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罗成  刘健康 《生命科学》2012,(10):1114-1120
地中海饮食,特别是橄榄油,赋予了地中海周边国家人民对于退行性疾病的强力抵抗,尤其是心血管疾病和肿瘤的发生率以及致死率相对更低。羟基酪醇是橄榄油中的多酚类化合物之一,在防治紫外辐射、糖尿病、老年性视网膜黄斑病变、心血管疾病以及肿瘤等方面都具有重要的生物学效应。将具体阐述羟基酪醇作为一种线粒体营养素(如通过调节线粒体的动态变化以及Nrf2介导的抗氧化酶的诱导等)如何促进其有益功能。  相似文献   

本研究探究了羟基酪醇对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌等四种供试菌的抑菌活性及抑菌稳定性。采用试管半倍稀释法确定MIC和MBC,并探讨羟基酪醇对供试菌的生长和细胞膜完整性的影响以及在不同介质下的抑菌稳定性。结果表明,羟基酪醇对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌的MIC分别为0.625、0.625、1.250、2.500 mg/mL,MBC分别为1.250、1.250、2.500、5.000 mg/mL。与对照组相比,四种供试菌核酸和可溶性蛋白泄漏显著,细胞膜的完整性被破坏。在不同NaCl浓度下,羟基酪醇对枯草芽孢杆菌的抑菌活性稳定;在1.0%和2.0%NaCl浓度下,羟基酪醇对大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞杆菌的抑菌活性稳定;在2.0%NaCl介质下低浓度的羟基酪醇对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌活性稳定,在0.5%、1.5%和2.0%NaCl介质下高浓度的羟基酪醇对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌活性稳定。在蔗糖介质中,羟基酪醇对四种供试菌的抑菌活性均不稳定。因此,羟基酪醇可以作为一种新型的防腐剂。  相似文献   

目的:构建表达4-羟基苯乙酸-3-羟化酶A(4-hydroxyphenylacetate-3-hydroxylase A,HHA)的重组菌株,进而以酪醇为底物,利用重组菌株转化生产羟基酪醇。方法:选择大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)为模板来扩增HHA基因,经酶切后连接到表达载体p ET-28a中,获得重组表达载体p ET28a-HHA,将重组载体转化到感受态细胞BL21(DE3),在重组菌液中加入适量酪醇,利用胞内的重组酶对酪醇加羟基合成羟基酪醇,细胞离心后,分别采用薄层层析法和气质联用法检测上清液中羟基酪醇的转化结果。结果:IPTG诱导表达后,经SDS-PAGE分析获得分子质量分别为58.8k Da和18.5k Da的两条蛋白质条带。薄层层析法和气质联用法均检测到催化产物羟基酪醇的生成。结论:成功构建了表达HHA的重组菌株,该菌株可有效将酪醇转化为羟基酪醇。  相似文献   

羟基酪醇是重要精细化学品,作为天然抗氧化剂被广泛应用于食品、医药领域。利用合成生物学技术生产羟基酪醇具有重要意义。本文克隆并功能鉴定了来源于大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21的羟化酶编码基因HpaBC,结果表明该酶的两个亚基均能成功表达并能催化酪醇生成羟基酪醇。通过CRISPR-Cas9技术将由tac启动子调控的HpaBC基因表达盒整合到前期构建的酪醇高产菌株YMG5A*R基因组中,同时删除副产物乙酸的合成途径,获得大肠杆菌代谢工程菌株YMGRD1H1。摇瓶发酵实验结果表明,重组菌株能够直接利用葡萄糖生产羟基酪醇,产量达到1.81 g/L,同时发现几乎没有副产物积累。5 L发酵罐规模的流加补料发酵实验表明,羟基酪醇最高产量达到2.95 g/L,是目前文献报道以葡萄糖从头合成羟基酪醇的最高水平。通过系统改造大肠杆菌,实现了羟基酪醇的大量合成,为进一步构建具有工业应用潜力的羟基酪醇细胞工厂奠定了基础,也为拓展芳香族化合物的微生物制造路线提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

