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简述调控线粒体形态变化的分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线粒体是细胞内高度动态变化的细胞器,其在细胞内不断运动、融合、分裂并形成动态平衡的网状结构。线粒体的融合和分裂是由多种蛋白精确调控完成。Mfns/Fz01P控制线粒体外膜的融合,而Mgmlp/OPA1则参与线粒体内膜的融合;Dnm1p/Drp1、Fis1p/Fis1和Mdv1p介导线粒体分裂的调控。线粒体形态对于细胞维持正常生理代谢和机体发育起着重要的作用,一旦调控出现障碍会导致严重的疾病。  相似文献   

线粒体分裂、融合与细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线粒体是高度动态变化的细胞器,其在细胞内不断分裂、融合并形成网状结构。线粒体的分裂和融合是由多种蛋白质精确调控完成的。Drp1/Dnm1p,Fis1/Fis1p,Caf4p和Mdv1p参与线粒体分裂的调控;Mfn1/2/Fzo1p控制线粒体外膜的融合,而Mgm1p/OPA1则参与线粒体内膜的融合。在细胞凋亡过程中线粒体片段化,网状结构被破坏,线粒体嵴发生重构,抑制这一过程可以部分抑制细胞色素c的释放和细胞凋亡。线粒体形态对于细胞维持正常生理代谢和机体发育起着重要的作用,一旦出现障碍会导致严重的疾病。  相似文献   

在活细胞内线粒体融合与分裂间的动态平衡影响着线粒体的形态、数量以及在细胞中的分布。由于线粒体融合涉及四层膜,因而需要特殊的融合机制,以保证线粒体融合的正常进行。章着重对线粒体融合过程以及与线粒体融合有关的蛋白质进行了综述,指出:线粒体内膜的融合与外膜的融合由大约800kDa的蛋白复合物(称之为“融合装置”)耦联在一起,与此有关的蛋白质有Fzolp、Ugolp和Mmmlp等。  相似文献   

线粒体是一种处于高度运动状态的频繁地进行融合与分裂的细胞器.在生理状态下,线粒体的融合与分裂处于一种平衡的状态,这种平衡受线粒体融合蛋白1/2(Mfn1/2)、视神经萎缩蛋白1(OPA1)和动力相关蛋白1(Drp1)的调节. Mfn1/2介导线粒体外膜的融合,而OPA1则参与线粒体内膜的融合,这些蛋白受泛素化和蛋白水解的调控. Drp1参与线粒体的分裂过程,受多种翻译后修饰的调节,如磷酸化、泛素化、SUMO化和S 硝基化.对于神经元来说,线粒体融合分裂的动态平衡对保证神经元末梢长距离运输和能量平均分布是非常重要的.因此,线粒体融合分裂异常可能是许多神经变性疾病的致病因素之一.对线粒体融合而言,Mfn2错义突变将导致遗传性运动感觉神经病2型(CMT2A);OPA1错义突变将引起显性遗传性视神经萎缩(ADOA),而就线粒体分裂而言,Drp1突变与多系统功能障碍的新生儿致死性相关.  相似文献   

线粒体融合分裂平衡是线粒体动力学的需要。本研究观察12周规律有氧运动对APP/PS1双转基因小鼠中枢神经元线粒体融合分裂动态平衡的影响。本研究采用3月龄雄性APP/PS1小鼠(AD模型)随机分为AD安静组(AS)、AD运动组(AE),同月龄雄性C57BL/6J小鼠做正常对照组(CS)。AE组进行12周规律跑台运动,5 d/周,60 min/d。前10 min运动速度12 m/min,后50 min运动速度15 m/min,跑台坡度为0°。八臂迷宫实验检测小鼠工作记忆错误频率和参考记忆错误频率;Western印迹检测小鼠皮层、海马组织中线粒体分裂蛋白Drp1和Fis1的含量,以及Drp1的活性(p-Drp1-Ser616)、线粒体融合蛋白Mfn1、Mfn2、Opa1的表达水平;透射电镜观察皮层、海马线粒体形态结构、健康线粒体比率及线粒体平均直径。本研究证实AS组较CS组工作记忆错误频率显著提高(P<0.05),12周有氧运动显著降低工作记忆错误频率(P<0.05)。AS组小鼠皮层Fis1蛋白和海马脑区Drp1、Fis1蛋白表达水平及皮层、海马脑区Drp1蛋白的活性增加(P<0.05)。而皮层Mfn1和海马Mfn1、Mfn2蛋白表达水平显著降低(P<0.05)。12周有氧运动显著减低Fis1、Drp1蛋白表达及Drp1蛋白的活性,提高Mfn1、Mfn2蛋白表达水平(P<0.05)。AS组小鼠皮层、海马线粒体多呈现球形,部分线粒体膜结构消失,线粒体嵴结构紊乱。且AS组较CS组小鼠健康线粒体比率降低、直径缩短。12周规律有氧运动可明显改善线粒体形态和结构,提高健康线粒体比率及直径。本研究提示,12周规律有氧运动可有效抑制皮层、海马脑区线粒体分裂蛋白Drp1和 Fis1的表达,降低Drp1的活性(p-Drp1-Ser616),上调线粒体融合蛋白Mfn1、Mfn2的蛋白表达水平,改善线粒体形态和结构以促进线粒体质量控制,是有氧运动改善AD模型空间学习记忆能力的分子机制之一。  相似文献   

