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短尾猴的种群生物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李进华  尹华宝  王岐山 《生物学通报》2004,39(1):13-14,F004
短尾猴是高等灵长类动物,中国特有物种。是多雄多雌群体,猴群中性成熟雌雄性比接近于1:1,雌性略多于雄性。虽然雌性定居、雄性移民,但大多数雄性的迁出发生在成年以后,而不是成年之前。社会和生态因素在调节猴群的数量中都有重要作用。雄性个体之间具有复杂的行为,雄猴之间频繁交往,以减少群体的紧张。猴群内具有严格的社会等级关系,年轻雄猴是群体的最高统治者。  相似文献   

2011 年10 月至2013 年10 月在云南高黎贡山自然保护区泸水县片马镇地区对一群怒江金丝猴的社会组织进行研究,基于野外实地记录与获得的视频资料统计猴群的个体数量,研究群数量初步估计为100 只。根据体型、毛色及是否携带婴猴等特征来划分所有个体的性别年龄组,依据单元内个体通过林窗时移动的时间间隔比单元间短的原则来划分不同繁殖单元及全雄群。所有视频中共发现22 个一雄多雌单元(OMU) 和1 个全雄群(AMU),因此怒江金丝猴的社会组织与其他金丝猴物种相似,由多个一雄多雌及其后代组成繁殖单元(OMUs)与雄性个体组成全雄群(AMU)组成重层社(Modular society);另外基于GPS 位点初步确定猴群活动的海拔范围为1 900 - 3 700 m,猴群生境面积约为12 km2 ,初步获得猴群的密度为8 只/ km2 ,比缅甸的种群密度(1 只/ km2 )大得多。基于种群性别年龄计算种群动态参数,雄雌比为1∶ 2.1, 婴雌比为1∶ 4. 7,成幼比为2.5∶ 1。与滇金丝猴种群相比,该种群有很低的婴雌比和很高的成幼比。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠标志种群的社群等级及其季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古锡林郭勒地区,通过标志重捕、染色标记和直接观测法对布氏田鼠社群等级的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明:在繁殖季节,布氏田鼠洞群内存在明显的社群等级。越冬雄鼠在社群内社群序位最高,其次是越冬雌鼠、当年成体雌鼠、当年成体雄鼠,亚成体鼠和幼鼠的社群地位最低。在繁殖末期,越冬雄鼠的地位明显下降,而当年成体雄鼠的等级序位逐渐上升。在繁殖季节,当年雄鼠在洞群中的等级序位依然很低,很少能有机会进行有效的交配,有效交配主要由越冬雄鼠来完成,因而越冬雄鼠对种群繁殖的贡献较大。本实验倾向于支持该鼠的婚配制度为一雄多雌制的观点。  相似文献   

人工饲养恒河猴、食蟹猴的繁殖性能初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探索北京地区人工饲养恒河猴与食蟹猴的繁殖性能,为温带地区猕猴的人工饲养和繁殖方式提供借鉴。方法对军事医学科学院实验动物中心饲养的317只恒河猴繁殖群(30只雄猴,287只雌猴)和78只食蟹猴繁殖群(8只雄猴,70只雌猴)近两年的繁殖性状进行观察和统计分析。结果恒河猴母猴妊娠率、繁殖率和成活率分别为60.73%、54.45%和96.89%。食蟹猴母猴妊娠率、繁殖率和成活率分别为79.86%、56.12%和75.00%。结论食蟹猴和恒河猴可以成功的在温带地区饲养和繁殖,但人工饲养食蟹猴的妊娠率与产仔率较恒河猴高,而仔猴成活率则低于恒河猴。  相似文献   

向左甫  霍晟  肖文 《动物学研究》2010,31(2):189-197
雄猴照料婴猴行为通常都是从雄猴的角度来分析该行为具有何种适应功能,很少有研究关心为什么雌猴会让雄猴参与照料活动。该文通过西藏小昌都黑白仰鼻猴群的系统观察取样,采用回归分析雄婴照料行为季节变动与婴猴年龄及生态因子(环境温度、食物供应)之间的关系,试图分析是否由于能量胁迫导致雌猴让雄猴参与照料活动,并通过分析高能量胁迫季节(环境温度低、食物缺乏,婴猴年幼需要雌猴携带多)与低能量胁迫季节(环境温度高、食物丰富,婴猴年长需要雌猴携带少)雄婴照料行为差异检验了能量胁迫假说。结果表明雄婴照料行为与温度呈负相关函数,而雌猴照料婴猴行为与温度呈正相关函数;在高能量胁迫的季节,雄猴参与照料行为多,而在低能量胁迫的季节雄猴照料行为少。因此,作者认为是能量胁迫迫使雌猴放弃部分照料婴猴的机会,雄猴利用照料机会获得了其他利益。  相似文献   