酪醇是一种多酚类天然产物,广泛应用于化工、医药和食品等领域。目前大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)从头合成酪醇存在发酵菌体密度低和产量低等问题。为此,本研究将前期获得苯丙酮酸脱羧酶突变体ARO10F138L/D218G与不同来源的醇脱氢酶融合表达,最优组合ARO10F138L/D218G-L-YahK酪醇产量达到1.09 g/L。为进一步提高酪醇产量,敲除了4-羟基苯乙酸竞争途径关键基因feaB,使酪醇产量提高了21.15%,达到1.26g/L。针对酪醇发酵菌体密度低的问题,通过群体感应系统动态调控酪醇合成途径,减轻酪醇对底盘细胞的毒性作用,缓解生长抑制,使其产量提高了33.82%,达到1.74 g/L。在2 L发酵罐中,群体感应动态调控工程菌TRFQ5的酪醇产量达到4.22g/L,OD600值达到42.88,分别较静态诱导表达工程菌TRF5提高了38.58%和43.62%。本研究应用基因敲除技术,阻断了酪醇合成竞争途径;同时结合群体感应动态调控策略,减轻了酪醇毒性对底盘细胞的生长抑制,从而有效地提高了酪醇产量。本研究对其他高毒性化学品的生物合成具有良好的借鉴和应用价值。  相似文献   

探索了高山红景天(Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor)细胞培养中红景天甙生物合成的途径,认为甙元酪醇是经由莽草酸途径生成的。在此基础上研究了酪醇、L-酪氨酸与L-苯丙氨酸三种前体加入对红景天甙生物合成的调控作用。结果表明,酪醇、酪氨酸等前体易被多酚氧化酶氧化成褐色,用与前体浓度为1:1的V。来防止褐化效果显著;浓度为0.5mmol/L的酪醇,酪氨酸及苯丙氨酸在细胞培养15d时添加,使红景天甙含量由0.336%分别提高到1.43%、1.11%、0.85%。  相似文献   

红景天甙(Salidroside)生源途径分子机制的解析是利用基因工程、代谢工程技术合成目标化合物的基础。糖基化是红景天甙生物合成的最后一步反应。在前期工作中,本课题组率先报道了与红景天甙生物合成相关的3个尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖基转移酶(UGTs)基因,在体外酶学性质研究的基础上,利用根癌农杆菌和发根农杆菌介导分别建立了相关转基因体系,鉴别了红景天甙生物合成最适UGT及植物和毛状根生物反应器系统合成红景天甙的效率差异;酪醇(Tyrosol)是红景天甙糖基化反应的甙元底物分子,其具体的代谢通路及其调控机制仍不明确。针对酪醇生物合成来源主要存在两种观点:一是酪醇可能来自于苯丙烷代谢途径产生的4-香豆酸,该途径起源于苯丙氨酸;二是生物碱代谢途径的中间产物酪胺可能是酪醇生物合成的前体,该途径则起源于酪氨酸。在后续工作中,否定了酪醇来源于苯丙烷代谢途径的可能性,进一步的工作证实酪氨酸脱羧酶(TyrDC)在酪醇生物合成的起始反应中担负着重要功能,酪醇作为一种苯乙烷类化合物衍生物,其生物合成来源于生物碱代谢途径。  相似文献   

探索了高山红景天细胞培养中红景天甙生物合成的途径,认为甙元酪醇是红由莽草酸途径的。在此基础上研究了酪醇,L-酪氨酸与L-苯丙氨酸三种前体加入对就天甙生物合成的调控作用。结果表明,酪醇,酪氨酸等前体易被酚氧化成褐色,用与前体浓度为1:1的VC来防止褐化效果显著;  相似文献   

为了解喙果皂帽花(Dasymaschalon rostratum)根的化学成分,采用多种色谱技术从其根的乙醇提取物中分离得到8个化合物。通过波谱数据分析,分别鉴定为:花旗松素(1)、(+)-儿茶素(2)、毛蕊异黄酮(3)、(-)-丁香树脂酚(4)、(-)-皮树脂醇(5)、lirioresinol A(6)、N-反式肉桂酸酰对羟基苯乙胺(7)和羟基酪醇(8)。所有化合物均为首次从该植物中获得。化合物1~8均无明显抗菌活性。  相似文献   

