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采用活体性腺观察和组织切片方法对瘤背石磺的生殖系统及生殖周期进行了周年的研究.结果表明,瘤背石磺的生殖系统由三部分组成:两性腺、雄性生殖管道及附属腺体、雌性生殖管道及附属腺体.雄性生殖管道由输精管、阴茎、刺激器组成,附性腺为主要的附属腺体;雌性生殖管道由输卵管、受精囊、阴道组成,附属腺体主要为卵黄腺和蛋白腺.瘤背石磺的生殖周期具有典型的腹足类动物的特征,性腺发育周期可以分为:休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期5个时期,生殖周期为1年,成熟和排放期在6月上旬到9月上旬,繁殖高峰期在7月上旬至8月上旬,10月后进入休止期.本文还讨论了瘤背石磺在繁殖过程中精卵的输送、受精等过程及相关的交配器和附属腺体的功能.  相似文献   

瘤背石磺的生殖系统和性腺发育   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
2003年5~8月对瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)的生殖系统结构和性腺发育进行了组织学研究。瘤背石磺生殖器包括两性腺、卵黄腺、蛋白腺。两性腺具有外管和内管,两管相连后通入蛋白腺,内管分支为收集管与腺泡相通。蛋白腺包括腺体部和分泌物两部分,中央为生殖输送管,蛋白腺具食指突和拇指突。性腺腺泡包括精子期腺泡、卵子期腺泡、精卵同泡和排空期腺泡4种类型。本文还对卵黄腺、受精囊、雄性交接器等结构进行了组织学观察,分析了精子和卵子的发育过程、运输路径。  相似文献   

钱静  沈和定  管菊 《动物学杂志》2015,50(4):600-606
雌雄同体贝类精子的储存和利用规律一直是国内外贝类生物学研究的难点之一,本文利用活体解剖、显微观察、组织切片和扫描电镜技术,综合研究了平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)的生殖系统及精子储存场所。结果显示,其生殖系统包括生殖器本部、雌性生殖部分和雄性生殖部分。生殖器本部由两性腺、两性输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、支囊组成;雌性生殖部分包括输卵管、受精囊、阴道,位于身体中后方体腔内;雄性生殖部分包括输精管、刺激器、阴茎、阴茎鞘和阴茎牵引肌,位于身体前端右侧体腔内;其阴茎有阴茎鞘,阴茎表面布满倒刺。平疣桑椹石磺阴茎为直线状,无雄性附属腺。未交配的性成熟个体支囊内充满细长精子,受精囊内无精子;而交配后充当雌性个体的支囊内均为细长的自体精子,受精囊内有大量活力较强的粗短精子,其支囊为自体精子的存储场所,而受精囊为异体精子的存储场所。其精子储运情况为:两性腺内精子成熟后暂存于支囊,交配时通过输精管运输至阴茎,由阴茎输送精子至对方的阴道,异体精子进入受精囊内存储待用。  相似文献   

瘤背石磺交配规律的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雌雄同体动物的交配行为和机制具有多样性的特点。利用身型大小与交配之间的关系来推测雌雄同体动物的交配规律是一个重要的手段。瘤背石磺属雌雄同体动物,通过实验室研究观察及数理分析结果显示:瘤背石磺的求偶行为方式是2个或3个个体进行追逐,追逐具有随机性;其交配行为方式较复杂,既存在同型大小个体交配,也有异型大小个体交配,并且小个体更趋向于扮演雄性角色而大个体多扮演雌性角色。瘤背石磺在繁殖季节时会出现多次交配高峰期,在各交配高峰期时,交配形式具有差异,并且瘤背石磺具有发生互惠性交配的条件。  相似文献   

