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随着城镇人口增加和城市化的快速发展,每天产生大量的污泥和园林废弃物,而厌氧消化的污泥与园林废弃物的混合堆肥产品应用于林地土壤改良,是城市废弃物循环利用的一种经济有效的方式。本研究在北京平原造林区开展试验,探讨混合堆肥对波斯菊的生长及对重金属元素吸收的影响。结果表明:施用堆肥对土壤全氮和有机质含量无显著影响; Cu、Zn、Cd三种重金属元素在土壤中主要以残渣态的形态存在;施用堆肥提高了土壤Cu、Zn含量,但Zn总量未超过土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—2018)中的土壤污染风险筛选值300 mg·kg-1,Cu在施肥量较高时超过土壤污染风险筛选值100 mg·kg-1;土壤背景值中Cd含量已经高于土壤污染风险管制值4.0 mg·kg-1,施用堆肥对Cd含量的影响无明显规律;波斯菊株高、生物量和花数均随着堆肥施用量的增加而增加;波斯菊对重金属元素的富集性表现为CuCdZn。本研究表明,北京平原造林区的人工林生态系统可以忍受一定浓度的污泥和园林废弃物混合堆肥,并利用其中的营养物质,提高土壤肥力,促进植物生长。  相似文献   

赵西宁  刘帅  高晓东  丁艳宏  李钊  杨阳  杨明飞 《生态学报》2022,42(17):7080-7091
土壤质量是影响黄土高原丘陵区山地果园健康可持续发展的关键因素之一。针对黄土高原目前存在的土壤保水能力差,肥力低及微生物群落结构单一等问题,选取保水剂、生物炭和植物根际促生菌三种改良剂,研究其对土壤质量的影响。研究设置5个处理,分别为:生物炭处理(BC),施用量为5%;枯草芽孢杆菌处理(PGBS),施用量为0.25%;胶质芽孢杆菌处理(PGBM),施用量为0.25%;腐殖酸型保水剂处理(SAP),施用量为0.1%,不施用土壤改良剂作为对照(CK)。通过主成分分析法和最小数据集法筛选出相关指标,分别与对照处理(CK)进行对比,并进行综合评价。结果表明:土壤全氮、速效磷、β-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶、真菌Chao1指数、纤维素酶和细菌Chao1指数对土壤质量的影响较大;同时土壤改良剂的施用可以明显提高果园土壤质量。通过综合评价,发现不同改良剂改善土壤质量效果为:生物炭(BC)>保水剂(SAP)>枯草芽孢杆菌(PGBS)>胶质芽孢杆菌(PGBM)。综合考虑土壤质量和改良成本,保水剂在黄土高原山地果园土壤改良方面的适用性最好,若农林废弃物可资源化则生物炭在黄土高原土壤改良方面具有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

微区改土微区改土绿化,是山东省建委列为“85”重点科研课题。微区改土是指进行局部土壤改良,小至一树穴、一花坛、一花池,大至一条绿化带,数亩、数十亩绿化地。通过隔盐层、隔盐袋、锯末等,改善微区土壤理化指标,达到抑制局部返盐,土壤脱盐,使植物能正常生长。隔盐袋一般用0.2厘米厚的塑料膜,加工长、宽、高各l米的袋,底部铺麦糠等隔盐层,上部放培养土。微区改土是运用人工生态条件,控制水盐运动  相似文献   

多立安  廉菲  赵树兰 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1725-1730
通过城市生活垃圾堆肥基质草坪建植体系接种草坪土壤线虫,研究了线虫数量、科属分类、营养类群等线虫多样性变化.结果表明,接种草坪土壤线虫 4 个月后,垃圾堆肥基质中共鉴定出线虫4科7属,包括植物寄生性线虫、食真菌线虫和食细菌线虫3个营养类群;垃圾堆肥基质草坪建植体系中线虫总数明显少于土壤基质.在接种草坪线虫的土壤基质草坪建植体系中,植物寄生线虫为优势营养类群,盘旋线虫属仍为优势属,相对多度达到83.3%,显著高于本底土壤45.1%.在接种草坪土壤线虫的垃圾堆肥基质草坪建植体系中,土壤本底中处于优势属的植物寄生类线虫如盘旋线虫属和螺旋线虫属基本消失了,表明垃圾堆肥基质对植物寄生类群的生长与繁殖表现出明显的抑制作用,优势属也发生了很大变化,食细菌类群的头叶属和丽突属成为优势属,相对多度分别为67.0%和14.0%.因此,从草坪土壤线虫危害角度来说,以垃圾堆肥作为草坪基质将会为草坪植物生长创造良好的基质环境.  相似文献   

