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土壤线虫群落对施用EM生物有机肥的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡诚  曹志平  齐迎春  胡菊  李双来 《生态学报》2010,30(18):5012-5021
1997年在中国农业大学曲周试验站设置了施用EM堆肥与传统堆肥的田间试验,2004年和2005年在玉米与小麦生长期间取样分析土壤线虫的群落结构,结果表明:在玉米与小麦田总共发现49个线虫属,包括17个食细菌线虫属,5个食真菌线虫属,18个植物寄生线虫属,9个捕食-杂食线虫属。在EM堆肥处理中共发现46个线虫属,而在传统堆肥处理中共发现42个线虫属。植物寄生线虫是优势的营养类群,其次为食细菌线虫,它们的相对丰度分别是59.26%,31.55%。在玉米与小麦生长季节,线虫的Wasilewska、营养多样性、申农多样性、均匀度及植物寄生线虫成熟指数处理之间差异不显著,但是取样日期之间差异显著(P0.01)。与传统堆肥相比,多年施用EM堆肥加快了土壤有机物的转化,提高了土壤的含氮量,增加了土壤线虫总数与食细菌线虫数量。  相似文献   

为了解青藏高原东缘亚高山/高山森林土壤线虫多样性,于2015年7月以该地区岷江冷杉原始林、混交林和次生林为研究对象,采用淘洗-过筛-蔗糖离心的方法分离土壤线虫,研究了3个海拔森林土壤线虫群落的组成与结构特征.结果表明: 共捕获线虫37950条,隶属于20科27属,平均为4217 条·100 g-1干土,原始林以丝尾垫刃属为优势属,混交林和次生林以丝尾垫刃属和拟盘旋属为优势属,且优势属个体数量受林型的影响显著.原始林和次生林的优势营养类群为食真菌线虫,混交林则为食细菌线虫.土壤线虫c-p (colonizer-persister)类群c-p 1、c-p 2、 c-p 3和c-p 4数量分别占总数的6.1%、51.1%、30.0%和12.7%.3个海拔森林土壤线虫的自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)、总成熟度指数(∑MI)和植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)随海拔增加而逐渐降低.土壤线虫通路指数(NCR)在混交林高于0.5,在原始林和次生林低于0.5.林型显著影响了土壤线虫成熟度和NCR指数,但林型、土层及二者的交互作用对多样性指数影响不显著.川西亚高山/高山不同森林土壤线虫的组成、营养结构和能流通道存在明显差异,为深入理解土壤线虫在该区森林土壤生态过程中的作用提供了参考.  相似文献   

草坪建植体系构建中的生态问题   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
多立安  赵树兰  高玉葆 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1065-1071
草坪建植体系对城市复合生态系统具有重要的调控能力与服务功能,使草坪建植体系构建成为现代城市生态建设中必须考虑的重要内容之一。在分析国内外草坪建植体系构建现状及其主要制约因素的基础上,进一步探讨了草坪绿化体系构建中草皮建植、植生带建植及运动场草坪建植体系的几个主要生态问题,指出土壤基质草皮建植方式的弊端在于消耗土壤资源,破坏农田生态系统,草皮杂草控制难;植生带草坪建植方式的问题在于复杂的工艺和无纺布的高成本,这与节约型生态经济发展模式相矛盾;运动场草坪建植体系存在的问题则是场地长期处于高强度践踏下,导致基质紧实而失去弹性,使生态适宜性降低。在构建城市草坪建植体系中,寻找低成本廉价的草坪建植材料的替代物,开展环境友好的草坪建植材料选择应用及其生态适宜性研究,则是解决城市草坪建植体系中上述几个突出生态问题的关键。  相似文献   

