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以500-Hz短纯音作为刺激声,分别测定了20位受试者(9例正常者,11例耳病患者,共40耳)的诱发性耳声发射(EOAE),40-Hz听觉相关电位(40-Hz AERP)和行为反应三项指标的阈值。结果如下:EOAE阈值的主要分布范围在〔20,60〕dB nHL,该范围耳数是其阈值总范围〔15,70)dB nHL耳数的93%;40-Hz AERP阈值主要在〔20,60〕dB nHL,耳数是其阈值范围〔20,90〕dB nHL耳数的95%;行为阈主要在〔20,40〕dB nHL,耳数是其阈值范围〔15,80〕dB nHL耳数的91%,全部受试者有13耳EOAE未引出(正常者3耳,耳病患者10耳),占总测试耳数的33%。三项指标的相关分析表明:EOAE—40Hz AERP,EOAE—行为反应,40Hz AERP一行为反应的r值分别为0.609(0.002相似文献   

以500-Hz短纯音作为刺激声,分别测定了20位受试者(9例正常者,11例耳病患者,共40耳)的诱发性耳声发射(EOAE),40-Hz听觉相关电位(40-Hz AERP)和行为反应三项指标的阈值。结果如下:EOAE阈值的主要分布范围在〔20,60〕dB nHL,该范围耳数是其阈值总范围〔15,70)dB nHL耳数的93%;40-Hz AERP阈值主要在〔20,60〕dB nHL,耳数是其阈值范围〔20,90〕dB nHL耳数的95%;行为阈主要在〔20,40〕dB nHL,耳数是其阈值范围〔15,80〕dB nHL耳数的91%,全部受试者有13耳EOAE未引出(正常者3耳,耳病患者10耳),占总测试耳数的33%。三项指标的相关分析表明:EOAE—40Hz AERP,EOAE—行为反应,40Hz AERP一行为反应的r值分别为0.609(0.002相似文献   

耳蜗电图慢波电位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用同极双道同步记录法对比观察了豚鼠耳蜗电图慢波电位和快波电位的波形;测量了慢波电位的潜伏期、波幅和阈值;并与快波电位的阈值进行了比较。结果表明,慢波电位不但对高频声音反应好,而且对低频声音反应也很好,反应闽都在OdBnHL以下,因而弥补了快波电位对低频声音反应闽值高的缺陷,解决了耳蜗电图低频检测的难题。作者认为,慢波电位主要来源于听神经动作电位的慢成分,其次是听觉脑干诸核团的慢成分。慢波电位是反映频率和强度特性的理想指标,在科研及临床实践中应用将是很有前途的。  相似文献   

听觉早潜伏期电位同步记录法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
听觉脑干电位(BAEP)和耳蜗电图(EcochG)是从头部不同位置记录出来的听觉早潜伏期电位。听觉早潜伏期电位由快波电位(快成分)和慢波电位(慢成分)组成。BAEP由快波电位(FW-BAEP)和慢波电位(SW BAEP)组成,是从颅顶记录  相似文献   

目的旨在探讨脑干听觉传入通路中GABA能神经递质及GABAA受体对电刺激位听神经传入冲动的影响.方法使用出生后0~5 d的ddy/ddy小鼠制备脑干切片.脑片经电压敏感染料NK3041染色,电刺激与脑片相连的位听神经残端.使用16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列测量光学信号.所采集的数据使用ARGUS50/PDA软件分析.结果多部位的光学记录方法显示了从位听神经到耳蜗核和前庭核的兴奋性传导的时间-空间分布.其中每一个光学成分由快峰电位样反应和慢反应组成.抑制性神经递质GABA可降低诱发的光学信号的快反应和慢反应,GABAA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱可增强这些反应.结论16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列可记录位听神经刺激诱发的多部位光学信号,每一个光学信号含有突触前及突触后电位成分.抑制性神经递质GABA和GJBAA受体拮抗剂可调节光学信号的兴奋性传导.  相似文献   

长期观察多种听觉诱发电位的一种动物模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在豚鼠的面神经管和颅顶同时植入电极、在清醒状态下长期观察耳蜗电图、听觉诱发的SN4电位、听觉脑干电位、听觉中潜伏期反应、听觉中潜伏期反应的40Hz相关电位及颅顶慢电位等听觉诱发电位,电极不接触、不损害听觉结构,埋植3、6个月的成功率分别为88.10%、80.95%,埋植12-18个月的成功率为76.19%。  相似文献   