为研究跑台运动对APP/PS1小鼠海马线粒体融合、分裂作用的影响,将遗传背景为C57BL/6的3月龄APP/PS1小鼠和野生小鼠各42只分别随机分为APP/PS1安静对照组(ADC,n=21)和运动组(ADE,n=21),野生安静对照组(WTC,n=21)和运动组(WTE,n=21)。ADE、WTE组进行12周跑台运动,同时ADC、WTC组置于安静跑台环境。水迷宫实验检测小鼠的空间学习记忆能力,RT-PCR法检测线粒体功能关键酶的mRNA水平,Western印迹检测海马融合、分裂及线粒体关键酶的蛋白质表达情况,透射电镜观察海马线粒体融合、分裂状态。结果发现,6月龄APP/PS1小鼠学习记忆能力降低(P<0.05);海马线粒体融合蛋白质Mfn1、Mfn2、Opa1表达降低(P<0.05),线粒体分裂蛋白质Drp1、Mff表达增高(P<0.05);线粒体膜结构模糊,嵴不明显,线粒体碎片增多,空泡化线粒体增多;线粒体呼吸关键酶COX IV及ATP合酶表达均下调(P<0.05)。12周跑台运动可逆转APP/PS1小鼠的上述变化,改善海马线粒体结构和功能,提高学习记忆能力。综上提示:12周跑台运动改善APP/PS1小鼠学习记忆能力的机制可能与其对线粒体结构与功能的改善有关。  相似文献   

心血管并发症是糖尿病患者死亡的首要原因。其中,糖尿病心肌病是排除了高血压、冠心病所致的心肌损伤后的一类特异性心肌病,其特征在于心肌细胞的代谢异常和心脏功能的逐渐衰退,临床表现为早期心肌舒张功能受损,晚期心肌收缩功能受损,最终发展为心力衰竭。线粒体是心肌细胞内提供能量的主要细胞器,线粒体动力学是指线粒体进行融合和分裂的动态过程,是线粒体质量控制的重要途径,线粒体动力学在维持线粒体稳态与心脏功能中起着至关重要的作用。调节线粒体分裂的蛋白主要是Drp1及其受体Fis1、MFF、MiD49和MiD51,执行线粒体外膜融合的蛋白为Mfn1/2,内膜融合蛋白为Opa1。本文综述了近期在糖尿病心肌病线粒体动力学方面的系列研究成果:1型与2型糖尿病心肌病的线粒体动力学失衡均表现为分裂增加与融合受阻,前者的分子机制主要是Drp1上调与Opa1下调,后者的分子机制主要为Drp1上调与Mfn1/2下调,线粒体分裂增加和融合受阻可导致线粒体功能障碍,促进糖尿病心肌病的发生、发展。中药单体安石榴苷、丹皮酚和内源性物质褪黑素等活性成分可通过抑制线粒体分裂或促进线粒体融合,改善线粒体功能,减轻糖尿病心肌病症状。本文...  相似文献   

线粒体质量控制对于线粒体网络的稳态和线粒体功能的正常发挥具有重要意义。三磷酸腺苷酶家族蛋白3A(ATAD3A)是同时参与调节线粒体结构功能、线粒体动力学和线粒体自噬等重要生物学过程的线粒体膜蛋白之一。近期研究表明,ATAD3A既可与Mic60/Mitofilin和线粒体转录因子A (TFAM)等因子相互作用以维持线粒体嵴的形态和氧化磷酸化功能,又能与发动蛋白相关蛋白1 (Drp1)结合而正性/负性调节线粒体分裂,还可作为线粒体外膜转位酶(TOM)复合物和线粒体内膜转位酶(TIM)复合物之间的桥接因子而介导PTEN诱导激酶(PINK1)输入线粒体进行加工,显示出促自噬或抗自噬活性。本文对ATAD3A在调控线粒体质量控制中的作用及其机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