堆肥是有机固体废弃物处理与资源化的主要途径之一,包括矿化和腐殖化两个过程,且都和微生物活动有关。矿化过程会产生二氧化碳(CO2)等温室气体,是一个典型的温室气体释放过程。腐殖化过程则会产生稳定的腐殖质,则是优良的土壤改良剂。在堆肥稳定化的前提下,如何有效减少堆肥过程中的CO2释放,强化堆肥的腐殖化过程,增加作为优良土壤改良剂的腐殖质产量,对于发展低碳化堆肥技术,实现堆肥的资源化利用具有重要意义。本文选取水稻秸秆和餐厨垃圾作为堆肥原料,研究不同预处理对堆肥过程中矿化和腐殖化过程的影响,并探讨了不同预处理影响矿化和腐殖化过程的微生物机理。结果表明堆料加热预处理后,堆肥的矿化作用被明显削弱,总碳(TC)减量率仅为23.4%,并且最后形成了可观产量的稳定腐殖质(每kg堆料70 d后腐殖质含量为22.09 g±0.35 g,腐殖化系数达2.0),因此加热预处理后的堆肥过程在保证稳定腐殖质的产量前提下更低碳化。预处理通过影响堆料的性质和初始状态下堆料中微生物的种类和数量从而影响堆肥的矿化和腐殖化过程。活性微生物量与脱氢酶活性是矿化过程的主要决定因素,而多酚氧化酶活性主要影响堆肥的稳定腐殖化过程。  相似文献   

由废弃地整理复垦形成的耕地存在土壤有机质和有效养分低、土壤板结、微生物活性弱和土壤耕作性状不良等问题,快速、有效地提高土壤肥力质量是全面提升该类耕地质量和生产性能的重要组成部分.本文通过田间小区试验研究了城郊有机废弃物对新复垦耕地土壤培肥的综合效果,并比较了不同类型城郊有机废弃物在培育耕地质量方面的差异.试验设置了施用等量猪粪、鸡粪、水稻秸秆、蔬菜收获残留物、城市污泥、沼渣、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、生活垃圾堆肥和对照(不施有机肥)9个处理(年用量30 t·hm-2),连续进行3年的定点试验.结果表明: 施用任何有机物对改善土壤肥力均有明显的作用.其中,提升土壤碳库管理指数以施用猪粪、鸡粪、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、水稻秸秆和沼渣的效果最为显著;增加土壤水稳定性团聚体和降低土壤容重以施用猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和沼渣的效果最佳;施用污泥、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和生活垃圾堆肥可增强土壤保蓄能力;施用猪粪、鸡粪和猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥对增加土壤有效态养分的效果最为明显;各类有机物均显著提高了土壤微生物数量和酶活性.长期施用污泥、生活垃圾堆肥及畜禽粪存在着土壤重金属污染的风险,但短期施用对土壤环境质量影响不明显.总体上,对土壤肥力的改善效果由大至小依次为:猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>鸡粪>猪粪>沼渣>生活垃圾堆肥>水稻秸秆>城市污泥>蔬菜收获残留物;对土壤的相对污染程度由大至小为:城市污泥>生活垃圾堆肥>猪粪>鸡粪>沼渣>猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>蔬菜收获残留物>水稻秸秆.  相似文献   

