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目的:研究褪黑素在慢性脑低灌注(Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion,CCH)大鼠模型中对神经再生的作用及机制。方法:使用双侧颈总动脉结扎法(bilateral common carotid artery occlusion,BCCAO)制备大鼠CCH模型,80只雄性的SD大鼠随机分为4组,每组20只:生理盐水治疗假手术组(Sham组)、生理盐水治疗模型组(BCCAO组)、褪黑素(5 mg/kg)治疗模型组(MT1组)、褪黑素(10 mg/kg)治疗模型组(MT2组)。连续腹腔注射褪黑素或生理盐水共4周。利用挖掘实验评估大鼠行为学;使用HE染色观察神经细胞变性及坏死;采取尼氏染色法观察大鼠海马齿状回区神经元损伤情况;利用免疫荧光法测定神经元特异核蛋白(NeuN)、胶质纤维酸性蛋白(Ki67)、双皮质素(DCX)的表达;利用Western Blot法测定大鼠海马区脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)、酪氨酸激酶B受体(TrkB)含量的表达。结果:和Sham组相比,BCCAO组大鼠挖掘能力明显下降(P0.01),HE和尼氏染色出现神经细胞大量坏死、数量减少,NeuN阳性细胞数增加(P0.01)、Ki67/DCX阳性细胞数无明显增加(P0.05),BDNF、TrkB蛋白含量明显低于假手术组(P0.01)。与BCCAO组相比,MT1组和MT2组大鼠挖掘能力均明显改善(P0.01),HE和尼氏染色显示神经元存活数量增加,MT1组NeuN阳性细胞数增加(P0.05)、Ki67/DCX阳性细胞数增加(P0.05),MT2组NeuN、Ki67/DCX阳性细胞数明显增加(P0.01),MT1组及MT2组BDNF、TrkB蛋白含量明显增加(P0.01)。结论:褪黑素促进了CCH大鼠海马齿状回区神经再生和行为学的改变,其机制可能与激活BDNF-TrkB信号转导通路有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察细胞外信号调节激酶1/2(ERK1/2)的活化在脊髓损伤引起抑郁中的作用。方法:应用Western blot和行为药理学方法,观察脊髓损伤后(SCI)大鼠内侧前额叶皮质内(mPFC)ERK1/2及磷酸化-ERK1/2(p-ERK1/2)的表达情况及ERK1/2磷酸化抑制剂U0126对抑郁样行为的影响。结果:脊髓损伤后的第2天到第8周,SCI模型大鼠的BBB评分均显著低于假手术组,差异具有统计学意义(p0.05)。脊髓损伤后8周-12周,SCI模型大鼠强迫游泳不动时间与假手术组相比明显缩短,mPFC内pERK1/2蛋白表达水平明显升高,总ERK 1/2的蛋白水平则未见组间差异,而给予U0126的大鼠的不动时间与给药之前相比明显延长增加,mPFC内pERK1/2蛋白表达水平较SCI模型大鼠明显降低,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:内侧前额叶皮质内ERK1/2的激活参与了脊髓损伤后引起的突触可塑性,在相关的抑郁样行为的产生中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在阐明青蒿素对II型糖尿病(T2DM)小鼠认知功能障碍的改善作用及其机制。方法 C57BL/6J小鼠单次腹腔注射STZ(100 mg/kg)后联合高脂饲料喂养建立T2DM模型。T2DM小鼠随后腹腔注射青蒿素(40 mg/kg/d)或等体积溶剂。干预4周后,新物体识别、Y迷宫和Morris水迷宫实验检测小鼠的学习和记忆能力。蛋白质印迹法(Western blot)检测海马PI3K、Akt、磷酸化Akt、SYN和PSD-95蛋白的表达。透射电镜观察海马CA1区突触密度和突触超微结构改变。结果 与模型组相比,青蒿素干预组T2DM小鼠的认知功能显著改善,海马中PI3K和磷酸化Akt水平升高,SYN和PSD-95蛋白表达增加,CA1区神经元丢失减少。此外,青蒿素干预组小鼠CA1区的突触密度、PSD-95和突触界面曲率增加,突触间隙宽度减小。结论 青蒿素可能通过激活海马PI3K/Akt途径增强突触可塑性,从而减轻T2DM小鼠认知功能障碍;青蒿素有望成为治疗糖尿病性认知功能障碍的新型药物。  相似文献   

