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单长青  李甲亮  李超  于祥 《生态科学》2012,31(3):340-344
运用CVM和统计分析方法,调查了黄河三角洲城市噪声环境质量改善居民的支付意愿,得出愿意为城市噪声质量改善支付部分金钱的占71.3%,支付额平均为3.64元/(月.人);性别和教育程度对居民支付意愿均无显著影响,年龄、月收入和噪声影响程度对居民支付意愿均呈显著的正相关关系,职业对支付意愿有显著影响,但变化规律不明显。性别和噪声影响程度对支付水平无显著影响,年龄和教育程度对支付水平均呈显著负相关关系,职业和月收入对支付水平呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

以印度块菌(Tuber indicum)丰产区云南省为例,利用地理信息系统和物种分布模型,并通过影响印度块菌分布的主要环境因子和气候因子,共同模拟现在及未来生境分布模式。结果表明结合环境因子和气候因子,在建模过程中能提高模型预测准确度,在几类物种分布模型中,MAXENT模型具有最优的拟合效果。在大的空间尺度上,年降水,最湿季度降水,最冷月份最低温、地貌类型及土壤类型对印度块菌的生境分布影响最大。此外,在模型模拟的A2和B2未来气候变化情景下,印度块菌未来的新增生境均呈北上趋势,且B2情景下生境的适生程度低于A2情景。  相似文献   

长期施用稀土对小麦植株中稀土元素含量及分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在我国施用稀土时间最长的黑龙江花园农场,研究了连续12a叶面喷施稀土对小麦植株及土壤中稀土元素总含量和分布模式的影响。结果表明:连续12a叶施稀土没有造成土壤中元素含量及分布模式的变化;对小麦拔节始期(喷施稀土7d)后叶部的影响较大,La,Ce最明显增高,叶部稀土元素分布模式与“常乐”稀土中的相一致,与土壤中稀土元素分布模式不同,而在小麦拔节始期的根部、小麦成熟期的根、茎、叶、壳等部位稀土元素分布  相似文献   

长白山北坡不同年龄红松年表及其对气候的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王晓明  赵秀海  高露双  姜庆彪 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6378-6387
运用树木年轮气候学方法,研究了长白山北坡红松(Pinus koraiensis)不同年龄年表特征及其与气候因子间的关系,以期揭示年龄因素对年表的潜在影响。结果表明,平均年龄为63a的红松低龄年表与平均年龄为184a的高龄年表对气候的响应明显不同:低龄红松径向生长与当年1、2月月平均温度负相关(P<0.05),同时也受到上年及当年多个月份的月平均最高温度或最低温度的影响,但与降水的相关性未达到显著水平;高龄红松径向生长则与月平均温度间的关系不明显,而与当年1、2、4、6、7、9月的月平均最高温度正相关,与当年4月、9月的月平均最低温度负相关,同时受到上年5月及当年5月月总降水量的影响。因此,年龄因素对红松年表的气候响应方面存在一定影响,且高龄年表对气候响应的敏感性更高,包含有更多的气候信息。  相似文献   

北京东灵山优势种群树木死亡对空间格局与生境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马芳  王顺忠  冯金朝  桑卫国 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7669-7678
森林群落动态及其与环境因子关系研究一直是生态学的重要研究内容之一,树木死亡是森林群落动态的重要环节,环境因子是树木死亡的重要影响因素,因此,开展对树木死亡及其与环境相关性研究对分析森林群落动态至关重要。以东灵山暖温带落叶阔叶次生林20 hm~2动态监测样地为研究对象,对样地优势种群树木死亡前后(死亡前:活立木;死亡后,枯立木、倒木)种群数量特征、空间分布及生境相关性的变化关系进行研究,运用点格局、物种-生境相关性分析等方法对数据进行分析。结果:(1)树木死亡前,多度排序为辽东栎黑桦山杨华北落叶松;树木死亡后,多度排序为山杨黑桦辽东栎华北落叶松;树木死亡前后,随取样尺度增大,分布模式均由聚集向随机过渡。(2)种群与生境关联性分析表明:山杨、黑桦、华北落叶松活立木随机分布,辽东栎聚集于缓坡;山杨、辽东栎枯立木缓坡分布较多,黑桦随机,华北落叶松集中于山脊;山杨、黑桦倒木陡坡较多,辽东栎集中于山脊。(3)不同种群死亡前后的空间格局有明显的尺度依赖性,同时与物种自身生物学特性、密度制约、生境过滤的过程相关。  相似文献   

