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以从健康牙鲆肠道中分离筛选的乳杆菌L15(Lactobacillussp.L15)和嗜酸乳杆菌ATCC4356为实验材料,应用5mol/L LiCl提取其表面蛋白,利用蛋白印迹法鉴定出在L15表面蛋白中分子量为61.8kDa和54.6kDa的蛋白质分别参与对牙鲆和鲤鱼粘液的粘附过程,为新发现的粘附蛋白种类,将其命名为MAPPpo1和MAPPcc。ATCC4356中分子量分别为43.0kDa和63.3kDa的两个表面蛋白参与对牙鲆粘液的粘附,而分子量为43.0kDa的蛋白参与对鲤鱼粘液的粘附。同时,蛋白质印迹法显示,L15和ATCC4356在牙鲆和鲤鱼肠粘液中均具有相同的粘附受体,在牙鲆肠粘液中是分子量为29.7kDa和30.3kDa的两种蛋白质,而在鲤鱼肠粘液中只有分子量为26.2kDa的蛋白作为受体参与L15和ATCC4356的粘附过程。结果显示,乳杆菌对肠粘液的粘附不但具有菌种的特异性,而且也有宿主的特异性。  相似文献   

目的:蛋白免疫印迹法自发明以来被广泛应用于现代生物学研究中的蛋白质定性和半定量分析。为了提高蛋白免疫印迹法的检测效率,需针对不同蛋白的特性调节相关的实验条件参数。本文旨在探讨免疫印迹法不同参数对小分子蛋白检测效果的影响,从而优化并获得最佳实验条件。方法:比较不同转膜电压和时间、转移缓冲液甲醇含量、不同化学发光剂对小分子蛋白的检测效果。结果:选择20 V、10 min转膜电压和时间所获得的信号显著高于10 V、25 min转膜条件,选择含20%甲醇转移缓冲液所获得的信号显著高于无甲醇转移缓冲液,选择飞克级化学发光剂所获得的信号显著高于纳克级化学发光剂。结论:选用高电压、短时间组合,选择含20%甲醇转移缓冲液和飞克级化学发光剂信号均有助于小分子蛋白免疫印迹检测。  相似文献   

蛋白免疫印迹法同时检测大、小分子蛋白的实验条件改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:蛋白免疫印迹法是现代生物医学研究中广泛应用于蛋白定性和半定量分析的实验技术。然而,常规采用传统单一浓度凝胶的蛋白免疫印迹法在应用过程中仍有不足之处,如不能同时检测分子量很大和很小的蛋白,因而有必要探索一种增大凝胶有效分离范围的检测方法。本文提出采用组合凝胶来实现更大范围分子量蛋白的同时检测。方法:比较双浓度的组合凝胶与单一浓度凝胶的分离范围以及分析采用组合凝胶,蛋白免疫印迹法对大、小分子蛋白的检测效果。结果:12%/7.5%组合凝胶和15%/7.5%组合凝胶的分离范围显著大于相应的单一浓度凝胶。通过12%/7.5%组合凝胶,蛋白免疫印迹法同时检测到15-300 k Da范围内的大、小分子蛋白。结论:组合凝胶有助于蛋白免疫印迹法对分子量相差很大的蛋白进行同时检测分析,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

探讨快速有效的骨组织总蛋白提取法和利用该方法进行免疫印迹研究.采用单纯研磨法、单纯锤击法和锤击研磨法分别对兔骨组织蛋白进行提取,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对蛋白进行分离,利用免疫印迹法检测骨组织中beta-actin的表达,比较3种骨组织蛋白提取法.发现3种蛋白提取法均可满足免疫印迹研究要求,但是锤击研磨法提取的蛋白含量比单纯锤击法高,并能更好的保留49 kDa以下的蛋白,而且该操作法比传统的单纯研磨法更为方便、快捷,还能节省液氛用量.锤击研磨法可作为提取骨组织蛋白的一种理想方法.  相似文献   