侯春雨  魏雪  周磊  马金豪  任晓  王玉英  吴鹏飞 《生态学报》2023,(24):10104-10118
为了查明青藏高原地区建植多年生禾本科人工草地对土壤线虫群落的影响及土壤线虫群落随人工草地建植年限增加的变化趋势,以川西北红原县2018年建植的垂穗披碱草样地(Elymus nutans)和老芒麦样地(Elymus sibiricus)为研究对象,以天然草地(Natural grassland)为对照,于2018—2020每年9月对土壤线虫群落、植被和土壤因子等进行连续监测。研究共分离到土壤线虫38470条,隶属于2纲8目65科172属,平均密度2482条/100g干土;食细菌线虫是研究样地的主要营养类群。垂穗披碱草和老芒麦样地的土壤线虫群落组成结构与天然草地间存在明显差异,但差异性随建植年限增加逐渐降低。线虫群落密度和多样性指数在垂穗披碱草、老芒麦和天然草地间均无显著差异。随建植年限增加,土壤线虫群落密度显著上升,Pielou指数显著下降,丰富度和Shannon指数无显著变化;植物寄生线虫密度和比例在第2年显著增加,并成为优势营养类群。线虫群落生态指数在不同草地类型间无显著差异,但垂穗披碱草和老芒麦样地的线虫基础指数随建植年限增加先增加,在第3年时显著降低(P<0.05)。冗余分...  相似文献   

稻田不同水分管理方式对土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
欧伟  李琪  梁文举  姜勇  闻大中 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1921-1925
在下辽河平原地区就稻田不同水分管理方式对土壤线虫多度、营养类群、群落组成的影响进行了研究.结果表明,0~10cm土层不同水分管理处理的线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期显著低于对照,10~20cm土层各时期处理间线虫总数的差异不显著,20~30cm土层线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期差异极显著.北方单季稻水田试验共观察到土壤线虫16科22属.绕线属(Plectus)、垫刃属(Tylenchus)、单宫属(Monhystera)是优势属,绕线属和垫刃属对不同的水分管理比较敏感.在耙耕前和黄熟期不同水分管理方式对0~10cm土壤食细菌线虫能够产生显著影响.稻田土壤中食细菌线虫和植物寄生线虫是优势营养类群,而捕食/杂食性线虫的相对多度最低.  相似文献   

甘南高寒草甸土壤线虫营养功能群 的地统计学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
土壤线虫是土壤生态系统的重要指示生物。研究高寒草甸土壤线虫营养功能群空间分布格局特征,有助于揭示土壤线虫分布对高寒草甸生态因子变化的响应。2019年7月中旬,采用网格法(1.0 m × 0.5 m)研究5.0 m × 4.0 m尺度土壤层(0 ~ 20 cm)土壤线虫营养功能群空间特征。采用改良湿漏斗法,共获得土壤线虫1 830条,隶属于49属,土壤线虫个体平均密度以50 g干土计量为63.2条,其中,绕线属(Plectus)和拟丽突属(Acrobeloides)为优势类群。土壤线虫以食细菌线虫、植物寄生线虫为主。土壤线虫营养功能群变异系数介于64.26% ~ 107.69%(n = 38)之间,存在较强的变异性。食真菌线虫与食细菌线虫(P < 0.001)、食真菌线虫与植物寄生线虫(P < 0.001)间空间分布均存在显著相关性。地统计分析显示,土壤线虫营养功能群的空间相关范围存在明显差异,有效变程介于0.50 ~ 27.07 m之间,其67.26% ~ 99.79%的变异与空间自相关过程有关。食细菌土壤线虫分布格局呈较均匀的斑块镶嵌结构,斑块较小;非食细菌土壤线虫呈斑块连接或斑块镶嵌结构,斑块较大且斑块间过渡明显,表明土壤线虫小尺度明显的斑块结构可能是高寒草甸受干扰后的一种常见分布模式,并受多种因素影响。  相似文献   

