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水稻植物内生链霉菌中线型和环型质粒的检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以广东番禺和五山地区水稻植株中分离到的内生链霉菌为对象,调查可能存在的内源质粒.利用脉冲电泳技术从8个菌株中检测到大小在60 kb~410 kb的线型质粒,其中4个菌株的线型质粒可能有保守的端粒复制基因.该结果与土壤链霉菌中检测到线型质粒和具有保守端粒复制基因的比例相似,表明水稻植物组织内部的独特环境不会造成链霉菌线型质粒的多样性分布产生大的变化.此外,从13个菌株中检测到6 kb~60 kb的环型质粒.  相似文献   

【目的】检测和分析稀有放线菌中新的线型质粒。【方法】从植物内生菌中分离链霉菌之外的放线菌菌株,检测、测序和分析线型质粒。【结果】从中草药植物紫花前胡的叶片中分离到一株内生放线菌25L-1-1c,经过16S rRNA基因序列比对属于拟诺卡氏菌。从该菌株中检测到一个约25 kb的线型质粒pNPL1。克隆和测序了pNPL1新的端粒,含有多个小的回文序列。测序获得全长为24 621 bp的线型质粒pNPL1,预测编码22个基因,其中2个基因与链霉菌质粒的端粒复制基因同源,1个基因与链霉菌质粒主要的接合转移基因相似,其余19个基因为未知功能。携带pNPL1端粒复制基因的质粒不能转化变铅青链霉菌,暗示需要发展拟诺卡氏菌的遗传操作系统。【结论】这是首次在拟诺卡氏菌中发现和描述线型质粒。  相似文献   

本室从西藏采集的土壤样品中分离到了一批链霉菌,利用脉冲电泳确定了其中5株链霉菌含有较小的线型质粒。【目的】克隆、测序和分析5个线型质粒的端粒。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理和限制性内切酶酶切"的方法来克隆线型质粒的端粒DNA。【结果】克隆和测序了5个线型质粒的端粒DNA。通过与链霉菌典型端粒进行比较,发现这5个新的线型质粒的端粒序列同样含有多个回文序列。但是有的端粒保守的回文序列I不一定能够"折返"与内部序列配对形成"超级发卡"结构,回文序列的"突出环"不一定都为3nt。【结论】采用改良的方法克隆和鉴定了5个线型质粒新的端粒序列,这些新端粒的特征暗示:回文序列I的"折返"和3nt的回文序列的"突出环"不是端粒复制必需的。  相似文献   

从小葱植物中分离到一株编号为36R-2-1B的链霉菌菌株,该菌株含有一个约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理与酶切"的方法来克隆大的线型质粒pYY8L的端粒,通过构建基因组柯斯文库和次级克隆的方法来缩小和鉴定pYY8L的复制区。【结果】在小葱植物内生链霉菌36R-2-1B中检测到约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L,克隆了pYY8L的端粒。其末端的152bp包含6个小的回文序列,可以形成复杂的二级结构。利用柯斯文库构建、次级克隆和测序获得了4891bp的pYY8L的复制区。该复制区含有6个基因,其中2个与天蓝色链霉菌线型质粒SCP1的复制基因非常相似,但是邻近的重复序列不同。【结论】采用新的改良的方法克隆和鉴定了pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。本文首次报道了植物内生链霉菌线型质粒的端粒和复制基因。  相似文献   

【目的】链霉菌(Streptomyces)X335是从西藏高原活拉山口分离到的,其中含有一个大小为4.3 kb的环型质粒pDYM4.3k。克隆、测序和分析pDYM4.3k,以及鉴定复制和接合转移的基因。【方法】通过克隆和引物延伸获得pDYM4.3k的全序列,利用比对分析推测基因的功能,通过Southern杂交检测复制中间体,利用平板杂交实验证明接合转移功能。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为4346 bp的pDYM4.3k序列,预测仅有3个基因,其中1个基因与链霉菌主要接合转移基因同源,另外2个为功能未知。鉴定新的基因orf1及其上游的约300 bp构成了质粒的基本复制区域。检测到质粒存在单链的复制中间体,表明它以滚环方式进行复制。实验证明pDYM4.3k在变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)中具有接合转移功能。【结论】质粒pDYM4.3k可以滚环方式进行复制和在链霉菌之间进行接合转移。这是目前报道的最小的、具有游离复制和接合转移功能的链霉菌质粒。  相似文献   

覃重军 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1822-1830
近年来, 随着大质粒提取和检测技术的发展, 尤其是高通量DNA测序技术的应用, 使得链霉菌大的环型质粒和线型质粒的研究取得了较快的进展。相比于研究透彻的细菌Theta型复制的质粒, 链霉菌Theta型质粒在复制区的结构、复制蛋白和调控蛋白作用的分子机理等方面具有多样性和新颖性。新鉴定的许多线型质粒的中心复制区表明中心复制的起始可以靠近端粒, 一个质粒也可以有2个以上的复制区。新分离的端粒序列显示端粒“折返”不是必需的, 而形成二级结构对于端粒复制是重要的。链霉菌环型和线型质粒的测序分析显示它们之间存在亲缘关系。环型质粒可以与噬菌体共整合, 实验证明它们在一定条件下可以相互转换。这些研究结果表明, 链霉菌环型、线型质粒和噬菌体从结构到功能到进化具有多样性、新颖性和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