本研究利用RNAi重组腺病毒(AdR-siPTEN)下调偏头痛大鼠三叉神经节的PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten)基因,探讨其对偏头痛大鼠行为学的影响,以及经Akt(serine-threonine kinase)信号途径对CREB(cAMP responseelement-binding protein)的调控情况。实验采用健康雄性SD大鼠,随机分为假手术组(Sham)、硝酸甘油模型组(GTN)、Ad-RFP非特异siRNA处理空载体对照组(Vehicle+GTN)、AdR-siPTEN下调组(AdR-siPTEN+GTN)。用AdR-siPTEN重组腺病毒对大鼠进行预处理,然后通过硝酸甘油(glyceryl trinitrate,GTN)法建立大鼠偏头痛模型,进行大鼠挠头和爬笼次数的检测,并用RT-PCR和Western-blot法进行相关基因的mRNA和蛋白检测。结果表明,当PTEN基因表达下调时,有效缓解了偏头痛导致的挠头和爬笼行为,并激活Akt信号途径,增加其下游作用因子CREB的表达,进而可能经"PTEN/Akt/CREB"信号通路影响神经突触可塑性,参与了偏头痛的发病机制。  相似文献   

为了研究不同电针对脊髓损伤(SCI)大鼠(Rattus norvegicus)脊髓内神经营养因子3(NT-3)及其酪氨酸激酶受体C(Trk C)表达的影响,探讨NT-3,Trk C在实验性脊髓损伤发病及修复过程中的作用机制及不同电针干预对其的影响.将雄性清洁级SD大鼠随机分为空白、模型、脉冲电针及音乐电针4个组别,每组12只,采用改良式的Allen’s打击法复制模型.两组电针组选取"大椎"、"命门"进行不同电针干预,1次/日,20 min/次,空白组及模型组在治疗组治疗时进行抓取束缚,保证处理条件的相同.SCI后14天,通过BBB(Basso-Beattic-Bresnahan)评分评价大鼠后肢运动功能的变化,采用HE染色、尼氏染色观察大鼠受损脊髓病理改变及神经元情况,Western blot检测NT-3,Trk C在大鼠受损脊髓表达的情况.BBB结果显示,经脉冲电针与音乐电针治疗后,脊髓损伤大鼠后肢运动功能较模型组均有改善(P0.01),且音乐电针评分高于脉冲电针,但两组比较无统计学差异;HE染色与尼氏染色结果示,经14天脉冲电针与音乐电针治疗脊髓损伤大鼠神经元形态均可得到恢复,且音乐电针优于脉冲电针;Western blot结果显示,损伤脊髓大鼠中NT-3,Trk C经脉冲与音乐电针治疗后较模型组均有显著升高(P0.01),且音乐电针对NT-3,Trk C表达的影响高于脉冲电针,但两组比较无统计学差异.脉冲电针与音乐电针均能诱导SCI大鼠脊髓内NT-3及Trk C表达,促进脊髓损伤后神经再生修复功能,且音乐电针较脉冲电针作用略胜一筹.  相似文献   

