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Artificial reefs are often deployed by many countries for the purpose of enhancing fishing after a period of several years. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of a pilot artificial reef system deployment in enhancing the demersal fish assemblages, investigated using both acoustic methods and bottom trammel nets, during four years between 2011 and 2017, in Xiangshan Bay, Zhejiang Province, China. Comparisons of community indices, including fish biomass, species richness and species diversity, indicated relatively consistent trends between the control sites and the artificial reefs following their deployment in 2012. Fish density, represented by the value of the nautical area scattering coefficient, and fish biomass were significantly higher on the artificial reefs than at the control sites in 2015 and 2017, and species richness and diversity were significantly greater at the reefs from 2013 to 2017. Blackhead seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) and false kelpfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) were the dominant fishes on the artificial reefs, and the average body lengths of these two species were significantly greater 40 and 64 months after deployment. Thus, construction of the artificial reefs appears to have achieved their primary purpose as fish-attraction devices, thereby contributing to ecological restoration in Xiangshan Bay.  相似文献   

大亚湾人工鱼礁附着生物的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1988年8月至1989年7月在大亚湾鱼礁区进行附着生物调查研究,记录79种生物,大约有82.7%的生物种类是鱼礁区鱼虾的饵料生物(包括35种不带壳和32种带壳的饵料生物),有17.3%的生物种类为非饵料生物。礁区附着生物种类多,附着量大,生长迅速,投礁半年后100%被生物覆盖,附着厚度30mm,附着量达17.487kg/m~2。礁区生物一年四季都能繁殖附着,主要附着期4—10月,高峰期7、8、9三个月,是投礁的最佳时间。  相似文献   

根据2011年5月—2012年4月进行的9个航次(月份)的底拖网调查,研究了莱州湾水域三疣梭子蟹的生物学特征、数量分布以及环境因子的影响.结果表明: 莱州湾三疣梭子蟹生物量密度的月间排序为9月>10月>7月>8月>6月>11月>3月>5月>4月.其中1龄以下个体占绝对优势,2011年7—10月4个航次所占比例平均值为86.1%.9个航次中,三疣梭子蟹的体质量、头胸甲宽及头胸甲长的平均值均以8月最高、4月最低.7—11月,雌、雄个体肥满度均以8月最高,分别为1.030和1.023,7月最低,雌雄均为1.007;雌雄个体肥满度的性别差异不显著.除6—8月外,其他月份性比(雌/雄)均小于1.0.莱州湾三疣梭子蟹5—7月主要集中在黄河口、龙口近岸,8—9月以潍坊及龙口近海密度最高,11月至翌年4月主要集中在湾口深水区.Pearson相关分析表明,莱州湾三疣梭子蟹数量分布与表层水温、溶解氧和水深的相关性最高,其次为盐度和浮游动物密度,与浮游植物密度及其他底层渔业生物个体数的相关性最低.与1981年同期对比,2011年莱州湾三疣梭子蟹的头胸甲长显著降低.建议适当降低捕捞强度,提高捕捞规格,进一步加强三疣梭子蟹增殖基础的研究,提出更加合理的增殖放流数量,以利于三疣梭子蟹资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

