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【目的】研究极端自然环境对链霉菌线型和环型质粒分布的影响。【方法】从西藏高原采集了20份土壤样品,分离和初步鉴定链霉菌,提取和检测质粒DNA。【结果】从中分离到46株链霉菌,其中有23株菌含有1 4个线型质粒,大小在19 650 kb之间,8个菌株含有1 4个环型质粒,大小在4 80 kb之间。【结论】西藏土壤来源的链霉菌含有大量的、多样的线型质粒和环型质粒,暗示极端环境中诸如强紫外辐射等可能会引发DNA损伤和修复,进而造成质粒的多样性。  相似文献   

夏焕章  吴胜 《微生物学报》2002,42(2):181-185
研究了黑暗链霉菌的基因转移系统,探索了通过PEG介导的原生质体转化、接合转移向黑暗链霉菌中转入外源DNA的可能性。多次尝试用质粒pIJ702转化黑暗链霉菌9904原生质体均未成功。对原生质体进行“热处理”后转化、利用单链DNA转化等都不能将质粒导入黑暗链霉菌中,表明黑暗链霉菌对外源DNA有很强的限制修饰作用。利用接合转移将具有oriT的大肠杆菌链霉菌穿梭质粒pHZ132转入大肠杆菌ET12567(pUZ8002)中,获得供体菌ET12567(pUZ8002,pHZ132)。将供体菌与预萌发的黑暗链霉菌9904的孢子进行接合转移,成功地将pHZ132转入黑暗链霉菌9904中。质粒pHZ132经黑暗链霉菌自身修饰后也可转入黑暗链霉菌9904菌株的原生质体中,转化率约为103/μg DNA(pHZ132)。  相似文献   

杨勇  覃重军 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1295-1300
[目的]获得游动双孢菌线型质粒pPR2的全序列,并揭示新型的端粒复制蛋白和可能的中间复制位点.[方法]用分段克隆的方法和序列拼接获得pPR2的全序列,利用软件分析端粒DNA的二级结构和可能的端粒复制蛋白,利用链霉菌原生质体转化的方法检测可能的中间复制的位点.[结果]pPR2全长为15520 bp,(G C)含量为68.1%.其端粒末端反向重复序列的长度为329 bp,不能像多数链霉菌的线型质粒那样能形成保守的"折返"的二级结构.pPR2虽然没有参与链霉菌端粒复制的保守的tap/tpg基因,但是pPR2.3c基因编码了一个双结构域蛋白,分别同链霉菌的端粒复制相关蛋白Tap和嗜血杆菌的解旋酶具有相似性.pPR2缺少典型的链霉菌重复序列-复制基因(iteron-rep)区段,将几乎覆盖全长pPR2的两段DNA进行克隆后,不能转化变铅青链霉菌.此外,pPR2基因还编码可能参与线型DNA复制的调控的单链结合蛋白(SSB)和与放线菌质粒接合转移相关的主要蛋白(Tva).[结论]pPR2是链霉菌之外的放线菌中最小的线型质粒,其序列在游动双孢菌属的线型质粒中是首次报道.pPR2可能具有新型的端粒复制的机制,其中pPR2.2c和pPR2.3c编码可能的端粒复制蛋白.  相似文献   

【目的】链霉菌(Streptomyces)X335是从西藏高原活拉山口分离到的,其中含有一个大小为4.3 kb的环型质粒pDYM4.3k。克隆、测序和分析pDYM4.3k,以及鉴定复制和接合转移的基因。【方法】通过克隆和引物延伸获得pDYM4.3k的全序列,利用比对分析推测基因的功能,通过Southern杂交检测复制中间体,利用平板杂交实验证明接合转移功能。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为4346 bp的pDYM4.3k序列,预测仅有3个基因,其中1个基因与链霉菌主要接合转移基因同源,另外2个为功能未知。鉴定新的基因orf1及其上游的约300 bp构成了质粒的基本复制区域。检测到质粒存在单链的复制中间体,表明它以滚环方式进行复制。实验证明pDYM4.3k在变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)中具有接合转移功能。【结论】质粒pDYM4.3k可以滚环方式进行复制和在链霉菌之间进行接合转移。这是目前报道的最小的、具有游离复制和接合转移功能的链霉菌质粒。  相似文献   