线粒体融合蛋白Mfn1/2的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线粒体融合素基因(mitofusin gene,Mfn)在哺乳动物中编码两种蛋白质分子,Mfn1和Mfn2,它们在线粒体融合、分裂与细胞凋亡中起重要作用,调控着线粒体形态的动态变化。另外,Mfn1/2还参与线粒体的能量代谢并与相关疾病的发生有着密切关系。  相似文献   

线粒体是持续进行分裂和融合的动态细胞器。近年来,除了线粒体代谢作用相关的研究之外,线粒体动力学也开始逐渐引起研究的关注。越来越多的研究表明,线粒体动力学与肿瘤细胞生物学行为具有相关性。线粒体分裂蛋白1(mitochondrial fission protein 1, FIS1)介导线粒体分裂复合物的组装,参与线粒体分裂,是线粒体融合分裂过程中重要的蛋白质。然而,鲜有研究揭示FIS1在人宫颈癌中的表达及其作用。本研究对比了宫颈癌组织以及癌旁组织的转录物组数据,结果显示,与癌旁组织相比,人宫颈癌组织中的FIS1 mRNA水平明显降低(P<0.01)。进一步进行宫颈癌组织FIS1高表达组与低表达组的差异基因分析,发现差异基因主要与线粒体功能相关。随后,进行FIS1过表达后HeLa细胞增殖、迁移、线粒体裂变以及ROS水平的相关分析。结果显示,过表达FIS1基因,HeLa细胞增殖及迁移能力显著降低,细胞内线粒体裂变程度加剧并且细胞内ROS水平升高。综合以上结果,FIS1在人宫颈癌细胞中表达水平较低,而过表达FIS1可促使宫颈癌细胞因线粒体动力学失衡而发生一系列生物学功能异常。因此,本研究为进一步研究FIS1在宫颈癌治疗中的作用奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the gene expression of Mitofusion (Mfn) 1 and 2 and Fission 1 (Fis1) and mitochondrial energy metabolism in response to altered energy demand during prolonged exercise in rat skeletal muscle. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were subjected to an acute bout of treadmill running at various durations and killed immediately or during recovery. Mfn1/2 and Fis1 mRNA and protein contents, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, state 3 and state 4 respiration rates, trans-innermembrane potential and ATP synthase activity were measured in isolated muscle mitochondria. We found that (1) Mfn1/2 mRNA contents were progressively decreased during 150 min of exercise, along with decreased Mfn 1 protein levels. Fis1 mRNA and protein contents showed significant increases after 120–150 min of exercise. These changes persisted through the recovery period up to 24 h. (2) Mitochondrial ROS generation and state 4 respiration showed progressive increases up to 120 min, but dropped at 150 min of exercise. (3) State 3 respiration rate and respiratory control index were unchanged initially but decreased at 150 and 120 min of exercise, respectively, whereas ATP synthase activity was elevated at 45 min and returned to resting level thereafter. Our data suggested that the gene expression of mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins in skeletal muscle can respond rapidly to increased metabolic demand during prolonged exercise, which could significantly affect the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Increased levels of dysfunctional mitochondria within skeletal muscle are correlated with numerous age‐related physiopathological conditions. Improving our understanding of the links between mitochondrial function and muscle proteostasis, and the role played by individual genes and regulatory networks, is essential to develop treatments for these conditions. One potential player is the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Fis1, a crucial fission factor heavily involved in mitochondrial dynamics in yeast but with an unknown role in higher‐order organisms. By using Drosophila melanogaster as a model, we explored the effect of Fis1 mutations generated by transposon Minos‐mediated integration. Mutants exhibited a higher ratio of damaged mitochondria with age as well as elevated reactive oxygen species levels compared with controls. This caused an increase in oxidative stress, resulting in large accumulations of ubiquitinated proteins, accelerated muscle function decline, and mitochondrial myopathies in young mutant flies. Ectopic expression of Fis1 isoforms was sufficient to suppress this phenotype. Loss of Fis1 led to unbalanced mitochondrial proteostasis within fly muscle, decreasing both flight capabilities and lifespan. Fis1 thus clearly plays a role in fly mitochondrial dynamics. Further investigations into the detailed function of Fis1 are necessary for exploring how mitochondrial function correlates with muscle health during aging.  相似文献   

