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金鹬虻属Chrysopilus Macquart是双翅目鹬虻科(Diptera:Rhagionidae)中的大属,已知约270种,广泛分布于各大动物地理区。我国曾记载台湾省有9种,东北地区有日本的共同种C.dives Loew,近年我们陆续记述了20多个新种。内蒙古的金鹬虹属则为初次报道,本文根据我们1978年采集的标本描记一新种和一内蒙古新记录种,模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

黑翅长脚鹬Himantopus himantopus(Black—winged Stilt)鹆形目Charadriiformes反嘴鹬科Recurvirostridae。  相似文献   

为探讨东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上的鸻鹬类体内有机氯农药的含量及来源,本研究以该迁徙路线上的大滨鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)和红腹滨鹬(C.canutus)为研究对象,用索氏提取法对这两种鸟的胸肌和皮下脂肪中的有机污染物进行萃取,并用气相色谱法对19种有机氯农药进行检测。结果表明,HCHs、DDTs、硫丹Ⅱ等14种有机氯农药在大滨鹬和红腹滨鹬的组织中均有不同程度的检出,所有样品中的含量最高值达1 573.5 ng/g脂重;在检出的14种有机氯农药中,α-HCH、β-HCH、γ-HCH、p,p′-DDE、硫丹Ⅱ、硫丹硫酸酯和/或p,p′-DDT的检出率达100%;在大滨鹬的肌肉组织、红腹滨鹬的肌肉和脂肪组织中,p,p′-DDE的残留量最高;而在大滨鹬的脂肪组织中硫丹硫酸酯和/或p,p′-DDT的含量最高;目标物中的艾氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯、反式氯丹等未达检出限或含量较低。我们对比了不同物种及不同组织样本中有机氯农药的富集程度,红腹滨鹬的肌肉组织中HCHs的沉积量显著高于大滨鹬,而大滨鹬的脂肪组织中硫丹硫酸酯和/或p,p′-DDT的含量显著高于红腹滨鹬。此外,分别对比两个物种的肌肉组织和脂肪组织中有机氯农药沉积量,部分有机氯农药在脂肪组织中的沉积量显著高于肌肉组织,说明相比于肌肉组织,有机氯农药可能更易于在脂肪组织中累积。  相似文献   

围垦堤内迁徙鸻鹬群落的生态学特性   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
以群落生态学的原理为基础 ,研究景观特征及异质性变化导致鸟类群落的变化 ,重点探讨了人为干扰导致的景观特征变化对迁徙鹬群落时空结构的影响。景观异质性的改变是引起鹬群落结构变化的主要原因 ,也是决定鹬群落分布的重要因子。围堤内湿地植被覆盖率大于 6 0 %或水面小于总湿地面积 2 0 %后 ,鹬基本不出现 ,必须含有水域、植被和裸地三种景观要素。植被覆盖率为 1 0 %~ 2 0 %时 ,鹬数量最多。鹬在围堤内滩涂的分布与底栖生物量无关。水深是影响鹬分布的重要因素 ,使鹬的空间生态位得到分离。科鸟类主要活动在裸地和浅水区 ,中小型鹬类主要在中水区 ,大中型鹬类在深水区。科学管理围堤封堵后滩涂 ,控制和改造湿地景观 ,将在一定程度上降低围涂工程对鹬群落的负面效应。  相似文献   

<正>近年来在四川省广汉市鸭子河湿地自然保护区先后记录到长嘴半蹼鹬(Limnodromus scolopaceus)和短尾贼鸥(Stercorarius parasiticus)两种鸟类。经查阅相关文献(李桂垣1995,郑光美2011),这两种鸟类应属四川省鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

正2014年4月7至25日,在湖北省武汉市江夏区汤逊湖千亩塘(30°26'48″N,114°24'27″E)观测到长嘴半蹼鹬(Limnodromus scolopaceus)1只,隶属于鸻形目鹬科半蹼鹬属。该鹬被发现于一大型荷塘内,同域分布有扇尾沙锥(Gallinago gallinago)、林鹬(Tringa glareola)、鹤鹬(T.erythropus)、泽鹬(T.stagnatilis)等鹬科鸟种。借助蔡司60倍单筒望远镜观察,并拍摄下图片及视频后发现,该鹬中等体型,与扇尾沙锥近似,但比鹤鹬小。具长而粗的嘴,全嘴色深。白色眉纹明显。上体体羽深褐色,具浅色羽缘。尾上覆羽具横斑。下体色浅,胸  相似文献   