覃重军 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1822-1830
近年来, 随着大质粒提取和检测技术的发展, 尤其是高通量DNA测序技术的应用, 使得链霉菌大的环型质粒和线型质粒的研究取得了较快的进展。相比于研究透彻的细菌Theta型复制的质粒, 链霉菌Theta型质粒在复制区的结构、复制蛋白和调控蛋白作用的分子机理等方面具有多样性和新颖性。新鉴定的许多线型质粒的中心复制区表明中心复制的起始可以靠近端粒, 一个质粒也可以有2个以上的复制区。新分离的端粒序列显示端粒“折返”不是必需的, 而形成二级结构对于端粒复制是重要的。链霉菌环型和线型质粒的测序分析显示它们之间存在亲缘关系。环型质粒可以与噬菌体共整合, 实验证明它们在一定条件下可以相互转换。这些研究结果表明, 链霉菌环型、线型质粒和噬菌体从结构到功能到进化具有多样性、新颖性和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

覃重军  方萍 《微生物学报》2003,43(5):671-675
原核生物的染色体和质粒DNA一般为环型结构。在过去的几十年里 ,人们以不同的材料为研究对象建立了原核生物环型染色体和环型质粒生物学功能的模式体系。近年来 ,在链霉菌属 (Streptomyces)中发现 1 2~ 1 70 0kb的线型质粒[1 ] 和约 80 0 0kb的线型染色体[2 ] ,有的巨大线型质粒上还带有完整的抗生素生物合成基因簇[1 ] 。与链霉菌属同属于放线菌目 (Actinomycetales)的诺卡氏菌属 (Nocardia)和红球菌属(Rhodococcus)中也发现了线型染色体和线型质粒 ,并揭示了降解多种工业上有毒化合物的基因常由线型质粒所携带[3,4 ] 。功能研究表明 ,…  相似文献   

从猪粪堆肥中分离到一株编号为X3-3的可以在50℃高温生长的链霉菌菌株,该菌株含有一个约7kb的环型质粒pTSC2。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pTSC2,以及鉴定质粒的复制方式。【方法】利用分段克隆和引物延伸获得pTSC2的全序列,利用多序列比对寻找复制元件rep、dso和sso,利用中性转移和Southern杂交检测复制中间体。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为7516bp的pTSC2序列,预测编码8种蛋白,其中4种蛋白与链霉菌滚环复制的质粒pIJ101中负责复制和接合转移的蛋白非常相似。pTSC2的复制元件rep、dso和sso也与pIJ101的相似。克隆、转化变铅青链霉菌ZX7以及高温链霉菌2C证明了rep和dso为复制所必需元件。Southern杂交检测到pTSC2复制过程中积累了大量的单链DNA。【结论】高温链霉菌质粒pTSC2以滚环方式进行复制。这是首次在高温链霉菌中克隆和测序质粒,以及鉴定其复制方式。  相似文献   

余姣姣  陶美凤 《微生物学报》2010,50(11):1556-1561
摘要:【目的】阿维链霉菌可作为异源表达抗生素生物合成基因簇的良好宿主,但是需要优化含有大片段DNA质粒的接合转移效率。【方法】我们选取MgCl2、NaCl、Ca(NO3)2 和CaCl2等4种无机盐,在0-200 mmol/L浓度范围内分别研究其对大质粒向阿维链霉菌接合转移的影响,再设计完全随机试验筛选最佳条件。【结果】CaCl2对阿维链霉菌接合转移有极明显的促进作用,MgCl2也有一定提高作用。通过完全随机试验筛选出最佳的CaCl2和MgCl2浓度组合,使大质粒的接合转移效率提高11倍。同时,本研究还发现阿维链霉菌异源表达放线紫红素的最适培养基,成功表达放线紫红素。【结论】特定无机盐对阿维链霉菌接合转移效率有明显提高作用,并且能促进放线紫红素在阿维链霉菌中的表达。  相似文献   

【目的】在青蒿植物的内生链霉菌W75中检测到一个大的环型质粒pCQ4。克隆、测序、分析和功能研究pCQ4。【方法】Southern杂交确定质粒的酶切图谱,利用接合转移和同源重组方法将质粒克隆到了大肠杆菌BAC衍生的载体上,并进行鸟枪测序和分析。【结果】获得了全长为84833 bp的pCQ4序列,预测编码129个基因,其中成簇的40个基因与其它噬菌体的基因同源。实验证明含有质粒pCQ4的菌株能够低频率释放噬菌体ФCQ4,并可以侵染消除了pCQ4的W75X孢子和形成噬菌斑。在透射电镜下观察到噬菌体颗粒,脉冲场凝胶电泳显示ФCQ4为线型DNA。pCQ4与已发表的链霉菌质粒-噬菌体pZL12比对,编码噬菌体的主要结构蛋白的基因是相似的。【结论】链霉菌大的质粒pCQ4也可以转化为噬菌体ФCQ4,其噬菌体相关的基因簇可能是可转移的单元。  相似文献   