2005年3~12月,在江西桃红岭自然保护区对华南梅花鹿主雄的社会行为进行了初步研究,记录了主雄等级序位的建立与维持、声音通讯、领域性、争雌打斗、交配和护群等6类社会行为,并对这些行为的生物学意义进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

不同社群序位布氏田鼠的繁殖行为   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈国康  施大钊 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):220-224
在实验室条件下观察了捕自内蒙古草原的不同序位布氏田鼠的繁殖行为特征。结果表明, 雌鼠对雄性配偶存在着激烈的竞争, 高序位雌鼠获得被选择、交尾及产仔的机会最多, 较低序位雌鼠若被选择并且产仔, 则其序位将随之上升; 高序位雄鼠对各个序位雌鼠均可选择, 且在繁殖期间对同性个体表现很强的攻击性, 以获得更多的交配机会。在社群繁殖中高序位雌、雄个体的作用明显高于低序位个体, 这是布氏田鼠种群长期选择进化的生存策略。实验支持了布氏田鼠为混交制、一雄多雌的婚配制度推论。  相似文献   

为进一步深入理解不同地理区域川金丝猴群的社会结构特点,于2014年3—7月,采用焦点动物取样法对岷山山系唐家河国家级自然保护区辅助投食成功的一个川金丝猴群进行了观察。研究表明:该猴群共有138只个体,包括16只成年雄性,48只成年雌性,11只亚成年雌性,3只亚成年雄性,36只青少年猴以及24只婴幼猴;猴群中成年个体与未成年个体的比例为0.86∶1。唐家河川金丝猴群具有典型的重层社会结构:即由11个一雄多雌单元(one-male units,OMUs)组成2个繁殖分队(breeding band),并分别与1个密切联系的全雄单元(all-male unit,AMU)共同构成。其中,每个OMU分别由6~15只个体组成,平均为10.64只±2.77只;AMU共21只个体,以青少年个体最多,占61.9%。方差分析表明:2个繁殖分队中的OMU大小差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

恒河猴STLV-1血清抗体流行病学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的调查我国恒河猴STLV-1流行病学特征.方法用免疫荧光法和蛋白印迹法对537只野捕恒河猴,365只繁殖猴和44只D型逆转录病毒抗体阳性猴作了STLV-1血清抗体检查.结果 10岁以上恒河猴的STLV-1抗体阳性率(15.5%)高于10岁以下的恒河猴(6.2%);雌猴的STLV-1抗体阳性率(17.5%)高于雄猴(5%);D型逆转录病毒抗体阳性猴群的STLV-1抗体阳性率(34.1%)高于野捕猴群(8.8%).结论在我国的野生和饲养恒河猴群中广泛存在STVL-1血清抗体阳性动物,其抗体阳性率与动物的年龄和性别有关.  相似文献   

王松  黄乘明  张才昌 《兽类学报》2006,26(2):136-143
2003年10月30日至2004年11月21日,采集了3只笼养雌性黑叶猴妊娠期和1 只笼养雌性黑叶猴发情期的晨尿,并用放射免疫分析法检测尿液中孕酮和雌二醇浓度,同时用全事件观察法观察黑叶猴的行为,分析雌性黑叶猴的行为与其尿中的性腺激素的关系。研究结果发现:1)进入妊娠期,雌性黑叶猴尿中的雌二醇浓度逐渐上升,中后期达高峰;而尿中孕酮浓度在妊娠初期仍维持在放免法的灵敏度以下,妊娠约1 个月后才升高至灵敏度以上(13.39 ng/ mgCr);2)在妊娠中期,雌性黑叶猴仍维持着较高频率的邀配行为,但与雌激素的变化无明显的相关关;3)发情期,雌猴尿中的雌二醇浓度与其邀配行为呈正相关;4)雌性黑叶猴的性激素高低与其等级序位无关,但序位高的雌猴繁殖较早。  相似文献   

