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突变体对增加小麦资源的遗传多样性,克隆和解析重要农艺、产量和抗性相关基因具有重要的意义。本研究以高抗赤霉病小麦品种黄方柱(HFZ)及其11个甲磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱导的纯合突变体(F2~F12,Mu4),以及海盐种(HYZ)及其12个EMS纯合突变体(Y2~Y13,Mu4)为材料,在扬花期利用单花滴注鉴定赤霉病扩展抗性,灌浆期测定了分蘖数、株高、旗叶长、旗叶宽、叶绿素含量,收获后测定千粒重、粒长、粒宽、每穗小穗数和每穗粒数共计11个性状。每一个突变体至少在一个性状上与野生型存在显著差异。黄方柱突变系F6、F9和F12以及海盐种突变系Y6、Y7和Y9病小穗率均显著高于相应野生型,达中感或高感水平,因此,这6个突变体是研究赤霉病扩展抗性的理想材料。此外,海盐种突变体株高、千粒重、每穗粒数和粒宽均低于或显著低于野生型。对野生型和突变体采用了基于最小组内平方和距离的动态聚类分析方法,综合评价了野生型与突变体以及突变体相互之间的相似情况。株高等农艺性状显著优于野生型但赤霉病抗性与野生型类似的突变体(如F2、F7、Y2、Y3、Y4、Y8、Y10和Y12)可为农艺性状的遗传研究和抗赤育种亲本选配提供重要的资源。  相似文献   

分析赤星病抗性主效QTL的人工选择响应,可为烟草赤星病抗性分子标记辅助选择提供一定的理论基础。本研究利用与主效QTL紧密连锁的分子标记J9和J4,分析随机群体、人工选择群体和自然群体中响应分子标记的等位基因频率,研究相关标记位点在不同群体中的等位基因变化规律。结果发现:(1)赤星病抗性主效QTL等位基因在不同选择强度(5%、10%和20%)的正向选择条件下均发生了显著性偏分离,其中在10%的正向选择强度下偏分离显著性最高。(2)在不同世代(F3、F4、F5和F6)的赤星病抗性育种选择群体中,J9位点抗病亲本等位基因型频率显著高于感病亲本基因型频率,表明来源于抗源净叶黄的主效抗性QTL与赤星病抗性显著关联。(3)在198份自然群体中,包括烟草赤星病抗性品种中烟86、单育二号在内的50份烟草种质携带与抗源净叶黄相同的基因型,表明该主效QTL被广泛应用于烟草赤星病抗性改良中。本研究验证了之前定位到的主效抗病QTL的准确性;分析了该主效QTL的人工选择响应,相关结果为烟草赤星病抗性改良提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

水稻对叶瘟和穗瘟部分抗性的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个水稻籼籼交重组自交系群体中,选用由感病株系构成的2个亚群体和2个不同的稻瘟病菌小种,进行了水稻对叶瘟部分抗性的QTL定位,还选用由感病而且抽穗期相近的株系构成的亚群体和另一个病菌小种,进行了水稻对穗瘟部分抗性的QTL定位,将病叶面积百分比(DLA)、病斑大小(LS)和病斑数(LN)作为对叶瘟部分抗性的性状,将病斑长度(LL)和孢子量(CA)作为对穗瘟部分抗性的性状。所构建的图谱包含168个标记。应用QTLMapper 1.01b,共检测到11个表现主效应的QTL和28对双因子互作,有3个表现主效应的QTL参与对同一性状的互作。QTL的主效应对单一性状的贡献率为4.7%~38.8%,而上位性效应对单一性状的贡献率为16.0%~51.7%,QTL的主效应对大多数性状的贡献率小于互作效应,表明互作效应对于部分抗性的重要作用。对穗瘟部分抗性的两个性状LL和CA,所检测到QTL总效应的贡献率分别达到70.6%和82.6%,表明由排除了主效抗病基因的感病株系组成的亚群体适合于进行部分抗性QTL定位。  相似文献   

