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为探明扁桃幼果生理脱落与GA3、IAA和ABA等3种激素的关系,以新疆‘纸皮’扁桃为试材,分析新梢、结果枝组、幼果和果柄(包括正常发育幼果和果柄、即将脱落幼果和果柄)中3种内源激素浓度的动态变化规律,并分别涂抹3种外源激素调查其对坐果率的影响。结果表明:(1)‘纸皮’扁桃幼果脱落期和新梢生长期重合,扁桃生理落果期不同组织中3种内源激素浓度变化趋势与新梢生长期和幼果脱落期的动态特征基本一致。(2)扁桃生理落果期间,正常的和即将脱落的幼果及其果柄中内源激素浓度呈规律性变化,即:GA3和IAA浓度表现为正常果和正常果果柄始终大于相应的落果和落果果柄,而内源ABA浓度表现则与之相反,同时对应外源涂抹试验也印证了幼果和幼果果柄中高GA3和IAA浓度、低ABA浓度有利于扁桃坐果。(3)新梢和幼果中对应内源激素之间的浓度平衡关系也是调控扁桃幼果生理脱落的重要因素,即:新梢与幼果的GA3比值和IAA比值增大、而ABA比值减少将会促进幼果脱落,反之则减缓幼果脱落。  相似文献   

通过测定正常果与脱落果若干生理生化指标的变化,探讨化橘红生理落果的机理.结果显示,N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量正常果一致地高于脱落果;脱落果总糖含量呈下降趋势,正常果则先升后降;果实中生长促进类内源激素(GA3、IAA、ZT)含量正常果显著高于脱落果,而ABA/(GA3 LAA ZT)值则是脱落果显著地高于正常果;三类水解酶活性均为脱落果显著高于正常果.说明化橘红果实的脱落与果实内部的矿质元素、总糖、内源激素含量和水解酶活性密切相关.  相似文献   

我们测定了苹果幼果脱落期间磷化物含量的变化,以及脱落幼果与正常发育果实对P~(32)的吸收和转化。发现:脱落幼果中的无机磷含量较高;而其它糖磷酸醋、不稳定高能核苷酸和磷脂类等有机磷化物含量,则较发育果实降低很多。脱落幼果的ATP酶活性也比对照低。使用P~(32)进行示踪试验的结果看出,发育果实的果肉和种子中进入较多的P~(32);而脱落幼果吸收和运入的P~(32)少得多,失去了取得养分的生理优势。在脱落幼果与对照果实之间,P~(32)的转化也有明显差别。参入糖磷酸酯、高能核苷酸、磷脂、核酸和其它磷蛋白中的P~(32)显著降低。应用果肉和种子进行的试验,都得到类似结果。这些结果表明:由于脱落幼果养分供应不足,磷酸化作用水平降低,维持正常生命活动所必需的能量和原料亏缺,因此生长受阻,正常代谢作用不能进行,引起果实提前衰老,最后导致幼果脱落。  相似文献   

扁桃幼果发育过程中的内源激素含量变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用高效液相色谱测定扁桃幼果发育过程中脱落与否的果实中内源生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3)和脱落酸(ABA)含量变化的结果表明,幼果发育初期,脱落幼果中IAA和GA3含量均明显低于未脱落的,而ABA含量则明显高于未脱落的果实。  相似文献   

采集甜橙(Citrus sinensis)两次生理落果期间生长正常、大小一致的、带果柄的幼果为试材。用20ppm的2,4-D,50ppm的放线菌素D和50ppm  相似文献   

大多数果树、瓜及茄科类作物,在开花时由于营养生长与生殖生长的矛盾及气温不适、光照不足等原因,往往开花不结果或结出的幼果很快脱落,生产上俗称生理落果。研究认为,营养生长过旺,花器得不到足够的养料,若外界温度过低或过高就易造成开花不受精或受精不良,导致不结果或种子、果实发育不良。正常情况下,雌雄花受精形成种子或果实,其内源促进型激素含量明显增加,从而将叶片中产生的光合产物调运到花或幼果中。在养料不足或不利条件下,不受精或受精不良可造成促进型内源激素含量偏低,花和幼果调运光合产物的能力降低,它们因得不…  相似文献   

本文报道1988年和1989年春夏之际异常和正常的桔园小气候环境对柑桔树开花结果物候期、抽梢生长、幼果发育、生理落果、当年果实产量和品质等性能的影响。结果表明,柑桔树的座果率受许多生态生理因素制约,但第一次生理落果主要与开花期桔园的小气候环境有关,第二次生理落果则与树体营养生理代谢密切相关。据此提出了预测预报柑桔树第二次生理落果的指标及其防御措施。  相似文献   