天然高寒草地转变为燕麦人工草地对土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨锐  吴鹏飞  魏雪 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4903-4920
为查明高寒草地上种植燕麦(Avena sativa)对土壤线虫群落的影响,于2014年7、9月用土钻法和湿漏斗法(Baermann法)对西南民族大学青藏高原畜牧业高科技研发示范基地内燕麦地(Oat grassland,OG)和天然草地(Natural grassland,NG)的土壤线虫群落进行调查。共分离土壤线虫10179条,隶属于2纲8目50科143属,平均密度477条/100g干土。燕麦地与天然草地土壤线虫群落结构具有明显差异,影响群落结构的主要类群为拟丽突属(Acrobeloides)、原杆属(Protorhabditis)、丝尾垫刃属(Filenchus)和盘旋属(Rotylenchus),但不同月份间存在差异。燕麦地的土壤线虫群落密度、食细菌线虫密度、食真菌线虫密度和自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)均显著高于天然草地(P0.01;P0.05;P0.001;P0.01),植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)则显著低于天然草地(P0.05)。两种草地7月份的土壤线虫群落类群数和香农多样性指数(H′)均显著低于9月(P0.05),仅燕麦地7月份的食细菌、食真菌线虫密度和Simpson优势度指数(C)显著高于9月(P0.05;P0.001;P0.01)。典范对应分析(Canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)及回归分析结果表明,土壤pH、有机质、全氮、速效磷和含水量是影响线虫群落的主要环境因子。研究结果表明,高寒草地种植燕麦后在短期内改变了线虫群落结构,增加了线虫群落密度以及食细菌和食真菌线虫在群落中的比例,以植物寄生线虫为主的群落营养结构转变为以食细菌线虫为主,同时也增加了线虫群落不同月份间的差异。  相似文献   

土壤动物是土壤生态系统中十分活跃的生物类群之一,也是城市草坪生态系统的重要组成部分。由于外来植物白三叶入侵,草坪土壤动物可能受到直接或间接的影响,进而改变城市草坪生态系统功能及过程。研究白三叶入侵对城市草坪生态系统土壤动物的影响,可为进一步了解外来植物入侵机制及城市草坪的建植养护提供理论依据。采用野外调查的试验方法对4种不同入侵程度下城市草坪的土壤动物群落特征和土壤理化性质进行了研究。结果如下:4种不同入侵程度的草坪样地共捕获土壤动物30099只,隶属于19目43科,其中小杆科、线蚓科和跳虫科为优势类群;土壤动物个体数量和类群数量整体表现为中度入侵 > 轻度入侵 > 对照 > 重度入侵,符合中度干扰假说;土壤动物个体数量和类群数量的季节动态主要表现为夏秋较高,冬春较低。CCA分析显示,土壤理化因子中铵态N对土壤动物影响相对较小,可能与白三叶改善了草坪土壤的供N水平并使其不成为土壤动物分布的限制因子有关;同时,土壤理化因子对土壤动物优势类群影响较小,而主要影响常见和稀有类群。总体而言,一定程度的白三叶入侵增加了土壤动物群落的多样性,但当达到重度入侵时,白三叶形成单优群落,减少了植物多样性,进而使土壤动物可获得的生活资源减少,土壤动物群落多样性呈下降趋势;白三叶入侵后通过改变土壤理化性质,影响到土壤动物常见和稀有类群,并最终改变草坪土壤动物的群落结构。  相似文献   

植被覆盖对土壤线虫营养类群空间分布的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以中国科学院沈阳生态实验站的裸地和撂荒地为研究对象,采用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,研究裸地和撂荒地土壤线虫总数及各营养类群的空间分布特征.结果表明,裸地和撂荒地植物寄生线虫与土壤pH呈显著负相关;撂荒地土壤线虫总数的平均值显著大于裸地,分别为每百克干土1 485.3和464.0条;撂荒地土壤线虫总数、植物寄生线虫和食细菌线虫的块金值/基台值(27.3%~45.6%)低于裸地(49.5%~100%),裸地和撂荒地土壤线虫总数及各营养类群的空间分布格局均有明显差异,表明植被覆盖对土壤线虫的空间分布有较大影响.  相似文献   