我们已发现外源性催产素能改善人及豚鼠以恼干电位或耳蜗电图为指标的听觉功能。本文在对照组和预先给予催产素处理的豚鼠上,比较了125dB(SPL)白噪声暴露20min前后声音强度辨别能力的改变,并比较了肌内注射和侧脑室微量注射两种不同给药途径的作用。实验以重复短声调幅引起的皮层慢反应电位阈值I_r为指标,观察了催产素对豚鼠声音强度辨别功能的影响。结果发现对照组噪声暴露所致I_r的升高明显高于催产素处理组,且此种暂时性阈移的恢复也明显慢于催产素组;催产素两种给药途径的结果无明显差异。这些结果进一步提示催产素对声音强度辨别功能具有保护作用。  相似文献   

鸣叫雄蝉的听觉反应及其与发声的内源关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑蚱蝉 (C .atrata Fabr.)的静息雄蝉对 70dB(SPL)左右的刺激声脉冲反应的听神经复合动作电位 (简称“听神经电位”)的潜伏期和幅值分别平均为 ( 3 .92±0 .2 8)ms和 ( 0 .32± 0. 2 2 )mV ,鸣叫雄蝉虽对外部刺激声脉冲基本无反应 ,但对耦合在刺激声脉冲中的叫声脉冲有敏感反应 ,听神经电位的潜伏期和幅值分别为 ( 4 .1 6±0 .43)ms和 ( 0 .46± 0 .2 5 )mV .鸣叫雄蝉听神经电位前的负电位表征了发声与听觉神经回路之间存在内源联系 .  相似文献   

用刺激兔丘脑后腹核引起的皮层诱发电位作为制约反应,胼胝体电位作为测验反应,可见到后者发生先抑制后易化的改变。易化过程表现为测验反应慢成分幅度的增大和其后发放活动的增强,而快成分却只受到抑制。如制约反应具有后发放活动,则测验反应幅度将伴有相应的周期性波动。如果,被后腹核刺激引起的诱发电位作用而增大的胼胝体电位,反过来再作用于后腹核刺激引起的诱发电位,则可见到其有强大的胼胝体易化作用,同时胼胝体电位慢成分幅度愈大,其胼胝体易化作用也愈强,两者有正比关系。  相似文献   

刺激强度、刺激音持续时间与脑干听觉诱发电位慢成分的关系郑辉,李善民(暨南大学医学院听觉生理学研究室广州510632)脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)是听觉诱发电位的早期成分,由听觉刺激后10ms内所记录到的7个阳性快波所组成,该波群重叠在缓慢的阳性慢波上...  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is important in development, maintenance and progression of haematological malignancies. Some clinical observations have indicated that in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (nHL) tumour microvessel density (MVD) may correlate with tumour staging and outcome. The aim of the study was to examine relationship between MVD as a parameter of tumour angiogenesis measured by expression of CD34 and the grade of nHL histological malignancy as determined by REAL classification. 40 lymph node samples of patients with newly diagnosed nHL (17 women, 23 men; aged 48-70 yrs, median age 64 yrs; stage III and IV) and treated at the Department of Haematology, Wroc?aw Medical University in 1999-2002 were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. In all the studied cases, sections were incubated with antibodies against CD34. The slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and evaluated histopathologically. Patients were divided into two groups according to histological malignancy: indolent nHL (19 patients) and aggressive nHL (21 patients). Mean MVD measured by expression of CD34 in aggressive and indolent nHL groups amounted to 19.45 +/- 11.24 vessels/0.375 mm2 and 21.7 +/- 12.4 vessels/0.375 mm2, respectively. Statistical analysis of microvessel staining demonstrated no correlation between tumour MVD and grade of histological malignancy in lymph nodes of nHL patients. Nevertheless, angiogenesis observed in nHL provides rationale for use of angiogenesis inhibitors in lymphoma therapy.  相似文献   

