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在上海野生动物园对一群半散养的川金丝猴进行了为期一年的行为学研究。在此期间,猴群中发生了4起家庭主雄被移除和替代事件和一个雌性群因繁殖需要引入一个成年雄猴的事件,该过程在饲养条件下首次被完整记录。观察发现,繁殖群中,在家庭主雄猴的健康状况良好期间,群中各雄性成员间的社会等级关系相当稳定,很少变动。主雄猴有效地控制着群体的秩序,并严格地看护着其家庭中的雌猴免受其他雄猴的侵扰,而且它也很少对其他低序位雄猴主动攻击。全雄群中则再由一个高序位雄猴控制其他低序位雄猴。疾病、衰老、前主雄猴的存在以及被饲养人员从群中移除进行治疗等都可能引起猴群社会发生很大动荡,尤其是全雄群中各雄猴的社会等级序位发生剧烈改变,甚至发生家庭主雄的替代。在本报道中,人为因素在主雄替代过程中起着主要作用。主雄替代一旦成功,新主雄会把原主雄赶入全雄群,攻击追撵其他低序位雄猴,并彻底与全雄群完全脱离。对于每一个新主雄,家庭中的雌猴对其的接纳表现出明显的选择倾向。雌性性选择可能是野生猴群中新家庭群建立一种内在基础机制,同时提示偷配发生的可能性。  相似文献   

应用行为聚焦取样观察和免疫组织化学相结合的方法 ,比较研究了棕色田鼠 (Microtusmandarinus)(n =15 )和沼泽田鼠 (M .fostis) (n =15 )在同种雄雄交往中的行为差异 ,及在雄雄交往前后雌激素 β受体(ERβ)和雄激素受体 (AR)表达的差异。在 2h的雄雄交往中 ,前 1h棕色田鼠对同性入侵者有较多的攻击和防御行为 ,后 1h攻击行为较少 ,沼泽田鼠前后 1h差异不大 ,整个 2h期间 ,棕色田鼠较沼泽田鼠对同性入侵者有较多的攻击、防御行为 ,较少的非社会行为。经过免疫组织化学检测 ,没有社会交往时棕色田鼠主嗅球系统投射区和犁鼻系统投射区ERβ免疫阳性细胞 (ERβ IRs)明显少于沼泽田鼠 ,且显色淡 ,AR免疫阳性细胞(AR IRs)在两种鼠间差异不大 ,且都明显少于各自的ERβ IRs。 2h交往后 ,棕色田鼠主嗅球投射区和犁鼻系统投射区的ERβ IRs细胞数明显少于交往前 ,AR IRs细胞数明显多于交往前 ;沼泽田鼠交往前与交往后ERβ IRs和AR IRs细胞数均无显著差异 ,且显著多于交往后棕色田鼠ERβ IRs细胞数 ,显著少于交往后棕色田鼠AR IRs细胞数。以上结果表明 :两种田鼠在社会交往中社会行为不同 ;ERβ的减少和AR的增多可能在社会识别及攻击行为中均起一定的作用 ,可能也是引起两种田鼠社会行为发生差异的原因之一  相似文献   

布氏田鼠社会行为对光周期的适应格局   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘伟  房继明 《兽类学报》2001,21(3):199-205
对实验室内不同光周期条件下的布氏田鼠陌生成体—亚成体间社会行为模式的初步研究显示:不同光周期下成体对亚成体(特别是对雄性亚成体)的行为反应具性二型特征,长光照周期下(light:dark,14L:10D)成体与亚成体同性组合间的争斗较异性组合间的明显,容忍性低,其中成体雄对亚成体雄尤甚。短光照周期下(light:dark,10L:14D)成体雄对亚成体雄、成体雌对亚成体雌及亚成体雄的相容性均较成体雄对亚成体雌的容忍性低,尤成体雌对亚成体雄的排斥表现更为突出,其容忍性也较长光照条件下对应组的低。结果表明,不同光周期条件下布氏田鼠成体与亚成体间的社会行为模式不同。在自然条件下,这些行为模式是其对环境季节变化的一种有效适应,它影响种群中未成年个体存活、补充、扩散重组以及社群结构、种群空间格局季节变化,对该鼠的生存和繁殖有利。  相似文献   

