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哎呀呀,这个世界乱套了!大人变成了小孩,小孩变成了大人。现在,终于轮到各位小酷想家来当家做主了,快来看看他们都有什么出色的表现吧!看到爸妈变成了小孩,我立马学着他们的样子,下达了第一道命令:写作业去!我想他们一定会哭的,因为老师留的作业实在是太多了。新浪YOYO  相似文献   

上了年纪的人都有相似的感觉,就是年纪越大,时间好像过得越快。小时候,过了元旦盼春节,过了春节盼五一、六一,过了六一盼国庆,过了国庆再盼元旦。时间总是那么漫长,盼望的假期似乎总是姗姗来迟。而如今,似乎一眨眼,一年就过去了。我给这个现象总结了一个理论,叫做相对  相似文献   

贝时璋先生与20世纪同行,经历了百年世事沧桑,目睹了世纪科技巨变,体会了人生的无尽乐趣;同时,他也对中国生物物理学的发展做出了杰出贡献,展示了人生的巨大价值.  相似文献   

谢建平  韩玉波  刘钢  白林泉 《遗传》2016,38(9):765-790
中国微生物遗传学研究在2015年取得了重要进展。本文回顾了2015年度中国本土科研团队在微生物遗传学领域取得的若干重要科研进展,扼要介绍了若干重点论文,展示了中国科学家在本领域的学术贡献。在基础微生物遗传学领域,明确了调控基因表达的一系列重要生物大分子的组成、结构和功能,解析了微生物免疫系统识别外源核酸片段的分子基础,阐明了多个微生物来源重要活性物质的生物合成途径及新颖的酶学反应过程,发现了微生物基因表达调控的新机理,在微生物发育、进化与群体行为生物学方面也取得一定进展。在工业微生物遗传学方面,阐明了微生物制造及其分子基础。在病原微生物遗传学方面,研究了多个致病菌的遗传调控,明晰了致病菌-宿主相互作用的遗传机制,在基因组水平解析了微生物耐药、新发病原和环境微生物的遗传机理,为致病菌防控新措施的研发提供了基础。在微生物多样性与环境微生物遗传学方面,展示了利用微生物遗传多样性的特点通过催化获得特定手性的化合物具有较好应用前景,肠道微生物组学研究方兴未艾。  相似文献   

禹晓晶 《化石》2007,(3):44-44
自从1953年DNA双螺旋结构发现以后,紧接着对生物大分子的各种新发现层出不穷,生物学可谓就进入了分子生物学的时代,它使人们对生物学的认识提高到了一个新的水平,也开拓了新的领域.当然,分子生物学也使进化论的研究转入了一个更精细的水平,解决了进化论中一些争论的问题,同时也提出了一些新的研究思想和观点.  相似文献   

叙述了生物信息学中途径的研究背景;综述了近几年来相关途径及生物化学数据库及其特点;介绍了有关的途径分析方法.同时对于途径研究应用作了展望.  相似文献   

方精云生态学家。北京大学教授。1959年出生于安徽怀宁。1982年毕业于安徽农学院林学系,1989年获日本大阪市立大学生物学博士学位。现任中国生态学会副理事长及国内外多个学术刊物的副主编或编委。建立了我国陆地植被和土壤碳储量的研究方法,系统研究了我国陆地生态系统的碳储量及其变化,较早地开展了碳循环主要过程的野外观测,构建了中国第一个国家尺度的陆地碳循环模式,为我国陆地碳循环的研究奠定了基础;系统研究了我国大尺度的植被动态及时空变化,揭示了我国植被生产力的变化趋势、空间分异及其对气候变化响应的规律;系统开展了我国植被分布与气候关系的定量研究,提出了基于植被气候关系的我国植被带划分的原则和依据,首次采用统一的调查方法,较系统地研究了我国山地植物多样性的分布规律。  相似文献   

合理施肥对银杏园土壤肥力和酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次研究合理施肥对银杏园土壤肥力和酶活性的影响,结果表明合理施肥,改善了土壤理化性状,显著地提高了土壤肥力和土壤酶的活性;从而培育了银杏发达的根群,促进了树体的生长。增加了银杏鲜根重和百叶鲜重,减少了银杏黄化株率,提高了银杏挂果株率及种核的产量和品质。  相似文献   

远程教育培训给生物教学带来新的生机。夯实了专业知识,梳理了生物知识,使我认识到应该如何把握生物课堂教学,提高了课堂教学设计能力,凝聚了生物教师的力量,使老师们学到了很多知识和教学技能,解决了平时教学中的一些难题,提升了生物的教学水平。  相似文献   