采用野外及室内喂养观察、野外采集、室内解剖等方法,对福寿螺适应环境的繁殖生物学基础进行了全面研究,结果表明:福寿螺为雌雄异体,具有明显的第二性征;壳顶面观察,雌性的第2~3螺层为黑色,雄性的为淡黄色。雌性生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、子宫和生殖孔组成。雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、储精囊、前列腺、阴茎囊和阴茎组成,此外还具有特殊的辅助交配器和香腺。福寿螺交配方式特殊,辅助交配器和香腺在交配过程中具有重要作用。福寿螺为倒退式产卵,产卵于水面之上的附着物上,腹足在产卵过程中起关键作用。雄螺独特的交配器官和交配方式、雌螺独特的产卵方式和高繁殖力、受精卵的离水孵化使福寿螺后代数量极大,对环境具有极强的适应能力。  相似文献   

运用常规组织学方法和NADPH-d组织化学方法,研究了薄背涡虫 Notoplana humilis 生殖系统的组织结构和一氧化氮合酶的分布.其雄性生殖系统包括精巢、储精囊、阴茎、雄性生殖孔,精巢壁由一薄层薄膜组成,每个精巢内都含有不同发育时期的雄性生殖细胞,且精子发育无明显同步性;储精囊呈螺旋状排列在雄性生殖孔附近,囊壁由单层扁平上皮组成;阴茎为粗大的球形,外壁由柱状上皮细胞和数层肌细胞组成.雌性生殖系统包括输卵管、生殖腔、雌性生殖孔和受精囊,但不形成集中的卵巢和卵黄腺.雌雄生殖孔、生殖腔、受精囊、阴茎等部位呈NADPH-d强阳性反应.  相似文献   

不同体重瘤背石磺性腺发育规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用组织学方法研究了瘤背石磺体重(2—28g)与性腺发育、性腺指数与肝胰腺指数或卵黄腺指数间的关系,不同体重瘤背石磺性腺内各期生殖细胞的组成与比例以及瘤背石磺卵子和精子发生的规律。结果表明,(1)瘤背石磺的性腺指数有随体重增加而增加的特点:10g以上个体性腺指数达到最高且基本无变化;不同体重瘤背石磺性腺指数与肝胰腺指数和卵黄腺指数有明显的正相关性(P<0.05);(2)6g以下组的瘤背石磺性腺滤泡管内未发现有雌性生殖细胞,6g以上组的性腺滤泡管内雄性与雌性生殖细胞并存;(3)所有瘤背石磺个体性腺内均有精子分布,6g以下个体雄性生殖细胞组成以次级精母细胞为主,而6g以上个体则以精子为主;6g以上组的雌性生殖细胞成熟程度随体重增加有明显增加,其中6—8g以卵原细胞为主(57%),8—10g开始出现外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞,10—14g时的外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞约为69%,且开始出现成熟卵母细胞。(4)卵子发生共经历6期:分别为卵原细胞期、卵黄合成前卵母细胞期、内源性卵黄合成期、外源性卵黄合成期、近成熟期和成熟卵母细胞期,成熟卵母细胞直径约为(59.36±3.88)μm。精子发生经历精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子共5个阶段,精子长约(52.44±20.65)μm。石磺体重与性腺发育程度密切相关,10g以上的个体可做为亲本使用。  相似文献   

粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker))生殖系统的解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何继龙 《昆虫学报》1963,(3):282-291
本文内容是研究粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker)生殖系统的形态构造。全文分为雄性内部生殖器、雄性外部生殖器、雌性内部生殖器及雌性外部生殖器四部分。 粘虫的雄性内生殖器中, 有睾丸一对, 左右并列, 呈扁椭圆形, 外被紫红色睾丸膜; 输精管一对, 基部膨大成二对贮精囊; 射精管分成复射精管及单射精管两部分。雄性外生殖器的构造极为复杂, 第9腹节的背、腹板分别形成马鞍状的背兜及基腹弧; 第10腹节仅有其附肢特化成钩形突、颚形突和背兜侧突等; 抱握器占雄性外生殖器中的大部分, 其顶上角具长约1毫米的端刺一枚, 此为本种特征之一, 可以此与近似种区别; 阳茎由基部球状的阳茎囊和端部柄状的阳茎端组成, 内具内阳茎及角状器:雄性外生殖器中有关器官的肌肉来源亦作了叙述。 精液是以贮存于精球的方式授入雌体, 精球分为精球体、精球柄及系带三部分。 雌性内生殖器中, 卵巢为多滋式, 一对, 各由四个卵巢管组成, 两组卵巢管再与一对侧输卵管相连, 后者通入中输卵管中, 中输卵管后端连有外生殖腔, 其外方的开口是为产卵孔; 受精囊为长形梨状物, 分成主囊及副囊两部分, 两者在顶部愈合, 并由此发出受精管与外生殖腔相通, 在主囊顶端有受精囊腺; 附腺一对, 与附腺囊相连, 后者通入附腺主囊, 并由此开口入外生殖腔。雌性外生殖器是由交配囊和产卵器组成, 前者复可分成囊导管、囊体及囊颈三部分, 其外方的开口为交配囊孔, 有导精管从囊颈连于外生殖腔; 产卵器由第8、9腹节组成, 非呈特殊构造。  相似文献   

瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)是雌雄同体、异体交配的腹足纲贝类,其生殖系统较为复杂,通过解剖学和组织切片技术对成体瘤背石磺的生殖系统及产卵前后的组织学变化进行了系统的研究.结果表明:(1)雄性生殖系统主要南阴茎囊、阴茎、雄性附性腺、两性腺(早期主要产生精于)和储精囊等部分组成,而雌性生殖系统则由两性腺(后期主要产生卵子)、生殖细胞输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、受精囊和阴道等组成;(2)雄性生殖系统的组织学结构在产卵前后变化较小,但两性腺、卵蛋白腺和黏液腺的组织学在产卵前后变化显著;(3)产卵后的两性腺由于成熟卵子的排放,整体结构松散,部分腺泡中有少量未排出的成熟卵细胞和卵黄合成早期的卵母细胞;(4)产卵前的卵蛋白腺中含有许多强嗜碱性的小颗粒(组织学结构类似于卵鞘中的胚胎外周蛋白),产卵后腺体中的颗粒相对较大,且呈嗜酸性;(5)产卵前的黏液腺中存在嗜碱性区、嗜酸性区和混杂区三种区域,但是产卵前黏液腺以嗜酸性细胞为主,而产卵后的黏液腺中以嗜碱性细胞区域为主,且分泌管道中有一些嗜碱性物质.由此可见,卵蛋白腺的主要功能是分泌卵蛋白包裹受精卵形成卵外周蛋白层,而黏液腺则在产卵过程中分泌黏液物质形成卵鞘结构及链状的卵带.  相似文献   