聂磊  刘鸿先 《生态科学》2001,20(3):44-50
研究了植物生长调节剂优康唑和CPPU对沙田柚生理落果期间幼果和新梢叶片内源IAA、GA1 3和ABA水平的影响.研究结果表明:优康唑处理降低新梢叶片内源IAA和GA1 3水平,提高细胞分裂素含量.优康唑对叶片ABA含量和(IAA GA1 3 CTKs)/ABA比值影响不明显;优康唑处理下幼果IAA、GA1 3和ABA含量均有不同程度的下降,以GA1 3下降幅度最大.果实中CTKs含量和CTKs/ABA比例上升,结合优康唑和CPPU促进沙田柚座果的效应,提示细胞分裂素对座果有重要作用,而CTKs/ABA比例升高有助于缓解生理落果;CPPU处理降低果实ABA含量,提高果实CTKs水平和CTKs/ABA比值.这可能是CPPU促进座果和果实膨大的生理基础.  相似文献   

采用脱叶性不同的4个甘蔗品种为材料,研究了在成熟期叶鞘纤维素酶活性对蔗叶脱落的影响。结果表明,纤维素酶活性影响甘蔗叶片脱落,在收获期叶鞘纤维素酶活性与植株脱落率均达到最高。不同叶位中,+10叶位纤维素酶活性最高。相关性分析表明,4个甘蔗品种的+10叶位叶鞘纤维素酶活性与脱落率呈正相关。  相似文献   

龙眼化学调控技术研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文总结1986 ̄1996年对龙眼结果母枝与产量的相关性、花芽分化及生理落果与内源激素的关系,以及外源激素对花芽分化及生理落果调控作用的研究结果。报道龙眼化学调控技术在生产上试验,示范及推广应用的效果。  相似文献   

Pectinase and cellulase activities are involved in a number of intercellular space-forming processes in plants. In this study, we combined cytochemistry with ultrastructural analysis to investigate the ontogeny of secretory cavity in fruits of Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle, Citrus reticulata Blanco and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f. Pectinase activity was first detectable at the initial stage of cavity formation, peaked at the intercellular space-forming stage, and diminished at the following stages. In comparison, no cellulase activity was detected until the early lumen-expanding stage. The cellulase activity increased at the late lumen-expanding stage and culminated at the near-mature stage. In the fruit of C. medica var. sarcodactylis, the distribution of pectinase and cellulase reaction products was restricted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the vesicles derived from ER and the cell wall. We also observed that multivesicular structure containing the pectinase reaction product at the initial stage of cavity formation. Our results suggest that pectinase and cellulase are synthesized on ER and secreted directly into the cell wall through exocytosis of ER-derived vesicles. Our observations are consistent with the notion that the secretory cavity in Citrus fruits is formed through a schizolysigenous process in which pectinase activity is involved in the degradation of the middle lamella, whereas cellulase activity is responsible for the degradation of the cell wall.  相似文献   

随着草莓果实采后成熟衰老,ABA和乙烯生成迅速增长,乙烯累积与果实的变质腐烂程度呈正相关。ABA处理能增高纤维素酶活性和呼吸,而GA有抑制作用。ABA能促进乙烯、ACC生成,对MACC则无影响。GA_3抑制乙烯、ACC生成,促进MACC积累。CO_2对草莓有良好保鲜效果,并有效地抑制ABA和乙烯生成,低温下效果更为显著。  相似文献   

龙眼内源激素变化和花芽分化及大小年结果的关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文探讨了隔年结果的龙眼花芽和营养芽内源激素在成花过程中的作用及其与结果大小年的关系.结果表明:大年树的细胞分裂素iPA明显地高于小年树,而GA和ABA含量明显低于小年树,说明细胞分裂素有利于龙眼花芽分化,GA和ABA不利于花芽分化.龙眼大年树细胞分裂素和赤霉素的比值显著高于小年树.外施PP333能促进花芽分化,具有缩短花序、提高着果率和增加产量的作用.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the fruit maturity value of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) as material for wine production, ripened and over-ripened fruit samples were analyzed. In addition, the effect of pectinase enzyme treatment on physicochemical characteristics of the wine during the fermentation process was also examined. The results showed that wine production from ripening kiwifruit took almost twice as long as from over-ripened fruit. The yield of wine production was increased from 63.35% to 66.19% by using riper kiwifruits and adding pectinase before amelioration. The soluble solid content (13.5%) in the wine produced from over-ripened fruits increased in comparison with the wine produced from ripened samples (10.3%). In both groups there was a decrease to 5° Brix at the end of fermentation. Difference of fruit maturity did not have a significant effect on acidy, pH, nor color of wine. The highest scores of total acceptance estimated during fermentation were for wine made from over-ripened fruits. Total phenolics content and antioxidant activities were similar in both wine groups while the mineral content, especially potassium, in wine made from over-ripened kiwifruit was higher than wine produced from ripened fruits. In conclusion, the quality characteristics of kiwifruit wine made from over-ripened fruit treated with pectinase showed higher values of wine in many aspects such as sensory value, alcohol and total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, minerals and production yield.  相似文献   