Tail-anchored proteins form a distinct class of membrane proteins that have a single membrane anchor sequence at their C-terminus, the tail-anchor. Their N-terminal portion is exposed to the cytosol. We have studied the roles of tail-anchor domains of proteins residing in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Four distinct functions of the tail-anchor domain were identified. First, the domain mediates the targeting to mitochondria in a process that probably requires a net positive charge at the C-terminally flanking segment. Second, tail-anchor domains facilitate the insertion into the mitochondrial outer membrane. Third, the tail-anchor is responsible for the assembly of the respective protein into functional multi-subunit complexes; and fourth, tail-anchor domains can stabilize such complexes.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells are known to display distinct metabolic phenotypes than their somatic counterparts. While accumulating studies are focused on the roles of glucose and amino acid metabolism in facilitating pluripotency, little is known regarding the role of lipid metabolism in regulation of stem cell activities. Here, we show that fatty acid (FA) synthesis activation is critical for stem cell pluripotency. Our initial observations demonstrated enhanced lipogenesis in pluripotent cells and during cellular reprogramming. Further analysis indicated that de novo FA synthesis controls cellular reprogramming and embryonic stem cell pluripotency through mitochondrial fission. Mechanistically, we found that de novo FA synthesis regulated by the lipogenic enzyme ACC1 leads to the enhanced mitochondrial fission via (i) consumption of AcCoA which affects acetylation‐mediated FIS1 ubiquitin–proteasome degradation and (ii) generation of lipid products that drive the mitochondrial dynamic equilibrium toward fission. Moreover, we demonstrated that the effect of Acc1 on cellular reprogramming via mitochondrial fission also exists in human iPSC induction. In summary, our study reveals a critical involvement of the FA synthesis pathway in promoting ESC pluripotency and iPSC formation via regulating mitochondrial fission.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize changes in the expression of mitofusin-1 (Mfn1) and fission-1 (Fis1), as well as in mitochondrial morphology in the kidney of rats subjected to chronic fluorosis and to elucidate whether any mitochondrial injury observed is associated with increased oxidative stress. Sixty Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were divided randomly into 3 groups of 20 each, i.e., the untreated control group (natural drinking water containing <0.5 mg fluoride/L), the low-fluoride group (drinking water supplemented with 10 mg fluoride/L, prepared with NaF) and the high-fluoride group (50 mg fluoride/L), and treated for 6 months. Thereafter, renal expression of Mfn1 and Fis1 at both the protein and mRNA levels was determined by immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR, respectively. In addition, the malondiadehyde (MDA) was quantitated by the thiobarbituric acid procedure and the total antioxidative capability (T-AOC) by a colorimetric method. The morphology of renal mitochondria was observed under the transmission electron microscope. In the renal tissues of rats with chronic fluorosis, expression of both Mfn1 protein and mRNA was clearly reduced, whereas that of Fis1 was elevated. The level of MDA was increased and the T-AOC lowered. Swollen or fragmented mitochondria in renal cells were observed under the electronic microscope. These findings indicate that chronic fluorosis can lead to the abnormal mitochondrial dynamics and changed morphology in the rat kidney, which in mechanism might be induced by a high level of oxidative stress in the disease.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes and mitochondria are metabolically linked organelles, which are crucial to human health and development. The search for components involved in their dynamics and maintenance led to the interesting finding that mitochondria and peroxisomes share components of their division machinery. Recently, it became clear that this is a common strategy used by mammals, fungi and plants. Furthermore, a closer interrelationship between peroxisomes and mitochondria has been proposed, which might have an impact on functionality and disease conditions. Here, we briefly highlight the major findings, views and open questions concerning peroxisomal formation, division, and interrelationship with mitochondria. Presented at the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, Interlaken, Switzerland, October 1–4, 2008.  相似文献   

