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先进固体发酵技术(ASSF)生产甜高粱乙醇   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了利用高产能源作物甜高粱生产燃料乙醇的先进固态发酵(ASSF)技术,从甜高粱茎秆保存、菌种、反应器,到固体发酵过程的数学模拟和工程放大进行了系统研究。筛选出高效产乙醇的菌种CGMCC1949,固体发酵时间低于30 h,乙醇收率高于92%;优选出贮存甜高粱茎秆的有效方法,通过抑菌处理,厌氧贮存200 d糖分损失小于5%;对固态发酵过程进行了数学模拟,设计并优化了固体发酵设备,成功进行了工程放大试验,并且基于ASPEN软件对该技术进行了技术经济评价,结果表明ASSF法生产甜高粱乙醇在技术、工程和经济上均具有充分的可行性和明显优势。  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,研究了4种施肥方式(CK、A1、A2、A3)对2个甜高粱品种‘新高粱3号’(XT-2)和‘新高粱9号’(T601)秸秆生物产量、糖分含量和蔗糖代谢相关酶活性的影响。结果表明:(1)施肥方式对2个品种的生育天数没有影响;品种XT-2以氮、磷、钾后移改进作追肥施入处理(A3)的生物产量最高(54 916.96kg/hm2),而T601以生育前期施入磷、钾肥全部作基肥一次施入处理(A1)的生物产量最高(64 136.60kg/hm2),两者分别比CK(不施肥)增产14.96%和10.48%。(2)甜高粱秸秆总糖含量与蔗糖含量随生育期变化趋势基本一致,秸秆总糖含量在拔节期很低,其基本从挑旗期开始积累,并于成熟期达到最高值,且以XT-2品种在A3处理下的总糖含量最高(达到鲜基重12.7%)。(3)施肥方式对甜高粱秸秆蔗糖磷酸合成酶合成酶(SPS)和蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性的影响很明显,并以品种T601在A3处理下的SS活性最高(266.74mg.g-1.h-1)、品种XT-2在A1处理下的SPS活性最高(431.21mg.g-1.h-1),且二者均与其他处理差异极显著。研究发现,适宜施肥方式能显著提高甜高粱秸秆的生物产量、糖分含量和蔗糖代谢相关酶(SS、SPS)活性,从而有效改善甜高粱品质,增加其产量。  相似文献   

在近期建设项目中:总投资13.5亿元、年产10万吨甜高粱茎秆燃料乙醇项目于2010年4月20日落户内蒙古自治区五原县。据介绍,该项目总占地面积1500亩,分两期建设,一期工程计划投资4.18亿元,实施年产3万吨级甜高粱茎秆燃料乙醇先进技术集成项目。  相似文献   

先进固态发酵(advanced solid state fermentation,ASSF)生产甜高粱乙醇技术与传统榨汁发酵技术相比,在生产燃料乙醇方面凸显技术优势,近期有望实现大规模商业化.以系列摇瓶实验和10L 固态发酵罐试验为基础,在内蒙巴市五原县就ASSF 法生产甜高粱乙醇中试获得成功:选取醇甜1 号和2 号甜高粱秆(可发酵糖13%~15%,wt)为原料,单批处理量1.0 ~ 1.5t,以专有高产乙醇TS-Sc-1 酵母菌和5m3 转鼓式固态发酵罐为核心,ASSF法生产燃料乙醇,直接固态发酵与蒸馏后获得30% ~ 40%(体积分数)的粗醇溶液,折算可得99.5% 的无水乙醇70 ~ 100kg,0.07 ~ 0.08g 乙醇/g 发酵料(湿基);糟渣粗蛋白含量7%,可替代"黄储"饲料.ASSF 技术外来水消耗很少,几乎无废水产生.中试结果表明:平均13.5 ~ 15.5t 甜高粱秆产1t99.5% 无水乙醇,发酵时间40 ~ 44h,可发酵糖转化率超过95%,最高97% ;无水乙醇实际收率超过90%,最高94%.  相似文献   