目的:观察姜黄素(CUR)对大鼠脊髓损伤后的运动功能的影响,并探讨其对大鼠脊髓损伤的神经保护作用机制,为临床治疗脊髓损伤提供理论和实验依据。方法:采用HI-0400脊髓打击器制备脊髓急性打击损伤动物模型。将105只SD健康清洁级大鼠随机分为3组:假手术组(Sham)、脊髓损伤组(SCI)、姜黄素组(SCI+CUR),在脊髓损伤模型建立后30 min灌胃,以后每天灌胃1次,直到处死为止。SCI+CUR组0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠制备姜黄素(100 mg/kg)灌胃,Sham组与SCI组同等剂量的0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠灌胃。应用BBB评分评估大鼠术后3d,7 d,14 d,21 d和28 d后肢运动功能恢复的情况;分别在术后12 h、1 d、3 d和7 d天取脊髓组织和血液,通过免疫荧光法检测NF-κB,免疫组化发检测Bcl-2、Bax及Caspase-3蛋白,Elisa法检测Bcl-2、Bax蛋白的表达。结果 :BBB评分中3 d时SCI+CUR组与SCI组时无明显差异,7 d、14 d、21 d和28 d SCI+CUR组得分高于SCI组,其差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);炎症因子NF-κB的表达于脊髓损伤后12 h出现,1 d达高峰,3 d下降。SCI+CUR组中NF-κB在各个时间点的表达与SCI组出现的时间点相对应,SCI+CUR组少于SCI组;Sham组无明显的Bax及Bcl-2蛋白染色。SCI+CUR组中Caspase-3及Bax染色明显较SCI组减弱,而Bcl-2较SCI组增强。结论:姜黄素可以促进大鼠脊髓损伤后后肢运动功能的恢复,其作用机制是通过抑制NF-κB而阻止炎症发生;并通过抑制Bax、Caspase-3的表达,促进Bcl-2的表达来抑制细胞凋亡,从而促进了大鼠脊髓损伤后的运动功能恢复。  相似文献   

大鼠脊髓损伤后表皮生长因子受体在脊髓的表达特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究大鼠脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI)后表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor re-ceptor,EGFR)在脊髓的表达特点及意义。方法健康成年雄性SD大鼠,随机分为4组(每组10只):假手术组,SCI术后3 d、7 d和14 d组。应用Basso Beattie Bresnahan(BBB)评分观察大鼠行为学改变;逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测损伤段脊髓组织中EGFR mRNA表达水平;免疫组织化学方法观察损伤段脊髓灰质中EGFR蛋白表达情况;并对EGFRmRNA及蛋白表达情况与BBB评分进行相关性分析。结果行为学观察发现大鼠脊髓损伤后下肢神经功能逐步恢复;RT-PCR结果显示EGFR mRNA在假手术组大鼠脊髓中微量表达,SCI术后3 d表达显著升高,随后趋于下降,14 d时仍高于假手术组(P<0.01);免疫组织化学染色显示损伤段脊髓灰质中EGFR阳性细胞数在损伤后3 d显著高于假手术组(P<0.01),随后趋于下降,但14 d时仍高于假手术组(P<0.01);EGFR mRNA及蛋白的表达均与BBB评分呈显著负相关(r=-0.956,P<0.05;r=-0.966,P<0.05)。结论EGFR在大鼠脊髓损伤后具有时相分布特点,且与动物行为呈负相关,提示其表达可能阻碍损伤后的神经功能恢复。  相似文献   

Wang YY  Liu RX  Guo B  Xiao Y  Shi MJ  Pi MJ  Wen QY  Zhang GZ 《生理学报》2011,63(4):325-332
转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)激活磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶(phosphoinositide-3-kinase,PI3K)-蛋白激酶B(protein kinase B,PKB/Akt)通路与糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)的发生发展密切相关,而第10号染色体缺失的磷酸酶和张力蛋白同源基因(phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on chromosome ten,PTEN)可以负调节PI3K-PKB/Akt通路。本研究旨在观察糖尿病大鼠肾组织PTEN的表达变化及其在DN发生发展中的可能作用。16只Sprague-Dawley大鼠分成正常对照组和糖尿病组(n=8)。尾静脉注射链脲菌素(streptozotocin,STZ)复制糖尿病大鼠模型;12周处死大鼠,检测相应生化指标并计算肾脏指数;HE染色观察肾组织病理学改变;免疫组化和Western blotting检测PTEN、TGF-β1、PI3Kp110α、Akt1、p-Akt1(Ser473)、纤维连接蛋白(fibronectin,...  相似文献   