为了解大沙河水库拟柱孢藻(Raphidiopsis raciborskii)昼夜垂直分布模式,于2018年9月20—21日(丰水期)和2018年12月31日(枯水期)对该水库拟柱孢藻进行昼夜定点分层采样,分析影响拟柱孢藻垂直分布的主要环境因子。用Morisita指数和平均滞留深度定量检验拟柱孢藻垂直分布格局;用方差分析检验拟柱孢藻是否存在昼夜垂直迁移现象,并采用多元回归方法分析拟柱孢藻垂直分布格局和环境因子的关系。结果表明:拟柱孢藻在丰水期呈现集群分布模式,主要分布于0.5~2 m水层,平均滞留深度为1.5 m;枯水期在6 m水深以上的水层呈现随机分布模式;丰水期和枯水期均无明显的昼夜垂直迁移现象;大沙河水库温跃层的出现是影响拟柱孢藻的昼夜垂直分布模式的主导因素。  相似文献   

目的:了解学龄前儿童智力水平及其影响因素,为促进和改善学龄前儿童智力发育提供依据。方法:采用多阶段整群抽样法选取973名学龄前儿童,使用《中国比内测试》量表对其进行智力测试,同时由家长辅助填写一般情况调查问卷,了解学龄前儿童智力状况及分布,并进行单因素和多元回归分析。结果:儿童平均智商为99.48±14.26。不同地区儿童智力水平存在差异,除邢台山区外,儿童性别与智力水平无关。多因素回归分析显示,影响儿童智商的因素有儿童年龄、前4个月喂养方式、父母文化程度、出生时母亲年龄、父亲职业、家庭经济水平等。结论:儿童智商受到社会经济、营养和遗传因素综合作用。为提高儿童智商,既要提高父母的文化程度、职业状况和经济水平,又要注重优生优育。  相似文献   

为分析珠海市腹泻人群中A组轮状病毒(RVA)检出情况与患者性别、年龄及感染时间的相关性,收集珠海市妇幼保健院2019年1月至2022年12月腹泻患者粪便样本,采用抗原试剂盒检测RVA抗原,对其结果应用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学分析。在收集的11 385例样本中,RVA总检出率为9.170%(1 044/11 385),性别分布无统计学差异(P>0.05)。各年龄段均检出RVA,29 d~<1岁婴儿的RVA阳性率最高,为9.962%(369/3 704),显著高于6~<12岁学龄期儿童、≥18岁成年人(P<0.01),6岁以下儿童各年龄间RVA阳性率无统计学差异(P>0.05)。RVA感染全年均有发生,从月份看,2月阳性率最高,为15.456%(117/757),显著高于除1月、3月、5月的其他月份(P<0.01);从季节看,春季阳性率最高,为11.666%(341/2 923),显著高于夏季和秋季(P<0.01)。研究表明,2019―2022年珠海地区RVA感染呈明显的季节性和人群分布特征,应在晚冬、初春季节加强对6岁以下儿童的重点防控。...  相似文献   

本文对广饶县中南世纪城墓地出土的明代人骨进行了多方面的生物考古学研究,包括性别、年龄的分布,身高的复原以及古病理的观察。牙病方面,对龋病、牙釉质发育不全和错牙合畸形进行了观察记录,从性别、年龄、龋患程度及好发牙位等方面对该人群的龋患情况进行统计分析。研究结果表明,该人群牙齿患龋率不具备明显的性别差异,与年龄变化也无显著相关性,好发牙位多为臼齿。此外,还观察到多孔性骨肥厚、骨关节疾病等病理现象以及一处愈合较好的骨折创伤。  相似文献   

转换分析是一种基于贝叶斯统计的人骨年龄鉴定新方法,具有综合多种年龄标志物、不受参考样本影响、适用于老年个体等优势。本文将其用于陕西洛川月家庄墓地人骨年龄鉴定并与传统方法进行对比。结果表明,两种方法构建出的人群死亡年龄结构、生存过程有显著差异:转换分析得到的最高寿命、平均死亡年龄明显高于传统方法,更多个体可存活至中老年。两种方法鉴定出的年龄差值受样本保存状况、年龄阶段的影响,存在结构性差别。转换分析是人骨年龄鉴定方法的重大创新,使鉴定过程标准化、鉴定误差定量化。未来需使用一些年龄已知的个体开展更多验证研究,以评估该方法对我国人骨样本的适用性及不同软件间的差异。  相似文献   