在烟草生产及加工过程中,通常会产生大量的烟草废弃物,如何有效利用这些废弃物以避免环境污染和资源浪费,已成为烟草行业亟需解决的问解。研究发现,烟草废弃物堆肥化处理是规模化利用废弃资源的有效途径之一,对烟草农业的绿色、低碳、循环、可持续发展具有重要意义。从有机肥堆肥制备技术、肥效研究等方面进行了系统综述,从整体上展示了烟草废弃物堆肥技术的发展现状,以期为国内烟草废弃物源堆肥未来技术的研发及产业化提供一定的参考。通过分析发现,在堆肥制备技术方面,主要有微生物菌剂添加技术、共堆肥技术和烟草材料预处理技术3种,此外还衍生出液态有机肥和厌氧发酵联产有机肥技术;在堆肥肥效研究方面,烟草废弃物堆肥可明显改善土壤的物性参数、化学参数以及生物学参数,显著钝化土壤重金属元素,进而提高作物的产量或品质,其中堆肥与化学肥料配施的效果相对较好;堆肥的多功能化是未来堆肥创新利用的重要途径。  相似文献   

城市污泥堆肥用作草皮基质对草坪草生长的影响   总被引:54,自引:6,他引:48  
李艳霞  赵莉  陈同斌 《生态学报》2002,22(6):797-801
研究了城市污泥堆肥生产草坪基质的应用效果。试验结果表明,城市污泥堆肥基质能明显提高黑麦草的地上和地下生物量和叶绿素含量,与不施化肥和施用化学的对照相比,城市污泥堆肥可以增加土壤有效态氮、磷含量,促进植物叶片对氮的吸收,提高草坪的质量。用经过无害化处理的城市污泥生产草坪基质,既可以解决城市污泥的出路,又可以降低草坪的生产成本,是一条经济可行的途径。  相似文献   

为揭示不同施肥方式(纯施化肥、有机肥配施化肥、秸秆还田配施有机无机肥、有机无机复合肥)对稻麦两熟制地区农田土壤杂草种子库的影响, 在江苏常州金坛区进行了固定施肥试验。经过连续4年试验处理后, 对不同施肥处理下农田土壤杂草种子库杂草种子种类及密度进行了调查, 并对杂草种子多样性、数量、分布与施肥措施的关系进行了分析。结果表明, 与不施肥相比, 施肥有减少稻麦轮作田土壤杂草种子库杂草种子种类数、杂草种子群落均匀度指数和物种多样性指数的趋势, 并使稻麦轮作田土壤杂草种子库杂草种子总密度明显降低。施肥明显提高了土壤杂草种子库菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)、日本看麦娘(Alopecurus japonicus)、看麦娘(A. aequalis)种子的密度, 施用猪粪堆肥配施化肥处理提高程度更为显著; 秸秆还田配施化肥、秸秆还田配施有机肥化肥、有机无机复合肥施用处理有减少菵草、日本看麦娘、看麦娘杂草种子密度的趋势。施肥明显降低了土壤杂草种子库阔叶杂草种子密度; 施用有机肥有增加土壤杂草种子库水苦荬(Veronica undulata)、蛇床(Cnidium monnieri)种子密度的趋势; 施用猪粪堆肥有增加土壤杂草种子库鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)种子密度的趋势。因此, 不同种类杂草对不同肥料存在偏好性差异, 不同施肥方式造成了土壤杂草种子库优势物种组成的差异。  相似文献   