本文叙述了我国生物材料专利制度的变迁,耐我国生物材料的专利保护范围进行了论述,对生物材料的保藏问题进行了说明;对我国生物材料保护制度进了论述,并对我国生物材料领域的专利现状进行了分析,就如何加强我国生物材料的专利保护提出几点建议。  相似文献   

In order to identify and quantify the microorganisms present in a certain ecosystem, it has become necessary to develop molecular methods avoiding cultivation, which allows to characterize only the countable part of the microorganisms in the sample, therefore losing the information related to the microbial component which presents a vitality condition, although it cannot duplicate in culture medium. In this context, one of the most used techniques is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with ribosomal RNA targeted oligonucleotide probes. Owing to its speed and sensitivity, this technique is considered a powerful tool for phylogenetic, ecological, diagnostic and environmental studies in microbiology. Through the use of species-specific probes, it is possible to identify different microorganisms in complex microbial communities, thus providing a solid support to the understanding of inter-species interaction. The knowledge of the composition and distribution of microorganisms in natural habitats can be interesting for ecological reasons in microbial ecology, and for safety and technological aspects in food microbiology. Methodological aspects, use of different probes and applications of FISH to microbial ecosystems are presented in this review.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(2):119-133
Identification of microorganisms by conventional methods requires the isolation of pure cultures followed by laborious characterization experiments. These procedures are therefore inadequate for study of the biodiversity of a natural or engineered ecosystem. A new set of molecular techniques developed during the 1990s revolutionized microbial ecology research. Among these techniques, cloning and the creation of a gene library, denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescent in situ hybridization with DNA probes (FISH) stand out. Cloning provides very precise taxonomical information, but is time consuming and requires specialized personnel and so its introduction in wastewater treatment has been slow. DGGE is a rapid and simple method that provides characteristic band patterns for different samples, allowing quick sample profiling, while retaining the possibility of a more thorough genetic analysis by sequencing of particular bands. FISH makes possible to identify microorganisms at any desired taxonomical level, depending on the specificity of the probe used. It is the only quantitative molecular biology technique, although quantification is either complex or tedious and subjective. Combination with a confocal laser-scanning microscope allows the visualization of three-dimensional microbial structures (granules, biofilms). The methods discussed have deepened our understanding of the microbiology of biological wastewater treatment. PCR-based methods (cloning and DGGE) have proved suitable for identifying the microorganisms that form the sludge. Both DGGE and FISH have been extensively employed. FISH is currently being used for elucidation of the composition, quantification and distribution of different bacterial groups in granules and biofilms, as well as their structure and architecture.  相似文献   

以16S rRNA 为靶序列的寡核苷酸探针荧光原位杂交技术已广泛应用于分析复杂环境中的微生物群落构成,包括监测和鉴定病原微生物以及未被培养微生物.通过对临床样品中微生物细胞的检测能提供微生物在人体中的种类、数量和空间分布等信息.其结果快速准确,较之传统的病原微生物诊断方法具有明显的优越性,在临床应用中有广泛的前景.  相似文献   

FISH技术在微生物生态学中的研究及进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分子生物学技术在微生物生态学研究中具有灵敏、精确和快速的优势,但不能提供微生物的形态学、数量性状、空间分布等信息。荧光原位杂交技术结合了分子生物学的精确性和显微镜的可视性信息,可以在自然生境中监测和鉴定不同的微生物个体,尤其是对难培养和未被培养的微生物进行检测。荧光原位杂交技术被广泛用于微生物群落结构诊断和评价,现已成为微生物分子生态学研究中的热点技术。对荧光原位杂交技术的发展和在微生物分子生态学中的应用进行了综述,探讨了该技术应用中存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a highly useful technique with a wide range of applications including the delineation of complex karyotypes, prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies, screening for diagnostic or prognostic markers in cancer cells, gene mapping and gene expression studies. However, it is still a fairly time-consuming method with limitations in both sensitivity and resolution. Locked Nucleic Acids (LNAs) constitute a novel class of RNA analogs that have an exceptionally high affinity towards complementary DNA and RNA. Substitution of DNA oligonucleotide probes with LNA has shown to significantly increase their thermal duplex stability as well as to improve the discrimination between perfectly matched and mismatched target nucleic acids. To exploit the improved hybridization properties of LNA oligonucleotides in FISH, we have designed several LNA substituted oligonucleotide probes specific to different human-specific repetitive elements, such as the classical satellite-2, telomere and alpha-satellite repeats. In the present study we show that LNA modified oligonucleotides are excellent probes in FISH, combining high binding affinity with short hybridization time.  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交是在分子水平上检测外源染色质的一种有效方法。其探针主要有染色体重复序列、总基因组DNA、寡单拷贝序列和染色体涂色集中等,该技术在研究植物细胞遗传学、基因扩增、基因作图及植物进化和亲缘关系的鉴定上已广泛应用。简要概述了荧光原位杂交技术在植物细胞遗传学和绘制基因图谱中的应用现状与展望。  相似文献   