瘤背石磺产卵前后脂类和脂肪酸组成的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究测定了瘤背石磺产卵前后肌肉、肝胰腺、两性腺、卵蛋白腺、雄性附性腺和黏液腺指数、水分含量、总脂含量、脂类和脂肪酸组成.结果表明:(1) 瘤背石磺产卵后的肝胰腺指数(HIS)、两性腺指数(DGSI)和卵蛋白腺指数(EAGI)都显著下降(P<0.05), 其水分含量显著上升, 而脂肪含量显著下降; (2) 瘤背石磺各种组织总脂主要有磷脂(PL)、胆固醇(Cho)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)和甘油三酰(TG), 仅在肝胰腺中检测出少量甘油一酰(MG), 产卵后肝胰腺中的FFA含量和两性腺中的PL含量大幅度下降, 分别下降了41.36%和80.53%, 其它组织中的脂类成分变化幅度不大;(3) 产卵后瘤背石磺肝胰腺中的C16:1n7、C20:5n3(EPA)和C22:6n3(DHA)显著下降, 而饱和脂肪酸(∑SFA)含量显著上升.产卵后两性腺中的C20:2n6、C22:2n6和C22:5n3(DPA)显著下降, 而C20:4n6(AA)含量显著上升.产卵后雄性附性腺和黏液腺中的AA和EPA含量均有所下降, 而C16:0和C18:1n9却有所上升.结果表明:卵蛋白腺和黏液腺对于瘤背石磺产卵和胚胎的形成具有重要的作用, PL和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)对瘤背石磺的两性腺发育具有十分重要的作用, 肝胰腺中的脂肪可能是瘤背石磺产卵过程中主要的能源物质之一, 性腺发育过程中肝胰腺中的PUFA可能被转运到两性腺中.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of adult Tropilaelaps clareae males and females was observed in glass test tubes. The male jumped on the dorsum of the female, stretched legs I forward, and hooked their distal ends on the frontal margin of the female dorsum. He then slipped sideways to the female venter. In the venter-to-venter position, the male clasped the female between her legs I and II, with his legs I. The male then moved backwards until his gnathosoma reached about 1/2 way along the epigynial plate of the female. The male vibrated and probably pushed the spermatophore out of his body. Next he moved laterally and placed the gnathosoma between coxae III and IV where the gonopore is located. Probably the sperm was introduced into the gonopore by means of the spermatodactyl. Subsequently the male moved to one side and stroked the anterior part of the epigynial plate and the gonopore area with his leg II. He repeated these contacts on average 282 times (variation 100 up to 522). The male then moved on the other side of the female venter and repeated the whole procedure. Finally, the male withdrew himself backwards from the female. The total mating process lasted between 3 and 42 min, with an average of 23 min. Multiple matings of both, males and females were observed.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of a previously undescribed sex pheromone (or pheromones) in the ticks Dermacentor variabilis and D. andersoni. In addition to 2,6-dichlorophenol, which attracts mate-seeking males, a pheromone released on the cuticle of the female genital area enables the sexually excited male to locate the gonopore. The compound (or compounds) appears to act as a contact pheromone; male copulation responses are greatly reduced when the female genital surface is washed with solvents, especially hexane. It is also a potent excitant; males will puncture or dislodge barriers placed over the gonopore to copulate. However, the response is eliminated if the genital area is washed (hexane or acetone) prior to sealing the gonopore, suggesting the reproductive system as the source of the pheromone. A species specific copulation-eliciting pheromone appears necessary to excite the male to form and implant its spermatophore in the vulva of a conspecific female. Males encountering trans-specific females probe their gonopores, but mating attempts are almost always aborted within 5–10 min. The copulation-eliciting pheromone may be the same, or similar, to that used to locate the gonopore. Physical differences in the shape of the female gonopore in the two species, although slight, may contribute to the male's ability to identify conspecific females. Using this pheromone-guided process of attraction and identification, females present in mixed species populations will almost always be distinguished and inseminated by conspecific mate-seeking males.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示日龄和交配对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis雄蛾内生殖器官的影响,以及亚洲玉米螟雄蛾的交配状态和性信息素诱捕之间的关系。【方法】采用行为学和生殖器解剖技术,研究不同日龄和交配状态亚洲玉米螟雄蛾内生殖器特征,并将其与田间性信息素诱捕雄蛾进行比较。【结果】除了精巢、输精管、储精囊、附腺、复射精管和单射精管外,亚洲玉米螟雄蛾内生殖系统还包含1对附腺囊,同时单射精管非角质化区分为5段(PS1-5),PS1又细分为5区(PS1Ⅰ-Ⅴ)。生殖器内含物可分为5级(0-4级),存在充满和未充满生殖器两种状态。1日龄雄蛾内生殖系统不同器官的内含物等级存在差异,但是日龄对雄蛾生殖系统内含物等级无明显影响。交配后0 h亚洲玉米螟雄蛾,除输精管、储精囊和附腺囊外,其余生殖器官内含物等级较未交配雄蛾的均发生显著变化。随着交配后时间的增加,雄蛾生殖器内含物等级逐渐恢复,各器官内含物等级恢复的速度存在差异,交配后60 h所有内含物等级均恢复到未交配状态。但是直到交配后228 h,交配雄蛾PS5内含物仍然表现出断裂等形态特征,和未交配雄蛾存在差异。性信息素引诱雄蛾中有60.9%的生殖系统表现出未交配雄蛾特征。【结论】利用PS5内含物的形态可以鉴别亚洲玉米螟雄蛾的交配状态,性信息素群集诱杀的亚洲玉米螟雄蛾大部分是未交配。本研究结果为亚洲玉米螟雄蛾交配状态的判定和蛾类害虫性信息素测报和防治的有效性提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