从猪粪堆肥中分离到一株编号为X3-3的可以在50℃高温生长的链霉菌菌株,该菌株含有一个约7kb的环型质粒pTSC2。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pTSC2,以及鉴定质粒的复制方式。【方法】利用分段克隆和引物延伸获得pTSC2的全序列,利用多序列比对寻找复制元件rep、dso和sso,利用中性转移和Southern杂交检测复制中间体。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为7516bp的pTSC2序列,预测编码8种蛋白,其中4种蛋白与链霉菌滚环复制的质粒pIJ101中负责复制和接合转移的蛋白非常相似。pTSC2的复制元件rep、dso和sso也与pIJ101的相似。克隆、转化变铅青链霉菌ZX7以及高温链霉菌2C证明了rep和dso为复制所必需元件。Southern杂交检测到pTSC2复制过程中积累了大量的单链DNA。【结论】高温链霉菌质粒pTSC2以滚环方式进行复制。这是首次在高温链霉菌中克隆和测序质粒,以及鉴定其复制方式。  相似文献   

【目的】在青蒿植物的内生链霉菌W75中检测到一个大的环型质粒pCQ4。克隆、测序、分析和功能研究pCQ4。【方法】Southern杂交确定质粒的酶切图谱,利用接合转移和同源重组方法将质粒克隆到了大肠杆菌BAC衍生的载体上,并进行鸟枪测序和分析。【结果】获得了全长为84833 bp的pCQ4序列,预测编码129个基因,其中成簇的40个基因与其它噬菌体的基因同源。实验证明含有质粒pCQ4的菌株能够低频率释放噬菌体ФCQ4,并可以侵染消除了pCQ4的W75X孢子和形成噬菌斑。在透射电镜下观察到噬菌体颗粒,脉冲场凝胶电泳显示ФCQ4为线型DNA。pCQ4与已发表的链霉菌质粒-噬菌体pZL12比对,编码噬菌体的主要结构蛋白的基因是相似的。【结论】链霉菌大的质粒pCQ4也可以转化为噬菌体ФCQ4,其噬菌体相关的基因簇可能是可转移的单元。  相似文献   

覃重军  方萍 《微生物学报》2003,43(5):671-675
原核生物的染色体和质粒DNA一般为环型结构。在过去的几十年里 ,人们以不同的材料为研究对象建立了原核生物环型染色体和环型质粒生物学功能的模式体系。近年来 ,在链霉菌属 (Streptomyces)中发现 1 2~ 1 70 0kb的线型质粒[1 ] 和约 80 0 0kb的线型染色体[2 ] ,有的巨大线型质粒上还带有完整的抗生素生物合成基因簇[1 ] 。与链霉菌属同属于放线菌目 (Actinomycetales)的诺卡氏菌属 (Nocardia)和红球菌属(Rhodococcus)中也发现了线型染色体和线型质粒 ,并揭示了降解多种工业上有毒化合物的基因常由线型质粒所携带[3,4 ] 。功能研究表明 ,…  相似文献   

通常细菌间环型质粒在接合转移过程中,单链质粒DNA在质粒内部“oriT”接合转移起始位点发生缺刻.随后,打开的单链质粒DNA通过细胞膜的Ⅳ型分泌系统转移到受体菌中.但是,链霉菌中的接合型线型质粒带有游离3′端,5′端与末端蛋白结合,因而不能以细胞-细胞间方式转移单链缺刻DNA.报道了变铅青链霉菌线型质粒SLP2衍生的环型质粒,与SLP2一样可以高频高效接合转移,并鉴定了接合转移功能区.质粒有效的接合转移功能区包含6个共转录的基因,分别编码一个Tra样的DNA转移酶、胞壁水解酶、2个膜蛋白(可以与ATP结合蛋白相互作用)和一个功能未知的蛋白质.从SalⅠR-/M-向SalⅠR/M宿主转移的质粒频率下降表明,线型和环型的质粒都是以双链的形式转移的.上述研究结果表明SLP2衍生的线型质粒和环型质粒以相似的与细胞膜/胞壁功能相关的机理进行接合转移.  相似文献   

IncP-1 plasmids are known to be promiscuous, but it is not understood if they are equally well adapted to various species within their host range. Moreover, little is known about their fate in bacterial communities. We determined if the IncP-1beta plasmid pB10 was unstable in some Proteobacteria, and whether plasmid stability was enhanced after long-term carriage in a single host and when regularly switched between isogenic hosts. Plasmid pB10 was found to be very unstable in Pseudomonas putida H2, and conferred a high cost (c. 20% decrease in fitness relative to the plasmid-free host). H2(pB10) was then evolved under conditions that selected for plasmid maintenance, with or without regular plasmid transfer (host-switching). When tested in the ancestral host, the evolved plasmids were more stable and their cost was significantly reduced (9% and 16% for plasmids from host-switched and nonswitched lineages, respectively). Our findings suggest that IncP-1 plasmids can rapidly adapt to an unfavorable host by improving their overall stability, and that regular conjugative transfer accelerates this process.  相似文献   