小麦-近缘物种染色体附加系具有抗病抗逆等优良性状,是向小麦转移其优异基因的重要桥梁材料。当前,已有大量研究报道了近缘物种抗病抗逆基因向小麦的转移情况。然而,外源染色体导入对小麦主要农艺性状影响的研究却鲜有报道。因此,加强这方面的研究,对综合评价和利用这些小麦远缘杂交材料具有指导意义。本研究通过1年4地田间试验,对103份小麦-远缘物种染色体附加系的株高、穗长、旗叶长、旗叶宽、有效分蘖数、小穗数、单穗粒数和千粒重等农艺性状进行调查,研究了外源染色体导入对小麦主要农艺性状的影响。结果发现,与对照小麦相比,希尔斯山羊草4Ss#1、粗穗披碱草5Ht、纤毛披碱草3Sc、7Sc、5Yc和7Yc、簇毛麦2V#3、大麦4H、帝国黑麦4R、长穗偃麦草3E、5E和6E染色体导入可使小麦穗长显著变长;纤毛披碱草5Yc染色体导入使小麦旗叶显著变小;纤毛披碱草7Sc和7Yc染色体导入可使小麦千粒重显著增加。上述筛选出的这些小麦-近缘物种染色体附加系值得利用染色体工程或理化诱变对其进行诱导,获得近缘物种染色体结构变异体,定位相关农艺性状基因。  相似文献   

基于玉米导入系群体的3个农艺性状QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过回交育种程序结合SSR标记构建以玉米自交系农系531为受体亲本、10个具有不同农艺性状的自交系为供体的染色体片段导入系群体,在该群体BC3F3世代,利用GGT32图示基因型软件和Windows QTL IciMapping v1.0对导入片段进行检测、并结合田间调查对控制玉米穗位高、穗上叶夹角和株高的QTL进行分析.研究表明,导入系群体的创建在遗传结构上改良了农系531穗位偏高、穗上叶夹角偏大的不足,并得到基本符合育种目标的改良株系.通过QTL分析,在具有相同性状改良的单株上,分别检测到4个包含穗位高、4个包含穗上叶夹角和6个包含株高QTL的共同的导入染色体片段.  相似文献   

玉米灰斑病是由玉米尾孢菌(Cercospora zeine)和玉蜀黍尾孢菌(Cercospora zeae-maydis)引起的真菌性病害,是世界范围内重要的玉米叶部病害之一。以玉米灰斑病抗病自交系Suwan1和感病自交系HM01构建的BC1F1群体为研究材料,在自然发病条件下通过对BC1F1群体中玉米灰斑病的抗性鉴定,选择30株抗病材料和30株感病材料分别构建DNA抗、感混池。在对两个混池进行高通量测序后,通过质量控制和数据分析得到两个极端混池中的变异信息。利用高质量SNP标记对应的两个混池中测序深度差异进行统计检验,成功鉴定了29个玉米灰斑病抗性QTL (quantitative trait loci)。利用MaizeGDB网站在29个抗病QTL内共搜索到2 768个基因,通过Phytozome网站与拟南芥和水稻基因组进行同源比对,在1号、5号和10号染色体上分别确定了1个基因作为抗玉米灰斑病的候选基因。  相似文献   

沙生植物沙鞭不同居群形态变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa Bor.)20个自然居群为研究对象,对其株高、花序长度、旗叶长度、旗叶宽度和小穗长度等12个表型性状进行形态变异研究。结果显示,12个性状群体间F值为1.832~8.958,达到显著或极显著水平,表明沙鞭不同居群表型性状存在广泛变异,且变异程度各不相同;主成分分析结果显示,前4个主成分代表了沙鞭形态多样性的82.277%,其中旗叶长度、旗叶宽度、颖片长度、小穗长度等是造成不同居群表型性状差异的主要因素;依据欧式距离对参试居群进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,当遗传距离为20.5时,可以将20个沙鞭野生居群划分为两类,且各表型性状并没有依居群地理分布而聚类。  相似文献   

