学数据。2014年11月,在海南省五指山市5个黎族村寨进行607例(男为308例,女为299例)黎族成人的人体测量。研究发现,黎族人偏瘦,肌肉较发达。随年龄增长,黎族男性体脂率的增加,主要是躯干脂肪率增大造成的,与四肢脂肪率关系不大。男性由于骨量、躯干和四肢肌肉量的下降造成瘦体质量的逐渐减小。随年龄增长,黎族女性的体脂率呈线性增大,总肌肉量呈线性减小。体脂率的逐渐增大是由于躯干和四肢的脂肪率逐渐增加造成的,总肌肉量的逐渐减小是左下肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量逐渐下降造成的。黎族男女均为圆头型、高头型、中头型、阔面型、中鼻型、中躯干型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型、中腿型。与30年前黎族头面部资料相比,本文测量的黎族头宽、面宽值较大,头更圆些、更阔些,面更阔些,红唇较薄,形态面高值较小,男性鼻宽值较小。  相似文献   

体成分指的是身体脂肪、蛋白质、肌肉、水等含量在体质量中所占的百分比。各成分之间的合理比例,对于维持机体的正常运行,十分重要。因此身体成分的研究一直是国内外研究的热点。体成分存在着人种和民族差异,因此它也是人类学研究的重要课题。目前的研究主要集中在中国青少年、大学生的体成分及体成分与其他身体指标的关系,而对于土家族的研究及不同地方间土家族的比较研究匮乏。本文采用生物电阻抗分析法,比较湖南、湖北、贵州土家族成人的体成分特点。旨在更全面的了解土家族的身体成分特点,探讨遗传、环境、饮食等因素对身体成分的影响。方法采取随机取样,测量湖北省、湖南省、贵州省959例(男性411例,平均年龄为53.7±14.2岁,女性548例,平均年龄为51.0±13.6岁)土家族成人19项身体成分指标,运用Excel 2007、SPSS 19.0对其各项指标进行方差分析(ANOVA)、Person相关分析及独立样本T检验分析。不同地区土家族男性身体成分的单因素方差分析结果显示,除总肌肉量、推定骨量、右上肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量外,湖南、湖北和贵州土家族男性各项指标间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同地区的土家族女性中,除体质量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、右上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量、左下肢脂肪率外,其余13项指标间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。根据体脂率标准显示,除湖南土家族女性外,湖北、贵州及湖南土家族成人均属于正常范围,且其肥胖多属于中心性肥胖,脂肪多堆积于腹部,患慢性疾病的可能性较大,这与湖南地区人民生活水平较高有关。三个地区中,湖北省成人的肌肉较发达,湖南、湖北地区成人及贵州地区的女性,都呈现右肢肌肉量略高于左肢肌肉量的趋势,贵州男性左右下肢肌肉量相近;贵州地区推定骨量含量高,其骨骼更强壮。  相似文献   

为了解壮侗语族族群肌肉分布特点以及探讨随年龄增长壮侗语族族群各个部位肌肉量变化的基本特点,使用人体脂肪测量仪采用生物电阻抗法在海南、贵州、广西、云南、湖南五个省、自治区测量了壮侗语族13个族群的身体肌肉量。总样本量为5098例(男性为2126例,女性为2972例)。采用握力计测量了2685例男性和3793例女性的左手、右手握力。研究发现,壮侗语族族群男性、女性肌肉量总体评价接近标准,上下肢肌肉量判断属于标准水平。男性、女性均为躯干肌肉量最大,下肢肌肉量次之,上肢肌肉量最小。男性总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量都大于女性。男性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量、上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量的差异具有统计学意义,而左下肢肌肉量彼此接近;女性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量差异均具有统计学意义。男性除左下肢肌肉量外,其余5项肌肉量指标均与年龄呈显著负相关关系;女性总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量与年龄呈显著负相关,但四肢肌肉量与年龄无显著负相关。壮侗语族族群肌肉量少于北方族群,具有中国南方族群的特点。在南方族群中,壮侗语族族群男性肌肉量中等,女性肌肉量略多一些。  相似文献   

2014年11月在海南省五指山市5个黎族村寨测量了607例(男为308例,女为299例)黎族人体质量、身高等6项体成分指标值,计算了黎族人的体脂率(P_(bf))、瘦体质量(m_l)、脂肪质量(m_f)、瘦体质量指数(I_(lm))、脂肪质量指数(I_(fm))。研究发现,女性体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数都明显大于男性,瘦体质量、瘦体质量指数均明显小于男性。随年龄增长,黎族人身高、瘦体质量逐渐减小,体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数逐渐增大。受试者特征曲线显示身体质量指数、脂肪质量指数都可以适宜评价黎族人的体脂率,而且脂肪质量指数对体脂率的估算准确性比身体质量指数更高。这也提示脂肪质量指数是比身体质量指数评价肥胖更好的指标。  相似文献   