以链霉菌质粒SCP2^*的衍生质粒pHJL400为基础,构建了能够在大肠杆菌到链霉菌之间进行高效接合转移的质粒DGH112。pGH112含有在大肠杆菌和链霉菌中复制起始位点,以及分别在大肠杆菌和链霉菌中进行筛选的抗性标记。用pGH112转化Escherichia coli ET12567(pUZ8002)后,与天蓝链霉菌(Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2))、除虫链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)、变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans TK54)、毒三素链霉菌(Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL15443)、委内瑞拉链霉菌(Streptomyces.vertezuelae ISP5230)和红色糖多孢菌(Saccharopolypora erythraea)进行接合,发现本构建的pGH112与pKC1139相比,接合转移效率较高,稳定性好,而且宿主范围较广。把组成型启动子ermE^*与绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)克隆到本构建的pGH112,通过接合转移到链霉菌中,gfp获得表达,证明其可以用作基因接合转移的有效工具载体,这为研究链霉菌的基因功能创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

Many Streptomyces species harbor circular plasmids (8 to 31 kb) as well as linear plasmids (12 to 1,700 kb). We report the characterization of two newly detected circular plasmids, pFP11 (35,139 bp) and pFP1 (39,360 bp). As on linear plasmids, their replication loci comprise repA genes and adjacent iterons, to which RepA proteins bind specifically in vitro. Plasmids containing the minimal iterons plus the repA locus of pFP11 were inherited extremely unstably; par and additional loci were required for stable inheritance. Surprisingly, plasmids containing replication loci from pFP11 or Streptomyces circular plasmid SCP2 but not from pFP1, SLP1, or pIJ101 propagated in a stable linear mode when the telomeres of a linear plasmid were attached. These results indicate bidirectional replication for pFP11 and SCP2. Both pFP11 and pFP1 contain, for plasmid transfer, a major functional traB gene (encoding a DNA translocase typical for Streptomyces plasmids) as well as, surprisingly, a putative traA gene (encoding a DNA nickase, characteristic of single-stranded DNA transfer of gram-negative plasmids), but this did not appear to be functional, at least in isolation.  相似文献   

Xu M  Zhu Y  Zhang R  Shen M  Jiang W  Zhao G  Qin Z 《Journal of bacteriology》2006,188(19):6851-6857
The nucleotide sequence of Streptomyces lividans linear plasmid SLP2 consists of 50,410 bp (C. H. Huang, C. Y. Chen, H. H. Tsai, C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and C. W. Chen, Mol. Microbiol. 47:1563-1576, 2003). Here we report that the basic SLP2 locus for plasmid replication in circular mode resembles that of Streptomyces linear plasmids pSLA2 and SCP1 and comprises iterons(SLP2) and the adjacent rep(SLP2) gene. More efficient replication additionally required the 47-bp sequence between bp 581 and 628 upstream of the iterons. Replacement of either the iterons or the rep gene of SLP2 by the corresponding genes of pSLA2 or SCP1 still allows propagation in Streptomyces, although the transformation frequencies were 3 orders of magnitude lower than the original plasmids, suggesting that these plasmids share similar replication mechanisms. To replicate SLP2 in linear mode, additional SLP2 loci--either mtap(SLP2)/tpg(SLP2) or mtap(SLP2)/ilrA(SLP2)--were required. IlrA(SLP2) protein binds specifically to the iterons(SLP2) in vitro. Interactions were detected between these SLP2-borne replication proteins (Mtap(SLP2), Tpg(SLP2), and IlrA(SLP2)) and the telomeric replication proteins (TpgL, TapL, and TpgL) of the S. lividans chromosome, respectively, but the SLP2 proteins failed to interact. These results suggest that SLP2 recruits chromosomally encoded replication proteins for its telomere replication.  相似文献   

