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雄激素受体(AR)基因突变是雄激素不敏感综合征(AIS)的主要直接原因,本研究是为了了解中国病人AR基因突变谱.本研究根据病史、查体、激素检测、染色体核型分析及影像学检查结果,确诊AIS患儿27例.收集患儿及其部分家属静脉抗凝血,提取DNA,合成外显子1~8及外显子和内含子剪切处引物, PCR扩增,扩增产物送公司测序,分析AR基因突变情况.结果提示, 27例AIS患儿共发现突变23个, 10例携带5个相同突变(p.R841H, p.P914S,p.S176R, p.Y572S和p.Y782N),未报道突变11个. 8/27例家族史阳性. 12个已知突变中,仅1个为内含子4的剪切突变:c.2173+1GT;余均为点突变,含1个已报道的第6外显子的新生突变:p.R775C. 2例病人具有相同第8外显子突变:p.P914S,患者均表现为CAIS,与报道的PAIS不符;其余临床分型与已经报道的分型一致.未报道突变中,点突变为8/11个,另有2个碱基缺失导致的移码突变:p.345fs和p.828_829del, 1个碱基插入导致的移码突变:p.885fs, 1例病人携带两个点突变:p.Y365C和p.E898D.突变由多至少在外显子的分布:外显子7有6例患儿5个不同突变;外显子8有5例患儿4个突变,外显子1和5各有3个突变;外显子2, 3, 4和6各有2个不同突变. 23个突变在功能区的分布情况:16个突变位于LBD, 4个位于DBD, 3个位于NTD.本研究报道了不同AIS表型AR的突变谱, 50%为未报道突变,进一步丰富了AR数据库.错义突变是主要形式,且大部分位于LBD区.携带相同突变的病人可呈现不同表型.  相似文献   

前列腺癌是西方男性发病率最高的癌症之一,在采用雄激素阻断疗法后,大部分患者的病情可得到控制,但经过一段时间又会转变为雄激素非依赖型前列腺癌。雄激素受体(AR)在前列腺细胞中扮演重要的角色,它可调节大量基因的表达。在前列腺癌由雄激素依赖型向雄激素非依赖型的转变过程中,AR及其信号途径通过多种方式发挥作用,AR基因的扩增、AR的突变,以及与共激活子之间作用的改变都可能使细胞获得雄激素非依赖型的生长能力。此外,AR还受到多肽生长因子和细胞因子等的调节,表现激素非依赖型的转录激活活性。AR在前列腺癌中作用的阐明对前列腺癌的诊断与治疗有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

大仓鼠β2肾上腺素受体基因的套叠PCR法多点突变研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对大仓鼠β1肾上腺素受体蛋白(β2 adrenergic receptor,β2AR)进行立体结构与疏水性分析.利用套叠,PCR法对β2AR基因进行多点突变,将保守跨膜域疏水氨基酸突变为正电荷亲水氨基酸,成功构建分别带有7个与3个突变氨基酸的原核突变表达载体.探讨了套叠,PCR的反应条件,为β2AR基因在体外的高量表达提供基础.  相似文献   

X连锁脊延髓肌萎缩症(SBMA)或肯尼迪病是一种成年人发病的神经变性疾病,以肌无力与慢性、进行性肌萎缩为特征. 通过PCR片段测序和基因分型法准确检测雄激素受体(AR)基因CAG复制数目,兄弟俩(来自同一个中国家庭)被确诊为隐性遗传性SBMA. 为了得到该中国家庭SMBA家系人员AR基因的CAG复制数目,我们采用了PCR片段测序和基因分型两种方法. 在该SMBA家系中有两个已发病的成年男性、未发病的年轻男性,及女性基因携带者. 两个已发病男性患者AR基因中CAG三核苷酸串重复数目分别是48和45. 以前的研究表明特定三核苷酸串重复数目的扩增可导致人类遗传性神经障碍疾病发病。我们的研究结果完全支持这一观点,SMBA中国家系的三核苷酸CAG拷贝数目检测结果表明,AR基因CAG扩增数目与SMBA发病相关. 关键词雄性激素受体; CAG多重三核苷酸重复; 肯尼迪病; 脊延髓肌萎缩症; X连锁  相似文献   

雄激素受体通过DNA结合域与效应元件结合发挥作用,在以往的研究中多采用与GST或Protein A融合的方式对雄激素受体的DNA结合域(AR DBD)进行重组表达,但获得无融合标签的纯AR DBD的操作非常繁琐。现借助内含肽介导的自剪切作用经一步亲和层析得到纯度较高的无融合标签的AR DBD,以利于对其性质和功能的研究。通过PCR方法扩增了编码人雄激素受体520~644位氨基酸的核苷酸序列,将该序列克隆入pTWIN1融合表达载体,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)后对诱导温度及IPTG浓度进行优化,重组蛋白几乎全部可溶表达。将可溶性部分吸附到几丁质亲和层析柱上,通过pH诱导的内含肽自剪切作用释放出不含融合标签的重组人AR DBD蛋白,凝胶阻滞分析证明该蛋白只特异性结合保守的雄激素响应元件(ARE),具备正常的生物学活性。  相似文献   

