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肥须亚麻蝇幼虫不同发育阶段气门形态学变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玲  刘彬  王贺  李泽民  赵静 《昆虫学报》2008,51(7):707-713
为了满足实际工作中利用蝇类幼虫日龄推断尸体死后间隔时间的需求,本文采用显微镜观察不同龄期肥须亚麻蝇 Parasarcophaga crassipalpis (Macquart)幼虫气门的形态学变化,通过计算机图像分析系统对幼虫的前、后气门等可用于判断幼虫生长发育的形态学指标进行测量。结果表明:肥须亚麻蝇幼虫前、后气门随时间而发生规律性的变化,幼虫前气门色素管部的平均光密度及其长宽比,以及后气门的平均光密度这 3 项指标是推算幼虫日龄较理想的指标,对法医学中尸体死亡时间的推测具有重要的指示意义。此外,叠龄期作为幼虫发育的必经阶段,可为特殊时间点的推测提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

张楠  李嘉  王贺  齐莉莉  王伯霞  李泽民 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1584-1591
研究石家庄地区优势蝇种肥须亚麻蝇Parasarcophaga crassipalpi(Macquart)在不同浓度的盐酸吗啡作用下的生长发育情况,探索毒物对肥须亚麻蝇幼虫口钩和咽骨的影响,积累石家庄地区尸源性蝇类的法医昆虫毒理学(forensic toxicologic entomology)资料,从而为死后间隔时间(postmortem interval,PMI)的推断提供科学依据。  相似文献   

赵博  王贺  王玲  王卫杰  李泽民 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):360-367
为了满足实际工作中利用蝇类幼虫日龄推断尸体死后间隔时间的需求,采用形态观察与图像分析相结合的方法对巨尾阿丽蝇Aldrichina grahami(Aldrich)、大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala(Fabricius)幼虫前气门、后气门、头咽骨进行了研究,筛选适合日龄推断的指标。结果显示:2种尸食性蝇类幼虫前气门、后气门、头咽骨均随着时间的延长发生规律性的变化。其中,咽骨的骨化面积、平均光密度,后气门的平均光密度是最理想的判断幼虫日龄的指标,为法医昆虫学精确推断死后间隔时间提供重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

豌豆彩潜蝇幼期各虫态的形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】豌豆彩潜蝇Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau)是我国蔬菜上常见的一种重要害虫,目前尚未见该虫幼期卵到蛹各虫态形态特征的系统研究。【方法】本研究采用野外取样和室内饲养的方法收集豌豆彩潜蝇的卵、不同龄期的幼虫以及蛹,对该虫从卵期到羽化成成虫的全过程进行了详细的观察,并通过测量幼虫口钩和头咽骨的长度对幼虫龄期进行了划分。【结果】卵期观察到了豌豆彩潜蝇及其他潜蝇科昆虫中从未记述过的卵的呼吸角。利用口钩和头咽骨长度将幼虫划分为3个龄期,并对不同龄期幼虫的形态特征进行了比较和描述,确定了通过骨化结构对幼虫龄期准确鉴定和通过外部形态快速鉴定的方法。根据豌豆彩潜蝇蛹期发育的形态特征变化将蛹期划分为5个明显的发育阶段。【结论】本研究记述了豌豆彩潜蝇卵到蛹期的形态特征并对幼虫龄期进行了划分,为潜蝇幼虫和蛹的形态学及豌豆彩潜蝇生物学、生理学和防治研究提供基础。  相似文献   