 Angioarrestin是一种具有潜在应用价值的肿瘤血管形成抑制因子.利用DNA重组法构建了angioarrestin C端 hFD cDNA 和麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)重组原核表达质粒 pMAL-C2-hFD.将重组质粒转入大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3),经0.3 mmol/LIPTG 在37℃条件下诱导表达4h,SDS-PAGE 检测,融合蛋白表达量约占细菌总蛋白的20%.Western印迹证实,目的蛋白N端带有MBP标签.取表达上清纯化、透析、浓缩并冻干,以此为抗原免疫Balb/c小鼠制备多克隆抗体.此多抗可以与pET 22b(+)表达系统获得的 hFD重组蛋白发生良好的抗原抗体反应,ELISA检测多抗效价达1∶10240.实验证明:通过基因重组可获得angioarrestin C端hFD在大肠杆菌中的高效表达蛋白,且该蛋白具有较高的免疫活性.以此为抗原制备的抗angioarrestin多克隆抗体为深入研究angioarrestin提供了材料.  相似文献   

目的:制备可用于甘蔗花叶病毒(ScMV)E株系(ScMV-E)检测用多克隆抗体。方法:将ScMV-E外壳蛋白(CP)基因连接到pET29a(+)上,经PCR检测、酶切及测序鉴定获得重组质粒pET29a-CP,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中诱导表达重组ScMV-E外壳蛋白;采用His Trap Kit纯化目的蛋白,作为抗原免疫新西兰大白兔,制备特异性抗体;通过间接ELISA、Western blot和组织印迹法检测所制备抗体的特异性。结果:SDS-PAGE分析表明,重组融合蛋白含6个组氨酸标记,相对分子质量约43000;Western blot检测显示所获得的抗体特异性良好,间接ELISA法测得血清的效价为1:81 920;甘蔗叶片的组织印迹检测结果显示杂交效果良好。结论:制备的多克隆抗体可直接用于ScMV-E检测,并有望用于制备ScMV-E检测试剂盒。  相似文献   

目的:探究2型猪链球菌(S.suis2)强毒株05ZYH33的srtF基因簇编码的菌毛结构亚蛋白SSU0473的细菌定位及其免疫保护效能。方法:原核表达截短的SSU0473(tSSU0473),并以亲和层析法纯化目的蛋白,Western印迹检测tSSU0473蛋白的免疫原性,ELISA法检测多抗血清的效价及IgG亚型,小鼠试验测试重组蛋白的免疫保护效能,免疫电镜观测tSSU0473蛋白的细菌定位。结果:在原核系统中表达了tSSU0473蛋白;ELISA结果显示重组蛋白能够刺激小鼠产生高效价的免疫抗体;动物试验表明tSSU0473蛋白免疫小鼠可抵御致死剂量病原体的攻击,显示出较好的免疫保护作用;免疫电镜检测显示tSSU0473蛋白定位于细菌表面。结论:菌毛亚蛋白tSSU0473是S.suis2膜表面蛋白,具有良好的免疫原性和免疫保护性,可作为S.suis2亚单位疫苗的候选分子。研究结果为系统揭示S.suis2的菌毛生物学结构与功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:用亲和层析法鉴定YlyA与RNA聚合酶(RNAP)的结合性能。方法:将YlyA分别上样于以Affigel 15为亲和介质制备的空白柱、牛血清白蛋白(BSA)柱和RNAP柱;以GreA和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)为阳性和阴性对照蛋白分别上样于同一RNAP柱,洗涤和洗脱缓冲液(pH均为7.9)的盐离子浓度分别为30mmol/L和400mmol/L;用免疫印迹法对洗涤和洗脱流出液中的YlyA进行检测。结果:在空白柱和BSA柱的洗脱收集液中,没有检测到YlyA,大量的YlyA出现在了洗涤收集液中;而在RNAP柱的洗脱收集液中,检测到了YlyA和GreA,没有检测到GFP。结论:YlyA与RNAP之间具有特异性结合能力,为YlyA极有可能是一种转录因子的生物信息学分析结果提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】筛选细胞内与A型流感病毒M2蛋白(A/M2)相互作用的蛋白质。【方法】将A/M2编码序列插入真核表达载体pCAGGS-CFlag,重组质粒pCAGGS-CFlag-A/M2转染HEK-293T细胞,裂解细胞,以Flag单抗偶联的琼脂糖球珠免疫沉淀A/M2-Flag蛋白,清洗去除非特异性结合的杂蛋白后,SDS-PAGE银染法显示与A/M2共沉淀的蛋白,从胶上切下此蛋白条带进行质谱分析。【结果】成功构建了A/M2的表达质粒,免疫印迹证实了A/M2蛋白在293T细胞中能够表达,免疫共沉淀筛选到与A/M2结合的多种蛋白,分析质谱结果,确定ataxin 10和3个真核翻译起始因子(eIF)为候选蛋白。【结论】ataxin 10与A/M2相互作用为流感病毒感染或接种流感疫苗引发小脑性共济失调提供了解释,eIF与A/M2相互作用表明A/M2可能在调控病毒蛋白合成方面起重要作用。  相似文献   

