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建鲤GHR基因多态性及与增重相关的SNP位点的筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生长激素是调控动物生长的关键因子,它通过与膜蛋白生长激素受体结合后发挥作用,因此生长激素受体基因的变异对动物生长有着重要的影响。实验根据已分离的4个建鲤jlGHRs基因,通过测定来自6尾建鲤的序列,共找到38个SNP位点。使用PCR-RFLP方法检测了353尾建鲤在其中5个SNP位点(1a内含子3 A43G、1a外显子8 A361G、1b外显子8 C12T、2a外显子8 A555G和2b外显子8 A315G)的基因型,分析了不同基因型与生长性状的相关性。结果表明5个位点均与增重显性相关;1a内含子3 A43G还与体高/体长和体厚/体长显性相关;1b外显子8 C12T与体高/体长和尾柄高/尾柄长显性相关;1a外显子8 A361G和2a外显子8 A555G也与尾柄高/尾柄长显性相关。数据分析还显示增重标记个数富集4个以上的个体明显比标记少的个体生长快,在选育群中增重标记数有2个的个体最多占30%,而增重标记数4个以上的只占14%,说明存在着较大的选育空间。实验筛选的5个位点可以作为建鲤分子育种的有效标记。    相似文献   

文章采用PCR方法从建鲤 (Cyprinus carpio var. jian) 基因组分离到2个肠型脂肪酸结合蛋白基因 (Fatty acid binding protein 2, FABP2), ORF长度均为399 bp, 相似度为92.2%, 分别记为jlFABP2a、jlFABP2b, 和斑马鱼 (Danio rerio) FABP2 ORF的相似度分别为88.0%和90.5%。jlFABP2s基因结构与FABPs家族其他成员一致, 由4个外显子和3个内含子组成, 2a和2b间内含子序列和长度差异明显。系统树显示这2个基因对应斑马鱼的1个FABP2基因, 和鲤鱼染色体数是斑马鱼的2倍一致。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示, jlFABP2a、2b在建鲤肠中的表达量极显著高于脑、肝脏、肌肉、肾脏、心脏、性腺等其他组织 (P<0.01), 且2a表达量显著 (雄鱼, P<0.05) 或极显著 (雌鱼, P<0.01) 高于2b, 但在其他组织则2b表达量稍高, 暗示2a为肠特异性表达, 2b则为广谱表达。通过比对8尾建鲤的2a和2b基因序列, 在2a和2b上分别找到12个和4个SNP, 均位于内含子上。使用PCR-RFLP 法检测jlFABP2a 上4个SNP 位点I1-A15G、I1-A99G、I2-C487T和I3-A27T在建鲤选育群体中的基因型分布, 并进行了基因型与个体增重的关联分析, 结果表明, 4个位点与雌、雄成鱼阶段增重分别有极显著或显著相关。同时考虑4个位点的基因型与增重的关系, 结果基因型AGGGCCXX 和AGGGXXAT的个体平均增重比其他个体快15%, 这两种基因型个体在选育群中占了9%, 具有较大的选育空间, 可用于建鲤分子育种计划中。  相似文献   

为了研究尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)生长激素促分泌素基因(ghrelin)的多态性及其与生长的相关性, 研究以两个尼罗罗非鱼群体(快长群体和基础群体)的DNA样本各40份为模板, 通过PCR扩增和测序获得ghrelin基因序列。通过Dnasp v5和MEGA 5.0分析序列多态性、筛选有效SNP 位点; 采用Snapshot法对两个群体子代ghrelin基因中SNP位点进行基因分型, 然后分析SNP位点基因型与生长性状的相关性。结果表明, 快长群体ghrelin基因中的单核苷酸变异位点数(S)比基础群体要少, 而核苷酸多态性(Pi)和平均核苷酸差异数(K)要略高于基础群体。共筛得3个有效SNP 位点(S1、S2和S3), 均分布于第1个内含子中。遗传结构分析表明, 3个SNP 位点在两个群体的子代中均为低度多态性位点(PIC0.25), 但处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P0.05);快长群体子代中3个SNP 位点的观测杂合度、期望杂合度和多态信息含量等遗传多样性参数均小于基础群体子代的相应值, 3个SNP 位点的遗传多样性参数、基因型和基因频率在同一群体中高度一致, SNP 位点之间完全连锁。两个群体子代中3个SNP 位点处的优势基因型相同, 但快长群体子代中优势基因型频率要明显大于基础群体子代中相应基因型频率。对两个群体子代的生长性状与SNP基因型进行关联性分析的结果表明,尼罗罗非鱼个体的多项生长指标(体重、体长、体高、头长和尾柄高等)在不同基因型中存在显著差异(S1:GG AG, S2:TT AT, S3:AA AT)(P0.05)。D1双倍型(S1:GG, S2:TT, S3:AA)所对应的尼罗罗非鱼个体的多项生长指标(体重、体长、体高、头长和尾柄高等)显著高于D2双倍型(S1:AG, S2:AT, S3:AT)。以上结果表明, 尼罗罗非鱼ghrelin基因3个SNP 位点完全连锁, D1双倍型与快长性状密切相关, 可作为尼罗罗非鱼分子标记辅助育种的候选标记。  相似文献   