双翅目的鹬虻科(Rhagionidae)成虫和幼虫均为捕食性的昆虫,金鹬虻属(Chrysopilus)的种类有些捕食蝗卵、象虫幼虫等而甚有益,国外曾用于生物防治。金鹬虻属为本科的一个大属,已知270余种。我国除台湾省有9种外,仅东北地区记录过一种,最近我们研究了云南和广西的标本又增加了11新种;本文记述陕西的5个新种,有的也分布于甘肃、宁夏和山西等地。新种的模式标本保存在我校昆虫标本室,三斑金鹬虻的一对副模分藏在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。周氏金鹬虻则以周尧教授的姓氏来命名,感谢他对后辈的热情栽培,对他表示崇高的敬意。  相似文献   

围垦堤内迁徙(行鸟)鹬群落的生态学特性   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
以群落生态学的原理为基础,研究景观特征及异质性变化导致鸟类群落的变化,重点探讨了人为干扰导致的景观特征变化对迁徙(行鸟)鹬群落时空结构的影响.景观异质性的改变是引起(行鸟)鹬群落结构变化的主要原因,也是决定(行鸟)鹬群落分布的重要因子.围堤内湿地植被覆盖率大于60%或水面小于总湿地面积20%后,(行鸟)鹬基本不出现,必须含有水域、植被和裸地三种景观要素.植被覆盖率为10%~20%时,(行鸟)鹬数量最多.(行鸟)鹬在围堤内滩涂的分布与底栖生物量无关.水深是影响(行鸟)鹬分布的重要因素,使(行鸟)鹬的空间生态位得到分离.(行鸟)科鸟类主要活动在裸地和浅水区,中小型鹬类主要在中水区,大中型鹬类在深水区.科学管理围堤封堵后滩涂,控制和改造湿地景观,将在一定程度上降低围涂工程对(行鸟)鹬群落的负面效应.  相似文献   

反嘴鹬与黑翅长脚鹬是反嘴鹬科的亲戚——反嘴鹬科广泛分布于温、热带淡水水域,有3~4属7~11种,在中国只有黑翅长脚鹬和反嘴鹬两种。  相似文献   

<正>2010年11月21日在云南省昆明市呈贡大学城关山水库(海拔1940m,地理坐标102°50'E,24°49'N)进行鸟类调查时,观察并拍摄到一只鹬,拍摄距离约为10m。经查阅有关文献资料,该鹬为黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpine,系云南省鸟类新纪录。关山水库是一个以灌溉为主的小型水库,但在冬季会有多种水鸟在此越冬。除了黑腹滨鹬外,在调查中还记录到白鹭、牛背鹭、池鹭、苍鹭、红嘴鸥、反嘴鹬、黑翅长脚鹬、矶鹬、白腰草鹬、金眶鸻、小、凤头、普通鸬鹚、赤麻鸭、翘鼻麻鸭、斑嘴鸭等水禽。  相似文献   

A habitat-based framework is a practical method for developing models (or, ecological production functions, EPFs) to describe the spatial distribution of ecosystem services. To generate EPFs for Yaquina estuary, Oregon, USA, we compared bird use patterns among intertidal habitats. Visual censuses were used to quantify abundance of bird groups and general species richness in: Zostera marina (eelgrass), Upogebia (mud shrimp)/mudflat, Neotrypaea (ghost shrimp)/sandflat, Zostera japonica (Japanese eelgrass), and low marsh estuarine habitats. Also assessed were (1) spatial variation within a habitat along the estuary gradient and, (2) temporal variation based on bi-monthly samples over a year at five tidal ranges. Z. marina was an important estuarine habitat based on nearly all metrics of bird use, except for shorebird densities. This suggests that reductions in native eelgrass habitat may reduce the abundance and diversity of birds in Yaquina estuary. Our results suggest that a habitat based assessment approach is generally feasible for developing relative EPFs related to the presence of birds within estuarine systems.  相似文献   

T. Farkas 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):122-127
Martin, A. P. &; Baird, D. 1987. Seasonal abundance and distribution of birds on the Swartkops estuary, Port Elizabeth. Ostrich 58:122-134. Counts of estuarine birds were made on the Swartkops estuary, Port Elizabeth, between September 1983 and August 1985. Seasonal variations in the numbers of both migrant and resident species were investigated; in the austral summer, over 4000 birds were recorded, whereas in winter, fewer than 1200 birds were counted. Five species made up 74% of the total number of birds: Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus (21%), Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola (21%), Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus (12%), Common Terns Sterna hirundo (10%) and Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea (10%). The majority of birds (92%) were recorded on the intertidal mud and sand, and a positive correlation was found between bird density and the biomass of a major prey species, Upogebia africana. The avifauna of the estuary has changed considerably since the beginning or this century, probably reflecting long-term trends in the bird populations.  相似文献   