污染环境中细菌质粒的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

赫荣乔 《微生物学通报》2008,35(10):1680-1680
植物内生放线菌的研究是一个近年来兴起的学科领域,在进一步探索和开发微生物资源方面,植物内生放线菌逐渐成为相关领域同行的关注热点.  相似文献   

Abstract The leading region of the F plasmid has been found to extend the maintenance of the normally unstable plasmid vector pACYC184. This ability is due to effective partitioning of plasmid molecules at cell division. Cloning, deletion analysis and transposon mutagenesis have located the partitioning region (ParL) to be encoded within 63.65–64.11F. Complementation studies indicated that parL is a cis -acting locus.  相似文献   

Many microbial and cell cultures exhibit phenomena that can best be described using a segregated modeling approach. Heterogeneties are more marked in recombinant cell cultures because subpopulations, which often exhibit different growth and productivity characteristics, are more easily identified by selective markers. A simple segregated mathematical model that simulates the growth of recombinant Escherichia coli cells is developed. Subpopulations of different growth rate, plasmid replication rate, and plasmid segregation probability are explicitly considered. Results indicate that a third mechanism of plasmid instability, referred to here as a "downward selective pressure," is significant when describing plasmid loss in batch and chemostat cultures. Also, the model agrees well with experimental data from cultures under antibiotic selective pressure. Finally, model simulations of chemostat cultures reveal the importance of initial conditions on culture stability and the possible presence of nonrandom partitioning functions. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

SopA, SopB proteins and the cis-acting sopC DNA region of F plasmid are essential for partitioning of the plasmid, ensuring proper subcellular positioning of the plasmid DNA molecules. We have analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy the subcellular localization of SopA and SopB. The majority of SopB molecules formed foci, which localized frequently with F plasmid DNA molecules. The foci increased in number in proportion to the cell length. Interestingly, beside the foci formation, SopB formed a spiral structure that was dependent on SopA, which also formed a spiral structure, independent of the presence of SopB, and these two structures partially overlapped. On the basis of these results and previous biochemical studies together with our simulations, we propose a theoretical model named "the reaction-diffusion partitioning model", using reaction-diffusion equations that explain the dynamic subcellular localization of SopA and SopB proteins and the subcellular positioning of F plasmid. We hypothesized that sister copies of plasmid DNA compete with each other for sites at which SopB multimer is at the optimum concentration. The plasmid incompatibility mediated by the Sop system might be explained clearly by this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple and rapid method is described to determine the plasmid content of cyanobacteria. This procedure is a modification of the Eckhardt in-well lysis and agarose gel electrophoresis technique and can be used for both unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

在滤膜、液体培养基和土壤微宇宙3种系统中,研究了接合型质粒pLV1016 由快生型大豆根瘤菌(Rhizobiumfredii)QB1131 向R.frediilux Lux3的水平转移及pLV1016 由QB1131 向土著细菌的转移.接合培养1d后,分别计算供、受体菌的生长速率和质粒转移速率常数(γ).结果表明,相同接种浓度下,滤膜接合时γ值最高,土壤中γ值最低,γ值不受土壤是否灭菌和是否有大豆植株的影响,γ值与初始接种浓度负相关,与供、受体的生长速率正相关.在未灭菌土中检测到pLV1016 可转移到土著细菌,土著接合子分别属于根瘤菌属和假单胞菌属.  相似文献   

Aims: Plasmids are critical for the pathogenicity of Yersinia pestis. In order to carry out a systematic investigation of their role in pathogenesis, we cured plasmids from Y. pestis. Methods and Results: Each plasmid’s replicon of Y. pestis was cloned into plasmid pEX18Gm containing a counter‐selectable sacB gene, and was then introduced into Y. pestis strain 201 by electroporation. Strains containing recombinant plasmids were cultivated under antibiotic selection. The resultant plasmid‐curing colonies, identified by specific polymerase chain reactions, were then cured off pEX18Gm under sucrose pressure. This method was used to successfully cure all four plasmids of Y. pestis, singly or in different combinations. Conclusions: Naturally evolving plasmids in Y. pestis are difficult to remove by conventional curing methods. We employed a method based on plasmid incompatibility to cure the plasmids from Y. pestis, which confirmed the efficacy of this method for curing plasmids with different types of replicons from one bacterium. Significance and Impact of the Study: There have been no reports on the curing of multiple plasmids by using replication mechanisms from one bacterium with this technique. In the present study, we were able to successfully apply this methodology to cure four plasmids from Y. pestis, confirming its feasibility.  相似文献   

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