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金枪鱼围网渔船使用人工集鱼装置(FADs)可以增加对金枪鱼随附鱼群的捕捞能力,而大规模投放FADs引起的生态问题在数十年间引起了国际社会的广泛关注。因此,开发高效集鱼能力并降低生态影响的FADs是金枪鱼围网渔业面临的挑战。由于缺乏大量试验研究,目前对FADs和捕捞物种之间相互关系的理解极其有限。本研究通过对从事金枪鱼围网捕捞生产的船长进行问卷调查,从渔民经验的角度总结了FADs的投放现状、结构设计、捕捞和生态特性,以及随附鱼群的行为特征等,并基于一致性指数(IoC)对调查内容的认知差异进行量化。结果表明: 我国金枪鱼围网船单船每年平均投放的FADs数量为(102±37),丢失数量为(72±15)。FADs的集鱼效果优于天然流木,水下悬挂结构是吸引金枪鱼的主要原因,且悬挂吸引物(如漂带)有助于诱集金枪鱼集群。FADs投放后金枪鱼的首次出现时间平均约32 d,此后的1个月内集群量趋于稳定;海龟或鲨鱼被FADs网状结构缠绕的情况偶有发生。被调查者对“生物附着对集群效果的影响”和“优化FADs隐蔽性的意愿”两个问题的反馈具有较高的一致性(IoC均为0.73),对“筏体结构类型对集群效果影响”的反馈答案分歧较大(IoC=0.34)。当前FADs的设计存在低隐蔽性和导致非目标鱼种高脆弱性的弊端。研究结果可为开发生态效应和捕捞效益兼具的生态友好型FADs提供科学依据。  相似文献   

人工集鱼装置对热带金枪鱼类摄食模式的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王少琴  许柳雄  王学昉  朱国平 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3490-3498
热带金枪鱼类具有聚集在漂浮物体周围的行为特性,形成的集群表现稳定,可捕性较高。以此特性,金枪鱼围网渔业研制并投放了大量的人工集鱼装置(Fish Aggregation Device,FAD)用于聚集并捕捞金枪鱼。然而,大规模出现的FAD会使某些海域海面漂浮物的密度迅速增加,从而在一定程度上人为地改变了金枪鱼的表层栖息环境,对金枪鱼种群具有一系列可能的潜在负面影响,摄食模式的改变就是其中之一。归纳并综合了近年来国内外关于FAD对金枪鱼类摄食模式影响的相关研究,从摄食行为、日摄食量、饵料种类与组成以及生态位宽度4个方面对比了随附于FAD的金枪鱼和自由状态下同类的不同,发现大多情况下FAD的存在会使金枪鱼的摄食模式发生一定的改变。最后,归纳了过往实验存在的不足,对今后研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用逆转录PCR和RACE技术获得建鲤2种Δ6脂肪酸去饱和酶(FADs6-a,FADs6-b)的全长cDNA序列. FADs6-a基因的cDNA总长为1 966 bp,开放阅读框为1 335 bp,编码444个氨基酸;FADs6-b基因的cDNA总长为1 931 bp,开放阅读框为1 335 bp,编码444个氨基酸.FADs6-a和FADs6-b基因都包括N端细胞色素b5结构域、3个富含组氨酸的结构域和2个推测的跨膜区,具有典型的Δ6脂肪酸去饱和酶结构特点.氨基酸同源性分析显示,建鲤FADs6-a和FADs6-b与斑马鱼的相似性较高,而与海水鱼类的相似性较低,与人类FADs6的相似性高于与FADs5的相似性.通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)检测该基因在建鲤幼鱼不同组织中的表达量, 发现2种Δ6 脂肪酸去饱和酶基因在建鲤肝脏的表达量最高,其次是肠、脑、肌肉、心和肾,而前肠高于后肠,FADs6-a的表达量高于FADs6-b.得到的结论是,建鲤具有2种类型的合成高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)的关键酶-Δ6脂肪酸去饱和酶,在肝脏和肠道中的含量较多,且FADs6-a和FADs6-b在结构和组织的表达方面都存在差异,这为进一步研究建鲤HUFA的合成途径及调控机理奠定了基础.  相似文献   