Factors affecting the reproductive success of dominant male meerkats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Identifying traits that affect the reproductive success of individuals is fundamental for our understanding of evolutionary processes. In cooperative breeders, a dominant male typically restricts mating access to the dominant female for extended periods, resulting in pronounced variation in reproductive success among males. This may result in strong selection for traits that increase the likelihood of dominance acquisition, dominance retention and reproductive rates while dominant. However, despite considerable research on reproductive skew, few studies have explored the factors that influence these three processes among males in cooperative species. Here we use genetic, behavioural and demographic data to investigate the factors affecting reproductive success in dominant male meerkats (Suricata suricatta). Our data show that dominant males sire the majority of all offspring surviving to 1 year. A male's likelihood of becoming dominant is strongly influenced by age, but not by weight. Tenure length and reproductive rate, both important components of dominant male reproductive success, are largely affected by group size and composition, rather than individual traits. Dominant males in large groups have longer tenures, but after this effect is controlled, male tenure length also correlates negatively to the number of adult females in the group. Male reproductive rate also declines as the number of intra- and extra-group competitors increases. As the time spent in the dominant position and reproductive rate while dominant explain > 80% of the total variance in reproductive success, group composition thus has major implications for male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Predation avoidance relies primarily on behavioural mechanisms [van Schaik and van Hooff, 1983]. Primates alarm call at predators, including most birds and mammals [Cheney and Wrangham, 1987]. Alarm calls could be used to signal to the predator that it has been spotted [Zuberbühler et al., 1999], thereby probably decreasing the likelihood of an attack [Schultz, 2001], and they also inform prey of the presence of the predator, thereby increasing overall attention levels [Schülke, 2001]. Although eagles are reported to be one of the predators of Rhinopithecus bieti [Bai et al., 1987], few interactions between these monkeys and raptors have been documented to date. Here I document an interaction witnessed between R. bieti and a buzzard [Buteo sp., Yang X-J, pers. comm.].  相似文献   

In some primate species dominance rank of males is correlated with reproductive success, whereas in other species this relationship is inconsistent. Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) live in a promiscuous mating system in which males are ranked in a dominance hierarchy that influences their access to females. High-ranking males usually monopolize fertile females during their estrous period and show increased mating activities. Subadult males generally rank below adult males. For Barbary macaque females in the Gibraltar colony, there was no correlation between dominance status and reproductive success. Paternity data for 31 offspring collected over four consecutive breeding seasons were used to test whether male social rank was associated with reproductive success and whether reproductive success was mainly confined to a small number of males. Genetic variation was assessed using 14 microsatellite markers for a dataset of 127 individuals sampled in all five social groups of the Gibraltar colony. Paternity analysis was conducted for offspring in one social group only, where all in-group males were sampled. Eighty-three percent of the offspring could be assigned to an in-group candidate father; none of the extra-group males appeared to have sired an infant. Male dominance rank was not found to contribute to the observed variation in male reproductive output. Fifty-nine percent of the offspring was sired by two low-ranking males, whereas the two top-ranking males sired one-fifth. A highly significant correlation was found for male age and dominance rank. Reproductive success of subadult males might be explained by the gap in the age distribution of male group members. These missing prime males are usually regarded as serious competitors for older males. Subadult males may have gained easier access to females in their absence. In addition, the presence of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, which might also have overpowered possible rank effects, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

In the recent past, application of DNA genotyping techniques has enabled researchers to more accurately test relationships between dominance rank (DR), mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS). Paternity studies often reveal that reproductive outcome does not always correlate with male DR and/or MS and thus open room for discussion and interpretation of alternative reproductive tactics of both sexes. In this study, we analysed male DR, MS and RS in a group of bonobos at Twycross Zoo (UK). Genetic relationships were determined using 8 tetrameric microsatellite loci. Despite clear and asymmetric dominance relationships, analysed using normalised David's scores based on a dyadic index of dominance among the group's 3 mature males, we found that the most dominant male did not sire the most offspring. In fact, both infants conceived during the observation period were found to be sired by the lower-ranking males. Although the alpha male had almost exclusive mating access to one of the females during the time she was showing a maximal anogenital swelling, her infant was sired by the lowest-ranking male who mostly mated with her when outside the maximal swelling period. This result suggests that either sperm competition operates and/or ovulation is decoupled from the phase of maximal anogenital swelling which could allow greater female choice.  相似文献   

Intrasexual selection can occur through direct aggressive interactions between males for access to females. We tested the relationship between social dominance and male reproductive success among meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus. Dominance ranks of wild‐caught males were determined using neutral arena trials, with the winner of two of three trials considered dominant. These males were then released into field enclosures and allowed to visit females housed in nestboxes for 8 wk, and males’ home range sizes were determined using weekly grid trapping. Male reproductive success was determined using molecular paternity analysis (six microsatellite primers) for all pups born during the field experiment. Males with higher dominance ranks had larger home ranges. However, male dominance rank was not predictive of the number of total visits to females’ nestboxes or the number of visits to each male's most frequently visited nestbox. Males that made more visits to nestboxes sired more litters. Males that had higher dominance ranks sired fewer litters. These results suggest that there is a reproductive disadvantage to having higher dominance rank among male meadow voles.  相似文献   