秸秆还田量对植物寄生线虫群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用运行11年的中国科学院保护性耕作长期定位试验站,开展了4个不同秸秆还田量处理即秸秆不覆盖还田(NT0)、秸秆33%覆盖还田(NT33)、秸秆67%覆盖还田(NT67)和秸秆100%覆盖还田(NT100)对植物寄生线虫群落影响的研究。本研究共分离鉴定到植物寄生线虫16个属,优势属4个,即巴兹尓属(Basiria)、垫刃属(Tylenchus)、拟盘旋属(Pararotylenchus)和短体属(Pratylenchus)。植物寄生线虫总丰度在0~10 cm土层随着秸秆还田量的增加先增加后减少,在10~20 cm土层随着秸秆还田量的增加变化很小,但两个土层不同秸秆还田量处理间植物寄生线虫总丰度差异均不显著。秸秆还田各个处理中,植物寄生线虫c-p(colonizers-persisters)类群以c-p3类群占优势。秸秆还田导致了0~10 cm土层土壤总有机碳含量增加,植物寄生线虫优势属中巴兹尔属(Basiria)和垫刃属(Tylenchus)的丰度增加,植物寄生线虫c-p2类群的相对丰度增加,以及c-p2和c-p3类群的生物量增加。秸秆还田量的增加并没有增加植物寄生线虫危害的风险。秸秆还田主要是通过影响土壤总有机碳和pH的变化来影响植物寄生线虫c-p类群。  相似文献   

A survey of the nematode genera associated with trees in Scotland showed that Tylenchus sensu lato, Aphelenchoides, Tylencholaimus, Trichodorus, Helicotylenchus, Rotylenchus, Criconemoides s.l., Hemicriconemoides, Tylencho-rhynchus, Pratylenchus and Paratylenchus s.l. were commonly found in soil samples collected from around the roots of coniferous and deciduous trees. Only Criconemoides s.l. appeared to have a significant preference for deciduous woods. The presence of undergrowth in woods and forests was associated with significantly greater numbers of plant-parasitic nematodes. Measurements of abiotic factors indicated that, in mineral soils, pH affected the incidence of most genera, but soil type, moisture content and altitude had little effect.  相似文献   

藏东南急尖长苞冷杉林林隙土壤线虫群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解西藏东南部急尖长苞冷杉林林隙土壤线虫群落特征,对林隙、非林隙土壤0~30 cm范围内不同深度土层的线虫群落进行调查,并用线虫个体密度、生物多样性指数和营养类群指数等特征值分析了土壤线虫群落的结构及多样性特点.结果表明: 采用浅盘法分离得到土壤线虫26801 条,隶属于2纲5目40科64属;线虫个体密度平均为3552 条·100 g-1干土,表聚性极强.垫咽属、丝垫刃属为林隙土壤线虫优势属;食细菌性线虫为主要营养类群.土壤有机质的分解兼有真菌分解和细菌分解两种途径.线虫的生物多样性及丰富度与林隙面积有关.土壤线虫群落特征表明,林隙具有异于郁闭林分和林间空地的特性,在环境指示方面具有应用潜力.  相似文献   

We investigated areas at the eastern fringe of Kolkata, Dhapa–a land filled with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) land of West Bengal (India) for exploring nematode species diversity, abundance and dynamic at three sites practising different vegetable-based cropping sequences. The area sampled at monthly interval and the soil and root populations estimated at laboratory. The plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) species and free-living group (saprozoics) were estimated from soil. No differences in the diversity of nematode species and feeding groups among the sites in the MSW land were found but considerable variations in abundance and dynamics of PPNs were noted. All three sites at MSW, total PPNs outnumbered free-living nematodes in most of the samples but mononchids were less abundant. Saprozoic nematode index (SNI) was determined; SNI value was low (0.33–0.40) in this organic rich production system.  相似文献   

A 7-year study located in Prince Edward Island, Canada, examined the influence of compost and manure on crop yield and nematode populations. The compost used in this study consisted of cull waste potatoes, sawdust, and beef manure in a 3:3:1 ratio, respectively. No plant-parasitic nematodes were detected in samples collected from windrow compost piles at 5- and 30-cm depths prior to application on field plots. Low population densities of bacterial-feeding nematodes were recovered from compost windrows at the 5-cm depth. Field plots of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Kennebec) received compost applied at 16 metric tonnes per hectare, or beef manure applied at 12 metric tonnes per hectare. An adjacent trial with barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Mic Mac) received only the compost treatment. In both trials the experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replicates. Data averaged over seven growing seasons indicated that population levels of root-lesion nematodes (primarily Pratylenchus penetrans) were higher in root-zone soil in potato plots treated with either compost or manure compared to the untreated control plots. The soil amendments did not affect root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) population densities in the potato plots, but clover-cyst nematodes (Heterodera trifolii) were more numerous in the root-zone soils of barley treated with compost compared to the untreated plots. Numbers of bacterial-feeding nematodes (primarily Diplogaster lheritieri) were greater in soil in potato plots treated with manure and in soil around barley roots than in untreated plots. Total yields of potato tubers averaged over seven growing seasons increased by 27% in the plots treated with either compost or manure. Grain yields of barley also were increased by 12% when compost was applied. These results indicated that organic amendments increased crop yields, but the impacts on different nematode species varied and usually increased soil population levels.  相似文献   