根据2010年1月(冬)、4月(春)、7月(夏)和11月(秋)对象山港人工鱼礁区及其邻近海域的网采浮游植物样品,共鉴定出浮游植物8门74属220种,主要由硅藻(168种)和甲藻(38种)组成。春、秋、冬季全区浮游植物丰度(分别为67.85、65.88和56.77×104个/m3)显著高于夏季(7.19×104个/m3),优势种主要有琼氏圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus jonesianus)、大洋角管藻(Cerataulina pelagica)、洛氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros lorenzianus)和罗氏角毛藻(C.lauderi)等,其中琼氏圆筛藻为全年的优势种,且在春、冬季为该海域的绝对优势种。浮游植物群落参数(丰度、chl a浓度、种类数、Shannon-Wiener多样性、Pielou均匀度和Margalef丰富度等指数)和环境因子(温度、盐度、透明度、pH值、DO、悬浮物、DIN、PO4-P和SiO3-Si浓度)均存在极显著的季节变化(P<0.001),但区域(鱼礁区与对照区)间基本无显著差异。聚类、多维尺度和相似性分析结果也表明,浮游植物群落组成存在显著季节差异(P=0.001),但区域间无显著差异。可见,人工鱼礁投放对网采浮游植物群落无显著影响。究其原因:(1)可能是该海域人工鱼礁投放数量不多,仅有230个水泥鱼礁体(共5000空立方),建礁时间也较短,导致其生态效应在短期内难以显著体现;(2)对照区与人工鱼礁区的距离较近,且采样站位均靠近岛屿,潮流和岛屿对浮游植物的影响可能超过了人工鱼礁投放对其的影响。典范对应分析(Canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)显示,影响浮游植物群落的主要因子依次为温度、营养盐、盐度和悬浮物。  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish assemblages at an artificial reef site, a natural reef site and a sandy-mud bottom site, on the shelf (depth 130 m) off Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan, were surveyed by using a bottom trammel net from May 1987 to March 1993. A total of 12 173 fishes of 48 species were recorded. Physiculus maximowiczi was dominant and comprised 69% of the total numerical abundance. Total fish number was lowest in March at all the 3 sites when P. maximowiczi migrated to deeper and warmer waters. Assemblage equitability and species diversity also varied seasonally in accordance with the abundance fluctuation of P. maximowiczi. P. maximowiczi, Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii were more abundant at the artificial reef and natural reef sites, while Dexistes rikuzenius and Hemitripterus villosus were more abundant at the sandy-mud bottom site; total fish abundance was largest at the artificial reef site mainly due to the large number of P. maximowiczi. Species richness was similar among sites, but equitability, and consequently species diversity, was lowest at the artificial reef site. The main effect of the artificial reef seemed the attraction of P. maximowiczi from nearby bottoms, especially from natural rocky reefs; its large abundance determined the structure of the artificial reef fish community.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are used by many fisheries managers as a tool to mitigate the impact of fisheries on coastal fish communities by providing new habitat for many exploited fish species. However, the comparison between the behavior of wild fish inhabiting either natural or artificial habitats has received less attention. Thus the spatio-temporal patterns of fish that establish their home range in one habitat or the other and their consequences of intra-population differentiation on life-history remain largely unexplored. We hypothesize that individuals with a preferred habitat (i.e. natural vs. artificial) can behave differently in terms of habitat use, with important consequences on population dynamics (e.g. life-history, mortality, and reproductive success). Therefore, using biotelemetry, 98 white seabream (Diplodus sargus) inhabiting either artificial or natural habitats were tagged and their behavior was monitored for up to eight months. Most white seabreams were highly resident either on natural or artificial reefs, with a preference for the shallow artificial reef subsets. Connectivity between artificial and natural reefs was limited for resident individuals due to great inter-habitat distances. The temporal behavioral patterns of white seabreams differed between artificial and natural reefs. Artificial-reef resident fish had a predominantly nocturnal diel pattern, whereas natural-reef resident fish showed a diurnal diel pattern. Differences in diel behavioral patterns of white seabream inhabiting artificial and natural reefs could be the expression of realized individual specialization resulting from differences in habitat configuration and resource availability between these two habitats. Artificial reefs have the potential to modify not only seascape connectivity but also the individual behavioral patterns of fishes. Future management plans of coastal areas and fisheries resources, including artificial reef implementation, should therefore consider the potential effect of habitat modification on fish behavior, which could have key implications on fish dynamics.  相似文献   

 Visual censusing was used to characterize fish assemblages on artificial and natural reefs located within the boundaries of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Emphasis was placed on determining spatial and temporal patterns in habitat utilization by fishes on an offshore artificial reef (Mobil Platform HI-A389A). Overall, 43 species were observed during diurnal surveys in the upper 24 m of the artificial reef. Midwater pelagic fishes (i.e., carangids and scombrids) accounted for over 50% of all taxa enumerated on the artificial reef; however, these taxa were transient members of the assemblage and were observed infrequently. Labrids, pomacentrids, and serranids were the dominant reef-dependent taxa. Distinct trends in vertical, diel, and seasonal abundances were observed for juvenile and adult fishes. Of the three designated depth zones (upper 1.5–9.0, middle 9.0–16.5; lower 16.5–24.0 m), abundance and species diversity were lowest in the upper zone. Nocturnal counts were characterized by a marked reduction or complete absence of most species, due in part to twilight cover-seeking and movement activities. Seasonal variation in community composition and species abundance (May versus September) was primarily due to recruitment of juveniles (0-age fishes) to the artificial reef in late summer. Increases in total fish abundance (all taxa combined) coincided with both increasing habitat rugosity and degree of fouling. Species richness on natural coral reefs in the FGBNMS was higher than on the artificial reef. Unlike the artificial reef, fish assemblages on the natural reefs were dominated by a single family (Pomacentridae) which accounted for over 50% of all individuals observed. Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