In situ detection of microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful tool for environmental microbiology, but analyses can be hampered by low rRNA content in target organisms, especially in oligotrophic environments. Here, we present a non‐enzymatic, hybridization chain reaction (HCR)‐based signal amplified in situ whole‐cell detection technique (in situ DNA‐HCR). The components of the amplification buffer were optimized to polymerize DNA amplifier probes for in situ DNA‐HCR. In situ hybridization of initiator probes followed by signal amplification via HCR produced bright signals with high specificity and probe permeation into cells. The detection rates for Bacteria in a seawater sample and Archaea in anaerobic sludge samples were comparable with or greater than those obtained by catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD)‐FISH or standard FISH. Detection of multiple organisms (Bacteria, Archaea and Methanosaetaceae) in an anaerobic sludge sample was achieved by simultaneous in situ DNA‐HCR. In summary, in situ DNA‐HCR is a simple and easy technique for detecting single microbial cells and enhancing understanding of the ecology and behaviour of environmental microorganisms in situ.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluorescent oligonucleotide probes complementary to variable regions of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Bacteroides forsythus 16S ribosomal RNA were used to identify these organisms in smears of formaldehyde-fixed subgingival plaque samples from patients suffering from periodontitis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization represents a useful method for assessing the microbial ecology of the periodontal flora.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful technique that is used to detect and localize specific nucleic acid sequences in the cellular environment. In order to increase throughput, FISH can be combined with flow cytometry (flow-FISH) to enable the detection of targeted nucleic acid sequences in thousands of individual cells. As a result, flow-FISH offers a distinct advantage over lysate/ensemble-based nucleic acid detection methods because each cell is treated as an independent observation, thereby permitting stronger statistical and variance analyses. These attributes have prompted the use of FISH and flow-FISH methods in a number of different applications and the utility of these methods has been successfully demonstrated in telomere length determination, cellular identification and gene expression, monitoring viral multiplication in infected cells, and bacterial community analysis and enumeration. Traditionally, the specificity of FISH and flow-FISH methods has been imparted by DNA oligonucleotide probes. Recently however, the replacement of DNA oligonucleotide probes with nucleic acid analogs as FISH and flow-FISH probes has increased both the sensitivity and specificity of each technique due to the higher melting temperatures (T(m)) of these analogs for natural nucleic acids. Locked nucleic acid (LNA) probes are a type of nucleic acid analog that contain LNA nucleotides spiked throughout a DNA or RNA sequence. When coupled with flow-FISH, LNA probes have previously been shown to outperform conventional DNA probes and have been successfully used to detect eukaryotic mRNA and viral RNA in mammalian cells. Here we expand this capability and describe a LNA flow-FISH method which permits the specific detection of RNA in bacterial cells (Figure 1). Specifically, we are interested in the detection of small non-coding regulatory RNA (sRNA) which have garnered considerable interest in the past few years as they have been found to serve as key regulatory elements in many critical cellular processes. However, there are limited tools to study sRNAs and the challenges of detecting sRNA in bacterial cells is due in part to the relatively small size (typically 50-300 nucleotides in length) and low abundance of sRNA molecules as well as the general difficulty in working with smaller biological cells with varying cellular membranes. In this method, we describe fixation and permeabilzation conditions that preserve the structure of bacterial cells and permit the penetration of LNA probes as well as signal amplification steps which enable the specific detection of low abundance sRNA (Figure 2).  相似文献   

As a technique allowing simultaneous visualization, identification, enumeration and localization of individual microbial cells, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is useful for many applications in all fields of microbiology. FISH not only allows the detection of culturable microorganisms, but also of yet-to-be cultured (so-called unculturable) organisms, and can therefore help in understanding complex microbial communities. In this review, methodological aspects, as well as problems and pitfalls of FISH are discussed in an examination of past, present and future applications.  相似文献   

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