采用十二烷基肌氨酸钠(Sarkosyl)法提取西伯利亚鲟嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)外膜蛋白,电泳显示所提取的主要外膜蛋白分子量为26~120 kDa;为比较该菌株与气单胞菌菌属其他细菌外膜蛋白组分及抗原性异同,以致病性豚鼠气单胞菌(A.caviae)、温和气单胞菌(A.sobria)和无致病力的嗜水气单胞菌为对照,电泳图谱显示4种气单胞菌外膜蛋白的分子量主要集中在26~120 kDa之间;利用抗西伯利亚鲟嗜水气单胞菌血清的免疫印迹试验表明该菌株外膜蛋白中分子量为75 kDa、52 kDa、43 kDa、40 kDa、34 kDa、28 kDa的蛋白条带呈现阳性反应,其他3种气单胞菌外膜蛋白中均有与该抗血清反应的条带,且分子量为28 kDa、34 kDa的反应条带为4株菌共有;43 kDa与75 kDa反应条带为部分菌株共有.为进一步筛选和研究致病性气单胞菌的共同保护抗原提供参考.  相似文献   

The article deals with the optimization of conditions for the chemiluminescence determination. The Daphnia habitat was shown to have no spontaneous chemiluminescence. This was revealed using hydrogen peroxide and luminol, the optimal concentrations of which were 23 and 1.6 x 10(-2) mmol/L. p-Iodphenol at low concentrations (4 x 10(-5)-2 x 10(-3) mmol/L) did not render its effect chemiluminescence signal while at high concentrations (4 x 10(-2) mmol/L) an inhibition of chemiluminescence was observed. To obtain the needed intensity of chemiluminescence no more than 5 daphnia persons is required to incubate in volume of 10 mL of sample for analyzing. The intensity of chemiluminescence of daphnia cultivating medium and the sensitivity of this organism to potassium chromate increased at the temperature increasing from 24 to 32 degrees C. Daphnia cultivating medium can be preserved in refrigerator for several hours without lost of chemiluminescence signal.  相似文献   