为了全面了解亚麻产量和品质相关性状的遗传基础,为亚麻基因克隆和分子标记辅助育种提供理论依据,在已构建SNP连锁遗传图谱的基础上,以LH-89为父本,R43为母本构建F2:3家系QTL定位群体,用R/QTL软件采用复合区间作图法对13个农艺和品质性状进行QTL定位。结果表明:(1)该研究共检测出35个QTL位点,与粗脂肪及其组成成分相关的QTL有20个,与农艺性状相关的QTL有15个;其中:亚油酸和粗脂肪各5个,亚麻酸、千粒重各4个,棕榈酸、株高、工艺长度各3个,硬脂酸、分枝数各2个,单株果数、果粒数、单株粒重、油酸各1个。(2)共有18个QTL的表型贡献率超10%(主效基因),其中农艺性状定位8个主效基因,品质性状定位10个主效基因。  相似文献   

人工合成小麦Am3大穗多粒QTL的发掘与利用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
穗粒数是小麦的重要产量性状之一,本研究以人工合成双二倍体小麦Am3为供体,普通小麦品种莱州953为受体,培育出了高穗粒数BC5F1导入系,以导入系后代75个BC5F1为材料,利用复合区间作图法对其进行穗部性状的QTL定位。共检测到2个控制穗长、4个控制小穗数、2个控制穗粒数的QTL位点,贡献率分别为1%~22%、1%~9%和1%~15%。其中穗长和穗粒数分别有1个QTL能在两年重复检测到。并且在1A染色体上检测到同时控制小穗数和穗粒数的QTL,穗长和小穗数的QTL被定位在4A染色体上同一个区域,表明这2个位点是与穗部性状有关的热点区域。本研究发现的QTL多为来自Am3的新位点,对于小麦改良将具有重要价值。  相似文献   

用抗稻曲病三系不育系与抗和感稻曲病的恢复系配组,研究杂交水稻抗稻曲病不育系的胞质效应和恢复系稻曲病抗性遗传。结果表明,杂交水稻抗稻曲病不育系无胞质效应,抗病不育系与感病恢复系所配组合的杂种一代均表现感病。杂种F1的稻曲病抗性主要受核基因控制,其遗传表达特征有:抗性显性、抗性不完全显性和抗性隐性三种类型,恢复抗性遗传为显性和不完全显性的频率占81.25%。F1稻曲病病穗穗率、病情指数、平均每穗病粒数和病穗最高病粒数与恢复系相对应的稻曲病病情指标极显著相关,相关系数(r)分别为0.898**、0.868**、0.901**和0.569**;杂种F1与恢复系之间的?稻曲病病情指标极显著相关。创制和筛选出HA188、HA197、HA198等抗稻曲病恢复系新种质。讨论了杂交稻稻曲病抗病育种。  相似文献   

A series of introgression lines (ILs) were generated from repeated backcrossing between the exotic hexaploid wheat genotype Am3 and the common wheat genotype Laizhou953. Am3 was synthesized by crossing Triticum carthlicum with Aegilops tauschii and was used as the donor parent in this study, and Laizhou953 was used as the recurrent parent. Two hundred and five SSR markers showing polymorphism between the two parents were used to identify the introgressed Am3 chromosome segments in 97 BC4F3 ILs. The introgressed segments in each line and the length of the introgressed segments were estimated according to the wheat SSR consensus map. The introgressed segments from Am3 in the 97 lines covers 37.7% of the donor genome. The introgressed segments were most found on 2D, 3B, 6B, and 1D with coverage of 59.8, 59.5, 59.1, and 59% of the chromosomes, respectively. None of the 97 lines tested contained chromosome 4D segments introgressed from Am3. Introgressed segments for each of the chromosomes were mapped using the consensus wheat linkage map. Nine agronomic traits from BC4F3 lines were evaluated and the phenotype showed most lines have the tendency to be more similar to the recurrent parent. There were lines showing better agronomic traits than the recurrent parent, which indicated the introgression of favorable alleles from the exotic hexaploid wheat into the elite cultivar Laizhou953. Marker and phenotype data were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling these nine traits. In total, 38, 33, and 28 putative QTLs were detected for seven of the nine traits in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively. Some of these agronomic important QTLs were detected in more than one season. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross QTL (AB-QTL) analysis was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield and yield components in a BC(2)F(2) population derived from a cross between the German winter wheat variety 'Prinz' and the synthetic wheat line W-7984 developed by CIMMYT. Two hundred and ten microsatellite markers were employed to genotype 72 pre-selected BC(2)F(2) plants and phenotypic data were collected for five agronomic traits from corresponding BC(2)F(3) families that were grown at four locations in Germany. Using single-marker regression and interval mapping, a total of 40 putative QTLs derived from W-7984 were detected, of which 11 were for yield, 16 for yield components, eight for ear emergence time and five for plant height. For 24 (60.0%) of them, alleles from the synthetic wheat W-7984 were associated with a positive effect on agronomic traits, despite the fact that synthetic wheat was overall inferior with respect to agronomic appearance and performance. The present study indicated that favorable QTL alleles could be transferred from wild relatives of wheat into an elite wheat variety for improvement of quantitative trait loci like yield by the advanced backcross QTL strategy and molecular breeding. To our knowledge, the results presented here were the first report on AB-QTL analysis in wheat.  相似文献   