利用废弃菌袋鸡粪堆肥发酵制备微生物菌肥的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索食用菌栽培废弃物资源的回收利用,以废弃菌袋和鸡粪为基质,按1:1(W/W)充分混匀,添加1%(W/W)的腐熟菌剂初发酵3周后,添加0.5%(W/W)的功能菌剂进行复发酵。结果表明废弃菌袋和鸡粪腐熟充分,其种子发芽指数(GI)符合有机固体废弃物腐熟情况的公认指标。堆肥成品的酸碱度、有机质含量、全氮、全磷、全钾、重金属(总砷,总汞,铅,镉)含量等指标均符合行业标准NY525-2012,可用于农田、果园等作物的肥料,为后续废弃菌袋和鸡粪的资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Weeds can be suppressed in the field by cover crop residues, extracts of which have been demonstrated to exert chemical inhibition of crop and weed germination and early growth in bioassays. In this study, two complementary bioassays were developed with soil and mulch material originating from a long‐term maize–cover crop experiment to determine the relative physical and chemical effect of rye cover crop residues on weed and maize germination and early growth. This was compared with the effect exerted by residue material from the natural vegetation that developed in the crop stubble during the winter before maize sowing. Germination percentage and early growth of maize and two maize weeds, Amaranthus retroflexus and Echinochloa crus‐galli, were assessed in a seed incubator in tilled (green manured) and nontilled (surface mulched) soil, with and without N fertilisation, at various dates after cover crop destruction. Responses were compared to those of the same species in a standard soil without mulch or with an inert poplar mulch. A second bioassay was set up in a glasshouse to determine the effect of different quantities of fresh residue material and additional N fertilisation on emergence speed and percentage and on plant vigour during the first 22 days after cover crop destruction. These results were compared with no‐mulch controls and poplar mulch controls. Results of these trials were compared with weed density and biomass that developed in the maize crop sown after cover crop destruction. Soil and mulch chemical and biological properties were determined for material collected in the field at different times after cover crop destruction. Chemical properties of the mulch differed only occasionally between the treatments, but variation in cover crop biomass production led to significantly different soil chemical properties. Although soil total phenolic acid content did not always correlate to weed and maize germination and early growth inhibition, soil microbial activity did. In suboptimal conditions, as is often the case in the field, plant residue material exerted both a physical and a chemical effect on maize and weed emergence and early growth. Nitrogen fertilisation and application timing can give the maize crop a competitive advantage with respect to the weeds, but the final response and the practical consequences depended largely on the weed species involved.  相似文献   

The physical properties of natural soils have been researched extensively. However, there is a paucity of information on the short and longer term effects on a manufactured soil after the addition of municipal green waste compost as an organic component. Two field trials were set up using different soil forming materials. Trial 1 (Chorley), added compost to degraded subsoil, whilst trial 2 (Bidston) utilised compost added to a mixture of sand and silt. The trials were established to determine what effect the addition of municipal greenwaste compost had on the development of soil physical properties, and the soils subsequent ability to support vegetation establishment. The compost was introduced as a blend and mulch at varying ratios in an attempt to establish the most appropriate mix to support the establishment of grassland vegetation. It was found that the addition of compost reduced the bulk density proportionally across the majority of the blends at both trial sites which in turn had a positive effect on porosity and infiltration rates. At trial 1 there was evidence of a good suite of meadow plants present in many plots with reasonable similarity to the Natural Vegetation Classification MG5/5a except for the treatment with 33% compost mulch. At trial 2 the soil mixture treatments that supported vegetation most similar to the Natural Vegetation Classification MG5 suite of sown species were the mixes with 15% and 30% compost. The compost mulch treatment and the mix with 45% compost content were probably too fertile as they became dominant with ruderal weed species due to natural succession and inhibited the growth of the meadow plants. Overall, the initial findings of the two trials suggest that adding green waste compost at specific rates could be used as a successful strategy in the early stages of establishing and managing controlled vegetation growth on a manufactured soil.  相似文献   

间作绿肥对油菜根际土壤碳氮及根际微生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周泉  张小短  马淑敏  邢毅  陈娇  石超  王龙昌 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7965-7971
在我国西南紫色土地区,农田生态环境极为脆弱,绿肥应用也面临严峻问题。为改善农田土壤健康状况,探索绿肥的应用途径,通过紫云英与油菜间作,重点探讨了绿肥紫云英对油菜根际土壤碳氮及其微生物特征的影响,同时与秸秆覆盖的效应作了比较,其创新性在于将绿肥紫云英应用于西南旱地,并且为建立新的油菜种植模式作铺垫。结果表明:与秸秆覆盖相比,间作绿肥紫云英是影响油菜根际土壤环境的主要因素。间作紫云英减少了油菜根际土壤碳、氮含量,改变了油菜根际土壤碳氮比。间作紫云英也减少了油菜根际土壤微生物量,改变了油菜根际土壤微生物群落结构,改善了油菜根际土壤通气状况,抑制了厌氧细菌的生长。  相似文献   