金枪鱼类耳石微化学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhu GP 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2211-2218
近年来,基于鱼类钙化物质中微量元素和同位素等微化学成分分析已成为分析鱼类种群结构、生活史及洄游环境史等的一种新兴手段.随着鱼类耳石微化学研究及应用的日渐成熟与完善,该手段也日益成为金枪鱼类生态学研究的良好工具.目前金枪鱼类耳石微化学的研究内容主要包括微量元素和同位素等,其中微量元素是应用研究的重点和热点,其在金枪鱼类,尤其是蓝鳍金枪鱼种群划分、出生源、洄游环境史和生活史分析等方面发挥了重要的作用.但多数研究集中在耳石锶钙比率(Sr/Ca)的变化上,且关于耳石碳氧同位素分馏与温度之间的关系尚无定论.为了开发耳石微化学的巨大价值,有必要加强对其沉积机理的研究,并采用综合研究方法从时空角度分析耳石中多种微量元素的含量及其变化.  相似文献   

多种中上层鱼类趋于在漂流物体下方聚集,人们由此发明了漂流人工集鱼装置(FAD)来吸引热带金枪鱼类.FAD同时也能吸引其他非目标鱼种,如纺锤鰤,但它们被FAD聚集的原因至今仍不清楚.本研究利用中西太平洋金枪鱼围网渔业科学观察员收集的渔业生物学数据,评估了纺锤鰤聚集在FAD下方的潜在动机.结果表明:漂流物下的纺锤鰤样本叉长范围为30.0~90.6 cm,优势叉长组为60.0~80.0 cm,占到总体的76.3%,说明漂流物下的纺锤鰤以体型较大的个体为主;纺锤鰤个体的50%性成熟体长为65.7 cm,漂流物下纺锤鰤以性成熟个体为主;样本的胃含物中发现常见小型随附鱼种,如细鳞圆!、长鳍鈟、六带!、鲣鱼以及大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的幼鱼,表明聚集于漂流物下的纺锤鰤捕食其他的随附种类.纺锤鰤成鱼作为一种大洋性的捕食者,觅食是其游向漂流物最可能的动机之一,"饵料供应"假说和"休息点"假说可用于解释纺锤鰤的聚集原因.  相似文献   

杨晓明  戴小杰  朱国平 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4682-4690
西印度洋公海海域是世界上围网黄鳍金枪鱼渔业的主要作业海域之一,根据印度洋金枪鱼委员会1999—2004年的1°×1°的各月黄鳍金枪鱼围网渔获量统计数据,采用地统计方法探索该海域黄鳍金枪鱼渔获量的空间异质性特征及其相关生态动力过程。进行了如下分析:(1)利用GIS制图观察渔获量的时空分布特征,发现其空间格局的变异受到的季节变化和年际变化共同影响,且前者明显强于后者。(2)采用地统计方法计算各月渔获量的空间异质性参数,并按照年际和季节情况分别进行了统计分析,发现渔获量的地统计参数值和变异函数模型有明显的季节和年际差异;渔获量的空间相关距离(变程)平均在1000nm左右,冬季要小于夏季;渔获量的空间变异函数模型主要为相关距离较大且空间依赖性较弱的指数模型;渔获量的空间结构方差比例(平均为65.82%)远大于随机性方差比例(平均为34.18%);渔获量在1°×1°尺度下具有明显的空间自相关性。(3)对地统计参数值和渔获量的相关关系研究,并探讨季节变化下渔获量的空间异质性特征与相关生态动力过程关系,发现各月渔获量随着空间总变异(基台值)增加而增加,两者存在强相关性;各月渔获量和南北和西北-东南向分维数值有一定相关性,意味着海洋动力过程在南北和西北—东南向过程越强,渔获量越低。西印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼围网渔获量的空间变异原因在于季风气候和ENSO循环过程引起的海洋流场、营养盐和温跃层等变化外在因素,以及围网捕捞方式和鱼类的行为方式的内在因素共同导致的。  相似文献   

