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应用资源选择函数研究朱Huan的巢址选择   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
本文介绍了资源选择函数的原理与方法,并分析了朱Huan(Nipponia nippon)的巢址选择。我们将上述结果与主成分分析的结果进行了比较,发展两种方法都显示水田面积,营巢树高度,海拔高度和人类干扰程度对朱Huan巢址选择有较大影响,而巢向,巢上郁闭度,坡向和坡度对朱Huan影响较小。然而,两种方法也有明显的差异,资源选择函数显示营巢地的坡位非常重要,而主成分分析显示植被密度比较重要。分析表明资源选择函数更好地反映了多种生境因素对朱Huan巢址选择的影响,本文探讨了应用资源选择函数所必须注意的对照样方选择和参数的独立性问题,并提出了对朱Huan保护工作的建议。  相似文献   

为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

朱鹮冬季觅食地的选择   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
在无线电遥测的基础上 ,采用样方法对朱冬季觅食地进行了调查。朱冬季觅食地有冬水田、河流浅滩和水库 3种类型。成鸟与幼鸟的主要觅食地类型及分布有明显的差别 ,位于海拔 6 0 0~ 10 0 0m的低山区冬水田是朱成鸟冬季最重要的觅食地 ,幼鸟多在汉江流域的河流及浅滩中觅食。对冬水田的主要栖息地特征的方差分析和因子分析的结果表明 :影响朱冬季觅食地选择的主要因子为觅食地的海拔高度、开阔度、面积及人类活动的干扰程度等。冬水田的恢复及保护对朱的保护有着重要的意义  相似文献   

In order to better design conservation programs to conserve threatened species, social, economic and political factors must be carefully considered. The wild population of the endangered Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) is currently only distributed in Yangxian County, Shaanxi province of China, and as the gradual dispersal of its population from the mountains to the plains, the possibility of human-wildlife interaction has increased, which poses certain challenges for conservation and management. Here, we used a questionnaire to investigate public attitudes and willingness to pay (WTP) toward Crested Ibis conservation, and to evaluate relevant influencing factors, with a view to providing recommendations for its management. The results showed that local residents strongly support the conservation of ibis and factors like education level, income, residential area, perception for ibis and prior experiences significantly affected their support for conservation. Results also indicated that the annual WTP was US$18.28 per household, and the potential value of donations is about US$2.45 million per year for Crested Ibis conservation. Regression analysis indicated that income, perception for ibis, prior experience, support for conservation and environmental attitudes had a significant effect on WTP. The comparison between the original research value of the ibis and the predicted value from the Meta-regression analysis function indicated that the benefit transfer values are able to inform policy decisions. Our results can be applied not only to the design of tailored outreach programs and management policies for the Crested Ibis, but also to facilitate conservation and management of other endangered species by encouraging decision makers to use benefit transfer models for the rapid valuation in the absence of species economic information.  相似文献   

朱鹮的保护与研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
朱(Nipponia nippon)是世界濒危鸟类,国家一级重点保护动物,现仅分布于中国陕西洋县及其邻近地区。我国自1981年重新发现野生朱以来,保护工作取得显著成就。本文综述了近年朱保护和研究工作中取得的成绩及进展,提出了当前我国朱保护面临的问题及下一步亟待开展的工作,为该物种的保护和管理提供了科学的建议。  相似文献   

<正>河南董寨国家级自然保护区位于河南省南部信阳市罗山县境内(31°56~32°09 N,114°18~114°30 E),淮河源头,大别山北麓,面积4.68万hm2,是以保护山区森林珍稀鸟类及其栖息地为主的野生动物类型自然保护区。自2007年引入17只朱鹮种群以来,繁殖出朱鹮幼鸟196只。于2013年10月、2014年8月、2015年11月先后向野化释放朱鹮个体78只。截至2015年,野外已发现有7对配对朱鹮繁殖,成功出飞朱鹮幼鸟24只。  相似文献   