在(10±1)℃下贮藏的‘福眼’龙眼果实果肉自溶指数和自溶程度随着贮藏时间的延长而增加。果肉细胞壁干重、原果胶、纤维素、半纤维素和细胞壁蛋白含量不断减少。果肉果胶酯酶(PE)活性下降;多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性在贮藏6~12d以及纤维素酶活性在贮藏0~12d期间均明显增强,到第12天达到活性高峰,之后下降。但在贮藏0~24d期间,PE、PG和纤维素酶仍然保持较高活性,贮藏24d之后快速下降。β-半乳糖苷酶活性在贮藏0~24d期间略有下降,而在贮藏24d后,活性增强,尤其是贮藏30d后,活性急剧升高。  相似文献   

龙眼和龙荔毛被类型及果实形态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对龙眼(桂圆)Dimocarpus longan Lour.和龙荔(疯人果)D.confinis(How et Ho)H.SLo的毛被类型和果实形态进行了详尽的比较观察。龙眼的营养和繁殖体上具分枝的星状毛,果皮表面具平滑瘤状或泡状突起;而龙荔的毛被则为单生柔毛或腺毛,果皮表面具圆锥状小刺。这两个种之间基本没有形态过渡,是分类学上区别明显的种。本文还报道了对商业部门送检样品的鉴定结果。龙眼毛被类型和果实形态在送检样品中均可观察到,而且在这些样品果皮表面未见有组织断裂及破损痕迹,因此,它们不可能是由龙荔果实加工处理的假冒商品,而是真正的桂圆。  相似文献   

Effect of some plant growth regulator treatments on apple fruit ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activity of IAA oxidase (IAAox), peroxidases (POD), and polyphenoloxidases (PPO), as affected by different pre-harvest growth regulator treatments (ABA, AVG, NAA, PDJ), was determined in on-tree ripening apples (cv. Golden Delicious) before and during the ethylene climacteric. The production of ethylene was inhibited by AVG and delayed by NAA, whereas ABA and PDJ treatments caused, in the on-tree remaining fruits, a marked fruit drop and a decrease or a slight increase in ethylene levels respectively. While all treatments reduced POD activity, jasmonate increased IAAox and PPO activity. The inhibitory effect of NAA on all enzyme activity seems related to interference with C2H2 action or to a reduced sensitivity of the fruit abscission zone tissues to the hormone. The observed high fruit drop induced by ABA treatment made it impossible to detect differences in enzyme activity. AVG-treated fruits showed no substantial effects on IAAox and PPO activity in comparison to the control, a finding that seems to be related to a delay in all senescence processes caused by the very low level of the inhibited ethylene production. In control fruits IAAox activity increased during the initial ripening stages and decreased thereafter, POD activity increased throughout ripening and PPO showed little variation.  相似文献   

A survey of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruit drop andethylene production was carried out during fruit development.Natural drop of avocado fruitlets started soon after set (May)and continued at a gradually decreasing rate until September,except for a temporarily increasing rate in late July. Fruitletsweighing up to 0?2 g dropped at a rate of over 30 percent perweek. With larger fruits, the rate was under 1 percent per week.Fruit drop ceased after September, when fruit growth declinedand the seed coat began to shrivel. A positive correlation was found between the rate of fruitletand fruit drop and ethylene production. Fruitlets with defectiveseeds produced ethylene at a very high rate of 7–10 timesmore than apparently normal fruits. The high incidence of defectiveseeds might be the cause of the very high levels of ethyleneproduction by young avocado fruitlets. The seed was found to be the main site of ethylene productionin fruitlets. Abscisic acid (ABA) levels in young abscissing fruits were 7times as high as those in non-abscissing fruits.  相似文献   

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