The appearance and cooking quality of rice determine its acceptability and price to a large extent. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 12 grain quality traits were mapped in 2 mapping populations derived from Oryza sativa cv Swarna × O. nivara. The BC(2)F(2) population of the cross Swarna × O. nivara IRGC81848 (population 1) was evaluated during 2005 and that from Swarna × O. nivara IRGC81832 (population 2) was evaluated during 2006. Linkage maps were constructed using 100 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in population 1 and 75 SSR markers in population 2. In all, 21 QTLs were identified in population 1 (43% from O. nivara) and 37 in population 2 (38% QTLs from O. nivara). The location of O. nivara-derived QTLs mp1.2 for milling percent, kw6.1 for kernel width, and klac12.1 for kernel length after cooking coincided in the 2 populations and appear to be useful for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). Four QTLs for milling percent, 1 QTL each for amylose content, water uptake, elongation ratio, 2 QTLs for kernel width, and 3 QTLs for gel consistency, each explained more than 20% phenotypic variance. Three QTL clusters for grain quality traits were close to the genes/QTLs for shattering and seed dormancy. QTLs for 4 quality traits were associated with 5 of the 7 major yield QTLs reported in the same 2 mapping populations. Useful introgression lines have been developed for several agronomic traits. It emerges that 40% O. nivara alleles were trait enhancing in both populations, and QTLs for grain quality overlapped with yield meta-QTLs and QTLs for dormancy and seed shattering.  相似文献   

J. Xiao  J. Li  L. Yuan    S. D. Tanksley 《Genetics》1995,140(2):745-754
A set of 194 F(7) lines derived from a subspecific rice cross showing strong F(1) heterosis was backcrossed to the two parents. The materials (388 BC(1)F(7) lines, 194 F(8) lines, two parents, F(1)) were phenotyped for 12 quantitative traits. A total of 37 significant QTLs (LOD >/= 2.0) was detected through 141 RFLP markers in the BC(1)F(7) populations. Twenty-seven (73%) quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected in only one of the BC(1)F(7) populations. In 82% of these cases, the heterozygotes were superior to the respective homozygotes. The remaining 10 (27%) QTLs were detected in both BC(1)F(7) populations, and the heterozygote had a phenotype falling between those of the two homozygotes and in no instances were the heterozygotes found to be superior to both homozygotes. These results suggest that dominance complementation is the major genetic basis of heterosis in rice. This conclusion was strengthened by the finding that there was no correlation between most traits and overall genome heterozygosity and that there were some recombinant inbred lines in the F(8) population having phenotypic values superior to the F(1) for all of the traits evaluated--a result not expected if overdominance was a major contributor to heterosis. Digenic epistasis was not evident.  相似文献   