目的:探讨补肾填精法对脑卒中失眠症模型大鼠血清褪黑素(Melatonin,MT)含量表达的影响。方法:24只建模成功的脑卒中失眠症大鼠随机平分为3组-模型组、低剂量组、高剂量组。于造模第7 d起,三组分别给予生理盐水及补肾填精汤(低剂量组最终含生药浓度低剂量为0.7 g/mL、中剂量为1.4 g/mL)以1 mL/(100 g·d)灌胃,连续14 d,记录血清MT表达变化情况。结果:三组治疗第1 d、第7 d与第14 d的逃避潜伏期在组内与组间对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。低剂量组、高剂量组治疗第7 d与第14 d的进入中央区次数多于模型组(P<0.05),也多于治疗第1 d(P<0.05),高剂量组也多于低剂量组(P<0.05)。低剂量组、高剂量组治疗第14 d的血清MT含量、去甲肾上腺素转运蛋白与褪黑素受体蛋白相对表达水平高于模型组(P<0.05),高剂量组高于低剂量组(P<0.05)。结论:补肾填精法在脑卒中失眠症模型大鼠中的应用能促进血清MT的释放,提高去甲肾上腺素转运蛋白与褪黑素受体蛋白的表达,从而促进缓解失眠症状。  相似文献   

目的探讨氟西汀(fluoxetine,FLXT)对创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic-stress-disorder,PTSD)大鼠记忆及大鼠海马神经元突触后致密物蛋白95(postsynaptic density 95,PSD-95)和突触素Ⅰ(synapsinⅠ)表达的影响。方法采用国际认定的SPS方法刺激大鼠建立PTSD大鼠模型,应用水迷宫实验观察氟西汀对PTSD大鼠学习记忆的影响,采用免疫荧光染色和免疫印迹法检测海马神经元PSD-95和突触素Ⅰ水平。结果 Morris水迷宫前5天的定位航行实验结果显示,SPS刺激后大鼠(PTSD大鼠)找到水下平台的游泳距离和潜伏期比正常组大鼠长,给予氟西汀的PTSD大鼠找到水下平台的距离和潜伏期较未用氟西汀处理的PTSD大鼠缩短。Morris水迷宫第6天空间探索实验结果显示,PTSD大鼠穿越平台的次数和在靶象限花费时间的百分比明显低于正常对照大鼠,而氟西汀可显著增加PTSD大鼠在水迷宫实验中的穿台次数和在靶象限停留的时间百分比。免疫荧光染色和Western Blot检测显示,PTSD大鼠PSD-95和突触素Ⅰ的水平降低,氟西汀干预可抑制PTSD大鼠PSD-95和突触素Ⅰ水平的降低。结论氟西汀可通过抑制PTSD大鼠海马神经元细胞PSD-95和SynapsinⅠ水平的下调,减轻PTSD大鼠空间记忆和学习能力的损伤。  相似文献   