[目的]寻找与三穗鸭屠体性状相关的遗传标记。[方法]以139只贵州三穗鸭为研究对象,采用PCR-SSCP技术和DNA测序方法,对鸟氨酸脱羧酶1(Ornithine decarboxylase,ODC1)基因进行遗传多态性研究。[结果]在ODC1基因中检测到1个碱基变异,位于第4外显子109 bp处,为A→G突变,且在此位点的优势等位基因型为AA基因型,A为优势等位基因。ODC1基因Ex4处多态性对三穗鸭的腿肌重、半净膛重等屠体性状存在显著影响(P0.05)。[结论]研究初步推测ODC1基因多态性与屠体性状具有显著的影响,A109G可作为穗鸭屠体性状的遗传标记,为建立三穗鸭的分子辅助标记选择方法提供初步依据,推进选育进程。  相似文献   

本研究目的是分析广西巴马小型猪MCP-1和MMP-9基因启动子区SNP位点与血清指标的关联性,筛选可能与动脉粥样硬化相关的高风险分子标记,为后续培育广西巴马小型猪动脉粥样硬化疾病模型易感家系打下基础。采用PCR-RFLP对90头正常饲喂的广西巴马小型猪的MCP-1和MMP-9基因启动子区SNP位点进行分型,统计该位点的基因型频率和等位基因频率,比较分析基因型频率与动脉粥样硬化相关血清指标的关联性。结果显示,广西巴马小型猪MMP-9基因-1267位点、-1287位点和MCP-1基因-1782位点均存在3种基因型:AA型、AG型和GG型。MCP-1基因-1782位点和MMP-9基因-1267位点以GG型为优势基因型,MMP-9基因-1287位点以AG型为优势基因型。MMP-9基因两个突变位点的各基因型个体的血清指标及其分析值之间差异均不显著。MCP-1基因-1782位点AG型个体血清LDL平均值和LDL/HDL比值均显著高于GG型个体(p0.05),AG型个体HDL和TC浓度均值、AI值稍高于GG型个体,但差异均不显著。MCP-1基因AG型个体患动脉粥样硬化疾病的风险高,可作为培育建模易感家系的分子标记。  相似文献   

兴国红鲤和荷包红鲤是宝贵的红鲤品种,作为优良杂交亲本,广泛应用于品种改良和新品种的选育。由于形态相近、差异较小,在选择杂交亲本的过程中,极易发生两种红鲤的混淆,影响新品种的养殖经济效益。通过阅读参考文献,使用数据库位点挑选和性状基因位点挑选,获得了8个SNP候选标记,理论上使用7个SNP标记,即可实现两种红鲤的鉴别,且鉴别错误率为6.30E-05,这对以两种红鲤为杂交亲本的新品种选育及养殖效益的提升意义重大,也有利于两种红鲤的种质资源保护。  相似文献   