Current inputs of organic materials to cropped lands on sandy Alfisols and Entisols in Sahelian West Africa are insufficient to arrest soil organic matter (SOM) decline. Crop residues and green manures require proper management in order to maximize their contribution to nutrient supply and SOM maintenance. The objectives of this study were to quantify the rates of C and N mineralization from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) green manure, cowpea residue, and millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) residue under field conditions in Niger and to determine the effect of these organic amendments on pearl millet yield. Millet was grown (1) as sole crop, (2) as intercrop with cowpea, (3) as intercrop with cowpea that was incorporated as green manure during the second half of the growing season, (4) with incorporated cowpea residue (2000 kg ha–1), (5) with millet residue mulch (3000 kg ha–1), and (6) with N fertilizer. Carbon loss as CO2 from soil with and without organic amendment was measured three times per week during the growing season. Nitrogen fertilizer increased millet yield only in a year with a favorable rainfall distribution. Cowpea grown in intercrop with millet during the first part of the growing season and subsequently incorporated as green manure between millet rows increased millet grain yield in a year with sufficient early rainfall, which could be attributed to the rapid rate of decomposition and nutrient release during the first 3 weeks after incorporation. In a year with limited early rainfall, however, densely planted green manure cowpeas competed for water and nutrients with the growing millet crop. Incorporated cowpea residue and millet residue mulch increased millet yield. Surface applied millet residue had high rates of decomposition only during the first 3 days after a rainfall event, with 34% of the millet residue C lost as CO2 in one rainy season. Recovery of undecomposed millet residue at the end of the rainy season was related to presence or absence of termites, but not to seasonal C loss. Millet residue mulch increased soil organic C content of this sandy Alfisol in Niger. Cowpea and millet residues had a greater effect on SOM and millet yield than cowpea green manure due to their greater rate of application and slower rate of decomposition.  相似文献   

Agricultural application of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), as nutrient source for plants and as soil conditioner, is the most cost-effective option of MSW management because of its advantages over traditional means such as landfilling or incineration. However, agricultural application of MSW can lead to a potential environmental threat due to the presence of pathogens and toxic pollutants. Composting is an attractive alternative of MSW recycling. Application of MSW compost (MSWC) in agricultural soils can directly alter soil physico-chemical properties as well as promote plant growth. The soil microbial biomass, considered as the living part of soil organic matter, is very closely related to the soil organic matter content in many arable agricultural soils. Numerous studies, with different MSWC amendment doses on different soil types and under different water regimes revealed no detrimental effect on soil microbial biomass. In this review, we show the state of art about the effects of MSWC amendment on soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Sri Lankan rice farmers rarely practise green manuring and they depend mostly on chemical fertilizers for the nutrient requirement of their crops. With the removal of government subsidy on fertilizers since 1990, they are now faced with the dilemma of meeting the cost of production to sustain previous yield targets. Therefore the present study devotes to evaluate alternative cheaper nutrient sources like green manures for rice. Results of recent work in Sri Lanka have shown that Sesbania speciosa Taub. ex Engl. is a promising green manure for lowland rice in the dry zone. It was evaluated to adopt a suitable green manuring system for rice. Its year-round biomass production, nutrient accumulation during the vegetative growth and nitrogen fixation were monitored. Field trials were conducted to investigate its ability to suppress weed growth when grown during fallow periods and its contribution to soil fertility and effect on rice yield. Highest biomass of around 100 g dry matter per plant, was achieved when S. speciosa was seeded in August and harvested at flowering in November. When this was planted during a fallow period at a spacing of 0.25×0.25 m (16 plants m-2), percentage weed reduction was as much as 40%. Its N2 fixation activity was similar to that of S. sesban (L.) Merr., Nitrogen concentration in S. speciosa increased until 70 days after establishment and then decreased towards flowering. Phosphorus and K accumulation was also effective during this period. Therefore suitable time for soil-incorporation of S. speciosa is around 70 days after establishment. S. speciosa-manured and chemically fertilized rice crops were comparable in terms of grain yield, indicating the effective nutrient supplying potential of this green manure. Straw biomass was significantly high under S. speciosa, because of the high N-allocation to vegetative growth of rice under this. This evaluation shows that S. speciosa not only supplies N, but is also an effective and complete supplier of other nutrients for rice. A scheme to introduce this into rice production system is proposed, where S. speciosa is seeded/broadcast two weeks before crop harvest (around January) in Maha (major) season as well as Yala (minor) season (around June) so that its biomass can be incorporated into soil during land preparation of subsequent seasons.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of mixing two large volume wastes, namely mineral processing waste and source-segregated green waste compost, on the growth performance of plants targeted towards high (horticulture/agriculture) and low (amenity/restoration) value markets. The secondary aims were to evaluate the influence of mineral waste type on plant growth performance and to undertake a simple economic analysis of the use of mineral-compost mixtures in land restoration. Our results showed that in comparison to organic wastes, mineral wastes contained a low available nutrient content which reduces compost quality. This is supported by growth trials with tomato, wheat and grass which showed that, irrespective of mineral source, plants performed poorly in compost blended with mineral waste in comparison to those grown in green waste or peat-based compost alone. In terms of consumer confidence, unlike other wastes (e.g. biosolids and construction/demolition waste) the mineral quarry wastes can be expected to be free of potentially toxic elements, however, the production costs of compost-mineral waste mixtures and subsequent transport costs may limit its widespread use. In addition, handling of the material can be difficult under wet conditions and effective blending may require the purchase of specialist equipment. From our results, we conclude that mineral fines may prove useful for low quality, low value landscaping activities close to the source of production but are unsuited to high value markets.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to examine whether strip-tilled cover cropping followed by living mulch practice could suppress root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and enhance beneficial nematodes and other soil mesofauna, while suppressing weeds throughout two vegetable cropping seasons. Sunn hemp (SH), Crotalaria juncea, and French marigold (MG), Tagetes patula, were grown for three months, strip-tilled, and bitter melon (Momordica charantia) seedlings were transplanted into the tilled strips; the experiment was conducted twice (Season I and II). Strip-tilled cover cropping with SH prolonged M. incognita suppression in Season I but not in Season II where suppression was counteracted with enhanced crop growth. Sunn hemp also consistently enhanced bacterivorous and fungivorous nematode population densities prior to cash crop planting, prolonged enhancement of the Enrichment Index towards the end of both cash crop cycles, and increased numbers of soil mesoarthropods. Strip-tilled cover cropping of SH followed by clipping of the living mulch as surface mulch also reduced broadleaf weed populations up to 3 to 4 weeks after cash crop planting. However, SH failed to reduce soil disturbance as indicated by the Structure Index. Marigold suppressed M. incognita efficiently when planted immediately following a M. incognita-susceptible crop, but did not enhance beneficial soil mesofauna including free-living nematodes and soil mesoarthropods. Strip-tilled cover cropping of MG reduced broadleaf weed populations prior to cash crop planting in Season II, but this weed suppression did not last beyond the initial cash crop cycle.  相似文献   