【目的】通过完善铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii(Matsumura)未成熟期的形态学研究,为双翅目果蝇科未成熟期的形态学及铃木氏果蝇的生物学、生态学及田间综合防治研究提供理论基础。【方法】在解剖镜下详细观察了卵、幼虫、蛹3个虫态的发育变化过程,使用解剖镜自带测量尺对该虫的卵粒长宽、不同龄期的幼虫体长宽及骨化结构长度、蛹粒长宽进行了测量。【结果】卵期观察到了3个标志阶段:初产卵、预孵卵、破壳卵;卵粒长0.57~0.61mm,宽0.18~0.21mm,且具有两条长于卵粒长度的呼吸丝。幼虫期通过Crosby生长法则验证幼虫的骨化结构长度指数均小于0.1,说明幼虫龄期划分为3龄是合理的;1~3龄的幼虫平均体长宽分别为0.72mm×0.23mm、2.17 mm×0.51mm、4.06mm×0.94mm,相邻龄期的体长宽范围较为接近,其中1龄与2龄幼虫的体宽范围有重复;1~3龄的口钩平均长度分别为0.08、0.15、0.24mm,头咽骨平均长度分别为0.04、0.08、0.16mm,相邻龄期的口钩、头咽骨长度范围无重复;同时,对比了不同龄期幼虫的形态差异。蛹期观察到了2个标志阶段:预蛹、蛹;蛹粒长为3.1~4.1mm,宽为0.9~1.3mm,且具有两个呼吸角。【结论】本文详述了铃木氏果蝇从卵至蛹羽化为成虫的全过程以及未成熟期各虫态的形态特征,测量了幼虫骨化结构的长度作为龄期划分的精确依据,提出了通过观察体长宽、体色、体形、骨化结构及后气门的形态差异对幼虫龄期进行快速粗划分的方法。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在找出区分西方角蝇Haematobia irritans和截脉角蝇H.titillans幼虫龄期划分标准,为准确鉴定两种角蝇各龄幼虫,研究斯氏副柔线虫在角蝇体内的发育过程,以及制定防控骆驼斯氏副柔线虫病的有效措施等奠定基础。【方法】采用实验室人工孵育两种角蝇幼虫的方法,分别测量不同发育阶段幼虫的虫体长、咽骨体长和咽骨体宽3项指标,利用SPSS Statistics 19.0统计软件对数据进行处理,结合Crosby生长法则和线性回归的方法进行分析,比较两种角蝇幼虫之间差异,以确定两种角蝇幼虫最佳龄期划分标准。【结果】结果表明,两种角蝇的幼虫均分为3龄,咽骨体是两种角蝇幼虫龄期划分的特征性结构,两种角蝇各龄幼虫相同指标的测量值随龄期的增长呈现出相同的增长规律。咽骨体长是划分两种角蝇幼虫龄期的最佳测量指标,咽骨体宽可作为分龄的辅助指标;两种角蝇相邻龄期幼虫的体长变化范围存在相互重叠,不能准确划分角蝇幼虫龄期。【结论】研究表明通过西方角蝇和截脉角蝇幼虫咽骨体的形态特征可简便、快速和准确地鉴定两种角蝇幼虫的龄期。  相似文献   

我国常见麻蝇幼虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于麻蝇幼虫的研究,报道仅及三龄幼虫,至于一、二龄幼虫,国内尚无记载,国外文献中亦不多见。三龄幼虫的研究固然重要,对一、二龄幼虫进行研究也很需要,不仅对蝇蛆病的病原学诊断有用,而且有助于蝇类系统发生学的探索。本文对我国常见的4属7种麻蝇各龄幼虫的形态进行了研究,其中急钩亚麻蝇和结节亚麻蝇为首次描述。  相似文献   

本文报告1980年3月至1982年5月对太原市常见麻蝇的生态学调查研究结果,共获麻蝇科35种,其中以棕尾别麻蝇、白头亚麻蝇、红尾粪麻蝇、红尾拉蝇、黑尾黑麻蝇及酱亚麻蝇等为当地优势种群。并对优势种群的季节消长、越冬及其幼虫孳生习性分别作了介绍。太原市常见麻蝇活动期限在3月中旬至11月中旬,7、8月份多数种类出现高峰,高峰季节与当地肠道流行病的高峰有关。优势种类主要以蛹期越冬,但急钩亚麻蝇也有幼虫越冬的现象。发现幼虫孳生场所5类:人粪便类、畜粪便类、腐败动物质、腐败植物质及垃圾。文中并对防蝇灭蝇加以讨论。  相似文献   

[目的]探寻黄羽摇蚊Chironomus flaviplumus Tokunaga幼虫最佳分龄形态指标并判断其龄数,准确区分其幼虫龄期。[方法]本文采用实验室内人工养殖定期取样观察的方法,分别测量了不同发育阶段摇蚊幼虫的头壳长、颏中齿顶端至冠突前缘间距离、头壳宽、颏宽、颏中齿宽、触角长、触角基节长、触角除基节以外2~5节长、上颚长、腹颏板长、腹颏板宽11项形态指标,运用Crosby生长法则、频次分析、回归方法分析对11项形态指标测量数据进行统计分析,选择判定幼虫龄数的最佳形态指标,推断其幼虫的龄数及龄期。[结果]黄羽摇蚊幼虫可分为4个龄期,颏宽为最佳的分龄形态指标,1~4龄幼虫的颏宽(μm)分别为(30.9008±0.3253),(52.2114±0.7172),(98.6165±0.6146),(171.2985±0.5582)。幼虫颏宽(y)与龄期(x)的回归方程为y=0.1971x~3+11.365x~2-14.163x+33.502,R~2=0.9827。另外,Y2(颏中齿顶端至冠突前缘间距离)、Y5(颏中齿宽)和Y9(上颚长)也可以作为分龄的辅助指标。选取颏宽对各龄期持续时间进行推测,得出1~4龄幼虫的龄期分别为2~3、2~4、5~6、7d,幼虫期共为16~20d。[结论]黄羽摇蚊幼虫具有4个龄期,颏宽为最佳分龄形态指标,幼虫期共为16~20d。  相似文献   