不同施肥灌水处理对不同小麦品种产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在小麦生育期间降水47.9 mm的条件下,以3个小麦品种为试验材料,采用四因素三水平正交设计,研究了不同灌水和施肥处理对不同小麦品种子粒产量、蛋白质含量和沉降值的影响。结果表明,全生育期施氮量300 kg/hm2和225 kg/hm2的处理子粒产量和蛋白质含量差异不显著,但均显著高于150kg/hm2的处理。在中产条件下氮肥底施和追施比例以7∶3时产量最高。春季灌4水产量显著高于灌2水的处理,但与灌3水差异不显著,子粒蛋白质含量以灌2水时最高。供试品种中以京冬8号的产量、千粒重、容重最高,CA0206和核优1的蛋白质含量差异不显著,但均显著高于京冬8号。CA0206的沉降值显著高于另两个品种。以产量、品质和经济效益综合考虑,在本试验条件下,以春季灌3水、施氮量225 kg/hm2、底施和追施比例为7∶3的处理为宜,与超高产条件下氮素底施和追施比例5∶5的结果有明显的差异。  相似文献   

中国能源作物甜高粱的空间适宜分布及乙醇生产潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彩霞  谢高地  李士美  盖力强  祁悦 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4765-4770
甜高粱作为能源作物在世界范围内广受关注,但目前对于甜高粱的空间分布及乙醇生产潜力尚缺乏专门的定量研究。依据气候、土壤、地形和土地利用等空间数据以及相关文献资料,探讨了甜高粱在中国的空间适宜分布。研究表明,我国大部分区域均可种植甜高粱;其中可种植的未利用地面积达5919.2×104hm2,主要集中于新疆和内蒙古等省区;而最适宜甜高粱种植的未利用地面积为286.7×104hm2,主要分布在黑龙江、内蒙古、山东和吉林等地。中国未利用地甜高粱乙醇生产潜力较大,在不考虑其它社会经济限制因素下,总乙醇生产潜力可达11838.5×104t以上。最适宜未利用地的甜高粱乙醇生产潜力为573.4×104-2637.8×104t,平均为1075.2×104t,可满足中国目前E20乙醇汽油84.8%的需求。如在适宜性较差和较适宜的未利用地种植甜高粱,应充分考虑开发成本和能源投入等问题。  相似文献   

中国小麦燃料乙醇的能量收益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李胜  路明  杜凤光 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3794-3800
分析了燃料乙醇能量收益问题提出的背景,国外有关燃料乙醇能量收益研究的最新进展及国内研究现状,采用全生命周期分析方法,计算了小麦燃料乙醇净能量值和能量产投比,对中国小麦燃料乙醇的能量收益进行了评价。主要结论有:如不考虑副产品能量价值,旧工艺和新工艺的NEV分别为-17022MJ/t燃料乙醇和-11778MJ/t燃料乙醇,R值分别是0.64和0.72;如考虑副产品能量价值,旧工艺和新工艺的NEV值分别为2271MJ/t燃料乙醇和11249MJ/t燃料乙醇,R值分别是1.05和1.27,从能源经济性角度看,旧工艺和新工艺的能量收益已是正效益,且新工艺的能量收益显著提高;与美国玉米燃料乙醇生产相比,如考虑副产品能量价值,新工艺和美国玉米燃料乙醇的NEV分别为11249MJ/t燃料乙醇和7457MJ/t燃料乙醇,R值分别是1.27和1.34。由于小麦转化率要低于玉米,因而小麦燃料乙醇的R值会低于玉米燃料乙醇。中国小麦燃料乙醇生产(新工艺)NEV大于美国玉米燃料乙醇的原因在于:中国小麦燃料乙醇副产品综合利用水平(23027MJ/t燃料乙醇)已明显优于美国玉米燃料乙醇(5078MJ/t燃料乙醇)。  相似文献   