泥螺生殖系统的组织学   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
泥螺为雌雄同体。生殖系统包括交媾器和生殖器本部。交媾器包括刺激器、阴茎和摄护腺;生殖器本部主要包括两性腺、缠卵腺和蛋白腺。刺激器和阴茎都具有非常发达的肌肉组织,腔壁游离面具纤毛。阴茎腔壁为单层柱状细胞;摄护腺被膜为一层薄的肌纤维,里面具有许多分泌细胞;缠卵腺被膜为单层扁平上皮,下层为环肌,腺体组织由分泌小管构成。蛋白腺主要由皮质层和导管层组成,皮质层内充满了分泌细胞,导管层由许多分泌小管构成,管壁为柱状腺细胞。  相似文献   

Female Fitness Optimum at Intermediate Mating Rates under Traumatic Mating   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traumatic mating behaviors often bear signatures of sexual conflict and are then typically considered a male strategy to circumvent female choice mechanisms. In an extravagant mating ritual, the hermaphroditic sea slug Siphopteron quadrispinosum pierces the integument of their mating partners with a syringe-like penile stylet that injects prostate fluids. Traumatic injection is followed by the insertion of a spiny penis into the partner's gonopore to transfer sperm. Despite traumatic mating, field mating rates exceed those required for female fertilization insurance, possibly because costs imposed on females are balanced by direct or indirect benefits of multiple sperm receipt. To test this idea, we exposed animals to a relevant range of mating opportunity regimes and assessed the effects on mating behavior and proxies of female fitness. We find penis intromission duration to decrease with mating rates, and a female fecundity maximum at intermediate mating rates. The latter finding indicates that benefits beyond fertilization insurance can make higher mating rates also beneficial from a female perspective in this traumatically mating species.  相似文献   

Mating in moths is generally mediated by female-produced sex pheromones. Mating activity, female pheromone production/release and male pheromone responsiveness all show diurnal variations in many species. We found that the response of the male Egyptian cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis, to sex pheromone gland extracts showed a diel rhythm in olfactometer tests, and the variation was persistent for at least 1 day in constant darkness. High male response to sex pheromone was correlated in time with high mating and locomotor activity. Male S. littoralis, maintained in constant darkness and exposed to pheromone gland extracts on a daily basis, showed an induced temporal variation in response after several days, in contrast to unexposed males. This suggests that in the absence of other external zeitgebers, exposure to sex pheromone may function to synchronise circadian behavioural rhythms in male moths. The daily rhythm in mating activity in S. littoralis is also shown to be persistent for at least 2 days in constant darkness. Pairs mated significantly less when either the male or female had been raised in a light:dark cycle 10 h out of phase, indicating that the proposed circadian rhythm in mating activity is composed of rhythmic mating preference/ability in both sexes.  相似文献   

A. Lum-Kong   《Journal of Zoology》1992,226(3):469-490
In Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, the female reproductive system consists of the ovary and accessory reproductive organs which include the oviducal gland, the nidamental gland, the accessory nidamental gland and seminal receptacle. Histological studies were made on the accessory reproductive organs of female L. forbesi. The various changes observed during maturation are described and the functional significance discussed. The secretions produced by the oviducal gland and nidamental gland apparently form the egg coats. The seminal receptacle serves to store spermatozoa after mating. The function of the accessory nidamental gland is unknown.  相似文献   

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