2007年至今,我国在陕西宁陕、铜川和千阳,以及河南董寨和浙江德清初步建立了朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)野化放归种群。鸟类的繁殖行为是其生活史策略的重要组成部分,可以反映动物个体的营养状态、所处栖息地的质量,以及对栖息地的适应等。本文报道浙江德清朱鹮野化放归种群的繁殖行为,旨在了解其在我国南方的适应情况,为最终建立中国朱鹮南方种群提供科学支撑。本研究于2018年4和5月及2020年3至5月对浙江德清野化放归朱鹮的3个繁殖巢进行实时监测,记录孵卵期和育雏期繁殖行为,总记录时长为134 d,有效数据时长为2 958 h。利用线性混合模型探究朱鹮衔巢材频率、孵卵期以及育雏期行为的影响因子,采用Spearman相关分析检验朱鹮翻卵频率与孵卵进程的关系,建立Logistic回归模型探究朱鹮亲鸟暖雏时长随雏鸟日龄的变化情况,并利用one-way ANOVA分析德清朱鹮与陕西洋县野生种群和其他野化放归种群的换巢频率差异。结果表明,德清朱鹮平均窝卵数3.7 ± 0.3,孵化成功率90.9%,雏鸟出飞率100.0%;繁殖的不同时期、营巢条件和亲鸟性别均显著影响朱鹮的衔巢材频率;朱鹮的翻卵频率随孵卵进程显著下降;亲鸟的暖雏时长在雏鸟11日龄时下降率最大;育雏的不同时期对朱鹮的暖雏时长、换巢频率以及喂雏频率有极显著的影响;环境温度较高可能是导致德清朱鹮比洋县野生种群提前产卵的原因之一;较高的平均窝卵数与出飞成功率表明,朱鹮对我国南方的栖息地较为适应。鉴于本研究发现利用人工巢筐营巢的亲鸟花费更多时间补充巢材,表明人工巢筐的结构和大小有必要优化,建议在今后设计时加大筐壁仰角并减小深度、扩大外径,使人工巢筐更接近于自然巢的盘状结构,同时,应将巢筐底部设计成多孔透气、利于排水的结构,以适应我国长江中下游地区湿热多雨的气候。  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群生存力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
到目前为止,只有一个野生朱鹮群体幸存下来,而且它的种群大小自1981年重新发现以来,一直在20只以下波动。本文应用种群生存力分析的方法,借助漩涡模型,根据朱鹮14年的种群数据,总结和预测了其种群动态,并着重研究了朱鹮的濒危程度。结果显示,按过去10余年的生存状况,朱鹮在50年内绝灭的可能性是98.5%,平均绝灭时间为15.72 年。现存种群数量很低,所以种群统计随机性对其命运有很大影响。灵敏度分析表明,当前的朱鹮种群对意外死亡和生存环境的波动较为敏感。保护工作的优先项目是对猎杀和天敌的控制以及从各个方面提高朱鹮的生活质量。  相似文献   

朱■(Nipponianippon)种群生存力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到目前为止,只有一个野生朱群体幸存下来,而且它的种群大小自1981年重新发现以来,一直在20只以下波动。本文应用种群生存力分析的方法,借助漩涡模型,根据朱14年的种群数据,总结和预测了其种群动态,并着重研究了朱的濒危程度。结果显示,按过去10余年的生存状况,朱在50年内绝灭的可能性是98.5%,平均绝灭时间为15.72年。现存种群数量很低,所以种群统计随机性对其命运有很大影响。灵敏度分析表明,当前的朱种群对意外死亡和生存环境的波动较为敏感。保护工作的优先项目是对猎杀和天敌的控制以及从各个方面提高朱的生活质量  相似文献   

野生朱鹮的种群数量和分布现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2012年9-10月,我们对野生朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的分布区和潜在分布区进行了调查,共发现其游荡期夜宿地23个,其中20个有朱鹮夜宿,分布在洋县(16个)、宁陕县(3个)和城固县(1个)。对这些夜宿地进行了的同步调查,共统计到野生朱鹮1 090只,其中97.2%分布在洋县境内。最大的夜宿集群数量为184只,集群数量超过40只的夜宿地共11个,累计停歇的朱鹮占总数的91.7%,表明野生朱鹮在游荡期有趋于集结较大群体夜宿的习性。朱鹮野生种群中当年出生的幼鸟占19.0%,据此估算,截至秋季朱鹮幼鸟的存活率约为67.2%。加强对保护区以外,尤其是野生朱鹮新扩散地区的的保护管理,将促进野生朱鹮种群的扩散,进一步增加这一濒危物种抵御风险的能力。  相似文献   