为了解圈养雄性林麝维持社会等级的冲突行为模式,于2016年6月1日至7月28日在四川马尔康林麝繁育中心,采用行为取样法对14只圈养雄麝进行了防御、追击、取代、进攻及威胁等社会冲突行为取样,分析了圈养雄性林麝社会等级与其发出(接受)的冲突行为类型和表达强度之间的关系。结果表明:林麝雄性圈养群发育了稳定的社会等级结构,作为冲突行为发起者,雄麝均有防御行为和侵犯行为(追击、取代、进攻和威胁)的表达,其防御行为的表达频次(7.71±2.18,n=14)显著高于追击(1.29±0.50,n=14)(P0.05)、取代(1.36±0.57,n=14)(P0.05)、进攻(0.21±0.15,n=14)(P0.05)和威胁(1.29±0.77,n=14)(P0.05) 4种侵犯行为的表达频次;防御行为表达频次与其社会等级呈显著负相关(P0.05);不同序位雄性发出的侵犯行为类型不同,高序位雄麝的高强度侵犯行为(追击和进攻)和低强度侵犯行为(取代和威胁)均有表达,低序位雄麝缺失高强度侵犯行为,仅表达取代行为;作为冲突行为的接受者,雄麝接受的取代行为频次(1.43±0.53,n=14)显著高于进攻(0.29±0.12,n=14)(P0.05)和威胁(0.36±0.16,n=14)(P0.05);中等序位雄麝接受侵犯行为的频次(5.50±1.50,n=2)有高于低序位雄麝(4.60±2.088,n=5)和高序位雄麝(1.14±0.55,n=7)的趋势(P0.05)。由此得出,圈养林麝社群主要通过展现较低强度的侵犯行为维持其社会等级结构,冲突行为的发起者多是序位较高的雄麝,其高强度侵犯行为的表达频次也相对较多。  相似文献   

光周期对雄性布氏田鼠种内个体气味辨别的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):304-310
本文研究了成年雄性布氏田鼠对不同光照周期下(长光照: LD; 短光照: SD) 的陌生雌鼠和陌生雄鼠气味的行为表现。实验发现: 所有被试雄鼠对LD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味比SD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味有更多的社会探究行为。LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠对同性或异性陌生个体气味的嗅闻和挖掘行为要多, 而且差异显著。在探究LD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠表现出更多的嗅闻和挖掘行为; 在探究SD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 和SD 雄鼠的行为反应没有明显差别。所有被试雄鼠在LD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间都显著多于在SD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间。LD 雄鼠在LD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间显著多于在SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间; 而SD 雄鼠在LD 和SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的进入频次和停留时间没有明显差别。同时, LD 雄鼠对LD 动情雌鼠的气味在嗅闻频次和嗅闻时间上多于非动情LD 雌鼠, 而对SD 动情和非动情雌鼠的气味没有表现出明显的偏好; SD 雄鼠对LD 和SD 动情雌鼠的嗅闻行为仅在频次上显著多于对非动情雌鼠的嗅闻, 而在时间上没有显著差别。结果表明: 布氏田鼠嗅觉通讯中的个体气味及其对气味进行辨别过程中的行为反应都随着光照周期的不同而发生变化。动物的个体气味带有季节性信息, 来源于长光照下的气味比短光照下的气味更具有性吸引; 短光照在一定程度上可能抑制了雌鼠的动情和雄鼠的性行为反应。其嗅觉通讯行为的适应意义可能在于: 减少秋季短日照环境下的繁殖活动, 提高雄性个体之间的社会容忍性以利于集群越冬。  相似文献   