A second ecological survey of the Waikanae estuary, in the North Island of New Zealand, was carried out 30 years after the first (1941–1943), and was of similar duration. The observer for the first survey participated in the second, and the same methods were used. Brief accounts are given of the prevailing climate and geology, and of physical changes at the estuary. The effect of periodic storms and of the various encroachments by man is recorded; the latter appear to be particularly important. The vegetation of the estuary is described. Records of beach patrols and of other ornithologists supplement the authors' observations on the bird life. The numbers of birds recorded in the two surveys are compared by analyses of variance. Changes in the flora deduced from aerial photographs spanning the two surveys and from notes and photographs are related to man-induced disturbance, natural physical changes, and natural succession. The total of 79 bird species recorded at the estuary and in its immediate vicinity compares favourably with the 60 species recorded during the first survey. The increase of nearly one-third is due to such factors as the appearance of new Australian bird species, the information provided by the beach patrols, and the extension of sand-flat habitat. In terms of numbers observed, 10 bird species have increased, 11 remain unchanged, and 8 have declined. The distribution of birds is considered in relation to nine areas of habitat: the beach and open sea; open dunes at the beach front; river and sand flats; unfixed and fixed dunes; saltmarsh; grassed fields; and lakelets. The most species (29) were recorded on sand flats and the least (7) on unfixed dunes. Periodic rechannelling of the river mouth has led to expansion of the sand flats as a habitat for waders and some other shore birds, but other man-induced developments, such as housing, are threatening the present ecological balance of the estuary. Use of the area for recreation and for wildlife study is increasing, and we consider that action by conservation authorities is urgently required.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) returning to streams around the North Pacific Rim provide a nutrient subsidy to these ecosystems. While many species of animals feed directly on salmon carcasses each autumn, salmon-derived nutrients can also be stored in coastal habitats throughout the year. The effects of this storage legacy on vertebrates in other seasons are not well understood, especially in estuaries, which can receive a large portion of post-spawning salmon nutrients. We examine the effects of residual salmon-derived nutrients, forest habitats and landscape features on summer breeding birds in estuary forests. We compared models containing environmental variables and combined chum (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) salmon biomass to test predictions concerning bird density and diversity. We discovered that total bird, insectivore, golden-crowned kinglet and Pacific wren densities and Shannon's diversity in the summer were strongly predicted by salmon biomass in the autumn. For most metrics, this relationship approaches an asymptote beyond 40 000 kg of salmon biomass. Foliage height diversity, watershed catchment area and estuary area were also important predictors of avian communities. Our study suggests that the legacy of salmon nutrients influences breeding bird density and diversity in estuaries that vary across a wide gradient of spawning salmon biomass.  相似文献   

The diversity of the cloacal microbial community in migratory shorebirds, caught at the Tagus estuary, Portugal, was assessed by cultivation (R2A and Nutrient Agar media) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling (DGGE) to provide a better understanding of the birds' potential to harbor and disperse pathogens. Three different bird species belonging to four different populations were studied: common redshank (Tringa totanus), black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) and nominate and Icelandic populations of black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa). DGGE profiling and partial 16S RNA gene sequences of 240 isolates, and 26 DGGE bands resulting in 58 clones, were analyzed. Most isolates were members of the phylum Firmicutes and Actinobacteria and only a small portion belonged to the Proteobacteria and Deinococcus-Thermus phyla. Potentially pathogenic strains carried by the birds were found such as Helicobacter and Staphylococcus in all bird species, and Clostridium, Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus, Legionella and Corynebacterium in black-winged stilts. Unexpectedly, bacteria from the phylum Deinococcus-Thermus were isolated in shorebirds and were present in all the bird species studied.  相似文献   

兴隆沙位于长江入海口,1990年11月至1991年2月和2001年10月至2002年2月,用路线统计法对兴隆沙鸟类多样性和栖息环境进行了调查,发现在过去的10年间该岛的生态环境发生了巨大变化。受开发力度加强、人口密度增加等各种因素的影响,大量的滩涂植被为农田、村庄所替代。调查结果表明,鸟的种类减少了45%,其中冬候鸟减少了52%,旅鸟减少了60%,国家重点保护鸟类减少了80%,鸟类多样性指数由1990年秋季的3.872减少到2001年秋季的3.016,鸟类最高密度减少了61%。通过对该岛鸟类现状的分析,对岛屿开发与鸟类保护提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