为研究门巴族、珞巴族和夏尔巴人的身体成分特点,2016年在西藏采用生物电阻抗法测量了门巴族276例(男性为98例,女性为178例)、珞巴族93例(男性为34例,女性为59例)和夏尔巴人181例(男性为97例,女性为84例)的19项身体成分指标。运用Excel2003和SPSS19对各项指标进行统计学分析。结果显示,门巴族女性和珞巴族女性体脂率均值处于肥胖范围。门巴族男性内脏脂肪等级均数为10.26,属于内脏肥胖型,这可能会导致相关疾病的高发。门巴族与珞巴族男性身体成分具有明显的一致性,且与藏族、木雅人男性接近。3个族群女性肌肉量接近,夏尔巴人男性肌肉量低于门巴族和珞巴族,但夏尔巴人体重轻,肌肉率远高于门巴族和珞巴族。目前国内对门巴族、珞巴族和夏尔巴人的体成分研究尚处于空白。此次调查研究,丰富了西藏地区人群的体质数据,对提高营养健康水平和身体素质具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

本项目采用人体测量法,测量了976名(男性528人,女性448人)湖南土家族成人的身高、体质量以及肱三头肌、肩胛下、髂前上和小腿内侧皮褶的厚度,并根据公式计算体密度、体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数、瘦体质量和瘦体质量指数。结果显示随年龄增长,小腿内侧皮褶厚度值逐渐减小,肱三头肌、肩胛下和髂前上棘皮褶以及体脂率、脂肪质量、瘦体质量、体质量指数、脂肪质量指数和瘦体质量指数值先增大后减小,体密度值先减小后增大;各年龄组中体密度、瘦体质量及其指数值女性明显低于男性,4项皮褶厚度值以及体脂率、脂肪质量及其指数值女性高于男性;与布朗族等24个族群比较,湖南土家族成人皮褶厚度处于中等水平,与门巴族、珞巴族、僜人、彝族等族群的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

本文分析了在广西调研的860例(毛南族200例、仫佬族200例、苗族244例、瑶族216例)少数民族女性的体成分数据,结果发现:1)不同民族的体成分比较,脂肪量苗族最高,仫佬族最低,肌肉量毛南族最高,苗族最低,组间差异多数具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2)广西毛南族、仫佬族、苗族和瑶族成年女性的身体质量指数(I_(bm))、腰臀比(R_(wh))及体脂肪率(P_(bf))差异明显,根据I_(bm)、R_(wh)或P_(bf)评价的肥胖人数比率最高的均为苗族,且与其它民族的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3)广西毛南族、仫佬族、苗族和瑶族女性的脂肪量均随年龄的增长先升高,一般至50-54岁达高峰再稍下降,而去脂体重随年龄的增长逐渐波动降低;四民族女性的肌肉量总体随年龄的增长呈波动下降的趋势,毛南族最为明显;四民族各年龄段之间的体成分比较,组间差异绝大多数具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。综上所述,体成分存在民族差异,苗族女性的体成分状况最不健康,表现为脂肪含量过高而肌肉量和骨量偏低;随年龄的增长,本研究四个少数民族的体成分均可能呈现少肌性肥胖和骨质疏松的危险倾向。  相似文献   

North Western European populations of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) appear to have been saved from extinction by settling, i.e. stopping migration. Settled storks exposed to winter conditions must cope with periods of potentially high energy demands that would otherwise be avoided by the migration process. Doubly labeled water (DLW) was therefore used to examine the seasonal variation (summer vs winter) in daily energy expenditure (DEE) and the body composition of adult and immature storks of both sexes. Male White Storks showed a higher DEE over the winter period than in summer compared with females; in particular, immature males exhibited greater energy expenditure in winter than adult males. Thus, the DEE did not significantly differ between summer and winter (except for immature males), reflecting an absence of thermoregulation cost in winter. For both age classes, total body mass increased in winter, which was mainly due to an increase in fat mass. Adult storks were 5% heavier than immature storks. The sexes differed in body mass, with males weighing significantly more than females by 11%. Mean LBM (lean body mass) was 8.5% higher in adults than in immatures, and was 11.5% higher in males compared with females. Between their first and second summers, immatures accumulated a lean body mass to finally reach the same values as adults, indicating a phase of muscle development. The mean fat mass of the storks did not differ between age classes or between sexes. Based on physiological parameters, this study shows that settled White Storks are able to cope with mild winter periods when they are artificially provided with food. In a view to preserve favourable habitats for this species, it is therefore necessary to decide on a plan of action for breeding areas.  相似文献   