Biological testing of a digested sewage sludge and derived composts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aiming to evaluate a possible loss of soil habitat function after amendment with organic wastes, a digested sewage sludge and derived composts produced with green residues, where biologically tested in the laboratory using soil animals (Eisenia andrei and Folsomia candida) and plants (Brassica rapa and Avena sativa). Each waste was tested mimicking a field application of 6ton/ha or 12ton/ha. Avoidance tests did not reveal any impact of sludge and composts to soil biota. Germination and growth tests showed that application of composts were beneficial for both plants. Composts did not affect earthworm's mass increase or reproduction, but the highest sludge amendment revealed negative effects on both parameters. Only the amendment of composts at the highest dose originated an impairment of springtails reproductive output. We suggest that bioassays using different test species may be an additional tool to evaluate effects of amendment of organic wastes in soil. Biological tests are sensitive to pollutants at low concentrations and to interactions undetected by routine chemical analysis.  相似文献   

为了探究不同有机物覆盖对冷凉地区果园土壤理化性质的影响,在‘寒富’苹果园设置了杂草、稻草、玉米秸秆、粉碎枝条4个覆盖处理,对比分析了各处理果园土壤水分、养分等指标的变化.结果表明: 有机物覆盖增加了土壤含水量,以干旱季节最为明显;减缓了春季土壤温度上升速度,不利于果树前期生长,但降低了夏季土壤的最高温,提高了秋冬季土壤的最低温;提高了土壤的pH值,以玉米秸秆覆盖处理最为明显,减轻了土壤酸化,使土壤pH接近中性;不同程度提高了土壤有机质含量,以杂草覆盖处理最为明显.覆盖还增加了土壤碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量,但稻草覆盖处理碱解氮含量低于对照.  相似文献   

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