Ecotypic differentiation of Cochlearia officinalis L. was studied in four populations, roughly described as "beach", "bird cliff", "spring" and "estuary", which occupy different habitats in the northern part of Norway. The plants were cultivated under controlled conditions on soil to which nitrogen was applied at various amounts (0, 0.2 and 1.0 g N pot−1). The above ground part of the "bird cliff" population showed the highest dry weight and nitrogen uptake at the highest nitrogen concentration. No effect of nitrogen treatment and the lowest dry weight were found in the "estuary" population. The differences in population response to added nitrogen were correlated to the nitrogen content of the soil in their natural habitat. Morphological features of the populations were also significantly different. The "estuary", "beach" and "bird cliff" populations showed differences in all characteristics measured – ratio of length/width of the leaves, shape of the leaf base, and length of the petiole. "Beach" and "spring" differed significantly in petiole length, while "bird cliff" and "spring" differed significantly in both leaf ratio and shape of the leaf base. These morphological features were not significantly altered by the application of nitrogen to the soil. This study shows that the four populations of Cochlearia officinalis are discrete biotypes characteristic of distinct habitats, and therefore, should be considered ecotypes.  相似文献   

Darrel C. H Plowes 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):123-138
Kalejta, B. 1993. Diets of shorebirds at the Berg River estuary, South Africa: spatial and temporal variation. Ostrich 64: 123–133.

The diets of three common migrant waders; Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea. Grey Plover Pluvialis-squatarola and Greenshank Tringa nebularia and three resident species, Blacksmith Vanellus armatus, Kittlitz's Charadrius pecuarius and Whitefronted Plovers C. marginatus, were studied at the Berg River estuary, South Africa from December 1987 to April 1989. Direct observations of feeding were combined with analyses of stomach contents, pellets and droppings. Nereid worms, Ceratonereis erythraeensis and C. keiskama, were the principal food of all species studied except Greenshanks, which fed mostly on crabs, Hymenosoma orbiculare. Despite considerable overlap in the diets of all bird species, there were differences in the size classes of nereids taken by different bird species. Visually-foraging plovers (Charadriidae) were highly selective, feeding on the largest nereids regardless of their abundance. Tactile foragers, represented by Curlew Sandpipers, were non-selective, and consumed different size-classes of worms in proportion to their abundance in the substratum. Seasonal variations in the diet of waders are linked to seasonal changes in the availability of prey species.  相似文献   

The use of intertidal areas of the Tagus estuary by birds was re-analysed, based on data from 1990 to 1993, to describe (i) the temporal and spatial patterns of use of intertidal areas, (ii) the diet of birds during winter and (iii) the habitat selection patterns of feeding birds, during winter. The most common birds in the estuary were gulls, waders and ducks. Highest densities were recorded for most species in autumn and winter. The spatial distribution of birds in the intertidal areas of the estuary did not vary significantly across seasons, although broader distributions occurred when bird populations were present in high numbers. In autumn, use of intertidal areas was highly variable. Specific areas in the estuary were identified as holding important densities of birds, or having a high species richness. The most abundant species selected feeding areas according to sediment type, although the presence of channels, saltmarsh or humans also influenced the distribution of birds. The invertebrates Carcinus maenas, Hediste diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana were identified as key prey species. Plant material was important as food for ducks. Implications of these findings for the management of the estuary are discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly all saltmarshes in east-central, Florida were impounded for mosquito control during the 1960s. The majority of these marshes have since been reconnected to the estuary by culverts, providing an opportunity to effectively measure exchange of aquatic organisms. A multi-gear approach was used monthly to simultaneously estimate fish standing stock (cast net), fish exchange with the estuary (culvert traps), and piscivore abundance (gill nets and bird counts) to document patterns of fish use in a reconnected saltmarsh impoundment. Changes in saltmarsh fish abundance, and exchange of fish with the estuary reflected the seasonal pattern of marsh flooding in the northern Indian River Lagoon system. During a 6-month period of marsh flooding, resident fish had continuous access to the marsh surface. Large piscivorous fish regularly entered the impoundment via creeks and ditches to prey upon small resident fish, and piscivorous birds aggregated following major fish movements to the marsh surface or to deep habitats. As water levels receded in winter, saltmarsh fish concentrated into deep habitats and emigration to the estuary ensued (200% greater biomass left the impoundment than entered). Fish abundance and community structure along the estuary shoreline (although fringed with marsh vegetation) were not analogous to marsh creeks and ditches. Perimeter ditches provided deep-water habitat for large estuarine predators, and shallow creeks served as an alternative habitat for resident fish when the marsh surface was dry. Use of the impoundment as nursery by transients was limited to Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, but large juvenile and adult piscivorous fish used the impoundment for feeding. In conclusion, the saltmarsh impoundment was a feeding site for piscivorous fish and birds, and functioned as a net exporter of forage fish to adjacent estuarine waters.  相似文献   

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