雄激素受体的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雄激素受体(AR)属于核受体超家族中的类固醇受体.AR一般由四个结构域组成:N端转录激活区(NTD)、DNA结合区(DBD)、铰链区和配体结合区(LBD).AR的配体,雄激素是主要的内源性性类固醇激素,而更多的研究却表明雄激素在鱼类性分化过程中不起作用,AR在此过程中的作用尚不清楚.本文讨论了雄激素受体的起源、进化,并着重阐述了雄激素受体各个结构域的功能.  相似文献   

雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)是配体调节的转录因子,与前列腺癌的生长和内分泌治疗密切相关.醋酸环丙孕酮(cyproterone acetate,CPA)作为雄激素的拮抗剂已用于前列腺癌的治疗.结合了CPA的AR可与核受体协同抑制因子作用.已证实丝裂原激活的蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK)可介导生长因子和雄激素受体的信号转导通路的交互作用.我们报道,激活的MAPK抑制结合了CPA的AR招募核受体协同抑制因子(nuclear receptor corepressor,NCoR)至雄激素反应元件上.应用MEK的抑制剂U0126阻断MAPK通路可促进结合了CPA的AR和NCoR相互作用并通过对NCoR的招募增加抑制AR的功能从而阻遏AR靶基因的表达.此外,联合使用CPA和U0126处理稳定表达NCoR的LNCaP细胞可显著抑制前列腺癌细胞的生长.本研究表明,联合应用AR的拮抗剂和MAPK抑制剂有助于前列腺癌的治疗.  相似文献   

用DNA扩增法检测镰状细胞基因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄淑帧  王启松 《遗传学报》1989,16(6):475-482
本文报道应用DNA扩增技术对国内首例镰状细胞特征患者(Hb s杂合子)进行基因诊断。方法是从患者干血标本中微量抽提基因组DNA,通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增其β珠蛋白基因,经限制性内切酶MstⅡ消化后作电泳分析直接检测Hb S基因。本文介绍的DNA诊断技术快速、灵敏、简便,它不需要放射性同位素标记的探针,可以采用干血抽提的DNA,因此,对遗传病基因诊断和携带者的筛查具有重要价值。  相似文献   

郭奕斌  杜传书 《遗传》2006,28(5):521-524
应用尿黏多糖含量检测、干血滤纸片直接扩增、PCR产物直接测序法对患者及其父母等的IDS基因的突变热点exons9,3,8进行突变检测。发现患儿IDS基因的exon8发生一新的错义突变,突变部位在第339位密码子(CTA)内,即cDNA第1140bp的T突变为C,导致原339位的“亮氨酸CTA”突变为“脯氨酸CCA”。该患儿为这一突变的半合子,而其母为这一突变的杂合子。该错义突变改变了IDS酶的一级结构和三级空间结构,从而可能引起IDS酶活性大大降低,这可能是该Hunter综合征患者的真正致病原因。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨一种构建马链球菌兽疫亚种基因缺失突变株的方法。【方法】PCR扩增目的基因,用pJR700温度敏感载体系统,构建目的基因载体;反向PCR扩增目的基因缺失载体片段,连接,产生目的基因缺失载体;电转化缺失重组质粒导入感受态细胞,先在37℃卡拉霉素(kan)培养基中连续培养,然后在30℃不含kan液体培养基中传代,挑取抗生素敏感菌落,PCR扩增检测抗生素敏感菌染色体上目的基因片段和链黑霉素抗性实验确认血红素受体基因缺失。【结果】获得不含抗生素基因的马链球菌兽疫亚种血红素受体基因缺失突变株。【结论】用pJR700温度敏感载体系统,构建马链球菌兽疫亚种基因缺失突变株是可行的。  相似文献   

A quick, sensitive and easily automatizable method for PCR amplification of genomic DNA eluted from dried blood spots is described. DNA is eluted from a 3-mm spot routinely used for neonatal screening of inherited diseases either by boiling or by sonication. A preliminary and brief spot-autoclaving step is mandatory to ensure optimal and reproducible PCR amplifications. Only 1% of the eluted DNA is required for PCR analysis allowing the execution of multiple genetic tests on the same blood spot. The method has been successfully applied to the detection of a known phenylketonuria-causing mutation and will facilitate the analysis of the genetic repository provided by Guthrie's cards stored in neonatal screening laboratories.  相似文献   