密度、种植方式和品种对夏玉米群体发育特征的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在豫北高产灌区的生产条件下,以郑单958和浚单20为试验材料,研究了不同密度和种植方式对夏玉米群体发育特征的影响。结果表明:密度和种植方式对两个品种的株高、茎粗、穗位、叶面积指数(LAI)、叶绿素含量、干物质积累量、穗部性状、籽粒产量和经济系数的影响达到极显著水平。郑单958在宽窄行种植方式和90000株/hm2的密度下产量最高,达到14236.97kg/hm2,浚单20在宽窄行种植方式和82500株/hm2的密度下产量最高,达到13333.51kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为探讨甘蔗-大豆间作模式对大豆鲜荚产量和农艺性状的影响,于2009—2011年连续3年在广州市华南农业大学农场进行大田试验,试验设置2种施氮水平(常规施氮(525kg·hm-2)和减量施氮(300kg·hm-2))和3种种植模式(甘蔗-大豆(1∶1)、甘蔗-大豆(1∶2)、单作大豆)。结果表明:甘蔗-大豆间作(1∶2)模式下,2009年减量施氮水平的大豆鲜荚产量较常规施氮水平提高了33%,2010和2011年不同施氮水平间均无显著差异;甘蔗-大豆间作模式对大豆的单株鲜荚重、多粒荚数和百粒鲜重无显著影响;大豆单株鲜荚重与多粒荚数在不同种植模式下均呈显著相关(P<0.05),在常规施氮间作模式下与大豆单株荚数呈显著相关(P<0.05)。甘蔗-大豆间作没有降低大豆的单株鲜荚产量,也没有对大豆的农艺性状产生负面影响,从增产增收、提高土地生产力来考虑,减量施氮模式下甘蔗-大豆间作具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

食药兼用的野生水芹菜资源趋于匮乏,调研与总结出在兴义市水源条件好的耕地,应用"水芹菜优质高产栽培技术",每年能采收5~6批次,年产鲜优质水芹菜15~20 t/hm2,产值﹙市场价8~10元/kg﹚10万~12万元/hm2这项技术包括:以有机肥为主、禁用农药防治病虫害、栽培地选择、精心整地与作厢、水芹菜种选择与处理、分期播种和方式及密度、施肥品种和数量及方式、田间管理、定时采收与分级包装、越冬管理等措施。  相似文献   

Competitive ability of a traditional winter wheat cultivar (Maris Widgeon) was compared with two modem cultivars (Hereward and Genesis) when grown organically in each of four seasons in Gloucestershire, UK. In two seasons, cultivars were compared at two sowing dates (September and October or November). Cv. Maris Widgeon was the tallest cultivar and intercepted most photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), particularly if sown early. Cv. Hereward was taller than cv. Genesis when sown early. Cv. Maris Widgeon accumulated most nitrogen and dry matter early in the season (until the end of March) when sown early, but not when sown late. Relative nitrogen and dry matter accumulation by cultivars later in the season depended on season and sowing date. In one season cv. Maris Widgeon had significantly more early season ground cover. Cultivars did not differ significantly in early tiller production. Although most of these indirect measures of competitive ability were greater for the older variety cv. Maris Widgeon, infestation of Veronica spp. was greater in plots of this cultivar than in plots of either one or both of the shorter cultivars in two successive seasons. In the 1993/94 season, the soil seedbank from plots previously cropped with cv. Maris Widgeon produced more seedlings of Sinapis awensis. In the 1994 / 95 season, cv. Maris Widgeon plots contained less weed in terms of ground cover, numbers, dry matter and nitrogen than the other cultivars, and soil sampled from plots previously cropped with cv. Hereward sown late gave rise to larger numbers of weeds than cv. Maris Widgeon. Sowing date affected weed burdens and emergence to a much greater extent than wheat cultivar. In years and sowing date treatments with relatively low weed presence the shorter cultivars tended to yield more than cv. Maris Widgeon. When weed burdens were severe cv. Maris Widgeon yields were equal to or greater than those of either cvs Hereward or Genesis. The results suggest that the traditional tall cv. Maris Widgeon could be used beneficially to tolerate weeds in organic systems when high weed infestations were anticipated, but could not be relied upon to suppress weed development, and in some circumstances could actually encourage certain species.  相似文献   

转基因抗草甘膦抗虫棉的荒地生存竞争能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】随着转基因作物的大量种植,其环境安全性已成为目前的研究热点,其中转基因作物的荒地生存竞争能力,是其环境安全性评价的重要内容之一。【方法】以2种转双价抗草甘膦抗虫基因(EPSPS+crylAc)棉为试验品种,非转基因棉中棉所49为对照品种,分别于4月底和5月底在荒地用地表撒播和3cm深播2种方式播种,并于4~9月份对棉花存活率、株高、真叶数、茎直径、果枝数、蕾铃数等生长参数进行比较,以检测、评价其荒地竞争能力及杂草化风险。【结果】无论是撒播还是深播,荒地中棉花长势均较弱,表现为生长缓慢、植株矮小、生育期延迟。4月底播种的棉花有极个别植株能够结铃,但铃数极少且小,无成熟的种子;5月底播种的棉花长势更弱,至9月底未见蕾铃。【结论与意义】转基因抗草甘膦抗虫棉在荒地中无竞争优势,不能繁殖传代,无杂草化风险。本研究为转基因棉花环境安全评价技术的完善提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