Few data is available on the nematodes found in Brassicaceae, except for the most important plant parasite. However, studying the structure of nematofauna could be an important database for the soil quality and in order to assess the effects of future disturbance. This is particularly important considering that the diffusion of the canola crop in the world is increasing because of its use as a bio-diesel. Very diffused is also the Bt variety of oil seed rape, and, in this case, the study of the impact on the soil health and on bio-diversity is essential. In this research we have analyzed the nematode community, used as a bio-indicator of the soil condition. The nematofauna found in canola (Brassica napus var. oleifera) fields located in Southern Italy (Metaponto - MT) was investigated. The nematode community was studied considering its abundance, genus composition and trophic structure. Maturity and biodiversity indices were also calculated. A total of 5286 nematodes were extracted. They belong to 14 families and 24 genera. Bacterial and fungal feeders, 50.18% and 42.90% of the total respectively, dominated the trophic structure. Aphelencus is the most abundant genus (23.71%) followed by Acrobeloides (20.49%) and Aphelencoides (19.18%). Among plant feeders (6.59%), Pratylenchus is the dominant genus (2.20%) and Tylenchidae the main family (3.54%). No infestation of Meloidogyne, Heterodera or Naboccus, important plant-parasitic nematodes of canola crops, was recorded. Other important phytophagous were Helycotylenchus (0.5%), Trichotylenchus (0.5%) and Filenchus (0.9%). All of them had an abundance level below injury level. The indices of biodiversity are rather low (H'=0.93, J'=0.67), as is typical for agro ecosystems. However, the nematofauna community is quite well structured (N2=6.31, D=0.16) and the maturity index rather high (EMI=1.94). These values demonstrate that oilseed rape has a lower impact on the soil compared to other crop systems and that it could be taken into consideration for crop rotation programs. Canola could follow other more stressful crops, trying to maintain soil equilibrium.  相似文献   

线虫是陆地生态系统中数量最多的一类无脊椎后生动物,在土壤碎屑食物网中占据多个营养级,并在能量流动和养分循环中发挥重要的生态功能.土壤线虫的群落结构和多样性水平可以反映生态系统功能的变化.多年来,过度放牧等不合理的开发利用导致我国大面积的草原处在不同程度的退化之中,外源性养分输入是维持其养分平衡进而恢复其生态和生产功能的重要措施.本研究以内蒙古锡林郭勒退化草原为对象,就氮磷输入对土壤线虫丰度和群落结构的单独效应和交互效应进行了研究.本研究获得线虫38属,其中垫咽属、滑刃属、索努斯属和盾垫属是该退化草原线虫群落优势属.氮输入降低了土壤线虫总丰度、捕食杂食线虫丰度以及植物寄生线虫丰度,而磷输入提高了土壤线虫总丰度、食真菌线虫丰度、捕食杂食类线虫丰度以及植物寄生线虫丰度,氮输入抑制了磷输入对线虫总丰度、捕食杂食线虫和植物寄生线虫丰度的促进作用.氮磷输入对线虫多样性无影响,可能与不同养分输入下稳定的植物群落多样性有关.氮输入显著提升了退化草原线虫成熟度指数,降低了植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI),并且能缓解磷输入对PPI和瓦斯乐斯卡指数的负面作用,表明氮输入提高退化草地土壤健康程度,促进线虫群落和食物网的稳定性.上述研究结果有助于从土壤生物学角度理解氮磷输入对退化草地恢复的影响机理.  相似文献   