AimsAlpha1D-adrenoceptors (α1D-ARs) located in the spinal cord are involved in the control of lower urinary tract function. In order to clarify the effect of α1D-ARs on storage function in the spinal cord, we examined the effect of oral administration and intrathecal injection of the α1D/A-AR antagonist, naftopidil, on bladder activity, as well as the effect of naftopidil on bladder wall histology, in female rats with spinal cord injury (SCI).Main methodsAdult female Sprague–Dawley rats with Th9–10 spinal cord transection were used. In SCI rats with or without 5 mg/day of naftopidil for 4 weeks, bladder activity was examined via continuous cystometry. In other SCI rats, bladder activity was examined before and after intrathecal injection of naftopidil. In addition, bladder wall histology was compared between SCI rats with or without oral administration of naftopidil for 4 weeks.Key findingsOral administration of naftopidil decreased the number of non-voiding contractions (NVCs). Intrathecal injection of naftopidil prolonged the interval between voiding contractions, decreased the maximum voiding contraction pressure and the number of NVCs, and increased bladder capacity without affecting the residual urine volume. Oral administration of naftopidil also decreased bladder wall fibrosis.SignificanceThe α1D/A-AR antagonist naftopidil might act on the bladder and spinal cord to improve detrusor hyperreflexia in the storage state in SCI female rats. Naftopidil also suppressed bladder wall fibrosis, suggesting that it may be effective for the treatment of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction after SCI.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察补阳还五汤大鼠急性脊髓损伤后大脑神经元细胞凋亡及IL-17的表达的影响,探讨其神经保护机制。方法:SD大鼠24只,分成正常组、假手术组、SCI组、BYHWD组,通过在T3-T4横突间横断右侧半脊髓制备SCI模型,分别于手术前1d及术后1 d、1 w、4 w、8 w运动BBB评分评定大鼠后肢运动功能;术后8 w用Tunnel法检测神经细胞凋亡、免疫组化法检测大鼠神经细胞IL-17的表达。结果:BBB评分比较:SCI组、BYHWD组BBB评分明显低于正常组与假手术组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01);BYHWD组在术后4 w、8 w两个时间点均高于SCI组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。细胞凋亡率比较:SCI组与BYHWD组细胞凋亡率均高于正常组与假手术组,且差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。BYHWD组凋亡率低于SCI组且差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。IL-17阳性细胞率比较:SCI组、BYHWD组IL-17阳性细胞率均显著高于正常组与假手术组(P0.01)。BYHWD组IL-17阳性细胞率显著低于SCI组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:SCI后大脑皮层神经元的凋亡可能与IL-17的表达增加有关,补阳还五汤可能通过下调IL-17的表达从而减少细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

Rapid and extensive bone loss, one of the skeletal complications after spinal cord injury (SCI) occurrence, drastically sacrifices the life quality of SCI patients. It has been demonstrated that microRNA (miRNA) dysfunction plays an important role in the initiation and development of bone loss post-SCI. Nevertheless, the effect of miR-19b-3p on bone loss after SCI is unknown and the accurate mechanism is left to be elucidated. The present work was conducted to explore the role of miR-19b-3p/phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) axis on osteogenesis after SCI and further investigates the underlying mechanisms. We found that miR-19b-3p level was increased in the femurs of SCI rats with decreased autophagy. The overexpression of miR-19b-3p in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) targeted down-regulation of PTEN expression, facilitated protein kinase B (Akt) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation, and thereby suppressing BMSCs osteogenic differentiation via autophagy. Besides, the inhibiting effects of miR-19b-3p on osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs could be diminished by autophagy inducer rapamycin. Meanwhile, bone loss after SCI in rats was also reversed by antagomir-19b-3p treatment, suggesting miR-19b-3p was an essential target for osteogenic differentiation via regulating autophagy. These results indicated that miR-19b-3p was involved in bone loss after SCI by inhibiting osteogenesis via PTEN/Akt/mTOR signalling pathway.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨重复经颅磁刺激(TMS)联合等速肌力训练对不完全性脊髓损伤(SCI)患者神经电生理指标、下肢肌力和脊髓功能独立性的影响。方法:选取2018年3月~2019年12月期间我院收治87例不完全性SCI患者,根据入院奇偶顺序分为观察组(n=44)和对照组(n=43),两组均给予常规康复训练,对照组在此基础上联合等速肌力训练,观察组在对照组基础上联合TMS,对比两组神经电生理指标[静息运动阈值(RMT)和运动诱发电位(MEP)]、下肢肌力指标[屈、伸肌群的峰力矩(PT)、力矩加速能(TAE)以及胭绳肌与股四头肌肌力比率(H/Q)]、功能独立性评定(FIM)量表、疼痛简化McGill疼痛问卷(SF-MPQ)、Barthel指数评定量表(BI)评分。结果:治疗4周后,观察组RMT较治疗前降低,且低于对照组(P<0.05);MEP较治疗前升高,且高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,两组屈肌群PT、屈肌群TAE、伸肌群PT、伸肌群TAE、H/Q、FIM、BI评分均较治疗前升高,且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05);两组SF-MPQ评分均较治疗前下降(P<0.05),且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:TMS联合等速肌力训练治疗不完全性SCI患者可刺激患者神经功能恢复,提高患者脊髓功能独立性,改善下肢肌力,减轻患者的神经性疼痛。  相似文献   