为了明确对于凶杀案件中死亡时间判断有重要意义的蝇类幼虫的形态特征变化规律,分别在12、16、20、24和28℃下饲养了巨尾阿丽蝇Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich)并定期取样,显微镜下观察其形态变化。结果表明:后气门形态、表皮、消化道等随时间而发生的规律性变化可作为幼虫日龄的标志。据此将幼虫期划分为:1龄期、2龄早期、2龄后期、3龄叠气门期、开环期、浅闭环期、深闭环期、圆锥期。到达上述各发育阶段的时间决定于温度。  相似文献   

A revision of the species and families of sarcosaprophagous flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Piophilidae and Stratiomyidae) suitable for forensic purposes in the Iberian Peninsula is presented. Morphological characteristics that allow the accurate identification of third instars of the species present in the Iberian Peninsula are described and presented in the form of a diagnostic key. For larval Calliphoridae, characteristics such as the spines of the body segments were useful for the genus Calliphora whereas features of the anal segment and the cephalopharyngeal skeleton were useful for larvae of Lucilia. Identification of three Chrysominae species present in the Iberian Peninsula is included. For larval Sarcophagidae, characters such as the arrangement and shape of spiracular openings, structures of the anal segment and the cephalopharyngeal skeleton were used for the first time. A new record of Sarcophaga cultellata Pandellé, from a human corpse, is also included as well as recent incursions into the European cadaveric entomofauna such as Synthesiomyia nudiseta (van der Wulp) and Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus). This work provides useful new information that could be applied to forensic investigations in the Iberian Peninsula and in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Abstract: A method of distinguishing different larval instars of Liriomyza huidobrensis morphologically, using measurements of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton was developed. The growth ratios of cephalopharyngeal skeletons between first and second and second and third instar larvae were 1.80 and 1.47, respectively, enabling clear separation to be achieved for experimental work. Using this method the development rates of the immature stages of L. huidobrensis feeding on Lactuca sativa were determined under constant temperatures of 11, 16, 19, 26 and 28 ± 1°C and were shown to increase linearly with temperature over the range investigated. The theoretical lower threshold temperatures for development from oviposition to the end of each larval instar or pupal stage were 5.35, 6.30, 6.20 and 5.70°C, respectively. The overall threshold temperature for development from oviposition to 50% adult emergence (5.70°C) was used to calculate degree‐day (DD) requirements for development from oviposition to each larval instar or pupal eclosion, which were 84.3, 30.1, 58.9, 143.7 DD, respectively. The use of these data for optimizing the timing of application of control agents which are effective against specific developmental stages is discussed.  相似文献   

The endogenous development of the tachinid gregarious larval parasitoid Exorista larvarum L. (Diptera: Tachinidae) has been analyzed in the last larval instar of a factitious host, the wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with the use of histological techniques and scanning electron microscopy. This study has focused on the parasitoid internal body structures and their changes during the larval development. The first and second instars are enveloped by a host-derived hemocyte capsule attached to the respiratory funnel via a prominent anal hook located between 2 anal lobes. The third instar abandons the respiratory funnel and migrates free in the body cavity of the already dead host. Emphasis is given to the prominent cephalopharyngeal skeleton, highlighting the morphological aspects of its sclerotized as well as non-sclerotized components. In addition to the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, the anterior third of the larval parasitoid body is occupied by large salivary glands, massive proventriculus, and cerebral ganglia. The extensive digestive tract, which occupies the major part of the body, is differentiated into well-marked individual parts. The abdomen is predominantly filled with the extremely long mesenteron that increases in size during the larval development. The whole body is covered by an apparently thin integument, with strong spines that are especially numerous in the anterior and posterior body parts.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, the larva of Sepedonella nana, Diptera Sciomyzidae, were only able to develop at the expense of small aquatic oligochets collected in adult habitats. Up till now, larval cycles have been elucidated for 38% of the Sciomyzidae; all these larvae proved to be strict consumers of aquatic or terrestrial molluscs (including slugs). This specific predation was considered as a major distinguishing characteristic of Sciomyzidae among Diptera. The unusual nutritional behaviour of S. nana reported in the present note is in contradiction with well-established prior knowledge. The species presented all the characteristics of the family, particularly the ventral arch sclerite present on the larva cephalopharyngeal skeleton. It was considered as a derived species; this behaviour, probably of secondary type, revealed new nutritional types for Afrotropical Sciomyzidae for which the biology of only five species was elucidated out of about 60 species described.  相似文献   

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