不育控制既可直接降低害鼠种群的生育率,又能影响个体的社会行为,引起种群内等级关系和社群结构的变化,进而干扰种群繁殖。为探究不同剂量卡麦角林对雄鼠行为的影响和持效时间,选取健康雄性黄毛鼠使用50mg/kg和100 mg/kg卡麦角林灌胃给药,并于给药后第1 d和第18 d与正常雄鼠遭遇,第4 d和第21 d与正常雌鼠遭遇,比较给药前(卡麦角林灌胃前4 d和前1 d 时分别与正常雄鼠和雌鼠遭遇)和给药后个体行为的差异。结果显示:卡麦角林降低了雄鼠对正常雄鼠的探究、攻击时间,降低雄鼠对正常雌鼠的攻击时间和频次;100 μg/kg卡麦角林降低雄鼠对正常雌鼠的探究频次,且雄鼠自身修饰和休息频次显著减少。这表明卡麦角林可干扰黄毛鼠对同性和异性个体间的社会行为。此外,药物处理后第18 d和第21 d,雄性个体与同性和异性个体的社会行为与处理前无显著差异,表明停药后药物对行为的影响会随着时间的延长逐渐消失。    相似文献   

2000年6月至2001年2月,采用焦点取样连续记录方法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝(Moschus sifanicus)繁育中心的雄性马麝进行了行为取样。按马麝爬胯结果,将样本动物区分为爬胯成功雄麝和爬胯失败雄麝,并对两类群雄麝在非交配季节(6—10月)和交配季节(11月—翌年1月)的行为格局分别进行了比较分析。结果表明,在单位取样时间(5min)内,爬胯成功雄麝在非交配季节的摄食行为持续时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而静卧和蹭尾行为的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。爬胯成功雄麝在交配季节的静卧时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而攻击行为、蹭尾及粪尿标记的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。根据以上结果,在麝类迁地保护和驯养实践中,雄性马麝的静卧和蹭尾行为(尤其是蹭尾)可以作为其爬胯成功度及繁殖性能的行为判别指标。这为马麝驯养实践,尤其是在提高配种雄麝选取的直观性及可操作性方面提供了量化行为参数。  相似文献   

实施不育后高原鼠兔攻击行为及激素水平变化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
魏万红  樊乃昌 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):119-131
在高原鼠兔的繁殖盛期选定怀孕雌鼠和发情雄鼠各20只,采用所选雌性不育剂和雄必不育剂的半不育剂量分别对10只雌鼠和10只雄鼠进行处理,通过室内雌雌,雌雄,雄雄配对实验对20只处理个体和20只对照个体的攻击行为进行了研究,同时对其生殖激素的水平进行了测定。结果表明:(1)不育处理后,雌雄动物的活动性降低,亲昵行为持续时间增加,攻南 及防御行为持续的时间和发生频次明显低于对照组个体;(2)在各组内,雌雄  相似文献   

雌性布氏田鼠对雄鼠气味的辨别   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张立  房继明 《动物学报》1999,45(3):294-301
通过雌性布氏田导其配偶和陌生雄鼠气味的辨别实验,以及无交配经历的成年雌鼠对社会等级不同的陌生雄鼠气的辨别实验发现,有生育经历的雌鼠对陌生雄鼠气味的探究行为明显多于对配偶气味的控究,但雌鼠在配偶雄鼠气味周围的停留时间、自身修饰行为和何处行为的发生频次和持续地陌生雄鼠,没有交配经历的雌鼠对处于从鼠地位的雄性个体气味探究行为多于对优势雄性的控究,而其他行为表现没有明显差异。表明,雌性布氏田鼠可以利用气味  相似文献   

雌性信息素在麻点豹天牛成虫交尾行为中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对麻点豹天牛Coscinesthes salicisGressitt成虫交尾行为的观察,发现雌、雄成虫间明显存在着性引诱物质的诱导现象,作者采用溶剂从雌虫体上提取出该物质,并对其生物活性及雄虫的感应方式进行检测,结果证明该信息素提取物在成虫的交尾行为中起着较为关键的作用,雄虫依靠此信息物来寻找和识别雌虫。应用提取物对雄虫所诱发的交尾行为反应与正常状态下的行为相似,经测定雄虫对该性信息素提取物的感应方式主要是接触感应。  相似文献   