为进一步了解人工选育对翘嘴鳜生长相关遗传标记的影响作用,研究以翘嘴鳜华康1号的5代选育群体为实验材料,对具有生长相关优势基因型的5个标记的6个位点进行扩增,通过直接测序和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳两种方法分型后,统计其优势基因型个体数目在翘嘴鳜5代中的变化。结果显示,在5代群体中,2个单核苷酸多态性位点和4个微卫星位点优势基因型的数目的分布范围为0-4,从F1到F5代,这6个位点优势基因型的平均值分别为0.36、0.71、0.68、0.77和0.94,优势基因型的平均含量随选育世代的增加呈现递增趋势,从侧面反映了人工选育在一定程度上富集了优良基因。此外,对微卫星位点进行了遗传相似性和遗传距离分析,结果显示,随着选育的进行,后续世代与F1的遗传距离有明显的增大趋势,遗传相似性减小,这符合育种的客观规律。但相邻世代间的遗传距离则逐代减小,遗传相似性逐代增大,说明人工选育将遗传相似性较大的群体保留下来了,这种相似性表现在表型上包括生长快、体重大、体长增加等。F1到F5代处于中度遗传多样性的稳定状态,说明群体还存在选育空间。  相似文献   

目的:探讨STAT5A基因SNP与贵州黑山羊生长性状关联性,旨在为山羊选种选育提供更好的科学依据。方法:以贵州黑山羊为研究对象,采用DNA池法及PCR-SSCP技术检测STAT5A基因单核苷酸多态性。结果:贵州黑山羊STAT5A基因内含子6和外显子7分别检测到1个SNP位点T-90C和C+69T,位点T-90C为2种基因型,分别命名为CC和TC。基因型与生长性状关联分析显示,贵州黑山羊TC基因型个体的胸围显著高于CC基因型个体(P0.05),而其余4个指标均差异不显著(P0.05);实验山羊群体基因频率和基因型频率处于哈代-温伯格平衡状态(P0.05)。结论:研究结果提示:STAT5A基因可能是影响山羊胸围的主效基因或与主效基因连锁,T-90C位点可望作为提高山羊个体生长性能的分子遗传标记。  相似文献   

根据表型性状选取少量辽宁绒山羊个体,直接进行类胰岛素生长因子-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)基因5'调控区克隆测序以确定单核苷酸多态(SNP)位点,共发现4个SNPs,分别是G→C(388bp)、A→G(668bp)、A→C(719bp)、G→A(752bp)的突变,导致5'调控区305~800bp中比野生型个体减少一个CdxA转录因子结合位点,但C/EBP的值(89.2)高于野生型(88.5).然后通过引入错配碱基创造酶切位点技术和多聚酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法,对520只辽宁绒山羊进行基因型检测,结果表明,每个SNP位点在本群体中都有AA(野生型)、AB和BB(突变型)三种基因型,且4个SNPs位点共有13种单倍型组合.将不同SNP的基因型及单倍型组合与绒产量、绒纤维细度和绒纤维长度进行关联分析发现,SNP2位点的AA基因型绒纤维细度极显著低于AB型和BB型(P〈0.01),而SNP4位点AA基因型产绒量显著高于AB型和BB型(P〈0.05),单倍型组合H7H7与产绒量和绒纤维细度均有显著相关(P〈0.05).IGF-Ⅰ基因可能是影响绒山羊产绒性状的主要候选基因.  相似文献   

为了研究生肌决定因子1(MyoD1)基因多态性与中华鳖生长性状的相关性,采用直接测序法在MyoD1基因上共检测到6个SNP位点(T-49G、A-38G、C91T、A187T、C880T和T1522A),其中C880T位于外显子上,属于错义突变。对从同批繁殖、同块稻田养殖的2冬龄中华鳖群体中随机选取的178只个体中各位点的基因型进行检测。结果显示,所有位点在中华鳖群体中的平均有效等位基因数、平均观测杂合度和平均期望杂合度分别为1.636 5、0.349 3和0.375 4,除A187T位点外,其余5个位点的基因型频率分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg定律。采用一般线性模型分析各位点与中华鳖生长性状之间的相关性,研究发现,T-49G位点GG基因型个体的背甲宽显著大于TT基因型,A-38G位点AG基因型个体的背甲宽显著大于AA基因型,A187T位点TT基因型个体的体高显著大于AA基因型,T1522A位点AA基因型个体的体质量显著大于TT、TA基因型,其余位点不同基因型个体间的生长性状均不存在显著差异。T-49G、A-38G、A187T和T1522A位点与生长性状显著相关,可作为中华鳖分子标记辅助育种的候选标记。  相似文献   

胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(insulin-like growth factor binding protein,IGFBP3)是调节动物生长和代谢的重要基因.本实验查找了建鲤(Cyprinus carpio var.jian)IGFBP3s基因上的SNP位点.使用PCRRFLP检测了其中5个位点(IGFBP3a-I3...  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are increasingly being used in crop breeding programs, slowly replacing simple sequence repeats (SSR) and other markers. SNPs provide many benefits over SSRs, including ease of analysis and unambiguous results across various platforms. We have identified and mapped SNP markers in the tropical tree crop Theobroma cacao, and here we compare SNPs to SSRs for the purpose of determining off-types in clonal collections. Clones are used as parents in breeding programs and the presence of mislabeled clones (off-types) can lead to the propagation of undesired traits and limit genetic gain from selection. Screening was performed on 186 trees representing 19 Theobroma cacao clones from the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) breeding program in Cameroon. Our objectives were to determine the correct clone genotypes and off-types using both SSR and SNP markers. SSR markers that amplify 11 highly polymorphic loci from six linkage groups and 13 SNP markers that amplify eight loci from seven linkage groups were used to genotype the 186 trees and the results from the two different marker types were compared. The SNP assay identified 98% of the off-types found via SSR screening. SNP markers spread across multiple linkage groups may serve as a more cost-effective and reliable method for off-type identification, especially in cacao-producing countries where the equipment necessary for SSR analysis may not be available.  相似文献   


Key message

Genome-wide association analysis identified 61 SNP markers for canopy wilting, which likely tagged 51 different loci. Based on the allelic effects of the significant SNPs, the slowest and fastest wilting genotypes were identified.


Drought stress is a major global constraint for crop production, and slow canopy wilting is a promising trait for improving drought tolerance. The objective of this study was to identify genetic loci associated with canopy wilting and to confirm those loci with previously reported canopy wilting QTLs. A panel of 373 maturity group (MG) IV soybean genotypes was grown in four environments to evaluate canopy wilting. Statistical analysis of phenotype indicated wide variation for the trait, with significant effects of genotype (G), environment (E), and G × E interaction. Over 42,000 SNP markers were obtained from the Illumina Infinium SoySNP50K iSelect SNP Beadchip. After filtration for quality control, 31,260 SNPs with a minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥5% were used for association mapping using the Fixed and random model Circulating Probability Unification (FarmCPU) model. There were 61 environment-specific significant SNP-canopy wilting associations, and 21 SNPs that associated with canopy wilting in more than one environment. There were 34 significant SNPs associated with canopy wilting when averaged across environments. Together, these SNPs tagged 23 putative loci associated with canopy wilting. Six of the putative loci were located within previously reported chromosomal regions that were associated with canopy wilting through bi-parental mapping. Several significant SNPs were located within a gene or very close to genes that had a reported biological connection to transpiration or water transport. Favorable alleles from significant SNPs may be an important resource for pyramiding genes to improve drought tolerance and for identifying parental genotypes for use in breeding programs.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most common form of DNA sequence variation in mammalian livestock genomes. While the past decade has witnessed major advances in SNP genotyping technologies, genotyping errors caused, in part, by the biochemistry underlying the genotyping platform used, can occur. These errors can distort project results and conclusions and can result in incorrect decisions in animal management and breeding programs; hence, SNP genotype calls must be accurate and reliable. In this study, 263 Bos spp. samples were genotyped commercially for a total of 16 SNPs. Of the total possible 4,208 SNP genotypes, 4,179 SNP genotypes were generated, yielding a genotype call rate of 99.31% (standard deviation?±?0.93%). Between 110 and 263 samples were subsequently re-genotyped by us for all 16 markers using a custom-designed SNP genotyping platform, and of the possible 3,819 genotypes a total of 3,768 genotypes were generated (98.70% genotype call rate, SD?±?1.89%). A total of 3,744 duplicate genotypes were generated for both genotyping platforms, and comparison of the genotype calls for both methods revealed 3,741 concordant SNP genotype call rates (99.92% SNP genotype concordance rate). These data indicate that both genotyping methods used can provide livestock geneticists with reliable, reproducible SNP genotypic data for in-depth statistical analysis.  相似文献   