不同发育时期中华绒螯蟹血淋巴渗透压的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾全保  何林岗 《动物学报》1990,36(2):165-171
中华绒螯蟹血淋巴渗透压随不同的生长阶段而异;不论是在淡水中,还是在不同盐浓度的海水中,都具有保持血淋巴高渗调节控制的能力。青春期前,6—9月份,血淋巴渗透压自390mOsm/Kg H_2O升至560mOsm/Kg H_2O;青春期后,9—12月份,自555mOsm/Kg H_2O升至656mOsm/Kg H_2O,但12月到翌年3月份却明显下降。雌蟹从淡水移入海水后的血淋巴渗透压调升速度,青春期后是青春期前的三倍左右。  相似文献   

 We studied nectar characteristics during the long flowering period (late June to end of November) in two populations of Linaria vulgaris (L.) Mill. spontaneously growing in the Botanical Gardens of Siena University (Tuscany, central Italy). The two populations were close to each other but they differed in blooming period. Plants of population 1 sprouted in May and flowered from the end of June to the end of September. Population 2 sprouted at the end of August and flowered from September to the end of November. Differences in nectar production and composition were found between and within populations. Flowers of population 1 produced a very small amount of nectar (not collectable) that remained on the nectary surface. The quantity of nectar increased in late September, when each flower produced 2–3 μl of nectar that flowed into the spur. Total sugar concentration was 175.8 mg/ml in young flowers. Flowers of population 2 produced 5–8 μl of nectar with a total sugar concentration of 200.9 mg/ml in the young stage. In bagged senescent flowers nectar volume decreased in both populations and nectar sugar concentration decreased down to 11.6 mg/ml in population 2 and increased up to 289.6 mg/ml in population 1. For both populations, the decrease in nectar volume in bagged flowers may have been due to water loss by evaporation. In population 2, the decrease in sugar concentration may have been due to nectar reabsorption that was never observed in population 1. Nectar variability is discussed in relation to insect visits and seed set. Received August 14, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

叶片出生动态是小麦生长发育进程及其协调状况的重要表现,研究发现,小科叶片出生与播后累积GDD(fgrowing degree days after sowing)的关系遵循两段(阶段Ⅰ快于阶段Ⅱ)线性模式,护颖分化期为两段模式的分界点,这一规律在正常发育的冬性和春性品种的7主茎及分蘖中表现一致,冬性品种播期1(9月30日)、播期3(3月2日)的主茎及冬、春性品种各播期的T3分蘖,因生长发育异常而”  相似文献   

The concentrations of four common taxoids: baccatin III, paclitaxel, cephalomannine and 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB III) were measured in fresh needles and stems of Taxus baccata L. during the late autumn-spring period (November'96-April'97) which has not been investigated to date in this species. Baccatin III, paclitaxel and 10-DAB III were present on the surface of the twigs in concentrations of 8-26 micrograms/1000 g (fresh weight). Changes in the levels of baccatin III and paclitaxel inside the needles and stems showed similar trends over the investigated period. From November to March the total level of taxoids differed between the needles and stems, and were the same only in April. Total levels in fresh needles were stable from December to March. The highest concentrations of 10-DAB III in the whole analysed period in fresh stems were measured, as well as in the fresh needles except for samples collected in November and December when the levels of cephalomannine were higher. The concentrations of paclitaxel were usually the lowest. These results confirm that epigenetic factors--date of collection (and thus phyllogenesis) and kind of plant tissue--determine taxoid levels during the late autumn-spring period in T. baccata. The opposite patterns of changes for 10-DAB III and cephalomannine, especially in the fresh needles, suggest a possible role for 10-DAB III in the biosynthetic pathway to cephalomannine, a less polar taxoid with a side-chain at position C-13. As well, owing to the thermolability of taxoids, the influence of low temperatures in December and January could explain the highest observed concentrations of 10-DAB III in the fresh stems and needles, respectively.  相似文献   