Bucillamine (BUC) is used clinically for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the pharmacological action of BUC has been reported as being dependent on the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this paper the reactivity of BUC with superoxide anion radical (O(2) (*-)) generated from potassium superoxide/18-crown-6 ether dissolved in DMSO, hydroxyl radical (HO(*)) produced in the Cu(2+)-H(2)O(2) reaction, peroxyl radical (ROO(*)) from 2,2'-azobis (2-amidino-propane) dichloride decomposition, and singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) from a mixture of alkaline aqueous H(2)O(2) and acetonitrile, have been investigated. Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping techniques and the deoxyribose and oxygen radical absorbance capacity towards ROO(*) (ORAC(ROO)) assays were used to elucidate the anti- and pro-oxidative behaviours of BUC towards ROS. The results indicated that BUC efficiently inhibited chemiluminescence from the O(2) (*-)-generating system at relatively high concentrations (0.5-2 mmol/L); however, at lower concentrations (<0.5 mmol/L) the drug enhanced light emission. The behaviour of BUC was correlated with a capacity to decrease the chemiluminescence signal from the Cu(2+)-H(2)O(2) system; scavenging HO(*) was effective only at high concentrations (1-2 mmol/L) of the drug. Bucillamine also prevented deoxyribose degradation induced by HO(*) in a dose-dependent manner, reaching maximal inhibition (24.5%) at a relative high concentration (1.54 mmol/L). Moreover, BUC reacts with ROO(*); the relative ORAC(ROO) was found to be 0.34 micromol/L Trolox equivalents/micromol sample. The drug showed quenching of (1)O(2)-dependent 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxide radical formation from 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine (e.g. 90% inhibition was found at 1 mmol/L concentration). The results showed that BUC may directly scavenge ROS or inhibit reactions generating them. However, the drug may have pro-oxidant activity under some reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Forchlorfenuron is a low-toxic phenylurea plant growth regulator. Excessive intake of forchlorfenuron can lead to metabolic disorders of the matrix and be harmful to human health. The chemiluminescence intensity of the KIO4–K2CO3–Mn2+ reaction decreased in the presence of forchlorfenuron. Based on this result, a rapid and sensitive chemiluminescence method was established to determine forchlorfenuron by combining it with a batch injection static device. The injection speed, injection volume and reagent concentration of the forchlorfenuron–KIO4–K2CO3–Mn2+ chemiluminescence reaction were optimized. Under these optimized conditions, the linear range of the method was 1.0–200.0 μg/L, and the limit of detection was 0.29 μg/L (S/N = 3). The chemiluminescence method for the determination of forchlorfenuron could be completed in 10 s. The method was applied to detect the residual forchlorfenuron in dried fruit samples, and the results are consistent with high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. This method has the advantages of high sensitivity, rapid response, less reagent consumption, and convenient operation. It will provide a new perspective for chemiluminescence for the rapid and sensitive determination of forchlorfenuron in various complex samples.  相似文献   

为建立适于黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质组分析的双向电泳体系,对黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质双向电泳分析所采用的胶条pH范围、样品制备方法、裂解液配方及分离胶浓度等参数进行研究。结果表明,采用pH范围为4~7的IPG胶条,直接裂解后丙酮沉淀法制备黄瓜悬浮细胞蛋白质,裂解液为8mol/L尿素、2mol/L硫脲、2%IPG Buffer、4%CHAPS、1%TBP、65mmol/L DTT、2mmol/L EDTA、0.001%溴酚蓝和1%鸡尾酒,分离胶浓度为11%,可获得蛋白质点分离清晰的双向电泳图谱。  相似文献   

A simple chemical system consisting of FeSO4 and H2O2 (Fenton's reagent) was shown to emit light (chemiluminescence). The addition of tryptophan to the reaction markedly enhanced light production. Very little chemiluminescence was observed when H2O2 was omitted from the reaction and when ferric, instead of ferrous, ions were used. Hydroxyl radical (OH.) and singlet oxygen (1 deltagO2) quenchers suppressed chemiluminescence of the FeSO4 + tryptophan + H2O2 system; and, deuterium oxide (2H2O) enhanced chemiluminescence of both FeSO4 reactions. These observations suggest that a radical chain reaction involving both OH. and 1 deltag O2 is responsible for the chemiluminescent reactions. Six iron-containing proteins, some of which are located within granulocytes, all emitted light in the presence of H2O2. Since iron and H2O2 are present in metabolically stimulated granulocytes, it is likely that chemiluminescent reactions similar to the ones demonstrated in this study account for part of the chemiluminescence of activated granulocytes.  相似文献   