王子健  高明  吕洪伟  周亮  易华清  刘莉  刘冬平 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5487-5494
于2019年7月-2020年1月对北戴河朱鹮野化种群非繁殖期的日间活动时间分配和行为节律进行了分析。结果表明,休息(41.8%)、觅食(39.7%)和理羽(13.3%)是北戴河朱鹮非繁殖期的主要行为。在行为节律上,有3个觅食高峰、2个休息高峰和2个理羽高峰。成鸟和幼鸟行为分配相似,但成鸟的警戒和社群等其他行为比例显著较高。与野生种群相比,北戴河野化种群的觅食时间显著较少,主要原因是野生个体需要花费较多时间搜寻食物,且飞行等活动的能耗较高。朱鹮在冬季的休息和理羽行为比例高于夏秋季,觅食行为则相反,这样可以在低温和大风天气降低能耗,是对北戴河气候环境的有效适应。为了提高朱鹮对多种气候环境的适应能力,为今后北戴河朱鹮的再引入奠定基础,我们建议在冬季要确保朱鹮有充足的适宜觅食地,同时在野化网笼中进行必要的环境丰容,如在网笼内增加常绿树种和阔叶树种,部分侧网上安装防风板,或在网笼中设置防风避寒的伞棚等设施,以供朱鹮进行选择。  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a highly polymorphic genomic region that plays a central role in the immune system. Despite its functional consistency, the genomic structure of the MHC differs substantially among organisms. In birds, the MHC-B structures of Galliformes, including chickens, have been well characterized, but information about other avian MHCs remains sparse. The Japanese Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon, Pelecaniformes) is an internationally conserved, critically threatened species. The current Japanese population of N. nippon originates from only five founders; thus, understanding the genetic diversity among these founders is critical for effective population management. Because of its high polymorphism and importance for disease resistance and other functions, the MHC has been an important focus in the conservation of endangered species. Here, we report the structure and polymorphism of the Japanese Crested Ibis MHC class II region. Screening of genomic libraries allowed the construction of three contigs representing different haplotypes of MHC class II regions. Characterization of genomic clones revealed that the MHC class II genomic structure of N. nippon was largely different from that of chicken. A pair of MHC-IIA and -IIB genes was arranged head-to-head between the COL11A2 and BRD2 genes. Gene order in N. nippon was more similar to that in humans than to that in chicken. The three haplotypes contained one to three copies of MHC-IIA/IIB gene pairs. Genotyping of the MHC class II region detected only three haplotypes among the five founders, suggesting that the genetic diversity of the current Japanese Crested Ibis population is extremely low. The structure of the MHC class II region presented here provides valuable insight for future studies on the evolution of the avian MHC and for conservation of the Japanese Crested Ibis.  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是世界濒危物种,中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物。为了进一步扩大其种群分布范围,2018年7月将20只朱鹮从陕西洋县朱鹮救护饲养中心引入到北戴河国家湿地公园开展野化饲养。为了解朱鹮对该地模拟自然环境的野化适应效果,于2018年7-10月对朱鹮在大网笼中的行为和栖息地利用进行了观察。野化训练过程中,朱鹮在训练笼中快速获得良好的飞行技巧,飞行中能够避免碰撞野化网笼软网。持续飞行时间从观察初期的(106.8±93.4)s,增长至后期的(145.8±118.1)s。野化训练第1天,有70%个体在树上夜宿,其他个体在地面及栖杠上夜宿;30 d时间内,朱鹮全部获得树上夜宿能力。野化训练后期和前期相比,觅食时间从55.4%提高至58.3%,并显著提高了对浅水觅食地的利用率。后期显著提高了警戒行为的时间比例,并表现出对猛禽等天敌的防御反应。通过87d的野化训练,试验个体的行为和生境利用发生较大变化并趋于稳定,表明其已基本适应了当地的新环境。为了进一步适应放飞后的野外环境多样性,建议在今后的野化训练中改变朱鹮的投食策略,增加觅食难度,并开展当地特有食物的投喂试验。  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)野生种群目前仅分布在陕西省洋县及邻近的城固、西乡、南郑、汉台、勉县、宁强、留坝、汉阴等9个县区,数量达到2 500余只,但对其野外伤病和收容救治状况报道较少.陕西汉中朱鹮国家级自然保护区在2016至2019年的巡护和监测过程中,共发现并收容救治野生朱鹮伤病个体362只.本文利用双因...  相似文献   

朱鹮自然育雏观察   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
北京动物园自 1 986年对朱进行易地保护研究以来 ,已繁殖了 2 0多只 ,但都是人工孵化和哺育成活的。 2 0 0 1年试行朱自然育雏 ,首次获得成功。作者对朱育雏进行了系统观察 ,对亲鸟喂雏次数、换巢次数、坐巢时间以及行为变化进行了系统总结  相似文献   