为了解热带地区树木的季节性生长动态和规律,在西双版纳热带季节雨林利用高精度生长仪和微树芯法对落叶树种多花白头树的径向生长季节动态进行监测。结合木质部非结构性碳水化合物和环境因子的监测,分析其形成层活动和径向季节动态的生理生态驱动因子。结果表明: 在2020年,生长仪的监测显示,多花白头树于5月底(儒略日DOY:149.3±7.2)开始生长,8月底(DOY:241.0±14.7)生长结束,年生长量为3.12 mm,最大生长速率为0.04 mm·d-1。而微树芯法显示,扩大细胞3月9日(DOY:69.2±6.2)开始出现,9月19日(DOY:262.8±2.8)细胞加厚结束,木质部生长量为1.76 mm,最大生长速率为0.009 mm·d-1。多花白头树径向日生长量与生长季的降水、相对湿度、日最低气温、深度为20 cm的土壤含水量和温度呈显著正相关,而与日最高气温、水汽压亏缺、最大风速和水汽压呈显著负相关。多花白头树边材淀粉含量和可溶性糖含量均在生长季开始之前保持较高水平,淀粉含量在3月底达到最低,而可溶性糖含量5月中旬达到最低,随着生长季的结束淀粉和可溶性糖的含量分别在10月中旬和12月底达到最高。  相似文献   

鲁北滨海盐生草甸獐茅群落生长季动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
作者在1982—1984年度对鲁北滨海盐土区的山东省沾化草场改良实验站的獐茅(Aeluropus littoralis var.sinensis)群落生长季内的群落动态及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究(其中1982—1983年配合草场站工作进行月份观测),认为温度的变化与群落生长季内的节律性有明显的相关性。根据生物量的变化,把一个完整的生长季划分为上升期和下降期两个时期,并讨论了这两个时期中生物量、半月平均气温和时间的关系以及生物量和半月平均气温的关系。  相似文献   

In a series of three field experiments with factorial design, on sites that had not grown lupins previously, sowing date was the main factor affecting over-winter survival of autumn-sown white lupin. In 1993, the sowing dates (23 September and 20 October) were too late to prevent much plant death in autumn and early winter, with the onset of frosts. In 1994, the sowing dates (30 August and 22 September) were early enough to prevent severe frost damage, but infestations of bean seed fly (Delia platura) occurred, more in the later than in the earlier sown crops, causing wilting and plant death. Losses were decreased where furothiocarb seed treatment was applied. In 1995, losses were greater in early-sown (12 September) than in later sown (28 September) crops; plant death was gradual, occurring into the spring, and was apparently associated with over-development of young shoots before an unusually long, cold winter. A chlorpyrifos spray (13 or 29 September for early or late sown plots, respectively) slightly increased survival, possibly by controlling Thrips angusticeps. Fungicides applied to seed or as sprays in late autumn had little or no effect in these experiments. In another series of experiments to test fungicides, in 1992-93 and 1993-94, survival was poor following late sowing (in October), but was increased by application of prochloraz in December or January, or, in 1994, by seed treatment with thiram.  相似文献   

Rabbits are serious economic and environmental pests in New Zealand's semi arid lands, yet there is surprisingly little quantitative information about their grazing impacts. This paper describes the shortterm gains in pasture yield following protection from rabbit grazing in a rabbit-prone, dry tussock grassland community in Central Otago. During the four most productive plant growing months of 1994 (September to December), a six-fold increase in pasture yield was observed after protection from rabbit grazing (139 kg dry weight ha(-1) with rabbits cf. 853 kg DW ha(-1) without rabbits). Rabbit counts were 30 to 42 rabbits per spotlight km. The following four months (January to April) were characterised by reduced pasture growth (3 kg DW/ha with rabbits cf. 337 kg DW ha(-1) without rabbits) and higher rabbit numbers (42-76 rabbits per spotlight km), and was a critical period of herbage depletion. These substantial differences in pasture yield indicate the potential benefits for pastoral production and land conservation following protection from rabbits.  相似文献   

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