Dispersal patterns exhibited by group-living animals play an important role in individual reproductive success and survival,as well as population and social dynamics(Greenwood,1980;Isbell and van Vuren,1996;Kappeler and van Schaik,2002).Dispersing individuals may emigrate voluntarily,or they may be forcibly evicted by other individuals(Pusey and Packer,1987;Clobert et al.,2001).One cause of individual dispersal is when an extra-group male compels another male to leave a group of females.This phenomenon has ...  相似文献   

The reproductive success (RS) of 32 males in a captive group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) between 1978 and 1992 was determined using paternity exclusion analysis. Dominance rank of each male over age 4 was assessed at the end of each breeding season based on agonistic dyadic interactions. The dominance rank and RS of these males were strongly correlated whether or not subadult males were included. The high reproductive success of males that eventually reached alpha rank is primarily responsible for this outcome. These results support the theory that social dominance has evolved in genusMacaca by sexual selection but some changes in male dominance rank and RS during the 15-year period suggest that priority of access is not the sole focus for such selection.  相似文献   

We examined social and spatial relations of adult males in one group of mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) on Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in central Panama to document patterns of association. Beyond the existence of an alpha male, we could not distinguish any linear dominance hierarchy among the 6 study males. All males copulated with estrous females. Our findings contrast with reports of intragroup male behavior in Costa Rican howlers. Study males engaged in little or no affiliative or agonistic behavior with one another, but engaged in significantly more such interactions with females. The alpha male, the oldest male and a younger male were most frequently in association with females. Of group males, the oldest male associated significantly more with other males. Overall, male behavior in mantled howling monkeys on BCI generally followed the van Hooff and van Schaik (1994) model of male relationships. The low incidence of intragroup social interactions of any type in the focal males may reflect the energetic costs of social behavior. We suggest that intragroup social relationships among mantled howler males are structured by more subtle means than overt physical interactions, possibly including vocal communication, relationships with individual group females, and kinship.  相似文献   

Access to sexually receptive baboon females has been linked to male dominance rank. An intensive 19-month field study of mate choice and mate competition among savanna baboons was undertaken in order to elucidate those factors influencing mating success. During this study, male agonistic rank was not correlated with male mating success among adult males. However, the inclusion of adolescent males into the analysis yielded significant correlations between rank and mating success. Examination of prior fieldwork revealed that no baboon field study has conclusively demonstrated a significant correlation between male rank and reproduction among adult males. Most studies reporting a correlation between male rank and reproduction have included subadult males in the analysis. It is concluded that male rank is an unreliable predictor of male reproductive activity among adult male baboons. A low agonistic rank need not reduce male mating success because adult male baboons utilize a variety of reproductive tactics in gaining access to consort females.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of 319 individuals of the Schrenckii salamander (Salamandrella schrenckii Strauch 1870) (synonym S. tridactyla sensu (Kuz’min et al., 2008) from a Khabarovsk population has been studied before wintering and during the spawning of animals. In the fall, all adult males had enlarged testes filled with bundles of spermatozoa and no spermatozoa in the spermaducts. Females had large pigmented ova in the ovaries and empty expanded oviducts. In the spring, only mature S. schrenckii individuals were found in the water; the entire spectrum of physiological states from the preparation for breeding to its end was noted in them. The preovulatory stage, ovulation, pregnancy, and spawning were registered in females; the predominance of spermatozoa in the testes or in spermaducts, or almost complete absence of them in the reproductive system, and different degrees of hypertrophy of spermaducts were noted in males. These differences are related to the different times of arrival of individuals to the spawning pond. The material analyzed evidences the yearly breeding of S. schrenckii. S. schrenckii differs from S. keyserlingii in the type and duration of the reproductive cycle, sizes and morphology of spermatozoa, and structure and functioning of ovaries (Saveliev et al., 1993; Kuranova and Saveliev, 2006). The majority of the reviewed characteristics of S. schrenckii are similar to those of the allied genus representatives: Hynobius nigrescens and H. retardatus (Hasumi et al., 1990; Iwasawa et al., 1992; Hasumi, 1996a).  相似文献   

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