小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位染色体对小麦农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南京农业大学细胞遗传研究所选育的小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位系在6VS上携有Pm21基因,用它作抗源已选育出一批高抗白粉病的新品系和新品种。为了研究6VS/6AL易位染色体对普通小麦农艺性状的影响,本研究选用由不同生态类型的推广品种与6VS/6AL易位系经过杂交回交选育的11个高代品系(种)及其轮回亲本和3份涉及6VS/6AL的高代分离品系以及5个F2群体,对产量、株高、穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重和千粒重等农艺性状进行比较分析。结果表明,6VS/6AL易位染色体对后代的小穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重和产量等农艺性状没有表现出明显的影响,对穗长和千粒重表现出一定的正向效应。多数6VS/6AL衍生品系的株高与亲本相比有所增加,但在同一组合的不同品系之间表现出一定的差异,在育种过程中通过选择能够改变增高趋势。6VS/6AL易位系对白粉病免疫,并且遗传稳定,对小麦的抗病育种是很有潜力的抗源亲本。  相似文献   

Zhang L  Wang J  Zhou R  Jia J 《遗传学报》2011,38(8):373-378
Crossability between wheat and rye is an important trait for wheat improvement.No quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected from wheat ancestors previously.The objectives of this study were to dissect the QTLs for crossability using 111 introgression lines (ILs) derived from synthetic hexaploid wheat.A total of 1275 SSR markers were screened for polymorphism between the two parents,and 552 markers of them displayed polymorphism,of which 64 were selected for genotyping the 111 BC5F6 ILs.Field trials were performed in a Latinized α-lattice design in Luoyang and Jiaozuo of Henan Province of China in 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 cropping seasons.One-way ANOVA and interval mapping (IM) analysis were used to detect QTL for crossability between wheat and rye.A total of 13 putative QTLs were detected.Five of them,QCa.caas.1A,QCa.caas.2D,QCa.caas.4B,QCa.caas.5B and QCa.caas.6A,were detected in both trials and three of them,QCa.caas.2D,QCa.caas.4B and QCa.caas.6A,were novel.The positive effect allele of the four QTLs came from the donor parent Am3 except QCa.caas.6A that came from the recurrent parent Laizhou953.ILs with both higher positive effect alleles and favorable agronomic traits developed in present study are elite germplasm for wide crossing in wheat.Results from the current study suggest that wheat ancestors can be rich in new sources of crossability genes.  相似文献   

Zhou WC  Kolb FL  Bai GH  Domier LL  Yao JB 《Hereditas》2002,137(2):81-89
Two sets of substitution lines were developed by crossing individual monosomic lines of Chinese Spring (recipient) with scab (Fusarium graminearum) resistant cultivar Sumai 3 (donor) and then using the monosomics as the recurrent male parent for four backcrosses (without selfing after each backcross). The disomic substitution lines were separated from selfed BC4F2 plants. Chromosome specific SSR markers were analyzed for polymorphism between Sumai 3 and Chinese Spring. Polymorphic markers were used to identify substitution lines for specific chromosomes. Based on the specific SSR markers, chromosome substitutions occurred in thirty-six lines, and six lines segregated alleles from the two parents or were homozygous for the allele from Chinese Spring. These substitution lines were used to evaluate Type II (spread within the head) and Type V (deoxynivalenol accumulation within kernels) scab resistance. The objective was to use the substitution lines to evaluate the effect of individual chromosomes of Sumai 3 on Type 11 and Type V scab resistance in the greenhouse. Significant differences in Type II scab resistance and deoxynivalenol (DON) levels among different Chinese Spring (Sumai 3) substitution lines were detected. Positive chromosome substitution effects on Type II scab resistance were found on chromosomes 2B, 3B. 6B, and 7A from Sumai 3. Chromosomes 3B and 7A also reduced DON accumulation within the kernels, while chromosomes IB, 2D, and 4D from Sumai 3 increased DON concentration. Chromosome 7A from Sumai 3 had the largest effect on resistance to scab spread and DON accumulation. Additional research is in progress on the scab resistance conferred by chromosome 7A.  相似文献   