ERK1/2和p-ERK1/2在肺癌组织中的表达及意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研究细胞外信号调节激酶1/2(extracellular regulated kinase 1/2,ERK1/2)及其磷酸化状态(p-ERK1/2)在不同分化程度肺癌中的表达情况,探讨二者与肺癌侵袭、转移的关系。方法采用免疫组化(Envision)法,检测79例肺癌组织及l2例癌旁正常肺组织中ERK1/2和p-ERK1/2的表达。结果ERK1/2在高、中、低分化组表达率分别为13.6%,39.4%,66.7%,p-ERK1/2在高、中、低分化组表达率分别14.3%,27.3%,79.2%(P〈0.05);无淋巴结转移者阳性率为20%,有淋巴结转移者阳性率为50.1%(P〈0.05)。ERK1/2和p-ERK1/2的表达在不同年龄、性别、肿瘤大小、肿瘤病理类型无显著性差异,而与分化程度有关,其中p-ERK1/2的表达还与有无淋巴结转移有关。结论ERK1/2和p-ERK1/2在肺癌组织中高表达且与分化程度有关。  相似文献   

Mitochondria are key players in aging and cell death. It has been suggested that mitochondrial fragmentation, mediated by the Dnm1/Fis1 organelle fission machinery, stimulates aging and cell death. This was based on the observation that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Δdnm1 and Δfis1 mutants show an enhanced lifespan and increased resistance to cell death inducers. However, the Dnm1/Fis1 fission machinery is also required for peroxisome division. Here we analyzed the significance of peroxisome fission in yeast chronological lifespan, using yeast strains in which fission of mitochondria was selectively blocked. Our data indicate that the lifespan extension caused by deletion of FIS1 is mainly due to a defect in peroxisome fission and not caused by a block in mitochondrial fragmentation. These observations are underlined by our observation that deletion of FIS1 does not lead to lifespan extension in yeast peroxisome deficient mutant cells.  相似文献   

环孢素A对人早孕期滋养细胞MMP-9与MMP-2表达的调控作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的是探讨环孢素A对人早孕期滋养细胞侵袭能力及基质金属蛋白酶9与2 (matrix metalloproteinase 9 and 2,简称MMP-9与MMP-2)表达的调节作用,为治疗反复自然流产等妊娠疾患提供新的线索。侵袭试验观察CsA对人早孕期滋养细胞侵袭能力的调节作用;RT-PCR与明胶酶谱分析CsA对滋养细胞MMP-9与MMP-2 mRNA及蛋白水平表达的影响;In-cell West- ern检测CsA作用后滋养细胞ERK1/2磷酸化水平。结果发现,1.0μmol/L CsA明显增强滋养细胞侵袭能力,MEK激酶抑制剂U0126可抑制CsA对滋养细胞的促侵袭作用;1.0μmol/L CsA可诱导MMP- 9与MMP-2基因的转录与蛋白分泌;该诱导效应同样可被U0126所阻滞;1.0μmol/L CsA以时间依赖方式促进ERK1/2的磷酸化。结果表明,CsA可激活ERK1/2,通过MAPK/ERK1/2途径促进滋养细胞MMP-9与MMP-2基因的转录与蛋白分泌,从而增强滋养细胞的侵袭能力,对滋养细胞生物学功能具有良性调节作用。  相似文献   

在建立乳腺癌细胞MCF-7高转移倾向亚克隆LM-MCF-7细胞株的基础上,为阐明LM-MCF-7细胞具有更强增殖和迁移能力的分子机制,对其相关分子及其信号转导途径进行了探讨.免疫印迹结果显示,与MCF-7细胞相比,LM-MCF-7细胞中p-ERK1/2水平显著升高.流式细胞术和“伤口愈合”实验结果表明,ERK1/2的特异性抑制剂PD98059可明显抑制LM-MCF-7细胞的高增殖和高迁移能力.免疫印迹检测发现,与MCF-7细胞相比,LM-MCF-7细胞中与增殖和迁移相关的因子,如β-catenin、细胞周期蛋白D1、磷酸化肌球蛋白轻链(p-MLC)和肌球蛋白轻链激酶(MLCK)的水平呈明显增高,PD98059对这些因子水平的增高具有抑制作用.免疫荧光染色显示,LM-MCF-7细胞中β-catenin分布在细胞核中,应用PD98059处理后,β-catenin主要分布在胞浆中.上述研究结果表明,在LM-MCF-7细胞中活化的ERK1/2水平升高,是导致该细胞增殖和迁移能力增强的重要原因之一,与ERK1/2-MLCK-p-MLC和ERK1/2-β-catenin 细胞周期蛋白D1等信号转导途径有密切的关系.  相似文献   

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