Life-history traits of Acrossocheilus fasciatus were examined using 384 specimens collected monthly during May 2009 and April 2010 in the Huishui Stream of the Qingyi watershed, China. Using scales for age determination, female and male fish comprised five and four age groups, respectively. The monthly changes in marginal increment ratio suggested that annuli on scales were formed during March through May. Total lengths back-calculated significantly increased with age for both sexes and varied significantly between the two sexes at each age. The fact that females had larger body size and grew faster than males indicated the sexual size dimorphism for this species. Both sexes got their 50% maturity at age 3, when females and males were 105.3 and 112.1?mm total length, respectively. Based on the monthly changes in the gonado-somatic index and egg-development process, fish spawned from April through August. Absolute fecundity ranged from 295 to 3,573 eggs per fish and increased significantly with age. But relative fecundity, ranging from 11.77 to 69.96?eggs/g, was not significantly different among age groups. Compared with the life-history traits of an upstream population in the Puxi Stream (a headwater stream within this study watershed), the downstream population of A. fasciatus in the Huishui Stream (a 4th-order stream) exhibits larger body size, faster somatic growth, later sexual maturity, and lower reproductive investment. These variations in life-history strategies between the two populations could perhaps be explained by the spatial heterogeneity in habitat environment along the upstream–downstream gradient in this watershed.  相似文献   

认识鱼类的生活史特征及其对生态环境变化的响应,是鱼类物种保护与资源合理利用的基础。于2009年5月至2010年4月研究了黄山地区徽水河中宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)的年龄、生长和繁殖。共采集标本352尾,雌雄性比为0.49∶1,与1∶1差异显著。以鳞片为年龄鉴定材料,雌、雄个体的最大寿命均为3龄;年轮主要形成于3月份。全长和体重呈幂函数关系,两性间无显著性差异,关系式表达为W=6×10–6L3.10;全长和鳞径呈线性关系,且两性间差异显著,关系式分别表达为L♀=29.58R+38.84和L♂=33.17R+34.99;2龄个体的退算全长在雌、雄两性间无显著性差异。繁殖时间为4—7月份;2龄时达50%初次性成熟,其个体全长为98.22(雌)和105.69 mm(雄);绝对繁殖力为(758±362)卵粒,相对繁殖力为(77.38±22.15)卵粒/g。同已有的少量研究资料相比较,徽水河宽鳍鱲的年龄结构较北京地区种群的相对简单,个体生长较同为黄山地区的浦溪河种群相对快速,这种生活史特征差异可能是生态环境空间异质性的作用结果,但有关宽鳍鱲各生活史特征之间的权衡及其对生态环境的响应还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

The behaviour of the intrinsic fibrinolytic system was studied in healthy donors using the blood activator inventory test of Kluft. Moreover, the influence of several pre-analytical factors was examined. The activity of the intrinsic system was higher in the afternoon than in the morning. Medium physical stress caused an increase in activity which was not due to the influence of extrinsic activators. By inhalation of cigarette smoke the activity was decreased. In healthy volunteers the values of the test showed rightward shifted frequency distribution. Females between the age of 20 and 39 yr had significantly higher intrinsic fibrinolytic activity than males of the same age group. In both sexes the activity tended to decreasing values with increasing age.  相似文献   

甘肃裕固族体质特征初步研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
本文调查了甘肃省裕固族成年人409人(男210人,女199人)的体质特征。其中活体测量51项,活体观察8项。结果表明:裕固族既具有黄种人的特征,也有本民族的特点,例如头部较圆较高;面部较长偏狭;鼻子高;鼻梁直,属狭鼻型;身材普遍较高,体质较好。这些特征与华北地区的汉族和达斡尔族,羌族及锡伯族的特征比较接近,而与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   