Milling yield, or the grain weight from which 100 kg of rolled groats is obtained upon milling, is an important quality characteristic of cultivated oat (Avena sativa L.). Kernel morphology and the groat (caryopsis) percentage of the whole kernel including hull are factors that influence milling yield. We mapped QTLs for kernel area, kernel length, kernel width, and groat percentage in two populations of 137 recombinant inbred lines by RFLP and AFLP analysis to evaluate the prospects of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Phenotypic correlations between kernel morphology traits and groat percentage were not significant. For kernel morphology traits and groat percentage, one to five QTLs were detected, explaining 7.0–60.7% of the total phenotypic variance depending on the trait. One QTL for kernel length in each population and one QTL for kernel width in one population were found at the same location as a QTL for groat percentage, indicating that a change in kernel size or shape could have an influence on groat percentage. The positions and effects of QTLs for kernel morphology and groat percentage were compared to QTLs detected previously for chemical grain composition (oil andβ-glucanconcentration) and agronomic traits to evaluate the selection response on these traits through MAS. Several regions of the oat genome were identified that contained clusters of QTLs influencing two or more traits. While the allele from one parent at a QTL could simultaneously improve two or more traits in one population, it could have opposite effects on the same traits at another QTL or in the other population. Associations among traits were complex and will require careful consideration when employing QTL-marker associations in MAS to avoid negative selection response. Future research to discover candidate genes for those QTL clusters could provide information about trait associations and help in designing selection programs. Received: 17 February 2000 / Accepted: 27 October 2000  相似文献   

Breeding for wheat varieties resistant to Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) is the most sustainable strategy for controlling the disease. In order to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for SNB resistance we analysed 204 recombinant inbred lines of the cross between the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Forno and the winter spelt (Triticum spelta L.) variety Oberkulmer. We determined the level of resistance of adult plants to leaf blotch (SNL) and glume blotch (SNG) as well as morphological traits for 2 years after artificial inoculation with S. nodorum. Using composite interval mapping and LOD > 3.7, we detected ten QTLs for SNG blotch resistance (six inherited from the susceptible parent Forno) and 11 QTLs for SNL resistance (four inherited from Forno) across 2 years. Both resistance traits were moderately correlated (r = 0.52) and had only one common QTL. For SNL resistance, seven QTLs were not associated with QTLs for morphological traits. Among them, QSnl.eth-2D, QSnl.eth-4B and QSnl.eth-7B3 had major effects (R(2) > 13%) and were potential candidates for marker-assisted selection. For SNG, the major QTL on chromosome 5A, explaining 36% of the phenotypic variance for resistance, was associated with the q locus conferring the spelt morphology (long lax ear, long culm and hard glumes). Only QSng.eth-1BS, which explained 7% of the variance for resistance to SNG blotch, was not associated with QTLs for morphological traits. The consequences for breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Grain yield and associated agronomic traits are important factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) improvement. Knowledge regarding the number, genomic location, and effect of quantitative trait loci (QTL) would facilitate marker-assisted selection and the development of cultivars with desirable characteristics. Our objectives were to identify QTLs directly and indirectly affecting grain yield expression. A population of 132 F12 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived by single-seed descent from a cross between the Chinese facultative wheat Ning7840 and the US soft red winter wheat Clark. Phenotypic data were collected for 15 yield and other agronomic traits in the RILs and parental lines from three locations in Oklahoma from 2001 to 2003. Twenty-nine linkage groups, consisting of 363 AFLP and 47 SSR markers, were identified. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis, 10, 16, 30, and 14 QTLs were detected for yield, yield components, plant adaptation (shattering and lodging resistance, heading date, and plant height), and spike morphology traits, respectively. The QTL effects ranged from 7 to 23%. Marker alleles from Clark were associated with a positive effect for the majority of QTLs for yield and yield components, but gene dispersion was the rule rather than the exception for this RIL population. Often, QTLs were detected in proximal positions for different traits. Consistent, co-localized QTLs were identified in linkage groups 1AL, 1B, 4B, 5A, 6A, and 7A, and less consistent but unique QTLs were identified on 2BL, 2BS, 2DL, and 6B. Results of this study provide a benchmark for future efforts on QTL identification for yield traits.  相似文献   

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