Social and developmental biology of the myxobacteria.   总被引:68,自引:1,他引:67       下载免费PDF全文
Myxobacteria are soil bacteria whose unusually social behavior distinguishes them from other groups of procaryotes. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of their social behavior occurs during development, when tens of thousands of cells aggregate and form a colorful fruiting body. Inside the fruiting body the vegetative cells convert into dormant, resistant myxospores. However, myxobacterial social behavior is not restricted to the developmental cycle, and three other social behaviors have been described. Vegetative cells have a multigene social motility system in which cell-cell contact is essential for gliding in multicellular swarms. Cell growth on protein is cooperative in that the growth rate increases with the cell density. Rippling is a periodic behavior in which the cells align themselves in ridges and move in waves. These social behaviors indicate that myxobacterial colonies are not merely collections of individual cells but are societies in which cell behavior is synchronized by cell-cell interactions. The molecular basis of these social behaviors is becoming clear through the use of a combination of behavioral, biochemical, and genetic experimental approaches.  相似文献   

This review catalogs effects of peptides on various aspects of animal and human behavior as published in the journal Peptides in its first twenty years. Topics covered include: activity levels, addiction behavior, ingestive behaviors, learning and memory-based behaviors, nociceptive behaviors, social and sexual behavior, and stereotyped and other behaviors. There are separate tables for these behaviors and a short introduction for each section.  相似文献   

Juveniles' behaviors are often influenced by the behaviors of conspecifics. Most experimental studies of the influence of conspecific behavior vary the social environment by the presence or absence of conspecifics or investigate the impact of the outcome of social encounters (winner/loser effects) but less frequently expose individuals to variation in behavioral phenotypes present in the social environment. Based on previous work showing that juveniles of the salamander Plethodon cinereus are likely to interact frequently with non‐parental adults, I hypothesized that territorial adults in the social environment alter the future behaviors of juveniles. I measured the intracohort social behaviors of juvenile salamanders collected from two geographic areas, Michigan (MI) and Virginia (VA), before and after housing with ostensibly territorial (VA) or non‐territorial (MI) adults. There were overall effects of adult territoriality and aggression on the behavior of juveniles. However, juveniles from populations in MI were especially susceptible to behavioral modification. Compared with behaviors prior to being housed with adults, MI juveniles increased investigatory and escape behaviors in juvenile–juvenile interactions after being housed with adults that displayed territorial behaviors and decreased investigatory and escape behaviors after being housed with non‐territorial adults. This study shows that not only is a specific behavior, territoriality of adult salamanders, a social environment that modifies future juvenile behaviors, but the effects of social environment may differ between populations.  相似文献   

This review catalogs effects of peptides on various aspects of animal and human behavior as published in the journal Peptides in its first twenty years. Topics covered include: activity levels, addiction behavior, ingestive behaviors, learning and memory-based behaviors, nociceptive behaviors, social and sexual behavior, and stereotyped and other behaviors. There are separate tables for these behaviors and a short introduction for each section.  相似文献   

Social organisms often show collective behaviors such as group foraging or movement.Collective behaviors can emerge from interactions between group members and may depend on the behavior of key individuals.When social interactions change over time,collective behaviors may change because these behaviors emerge from interactions among individuals.Despite the importance of,and growing interest in,the temporal dynamics of social interactions,it is not clear how to quantify changes in interactions over time or measure their stability.Furthermore,the temporal scale at which we should observe changes in social networks to detect biologically meaningful changes is not always apparent.Here we use multilayer network analysis to quantify temporal dynamics of social networks of the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola and determine how these dynamics relate to individual and group behaviors.We found that social interactions changed over time at a constant rate.Variation in both network structure and the identity of a keystone individual was not related to the mean or variance of the collective prey attack speed.Individuals that maintained a large and stable number of connections,despite changes in network structure,were the boldest individuals in the group.Therefore,social interactions and boldness are linked across time,but group collective behavior is not influenced by the stability of the social network.Our work demonstrates that dynamic social networks can be modeled in a multilayer framework.This approach may reveal biologically important temporal changes to social structure in other systems.  相似文献   