无Ca^2+外淋巴灌流对短时噪声听损伤的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已有报道Ca2+在噪声所致耳蜗病理损伤中起重要作用。本实验比较采用不含Ca2+人工外淋巴鼓阶灌流和对照灌流耳蜗在接受到115dBSPL白噪声暴露1h后耳蜗各种生物电反应的差异,以探索降低外淋巴Ca2+浓度是否能减轻噪声所致的听觉损伤。结果提示,用无Ca2+外淋巴降低鼓阶Ca2+浓度可部分压抑耳蜗声电响应,但强噪声所致的耳蜗功能损伤将减轻。本文在多种电生理指标的综合分析中对此种低Ca2+保护的机制做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Lymphatic vasculature in solid tumors may serve as the pathway for metastatic spread of the cancer to the regional lymph nodes and to distant organs. Controversy still exists whether tumors metastasize through existing lymphatics or through newly formed vessels (lymphangiogenesis). The role of lymphangiogenesis in lymphoma spread and proliferation is not clearly established. VEGF-C is the most potent inducer of lymphangiogenesis. LYVE-1 was shown to be a specific marker for lymphatic vessels in normal and tumor tissue. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of lymph node LYVE-1-positive lymphatic sinus density (LSD) and VEGF-C expression in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (nHL) and in reactive lymph nodes. Sixty paraffin-embedded lymph nodes from newly diagnosed patients with B-cell nHL were evaluated. Twelve lymph node biopsy specimens from adult patients with reactive lymphonodulitis were used as controls. Sections of lymph nodes were stained immunohistochemically for LYVE-1 and VEGF-C. VEGF-C expression in lymph nodes of nHL patients was low and not significantly different from that in the control (p = 0.6). Moreover, VEGF-C expression did not differ significantly between aggressive and indolent lymphomas (p = 0.53). Similarly we did not find differences in LSD in aggressive nHL and in indolent nHL (p=0.49). The mean LSD in reactive lymph nodes was higher than in nHL (p = 0.03). Only in 2 out of 12 reactive lymph nodes LYVE-1-positive vessels were absent. In all groups we demonstrated a strong positive correlation between VEGF-C and LYVE-1-expression (p = 0.0001). Higher LSD in reactive lymph nodes as compared to those of nHL patients suggests that lymphoma proliferation leads to the destruction of the existing lymphatics rather than to lymphangiogenesis within lymph nodes. NHL are not associated with increased expression of VEGF-C nor increased LYVE-1-positive lymphatic sinuses density within lymph nodes.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the oxygen uptake (VO2) slow component during high-intensity exercise have yet to be established. In order to explore the possibility that the VO2 slow component is related to the muscle contraction regimen used, we examined the pulmonary VO2 kinetics during constant-load treadmill and cycle exercise at an exercise intensity that produced the same level of lactacidaemia for both exercise modes. Eight healthy subjects, aged 22-37 years, completed incremental exercise tests to exhaustion on both a cycle ergometer and a treadmill for the determination of the ventilatory threshold (defined as the lactate threshold, Th1a) and maximum VO2 (VO2max). Subsequently, the subjects completed two "square-wave" transitions from rest to a running speed or power output that required a VO2 that was halfway between the mode-specific Th1a and VO2max. Arterialised blood lactate concentration was determined immediately before and after each transition. The VO2 responses to the two transitions for each exercise mode were time-aligned and averaged. The increase in blood lactate concentration produced by the transitions was not significantly different between cycling [mean (SD) 5.9 (1.5) mM] and running [5.5 (1.6) mM]. The increase in VO2 between 3 and 6 min of exercise; (i.e. the slow component) was significantly greater in cycling than in running, both in absolute terms [290 (102) vs 200 (45) ml x min(-1); P<0.05] and as a proportion of the total VO2 response above baseline [10 (3)% vs 6 (1)%; P < 0.05]. These data indicate that: (a) a VO2 slow component does exist for high-intensity treadmill running, and (b) the magnitude of the slow component is less for running than for cycling at equivalent levels of lactacidaemia. The greater slow component observed in cycling compared to running may be related to differences in the muscle contraction regimen that is required for the two exercise modes.  相似文献   