目的 考察金枪鱼肽对小鼠抑郁样行为的干预作用,并基于肠―脑轴初步解析金枪鱼肽的干预途径,为新一代抗抑郁食品或治疗剂的开发提供理论基础。方法 通过44 d慢性不可预知性温和应激造模建立抑郁小鼠模型,于造模第15天起,每日灌胃一定剂量金枪鱼肽,以蒸馏水为空白对照,鱼油为阳性对照。采用行为学指标评价小鼠抑郁样行为;分别采用酶联免疫法、鲎试剂法测定小鼠血清中炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-2、IL-6及LPS水平;采用高效液相色谱―质谱法测定海马区、小肠组织和小鼠粪便中5-HT的水平;采用16SrRNA基因高通量测序和生物信息学方法考察小鼠粪便中肠道菌群组成变化。结果 与模型组相比,金枪鱼肽组小鼠抑郁样行为得到显著改善且优于鱼油组。经过金枪鱼肽干预后,模型小鼠血清中显著升高的炎症因子和LPS水平得以恢复,海马区和小肠组织中显著降低以及粪便中显著升高的5-HT水平也恢复到空白组的水平;显著下降的肠道菌群丰富度得以提高;肠道菌群B/F比值由模型组的1.58升高到6.61,基本恢复至空白组水平;模型组显著降低的Muribaculaceae丰度及显著升高的Bacteroides、Alistipe...  相似文献   

食物丰容对圈养猩猩行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2007年2~4月对成都动物园圈养猩猩"铁里"进行了两个食物丰容试验,即用PVC+轮胎和圆木+轮胎试验,每期8 d,观察和记录了猩猩在丰容试验前、后以及两种丰容方式中的各种行为发生次数.结果 表明食物丰容有效地恢复了圈养猩猩的多种摄食行为,增加了猩猩的运动相关行为,减少了休息相关行为;但对刻板行为的影响不明显.  相似文献   

[目的]植物的花色和花香是访花蝴蝶识别花蜜的重要信息来源,本研究旨在利用花香挥发物、蜂蜜水加花色的诱集试验探讨美凤蝶Papilio memnon视觉、嗅觉在觅食行为中的作用.[方法]测试美凤蝶对不同颜色的假花和喷施蜂蜜的假花的行为反应,采用触角电位仪(EAG)测定美凤蝶对花香挥发物的触角电位反应,并通过行为学进行验证.[结果]在无气味的7种颜色的假花诱集时,美凤蝶对蓝色(440-475 nm)、紫色(380-420 nm)和红色(615-630 nm)显示出明显的颜色趋性;在假花上喷洒蜂蜜水后,雌雄蝶总体访花次数增加1.85倍;在单一蜂蜜水、苯甲醇和苯甲醛气味诱集时,美凤蝶访问次数较少,而在气味基础上加蓝色假花诱集时,蜂蜜水诱集时美凤蝶访问次数增加了27.40倍,苯甲醇和苯甲醛诱集时美凤蝶访问次数增加了52.59倍和75.80倍.而在颜色与颜色加气味比较时,蜂蜜水诱集时美凤蝶访问次数只增加了1.41倍,苯甲醇和苯甲醛诱集时美凤蝶访问次数增加了2.67倍和2.16倍.雌雄蝶对花颜色和挥发物的敏感性均有区别,美凤蝶雌蝶对颜色和挥发物(蜂蜜水、苯甲醇和苯甲醛)的敏感性高于雄蝶(P<0.05).[结论]颜色是美凤蝶觅食的主要因子,单一气味对美凤蝶的引诱作用有限.美凤蝶在觅食过程中,以视觉为主嗅觉为辅,雌蝶对颜色和气味的识别能力和敏感性高于雄蝶,推断可能与雌蝶在繁殖中扮演的角色相关.  相似文献   