An interval scale of behavior would be useful in the study of social relations because it would allow the whole behavioral repertory to be used simultaneously and would allow greater flexibility in statistical manipulation. Maxim has developed such a scale using isolated dyads of unfamiliar monkeys. The typical social environment of monkeys, however, consists of familiar monkeys in mixed age and sex groups. This study replicates Maxim's procedure and tests the applicability of a scale developed with isolated dyads to groups of familiar monkeys. The scale developed here differed substantially from Maxim's. Behavior of monkeys in these groups was much more variable than behavior of monkeys in Maxim's isolated dyads. Behaviors at the extremes of the scale were similarly arranged in both scales, but behaviors in the central region were more labile and disordered. Distances between behaviors at the extreme of this scale were significantly larger than those in the central region whereas there were no differences in Maxim's scale. While some of these differences may be accounted for by group size and familiarity, several difficulties remain. Some behaviors may change meaning across different contexts and social relationships. The generalizability of these scales, therefore, may be limited to the behavior of groups of similar composition and familiarity.  相似文献   

The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine modifies social behavior in a number of species, including humans. Because the neural substrates for social behavior in prairie voles are sexually dimorphic, we tested whether the effects of fluoxetine on these behaviors differ by sex. Parental and pair-bonded voles were chronically treated with fluoxetine or saline and subsequently tested for parental responsiveness. Fluoxetine-treated animals displayed a longer latency to exhibit parental responsiveness than did saline-treated controls (p< 0.02), but they did not differ in other aspects of parental care. There were no sex differences in the effects of fluoxetine on parental behavior. After completion of the tests for parental behavior, the subjects were tested for aggressive behavior using the resident–intruder paradigm. Fluoxetine-treated males displayed less aggressive behavior than their saline-treated counterparts (p< 0.02). Although we did not find any effects of fluoxetine on aggressive behavior in females, no significant interaction was found between sex and treatment. Fluoxetine did not alter nonsocial behaviors. The findings suggest that serotonin influences social behavior in prairie voles.  相似文献   

This study examined whether neonatal paternal deprivation (PD: father was removed and pups were raised just by mother) or early deprivation (ED: pups were raised by both parents except separated from not only the dam but also the peers for three hours a day from PND 0 to 13) has long-term effects on anxiety and social behaviors of adult mandarin voles. Newborn mandarin voles of F2 generation were randomly assigned to one of three groups: bi-parental care (PC: pups were raised by both parents), PD and ED. The parental care behaviors of F1 generation were observed at the age of 0, 13 and 21 days (PND 0, 13, 21) of F2 generation of PC and PD groups. Moreover, each mandarin vole of F2 generation received an open field test and a social interaction test on PND 70 and PND 75, respectively. No significant differences of parental behavior were observed between mothers and fathers from PC families, showing typical parental behavior of socially monogamous rodents. In addition, no significant differences of maternal behaviors were found between mothers from PC and PD families, indicating no maternal compensation towards pups for the absence of the paternal care. In the open field test, mandarin voles from both PD and ED families displayed higher levels of anxiety and lower locomotor activity, relative to offspring of PC family. In the social interaction test, both PD and ED mandarin voles also showed lower levels of social behavior and higher levels of anxiety. Thus, both PD and ED significantly increase anxiety and reduce social behavior of adult mandarin voles, suggesting that variation in parental investment may lead to variation in anxiety and social behaviors in rodents with different mating systems.  相似文献   

为探讨人工投食条件下川金丝猴的社会行为类型,2007年1月-2008年10月,采用行为取样法和全事件记录法对湖北神农架自然保护区投食猴群的社会行为进行观察。确定投食群有45种典型社会行为,其中打架、抢食、抱腰、吻背、爬伏、邀配与以往对笼养和野生川金丝猴的研究有差别。  相似文献   

Agonistic and non-agonistic behaviors were studied before, during, and after the formation of social status in crayfish. Differences in the expression of a non-agonistic behavior by dominant and subordinate crayfish developed in parallel with the differences in agonistic behaviors that indicate the animals' social status. An increase in burrowing behavior marked the ascendancy of the dominant animal, while an immediate suppression of burrowing paralleled the inhibition of aggressive behavior in the new subordinate. The strikingly similar changes in both agonistic and non-agonistic behaviors following the decision on status suggest related underlying neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

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