线虫是土壤食物网的重要组分, 也是土壤健康与生态系统恢复的重要指示生物, 因此准确测定线虫群落特征是发挥其生态指示作用的基础。传统线虫学研究多采用形态学鉴定方法, 但高通量测序技术近年来也逐渐受到重视。然而, 关于这两种方法的对比研究目前仍比较缺乏。本研究同时采用形态学鉴定和高通量测序法, 在黄土高原宁夏南部山区, 对不同植被恢复方式下(农田、自然恢复草地、柠条(Caragana korshinskii)人工林地和苜蓿人工草地)土壤线虫的数量、群落格局和生态指数进行了测定和比较。结果表明: (1)高通量测序仅能提供线虫类群的相对多度, 而形态学鉴定法能够测定土壤线虫的绝对多度, 后者测定结果表明3种植被恢复样地, 特别是自然恢复草地和柠条人工林地, 较农田具有更高的土壤线虫多度; (2)高通量测序法检获的线虫类群数(3纲4目26科42属)高于形态学鉴定法的测定结果(2纲3目18科27属), 但两种方法仅检获15个共有线虫属, 前者检测到的植物寄生线虫属数(22属)较后者(7属)显著增加, 而食细菌线虫和杂食-捕食线虫则相反; (3)在两种方法下, 相比农田, 3种植被恢复样地尤其是自然恢复草地和柠条人工林地, 其食微线虫的相对多度均显著下降, 而植物寄生线虫和杂食-捕食线虫的相对多度大幅上升, 这也导致线虫成熟度指数(MI)和植物寄生线虫指数(PPI)的提高及瓦斯乐卡指数(WI)的显著下降; (4)相比形态学鉴定法, 高通量测序法能检测到更丰富多样的植物寄生线虫, 在该方法下土壤线虫群落的组成、结构和生态指数在植被恢复样地与农田之间的差异也更为显著。综上所述, 采用形态学鉴定和高通量测序法测定的不同植被恢复方式下的线虫群落特征具有显著差异。  相似文献   

The effect of slow-release urea on soil nematode community structure was investigated in a soybean field in northeast China.Three treatments,no urea (CK),conventional urea (U) and slow-release urea (SRU),were arranged in a completely random design.The results show that the abundance of total nematodes was significantly higher in SRU than in CK and U.Significant differences in the abundance of bacterivores with colonizer-persister (cp) values 2-3,fungivores with cp 2 and herbivores with cp 3 were found among different treatments.Forty-one genera were identified,of which Acrobeloides,Aphelenchus and Heterodera were dominant.Soil nematode guilds and genera exhibited different responses to slow-release urea.The most trophic groups and genera had greater abundances in SRU than in CK and U.Slow-release urea had a positive effect on soil nematode community structure.  相似文献   

The research was carried out during 1999 in 8 different localities in Northern Italy. The nematodes were extracted from soil samples of rhizosphere of corn plants (Zea mays L.). The objective of the study was to investigate plant-parasite nematodes associated with maize. Some phytophagous genera are common pests of this crop and its yield-loss are often due to their high densities. In addition the nematode community was investigated for the genus composition, the trophic structure and its biodiversity. After the extraction from soil with a Bearmann funnel and Ludox centrifugation, nematodes were identified at genus level. They belonged to 22 families and 45 different genera. The genus Rhabditis, Pratylenchus, Helicotylenchus and Acrobeloides made up more than 70% of the total nematodes collected. The dominant trophic group was the bacterial feeders (61%) in particular Rhabditis, that was the most abundant and often the dominant one. Phytophagous represented in almost all fields more than 30% of the total nematodes. In all the examined sites biodiversity was quite low, being the H' values no more than 1.08. The data indicates a high level of disturbance. In some localities high densities of Helicotylenchus and Pratylenchus were found. While these nematodes have been identified as being potentially harmful for corn plants in our latitudes, especially in light soils, this research could give an indication for further monitoring studies regarding plant parasitic nematodes of corn crops. This data is particularly important considering that methyl bromide, often used in Italian agriculture against soil pathogens, has been banned since the beginning of 2005.  相似文献   

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