After spinal cord injury (SCI), disruption of blood–spinal cord barrier (BSCB) elicits blood cell infiltration such as neutrophils and macrophages, contributing to permanent neurological disability. Previous studies show that epidermal growth factor (EGF) produces potent neuroprotective effects in SCI models. However, little is known that whether EGF contributes to the integrity of BSCB. The present study is performed to explore the mechanism of BSCB permeability changes which are induced by EGF treatment after SCI in rats. In this study, we demonstrate that EGF administration inhibits the disruption of BSCB permeability and improves the locomotor activity in SCI model rats. Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathways by a specific inhibitor, LY294002, suppresses EGF‐induced Rac1 activation as well as tight junction (TJ) and adherens junction (AJ) expression. Furthermore, the protective effect of EGF on BSCB is related to the activation of Rac1 both in vivo and in vitro. Blockade of Rac1 activation with Rac1 siRNA downregulates EGF‐induced TJ and AJ proteins expression in endothelial cells. Taken together, our results indicate that EGF treatment preserves BSCB integrity and improves functional recovery after SCI via PI3K‐Akt‐Rac1 signalling pathway.  相似文献   

AimsThe present study aimed to investigate the correlation between quercetin (Que) and the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK)/inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) signaling pathway and to explore its regulating effect on secondary oxidative stress following acute spinal cord injury (SCI), so as to elucidate the protective effects and mechanism associated with Que treatment during acute SCI.Main methodsSprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into sham-surgery, SCI, Que, methylprednisolone (MP), and specific p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580 treatment groups. Acute SCI models were established in rats by a modified Allen's method. Real-time PCR analysis, western blot assay and immunohistochemistry for molecular changes in the p38MAPK/iNOS signaling pathway, determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, reflecting the levels of secondary oxidative stress, and functional or behavioral data, reflecting changes induced by Que and control treatments post-SCI were performed.Key findingsQue significantly increased Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan scores and inclined plane test scores in SCI rats similar to the positive control drug, MP. Que significantly inhibited increases in phosphorylated-p38MAPK (p-p38MAPK) and iNOS expression and reduced the rate of iNOS-positive cells in rats with SCI, similar to the effects of SB203580. In addition, both Que and SB203580 reduced MDA content and enhanced SOD activity in SCI rats, with Que effects being stronger.SignificanceThese experimental findings indicate that in SCI rats, Que has protective effects on the spinal cord by the potential mechanism of inhibiting the activation of p38MAPK/iNOS signaling pathway and thus regulating secondary oxidative stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDSpinal cord injury (SCI) is an important cause of traumatic paralysis and is mainly due to motor vehicle accidents. However, there is no definite treatment for spinal cord damage.AIMTo assess the outcome of rat embryonic stem cells (rESC) and autologous bone marrow-derived neurocytes (ABMDN) treatment in iatrogenic SCI created in rats, and to compare the efficacy of the two different cell types.METHODSThe study comprised 45 male Wistar rats weighing between 250 and 300 g, which were divided into three groups, the control, rESC and ABMDN groups. The anesthetized animals underwent exposure of the thoracic 8th to lumbar 1st vertebrae. A T10-thoracic 12th vertebrae laminectomy was performed to expose the spinal cord. A drop-weight injury using a 10 g weight from a height of 25 cm onto the exposed spinal cord was conducted. The wound was closed in layers. The urinary bladder was manually evacuated twice daily and after each evacuation Ringer lactate 5 mL/100 g was administered, twice daily after each bladder evacuation for the first 7 postoperative days. On the 10th day, the rats underwent nerve conduction studies and behavioral assessment [Basso, Beattie, Brenham (BBB)] to confirm paraplegia. Rat embryonic stem cells, ABMDN and saline were injected on the 10th day. The animals were euthanized after 8 wk and the spinal cord was isolated, removed and placed in 2% formalin for histopathological analysis to assess the healing of neural tissues at the axonal level.RESULTSAll the animals tolerated the procedure well. The BBB scale scoring showed that at the end of the first week no recovery was observed in the groups. Post-injection, there was a strong and significant improvement in rats receiving rESC and ABMDN as compared to the control group based on the BBB scale, and the Train-of-four-Watch SX acceleromyography device exhibited statistically significant (P < 0.0001) regeneration of neural tissue after SCI. Histological evaluation of the spinal cord showed maximum vacuolization and least gliosis in the control group compared to the rESC and ABMDN treated animals. In the ABMDN group, limited vacuolization and more prominent gliosis were observed in all specimens as compared to the control and rESC groups.CONCLUSIONThis study provided strong evidence to support that transplantation of rESC and ABMDN can improve functional recovery after iatrogenic SCI. The transplanted cells showed a beneficial therapeutic effect when compared to the control group.  相似文献   