杉木根桩和周围土壤酚含量的变化及其化感效应   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
研究了杉木根桩在分解过程中酚类物质的释放规律及其化感效应.结果表明,随着分解程度的加深,根桩中酚类物质的含量减少.根桩中酚类物质含量的梯度为根系>心桩>边桩;根桩在分解过程中酚类物质向外释放并会在土壤中积累,根桩周围土壤中酚类物质含量高于非根桩周围土壤.盆栽试验说明酚类物质会影响杉木种子的萌芽率.将田间调查的杉木树高、地径与根桩密度进行相关分析证明杉木根桩保留在造林地上,不利于下一代杉木的生长.建议改革杉木人工林的传统作业方式,造林前将根桩从造林地中清除.  相似文献   

Fish aggregation devices (FADs) have been used extensively in the tuna purse seine fishery since the 1980s. This long-term modification of natural habitat has generated discussions as to whether FADs impact movement patterns of tuna species. We examined this question using data collected from the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fishery. We used the longitudinal gravitational center of catch (G) to examine temporal variability in skipjack movement in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, and related this to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. We found that in most cases G for free-swimming school sets changed with the onset of ENSO events, while G for floating-object-associated school sets remained relatively constant. This suggests that skipjack exhibit distinguishable behavioral strategies in response to ENSO events: they either react by moving long distances or they associate with floating objects. There has been no previous attempt to evaluate the interaction between FADs and the environmentally-determined movement of skipjack; this study shows evidence of an interaction, which should be considered when managing skipjack populations.  相似文献   

The diet of juvenile bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught 2 to 8 miles off NE Sicily was investigated in order to improve knowledge of the species’ early life history. From 1998 to 2000, 107 specimens ranging from 63 to 495 mm (total length) were fished between July and November. Fishes were caught by trolling line or purse seine in a Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) area 2 to 8 miles offshore and as by‐catch of the purse‐seine sardine fishery 2 to 4 miles offshore. Most frequently found items in the T. thynnus stomachs were fishes (84.5%), crustaceans (54.6%) and cephalopods (50.5%). The largest contribution in weight was provided by cephalopods (47.3%) and fishes (46.5%), while the most abundant items were fishes (51%), cephalopods (27.2%) and crustaceans (21.1%). These results suggest that young‐of‐the‐year tuna have an essentially piscivorous diet, although invertebrate prey provide a substantial contribution to the food array. Prey show little relationship with FADs, although one prey species (blue runner, Caranx crysos) is associated with FADs in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis is commonly associated with floating objects, including fish aggregating devices (FADs), in the Indian Ocean. While the motives for this associative behaviour are unclear, it does make them vulnerable to capture in the tuna purse seine fishery that makes extensive use of FADs. Here, the diet of 323 C. falciformis, caught at FADs in the Indian Ocean, was investigated to test the hypothesis that trophic benefits explain the associative behaviour. A high proportion of stomachs with fresh contents (57%) suggested that extensive feeding activity occurred while associated with FADs. Multiple dietary indices showed that typical non‐associative prey types dominated, but were supplemented with fishes typically found at FADs. While the trophic benefits of FAD association may be substantial, our results suggest that associative behaviour is not driven solely by feeding.  相似文献   

Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) and bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) are two of the most economically important tuna species in the world. However, identification of their juveniles, especially at sizes less than 40 cm, is very difficult, often leading to misidentification and miscalculation of their catch estimates. Here, we applied the mitochondrial DNA control region D-loop, a recently validated genetic marker used for identifying tuna species (Genus Thunnus), to discriminate juvenile tunas caught by purse seine and ringnet sets around fish aggregating devices (FADs) off the Southern Iloilo Peninsula in Central Philippines. We checked individual identifications using the Neighbor-Joining Method and compared results with morphometric analyses and the liver phenotype. We tested 48 specimens ranging from 13 to 31 cm fork length. Morpho-meristic analyses suggested that 12 specimens (25%) were bigeye tuna and 36 specimens (75%) were yellowfin tuna. In contrast, the genetic and liver analyses both showed that 5 specimens (10%) were bigeye tuna and 43 (90%) yellowfin tuna. This suggests that misidentification can occur even with highly stringent morpho-meristic characters and that the mtDNA control region and liver phenotype are excellent markers to discriminate juveniles of yellowfin and bigeye tunas.  相似文献   

An analysis of the catch associated with floating objects by the Mexican tuna purse‐seine fleet in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1992–1993 was made to determine the spatial and seasonal distribution. The information used was generated by observers of the Programa Nacional de Aprovechamiento del Atun y Protección a los Delfines (PNAAPD). There was no clear seasonal and spatial distribution of floating objects examined in this study, however there were areas where floating objects were more common; the mouth of the Gulf of California, waters offshore Peru, and in oceanic waters. The largest catch of yellowfin tuna was offshore of Peru in winter. Two areas with largest (length) yellowfin tuna were the mouth of the Gulf of California and offshore Peru. For skipjack tuna, the largest catch was offshore Peru in winter, but the largest skipjack were caught between 120° and 130°W along 10°N in spring. The largest yellowfin tuna were captured by sets on bamboo, fish aggregating devices (FADs), planks and boards, and logs (trees or parts). The largest skipjack were captured by sets on dead whales, kelp paddies, planks and boards, and pallets and crates. Most of the sets were made during the early hours of the day but an important number of log sets were made in the early afternoon. For the period analyzed, floating objects were more frequent during fall and winter with the area offshore of Peru the most important.  相似文献   

Tropical tuna are known to associate with floating objects. Because fish are easier to detect and to catch when around these objects, fishermen have extensively deployed a large number of artificial floating objects in the tropical oceans. Although such objects are referred to as Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), there is yet no strong evidence that fish do show an aggregative behaviour around them. The high probability of finding tuna around FADs may be the result of an aggregation process (high density of fish because fish stay for a long time around FADs) as well as an attraction process (high flow of fish through FADs). We analysed the movements of 14 yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in relation to FADs moored in the Indian and Pacific Oceans (corresponding to all the published tracking data) to determine whether the observed movement patterns resulted from an aggregation or an attraction process. Tuna appeared to be attracted by FADs. In general, they did not stay for long close to the FADs reached, and so did not aggregate there. Some FADs may nevertheless act as Fish Aggregating Devices. The possible reasons why tuna associate with floating objects are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Industrial tuna fisheries operate in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, but concerns over sustainability and environmental impacts of these fisheries have resulted in increased scrutiny of how they are managed. An important but often overlooked factor in the success or failure of tuna fisheries management is the behaviour of fishers and fishing fleets. Uncertainty in how a fishing fleet will respond to management or other influences can be reduced by anticipating fleet behaviour, although to date there has been little research directed at understanding and anticipating the human dimension of tuna fisheries. The aim of this study was to address gaps in knowledge of the behaviour of tuna fleets, using the Indian Ocean tropical tuna purse seine fishery as a case study. We use statistical modelling to examine the factors that influence the spatial behaviour of the purse seine fleet at broad spatiotemporal scales. This analysis reveals very high consistency between years in the use of seasonal fishing grounds by the fleet, as well as a forcing influence of biophysical ocean conditions on the distribution of fishing effort. These findings suggest strong inertia in the spatial behaviour of the fleet, which has important implications for predicting the response of the fleet to natural events or management measures (e.g., spatial closures).  相似文献   

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