The SLP2 plasmid had previously been demonstrated genetically to exist In Streptomyces lividans by its ability to promote conjugation and to elicit‘pocks’on recipient (SLP2?) cultures, but it had not been physically detected. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, a 50kb linear DNA was isolated from SLP2+ but not SLP2? strains of S. lividans, and from Streptomyces coelicolor and Streptomyces parvulus strains to which SLP2 had been transferred by conjugation or transformation. We conclude that this linear DNA is SLP2. The terminal fragments of SLP2 were cloned. The determined sequences revealed a 44 bp imperfect terminal inverted repeat. The terminal 12 bp sequence of SLP2 was identical to those of two other Streptomyces linear plasmids, pSLA2 and pSCL, and similar to the terminal sequences of another Streptomyces linear plasmid, SCP1. The termini of SLP2 DNA were resistant to digestion by λ exonuclease and ExoIII. A truncated (probably crippled) copy of Tn4811 is present on the plasmid. While the SLP2 plasmid exists as a tree form in the host, a 15.7 kb sequence corresponding to the segment of SLP2 from Tn4811 to the right terminus is also present (at a copy number similar to the free form) elsewhere in the genome of S. lividans. Furthermore, SLP2 is partially homologous to a newly discovered 650 kb linear plasmid in S. parvulus.  相似文献   

W H Rodgers  W Springer  F E Young 《Gene》1982,18(2):133-141
A Streptomyces fradiae DNA sequence, which codes for a neomycin phosphotransferase, has been subcloned from the Streptomyces recombinant plasmid pIJ2 [a chimera between the Streptomyces plasmid SLP1.2 and chromosomal DNA containing a neomycin (Nm) resistance gene] into the BamHI restriction enzyme site of pHV14. Three different recombinant plasmids (pWHR1, pWHR2, pWHR3) have been isolated which transform Escherichia coli to Nm resistance. Southern transfer hybridization experiments show that the recombinant plasmids contain the cloned Streptomyces Nm resistance gene, and lysates of E. coli containing the recombinant plasmids were shown to have Nm phosphotransferase activity, demonstrating that a gene from Streptomyces can be expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

Hybrids of the Streptomyces coelicolor conjugative plasmid SCP2* and the Mycobacterium plasmid pAL5000 were transferred from Streptomyces coelicolor or Streptomyces lividans to Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155 in plate crosses. Inactivation of the SCP2* transfer function did not prevent or reduce plasmid transfer. This transfer was DNase I sensitive and thus involved release of DNA from Streptomyces, followed by transformation of M. smegmatis. M. smegmatis growing on specific solid media was also transformed by pure CCC and linear plasmid DNA. Small plasmids were taken up intact but large plasmids suffered deletions. Competence developed within 24 h of incubation at 30 degrees C or 37 degrees C, and up to 400 transformants were obtained per microg of CCC plasmid DNA. Transformation frequencies were higher when M. smegmatis was co-cultivated with plasmid-free Streptomyces, but unaffected by resident homologous sequences or inactivation of recA in M. smegmatis. Spontaneous transformation was also observed with a circular Streptomyces transposable element which inserted into chromosomal sites. Transformative plasmid transfer was also shown to occur between M. smegmatis strains. This is the first report of non-artificially induced, spontaneous plasmid transformation in Mycobacterium.  相似文献   

Streptomyces sp. linear plasmids and linear chromosomes usually contain conserved terminal palindromic sequences bound by the conserved telomeric proteins Tap and Tp, encoded by the tap and tpg genes, respectively, as well as plasmid loci required for DNA replication in circular mode when the telomeres are deleted. These consist of iterons and an adjacent rep gene. By using PCR, we found that 8 of 17 newly detected linear plasmids in Streptomyces strains lack typical telomeric tap and tpg sequences. Instead, two novel telomeres in plasmids pRL1 and pRL2 from the eight strains and one conserved telomere in pFRL1 from the other strains were identified, while multiple short palindromes were also found in the plasmids. The complete nucleotide sequence of pRL2 revealed a gene encoding a protein containing two domains, resembling Tap of Streptomyces and a helicase of Thiobacillus, and an adjacent gene encoding a protein similar to Tpg of Streptomyces and a portion of the telomere terminal protein pTP of adenoviruses. No typical iterons-rep loci were found in the three plasmids. These results indicate an unexpected diversity of telomere palindromic sequences and replication genes among Streptomyces linear plasmids.  相似文献   

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