We conducted a field study and a laboratory experiment to test whether ectoparasitic mites, Macrocheles subbadius, generate parasite-mediated sexual selection in the Sonoran desert endemic fruit fly, Drosophila nigrospiracula. Male flies gather on the outer surfaces of necrotic saguaro cacti where they engage in male–male competitive interactions and vigorous female-directed courtship. At these sites, operational sex ratios were significantly skewed toward males. The degree to which mites were aggregated among flies varied across the 25 fly populations sampled. The degree of mite aggregation across fly populations was strongly positively related to the mean number of mites per fly (intensity of infestation). Both the intensity and prevalence of infestation (fraction of flies infested) increased with the age of the cactus necrosis. Infested flies of both sexes were significantly less likely to be found in copula than uninfested flies, and mean intensity of infestation was significantly more pronounced in noncopulating than in copulating flies. The effect of attached mites on copulatory success exhibited dose-dependency, and this effect was more stringent in males: males or females with more than two and four mites, respectively, were never found in copula. The magnitude of parasite-mediated sexual selection was estimated for 12 fly populations by calculating selection differentials for each sex separately. The relation between intensity of infestation and magnitude of parasite-mediated sexual selection was stronger in males but significant for both sexes. We also assayed copulatory success of field-caught males in the laboratory, both during infestation and after experimental removal of mites. Males infested with two mites copulated less frequently than uninfested individuals, and in mating trials after mites had been removed, previously infested males copulated as many times as flies with no history of infestation. These findings, and the lack of difference in the number of mite-induced scars on copulating and single individuals in nature, strongly suggest that the reduced copulatory success of infested flies is attributable to an effect of mites per se, rather than to a character correlated with parasitism or previous parasite infestation.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that sexual selection can influence the evolution of ageing and lifespan by shaping the optimal timing and relative costliness of reproductive effort in the sexes. We used inbred lines of the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, to estimate the genetic (co)variance between age‐dependent reproductive effort, lifespan, and ageing within and between the sexes. Sexual selection theory predicts that males should die sooner and age more rapidly than females. However, a reversal of this pattern may be favored if reproductive effort increases with age in males but not in females. We found that male calling effort increased with age, whereas female fecundity decreased, and that males lived longer and aged more slowly than females. These divergent life‐history strategies were underpinned by a positive genetic correlation between early‐life reproductive effort and ageing rate in both sexes, although this relationship was stronger in females. Despite these sex differences in life‐history schedules, age‐dependent reproductive effort, lifespan, and ageing exhibited strong positive intersexual genetic correlations. This should, in theory, constrain the independent evolution of these traits in the sexes and may promote intralocus sexual conflict. Our study highlights the importance of sexual selection to the evolution of sex differences in ageing and lifespan in G. sigillatus.  相似文献   

福建东山岛海域斑鰶生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了福建东山岛附近海域斑生物量、密度的分布及其季节变化;生长和死亡特点;摄食和生殖习性。其平均月生物量为222.1kg/km2,占游泳生物月总生物量的27.22%,成为优势种;生物量和密度冬季最高,分别为524.9kg/km2和9332尾/km2,比最低的春季高22.77倍和86.21倍。分布区域性差异明显,东山湾内高达438.2kg/km2和7405尾/km2,比湾外高77.71倍和68.38倍;渔获由0~Ⅳ龄组构成,l龄组为优势,叉长分布范围为111~223mm,以141~160mm组为优势;食料以硅藻类的菱形藻、海线藻、圆筛藻、直链藻和骨条藻的数量最多,并大量摄食有机碎屑;初次性成熟的最小年龄为1龄.最小叉长雌性为146mm,雄性140mm。雌雄性均在151~170mm组成熟,生殖期在冬季至初春;生长参数为L∞=246.37mm,W∞=182.65g,k=0.4303,to=-0.8649,体重生长拐点年龄人tr=1.6017龄;瞬时总死亡率为1.2016。关键词  相似文献   

Objectives To investigate mortality among users of hostels for homeless people in Copenhagen, and to identify predictors of death such as conditions during upbringing, mental illness, and misuse of alcohol and drugs.Design Register based follow up study.Setting Two hostels for homeless people in Copenhagen, DenmarkParticipants 579 people who stayed in one hostel in Copenhagen in 1991, and a representative sample of 185 people who stayed in the original hostel and one other in Copenhagen.Main outcome measure Cause specific mortality.Results The age and sex standardised mortality ratio for both sexes was 3.8 (95% confidence interval 3.5 to 4.1); 2.8 (2.6 to 3.1) for men and 5.6 (4.3 to 6.9) for women. The age and sex standardised mortality ratio for suicide for both sexes was 6.0 (3.9 to 8.1), for death from natural causes 2.6 (2.3 to 2.9), for unintentional injuries 14.6 (11.4 to 17.8), and for unknown cause of death 62.9 (52.7 to 73.2). Mortality was comparatively higher in the younger age groups. It was also significantly higher among homeless people who had stayed in a hostel more than once and stayed fewer than 11 days, compared with the rest of the study group. Risk factors for early death were premature death of the father and misuse of alcohol and sedatives.Conclusion Homeless people staying in hostels, particularly young women, are more likely to die early than the general population. Other predictors of early death include adverse experiences in childhood, such as death of the father, and misuse of alcohol and sedatives.  相似文献   

内蒙地区蒙古,汉,回,朝鲜族肤纹特征比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了内蒙地区3237例蒙、汉、回、朝鲜族人手肤纹特征,选用22项肤纹参数进行民族间和同一民族不同性别间比较,并与我国其他8个民族的部分肤纹参数进行聚类分析,结果表明,内蒙地区这4个民族同属我国北方群,其肤纹既有各民族自身的特点,又具蒙古人种的一般特征。  相似文献   

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