AimWe aimed to determine the changes in TNF-α expression and Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in a short time after irradiation. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of melatonin on the modulation of TNF-α gene expression.BackgroundThe radio-sensitivity of the cervical spinal cord limits the dose of radiation which can be delivered to tumors in the neck region. There is increasing evidence that TNF-α has a role in the development of the acute phase of spinal cord injury.Materials/MethodsFour groups of rats were investigated. Group 1 (vehicle treatment) served as the control. Group 2 (radiation) was treated with the vehicle, and 30 min later, the rats were exposed to radiation. Group 3 (radiation + melatonin) was given an oral administration of melatonin (100 mg/kg body weight) and 30 min later exposed to radiation in the same manner as in group 2. Group 4 (melatonin-only) was also given an oral administration of melatonin (100 mg/kg body weight). 5 mg/kg of melatonin was administered daily to rats in groups 3 and 4, and the vehicle was administered daily to rats in groups 1 and 2.ResultsThree weeks after irradiation, TNF-α gene up-regulated almost 5 fold in the irradiated group compared to the normal group. TNF-α gene expression in the melatonin pretreatment group, compared to the radiation group, was significantly down-regulated 3 weeks after irradiation (p < 0.05). MDA levels increased after irradiation and then significantly decreased under melatonin treatment.ConclusionWe suggest that inhibition of TNF-α expression by oral administration of melatonin may be a therapeutic option for preventing radiation-induced spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Background aimsSeveral studies have reported functional improvement after transplantation of in vivo-derived neural progenitor cells (NPC) into injured spinal cord. However, the potential of human embryonic stem cell-derived NPC (hESC-NPC) as a tool for cell replacement of spinal cord injury (SCI) should be considered.MethodsWe report on the generation of NPC as neural-like tubes in adherent and feeder-free hESC using a defined media supplemented with growth factors, and their transplantation in collagen scaffolds in adult rats subjected to midline lateral hemisection SCI.ResultshESC-NPC were highly expressed molecular features of NPC such as Nestin, Sox1 and Pax6. Furthermore, these cells exhibited the multipotential characteristic of differentiating into neurons and glials in vitro. Implantation of xenografted hESC-NPC into the spinal cord with collagen scaffold improved the recovery of hindlimb locomotor function and sensory responses in an adult rat model of SCI. Analysis of transplanted cells showed migration toward the spinal cord and both neural and glial differentiation in vivo.ConclusionsThese findings show that transplantation of hESC-NPC in collagen scaffolds into an injured spinal cord may provide a new approach to SCI.  相似文献   

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