Automatic individual recognition of wild Crested Ibis is challenged by two factors: the lack of labeled data and an unpredictable number of individuals. In this paper, we propose a hybrid method of self-supervised learning and clustering to automatically recognize wild Crested Ibis based on vocalizations. To address the first challenge, we enhance the Bootstrap Your Own Latent for Audio (BYOL-A) model by using an improved augmentation module and Spatial Group-wise Enhance (SGE) attention module to create the self-supervised learning model BYOL-AIS. This model aims to extract a more discriminative representation of Crested Ibis vocalizations. To handle the second challenge, we introduce a clustering method that combines Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) and Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN) to distinguish the representation of Crested Ibis vocalizations. We evaluate our proposed method using vocalizations collected from 10 Crested Ibis individuals and achieve a recognition accuracy of 0.864. This accuracy is comparable to the performance of commonly used supervised methods. Our results suggest that our proposed method is a feasible method for wild bird recognition in the absence of labeled data and has the potential to be an analytical tool for processing huge amounts of monitoring data.  相似文献   

There is only one population of the crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) surviving in the wild, which has not exceeded 40 individuals since it was rediscovered in 1981. We used detailed data of the annual population size and natality collected by the Crested Ibis Conservation and Observation Station (CICOS) over the past 17years. We were able to obtain a more accurate census of age structure and mortality as all of the fledglings have been identified by leg bands in 1987. Consequently, we analyzed the current state of the crested ibis and predicted its future using Population Viability Analysis (PVA) with the help of the computer simulation model VORTEX (Version 7.2). The results indicated that the extinction probability of the crested ibis was 19.7% in 100years. Sensitivity analysis showed that the extinction probabilities were sensitive to catastrophes and environmental variation, and the long-term existence of the population was dependent on the carrying capacity of the habitat and inbreeding depression. Conservation efforts are critical for the survival of the crested ibis. The prior conservation project involves controlling hunting and predation, as well as improving the life level of these few remnant creatures.  相似文献   

朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰的耐受性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周学红  蒋琳  王强  张伟  程鲲  丁海华 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5176-5184
随着野生动物旅游业的发展,野生动物对人类干扰的耐受性研究在科学管理野生动物旅游业,提高游客体验,促进野生动物保护等方面具有重要的实践意义.2007年10~11月应用可操纵试验法在陕西汉中朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)国家级自然保护区研究了朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰的耐受性.研究结果表明,朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰具有较强的耐受性并表现出一定的适应性.朱鹮的警戒距离为(38.57±14.01)m,惊飞距离为(23.84±9.45)m,警戒距离是惊飞距离的1.6倍左右,两者存在着显著相关性.干扰者的衣着颜色是影响朱鹮对人类干扰的耐受性的主要因子,朱鹮对鲜艳衣物敏感.随着距居民点距离的减小,朱鹮对人类干扰的耐受性逐渐增强,但朱鹮对道路有一定回避效应.建议最小接近区域的面积应该是以警戒距离(AD)为半径的圆形区域,朱鹮最小接近区域的面积=∏×38.572≈4700m2,该区域范围内限制游客进入,并禁止游客穿着鲜艳色衣物进入自然保护区.  相似文献   

不同野化训练条件下朱鹮的行为差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年7月至201 1年1月,在陕西省洋县朱鹮生态园和华阳镇朱鹮野化训练基地,采用瞬时扫描取样法和行为取样法,对2处野化训练大网笼中朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)(n洋县=30只;n华阳=22只)的行为进行研究,同时调查2处大网笼野化训练条件的不同.结果表明,在觅食行为的时间分配中,秋季洋县群的划动寻觅、探...  相似文献   

Reintroduction projects aim to reestablish a self‐sustaining population of an endangered species within its historical range. Adequate post‐release monitoring by gathering demographic data is important to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. Survival and reproduction rates of a reintroduced population can be compared with a self‐sustaining wild population to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. In early 2007, Nipponia nippon (Crested Ibis) was reintroduced into the Qinling Mountains (Shaanxi, Central China). In this study, we attempt to evaluate the demographic status of the reintroduced population. Age‐specific survival rates of 56 released adults and 77 wild‐born fledglings were estimated using mark‐recapture data obtained from 2007 to 2014. Survival rates for the yearlings (0.599, with 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.467–0.719) were lower than the estimates from a wild population in Yangxian County, but the survival rates of the adults (0.678, with 95% CI: 0.603–0.745) were similar. The number of breeding pairs gradually increased since 2008, although breeding success (52.5%) was somewhat less than that of the wild population (67.6%). The stochastic estimation of population growth rate (1.084 with 95% CI: 1.069–1.098) and population size (5‐fold increase) estimated from an age‐classified Leslie matrix indicate that the reintroduced population of the Crested Ibis is more likely in regulation phase over the next 25 years. We conclude that the reintroduction of the Crested Ibis in Qinling Mountains has great promise, and progress toward a self‐sustaining population has been made under some interventions. Governments, local communities, and scientists need to facilitate habitat restoration for the long‐term survival of this endangered species.  相似文献   

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