During the collection phase of the dried blood spot method, practitioners need to ensure that there is no smearing of the blood sample on the filter paper or else readings from it will be invalid. This can be difficult to accomplish in the field if there is relative motion between the site of blood discharge on the finger and the filter paper. In this article, a gyroscope stabilization method is introduced and demonstrated to provide consistent and improved dried blood spot collection within a circular guide region notwithstanding the presence of rocking.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the most common human chromosomal abnormalities; it is characterized by the presence of one normal X chromosome and the complete or partial loss of the second X chromosome. The early recognition of TS patients allows for adequate therapy for short stature and pubertal sex steroid substitution. We developed a cost-effective molecular diagnostic tool that can be used to identify 45,X TS patients from dried blood spots, for possible use in neonatal screening for TS. We used a three-step method for 45,X TS detection: i) DNA extraction from dried blood spot samples, ii) pre-PCR HpaII digestion (methylation-sensitive enzyme) and iii) GeneScan analysis of selected cases. DAX-1 gene amplification was used to recognize DNA integrity, and the androgen receptor gene (Xq11-12), which is both a highly polymorphic and methylated gene, was used to determine the number of X chromosome alleles. Using this three-step diagnostic procedure, we detected apparent TS in 1/304 (0.33%) samples; such individuals should be submitted to clinical examination and karyotype confirmation. The three-step 45,X TS neonatal screening protocol is a simple, reliable, fast (under 30 h) and cost-effective diagnostic tool, useful for the neonatal detection of TS.  相似文献   


The objective of this work was to compare the quality, purity and quantity of DNA isolated from dried blood spots (DBS) by three methods (Chelex-100, QIAamp DNA mini kit, and TE (Tris EDTA)-Buffer). Sample collection was performed in six districts in Odisha, India and screened for cases of clinical malaria and dengue and vector density. Mosquito abdomens were spotted on Whatman 3MM (MERCK) Filter paper and dried for 10 min at room temperature. DNA was isolated from DBS using three methods (Chelex-100, QIAamp DNA mini kit, and TE-Buffer), and PCR was used to determine the feeding behaviours of vector mosquitoes. DNA was quantified using a UV-spectrophotometer, and q-PCR was used to determine the target gene copy number to compare the methods. The QIAamp DNA mini kit method was used as the reference method. The yield and purity of DNA extracted with Chelex-100 and TE were 14–72 ng/µl and 1.51–1.85 and 9–50 ng/µl and 1.68–2.1, respectively. DNA extracted using the Chelex-100 method was stored for over 1 month at ? 20 °C and was suitable for later use. The Chelex-100 method had a sensitivity of 99.5% and specificity of 78%. A Bland–Altman plot suggested that the Chelex-100 method was similar to the QIAamp DNA mini kit method for determining the feeding behaviours of vector mosquitoes. The Chelex-100 method is simple, cost-effective, and safe and requires minimal time for DNA extraction from dried blood spots. In malaria and dengue research, detecting the feeding behaviours from mosquito DNA from dried blood spots on filter paper by PCR is an easy, minimally invasive and inexpensive molecular technique that can be performed in remote areas.


Many genetic epidemiology resources have collected dried blood spots (predominantly as Guthrie Cards) as an economical and efficient means of archiving sources of DNA, conferring great value to genetic screening methods that are compatible with this medium. We applied Hi-Plex to screen the breast cancer predisposition gene PALB2 in 93 Guthrie Card-derived DNA specimens previously characterized for PALB2 genetic variants via DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines, whole blood, and buffy coat. Of the 93 archival Guthrie Card-derived DNAs, 92 (99%) were processed successfully and sequenced using approximately half of a MiSeq run. From these 92 DNAs, all 59 known variants were detected and no false-positive variant calls were yielded. Fully 98.13% of amplicons (5417/5520) were represented within 15-fold of the median coverage (2786 reads), and 99.98% of amplicons (5519/5520) were represented at a depth of 10 read-pairs or greater. With Hi-Plex, we show for the first time that a High-Plex amplicon-based massively parallel sequencing (MPS) system can be applied effectively to DNA prepared from dried blood spot archival specimens and, as such, can dramatically increase the scopes of both method and resource.  相似文献   

A new automated method for the assay of guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) in dried blood spot (DBS) on filter paper is reported. The method, based on reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC, precolumn derivatisation with benzoin and fluorescence detection, has shown good precision and sensitivity and requires only minimal sample handling. The validity of the method was demonstrated by analysing the neonatal blood spot of a patient affected by guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency. GAA concentration was found to be nearly 12-fold higher than the mean control value. We propose this method as an inexpensive and widely applicable tool for the diagnosis of GAMT deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Amplification of DNA recovered from a dried blood spot was used to genotype individuals with sickle cell disease, sickle cell carriers, and controls. A single 200-l blood spot applied to a filter paper provides sufficient material for more than 20 genetic analyses. In addition, the stability of the DNA is such that adequate material for amplification can be isolated from dried blood spots up to a year following collection. The DNA analysis methods described in this study could be applied to large-scale screening of newborns for genetic disorders.  相似文献   

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