提高外淋巴钙浓度对耳蜗电位的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以人工外淋巴灌流方式,提高豚鼠耳蜗外淋巴液钙离子浓度([Ca2+]PL),观察蜗内直流电位(EP)和耳蜗电图(ECochG)的变化,ECochG包括听神经复合动作电位(CAP)、耳蜗微音电位(CM)。结果可见:高钙灌流明显抑制CAP幅值,延长同一声强下(90dBSPL)N1-峰潜伏期,但不改变CM的幅值及总和EP(G-EP)。高钙灌流降低了EP对噪声的给-撤声反应(EP-ON,EP-OFF)和缺氧所得到的最大负EP(N-EP)绝对值。本文分析了外淋巴高钙影响耳蜗电位的可能机制。  相似文献   

Mutations affecting the Arabidopsis SWC6 gene encoding a putativeorthologue of a component of the SWR1 chromatin remodellingcomplex in plants have been characterized. swc6 mutations causeearly flowering, shortened inflorescence internodes, and alteredleaf and flower development. These phenotypic defects resemblethose of the photoperiod independent early flowering 1 (pie1)and early in short days 1 (esd1) mutants, also affected in homologuesof the SWR1 complex subunits. SWC6 is a ubiquitously expressednuclear HIT-Zn finger-containing protein, with the highest levelsfound in pollen. Double mutant analyses suggest that swc6 abolishesthe FLC-mediated late-flowering phenotype of plants carryingactive alleles of FRI and of mutants of the autonomous pathway.It was found that SWC6 is required for the expression of theFLC repressor to levels that inhibit flowering. However, theeffect of swc6 in an flc null background and the down-regulationof other FLC-like/MAF genes in swc6 mutants suggest that floweringinhibition mediated by SWC6 occurs through both FLC- and FLC-likegene-dependent pathways. Both genetic and physical interactionsbetween SWC6 and ESD1 have been demonstrated, suggesting thatboth proteins act in the same complex. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation,it has been determined that SWC6, as previously shown for ESD1,is required for both histone H3 acetylation and H3K4 trimethylationof the FLC chromatin. Altogether, these results suggest thatSWC6 and ESD1 are part of an Arabidopsis SWR1 chromatin remodellingcomplex involved in the regulation of diverse aspects of plantdevelopment, including floral repression through the activationof FLC and FLC-like genes. Key words: Arabidopsis, chromatin remodelling, floral repression, HIT-Zn finger, phase transition, SWR1 complex  相似文献   

红松阔叶混交林林隙土壤水分分布格局的地统计学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李猛  段文标  陈立新  魏琳  冯静  王誓强 《生态学报》2012,32(5):1396-1402
以小兴安岭原始红松阔叶混交林林隙为研究对象,采用网格法布点,通过对生长季内林隙各样点土壤含水量的连续观测,利用基本统计学和地统计学的方法分析并揭示了林隙土壤含水量的时空分布格局,旨在为红松阔叶混交林的可持续经营提供基础数据和理论参考。结果表明:林隙土壤含水量不仅存在明显的空间异质性,而且空间异质性的强度、尺度和空间结构组成随时间而改变。浅层土壤水分空间异质性大于深层,林隙0—7.6 cm、0—12 cm和0—20 cm土壤含水量大小顺序均为9月>7月>8月>6月。林隙、郁闭林分和空旷地土壤含水量大小顺序均为0—7.6 cm>0—12 cm>0—20 cm。生长季内6月土壤含水量不同空间样点极差最大,各月变异都属于中等变异程度;基台值和变程大小顺序同样为0—7.6 cm>0—12 cm>0—20 cm;林隙月平均土壤含水量斑块连接度高,形状复杂,0—7.6 cm、0—12 cm和0—20 cm平均土壤含水量最大值均分布在林隙中心及其附近,最小值分布位置不固定;生长季内土壤含水量及其变化程度均为空旷地最大,林隙次之,郁闭林分最小。  相似文献   

采用适宜的参数,从豚鼠园窗记录出一种新的听觉40Hz相关电位,它不同于Galambos提出的听觉中潜伏期40Hz相关电位。通过不同部位引导的对比观察,对该电位的基本特征、影响因素及其可能发生机理进行了初步探讨,结果显示40HzAERP-ELR波形稳定,振幅高,频率响应好,反应阈值低。在0.5kHz短纯音的反应阈值为13.75dBnHL,较颅顶的听觉中潜伏期40Hz相关电位低35dBnHL。  相似文献   

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