董源  汤灵玲  林林  卢山 《生物工程学报》2012,28(9):1130-1138
为提高蛋白质含量检测方法的抗干扰能力,从福林酚试剂法入手,以牛血清白蛋白为标准样品,重新设计制定实验试剂组成与配比等,获得蛋白质含量检测新方法,然后探讨新方法的适用检测波长范围和稳定性,并利用细胞全蛋白裂解液分析它对多种常见干扰物质的包容性。实验发现,新方法不仅能准确检测蛋白质含量,对蛋白质测定液中表面活性剂的耐受浓度,如十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、NP-40和TritonX-100分别达到10%、2%和1%;螯合剂乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐(EDTA)和Ethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl)tetraacetic acid(EGTA)则分别达25 mmol/L和1 mmol/L;对还原剂二硫苏糖醇(DTT)和β-ME的包容浓度均为1 mmol/L;而含氮化合物硫酸铵与尿素则分别为0.5 mol/L和4 mol/L。与原方法相比较,对常见干扰物质的耐受性有显著提高,说明新方法适用含多种干扰物质的蛋白质溶液,在生命科学研究领域具有广泛应用前景。  相似文献   

Suqin Han 《Luminescence》2005,20(6):405-410
A simple and rapid capillary electrophoresis with direct chemiluminescence method has been developed for the determination of five natural pharmacologically active compounds including rutin, protocatechuic aldehyde, chlorogenic acid, luteolin and protocatechuic acid. The luminol as a component of the separation electrolyte buffer was introduced at the head of the separation capillary. The separation of five compounds was carried out in a fused-silica capillary with 15.0 mmol/L tetraborate, 1.0 mmol/L SDS and 0.42 mmol/L luminol (pH 8.5). The analytes was determined by enhancing the chemiluminescence of luminol with 0.13 mmol/L K3Fe(CN)6 in 0.05 mol/L NaOH, which was introduced at the post-column stage. The voltage applied was 16 kV. Under the optimum conditions, the analytes were separated within 10 min. The excellent linearity was obtained over two to three orders of magnitude with a detection limit (signal:noise = 3) of 0.012-0.055 micromol/L for all five analytes. The method was successfully used in the analysis of pharmaceutical and biological samples, and the assay results were satisfactory.  相似文献   

A highly selective and simple chemiluminescence (CL) method for determination of penicillin G potassium (PGK) was developed. In the proposed method, CL was elicited from PGK upon its oxidation with H2O2. The light emission was enhanced in the presence of N‐cetyl‐N,N,N‐trimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB). An experimental design, central composite design (CCD), was used to realize the optimized variables, including pH, surfactant (CTMAB) and H2O2 concentrations. Under optimum condition, the calibration graph was linear in the range 3.3 × 10?3–3.3 × 10?1 mmol/L, with a detection limit of 8.8 × 10?4 mmol/L for PGK. The precision was calculated by analysing samples containing 1.6 × 10?1 mmol/L PGK (n = 5) and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was 1.40%. The utility of this method was demonstrated by determining PGK in pharmaceutical formulations for injection. The proposed method was validated by a reference method. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

棕色固氮菌(OP)体内的固氮酶钼铁(MoFe)蛋白和细菌铁蛋白均为重要的生物功能蛋白。前者为生物固氮的关键酶[1],后者则可为生物代谢贮存丰富而又可溶的铁原子[2]。因而都得到了广泛而深入的研究。Kim[3]报道了MoFe蛋白衍射结果。赵宝光等[2]...  相似文献   

MgCl2 was added to the supernatant of the first crystallization of MoFe protein to give a final concentration of 14.6 mmol/L, followed by centrifugation. The treated supematant solution and MoFe protein could be crystallized by using method of siting drop with PEG 6000 and MgC12 as a precipitant and salt, respectively. The larger crystal from the supermatant was observed when the final concentration of PEG and MgCl2 was 4.5% and 15.6 mmol/L, respectively; but small crystal was observed when the concentration was 0 and 23.8 mmol/L, respectively. The larger crystal in brown rectangular prism of MoFe protein was also obtained using the same crystallization method when the final concentration of PEG and MgCI2 was 7.44% and 338.0 mmol/L, respectively. It suggests that the two protein crystals seem to be different, the former being bacterioferritin and the later as nitrogenase MoFe protein.  相似文献   

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