Fish biomass is a primary driver of coral reef ecosystem services and has high sensitivity to human disturbances, particularly fishing. Estimates of fish biomass, their spatial distribution, and recovery potential are important for evaluating reef status and crucial for setting management targets. Here we modeled fish biomass estimates across all reefs of the western Indian Ocean using key variables that predicted the empirical data collected from 337 sites. These variables were used to create biomass and recovery time maps to prioritize spatially explicit conservation actions. The resultant fish biomass map showed high variability ranging from ~15 to 2900 kg/ha, primarily driven by human populations, distance to markets, and fisheries management restrictions. Lastly, we assembled data based on the age of fisheries closures and showed that biomass takes ~ 25 years to recover to typical equilibrium values of ~1200 kg/ha. The recovery times to biomass levels for sustainable fishing yields, maximum diversity, and ecosystem stability or conservation targets once fishing is suspended was modeled to estimate temporal costs of restrictions. The mean time to recovery for the whole region to the conservation target was 8.1(± 3SD) years, while recovery to sustainable fishing thresholds was between 0.5 and 4 years, but with high spatial variation. Recovery prioritization scenario models included one where local governance prioritized recovery of degraded reefs and two that prioritized minimizing recovery time, where countries either operated independently or collaborated. The regional collaboration scenario selected remote areas for conservation with uneven national responsibilities and spatial coverage, which could undermine collaboration. There is the potential to achieve sustainable fisheries within a decade by promoting these pathways according to their social-ecological suitability.  相似文献   

The fisheries policies of some Pacific island nations are more appropriate to the biology of their resources than are some of the fisheries policies of more industrialized countries. Exclusive local ownership of natural resources in Palau encourages adjustive management on biologically relevant scales of time and space and promotes responsibility by reducing the tragedy of the commons. The presence of large individuals in fish populations and adequate size of spawning aggregations are more efficient and meaningful cues for timely management than are surveys of abundance or biomass. Taking fish from populations more than halfway to their carrying capacity is working favorably with the fishery because removing fish potentially increases resource stability by negative feedback between stock size and population production. Taking the same amount of fish from a population below half its carrying capacity is working against the fishery, making the population unstable, because reducing the reproductive stock potentially accelerates reduction of the population production by positive feedback. Reef fish are consumed locally, while Palauan laws ban the export of reef resources. This is consistent with the high gross primary production with little excess net production from undisturbed coral-reef ecosystems. The relatively rapid growth rates, short life spans, reliable recruitment and wide-ranging movements of open-ocean fishes such as scombrids make them much more productive than coral-reef fishes. The greater fisheries yield per square kilometer in the open ocean multiplied by well over a thousand times the area of the exclusive economic zone than that of Palau’s coral reefs should encourage Palauans to keep reef fishes for subsistence and to feed tourists open-ocean fishes. Fisheries having only artisanal means should be encouraged to increase the yield and sustainability by moving away from coral reefs to bulk harvesting of nearshore pelagics.  相似文献   

Derelict ships are commonly deployed as artificial reefs in the United States, mainly for recreational fishers and divers. Despite their popularity, few studies have rigorously examined fish assemblages on these structures and compared them to natural reefs. Six vessel-reefs off the coast of southeast Florida were censused quarterly (two ships per month) to characterize their associated fish assemblages. SCUBA divers used a non-destructive point-count method to visually assess the fish assemblages over 13- and 12-month intervals (March 2000 to March 2001 and March 2002 to February 2003). During the same intervals, fish assemblages at neighboring natural reefs were also censused. A total of 114,252 fishes of 177 species was counted on natural and vessel-reefs combined. Mean fish abundance and biomass were significantly greater on vessel-reefs in comparison to surrounding natural reef areas. Haemulidae was the most abundant family on vessel-reefs, where it represented 46% of total fish abundance. The most abundant family on natural reefs was Labridae, where it accounted for 24% of total fish abundance. Mean species richness was significantly greater on vessel-reefs than neighboring natural reefs and also differed among vessel-reefs. Both mean fish abundance and mean species richness were not significantly different between natural reefs neighboring vessel-reefs and natural reefs with no artificial structures nearby. This suggests the vessel-reefs are not, in general, attracting fish away from neighboring natural reefs in our area. Additionally, economically important fish species seem to prefer vessel-reefs, as there was a greater abundance of these species on vessel-reefs than surrounding natural reef areas. Fish assemblage structure on natural versus artificial reefs exhibited a low similarity (25.8%). Although no one species was responsible for more than 6% of the total dissimilarity, fish assemblage trophic structure differed strikingly between the two reef types. Planktivores dominated on vessel-reefs, accounting for 54% of the total abundance. Conversely, planktivores only made up 27% of total abundance on natural reefs. The results of this study indicate vessel-reef fish assemblages are unique and that these fishes may be utilizing food resources and habitat characteristics not accessible from or found at natural reefs in our area. Production may also be occurring at vessel-reefs as the attraction of fish species from nearby natural reefs seems to be minimal. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users  相似文献   

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