The general approach to discovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) requires locus-specific PCR amplification. To enhance the efficiency of SNP discovery in soybean, we used in silico analysis prior to re-sequencing as it is both rapid and inexpensive. In silico analysis was performed to detect putative SNPs in expressed sequence tag (EST) contigs assembled using publicly available ESTs from 18 different soybean genotypes. SNP validation by direct sequencing of six soybean cultivars and a wild soybean genotype was performed with PCR primers designed from EST contigs aligned with at least 5 out of 18 soybean genotypes. The efficiency of SNP discovery among the confirmation genotypes was 81.2%. Furthermore, the efficiency of SNP discovery between Pureunkong and Jinpumkong 2 genotypes was 47.4%, a great improvement on our previous finding based on direct sequencing (22.3%). Using SNPs between Pureunkong and Jinpumkong 2 in EST contigs, which were linked to target traits, we were able to genotype 90 recombinant inbred lines by high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis. These SNPs were mapped onto the expected locations near quantitative trait loci for water-logging tolerance and seed pectin concentration. Thus, our protocol for HRM analysis can be applied successfully not only to genetic diversity studies, but also to marker-assisted selection (MAS). Our study suggests that a combination of in silico analysis and HRM can reduce the cost and labor involved in developing SNP markers and genotyping SNPs. The markers developed in this study can also easily be applied to MAS if the markers are associated with the target traits.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most common form of DNA sequence variation in mammalian livestock genomes. While the past decade has witnessed major advances in SNP genotyping technologies, genotyping errors caused, in part, by the biochemistry underlying the genotyping platform used, can occur. These errors can distort project results and conclusions and can result in incorrect decisions in animal management and breeding programs; hence, SNP genotype calls must be accurate and reliable. In this study, 263 Bos spp. samples were genotyped commercially for a total of 16 SNPs. Of the total possible 4,208 SNP genotypes, 4,179 SNP genotypes were generated, yielding a genotype call rate of 99.31% (standard deviation ± 0.93%). Between 110 and 263 samples were subsequently re-genotyped by us for all 16 markers using a custom-designed SNP genotyping platform, and of the possible 3,819 genotypes a total of 3,768 genotypes were generated (98.70% genotype call rate, SD ± 1.89%). A total of 3,744 duplicate genotypes were generated for both genotyping platforms, and comparison of the genotype calls for both methods revealed 3,741 concordant SNP genotype call rates (99.92% SNP genotype concordance rate). These data indicate that both genotyping methods used can provide livestock geneticists with reliable, reproducible SNP genotypic data for in-depth statistical analysis.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2013,37(6):1036-1043
为了筛选与大黄鱼生长性状紧密相关的分子标记,并对这些标记的有效性进行鉴定,研究以大黄鱼家系和群体为材料,经标记筛选、两次验证共三个步骤,找到2个与大黄鱼生长性状紧密相关的微卫星标记:LYC0088和LYC0143,其中LYC0088与体高、体质量均极显著相关(P0.01),与体长显著相关(P0.05),LYC0143与体长和体质量显著相关(P0.05),与体高的相关性极显著(P0.01)。LYC0088与LYC0143位点的优势等位基因分别为E、A,优势等位基因型均为AB,优势等位基因型组合为AB/AB,两个位点呈加性效应。该结果为开展大黄鱼分子标记辅助育种提供了有价值的遗传标记。    相似文献   

Emerging microarray technologies allow affordable typing of very long genome sequences. A key challenge in analyzing of such huge amount of data is scalable and accurate computational inferring of haplotypes (i.e., splitting of each genotype into a pair of corresponding haplotypes). In this paper, we first phase genotypes consisting only of two SNPs using genotypes frequencies adjusted to the random mating model and then extend phasing of two-SNP genotypes to phasing of complete genotypes using maximum spanning trees. Runtime of the proposed 2SNP algorithm is O(nm (n + log m), where n and m are the numbers of genotypes and SNPs, respectively, and it can handle genotypes spanning entire chromosomes in a matter of hours.On datasets across 23 chromosomal regions from HapMap[11], 2SNP is several orders of magnitude faster than GERBIL and PHASE while matching them in quality measured by the number of correctly phased genotypes, single-site and switching errors. For example the 2SNP software phases entire chromosome (10(5) SNPs from HapMap) for 30 individuals in 2 hours with average switching error 7.7%.We have also enhanced 2SNP algorithm to phase family trio data and compared it with four other well-known phasing methods on simulated data from [15]. 2SNP is much faster than all of them while loosing in quality only to PHASE. 2SNP software is publicly available at http://alla.cs.gsu.edu/~software/2SNP.  相似文献   

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