Candida cloacae长链脂肪酸醇氧化酶基因的克隆与表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Candidacloacae是利用链烃和长链脂肪酸作为碳源来生长的一种工业酵母 .长链脂肪酸在单加氧酶作用下 ,使远离羧基的甲基羟化 ,生成ω 羟脂肪酸 .后者在生物体中通过两条连续的氧化通路进行氧化 (ω氧化通路和 β氧化通路 ) .醇氧化酶是ω氧化通路中的重要组成酶 ,它可以催化链烃或长链脂肪酸分子中的羟基氧化为醛基 ,后者再经其它酶氧化为羧基 .长链脂肪酸通过ω氧化通路生成二羧基化合物 ,它可作为重要的化工原料 ,广泛应用于香料、多聚酰胺、多聚酯、胶类和环内酯抗生素的生成[1] .ω氧化通路中产生的羧基化合物再经 β 氧…  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol is one of the o-diphenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil and has been suggested to be a potent antioxidant. The superoxide radical (O2*-) and nitric oxide (NO*) can react very rapidly to form peroxynitrite (ONOO ), a reactive tissue damaging species thought to be involved in the pathology of several chronic diseases. Hydroxytyrosol was highly protective against the peroxynitrite-dependent nitration of tyrosine and DNA damage by peroxynitrite in vitro. Given that extra virgin olive oil is consumed daily by many humans, hydroxytyrosol derived from this diet could conceivably provide a defense against damage by oxidants in vivo. The biological activity of hydroxytyrosol in vivo will depend on its intake, uptake and access to cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The catecholaldehyde hypothesis predicts that monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition should slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease, by decreasing production of the autotoxic dopamine metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL). Inhibiting MAO, however, diverts the fate of cytoplasmic dopamine toward potentially harmful spontaneous oxidation products, indicated by increased 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine (Cys-DA) levels. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylethanol (hydroxytyrosol) is an abundant anti-oxidant phenol in constituents of the Mediterranean diet. Whether hydroxytyrosol alters enzymatic or spontaneous oxidation of dopamine has been unknown. Rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells were incubated with hydroxytyrosol (10 µM, 180 min) alone or with the MAO-A inhibitor clorgyline (1 nM) or the MAO-B inhibitors rasagiline or selegiline (0.5 µM). Hydroxytyrosol decreased levels of DOPAL by 30 % and Cys-DA by 49 % (p < 0.0001 each). Co-incubation with hydroxytyrosol prevented the increases in Cys-DA seen with all 3 MAO inhibitors. Hydroxytyrosol therefore inhibits both enzymatic and spontaneous oxidation of endogenous dopamine and mitigates the increase in spontaneous oxidation during MAO inhibition.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol is the most potent phenolic antioxidant of olive oil and olive mill waste water (OMWW) and its biological activities have stimulated research on its potential role in cardiovascular protection. However, evidence of the absorption of OMWW phenolics and on their possible in vivo activity has, until now, never been provided. Three groups male Sprague-Dawley rats were administered 1, 5, or 10 mg/Kg of the OMWW extract, respectively, providing 41.4, 207, and 414 μg/Kg of hydroxytyrosol, respectively. Urine was collected for 24 h and the urinary levels of hydroxytyrosol were quantified by mass spectrometry. Hydroxytyrosol was dose-dependently (R2=0.95) absorbed and excreted in the urines mostly as a glucuronide conjugate. Further, the administration of an hydroxytyrosol-rich OMWW extract (10 mg/kg) to the rats was also associated with an increase of their plasma antioxidant capacity. Future experiments will eventually further clarify its metabolic fate and its in vivo actions.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol is the most potent phenolic antioxidant of olive oil and olive mill waste water (OMWW) and its biological activities have stimulated research on its potential role in cardiovascular protection. However, evidence of the absorption of OMWW phenolics and on their possible in vivo activity has, until now, never been provided. Three groups male Sprague-Dawley rats were administered 1, 5, or 10 mg/Kg of the OMWW extract, respectively, providing 41.4, 207, and 414 μg/Kg of hydroxytyrosol, respectively. Urine was collected for 24 h and the urinary levels of hydroxytyrosol were quantified by mass spectrometry. Hydroxytyrosol was dose-dependently (R2=0.95) absorbed and excreted in the urines mostly as a glucuronide conjugate. Further, the administration of an hydroxytyrosol-rich OMWW extract (10 mg/kg) to the rats was also associated with an increase of their plasma antioxidant capacity. Future experiments will eventually further clarify its metabolic fate and its in vivo actions.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean diet, which is abundant in antioxidants, is associated with a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease. Olive oil and olives, which contain the antioxidants hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, and tyrosol, are important components of this diet. In this study, the effects of oxidative stress on the nitric oxide radical (NO(*))-mediated relaxation of rat aorta and the protection by these antioxidants were determined. Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) was used to mimic oxidative stress induced by lipid hydroperoxides, which is mediated by the formation of hydroxyl radicals (OH(*)). CHP (300 microM) impaired the NO(*)-mediated relaxation of rat aorta by the acetylcholine receptor agonist carbachol (P < 0.05). This was due to a reduction in NO(*) production. A diminished NO(*)-mediated relaxation disturbs the vascular tone and leads to a rise in blood pressure, which is a well-established risk factor for coronary heart disease. Hydroxytyrosol (10 microM) efficiently protected the aorta against the CHP-induced impairment of the NO(*)-mediated relaxation (P < 0.05). Oleuropein, tyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol, a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol, did not show protection. Moreover, hydroxytyrosol was found to be a potent OH(*) scavenger, which can be attributed to its catechol moiety. Because of its amphiphilic characteristics (octanol-water partitioning coefficient = 1.1), hydroxytyrosol will readily cross membranes and provide protection in the cytosol and membranes, including the water-lipid interface. The present study provides a molecular basis for the contribution of hydroxytyrosol to the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol, the major representative phenolic compound of virgin olive oil, is a dietary component. Its possible protective effect on hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced oxidative alterations was investigated in human erythrocytes. Cells were pretreated with micromolar hydroxytyrosol concentrations and then exposed to H(2)O(2) over different time intervals. Subsequently, erythrocytes were analyzed for oxidative hemolysis and lipid peroxidation. Our data demonstrate that hydroxytyrosol prevents both oxidative alterations, therefore, providing protection against peroxide-induced cytotoxicity in erythrocytes. The effect of oxidative stress on erythrocyte membrane transport systems, as well as the protective role of hydroxytyrosol, also were investigated in conditions of nonhemolytic mild H(2)O(2) treatment. Under these experimental conditions, a marked decrease in the energy-dependent methionine and leucine transport is observable; this alteration is quantitatively prevented by hydroxytyrosol pretreatment. On the other hand, the energy-independent glucose transport is not affected by the oxidative treatment. The reported data give new experimental support to the hypothesis of a protective role played by nonvitamin antioxidant components of virgin olive oil on oxidative stress in human systems.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and oleuropein, the main phenols present in extra virgin olive oil, have been reported to exert several biochemical and pharmacological effects.Here, we investigated the short-term effects of these compounds on lipid synthesis in primary-cultured rat-liver cells. Hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and oleuropein inhibited both de novo fatty acid and cholesterol syntheses without an effect on cell viability. The inhibitory effect of individual compounds was already evident within 2 h of 25 μM phenol addition to the hepatocytes. The degree of cholesterogenesis reduction was similar for all phenol treatments (−25/30%), while fatty acid synthesis showed the following order of inhibition: hydroxytyrosol (−49%) = oleuropein (−48%) > tyrosol (−30%). A phenol-induced reduction of triglyceride synthesis was also detected.To clarify the lipid-lowering mechanism of these compounds, their influence on the activity of key enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis (acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase), triglyceride synthesis (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) and cholesterogenesis (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase) was investigated in situ by using digitonin-permeabilized hepatocytes. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, diacylglycerol acyltransferase and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase activities were reduced after 2 h of 25 μM phenol treatment. No change in fatty acid synthase activity was observed. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibition (hydroxytyrosol, −41%, = oleuropein, −38%, > tyrosol, −17%) appears to be mediated by phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase. These findings suggest that a decrease in hepatic lipid synthesis may represent a potential mechanism underlying the reported hypolipidemic effect of phenols of extra virgin olive oil.  相似文献   

Recent in vitro studies have demonstrated antioxidant properties of some virgin olive oil phenolic compounds. One of the prerequisites to extrapolate these data to an in vivo situation is the knowledge of their bioavailability in humans. In the present work we describe an analytical method which enables us to perform hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol quantitative determinations in human urine. This method was successfully used in bioavailability studies of both phenolic compounds after acute olive oil administration. Virgin olive oil was administered to healthy volunteers after a low phenolic diet. The dose administered of both phenolic compounds was estimated in reference to free forms of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol present in virgin olive oil extracts before and after being submitted to hydrolytic conditions. These conditions mimic those occurring during digestion. Urine samples were collected before and after acute olive oil intake and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol urinary recovery increased in response to olive oil administration, obtaining maximal values in the first 4 h. Our results further indicate that hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol are mainly excreted in conjugated form, since only 5.9 +/- 1.4% (hydroxytyrosol) and 13.8 +/- 5.4% (tyrosol) of the total amounts excreted in urine were in free form.  相似文献   

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