Maninder Kaur  Indu Talwar 《HOMO》2011,62(5):374-385
The aim of the present cross-sectional study is to describe and compare age related changes in body composition and fat patterning among rural and urban Jat females of Haryana State, India. A total of 600 females (rural = 300, urban = 300), ranging in age from 40 to 70 years were selected by the purposive sampling method. Body weight, height, two circumferences (waist and hip) and skinfold thickness at five different sites (biceps, triceps, calf, subscapular, and supra-iliac) were taken on each participant. To study total adiposity, indices such as body mass index (BMI), grand mean thickness (GMT), total body fat and percentage fat were analyzed statistically. The fat distribution pattern was studied using waist/hip ratio, subscapular/triceps ratio and responsiveness of five skinfold sites towards accumulation of fat at different sites with advancing age. Results indicate a decline in almost every dimension including level of fatness between the mid-fourth and mid-fifth decades of life in both rural and urban females. Urban Jat females were heavier (57.36 kg vs. 56.07 kg, p > 0.05) and significantly taller (1553.3 mm vs. 1534.5 mm, p < 0.001) than their rural counterparts. Urban females also exhibited higher mean values for both the circumferences, five skinfold thicknesses as well as for lean body mass, total fat and percentage fat than the rural females. This is also evident from their higher mean values for body mass index and grand mean thickness. Waist/hip ratio values in rural and urban females showed upper body fat predominance, with urban females having relatively more abdominal fat. Results of subscapular/triceps ratio showed that rural and urban females gained proportionally similar amounts of subcutaneous fat at trunk and extremity sites until 45 years of age. Subsequently trunk skinfolds increased relatively more in thickness. The magnitude of this increase was comparatively greater in rural females up to 55 years and among urban females from 55 to 70 years. The profiles of subcutaneous fat accumulation and sensitivity of each skinfold site also revealed more fat deposition in the trunk region compared to extremities in both rural and urban females. The present study demonstrated differential rates of fat redistribution among rural and urban females.  相似文献   

Severe growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) induces a well-defined clinical entity encompassing, amongst the most reported features, abnormalities of body composition, in particular increased fat mass, especially truncal, and reduced lean body mass. The results from virtually all treatment studies are in agreement that GH replacement improves the body composition profile of GHD patients by increasing lean body mass and reducing fat mass. More recently, the observations have been extended to adults with partial GHD, defined by a peak GH response to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia of 3-7 microg/l. These patients exhibit abnormalities of body composition similar in nature to those described in adults with severe GHD; these include an increase in total fat mass of around 3.5 kg and a reduction of lean body mass of around 5.5 kg. The increase in fat mass is predominantly distributed within the trunk. The degree of abnormality of body composition is intermediate between that of healthy subjects and that of adults with GHD. The impact of GH replacement on body composition in adults with GH insufficiency, although predictable, has not been formally documented. The skeleton is another biological endpoint affected by GH status: in adults with severe GHD, low bone mass has been reported using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and other quantitative methodologies. The importance of low bone mass, in any clinical setting, is as a surrogate marker for the future risk of fracture. Several retrospective studies have documented an increased prevalence of fractures in untreated GHD adults. Hypopituitary adults with severe GHD have reduced markers of bone turnover which normalize with GH replacement, indicating that GH, directly or via induction of insulin-like growth factor-I, is intimately involved in skeletal modelling. Whilst the evidence that GH plays an important role in the acquisition of bone mass during adolescence and early adult life is impressive, the impact of GHD acquired later in adulthood is less clear. Recently we examined the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) and age in 125 untreated adults with severe GHD using DEXA. A significant positive correlation was observed between BMD (z-scores) and age at all skeletal sites studied. Overall, few patients, except those aged less than 30 years, had significantly reduced bone mass (i.e. a BMD z-score of less than -2); correction of BMD to provide a pseudo-volumetric measure of BMD suggested that reduced stature of the younger patients may explain, at least in part, this higher frequency of subnormal BMD z-scores. Despite normal BMD, however, an increase in fracture prevalence may still be observed in elderly GHD adults as a consequence of increased falls related to muscle weakness and visual field defects.  相似文献   

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